... m. 1M PACE NINE 34 Automotlv 34 Automotlv 34 Automotive Automotlv 34 Automotlv 34 Automotive ' 34 Automotivi NEW MOTORS HERALD AND NEW5, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON ho CHEVROLET0 -John Ashley -- WILL BUY WILL SELL YOUR CAR YOU A CAR SEE ROSE MAirp-mn"'"!'". U Crcv Hoon.i foi ""' ,-,-, -, i-IU Hll trjrt-aeom lor enlliincn. Hi' " ! '"i iniiimwi in Aogrimimi ff,.H"' r r irfrr-J iiom li"nim iri '"' ;l 1 1 oi I StrNT-3'"H"ii robin, parity for K V ...II.. "' PI. I" Mticilliniou for Rnt. FOR RENT Potato Storage cKendree Co. errill, Oregon 1020 IrNT-Tloor inr,f, dfr and Mr removtrti mtchlnea J. K if inn rini a.ort. Phon asit. tun wain. io-aim ic n,oon PANDKits and rtirtr im ynur nu n wot it, Ittmiir Dept. MONTGOMERY WAH) At 10-3 I m tNT-Modern li-ller ante. Call SniUti nth lfl-M Rtil Eitatt for Suit FOR SALE li clean, modern home, i toms, llvinc and dlnlm kitchen and blh. Double and woodshed. Also f station with two com- pumps. Near city on nllllWAV. Pries, ai7ftn flown, balance monthly. fm. Van Duker Box 1028 Phone 857 . 1024 0TATO LAND ,1M Irrigated 1B0 acres In nil. No DuildinRK. 18,000 u Cash. MARION BARNES Olene. Or. 10-26 J0MES FOR SALE fTT DENNIS, REALTOR Phnna Blni lt-lm twu?.""? """wood "'Plici, furnace. Close In. i MB.I,.2,..,,""". ' Cii i .i . 7 ml". eouth of ""Lllkey Rros.. 7014. Itltt SI IS 4 L- . p.i i""1" ,0','; 'r'V";L!,",r.,'"..!)"r. "'" '." hlrk. ""' rnimiy rnsd. I S.ri?,,,,S5h- " "'IMInge. See '...rvs'rt. 't'"' "' '"..'! biua.? ; hlus merchandise l-enmis i -p;r"rulr 'nqulr at LZ. Lookout. CHI. 1010 (In liM ...I "'. ""'Inlshed. null I V..?. or "nno 10.11 4ua mien E...,..,, . r' and in.. " hvln n. Ii ?..""''"'. Clara.e. l.r.. llmrn . i. ,n: I""" lion ' 1300. balance lain. " wn". H. B. Hanger. i'lhway hr ,i,,i'H!,,r" J""'" " J""n.yrh",1n?."ocl"''.?": -i "-. iu-ai fJJrnOMihTT; "M cx, """... iiiw .;!. '.ra 10. is bv.M wtlcio you lassitil!, ,or UMd on for your CHRYSLER CAR Nearly All Models In Stock Plymouth $180.00 Dodge 180.00 DeSoto 220.00 Chrysler 220.00 Dodge Trucks 220.00 Not " Reconditioned or Rebuilt BURNESS MOTORS Cor, S. 6th and Walnut AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING czSSERVICE Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Avo. ODELL MOTOR CO. 10 Hl EaUtu for Sal 'riaaai'WiaiaaalaHKaytiy ALTAMONT CLOSE IN Now vacant, One acre with line soil. Large five-room house with fireplace, floor furnace, and concrete foundation. Good gar den, fruit trccn, lawn, garage, Iruit cellar, extensive chicken hou.ir.i. Going at $3250. Can he financed. NEAR SHASTA WAY .1 bedroom home at 1013 Ava Ion. Has hardwood floors, Vene tian bllndi and li very attrac tively decornted. ROxUSft. lot with excellent noil. Going (or M200, torma. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1001) 111 N. Sill St. Phone 4.') (it FOR SALE A large home on Crescent Ave, near Eait street with full basement, oil furnace and two fireplaces and originally coal 314.000. Can bo had today for $6000. Certainly worth looking into, A newly remodeled home on North Ninth afreet with nine rooma.' New roof and recently painted. A nice home for $0000. A 4-room houae with bath, on Plum atreet within one block of the poatoffice. Good condition and priced at $3800. J. W. SANDERS REAL ESTATE 1213 Main Street Phone 7821 10-18 FOR SALE IDR tcre farm on Klamath river, one mile above Keno. Known a th Charley Nelson place. All level tillable land. Grain, alfalfa and onions. All Irrigat ed. Free water right, 840-acre stock ranch, known as McCollum ranch. 70 acres Irri gated bottom land, 100 acres dry farming, balance hill pas ture land. TOM CALMES Keno, Oregon. 1847-tt FOR SALE CLEAN ThrM-Btdroom Modtm Home, Ready to Move Into Fairview Addition . This House Will Sell. Call 4516 After 5;00 P. M. . 10-18 rem SAI.I-ln aarvlce. Mint nil Income nropart)', l Invallmant nn your money In town. Cloae In main mial naia dlilrkl. Write I OAS, care el Her ald anrl Newa. I0-I 34 Automotlv sr.K MFll. HENRY at Lombard"! H'f'l car Lot. mi s. mh ai. Ton or CASH PBIcr at nnee for your ear. All makee and models for aalo. Il-lam fOlt SAI.l-HM ror nl.U!i aedan. Urea fair, above overate rondltlon. motor neeria HIIII work. Priced to aell quirk at S4IKI. Phon! M7 atler a p. m. flhorly Wealharford. Rlchflelil aervlro aiallon, aih and Klimath be. fore S p, m. 0-ia ton RAM! -IBM Auburn, 4 door ndan. Dual rallon trammliilon. 4 new flral (rada Urea, anilnl newly overhauled, asos. May be aeen t 111 Klamalb or call anu alter a p. m, ta il Phont 414? Wed. did Sat 04 Automotlv For Sole RADIATORS Of All Type's;'. Alao - Will Build Any Type Radialoi You Need BODY and- FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING , KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phon 6842 10-airo .QUICKER And better service for the ropalr Job you need Is hero now, for our mechanics WBble neither lime nor parts. Come where the job you want Is done quicker and without waste, LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed. RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13me Used Gars; Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street End 11-lOm TOP CASH PRICB lor your clean, late model car or equity. See L. St Quam at BURNIM MOTOmi Authorlied DeSolo-Plymouth Parla and Service aoodrlrh Tire Dletrlnutor SIS lo. lb . sesTti rem alk leas rord roaditer. 1M4 Ilmlie pickup, lit. I, Box logs, rbone 4;ujj, 10-1S FOlt 8ALK-3S-ton Inlernallonal track layer John Deero model "D" wheels; tractor, No. 110 Hellion arader, rubber Urea. ood TiiBberi 1 ia-ft. Interna llnnel romblne, a train drills. I a aan( plow. I 4-fan plow. 1 Clipper rannlnf mill.. I raln llivalor. Tom Calmes. Keno, Ore. SS14H MODEL A and B, eo lip.. aj ttp. and ail hp. reeondltloned Ford motors. 103.VHS and 1(140-41 Chevrolet motors. Also other lararr motors suitable for sla- ; tlonary work. Write Box SOSO, Herald and News. -., ie-aj Top OP A CeJUnq Price On Ldie Model Cars USED CAR VALUES HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK SELL NOW ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6lh St. L Bglsiger Motor Co. Main and Esplanade YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARi Balsiger Motor Co. 14 Automotlv We have the following size; in New Truck Tires tor pele: 7.50x20 8.25x20 11.00x22 13.00x24 (Road Builder, 8-ply) FIRESTONE STORES 527 Main Phone 3234 Rationing Certificate Required We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m fOR SAI.C-Ono model T Ford Inline remplete with radiator, water pump and generator. 2450 Orchard way. 10-tS rOR SALT 1B3T V-8 truck with Brown Lip. Phone B348, Elllngson Lbr. Co. 10-ao 35 Fuel Hcattng RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Trompt .Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m SS Mliellanous For Sal fOB ALtlaprlnier spaniel pups, heat Inl elove and electrie frill, SOBS An derson Ave. or call 8134. 10-18 FOR - SALtBeautlful ll-tube cabinet radio. 3434 Radcllffe. 10-18 APPLF.S. Newtowns. apllsenberls. Gold en Orlleys, Delicious and other veri ties. Joe Nary. Fit. 3, Box 403, Med ford, Or., Ph. 6398. 10-30 FOR RALE 100 tons beled hay, 1st cut alfalfe. oats and rye, at Keno. Set tluy Moore at ranch before crosslnf river or call Doua Tuckett, Tulelekc 1104. 3333U LANDSCAPINU - Iverirnna, flowerlnl kntka ri irai Mak vnui Mtr. lion now for fell planllna. l.AKG- siiorti OARDiNa KuaaiRV. Phom 4083. 10-3tro FULLER BRUSHES - Clem layer. 1438 I Hues, Phone 367T. 10.31m 24 HOUK WRECKER SERVICE YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Ur R R NQ 36 MicIlanous For Sal Restaurant Equipment For Sab Complete set of prewar restau rant dishes, all high-glazed china. Steam table with 4 pots. $70.00 worth of new silverware (used only one week). One 3-gal. coffee urn. ALL ABOVE ARTICLES LIKE NEW Over $200.00 worth of equip ment for $140.00 CASH. Myers Cash Store Main St.,' Weed, Calif. P. O. Box 607 Phone 370 10-lfl Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Seoley Bros. Phon 7709 1173-tf OIVF. HIM A BURGESS VIBRO TOOt F. R. Hauler. Open all dey Seturday. SIS Market. Phone 7331. 10 31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available pans stocked. Used furniture, stoves bousht. OK Second Hend Store. 830 Klamath. Phom 8811. 10-31 m FERTILIZER end GRAY CINDF.RS-Roy Schmeek. Phone 4093. Rt. 3. Box loti. 10.11m FOR SALE Mlsrelleneous reatauranl equipment. Jean'a Place, Tulelekc. 10-1B FOR SALE-One 33 rppeellni rllle with ecope. one 30 autometlc rifle, one pair field glesses. one pelr binoculars. Rhells for ebov rifles. Flxit Shop. 144 Klamath. 343311 DttPONT'fl OREEN AND RF.D SHINGLE RTA1N. F, R. Hauler, Open All Day Saturday. 81S Market Phone 1331. 10-34 FOR SALE One circuteting heater. taxes 2" woon; ooe woon ranae; one eleclrlo stove, new; two stock saddle.,; used pipe. 1 to 3-Inch; a used sbellow well pumps; one 11 h. p. Ello outboard motor: new pumps and motors. Southern Oregon Well Drilling Co., 630 S. 8th. phone 8U3, FOR SALE-38 Smith and Wesson. Thnne 6490. 10-18 A Few of Man Good Models on Hand 1940 Special Buick Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan, Fluid Drive 1938 Packard 5 Pass. Club Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Sedan Phone 4113 3E Mitcoilanoout For Sal AUCTION Sunday, Oct. 22, at One o'clock, at ' 126 North Third St. FURNITURE and MISC. ARTICLES Circulating heater, like new for wood or coal; occasional chair: child s crib, complete, l -rge size; child's chair, dresser. Poor lamp, tncyclo, end table. ileel cot, several ruRs. ciuilts. blankets, pillows, some good '.'lothing, dishes, pictures, cur tains, lawnmower, garden tools aim many oilier articles. SVEHKE MUNSON, Owner COL. SWIGART. Auctioneer TRASH BURNERS Vood and Cool Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE ' All-whilo porcelain circulating lypc trash burners with cook top. especially priced. S57.50. All-while porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating healers priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break Ho Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 5105 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. 9-30m FOH SALE Priced to close out: Warm morning coal stovei. No ration cer tificate reoulred. Fred H. Heilbronner. 631 Soring St. 10-1B FOR SALF.-l.arge sire Hot Point Electric range. Phone 3817. tf3430 ALL TYPES ol small gas emlnes re paired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 3.11 E. Main. Il-I3mc GLASS Mirrors, rcsllvcring. plate, win dow and auto glass, furniture tons, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. .137 Walnut. Phone 7378. ll-4m SEWING MACHINE PAnTS and sup plies. All makes. Phone 6771. 3318 . Shasta Way. 10-31m FOR RALK Drag saw. heavy weight Vaughn, completely equipped including blarie. Price 18.1. In good running order. L. B. Fender. Malin Call after 6 pm. 2000tf FOR SALE-Sleamer trunk. Needs little repair. Bargain. 1405 Worden Ave.. Ph. SiiOJ. tO-l FU1A.KB BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan, 331 So. Riverside 11 -4r. FOR SALE Red Corker Spaniel. 3 years old. E. Goodr. Macdoel. Calif. 10 33 FOR SAI E Prewar pure bristle brushes, four sash tool, four 3-Inch. 321 Spring. No. 4. alter 6:00 p. in. 10-19 FOR SALE Onions. 42 Miaeellineous Wanted We have the following sizes in , New Truck Tires for sale: 7.50x20 8.25x20 11.00x22 13.00x24 Road Builder, 8-ply FIRESTONE" STORES !527 Main . Phone 3234 , Rationing Certificate Required WANTEll-House, furnished or partly furnished. Will pay any. price. Phone MSI. Marine Barracks, evtension 108. dsys. Evenings aula, ask for Cspt. , Ba.ley. iB 10-!B You Will Never Go Wrong When You Come Here for a Used Car. 1939 BUICK 4-DOOR SPECIAL SEDAN Radio; original finish like new; very clean inside. 1939 MERCURY SEDAN New scat covers, heater, good rubber, very clean motor. 1940 DE SOTO 7-PASSENGER SEDAN Radio and heolcr, very gocd motor, rubber to lost for the duration. Our Reconditioning Service Takes the Gamble out of Used Car Buying ROSE MOTOR CO. PDMTIAr 4111 & Klainafh rKAr PUNIIAl. phone 8164 CMC , USED CAR: LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 42 Misrlnnonut Wnnted We have the following sizes in New Truck Tires for sale: 7.50x20 8.25x20 1 1 .00x22 13.00x24 (Road Builder, 8-ply) FIRESTONE STORES 527 Main Phone 3234 Rationing Certificate Required WANT to buy automatic reel. P'.v;nc 6571. 10-10 WILL PAY CASH lor uvcrl Runs firing them in lor anpraivil. BELL'S HARD WARE. 528 Main SI. 10 31m WANTED Tricycle. G-ycar izc. Plionc 6316. . lU'lg WANT TO nENT-Unlurnishcd 3 or 3 bedroom house. lonR rciwrs. U. M. Sterctl Union Station. So. 6th .-ind Main. 10-13 BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Tn REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Opportunity fpr men interested in going into own business to be trained by large organiza tion. Great need for men to in stall and repair refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. Excellent post-war carninff pos sibilities. Training will not in terfere with present job. Me chanically inclined men invited to write for details and FREE 'Qualification Chart Tes t.' Utilities Inst.. Box No. 10, c.-o. Herald and News. SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS II vou have any no-longer used srttcles ol any kind lying around your hrn-e or office then you have a real opportunity to helo the war el fort, io the first Dlace other people actually need these no-longer used ar tlclea. then ton the mnnev voti raise by selling things can be converted into bonds Phone 3134 Classified AO DepL today WANTED TO RENT .2-nedroom furn ished or partly furnished home by two adults, employed In lumber in dustry Call 5146 days, and 8373 aller a p. m. 4.1IB1I PERMANENT resident wishes smell fur nished apt. Excellent references. Phone 3290 and leave address or phone n-.. 10-10 WANTED-Furnished or partly furnished house or apartment Phone 0037 . 41.1 Walnut. Apt. 5. 10 23 WANTED Furnished two-bedroom mod ern house close In: 3 adults; steady renters. Phone 3723. Bell Studio. 10-23 WANTED Experienced kitchen help, and waitresses. Good hours, good sal ary. Apply In person. Klamath R l- uaros. 10-21 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 3076 after 6pm 327311 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R Mann. 130 N 7th. Phone 4318 or 7173. 10 20m WANT TO BUY Doccn or dorn and half colored pullets. Phone 8078 alter 6:30 p. m. 23 151 1 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run ners. Call 3124. I 314MI WANTED TO RFNT-t or 3 room mod ern home, either tinturnlshrd or partly furnished by responsible middle j'ged rntiple. no children. Phone 337:t or S44I. 192BII WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR P1ANO Loula R Mann. 120 N. 7lh. Phcne WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkers and rabbits. TRULOVKS MARKET 91B East Main. Phone 4282. tl-4m HIGHEST PRICES paid lor nog, veal, lambs and callle. Johnson Packing Co Phone 3333. nights 3303. 10 31m WANTED - Live poultry nt all kinds Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3313. 10-31m WANTED - IOO head young Hereford cows. Notify Box 1090 Herald-Neivi. 1031 FOR SALE OR TRADE For cows or heifers. 1 grey mare, 7 years old. 1600 lbs., 1 yearling colt, 1 two-way hone plow. 18 In., like new. Route 1. Box 638P across from lOOF Merrill ceme tery. 10-21 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 10 bred ewes and 3 biKlis. Keno. Ore.. Box 97. 10-10 FOR SALE One children's saddle pony 1 will trade. 3633 Blsbee, phone .v-!l 10-18 TOR SALE'.Good 3-compsrtment. self cleaning hutch with 3 does, 1 hu-t:. .1337 Alamont drive. 1019 If it's a "troten" article you need ad vertlsa tor a used one in the classlfitd. 44 Livestock and Poultry VOW SALE-2 Hereford bulls about 18 nio. old. 1 reentered. 1 purebred with out puocra. Call 7008 or I'i ml. past Wcychacuser Junction on the ra ranch. 10-19 WANTKD Dead and worthless animals. Phone n:V, collect to-la Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett ' at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On ' - Automobiles - Furniture Liveslock Salary. Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO v";;, FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co." Klamath's Oldest M-275 s-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 10-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy r Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home see Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 10-31m We have the following sizes in New Truck Tires for sale: 7.50x20 8.25x20 11.00x22 13.00x24 . (Road Builder, 8-ply) - FIRESTONE STORES' 527 Main ; Phone 3234 Rationing Certificate ' Required