C,0ber Ify HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE TWO PHILS Mninr m Klamath in Good Shape For Battle With Tornado Pelicans Will Try Everything In Book To Gain Third Straight Over Medford n p&UL HAINES I'he Meclforcl ooys, uoiy, im- By PftUL nfliriM fiihrk. and Bostwick. seem 10 uc nit Bostwick ' The Klamath Pelicans will try their sturdy wings against the Black Tornado of Medford at the pear city Friday night. The big battle of the year will get underway at 8 p. m. sharp on the Medford high school gridiron when the Red-and-Whitc of Klamath- Union high school takes the field to renew it s an nual football rivalry with a per haps over-rated Medford eleven. ' We have been hearing about the power of the Medford team all year, but we can't see where they rate all tho ballyhoo. We stated, ourselves, that their rec ord was impressive and it is to certain extent. They have won three straight games by lop-sided scores, but each and all have been over weak opponents. The Pelicans have played a much tougher schedule with Grant, probable repeaters for the state championship, Salem, Ashland and Grants Pass. The so-called Tornado has met Weed, Calif., Marslifield. and Eureka; Both Weed and Eureka scored against them so they are certainly not in vulnerable. It is true they have a tremen dous advantage in weight, as they will top the K-men 20 pounds per man in both the for ward wall and the backfield, ac cording to official figures. But Salem also had a big edge in that department and the Pels went to the capital city and played the best game they have this year to run the Vikings dizzy. ' For two straight years the Klamath boys have made the Tornado look like nothing more than a summer breeze and with i little confidence they can do it again. The boys do have confi dence in themselves and are dis playing marked spirit in their preparatory workouts in which a smooth, deceptive counter-attack is being worked upon by Coach Marble Cook. The strategy of the local lads' for the forthcom- ing tilt seems to be, if you can't go through 'em, go around 'em, and if you can't go around ,'em, go over 'em, and one of these methods is bound to work, soon- r or later. Cook is particularly .stressing the latter phase of at- tacit' with intensive passing flriu the order of the day. From what we have heard of , r ! Wildcats Defeat Mt. Shasta Team fey 13-12 Count ! The riPDin'. tearin" Wildcats. coached by Paul Angstead. nosed Cut a game Mt Shasta eleven Wednesday afternoon by a close jjount of 13-12 at Mt. Shasta, i The score does not tell the ftory ot the-; tilt-,, however, as the 'Cats bit off huee chunks of yardage all through the game, but fumbled in crucial spots no Jess than five times. The tab bies once had the ball on the Mt. Shasta two-yard line with a first down to boot, and upon an other occasion were on' the one- yaro stripe wnn a second down, but fumbled hnfh timon Thoen lostly misplays cost them four touchdowns but they still had enough stuff to take the ball same. Mt. Shasta scored first on the third play of the game after ihey had set themselves up for Jhe score with a 60-yard dash via uie oia sleeper play, and tal lied again in the third period pn a spinner good for 15 yards ef paydirt. The Wildcats' chalked up jnarisers in ine second and third stanzas on long-sustained drives. Mocabee went over for the first fna Tommy Edwards accounted or the second. Coleman drop kicked the extra point after the initial score to give the 'Cats Jvhat proved to be their margin of victory. The local lads also tomiileted seven out of ten passes they attempted. I Score by quarters: Wildcats i 0 7 6 0 13 2VIt. Shasta 6 0 6 0 12 - . Marine Marching (Team to Perform Between Halves J As an added attraction Friday Jught, the marine band and drill quad will give a demonstration luring half-timo at the Leatherneck-Camp Beale football game on Modoc field. ' This will hn Iho ,j i put on by the drill team, but the squad has recently been cut ivj u iiii-ii, muring a more com- S'"up. ana new incks have ecn added to thn rmiimo In addition to the regular Prills, the marines have prac ticed new marches, including enc feature in which they twirl their Springfield rifles around like a drum major's baton. The Wueen Anne S8lute, an old fa vorite, will be presented again. The team now is coached by PFC James Ii Meadows. They lll perform in regulation green nlforms Friday night, though they expect to get while belts, gloves and straps to add to the tiniform later. irickv left half bin backfield threats, was away twice for scores against Eureka and Doty is a steady, capable ball player. Wat son is the field general for the Tornado and added all lour ex tra points against Eureka by placement. Barnhart rounds out the oacKtieia m mc rigm nan slot. Whillock and Riggs cover the flanker positions lor tho Med ford eleven, and Plaskctt teams with 204-pound Sheldon at the tackle berths. Porter and Ca hill, both over 190, plug the guard slots with Cave at center. Cave is also the lightest man in the starting line, weighing a mere 172, while Kimsey is the heaviest recular for the Pelicans at 178. This should give a rough idea of the difference in licit De- tween the two elevens. Klamath will be at full strength for the fray with the Dossiblc exception of Kimsey. and Jim Pope Is being groomed for the left end position. The Pelicans, with Coach Cook carrying a squad of 30 men, left here about 1 p. m. to day for Medford. They will work out on the Tornado field upon their arrival to get the kinks out and will be staying at the Med ford hotel. Coach Cook is confident that his team will score touchdowns and if sufficient defensive strength can be mustered, the go sign should be on for the Pels. In their game with Eureka, the only punt the Medford eleven at tempted was blocked and this is one of the quickest and safest ways there is to pick up yardage in a football game. The Tor nado line may have been too cocky or their kicker might have been slow in getting it away. At any rate, a charging,, driving line is bound to give the Med ford boys plenty of trouble and mat is just wnat we hope to sec Friday night. Trouble, and lots ot it, tor tne Black Tornado! Probable starting lineups: Klamath Falls , Medford Kimsey or Pope LER Whillock Mason , LTR Plaskctt Wirth LGR Porter Vanderhoff ... C Cave Wilson. .... RGL Cahlll Long RTL Sheldon Thurman .... REL Riggs Perkins ,.QB Watson Berry, LHR Barnhart Redkey RHL Bostwick Biehn FB Doty : Coaches: Klamath Falls, Mar-i ble Cook-Paul Deller; Medford, Al Simpson-Ed Kirtley. ' Field General immw By PAUL HAINES GRUNTS AND GROANS Paavo Katoncn will really be out to give the "Grey Musk" the old boom-boom Friday night in their main go at the armory. Paavo still remembers when he was Pacific coast light-lieiivy-wcieht king and knows ho is not getting any nearer a return belt oattle by dropping every match to his hated opponent. On the other hand, the "Mask" is eyeing the crown himself after his n torios over the champ, Jack Ki zer. It would seem trom where we sit that the whole thing is more or less up to Kizer and the powers that be. He must put the belt up soon to tho challen ger with the best record of wins, and it seems obvious that this cent will be the "Mask" unless Paavo can tip him over Friday nite. In the semi-final event, it will be a case of a clean, scien tific erappler against a rough- and-tumble meanie, when Herb Parks meets Tony Ross. Ross has been having successful eve nings with his rugged tactics and may be too much for Hcrbie. Parks can get tough too, when the occasion arises, and it sure will arise when he tangles with Tony. in tne opener, Blood and Guts" Davidson will try to drop Tex Porter with some of his throwing hcadlocks that he so delights in using to the discom fort of his opponents. MAKES THE GRADE Here's a kid that did all right for himself. Verne Yank, one of last year's first string Pelican tackles, is occupying the regular right tackle berth with Jimmy Phelan's St. Mary's eleven. He played a whiz of a ball game against the California Coast Guard last Saturday and, if our j memory is correct, played an ! outstanding game earlier in the I season against the Golden Bears ! from Cal university. That's keeping Klamath on the sports map, Verne, . and the best of luck. WINS CUP THIRD TIME SALEM. Oct. 19 (Pi Walter Cline Jr. is permanent possessor of the Salem Golf Club cham pionship trophy. He defeated Glen Lengrcn, 4 and 3, Sunday to. take the cham pionship for the third time. Cline replaces Aviation Cadet Bob Scderstrom as titlist. 52 ,mvvx.....i. i 1 A An IT ft CvvWtf?J Bob Perkins, fisry Pelican quarterback will direct ths at tack to be launched by the K mon against tho Black Tornado at Medford Friday night. Classified Ads Bring Results. Chips Down For Oregon Prep Teams La Grande Puts Up Perfect Record In Mac Hi Bottle; Grant Takoj On Commerce By BILL HULEN PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 10 UV) Tho chips are down this week end for four lending contenders for Oregon's high school foot ball championship as they battlo opponents who have what It takes to knock them from the ranks of the undefeated and untied. One of the week's lop Raines pits Cecil Sherwood's Lu Grande q igcrs, winners of five in a row, against Mac high of Milton-Free-wafer, whose only loss of the season was to La Grande, 10 to 12 in a previous meeting. A La Grande victory will virtually clinch the district 1 and Blue Mountain league titles for the Tigers, while a Mae high win will riendlock everything. ,. Medford's unbeaten Black Tornado will entertain its tradi tional rival, Klnmath Foils, In a district 2 and Southern Oregon conference fracas. The Pelicans, who have won two, lost one and lied one, figure to mako things tough for the team they havo whipped two straight years. The Albany Bulldogs, with an uncrossed goal lino after twin 7 to 0 victories over Salem and Oregon City, play a dangerous Milwaukic eleven that has cop ped three in a row after a loss and a tie. Tho clali, In district 3 mid No-Nmne league, Is at Albany. Columbia Prep's L'rii.sinlrr.. unscathed afler llirue giinios, travel to Parkrose, bousllng threo and one record. Two porl'eet-ivnird clubs in Portland's district 4 Grant and Roosevelt expect to hurdle Commerce (1-3) and Kiiiiiklin (0-3), respectively. Major Inter-dlstrlcl games send Astoria to The Dalles, Ueml to Hood River and MarshflcKI to Eugene. Two other unbeaten elevens. Groshant ami Sandy, will clash at Sandy. Other gnines: Baker at Pendleton, Ashland at Grants Puss, Uanclon nl t' qullle, Forest Grove at Tilla mook, Oregon City at Salem, Dallas at Lebanon, Junction City at Roseburg, llillsboro at New berg, Springfield at University high (Eugene), Ciilhlamet al Rainier, Toledo at Independence. Cottage Grove at Reedsporl. Benson (Portland) at Washing ton (Portland) and Jefferson (Portland) al Lincoln (Portland). Grade Schools Begin Tourney This Saturday Afler six weeks of scheduled practice games among them selves, giado schools will open their tma'h tackle tournament this .Siiliinlay morning at Mills field, It was uiiuouneucl by Ath lellc Director Joe Peak. Drawings have already been made and limes set lor Hie fol lowing games: 0 . in., Itlvor side vs. IVIIinns; It) a. in,, MllU vs. Falrvlew: II . ni., Krcnuilil vs. Roosevelt. The following Monday bh e first round in the consolation Might will lie played and the second round of the champion ship bracket will lie played nn Wednesday. All contests will be played on Mills Held. DALLAS Frille Zlvle, IM, Pittsburgh, knocked out Pal Saia. 141), I'hiliulelphln (ID. J BUFFALO, N. Y. Ike Wil tarns, 138, Trenton, N. J., stop ped Johnny Green, 141, Buffalo (2); Bobby IQilcs, 160, Buffalo. nn Box Office Opens 6:45 New TODAY THE REVOLT OF ONE WOMAN! THE REVENGE OF ONE MAN) ill Another Hit A YOUNG MEDICO TURNED... HEART SPECIALIST! MUUHMNDI ' IOOjC . PERCY MIBRIDE J JESS BARKER - Jffl LATEST f Fffl NEWS LwIoZj apiM fHONi tS72 g-JU Wednesday October 25th ON OUR STAGE JAY-CEE m FROLIC 111,111, Featuring- ine Corps Orchestra . .. Benefit- Klamath Falls TEEN-AGE CLUB TODAY Box OiHce Opens 1:30 6:45 STARTS SUNDAY" BOX OFFICE OPENS 1:30 - 6:45 IU1 ELD OVEIn! J20()0 Years of Bloodshed cannot ERASE THE MAGNIFICENCE Or THEIR GREAT ADVENTURE! Paramount presanti.u. Th Modtrnized r Production ol V - , L t -AjM. PeMille'X.L J IGNthfeCR0SS ' V-'w , fwideftflT vi i end -t' - rottlt low tti ', hoi ' taowwt V FREDRIC 1, Ll V MARCH U W-ffTX 1 ELISSA mh '- LAND! ClAUOETTE ' ; COLBERT i .CHARLES UUGHTON end a coil Vol thoviMdt i Contlnuaui 8ho.A LAST TMES TODiy mm ii ; I III' II It m& da DICK li POWELL a nrDT iaj! LAHR VIDfllMli O'BRIEN "RAGS' R AGLANCI JUNE A I I VvntU nai VAUGHN I 1 ...llhoP',? .... hopPT J tlM.IAl I n . tAOKV I JUNE HAVER DICK HAYMES ' 1 VtsKlEA V H"fr filvtrfy i V QUINN WHITNEY rtM 11 flVLK Xi.- tbs m rniMmiKX nu 1114 ot tut BOX OFFICE OPENS 8i45 v fin hill JUMLJ Vfl , I an4 kit C(TT SlKURt Ni K3rin Second Hit ill KM 1 : ymJ i w. - WJ m u ' mi mi vtj r j-, ii 933" v mm. n . 4 T. Bb I NEW TODA YEAR AHEAD OF WgMW. ANDREW STONE'5: aW 1. 1 mu mLLJ"' -11 Lit m 14 7 al. m V. - in DENNIS O'KEEFI . W. C. FIELDS SOPHIE TUCKER EUGENE PALLETTT C. AUBREY SMITH DAVID LICHINE 00R0TKY OOHEI I the cmsmni! ncnninu SECOND HIT "MY RFST Ml" Jn.Wl.h.r., SPECIAL 'BaHle of th Mari.noi' AND HIS BANO .CALLOWAf A NO HIS Dill, .. - - '