PACE ELEVEN IS Help Wanted, Male at Automotive 54 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automollva 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING Now Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS .. ...i 1.1 unrk In n lortnlnn comri inwmill i iTat void when conditions are Qood, flo to '' w Tipioii al lh Mecco Billiards, 531 Mom JW Street. We need men " ,h0io departmenls of our ,porotion which is on essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumper MILL: Uiy lumber handlers. e YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS e Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Y HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON O TF 424 S. IUi St. HELP WANTED FALLERS.'BUCKERS AND CHOKER SETTERS. ot Our Camp Near Klamath Falls BEATTY LOGGING CO. Call Our Offices, 123 North Oth St. J"' .. . M MllM Ph-lfl Main, in . MT. -M-Vt WinrhMlrr. t, twx ,fhinf ""-.. " M..lntlt witn - i H31. ', TO nv " T iinfh, quiiM"-! w"' nw ,ry. In vinnnv m n. .-.. . - run prutr. - fnt lMf. WrUff 30, ware Her Ind Kim. irr-rttrni r tit it .I nioilllli-old h. ihy 2. a fiitnUhr.l l..Mie or ens r -""' " 30nir rT'rifflrlP hn water healer and in It tin TOOK Un lertdv hear frtal friitika it ftvatlnf IllnV, pleaie in lo MI Drrow ami revive Vn.Mitd al An-arte tlulel. tit I effirt, io.ji mvi rxprntKNcrn rAnr. in to rh id 3 snaf ana ov i 3TM 10 71 ilutn ritatH. newly dar' pd furnuhed front alining Greer A fiti . TH) Main n PRirr 1H NOT INM.ATKD for ihu a-rM-droom rtpm. ha ind bimnenl. It li near Con it rhnol AS'OTurn noon nt'Y lrtl(rnia Ave Wmilrt It nti-e pit with (Mid under 13300. John hu-rr.r. Phonp 4Mt 10-19 IN BUfll'MtAN tlOMK n pavrl iirfa ioi. two larra twtiiriwimt, ill rxnrtwim, oil floor f urn arc. Ittve grminil. rietlroble rtrlt- Irlfl Would v,ntlrir irado for alir with 3 to ft arr4 rminrt ihl. Writs Ron 1000. rar t("rlrt 10.10 KIJE-1KM Mno.l A Tftrd aArlan km (onoiuoii. Hot florin ttoui 10-10 MLK-1B.W Mnd A Tortl. 113 . aiiar i p. m, 0 0 mZ International trilt -. 1'iuitr; i u n, interna mhlna. 3 (rain drllli, 3-fang lit'1?1 pl, 1 cl,Inr n. T- Keno Or. nnuif litia?.7,wn M,,n llnd J J "ke new 'cod iio.oo. --n wary. I'itone Shai ina leav addrpai. irj.M Olti!tT.T0.0.,,:i,ATK A "OOM. Kl 1 ? ,hl1 nromi'lon- l.U- Ba iih 1 "K, "'" . " lo-ao iLRian m. ... ,M Acaamy hi. iu-ai fc3i.f.rt "b. New mhlMir ai. Phono aw. i.":.Mt',' OTl, one thret J L m iL-t."..."' "!. for lo-ai ''LS "i Pu" ",c,orv ulii ti..i " "r'nimu. New- i 'nnca, ll. (M i, fi,, f-rt'.,, " fr c?"!; Apple Trt ik, . - fl ii ; tiw 'EASK-Kully rillnn in"..' L I"IMI Dtlil. L'-s r.:;; H,',c,' TO BUY-l.",.,,. I'hona lllltl. 10-11 I.lkP -r ihn I" "K"T Ihrea or , o.lkini, dlilanra ol tnw.i. t'l, ,,,,, '" i"ni .mull "IUI " " ,. , """' "Her- Pfc S'nmilh ralli Aarla ill, iiipclin, avary rr. l.,6r- nl iBlHte!5g I n ll L Vlilllni Invltad. u jl'll! l.nrtHf No. 77. A. M- "I""'"! com- ""llitcn invllaii to nliand. A'.va oi.mrAM, norihlptul Ma.lrr. IWO lAT f'ALLS MOOSE ""no, rncplji on Friday n'u" P. m. InltlHlton scci'l and fourth Fri- Tliurs I oiaryiand Ava. 10-19 10 25 LrjHl' "A" ... ril..n I.l i ... ... on mil trct hv r(1rl llliif r-i.i.n, i.iiariona Anatr.on, Oftjfl Mm. marl Ava. (J.D Hi.wAlin lr rrnirii of "T" 4.oMnr i.'imV"" I'lnitif jnVi 1010 4 Oanaral Noticti T-BONE CAFE Now Opi-n and Opcmling 24 Ilouri o Dny Under Now Ownership and Management STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY cod. 10-27 FALLS ELECTRIC AND CENERAL REPAIRING t.lM Plant. (Jtneratora, EUctrie Motor Ha wound and ftepalrtid. fla T.n$ lnt Overhaulad and n paired Agent for Da I no Light i-i am ana Deuerie. 633 St, Francis St. Ph. 6263 ll-llim- atAKK LAKC O' WOODS your oaf quartar. .durltit hunllni aaa.on Ra. uurani. nor, aarvlra tlallop and .-mi. arauaoia. Haaa raMrvaltoni won 10 Sa-TlcM Klamath Refrigeration 5ERVICE Announces The Opening of Radio n n d Wanning Machine Repair Dept. Operated by Mr. Cox Formerly of Merit Washing Machine Service , Bcndlx Repairing Specialty Phone 7038 432 Conim 11-0 Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household ond Commercial Phone 6617 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St 11 -Urn APPLIANCE REPAIRS We repair and service all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appll nnces. We may have the type of radio tube you need. Reason able prices. Phone 5188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tues.-Thuri.-Sat.-tf Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. ll-14m CRATING STORACE Local and Long Distance. HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER ond STORAGE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klnmath Phone 5872 10-30 HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE Klaolrle rtftoxa and Watar Hailar Rapalr and Sarvlca Clark Rowlings trormarlv With CODCO Rai. avt Paclllo Tarraca Prtona 4m7 nrr.Ncr.n cohrrtiere Mr.. Enid nnrrh. Ml Oak. phona T.nn for appointment. 11-Bm MAKR VOlin DATS In advanca for paparhanirara at J. t Pattaraon and Ron Paint (ton, lilt Eail Main Phona 3.U4, 10-Slm Wanted Window waihlni. Phona 10-JB ni40. ALTERATIONS. Conln. ailln rallnad and mada lo order. Mrl. zwanart, li Lowall. Phona a41. ltl-aim THEOlJOnn DICKSON, llphollarln. Ftirnltura Hhop, upholilerlnf. repair ln. raflnlihlm. aprlnsi racondlllonad. Phona 4S17, 3041 War. 11 -em phon 4s ron a guaranteed NXW KOOF that will add color, mm latlon and flra protactlon. aaafltf Servtcea Refrigeration Washing Machines Electric Ranges Vacuum Cleaner Repair 5R0MPT SERVICE Klamath Refrigeration Service Phone 7038 432 Comm. 10- it. HEMHTITCMINr; DnrHHMAKIIIli nmion. and nurklai fuvrrrn. Allvialinn. on iirw and old H.HhlM. Mr.. II M. Allondrr. 7.11 M.ln. IUkimi Vlti IMi 7fa. ll-:ilin KITIC TANKS CLEANED llavr mo dern aqultimtnl. Call :i2:io. Ed Y. Klii. 11-17 AVON PRODUCTS Phona (1144. Mr.. Pearl no... Il-I4m IIEMKTI Tl lllNIi AND ALTER ATIONH--Needlecrart Bhup. VJ2 Main Phona 4lu:i. II-13I1I HKITIC TANKS Claanad and tn.lallrd Phona 7rtxi. tu-JI Mlt.N I'AINTINli - Unlit U. Unlman I 1'liune aoin 170A lerra bt. lu-Jltnc ! Honlth PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Gninllo St. Ashland. Oregon Phono 7001 Gradunte Nurso In Chnro 11 m 4 Htlp Wanted Famalft WANTED Womati for fttirra) houne work. Pltotio 4MJ lu ift WANTKD iirl or womtitt for houa work. ! or Her niglil. Will home rrvlce mart and wife tti rclaAiige (or homework mtlttrt. Top aalarv of fpred. Ph. 4210. 3nntf WANTKD- Middle gnl Udy to do tfixework. The liei of wMffa. Call M IS. 38001 1 WANTED woman ior hotiaowork. daya or tlay nlghta. Call 4310. .TI7MI WANTED DISH WAHMLn for night alilfl. Apply In peraon itt Tlk-Tnk. OBlf WANTKD Cepnhtn person to anflut nur4, flood f nlnrv with nmm And hoard. Apply Park View ConvIeceitt Home. ii Granite alrcol. Anhlnn'l. Ore. 10-20 WA..TCD Waitri-i and dlhwmhei Wo men nreftrrart Apply ei ttlttrr't Coffee Rhnp WWII WAITRESSES WANTED Shop. Mex'e CoffM ' 22 tf l DtKHWASIIKIt end pantry girl wanted Max'a Coffee Shop. 7Bttf j lady ron orrics work Clean ra. WANTED filrl (or hnu-tework end rare of 3 children. Phone 7010. 2032tf WANTKD-Service mAii'a wife, Klrl or woman for 111 hi hounrwork. Full or part time. Itoont ii preferred. 03.1 N. 2nd. Phone 0420. 10-21 WANTED Mnlrt. fxpprlenced or tn experlenrfd. alcady work. Apply Wlnftnn lint el nffJIIf 16 Hlp Wanted. Male WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BOY , 16 or Over To Do Stock Work Afternoons mid Saturdays Sears, Roebuck and Co. 10-20 WANTKD Yard men over 21. fiond wage, atrnriy work. Fred II. Hell nronner, R21 Spring St, 10-10 PAINTBHS WANTKD One aprnv ninn, five brunh men.'fi hour dy. Phont 4037 after 0:30 eveniima. .mutf WOOD TRUCK DltlVttnS WANTKD -Peyton & Co. 340011 WANTED Man end wife for chore lot. nmat be experienced with milking ma chine. Modern hotue. wood. Ilghti end water (uwUhrd Permanent Inb. good wagea. Call 7014. MOStl WANTED. Men and boya to act plna. Light work, good pay. Apply Bowling Alley. fllO Main p m. or any evening Saturday or Sunday. 173ttf WANTKD - Hnv to ahlne ahoea after erhool and Sniurdaya. Medical-Dental nidg. Dnrber Shop. SMtl MAN TO WORK in cleaning room. Standard Cleanera. 283411 WANTKD-PUnerman for email planer running about feet per dny. Pernell & Oerlaon, Plnahurat, 2702tf WANTED Men and boya to aet plni. Light work, good pay, Apply bowling alley B18 Main. 7 p. m.. any avenlng. Saturday or Sunday. 178111 WANTKD Handy man. El 1 In f son Lum ber Co. Phone B.14H. 10-2A AtlTOMOniLK MECHANICS WANTKD Familiar with CJeneral Motors cam pnrinilarly Quick, Inquire i::m Main 10-23 WASlinoOM HKI.PKH - Inaldo work, good wagea. Caaradn Laundry. 10-lR WANTED - Night Janitor to do Janllor work and lake rate of furnace. En prrlenred or Inexperienced. Wlnema Hotel. 38Mlf IlKI.LnOYS wanled. experienced or In experienced. Apply Wlnemn Hotel. BOOM AND BOAnD-2114 Mlohlgan. rtOOM, BOAHU-Oentlemen. 1607 Cm- cm i, 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS-83S llllh. ROOM rOR RENT 13 No. 3rd. 10-31R 10 22 Hoami Por Rant ROOM rOR RENT-IMS Jallar.on. ag:r 24 Apnrtmonti for Rant roit rent 3-room fti'nl.had apt. mint ha adnlla. Day worker.. Refaranrr. reriulred. Wrlla Harald-Nawi, Flnx M10. 341011. KOU IIENT-One-rooin apartment. Phone 28 MlacelUneou- For Rant FOR RENT Potato Storage McKendree Co. Merrill, Oreqon 10-20 rOM HKNI-'KI'iOr landera. frdcera and uallpaper leiiiovlna machine.. J E P.ller.on Paint Stora. Phona J3J4 I3.-UI Ka.t Main. !0-31m tl Kl.TllIC ri.oon SANDERS and eder rented Do our own work. Innulra Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD Si CO 10-31 m KOM ItKNT Mudrrn trailer aoaca Call al 4RQfl twilh ntr, 30 Raal Enala for Sana IRRIGATED RANCH Near Donanzn. 214 acres with 127 acres under cultivation. 6 rooin modern house, barn and granary. Present crops are al falfn, potatoes, pens, wheat. Full price $13,000, terms. 2-bedroom attractive home near Uphnm St. In excellent condi tion and has insulation, new roof and workshop. Price $3500, terms. , . In north side. 5-room newly litillt home. Has fireplace, base ment, furnace, hardwood floors. Either furnished or unfur nished. Price. S6000, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Oth Phone 4564 FOR SALE 206-aerc farm on Klamath river, one mile above Kcno. Known ns the Charley Nelson place. All level tillable land. Grain, alfalfa and onions. All irrigat ed. Free water right. . a , 840-acrc stock ranch, known as McCollum ranch, 70 acres irri gated bottom land, 100 acres dry farming, balance hill pas ture land. TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1947-U FOR SALE 6-room clean, modern home. 3 bedrooms, living and dining room, kitchen and bath. Double garage and woodshed. Also Service station with two com puting pumps. Near city on main highway. Price $4750. Part down, balance monthly, Wm. Van Duker Rt. 3, Box 1028 Phone 6857 . 10-24 POTATO LAND 135 Irrigated ' 160 acres in all. No Buildings. ; $18,000 U Cash. MARION BARNES Phone 7095. Olene, Ore. 10-26 rOR SALE In Ttogiia River Valley. Medford 120-acra atock or dairy ranch. T-room home, large barn all In food repair. Adjudicated free water rlaht (or 43 acraa liollom land nov In alfaira and grain 30 acre. In clover with paid up water rlcht. Unlimited water. Balance fenced for pa, hire. Located on Crater lika hlchwny JO miles from Medford. Price 111.000. Alio Many other llattnfli of land. Have hecn .clllnff land In Jack.on county for .14 ycnrM. See me or phona 4088 Med ford. Office 31 south front at,, Med ford. Ore. J, C. BARNES nEAL ESTATE 10-30 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 ll-14m I'OR SALK-9-bedroom houeo. Hardwood floor,, fireplace, furnaca. Cloaa In. Call ("1.1. 3147tf run SALE-. Sheep paatura, 340 Bates alfalfa and timothy mixed, aouth of Malln. Call Llakay Brol.. 1914. SSI If 40 AcnES near Harpo dam about 16 acre, under ditch facing county road. Ideal chicken ranch, no building,. See Marlon Aarnea, Oltna, Ore. $3000. OH rlglila rencrved. 10-31 Eon 8ALEactieral mdse. atoro ft afA'en room house, SMMXt plu, merchandise nt Inventory, ror particular! Inquire at A. S. Loomll, Lookout, Calif. 10-30 FOR SALE-S-room houaa, unfinished, b acre lot. 30.10 raah or S10O0 tarma. See Manuel S. Verdul, 1943 Etna St. 10-31 FOR SALE Ona acre, 8 hou.aa, eloia In on bua Una. Phona 7439. 30 Mich igan. 10-31 Bolsiger Motor Co. Moin ond Esplonode YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. 30 Raal Et tata For Sate TOR SALS Small houia. living room, bedroom and kitchen. Garage.- large corner lot, all city liana fully paid. Down payment at least S300, balance easy terms. Sea owner. H. E. Hauger. 1330 Main. 10-31 ron SALE O-room modern house on Keno highway behind Associated Ser vice station. Phona SO20. 10-31 MUST SELL Unfinished house, "t acre. stoves and furniture. S1200 cash. 4S1.1 rrlerta Ave. 10-13 34 Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Type? Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING ana COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 10-3im RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13mc Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m TOP CASH PRICE tar your clean, late nodal ear or eoulty. Sea U M. Quam at BURNESS MOTORS Aulhorlxed DeSoto-Plymoutb ParU and Service Goodrich Tire Distributor 31 So. Oth 33071! We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m MODEL A and B, 60 -hp., 83-hp. and OS hp. reconditioned rord motors. 1933-36 and 1340-41 Chevrolet motors. Also other larger motors suitable for sta tionary work. Wrlta Box 3020, Herald and News. 10-33 FOR SALE-M3S Ford sedan, excellent tires, axeallent condition. Priced ' for Quick sale. Phone 3343. 10-31 SEE MEL HENRY at Lombard's Used Car Lot. .131 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at onca for your car. All makaa and models for sale. 11-lSm FOR 8ALE-1836 Auburn. 4-door sedan. Dual ration transmission. 4 new first grada tires, angina newly overhauled. .ias. May be seen at 1 Klamath or c.ii wpiz atlar n p. m. 10 31 35 Fuel Haatin RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Beat Quality Prompt Deliver: . ' Phone 8367 JACK EICHEND0RF Distributor 10-31m R N O W 34 Automotive rOR SALE 1337 V-l truck with Brown Llpe. Phona 834S, Ellingaon Lbr. Co. 36 Miscellaneous Far 8la TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top. especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. ' . HARRY HAFTER'S" FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Rooting Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sea ley Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf ALL TYPES of smell gas engines re paired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 351 E. Main. ll-13mc GLASS Mirrors, resllvertng. plate, win dow and auto glasa. furniture tops, ehelvee. Kimball's Glass 8bop. S27 Walnut. Phono 7378. ll-4m SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup piles. All makes. Phona 6771. .1313 Shasta Way, 10-3tm FOR SALE Drag saw, heavy weight Vaughn, completely equipped including blade. Price 385. In good running order, L. B. Fender, Malln Call alter 6 pm. 200011 GIVE HIM A BURGESS VrBRO-TOOL F. R. Haugor. Open all day Saturday. 313 Market Phona 7331. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parti atocked. Used furniture, atoves bought. OK Second Hand Stora. 830 Klamath. Phona 3671. 10-31m FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phona 4093. Rt, 3, Box 1043. 10-31RI FOR SALE-One 33 repeating rifle with ecope. one 30 automaUe rtne. one pair field glasses, one pair binocular. Shells for above rifles. Ftxit Shop. 744 Klamath. 3439U DUPONT'S GREEN AND RED SHINGLE . STAIN, r. R. Hauger. Open All Day Saturday. Ill Market Phona 7121. 10-34 FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Washing Machine Ser vice. 611 So. 6th. 11-30 FOR SALE Second-hand burlap potato aacks. 3430 Blehn, 10-30 FOR SALE Pedigreed Cocker Spaniel puppies. Taking orders for Christ mas puppies, blacks, blondes, golden. GREEN-LEA COCKERS, 611 South Riverside, Medford. Oregon. 10-30 FOR SALE One new Monarch kitchen Incinerator. Merit Washing Machine Service. 611 So. 6th. 10-30 FOR SALE 1 new Monarch wood range. Merit Washing Machine Sarvlca. 611 So. 6th. 10-30 FOR SALE 4-room home. 3 acres of food land. 3 acres in young alfalfa, rlca 33000. Some terms. 1 block from bus off Summer Una. . 4339 Bartlett Ave. 10-30 FOR SALE-Sltghtly used bed daveno. Call 6166. 10-20 FOR SALE Lawn awing, bird cage and men'e wool suits and topcoat, .sixe 38. Phone 8337. 10-30 FOR SALE Truck rear end. Model A worm gear, 910.00: 8O0-chlcken oil brooder and pip. 910.00; 41 mos. old Guernsey heifer, 930.00: 6-year-old Guernsey cow. double tested, freshen this month lOcl.l, 970.00. 4.139 Bart lett Ave., I block off Summer lane. 10-20 rOR SALE-Large tricycle and small bicycle. Phone 8237. 10-30 ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. 134 S. 9th St. Pioneer Printing at Stationary Co. ll-13m APPLES. Newtowns. Spitsenbergs. Gold en Ortleys. Delicious and other varl tie,. Joe Nary. Rt. 3, Ron 403, Med ford. Or.. Ph. 6S08. 10-30 FOR SALE-100 Ions baled hay. 1st cut alfalfa, oala and rye. at Keno. Sea Guy Moore at ranch befora crossing river or call Doug Puckatt, Tulelake 1104. 333311 LANDSCAPING - Evergreen!, flowering ahruba and trees. Make your selec- ' lion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phona 4083. 10-30m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem J War. 1433 Martin. Phona 9671. 10-Slm Fon SALE Red Cocker Spaniel, 2 years eld. E. Goode, Macdoel, Calif. 10-33 FOR SALE Onions. Gat your winter PAY CASH MM MOVIE OUTFIT sorely now. 4343 aJhssta Way. 10-19 1 P. O. Box 347. 10-24 Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley GASH FOR YOUR CAR , We Will Pay Full OPA PRICES ON MOST LATE MODEL CARS SELL TODAY Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. Bth St. 36 Miscellaneous For Sala AUCTION . Sunday, Oct. 22. at One o'clock, at 126 North Third St. FURNITURE and MISC. ARTICLES Circulating heater, like new, for wood or coal; occasional chair; child's crib, complete, large size; child's chair, dresser, floor lamp, tricycle, end table, steel cot, several rugs, quilts, blankets, pillows, some good clothing, dishes, pictures, cur tains, lawnmower, garden tools and many other articles. SVERRE MUNSON. Owner COL. SWIGART, Auctioneer Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR . COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call . John Sandmeyer - -.. -Phone 5195 : -c. S. Robertson Agency. . .. First Federal ' Savings Bldg. ' : 9-30m FOR SALE-Priced to close out: Warm morning coal stoves. No ration cer tificate required- Tred H. Hellbronncr. 831 Spring St. 10-19 FOR SALE-Large size Hot Point Electric range. Phone 3317. 113430 FOR SALE Prewar pure bristle brushes, four sash tool, four 3-inch, 321 Spring. No. 4. after 6:00 p. m. 10-lu FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R V. Morgan. 332 So. Riverside 40 To Exchange WANT TO TRADE-iUnderwood portable - typewriter for 12-eaugc shotgun. 1122 Division. 10-20 43 MseftllRnanu, Wanted WANT to buy automatic reel. Phone 6677. 10-19 WILL PAY CASH for used guns Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD , WARE. 328 Main St, 10-31 m WANTED Tricycle. 6318. 6-year aize. Phone 10-18 WANT TO RENT-Unfurnisbed 2 or 3 bedroom house, long renters. R. M. Sterett Union Station. So. Oth and Main. 10-18 SELL USED AKIICL.ES AND BUY WAR BONDS If vou have any no longer used article, of any kind lying around your horra or office then you have a real opportunity to help the war el fort in the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar ticlea: then too the money vou raise by tailing thing can be converted Into bonds Phona 3134. Clasained Ad Dept. today 8701 1 WANTED TO RENT 2-bedroom rum lahad or partly furnished house by two adults, employed in lumber In dustry CaU 9148 day, and 8373 after 6 p. m. 451911 PERMANENT resident wlhes small fur nished apt. Excellent references. Phone 3390 and leave address or phone no. 10-13 WANTED Furnished or partly furnished house or apartment Phone 9087. 415 Walnut. Apt. 3. 10-23 WANTED-rurnlRhed Iwo-bcdroom mod ern house close In: 3 adults: steady renters. Phone 3723. Bell Studio. 10-23 WANTED Experienced kitchen help, and waitresses. Good hours, good ml arv. Apply In person. Klamath nit llards. 10-20 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple; a modern, furnished apartment ' or tiouse. Phona 0078 after 6 n m 227311 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Loull R Mann. 120 N 7th. Phone 4319 or 7173. 10-20111 WANT TO BUY Doien or and half colored pullets. Phon 3013 artcr 9:30 p. m. 3B33tI WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run ner. Call 3134 . 31461! WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or pnrtly furnlshed by responsible oitddle aged couple, no children. Phona 337.1 or 3441. lrau WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louli R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4319 or 7173. 1019m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 919 East Main. Phon 4282. 11 -4m HIOHEST PRICKS paid for nogs. veal. Ismbs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phona S333. nights 3309. 10-31 m WANTED . Live poultry of all kind. Also aggs. MarUn Produce Co. Phon 3373. t0-31m WANTED - 100 head young Hereford cowi. Noilly Box 1990 Hrald-Newa. 10-91 Phone 4113 ? Miscalianaoua Wanted TOR SALE OR TRADE Eor cowa r heifers. 1 grey mare. 7 years old. 1600 lb... 1 rearltnt coll. 1 two-way horsa plow. 16 In., like new. Route 1. Box 6.1SP acroaa from IOOF MerrUI ceme tery. 10-31 WANTED TO BUY GILLETTE ELEC TRIC RAZOR. PHONE 3216. 10-30 WANTED Service couple to share housa with same. 311 Division. Please call yf'cr fl n. m. 10-34 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 70 bred ewaa and 3 bucka. Kcno. Ore.. Box 97. 19-tt FOR SALE Good 5-compartment. seU clcaning hutch with 3 does, 1 buck. 3337 Alamont drive. 10-19 FOR SALE-Sorrel mare. 3 years old. . weight 1000. lbs., partly broken. sas.OO. . Call after 3 p. m., 6433 Simmers Ave-10-3O FOR SALE 3 Hereford bulls about It mo. old. 1 registered. 1 purebred with- - out papers. Call 7968 or 11 mi. past Weyehaeuaer JuncUon on the F.ts ranch. tO-H 46 Financial When You Want a - -CASH LOAN For Any Worthy f Purpose Call Qn ; P. A. (Buck) Everett ' . : at the office of COMMERCIAL j- FINANCE CORP, 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lic.-S-251 10-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO vZr FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Ownea Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 10-3 1m ( First Federal Has Plenty of Money e a a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home a a Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms s. Low Rat FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main ' Phone 5195 10-Slm 48 Buainar Opportunities FOR SALE -Business building, a tiara room, with 3-room nawly decorated apartment. Downtown. Good uieom. Terms. 433 . 10-34