PACE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HEARINGS SLATED SEATTLE, Oct. 19 Air icrvice from Seattle to the cast toast will be speeded up one sour and seven minutes it the tivil aeronautics board approves United Air Lines' proposal to link Seattle and Tacoma witli Vakima, at hearings in an Francisco November 1, Willis ;mp, district traffic manager, innounced today. Eliminating stops and adding Yakima to the roil To would shorten the distance to Boise, Denver, Cliip-nin- Cleveland. IV.-ishiiirtnii. Philadelphia. New Vnrlr and Hostoil llV 112 miles At the San Francisco hear ings, Unitcd's applications for service to the . following cities in the Pacific northwest and California will be lieard: Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Chehalis, Ccntralia. Astoria, North Bend, Marshficld, Bend, Klamath Falls, Walla Walla, Lewiston, Clarkston, Baker, Boise, Twin Falls, Gooding (the ! gateway to &un vaiieyi, sjgui-n, I l?,,L-n Suntn Rnsn. Chirn. Sll- linas and San Luis Obispo. President of Crater Lake Co. Resigns Word lias been received from the superintendent of Crater Lake National park that R. W. Price, president of Crater La'-.c National Park company, has resigned on orders of his doc- nr. iircmisc "I 111 iirami Charles W. Fyock, his son-in-law, who has served as vice president of the company for the past several years, was elected to the presidency on September 19. Price will continue his in terest in the operations ot the Crater Lnke National Park com pany, in providing meals, lodg ing, transportation and other public services at Crater Lake National park, but will here after be relieved of all details of management. Fyock, who has served in the U. S. navy for the past seven or eight months, received his discharge about a month ago. and he has returned to his for mer position as assistant general manager of Vanpoit City, near Portland, under the U. S. housing authority. If it's a "irozon" article you need, advertise for a used one In the classified. 13 drojia in Meli nuslril loivii clopinvl inipo, you I brt-iitlio Invr. Caution: ! li.A ., ,.., (,-.!. PENETRO NOSE DROPS VAN HE'JSEN WHITE SHIRTS Nock Sizes 14 to 17 H ' Sleeve Lengths 32 to 35 $2.23 to $5.00 RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP a, Ml DANCELAND 515 Klamath Ave. DANCE Muilc By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIto SATURDAY NITE Auiplcoi V.F.W. 1l NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet aoesn c upset stom WIII'N ou nctd quick relief from Mill, ltd OU llCliuiC III Ittko t!l ill llCClUIC ll IMVCI Villi Willi ill II"C launch? I' . "'ill new niollnl dli. cocrr, Stll'IKIN, ii "ml wlut llie diitinr urdcrc J" lr you. tuperln U oiplrln plus imilaliu llm linm pure, ulc l'llin )u line I"" known Inn .Icvclupcil by chimin in anrclil fur ilmc !'' I'' ll'l in in ordinary I"""- Thll new kind of aspirin lablct Jlmilve more qoiitlr. leu die I'liln llcl rliilil i i lit loli nl uliolnii lulu, reduces ilm tidily of ordinary aspirin. nut Irrli.t ... . her u,,,. '""-J Tear (hi. out , rrmtnd , .Vipcrlii unlay, iu , ... 'P1, Iiinil when liraikicliri, cold, (ice Ihiw quickly ii "iJ relieve! pain bow line rim feel allrr t,l.. loll. AlyiiuriliUKgiu', I V anil S'JI. Rfin MAIN I , BMMMM"Me 1 CW k r- , lirn n RENEWING A i "Jif7fi-,:i nrxnwm pmEm nnrc11 r ( trad. BS...w...'sf',. , i ,i...j.,v..i..m....... ,..4.i...,i.tvA.Miih.y.itlhiii,.irtti.iiYi.hri, iinnaniiBt m ruimmmtniiitnim'uKi' nimant. For Iho first llmo lnco war limited the lupply of civilian Qood, wo Invito you lo hop In Ward Wook . . . Iho no. Hon-wldo ovonl known for III llmoly valuoi by million! of Amorlean farnllloj, '1 ' : akti f LtiA LMehm Ufa. I. lYl mm rn--" ;:. iiiminjwinnflr i 1 . - SART HANDBAGS WITH ZIPPERS 97.88 SAVE ON THIS MODERN WATERFALL BEDROOM Smartly styled Bed, Chest, Vanity, rigid pre-war construction and money-savings for your pocket-book! Carefully matched mahogany veneers and hardwood, finished light Harvest color. Smart amber color plastic pulls ; ; : extra strong dovetailed drawers : ; ; 36-in. genuine Plate Glass mirror! MATCHING BENCH. ....... 5.48 Only 20 Down! Monthly Payment Man I NONE FINER MADE! NOW CUT-PRICED! 2.98 'SS;;Tr.!rouICom. .y 2-' - i ft In J . . , 'he Jfrnulnj ..' " WOnr 'he co,. .... :.v."::.",9riy'wa,IEnv.( - . ' ""'oolcino ,;mi,.J .... eo'fs . . . nj :,. ""Won . . . allot wanf Pouches moroccos 'hem hi "u aaa' leolher,! i.j ruiij j Ping,,,,, ' '8'P0f'VVardV.e(Jh;; ; "sSper ' t k - -- i r i 1 i i GaMiJ'c; 2.98 Balloon Tiro for Bicyclet Actual laboratory tests prove SUPER the finest house paintmadel It hdes belter; goes farther; fasff fongerl Save nowl , , Quart (reduced) 97c Single Gallon (reduced) 3.10 FINE OVENWARE NOW REDUCED uotot 57c , Chocolafe-and-cream. For oven-' to-toble use! Semi-porcelain! . 3-Pe. Range Set ......77c 2- Qr. Casserole ....87e 3- Pc. Salad Set 97c 4- Pc. Bowl Set 1.27 Sled Pliers Reduced! ! . ! UPHOLSTERED CEiiLD'S ROCKER m '"'atfrii. r 6 ' ! WARDS "SUPREME QUALITY" 100 PURE PENNSYLVANIA Big Ward Weok savings on Iho flnosl oil that mwny ten H Wards 'Supromo Qual'ty" oil comes from costly Bradford W gheny crudos. Thon, It's triplo-fillorod and doublo-dewawd b Impurity freo! Long-lasling ... free-flowing gives top IvbritcW for cars, trucks and tractors. Bring all your conlainoa n 55-gal. drums, plus Fed, tax, drum deposit. ...Slew Lower priced at Vards . ; . com pare! Well built . . ; and covered with artificial leather! Comfort able as Dad's! Rockers are sturdy ;.; Walnut finished. 2 1 Vt inches high; seat 13xl2'j inches. TOY GUS4S LIKE REAL RIFLES RELAX IN THIS PLATFORM ROCKER 20 ihwil 46.95 rrarv mm. 7y Sptclally 3.59 Solel Ceiling price is $2,051 Thick tread. 26x1.25" size. j$Kvm Kooting Reduced! roll J42 wtt-.-.---?a Fadeproof, flre-reiiilant Cera, mic Granule surface! Covers 100 square feet. Nails, cement, Inc. Tough steel ; ; ; aduilable ilii Joint i ; ; rust-resisting finish! Get a ccir at this low sale price! Finest Wax Nov Reduced!' Pfl Asbestos iJriji Remarkable values! Made with reacted 'solid walnut gunstocks . . ; same gunstocks that were to be used to make real rifles for our soldiers! Dummy barrels and Jrimming of hardwood. Harmless! Lowest Pries of the Year! Tileboard A chair that will give you the most from your hours-al-easet Roomy proportions, smooth rock, ing action. Sturdy hardwood con struction . .' . good-looking, serv iceable upholstery. See ill PORCELAINED Coal-Wood Range iff , . . ... , , . ll . v 1',' I w 82.45 q. A. 27c -tf.'l Printed . C1! CoH8n C 79 Handsome modern design! Spark' ling White! large, roomy cast iron oven will bake ten 1 -lb. loaves at a time or hold 25 lb. turkey! Duplex grates ... burn wood or coal. Save at Wardil Boys' Warn Heallhgard Unlonsulls For badly worn and leaky roofs! Use on felt, metal, tiie, composi tion or concrete roofsl Save' Salel Suprome Spark plug , Self-polishlngf Equals most fa mouf and costliest! Contains durable Carnauba waxl Savel Gleaming while scored with black lines. Easy to clean as 0 china plale! Sale prlcel BistoH Carpet , Svoepel 33 None flnerl Knife-edge olcclrode for fast, economical starts. Leak proof copper gasket. Save nowl p 533 Suns smoothly, qutetlyl Easy te empty! Band around case pro tects furniture from scratches Sturdy, Inexpensive cloths In firmly woven cottont Colorful prints! Washfasl. 42"x42". Sturdy Kitchen Toweli Add a note of color lo your kitchen with these bright printed towels In ilronq cotton! . IT'S FUN TO DRESS-UP WITH A FRILLY BLOUSB 2.98 Dress-up frosting for Fall ullsl Dainty lucks, frills, or bow neck lines on these pretty rayon blousei. While and colors. Sltet 32-38. Men'sTough Cotton Work Gloves 95 ALPACA WEAVI RAYON AND WOOl hI.2 A loiely blend ol 25 75 rayonlnsomonr1 colorsl fine for dr.snso 41' lo 42. Typical ol' IfW olec: ao"ds vok 21 Springy rib-knitted cottons, smoothly fleece-lined for extra warmth. Roomy, comfortable; Boys' Smar" Broadcloth Shorts Thrift-prlcedl Extra heavy cotton will, napped Inside for comfort. Double wrists. NewAnklefi for Girls and Women 3S( Sanforljedl Cut fun for octlon, with button front, tie sides. Gaily multi-striped. 19! Exciting game for W0;IIH or oldl Mysterious 'P answers" to all questlontl W'TO'Vili'a einlil .t.TS V '1 .1 7 With snug elastic topil Made ol lustrous rayon and collonl Sliei 8't to 10'j. Fine values! l 11-J. .1 k.uurnllonysl" inL.lni.nlhnrdwiarlnbi"l hallwaysl Reversible! ev l".'in'j'i'.';.i)iii'nr mmtmxtwmi i ' 11 a a 1 " '--J-'-AfainTiaf ri" 1 1 , , 1 -- , 1 s!lP''i- e-s it 'MMii-iZZ. " -"'reiini nn n .. Wi iAmm... Iilfeasel H 11 Irco" hi m. 11 IS hi c (II; JIT b ichl s 1 0 llf fcrc in ilai Wi lor K0 s (i BlEI air fa Cur Jpns- S.1JC P" t ho I wn FIE Is ( II C ot ! SCI his I k In Is II Ink heir fECI 1 pan' In t h HP, be r r'ri," ln( Il ho wo' r-fiy fn, kn VE to the slrm will 1 ther ner ontlr 41 An Four of nl km lr Ins P.ver 1 immln on 1 form rIutsu kit n sec inrgt ' de( "st ai