HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACt NINE .1 ,1 ATES ALLOW kilNTOBUY, Hurry i"1 imlo Ohio flnunclul l,,r' "loiilhcrii cllllllcrir ("rM remirchnse cor ulil . ',... ina.04H lose llimi 'LZ audit of thr trims- ! Indlt slut t'1"1 c"llll,s Y,X 0 Sor.U ..n...,,.d l"-. rv.".....,,i l.i-forv 11111 tii- iiuri'hll.'.l'll by i7 240 callow of . Milk l lor $2aH.aO win. hurt Tj500.it:iu. I Hci-ki'l. liquor boiinl .n said laM night thai ffi no " ' bl" ,T"whlcvcr Ihr audit any. 1 the cot. the lll' 01 Wm'1 i'will n,V.k 10 1 n1lllU.11 us r.tt from linn del. Znmenilnt on sonio of Ilia fiipecl. referred 10 In the 9 I ihr ni n i, Bockol 3 that oil IniiiMicllonit hud reviewed by lh' iitlorm-y dcnurlnirtil beluru tw-y entered into. 'iordlnt to tlie buoii Iho Initoii liquor board mid. Hie In llauor commission bo- tnetotlatioiii. u year uo liEh Collin, t purchase tliu IcntucKy amiiicnes, mm' Sid Kraslcr and tho Bhuw. aii.dllery lointmny, by uc- ihe ninltiil aM't of conccrni, and agreed Willi lo oll back 10 mm nv barri-U of two-year-old Icy and Hip plimlH of the ni t "book costs." which 1920,010 dciow nuuui audit thill' Unit In the til purchase of the disltlk-r-e ilatcs assumed a gross obligation of n,nnn,3a7. Thin mini wua reduced by asset ni.liilrrd In thu . transection to $11,07,11111. Tho office of prlco iidniliilitri.ll.iii rnfiiii'rd redup. llnn of 111" prlcn to 97.400.11011. Hum anvlng Ihr ltp more thnii $1,0(10,000, nccoidluv lo the nuclll. Cannery Workers Sign Contract With Dehydration Company Cannery workers union No. i 2:iU20, meeting ul the Labor Tcnipln Wcdiwsday, approved ! mid signed 0 coutruot with Iho : Klamath Dehydration company for the 10-14 seiiaon mid tho com niiuv aiiiee.l lu loin the union hi making ii p 1 ) 1 1 t-iil i (hi to tho Wnr Lnuur uot.ro: or increased wanes. Other buslncM of the evening Included the election of union officers. Thcac wc-ro elected a fullown: Guorgn Arnold, president; Merlo Crawford, vleo president; Mury Siimeon, financial aocre lury 11 nd Norma lirlebon, record ing srcrelnry. '1 he movtlnu wua vory well iiltendi'd. Next ono will bo November 1 ut B p. ill. Servicemen's Jobs Predicted Difficult To Find After War PORTLAND, Oct. 10 (!') li. C. Btoll, Blutf manpower dl lector, sii lil nt Iho opening of u tlirco-duy conferenco horc yc-s-lorduy Unit U10 Unlt.id Status employment nervleo will not find II ouy In fll servicemen I Into tliolr proper niches after I th wnr. Stoll told SO Oregon office munuKcra and veterani' ropro rcntulivca tlmt there will- be fewer Jobs for rriore workcri brcuuse the atate'i war Indus tries can't continue at "full blust lorcver." Ho auld three measures would brlim tho postwar employment slttmtlon to a head; numely, llftinii of manpower controls from munuKcmcnt and labor, return of the 40-hour woek and eventual return to a normul two-shlft-per-day basis. District Court to Hear Water Case PORTLAND, Oct. 10 (! Tho U. S. district court here will hour tho suit of tho Owyhee Ditch company nculnst the gov ernment, a case Hint originated in an eastern Oregon circuit court. Claiming thut $300,000 was puid the government for stor aiio rights in the Owyhee reser voir, tho plaintiff fillcxcs the government in 11)30 diverted the water to lands not included in the company's contract with furmers in the urea, Classified Aa Bring Results More than 1100 Items used by the army and navy are made wholly or partlnllv of wood. told Preparation! Of directed) LOVILY-ALLURING-LOW-COIT PERMANENT WAVE Nitufil-lnokinffruTlianrl wavtettow If yowi. r-auly. cil-ly. at home. Do it fcllT youmH. The amatinf twr oonuine ivfrylhinv; you iwed. permintat oluiion, cuilen, ihsmpoo and Krave-eet. Safe lor every type of hair. I'MitH hy Holly movie atari, Over S million solH. Get a CharmKurl Kit today. At Waggoruir Drug and all drug atoraa. S ' rt aJ?I Potato Growers! See Tom Thorn efore you soli! ick Delis Co. ' Ban Francltco ncb Office Hatfield E. ... . u "" oil' .4 VI ' ..... "' New Cream Deodorant Snjcty helps Stop Perspiration .1. Doc not irriitie 'iiin. Doei not lot tlieiwi oi men slum. 2, Prevent 1 undft.irm odor, Hrlpt nop pctipiution t(tf. M A puie.hitf. inhifptic, min im vnmhmn crcim. 4 No itinf io iff. Can bf uk1 nstit alter ihving. 5, A tinted Approvil 5rl of Americin Inttttuir of ! sunder, in liiimkii (0 (ibtic. Uw 39 A".oJWi. THI IAIOUT IIIIINO DIODOIAHT RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Ouiek. GuaranfearJ Srrtrvifai 9 N. ?lh Phone 7S22 Acreii From Montgomery Ward on North Bth 1 m t mriood kids ,ike .IwBlw'- -to eat! 'Blue Bell potato cbip art 'the most popular lunchi pail food. They add aeiti 'because they are fresh and, dcllclo'uj. They add energy because potatoes are high, energy food. They havej that grand potato flavor; ,4"ThcyArcSABlNIZED'S t y the new,", modern method '' that mcansT, frtsbcKpptato chipsl . m mm mm am -w Aoiuer Living Costs 11 1 IUI U VUIMMIUIIIILI JJ'L U ff n frail 1 Vli ii-1ta4 a7 JI U IV. IU I IUI IUI CV ' ; r.-f, '.OWAK!i, nwMirivMRFn rami Canterbury Tea Beans Crackers Black, full-flarored lb. pkj. SSe tOe pkB, Idaho Rids and Great Northern Large Whites S-lb. bag 8c 48c Fresh-Baked Sodai Q Sugar Bella Brand Fancy reus Sweet, Tender, Garden-run Pancake Flour Susanna Guaranteed S:28c ISc 29 years ago Safeway opened its first store at American Falls, Idaho. Soon the new storekeeping methods which cut food costs so effectively rpread Safeway's popularity throughout the wast To day, Safeway values con tinue to represent the finest quality foods it is possible to buy at the low est possible cost to its cus tomers. That's why we nay- fotnpaAn Safaway OctiusA and Sis $oh ycWiMtf! 1c SALE 1 reg. 12-oi. pkg. of Shredded Raliton for It) with the purchato of 1 pkg. Ralaton Whole Wheat Ctraal for 20 C Both for a total of only 21 C Salad Dressing Mayonnaise Ducheas Super flavor Quart 38c Nu Made M;r.48c GRADE A SMALL 33c doz. , Snowdrift SHORTENING Wesaon creamed easy to cream. IA. 3-Ib. glass OC Swan Soap 4-ln-l Floating Soap, 9QC Heg. Bars 3 for rV Lotuer Living Costs "5 . tor nillions ISrloIaSSeS Grandma 32 o. bottle 37C Westag Vanilla and Lemon Flavor lfV 8 o. bottle lU Sno-White Salt Plain or iodized Pkg. 7c Clabber Girl Baking Powder 32 Hi, 23c Kitchen Craft Flour 2i $1.00 $1.93 Cane Sugar v Bmp 30.31.32-33-40 s-ib. w. 33c IK-lb. BROWN SUGAR and Powdered SOFTASILK Cake Flour FLAPJACK FLOUR Alben 2',,-lb. CANE SYRUP 16-os. glass -M Sleepy Hollow Alb APPLE BUTTER 2H glass Ol - I.lbby'i JIW MARMALADE 2-lb. glass 17 Exquisite Orance-Grapef nut W W lb. pkg. gc 26c pk22c MIXED FRUIT JELLY r Tea Garden 20-oz. glass ahOW DELUXE PLUM JAM - No. 303 JiriW S-lb. glass Ubby's HONEY Percy Davis BLUE ROSE RICE 3-lb. pkg. Choice, recleaned ROASTED PEANUTS M. . rresh Roasted lb. pkx. RAISINS 2-lb. pkg. -JC-, Seedleaa Thompson 'a aafW 1.27 31c and Drink More JUICHS! V 46-os. can No. 2 can U! Safeway has a variety of 'em at lowest prices, too. Adams Orange Juice Adams Orange Juice Libby's Tomato Juice-.40 V-8 Vegetable Cocktail 10 ean Sunsweet Prune Juice Adams Blended Juice 46c 19c 25c 15c Ot. bottle 27c "can 18C Sunny No- 2 Can. 20 Poinli Tomato Juice . 46-os;. ) (40pt,)C Town House GraPfruir No ot.. Juice "r br.,kf7 vr I3c rn. can . White Tag , All No Cut String Beans EeMw fta! Dftiea a vanv. y viwcu wwkcold Diced Carrots D Mon Standard Tomatoes Gardenside (30 points) Precooked Navy Beans Copeland s Rancho Pea Soup Tomato Soup 5::pPb:e!;, Campbell's Chicken Soup 10H-oi. can Nc.13c No. 303 15. glass No. 303 , 2c 2h15c ei. pkg lOH-oi. can 104-es. Cam He 6c 8c 17c Libby's Deviled Ham sV.18c Van Camp's Tenderonipkg,. J 15c Porter Macaroni, Spaghetti 2p4kg:-22c Kraft Cheese Spread Old English H points) . Tomato Sauce Gde,id. Red Hill Catsup(50 pM NuMade Mayonnaise Miracle Whip Dressing Libby Chopped Olives Green Olives... Lo. oiwo, Libby Pickles T.,Mad8 Old Mill Vi negar ctdtr s-o,. 23c can ..14-ei. bet. 13c 32-os. AQ Fresh jar "oc Kraft. 07 PI. iar AC .. No. H can 3 oi. I q bottle ' No. 2 3r I3c glass ' pt. bottle 10c Whole Roast Airway Coffee Madeira Wine Madeira Wine Edgeworth SNCG0 Book Matches ?a0bpokx3 Cigarette Papers Wheat Straw and Rix La Croix Hand Lotion anelude. taX .20c S:58c bag 25-ox. bottle ' 25-ox. 4 OQ bottle 1.05 2 Pkgs. 25c 6 pkgs. 25C 8., 39c Personal Ivory Soap Bar. ... 2i8r9c Pard Dog Food Dihydrit,d "p.lOc Red Heart Dog Food BH-ot. pkg. 9c On th e Air for your enjoymant JL- Pauakn I UK' 3,30 vry Sunday oyer Station KOIN Music Songs aaaj aassaa laeis Laugh Sponsored by Edwards Coffee. Tonight at Hoagy's 8:30 P. M. every Sunday over Son Lee Mutual Stations . . . features Hoagy "Star Dust" Carmichael ... sponsored by- nu Made Mayonnaise. ..San Francisco Opera Co. JEEftsti Sunday afternoon operas at 4 Edwards Coffee A rich blend of mountain-grown coffees that your family will praise! 1-Lb. Vacuum Packed Jar 28c Toilet Soap Lux Favorite of ihe Stars 3b, 20c Lifebuoy For Hands or Bath 3 bar, 20C QuaiGHieed Produce LettUCe crisp, compact heada Lb. 12C Cabbage CrisP, solid heads Lb. 6c 1 Celery Utah Green type Lb. IOC Potatoes lluLfh-G.m. Lb. 3V2C Cranberries b:.0:"!. i. 39c Sweet Potatoes lb. 10c YamS Baking .is. ,'. Lb. IOC Jonathan Apples p.'rr.Lb. He Meati Mince Meat 1 C Libby's .....Lb. 1 Grade "A" Beef 5M Roasts shoulder eutt lb. 27c Short Ribs or Brisket lb. 20e Ground Beef '. lb. 28e Veal Grade "A" Veal Roasti shoulder cut. lb. 28e Rump Roasts lb. 33c Shoulder Steak lb. 28e Rib Chops lb. 38e Breast of Veal lb. 19e Pork Steak .'. Hi. 33e- 8M Chops : .,....lb. 38e Sausage country style lb. 28c Salmon, sliced lb. 38e Fowl, for fricassee lb. 40e Fresh Crabs lb. 25 Bacon Squares lb. 19e Pig Hocks ..lb. 17c Oysters pint 65c Halibut, sliced. ...lb. 38c otato Chips. i aaiiatsaajiaaiaTtsTaawaaieM "I oav