HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Octobtr PACE TEN e:siMg ! ii i I i ii gaBaEgaaa.i.1 n wi I i I sa3cgs Out Our Way . By J. R. William Our Boarding Houso. With Major Hoops f ' I HAVEN'T BEEM ABLE TO PO v F LOOK I6M'T TROT HOOPLE THM" FINE M I TELL VOU I A THING ALL AFTERNOON--1 TOLD .'7 I OUST WADDLlUG OOTOPTHE M PRINTi TAeTAKT WrVSY; I HER. TO PICTICE HER MUSIC A "5Ji-9y I 1 AlOVJIE WAS TWM A ill ReVCING FORM.) HOOPLE ii I LESSON AND SHE 6AIP, 'OH.FUPSEj ) moutsr I jr TECHNICOLOR. AMRr6E TENj 1 FlWM-lV HAS x AT THE S3? ! AS SNIPPY AS COUU7 BE.' VOU " I MINUTES A60 VOU . DONE TWlNSS FACTORY, V SN ySWff S5iM teft?) IW1 . ..-rt HTOS il.J Fi .II'M nTtT-ra vw-ww y, n vs k iv a v.: m Mf$r LOOK LIIe.rAM7tftrafii I RfturxV 1 1 ,Vf,S?..?sr : " borm thirty years too soom - SX) I ooESMT IT ? LP 0N1DS iJ? ,1 V" 1 "' 1 )rY N.-vfw. .-mi, MWocTThC. T. M MfcW MT, clTW- vJ RedMer By Fred Horrnon OH-H.' TWE ITEAa.rSVArV'l f I CAN'T SEHfA TO KEHEWER fftt REP RrDERY RED RIDER? lIONt H'3 fOLLV. PUT ANOIW 1 l UU IIHIIlLU I IILIIL rY HEAD.'bpU WO AN ACCIDENT-' ANlTHWo' WHO ARE YOUjy AND TOU'RFr-- RECALL YOU V.VIHA.T? I'VE LOST MY lr I nn nflB 11111 mnill mrp: mfiT mrBssu WEARS CDMPLETIDNi l . .I, i HARVEST HELP II LIE TO SPUD GROWERS It was niiiHiunrcd lodny ly lliu county nvcut'v office, tlml liny fiinniMM lU'vdhiK Imrvi'.il help slionld contni'l pliu'i-mcnl ini-ii ill ine Mexiciin inuor iiiuiin. Ciiowurs in the Merrill unci Klamiilli Kails' meiis sliinild see Kd Crawford id he old Merrill IX'C cinn, imd mowers In the MHltn uisiriel snoinii conniei Tom Swoyrr id the Malln Mexl- otin labor eainp. Those In Ho- naiua anil the Poo valley see. lions should Kel In loueh Willi Art Uouiiiherly at the Honaiua Muxlean labor ciiinn. All re quests for these workers must bo made by baturilay, ueioner i. It Is the Interest of the Klam ath Potato Growers association to work those men if needed. however if there is no demand for them they will be moved lo some other harvest area as soon as transportation van be obtained. Freckles and His Friends By Blosser ajT. KyjL.MM'iM Hilda's attempted rescue nfir pulucrrv' LJifl tePfrF!rY O 1 v'JS'M I 1 Ull HA peuuaw students so MlCH i THAT tm, V f .JKS nitUM yj i water was (S)Mp I Bea SbtL-l ' " - 7" 'MitVKt. iHfcT. m. neo. u. . WTTprri ' X'hTubb By Leslie Turner hJ!lrl. J& lfJi!,SJ?SIIERAay THAT BASE If VES, BUT IT'S ALSO V I SUPPOSE SO, SERJEANT. " Sf jf?h?.l?1irHATUaE, A "'BIB SOURCES TOR 7 AT WENPAO TH' ST60W6E5T 8ASC 1 BUT 1 KNOW EVERY FOOT Of Tf S&tfUC?MJ.M rS SETTIN6 THOSE FACTS- ISONE-ITSJAP H TH' AREA.FEUPE- ITS IAYOUUA FEWMIWUTBS !N WAY. WEVE GOT MORE Sr'tP THENciET'EM ?UICK.' IMTEUK3EMCE IT-'O TAKE A MIRACLE J MA CERTAIN BUILDIM6, AND 1 W,NWTHJMJ0W KCtI' . ANY SUGGESTIONS, MEN? I WEAOOOARTEf 5 Jo 6ETINSiPEir;V WE ICflSpi 'HP Boots and Her Buddies tefct .Wit TVS. VTTV lKlVJD-TrVt.V'U't r R6W COE OOT?T, PvWvjT W.VJrWlON .. VOU ND ttT,' THOVtCMJO. W1' ITS': fi?Si-f-,ATg-.y" - -" """j ' Alley Oop r , ty v. I. Hamlin Little Orphon Annie ' " " . - : . ' " ' By Horold Gray Wt, ISISI I BUT. ASSUES6YS, ITI F BUT IT NOT TOO LATE TO HER KINDNESS. ! SHE '7. I SHftbE-OF-ft-WITCM KNOW P I idncT, Trf I MEMBER WHftT SHE DID I 9 MftS POOli OLD S&ND'Y ' t ABOUT "MFRCY"? ' I ftPLtS NDV ! 0H I IT'LL NEVER BE TOOLATE S KILLED AND CALLS IT J TUT l t. I M" POOR, FAITHFUL, ,: II TO RSRlMBER THAT I JT y T Market Quotations LEGAL NOTICES T l N., NW ffiiiin..,..., . "r nnii..i.J 1 Wlillr . fj ou ..r M, II ii .' L.'l f",: "r I I'N.il,.",'""! ' 1 III Ir,- i : I II.. ..Ir. All ll,w;,.,"1fr i iln.rdliril in, ,,, '"nn -1 "!' ' " ..,. '." Up to Wednesday night the spud harvest in tho Klamath basin was at least 80 per cent completed, it was announced by the county agent's office. The weather has been excel lent, with only two small show ers since tho start of tho heavy potato harvest, which resulted in a total loss of only half a day. As a result the current har vest is, being completed in rec ord time and demands for labor indicate that it will just about be over by tho middle of next week except in fields where unusual circumstances prevail. Shipments have been EoinR ahead in tho face of the refriK eration car freeze and some shortage oven in box ears. To tal shipments arc far greater at this time of tho year than In any previous season as the to tal car shipments up to Wed nesday night was estimated at 2600 cars. Cancellation of the freeze or der on refrigeration cars should bring about continued heavy shipments for tho duration of llic harvest ana a lew wore loaded out today. Shipping out of 700 Mexicans irom Kjamam county is coit tomDlated next week as the har vest will DC pracucuny toiu1 plctcd. Weekly Market Trend (Editor Note: The following market information Ii nupplled trom nrntermi obtained over the government leised wire in the office of the extension economist at Oregon State college. The material. In the form ot a weeKiy iunv marv nt trrnrlt In the llveitock market is not Intended to replace, day by day market reports.) More entile but fewer iheeo and Iambi re exDectcd lo be fed for market this winter than last, according to reports recently re enied by the bureau 01 agri cultural economics. Development to the nd of Septembei point to a moderate increase In the number of cattle to be fed for market and whatever Increase may take olaci Is cxnected as a reiult of Increased feed' ing onerations in the western corn belt, m a . I especially in inc irircc amies hcm ui mo By Martin Missouri river, since present indications eastern corn belt will be considerably reduced from last seaion and the total in states outside the corn belt little changed from last year. Most of the conditions that Influence the sire of feeding operations are more invoraoie man iney were a year mho. says tho bureau. The prices of fat cat- e navo uecn tor some moiii ii ana sun re substantially higher than they were year ago. while the prices of reedft cattle hnva been and still are lower. The supply of feed grains at the be Klnnfne of the new feed In a season in pear auout an large us a year ago and ths supply pec animal unit materially larger because of the reduction, in nunv bora of hogs and chickens. Reports from the western ilatei In dlcato that cattle feeding may lie smallei in those states than a year earlier. The bureau thinks It probable, however, that ny decrease in inese states win be oil- :i by increased cattle feeding In the heat Dai lure sections of Texas and Oklahoma, The bureau rennrta that the numhir of Iambs and sheep to be fed for the coming winter and upring market will prnnnuiy ne somewnnt smaller than the number fed a year earlier. Present Indications Dolnt to a cnnaM. erable decrease In the number of lambs ica in reea lots in ine corn licit states, partly offset by a substantial Incrcma inc number finiancd on wheat pasturci Kansas: not much chanee In the num. nor fed In tho 11 western stales: and some incrcaKe in ine total in oincr states, mostly Jn the Texas wheat pasture sections. In summing up the situation for Iambi the bureau says that the 1U44 lamb crop in the western sheep slates, which furnish nearly all of the lambs for feed ing, wm about one million head amaller mm year man larit ana that available Information Indicates the ntimhor nf ioa lambs slaughtered by October 1 wa lartrer thAn the numhnr nt ifui lamh. slaughtered by October 1, 1043. Hence Ihe number of western lambs still avail able for slaughter, feeding and replace- M..:iiv wiia uinicriaiiy smauer man on October 1 last year. Influenced by fewer offerings and a continued good demand, cattle prices at North Portland and San Francisco turned alronger during the woek ending October 14 and most sales of good steers at "" roniHna wero on a basis of 914 to $14.50. Medium heifers were $10.30 to $12 and good cows $lu to $11.50. Marketings In the midwest hnve been increasing seaionnlly as cattle move from ""h-- nmugmor or 10 feed lots. Feeder buyers continue to favor the heavier, well fleshed kinds but hesitate J,. .i ''V'"7" -u'npHrame witn bids from slaughterers, flog marketings In ?i iii country continue Jntuf- il . V t. VS "ron" aemanti and prices hcrcforc hold to the celling level. Tint lamb market recently has been about " M''yn Kood to rholce woolrd lambs t,t!t "7" I'nrlbinrt bringing mostly $11.50 with a few choice up to 12. f?MWro,,m,,rket tne WBk ending Orlober 14, Immediate delivery va re quired on almost all sales placed; There sWrt'm.ah'rrr,Wlng. "ency tV the part of aome buyers to purchase sample bags nrHn-"i' offeHnK. " order to make SmrnftriIfr0Url,,f tWii bC,0re mBk,n Average French staple fine territory wool, shrinking 64 per cent, aold at a p.' " ' 41-7 cents, while grl led sow CitthlnB-W00U inking Ofl pe? cent, "old at a grease pr Ice of 30.4 cents NFW YORK. Oct. If) IAP Rails and I specialties attracted modest bids in to. : day's stock niaikvl while many Isader tumbled inoUcrutely over light profit cashing. Closing Quotations: American Can nil Am Car A Fdy M Am Tel k To! lttl'k Anaconda 21 ' Calif Packing 27 Cat Tractor 4111s Commonwealth & Sou , I Curtis-Wright (I General Klcclrlc , Ueneral Motors .. HI'i Ot Nor Ity pfd -HP, Illinois Central , 17 Inl Harvester 71) Kennecalt .LUi Lockheed an, Long Ue-11 "A" - 12' Monigomery Ward 92 Nash-Kelv n' N Y Central m, Northern Pacific Irt'- Pac Gas t El Xl' t Packard Motor ft', Penna It It :uia Mepublic Steel in, Itlrhfletd Oil 0 Safeway Mores 531, Sears Koctmck . inr4 Southern Pacific :i2'. Standard Urands 2iHj Sunfhlne Mining tc, TrAn-America n- tinlon Oil Calif trr. Union Pacific urn1, W S Steel m I Warner Pictures 14 Potatoes 1 (IIMAIUNS UK, rimi.H'ATION im vine ruu'i'iT iDiuii' or 'iiik STA'l'K CI,' UIIMIdN IN ANI1 IOI1 ,',iiin1v lit- KI.AMAII .niiNl'V OK KLAMATH, IAT Or OI1KUON, pulJllo C0"""""'iV,,m v.. EAIII. (' 1'OWKIiS mill JANK DO vuw-n. nn M; loi.a uHiM.01.1. ami JAMKN II. IIIIIHCOI.L. hl llll. Imiul' Ii. O I'AltKKIt. 11 II1HI null. KVhai I I M. IIM.li nmiw i,r.i..,. hi. ttlfr l.l.OVIl 1IKI.I. KIHl OOHIli 1 1.1. uilr: IIKIINU'K IIKI. COM MKHl'IAI. HNAN1K I'OIII'OIIA TIUN. I'm 11,11 ilti'. rni'M' oi..i..n ... TI11NAL HANK OC I'OII I LANII. OIK. .,.,. . ...It.nial IlllllklllM I'llllllll'Hlllin ii,..r.r in Urn AMit-tli'Hn Nallimitl ll.nk ol klN'iiMlh KH.. Orvtfun. a i...ih liunkiiiu ruiiiiiiaUnii: I'llfhl' NATIONAL HANK Ol' I'OIITLANI). OHKliON. a llnUunal li.ilkllltf I'lilliiiia 11,111, .ui'iroui In Ilia rillhT NAITON. Al. HANK or KLAMATH KAI.I.K, Olir.UON. a nnllailrtl liallklna rntiMH- II, in: MAIIOKHV K. HALIHIUNIY anil JOHN nor. HAI.INIIIIMV. Imr lnultamll 'rill r i:ol.LINH anil JANK 1IOK OH.I. INN. III. will! WILLIAM HAH IIISON LYTI.K ami JANK IIOK LYTLK. III. ivllr; J. J. M'KIUKII. a .main mail; THKIION J. KANSDN ami JANK IIOK KASMIN, III. ivllr: II. J. l-UrKKIT aml I.KI'A IMIl'KK I I'. Ilia ll: JAMK.S lll.AIM ami JANK IIOK 111. AIM. III. wilt. KWAI'NA HOX I'OMHAN Y. a I'm i..i.illiim liKO W HOYINUTON anil JANK IIOK HOYINUTON, III. wlla, f. M IIOYINOION ami JANK IIOi HOYINIi I'ON, III. llr: J. K IIOY INIirON ami JANK IIOK IIOYINd TON, hi. will-: J. II IIOI.T.KIIMAN ..l JANK IIOK IIOI.T.KIIMAN. HI. Wlfr: NOIITHWKNTKIIN NATIONAL HANK ANI1 THlLVr lOMI'ANY or MINNKAI'OI.IH. a i-ul'liiiialliilli MAMIK WKI.TY ami JOHN IIOK WKI.TY, liar lili.liaml. WILLIAM I' KENNKY ami JANK IIOK KKNNKY. 111. !(. IIIIIIOI.I'II WINTKII anil JANK IIOK WINTT.H. III. wile; MAK C. MAHON ami IH'IUIK W, MASON, liar lill.liallil. IIKIt'l'HA WOMOKN. whlnw III W H. W.ildcn. ilr.'ca.c.l. IIOHKHT WOIIIIKN ami UOIIIIIK WOIIIIKN, hi. wile: I'AIH. HOOAIlDUa ami JANK IIOK HOCAItlll'S, In. WIIJ WHKI.LKH OLM.STKAI) COMPANY, a V":I'",',V linn: W J. IIOIIIIKI T ami (iKNKVA II HOIIIIKLT. III. Tti II W. lil.All ITNCII ami JANK IIOK (ILADITUCH. III. lf: MAIIY O (IINSHAITI. a u...l WIMNI KV ItriY CINHHAfll ami JANK IIOK fllNHIIACIL hi. wll.i .iVrt a ""l ...d 'n!''"' J AS II. 10IIAN ami (ifHITC ' cuurl will liiT.ii. I. ,..i,.u i.i. ..,(- JOHN YA III and tvu" wl" """ ..III. ua .!" iank rinK VAIIK. hi. wlla; ALIt'lA tlMCKf,V VAIIH I'NOr.LMAN anil JOHN !OK M , Adiail VNIIKI MAN. h.r hil.lian.l: KPNA " " N' " Nn. m"-1! , ..... HlllW IlllM II A HT. I INCi.S. har hli.liaml; WILLIS J. WALK. Kit ami Al.MA 11. vrti.M.n. ni. fii.. ,:iia,.v 11 It O V K Y. a wltlnw: t HAItLtS 0. IIOVEY ami rLOIIKNt K Sar'r"."'.,,: ni'iil In lull at Hi, , "fwC.I ninliai t I. n,,t, " "m. J J i.i,.. iT,:.... -ii,irj HlltrU will, l,,. .V,:"""".' 7?S liui'aiiuii .1111111,1 i, ."'I'lfiM.,:''! '""Vf. IN ki r." I iilllarwl.a atillnu i,,, '""'.Ik. lr, l( Ilia n ,,;.; . ,,,1 l,y .ruui-rn i ,. iir, in.l Ii, lilaiillral I1I1I ra. fill hlihu ltrM Ilia ha.l. i,r (., .' ! iu...l Ilia war pr..,,.,,, .";,". ', J Ilia uhjainvn. l, lM U.;l i,i. 111a (la hi 1, 1... .- "i . walva lat-liiili al ...,;.,I, Ir, (l.rnirlll " ina iimiiar fur lh. ." ' hlil In nlli.r ll,. ,. i,,, I,.,-....,,. ,.., ,:h""ifci J. iq.it 11 m.i ,','' vl.l. a r.iiili,,,,,,, , ; " M.J Ini'al l.ulu.l.y , !'" "I lnallail.Q ur lha , ",,u, 5,1 lianil.lil up,,,, .,.,, , .7" ."'"' ' tl.i. ,:.r.'l Nnll... I ,AI' amoi flla r Hn.l ., , ,,,'" f I ailiiiliil.lralnr nf ir,. 1 nira. ne..a.ati .,. ,h.-';tt, l rriill l , , , i Klamalh C.,ui,l. h." m.a " ih ' hiii n;?"i ami lha c.ni.u.,, ,"'?" rmit thmipa al KI. ..,.. ! .. cwl I 1,1.,.. ..."'-T lima ny iar.iiti ni.v t,,.,,nl . "r.'.'j".'""1 i-'i".'!!; firiKiaiiaiil. (cr S&-.il Of Q.I HAMILTON, a widow, VEItNON K. "?,)' ' trnn I'ltCKK-rr and I I.W1NA PUCKK1T. his " m M lr vw.rh,,, , J wlfff. J, It. SHAW ., -HI t-KCIIJA iJ;Xl-JJ m! state or oiictjon- AUo all othor pruns. parlies, linnt or corpnratumi clnlmin any dghl. tlllv. eatale, l wit or mieiw"! im i w real pmiwriy (incniwu in plaint herein, or any pari mtrmii nil the unknown neiri ui liaraln Ifndtili rn rpl C. Power: Jane Iw Povn his wife: llernlre Hell; Margery K Halu- bury, John I)o fUliiltury. hr ntin thin 1 14 4. Ad1n..r.BrWl OriO-JilN 2 a Nu, joti rraipil parties inai may ini ilgiwd. drtiini.ir.iT.V '. ' Oswald M Hrrt.tr. tUt, ?l in i no t.ireult t'tmri ni .Jl Orvsim fur Ki.n Arnninl of hi. . ,1, ' state, and that lh fmiM luTi, Ted E llntlmt. Jane ! Collins hi. 0flolir Jfllh 131 wife; William Harrison Lyll. Jane U- oelk a m V. ! Lytle, his wlfs. Tltrron J. Kassun. Jane Cmtrirooni of' .I'd Ukj Ka..on. his wife; I) J. IMckett. tof ln, h. vaiea soniemlMi ii .. A'lnilnltir.inr of a, J CHICAGO, Oct. 19 (AP-WFAt Pota toes: arrivals 93; on Irack 203, lulal U. S. shloments A.17: sunnlira nuulfrai,,' for best Quality, demand ni(Mlrrnt. iiur. ket firm with western stocks selling at ceilings: Idaho Mussel Uurbank U. a. No. 1, $.1.1(1-3.30; Colorado Hcd McClures. u. a. no. i, .i.ltj-j.h, neuraska llllts Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, Minnciot and North Dakota miss Triumphs: rom mcrclal unwashed $2 M-2 03. vommercul wasnea 2.ao-a.33, Cobbler U, S. No, 1 I2.45-X30, commercials $2.33-2.45. LIVESTOCK CHICAOO. Oct. in iai'.utai-ii,' able hos- wm: total iMm. m-iivi. r,,nv steady; complete clearance early; kmm! and choice 130-2-10 lbs. $14 73; weights over 240 lbs, and good and chnlre sows $14.00; few medium to clinic, rm.un Salable cattle 4500; total flWO; salable calves 000; total Inoo, slaughter steers and yearllnes itcjiriv in -.it-..., and medium grades slow; other killing classes generally steady, moderately active on canncrs and cutter cows and common heifers; top steers $1S00: twit heifers $10 23; bulls steady, stock caitli With WelBht fair It, ,- K calves very slow at $1.1.00 down; prac tical top veal calves $1330; weight Slaughter Calves $0 30-12 00. Salable aheco XVxir total r.-uv. . eralely active, slaughter clattes mostly aleady to strong, feeding lambs active. llY,Z. V,e', "Ii bul" d ' choice n!,1.v.imb, '.WH.4U. mostly $14 00 14.23; three loads good and choice H7-lb. 2 -V" m to crrlng a small medium end $14 25 straight; three loads mixed i V - ; ft,on,n wes with No. 1 and fall shorn pelts $0.00, ivo VH niini fi.JV-J.W, t-niun; saiatJ lo and Inlal 9 in. .i ,. market active, steady; common-mrdlum $12.30; light steer down to $11 V; com iii in. nrirers $fl.00.lo,50; frw hlllv n l 5""eP ""WS $4,30 0 23; shelly cows $4.00 down: fat il-irv cows in i7.5ii. ma.,!... .. ; !lnw.lnn. .;.",,;'"',', ",H',, '",ri r"w t in' Z. Z common nulls $ to. Hogs: alnbtn mn,i Ui.i n.w.. 73: few tunn- i,i ,,. ..'" - Pigs $14 2.1. ' in. iccder Sheep; salable and total 150- mirL-i common grades downward lo 17 nrt' iSL $0.00. "" gooa yearlings th tin, i DiKt Kas.on. his wife; I). J. rucaett. - lh. M Piirkrtt. hit w re: lieo. w. un) ins-i -, Kt ' ii ton. Jane IMwt lloyington. ma win: v.. ri lloylnglim. Jane Doc Ituylnglon. his wife. k iinviii'ion jna un io insrn. i his wife; J, I), Hnllrman. Jane I lloltetiuan. his wife; Northwestern na tinrml lldiik A- Truit Conmsnv uf Mln neaiiolli' Msnue Welly. John Doe Wlly. her hiuband; William P. Konney. Jane IhM Kennev. tils wife: MudolPh Wlnlar. J iitr Do winter, his wiiv i-aui no- ardut. Jane tH) llotfardus. his wife: IVhrelor.olitnlesd rnitioany. a rornora- 1 tlno: Jane line lilanlUrh, Wile Of II. V, Gladltarh: Mary O. (iinsbsrh: Kmly rtoy tilmbach. Jane Doe (Hnsttarh. hi w le: Jas. II. Ltorsn. (ieriie u. lioran. nit wife; John Yahr, Jane Doe Yahr, his I Alicia Yahr Undslmau. Jnhn noe War Prlra inrf tt.tu... Main aire I. Olflce (vmri a, in. to 4 30 it m . m.,.,Zl . J" Hm. rhone'Vui for sj AH ppllcattnns mut U Mi L'ndclman. her husband; rdn'a Hastings, Main street, and MOT jonn ue jistiings. ner niuuaiui. voiins liovey; Charles o'. Hovey; Florenc 50 through .TJ valid Itidtlimt!? Hovey; Detroit Trul Company, a cor- '"fh. ttugar ilimp 40 tt porniinn; aiso ail otntr persons, panics, firms or eortinratlnns claiming any right, title, etlale. Hen or Interest in or lo the real property described in the complaint herein, or any part thereof; also ail tho u n known heirs of any deceased parlies thai may Ixt no rued herein. Defendants. I Inilef litllel v IN TltK NAMR or THE STATE OF I MEAT, IIUTTFU. CIICMt. Feb. M. 10 1.1 for A iwv.a. l njng only. For more csnaiai R I Ply local hoard tnlng ttxtt ik PHOCCSSKD FOODS HLUK HTAMl'J.-r.tiM k-i through 7A and A3 ihrsin ui OltKCON: You and each of you are here- UK l STAMI'H and rsima bul complaint filed a ho lint you In Ihe alnwe. I definitely. Nn.,. .i.mt. it . entitled suit on or before the rtth day of points lamb through Oclo)trX FUEL OIL-.P.riArf s i new DrltMl 1 emin. k.iii tM maud .n. ju.-j HTOVCH-ilutionlng of red aiovaa rnds Oriotwr 1J. ajk steadv: hn... . " Ofnerally grass steers 115 nn J "d cow. .0.00.11)1X1. ennnar. .S .." common 3.1 ihs. tisrSt w' Pfleh rMha. r.1." iiioi-d WHEAT-1 some of their enrlw t.. y I" lle la.n';r!,l10"e, were r.d Vl.J "J?-. fnmmoillly a.rlian. HonlHrad i. li P'loin clora. neon,,,., a, n 10 7C nwnr wer i, " . .. -r"1" n- "-V Tlnrlev tol'TZU ."'P.T?1' hnnged lilP.i.1 December $1.03. VITAL STATISTICS n iLIM-.Bwn t Klamalh Vallav hn.. 14 u r"""' Ore.. Orloher it ".id," 'i'" 4.n' nee." WelBhl! ' Pound. 19 ounce,. tiAyizzA-rinrn SnSS" Io m j ' classified rum On flaw u- day mn l day run 4 day run day run Week run Month run of Ihe time allowed under the order fori II, Each coupon Worth 4ft!, pubhralton of this summons; and If you pons not valid unless enearwT in Hiiiiror nn fniwri, lor wan l - - rjniiiwina .. . thereof the plaintiff will apply to the fnu nol g court for the relief prayed for In Its cover of hook That you and earh of you be re quired to set forth the nature nf any rlalms adverse to the plaintiff In the following described real properly situ nn in rviainaiii i.ouniy. Oregon, m-wit; o"r,'. nr.'iNWVs Section 4, T. 3A 8 II .1 F., W. M. 8W'(SK',t Section 1, T. 37 8 . ft, T IE W. M. All Fractlnnsl flee lion T, T. IT I.. W',NF.7. F',NW'V W",SF'- Section ii. i. .1 a., it. 7 r... w. m. NWi.NK'... S',NK, Section 14, T. w a., n. i r... w, ai. Fraction N'.N'j. lets II 3 acres rie scribed as Iwginnlng at Ihe SE corner or the NN' See Hon HI, T. 37 S.. n. 7 r.., W. M.: thence north a long ine rest line of the N'tN's said section 370'; thenee west 4t7': thence smith 570': thence east 407 to the place nf beginning, In Section in. t. :i7 s . ii 7 r. . w, M. Frarllnn NK'.a. NENW. rWt'NW''. HE'.NW'.. Fr. N'jS'i, Section 10, T. 157 Si. R. 7 K . W. M. FSNWU Set: lion 34, T. 37 8., R. 1 K.. WKSv'i Seclton 15, T. 37 S.( R, T E n'Nrj,' flection 39, T. 37 8., R. 7 E., Fracllori NEt's Section 30, T, 37 8., H 7 K W M Hr.SK'';,' Section 4. T. 0 8,, n. T x., N',NK'.i. SW'.NKi.,. SKi'.NW'',, N'4 KVfj. KK',8W',. SW'.SKl, Section i. in n., ii. i r... w. M. AU. ii .1 .11 . Juki r. tin, Iftod roml I mill. . K. li.r. 3a to. JIM. P-Oli C.I nd It S0 Dl.entlnt mr P.vmnl a 9-4 Discount for r-.rmnl e Ad. received hy 1;D0 p, m. rti .arne afternoon In "No. Todire Ad. Mn Info r.aiilar rlauifviH tha tlr.l day. Ad. m.r M coal v., una aia. njr ill iw a. nw IJISI'LAY claialMail lad, m lypel must be tn the rfij brief H imn Now Todir A i ,i Paeil WANTKn TO ntlY Sm.ll accu-! condition not Imrairl.Ql, f cent. I'hone MOfl. "'' Section 3, T. M 8., It. U E., WKM S""n I0' T' m " " 1 RI'INW!',. N'V8Wi'., 8KI,. IWJj Section II, T. M a, n. 11 K.. 'rS7Tilf. """"" T- '""'nnE'jKiSeclion 31, T. 38 8., Nw'MScc'lon' aal T. ,u s n. is r., '"fiNWU. NiJRi, Becllon I, T. 3d 8., That mv ..,,1 .11 .m-i. .1., l . for naujht and that plaintiff he decreed to ha the nwner In Ire .In, pie of .aid real property and that each or you he forever bnrrert and i.ii...j .ertln any claim whal.never In .aid reai JrP rly eilverae lo lha plaintiff, and for i.. . ."rl ln lne court may cem ii.l and oqiillnhle. ..-J J'"""""'" I" "erved upon ynu and ynu Jw puhllcallon thereof In In liam-.i. V ',,'r'"i cirruiaiinn of lha rinh.CS'n' "on. hy order Uul.l ?2 1"""'"' tld R. Vandenhere. nod eiiiared , 'JT'L. n"o,,iW!''C,,,:"''i "Kr,''',r rJ"'illr'" Ihl. ...m. "nfrhnnni,lhT'"',!,'l'V,rh'"-,l'' of November,' 104,. " ,h" 0,h Atlorney for Plaintiff H Court Tin,,.. OJUM..S.; NK''l""'' "",n' LOMT lllllfnM la vlrlnltr Klamath !.ake. OctotMf t N. W .". contalnlnf pmn llrenae. II. P. ratine. ,irmi cala, fa. coupon., elr. M' Jama. N. Wllmarth, So. It calif, WANTED-A couple te r noma and .liaie eainnan drive. Call 4000 after i. IVAMTen Ufn.n.,. rank. m1 a lo a. Apply at Jenny EXPKnlKNCKn PKADYTOW1 flirt, alio want wampum fitter In .Iteration iteixtt""1 LonC. Apparel, 719 Main. WANTED llimaekreper W U.ln.... ttnn,.. hnBfa m week. Apply i Wlnenu H unop. Ufltfrvn .1,1 I...I. hfiUlf. lohher lo handle line. ".'J .- I .Ffl.P"1 inonil.'. wnliiul..' cailiem. J"' hnr.eraril.il. 0 na.-4 nI" .J mia.inn nn.i., reai an"-, ijt an p.,ipi. i:o.. P. ft 1 Cfrant. Pa... Ore.nn. . .lilt HKNT - ,1-n i J,f hou.e. eara.e. awo in"i-- rnit nAf.r....i.heilronm. nrj oil furnace, fin pav and .chinl. Dial ron SALE Lot .1A. aii V nprlnfl Ml. near ua. o-.. n.. v.... .1 itvan. 8err. Blvd.. Sen' rrlfi ... . . iiaine. fr, rwn nn. ....... Geo. II. Llnilley Ac"i 1-E--3 fo.ll l-B-li II Ull f'title iininit k I t-ii home court. Jo r.l 1. Ill I.7J. .out It. m fund Sn mnrV.rt ..,'.'.":.;;. Healed "nd ..Idrced La the ehK Timber." O. and c Arin,,., , .v t-hlof rore.ler. ni.ll.Vlna r'poriT.nd 001 "rtlln ceivcii until a io n '-. !'.""; WIM Noveml ,.i , ',?. " ''"'I'lP War Time. timber upon Ir.cl. herein.?, t11'""""" of each bid m i.l .i.ii'.;'""""' flocrtbed: "1 n.M.. which win h."-."0";1 "" M' "Pecle. 0, d tola S,'J'n!i ,nr will lie paid for ,1' ""'""non which lea. than the an..i'ln!,M,r- hlrt 'nr enn.ld.e7n J"!"!1""' value will he In duplicate "an I 7,2 b" ""bmllled depo.lt in the fnrJ,.."cc"mn,nl',rl bv a l"f.vo,ln,t1.;''crr,,,,dc.,.cl! rnu P.MT- ... Comnlelelv furnished . : Ji.l.lel win'- J tnr $2750, Subsianti"! re nil I red. See Joe l'rr, - . i.,eAV'.H Real Kilat'n '"'"fJ ;t;m b. Main cn. ',r,".;"'',1nV,'MllcM,L YOIINO LADIES. HI toji'ta irannporiniiui, - p(tlcj drawing account " Brf Klan r. a miinl lohei In II nrelli ATll I 'Ml 00 B OO wcoiid enry. ea mr. Hotel, 4 10 II P.