Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 19, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    19, 1944
page SEVEN
Wllnued rn.m I'"""
' ,. of the first shots of
it " "' ..,, fV.H.1 Srruck.
Ob,lrlln'n .mill Dnnzi.,.
B.rlln GiitMni
It nc hup"""1 ... v; ;',
?Li r,.mi Ihn Niucw
I i ii rnu III.
twoon puwalkl and Kehlrwlndt,"
Urn Herlln broadcast said.
Hi-illn lucllly acknowledged
In yesterday's i'(nnniuiii(iia Unit
the great new llimnlii n offensive
1 1 ml reached the frontier town of
Si-hlrwlmit, tii 1 10 Milieu northeast
of Kyillkuhiicn. Moscow hut not
yet announced Hip drive,
ICvdlluilinen In 1)7 mile east
of Koiilgsherg, capital of Hast
Prussia nnd u Gorman submarine
training sliillon. Kydtkuhnun In
ii lown of about 5000 mid the
flint Cirriniiii settlement whli.li
the miIt linvo uliiiiidoned In the
rnt. i
Buffalo Lunch Tills
Robbed of $57
The nuffiilo Lunch on South
Sixth ittrccl win burglarlm!
Wednesday night, some time be
tween 10 p, in. nnd ft n. m
whi'ii someone entered the lunch
room ii nd rifled Hip two 1 1 1 In.
gelling iiwiiy with $.17 in change.
Sheriff Lloyd Low, who was
culled out on tho cusp, early thin
niorulnii. said Unit entry lo the
building hud been Hindu throuuh
Ml window.
NOV. 7
-M No one can deny that the New Deil
W administration has grown tired and old. '
I f We tee nnd hear fresh evidences of that
tee nnd hear tresli evidences of
id almost daily. Four terms. a total of 16 years In the
Ifhite House is too much for any man I Do you want
d deliver the U.S. into the hinds of Hillman, Browder,
Hague, Kelly and the Pendergast machine?
rM AIt, Rrtbll'n RliU CmImI Comm.
Mown HM , t'ortlud, On , Cut Moiu, lie.
I , - 1. 7.
'. 'fa ''t
Lt, Don Wait, U, S. irmy
tank corps who was with the
Ut army during th Invasion
In Franca, It reported recdver
ing from head Injuries racaivad
Bapteinbar 11 whlla In action.
Lt. Wait hai wrlttan hli wilt,
the former Dorothy Taad of thli
city, that the bandagai have
ban removed from hli head
and that ha li Improving In i
hoipltal In England. Mn. Wait
and young daughter live at 1026
Jefferson with har parents, Mr
and Mrs. Byron K. Taad.
(Continued from Page One)
can Infimlrymen established
themselves Hi San C'lcmenlc on
a subsidiary road to the Bol-ogna-Rlmlnl
highway, nine miles
from Caste! San Plclro.
Other fifth army units took
Viifjl lo lo the west unci entered
Castcl Vccchlo, about two and
n half mill's northwest of San
Clempnle, while doughboys car
ried new positions on highway
63 the main road to Bologna
north from Floj-ciicc.
The communique said "very
heavy fighting" continued on
the southern slopes of Monte
Belmontc in the highway 63
area. South African troops on
the loft flank of this sector cap
tured Monte Pczza.
Negro troops of Ihn U. S.
02nd infantry captured Mount
Castlgllone, an Important height
overlooking the went coast main
WMnenJar. Oelebr It. lUi
Max. Mtn. prtrlo
tEuine 7i .in .00
Klamath rails ,, 7ft .17 .W
Sarramsrtln M 48 .OC
Nrtrih Dend 91 Ait .or
Pnrlttnri 7fl 43 .00
MfMtford M Rt .18 .OC
lUno 74 27 .0(1
JUn rrnriico
HeilU . W
N sf Tlmi
Pcrmtn.nl R.mllal '
C-fclropraollo PhytteHit
tt$ Nfc Ilk Ktonlr ThMlrt Blil
Phane IBM
The 17th Senatorial District
Has an Investment in
iiiniiuiinkk Mm vviuiki i
p p y
if fr' ( I
Public Spirited
ir Minded
Well Liked
Him Back
This sound investment consists of the
following committee assignments won
in his first term:
CHAIRMAN: Roads and Highways Committee
The development of Central and South Central
' Oregon is dependent upon its highway system.
VICE CHAIRMAN: Forestry and Forest Products
Steady employment ih, logging and lumbering jn
Central Oregon means bigger payrolls and happier
MEMBER: Gam Committee
Hunters and fishermen every year bring thousands
of dollars into this district.
Industries Committee
More industries in Central Oregon mean more jobs,
more homes, more prosperity.
Irrigation and Drainage
Water is the lifeblood of agriculture in Central
Oregon. Irrigation Is the key. More irrigation and
drainage is the watchword of the future.
lPcricnced Men Remain on Committees Tcrmafter Term
ta for Senator rn,n i. iu..i..s in tU future of Ceritral Oregon for
f "d tomorrow. t
' Paid Atlv. Republican Central commmcc
, mum coast
(Continued (ruin I'ago One)
West lust night, moved up the
norma west count unci turned in
land Just cukI of Tuinpu,
Winds up to 100 miles uu hour
caused soinu property duinuiie in
tne lainpu uroH and tne city wiik
warned to expect another hard
blow lutcr toduy. St. Petersburg
came through with no heavy
duinugc reported.
Tho hurrlcono gave the Jj'lor
Idu keys a soverc limbing us It
moved into tho gulf from Cubii,
but the city of Key Wost. which
earlier expected lo feel tho full
force of tne storm, apparently
suffered no serious duinugc.
Havana Powerloss
Virtually nil of Havana was
left without electric power as a
result of the terrific winds which
struck llicrc. Store fronts in the
Cuban capital were smashed, In
secure buildings crushed. The
presidential pnliicc. the Amerl-
can embassy and other buildings
were flooded w Ii e n debris
smashed windows and wind pre
vented repairs.
Property damimn In Havana
alone was estimated at several
hundred thousand dollars anil
government officials expressed
tear tnai other communities suf
fered even heavier casualtiea and
Homeless Cubans were given
food and shelter In refugee
camps set up at the University
of Havana nnd Alare.s Fortress.
Tickets to Jaycec
Fun Frolic On Sale
Tickets .to the .layece Fun
Frolic, which is to be presented
at the Pelican theatre, Wednes
day, October 25. aro now on sale
at Costlobcrry's, Currin's for
Drugs and Hie Pelican theatre.
The show, which will feature
the Marino Barracks orchestra
and other local talent from
throughout the Klamath basin, is
being sponsored by the Junior
chamber of commerce to raise
funds for a Klamath Falls Tecn
Age club.
, Classified Ads Brine Results
(Continued From Paste One)
need to solve the problem of
supplying an all-out offensive
against northern Germany.
IN the dispatches from the
wpNlnrn frnnt tlir-rn Ik a mitr.
of suppressed excitement sug
gesting that something BIG iun'l
far olf. We can't torget ihul
only a few weeks of fighting
weather at the best arc It-It
there. If something big is m the
wind, it will happen soon.
THIS Is the grand strategy thai
is suggested by the news:
Wo and the British will strike
EASTWARD out of Holland to
meet the Russians driving west
ward through East Prussia.
Between this mighty hammer
and anvil, Hitler will be caught
and smashed.
JUST a word, in conclusion, on
the home front political war:
Dewey, In a speech broadcast
from New Yolk, indicts vigor
ously what he calls the "per
sonal, secret diplomacy of Pres-
I Ident Roosevelt." He rays it
will be a GREAT DISASTER if
"a few Individual rulers should
In secret conferences try to shape
the future peace of the world."
The lessons of history buck
up his warning. Peace made by
individual rulers lasts only as
long as the individual rulers get
along with each other and
ambitious men, holding vast
power In their hands, TEND TO
QUARREL sooner or later.
AT Tilsit, on the Nlcmcn river.
PRUSSIA, Czar Alexander I of
Russia and Napoleon met to lay
down terms of peace FOR
The peace they made lasted
only until Alexander and Napol
eon QUARRELED which was
soon. Then Europe was plunged
Into war ugain.
Peuce that is to last must be
who understand fully what it is
all about and NOT by individ
ual rulers.
No lesson of history is plainer
than that.
'T'HERE are many minor and
confusing issues in this polit
ical campaign, but ONE com
manding issue dominates and
dwarfs them all.
That Issue is ONE-MAN government.
CanYou Eat without Worry?
It food you lie hz6 of eetni to uum
iuq inoneiltoo sna uptet iomcrt.
ir nine, nippy reiiei oy takini
rfelicloui tailing Btu&rt Tablet.
j nry contain itittediemi often
uted by doctors to relieve tyrnp
inmi of c"'ns and acid Indi-
I ration, you u tef brtitr and
ilctp better. No mixtnit
no boule easy to take.
Get genuine reliable, t init
iated fltuart Tablata at
your dnifcciit today. Only 23.
Wi. or 11.20 tinder maker! poal
live mo&?y.back guarantee.
Andricu Child
Leaves Hospital
Raymond Andricu, 3, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Andricu,
Midland, was able to leave
Klamath Valley hospital Thurs
day, following medical treat
ment. The child is said lo have fallen
from a moving car last Tuesday,
suffering cuts and bruises.
In Hospital Mrs. John M.
O'Sullivan, 1325 Wiard, is in
the Klamath Valley hospital re
covering from a major opera
tion and may have visitors.
- It costs nothing to consult
Hans Norland about insurance.
113 North 7th. Phono 6060.
Dewey Assails
Foreign Policy
Of Administration
(Continued from Page One)
Transylvania, two of the worst
trouble spots of Europe. It
dealt with economic matters."
Dewey said that the day after
it was signed. Secretary of
State Hull declined comment
"on the ground that the terms
had not been received from
Moscow in t' ne for study."
The republican nominee quot
ed a vice president of the In
ternational L a d 1 e s' Garment
Workers union as reporting on
his return from Italy that there
was "mass unemployment, hun
ger, despair, degradation, delin
quency and painful disappoint
ment" there because the allies
have not "helped tho Italian
people to help themselves."
Board Moat The chamber of
commerce education committee
will meet with the school board
at the lattcr's request tonight,
Thursday, at 7:30 in the cham
ber of commerce rooms.
iftmHc fit
Without Painful Backache ,
Many ul(erers rebva msjirjg barka"b"j
iri',k)y. Mra by dover that tb iral
eaniw of thir trouble may b tired kidnya.
Tb kidnrye are Nature'a r hiI way of lak- ;
fnir, tb rzcera acids and wtirx out ot thm '
blood. Tbcy help most people paw about 3
pints a day.
Wbrn disorder of kidney function permits
poisonous matter to rrrnain In your blocJ, it (
may cause Dacsinc backactxi, rheumstin pain., 1
left patos, loss of pep nnd enersy, getting up
ntjlits, nwellinir. ptiffinen under the cy, 1
beadaebca and ditttneaa. Frequent or scanty '
paMaget with scinrUnjc and burning aomf- i
tiovs ihovri thrro in aometbuig wrens '
our kidueyi or bladder.
Don't waitl Ask your dniEsiit for Doan's j
Pills. UMft successfully by millions for over ;
40 yeara. Thrry si happy relief and will belp
the) IS mi lea of kidney tube fiuah out po'ion
oua waste from your blood. Get Dou s Pills.
Hew Roosevelt Club
Under New Management
Featuring the
Frank O'ConneJI, piano Les Meeler, drums
Hayden Simpson, trombone
(Writer of the new hits "Sweater Girl,"
"Saucor-Eyes." Etc.) '
Finest of
Open Every Night
Just over the Oregon - California line on the
Tulelake Highway
' '
I MM M MM MM W WA S V 1 X b&'SOaZs
J 111 1 I
A - i
1 Mfv 8-14
rawvawiff stn ihwt t:vj a
a ni u i
t i B a El H neaak a r
Ooni your winlar coot ol Saon confidant Ihot vo era aHaa
sinortast styling and utmost volua. Choota front eoott for avaqa
occasion, tvery budgal. Sring doughter, too, for we've tmt a
evaryone from giammor gkh to miiMt and matrons.
Sable-Dyed Coney
PU20M. btth far
Yov 9t botMled voKk when you buy o RoMcrofe for eeot. Try
this rich wMt-cfyed conty im ih luxury detottsi gwwotu fvxck
dwp cuffia (rM-swinging fuHnn ftl the sifVy worftrhS el the)
fur . . . You'll know a Rosecraft coot ri your bent brynd lharrV
ont for tvery budget
Uta Soars Easy Paymtnt Mon Or Caab
Smart New s
m 2695
Coon) you con wear tverywhere, over any
thingperfect over wit. Try them on feet
their good fit, nolke their imort Kim,
hondiome fobria Fnverite dtted and boxy
itykit. with a new look of '45. Mttiei' lite
Warm Coafsfor Girls
triflbt young Mylns beoitlng grown-up rj.
tails ond yummy colorl-smort anougn for
Sunday, sturdy anough lor kKooI. Srm'H
rova a futiy-wtiiiy pila fobric Hioi looks
lilce Motnar's fur cool, or a trim classic
DyUd jutf Mca big sistar s. Sim 7 lo W.
Al lk sw silliosrllri: Grsrrfal tit
drsnts, aert raisins, dfl lacks ane
daskini aattoa acciatt. Si. S-1S, 12-20.
fololing $10 or mara moy a mada
1 V Ml
133 South 8th St.,
rhono 5188