PACE EIGHT Out Our Way WHY, tHAT'S A h BULLET WUUNW Sl Tmo OF THPSA . WHY, STIFFY, I NEVER KMEW Yc7L HAu THOSE AHENA-Uri-AHEM-A-A-YOU'VE nccki IM OMF-UH- SHOOIIM SCKAKfcSs, I-UH-I-JUPOfc. I '"" r THE MYSTERY MAM Red Ryder TMUtftiERATIOrV SHE THAT INDIAN ND mt RIPER. WASN'T NE Freckles and His Friends Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies LO0'. TWVW VOOVt Alley Oop Little Orphan Annie " I , " -J? -rT'wr (vrALi t f Pop SAve MeT Beacf -Bur when it came DOwioifSjfijIj ( THAT PUBLICITY STUNT WAS, C iF lmj A TEERIRC V3URSELF. IT KNOCKED US FOR A rWWn ! CEKTAIMLY A DILLY. PAL ' I tgjg US fKWW : GfflMSOVeR. MWT6ALL.' LOOP LOOK J GOT MV NAME OMTHE fBOW Jlcffe ' HrST, BUT! GUESS OUR. SKy- ' 3W?rV fiSi-jdnr i l 5 r FELIPE'5 OFTEN TOLO ME OF THE MV PEOPLE AND I. f SER6EANT UMK TELLS ME WU'VE Y I'VEPONB AMERICAN OFFICER WHO HELPED HIS WILL NEVER F0R6ET JL J BEEN A BIS HELP TO HIM, FELLAiy WHAT! CflULP, rtTfT -IV WELL, THE JEEP LOOKS I JfWfiV JL--J" " '"'"'"'W i'M H0PN5 THE TOUGH PART C" TtiJFA I BrLL RIGHT NOW, IF THOSC SiiTiMllsi X 4iT IS OVER --AND TM SERVIN& Ali f 6IMLET-EYED 600N9 Jrl,ABiS ?Zjf NTC6 I'LL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE I .glgrfJ HAVEN'T JIMMIED THE A&Tl?nr, I I 1 JlA r-. A FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO ANY- 1 imjd5. WORKS. E2ION-6EBER IS k31VPfASE J)l .1 1 V- .Ss. ONE WHO GETS IM MV WAY JfC :K& TO GET RlD OP A L tfJTl r BUT PETC MUST 60 "M f By J. I'P SOOMER LIVE TO SEE THIS THAM TH' SHOOTIKJ'.' IT TOOK A SECOWP EP TWO TO El IMP THPIvt IMTO STIFFY WOM'T TALK IF HE WAS A STIFFY, AW WES BEIN- HERO AM' A 3EUTLEtvAN, nil TAKE TEM YEARS WWM'T IF IT WAS EUST- PER HIM TO PUMP LIW ANYTHING ASOUT EM OUT OF OL' SI IFFY.' - .; - . VOR TWO CtKiVb HSOt 1 II V0HftT6 SO ?OKV ? 1 LLm jf i Vi TVW MOV "WN. voo I ' J WwJA 60 AHtftO! rT' 1 r R. Willlami Our Boarding 1 REVERSE WHEN l. c5iwir i THERE PDlNime AT MS ounpis ivliTU TUfcT .44- CALlBER CATTLE i Stakt op A. SPRINT O-IB P RECKON IKON I'D &ETTER Irt TOUCH WITH ER. LATER.'. J GET HBF4 NOW TUCU MV Mrnu YOUftH WORK IS WAT DCUIklf ... I Ml.iNnl CLEftNING! dusting ! DIRTT DISHES tVtKTWHbRE! HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Homo GEAR, MOO CUltAPS IT'S HARD TO BELIEVJS rUKfcu ivvi oci-m tup mpkiFP. WE'D DRAVJ VMM THE OLD BOY, A BEA.D OO iOU WrAOUT 6ELLOVJIW& FlR'iT-'BOT SPRIER.' ANOi THAT COLD 6VMEWT ONJ SOUR ASLEEP.' IC D CkTV n& 1 3 6, 10-IP By Fred Harmon By Blosser By Leslie Turner THOSE LITTLE THINGS YOU LEARNED ABOUT TH JAPS WHILE PRETENOIUiS TO SWALLOW THEIR"A5IA FOR TH' ASIATICS" TRIPE, HAi HtLf KU US CON kSIDER BLY, SON! 1 By Martin By V. T. Hamlin By Harold Gray .4E-5 AOU &E SAD-SORRl out JCvMjJy Y WORK IS ft GREW NKM.AH! 1 KEEP BUSY, ftND SOON y M3ULL FOHGET ALL ABOUT Wk I J J THAT OLD DOG- Ji.; With Major HooK MrWilUG SNAOKB WITH -rue , UMP- MUGS COLES FUSHT, l PROOF'.' Captain Charged With $1,000,000 Fraud In Contracts NEW YORK. Oct. 18 P) Copt. Joseph Gould, 48-year-old former manager of jnmcs J. Braddock, ox-heavyweight box ing champion, will face court martial proceedings pruunuiy within two weeks on charges, of r-... itivrnivinff more than $1,000,000 In army contracts. the New x orK pori 01 cmuuin otion announces. Army officials said Gould has been under detention since Sep tember 27 at Camp Shanks, N. Y. Braddock, also a captain at the port of embarkation, is not involved, the army said. LEGAL NOTICES undrnltined has been duly appointed admlni.lrator- i t h-t h -W annexwl reased. by the Circuit Court of the State oi ureion. mr -7"'; ty. and all penona having clan agalmt laid citate are hereby notified to preent umi to aald admlntBtra tor at hla office In the rirat Federal savings ana uonn City of Klnmath Falli. Orenon. with in nix months from the date of thii notice. DATED: septemoer 21. Paul TarrenB. AdmtnUtrator-wlth-the-Will-annexed of the EUlo of Jamea H. Kaln, S. 27; O. 4-11-18-25 No. IM. KIT MM ON 8 " ' EQUITY NO. 11 M ' IN TUT. CIRCUIT COURT OT T1IT STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY EDITH M. TURNAOE, Plaintiff v, JOHN H. TURNAGE. Defendant To John R. Turnage, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OT OREGON, GREETING: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed ajfainat you In the above-entitled ult on or before the first day of No vember. 1044. and if you fall to so ap pear and answer, for want thereof plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For n divorce from you on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment: for court costi and attorney's fees, and for I.IO.00 per month alimony. This summona Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above-entitled court, said order being dated the 3rd day of October, 1044, and by publication thereof for the period of four successive weeks, the date of the first publication being October 4. 1044. and the date of tha last publication being October 29, 1044. FRED O. SMALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, Suite 1. Melhase Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon 0.4, No. 102 1 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned. John E. Gentry and Velma Mitchell, executors of the estate of J. Etna Gentry, deceased, have filed their Final Account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and Monday, November 20, 1044, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M in the circuit court room of said Court, In the Court House at Klamath Falls. Oregon, has been set for hearing objections there to and to the settlement thereof. JOHN E. GENTRY VELMA MITCHELL Executors of the Estate of J. Etna Gentry, deceased. O. IB-XI: N, 1-B-No. 204. Ration Calandar War Price and Rationing Board, 430 Main street. Office hours dally. 0:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.i Saturday, 0:30 a, m. to 2 p. m. Phono 8181 .for all Informa tion. All applications must be MAILED in to the War Price and Rationing Board at 430 Main street, and NOT presented In person SUGAR Ration book 4 Sugar stamps 30 through 33 valid indefinitely, 0 pounds each. Sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 28. 104.1 for 5 pounds home can ning only. For more canning sugar, ap ply local hoard using spare stamp 37. PROCESSED FOODS- BLUE STAMPS-ratlon hook 4Ab inrougn i6 ana ao through rs valid Indefinitely, MEAT. BUTTER. CHEEflE RED STAMPS - ration book 4-A8 through Z8 and AS through K6 good In definitely. Spare stamp 25 good for 10 points lamb through October 21. GASOLINE "A" 13 expires December 11. iwcn coupon worm. 4 gallons, cou pons not valid unless endorsed. "B' or - cwupons may ne renewed within, but not before 15 days from date on pnvip nf tinnk FUEL OIL Period 4-5 coupons and new period 1 coupons valid through STOVES-IRatlonlng of coal, wood atovca ends October lrV. Apply local board for purchase certificates. SHOES-Book a-Alrplane stamps. 1-2 valid Indefinitely, New stamp valid No vember 1, Loose stamps Invalid, WOOD, COAL, SAWDUST - Delivery by priorities based on written state ment, of needs, PRICE CONTROI-nefer Inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local board RENT CONTROL All rental dwellings must be registered by landlords before November 10. CLASSIFIED RATES -.per word 4c 2 day run 3 liny run 4 day run a day run Week run per wora bc per word 11c per word 13c per word 14c per wora 13c VS.- " oer word 45c ao? D'8C0Urit or Payment In Advance 5 Discount for Payment ny loth cimvcu uj p. m. win appear same afternoon In "New Today" column. Ads go into regular classification after ti1n1"r,t.'!iV'a. Ad" mn Mnetlltd. by calling 3124 by 10:00 a. rn. - DISPLAY 01 sb uried tads with larger jpei must be in the day before public a- '''i mm mmm amm "TT... H.ln Wantad. Mai Halp Wanted iZN Naw Today I J".nwww"jf''ww" "' ' " " I ' 1 . . . .-A haln con -''"v, .. en im or r.lm to M14 M.rU..d Aw. WANTKI) -. '".rr."i Motor..' U.l.-PI '"''',; ron nlNT-On.-roon rhonj KOIt MAI. .. ' ' In Rori. Klv.r V.ll.y. Md'0,tl' , .lock or t.lry ranch. 1-' home. lari. I"i In im'J "I 'J Adludlraud I"' wal.r rlf ht lor , "" bollonl lanu now in 10 .cr.i In clov.r with p.ld up wal.r . . ., .... ....... fnrl nam. iniimno " " ,". , .l . lor oatturo. l.ocai.ii on i-.r. hlihiay 10 mil.. Irom M.dlord. Trie. 111.000. A , Many oin.r luiinc o' '"" h.n tllliU l.nd In Jarkion nrii Suolh rront HI.. Mro- '"d! Or.. . rOR SALK-Ou. Hoy.l Crown boW. cool.r. Morll Waihln M.i'hln. hr vlco. fill So. Illh. 11,30 rOR SALE -S.rond-hand burlap l"1'"!" acka. 3(50 rOR SALIP.dlr.d Cockyr Kp."1'1 puppl... Taklua ord.r. lor ihrlii- ... ..nn.. lO.-ka lilnlllltt. KO (IVtt. orekn-i.ea' COCKKHN. ll Houlh nivarmiil. M.dlord. Orv.oo. lu-o rOR SALE -Beautiful blue velour ilaven port and chair; Estate Iteatrola. 34-lnch wood. PrewlH'a Trading PosT 2244 So. th. l0 3a DINETTE SET MJ.00; slitdlo couch and chair to match, spring roiisiruetltm. 103 00: poster bed complete wn springs, newly renovated mattress 1-; T washing machine 38.00. Phin Mil. 1844 Ivory St. HM3 FOR SALE-1 new Monarch wood range. Merit Washing Machine Service oil So. th. 1- FOR SALE Car radio, 20.00. 20 Lin coln, Apt. a, row SALE-One new Monarch kltrhtn incinerator, Merit Washing Machine Service, ail So. th. 10-20 WANTED TO BUY -.GILLETTE ELEC TRIC RAZOR. PHONE 5316. I0-3O FOR SALE -Sorrel mare. 3 year old. weight 1000 I be., partly broken. HU.oo. Call after S p. m., 0433 Simmers Ave. 10-20 WANT TO TRADE-Underwood portable IvtMwrller for 12-iaUie shotgun. U23 Division. H20 LOST-" A" gas ration book. Left In car on 6th street by Federal nidg Please return.. Charlotte Anderson, 6323 Sim mers Ave. HM SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - Have mo dern equipment. Call 3230, Ed r. King. 1 "-17 AVON PRODUCTS Mrs. Pearl Ross. Phone 6144. ll-14m HEMSTITCHING AND ALTERATIONS Needlecraft Shop, 1132 Main Phone 4703, 11-1 3m WANTED Maids, experienced or in experienced, steady . work. Apply Wins me Hotel. 3036tf WANTED Night Janitor to do Janitor work and take care of furnace. Ex perienced or Inexperienced. Wins ma Hotel. MUtf BELLBOYS wanted, experienced or In experienced, Apply Winema Hotel. 3820tf WANTED Service couple to share house with same. 311 Division. Please call after 6 p. m. 10-24 MUST LEAVE for California and will sell home on Portland street for $2030. Reasonable down payment. Immediate possession. , See Joe Perry with F. L. WEAVER steal Estate and Insurance 338 E. Main Phone 8764 1018 rOR SALE -4 -room home, 3 acres of good land. 2 acres In young alfalfa. Price $3000, Some terms, 1 block from bus off Summers lane, 43W Bartlett Ave. 10-20 YOU WILL LIKE THIS MODERN riVE ROOM HOME, located on Wlard St. Has half acre of good toll, basement pipe furnace, shade trees, garden and lawn. All very clean. Possession by November 13th, 81230 down, balance 833.78 a month 0 Call JOHN McFEE Phone 4321 116 No. 7th 8t 10-18 FOR SALE -Business building, 2 store rooms with a-room newly decorated apartment. Downtown, Uood Income. Terms, 432 Commercial, 10-24 FOR SALE -10.18 Ford sedan, excellent tires, excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 3342. 10-21 FOR SALE 1032 B 11 lex sedan. New plugs, fair tires. Huns. As Is for quicx sate Si 00 casn. Westmoreland Pastega's Store, Pelican City, Phone JOW. 10-18 rOR SALE -Slightly used bed davano, Call 6166. 10-20 FOR SALE -Lawn swing, bird cage and men 1 wooi suiis ana topcoat, size 38. Phone 6237. 10-20 rOR SALE -Truck . rear end. Model A worm gear. 810.00; ROO-chlcken oil brooder and pipe, 810.00; 11 mos, old Guernsey heifer, 830.00; 6-ytar-old Guernsey cow, double tested, freshen this month fOct.i, 870.00, 4320 Bart- jcii Ave., 1 diock off Summers lane 10-20 FOR SALE-Larae tricycle and amatl bicycle. Phone 8237, 10-20 . . "UU'"B "."cn-nni ana J Itiuen Calculators. 124 S. 0lh -St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. U-tSm PAY CASH 0 MM MOVIE OUTF1T- ' w' " 10-24 1 Maettng Notice. Klamath Falls Aerie No, 2000. Regular meeting every Frl F.6.E. hall, Qlh and Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. if CALLING a special meeting for those who work at Klamath Dehydration plant to approve and famltlarlie them selves with the agreement between employees and company. 422 Main St Wednesday 18th. fl p. m, 10-18 Lost and found nEWARD for . return of "T" gasoline ration hook. Phone 4830. 10-10 aSSKXBXKanB3333S5BBIBaaSSraSBXa4E 4 General Rotten n 'iiiVkWkfVkrVkfVAWiAJ . T-BONE CAFE . Now Open and Operating 24 Hours a Day Under New Ownership and Management STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY c.o.d. 10-27 FALLS ELECTRIC . AND GENERAL REPAIRING Llf ht Plant., Cl.n.ratora, n.rlrlo Motor, n.wound and Rapalr.d, oa. tnin Ov.rh.ul.d and n Ai.nt lor n.lco LUht anu n.iion.a, . 633 St. Francis St. Ph. 6263 U-llmo "J.! LAKE O' WOODS your l.,7,... nununi a.aion. Rea- iiSr;?1-. ,r.v'" ."Xlo" and If you wont to work In o logging camp, ,.w or lumber yard whera conditions aio good, no Johnny I ipion at tno ivtocca uiuicirus, 53 Street. ' We need mn In all these departments 0i operation which Is an essontlal Industry. 1 WOODS: Choker Soltors and Knot Dumpci, MILL: Dry lumuor nanuiors. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. 1 Ganoral Notlcti .iuU..oii w u-i -i-i- 1 We have the following sizes in New Truck Tires for sale: 7.50x20 8.25x2C "l 1.00x22 13.00x24 (Rood Builder, 8-plyJ FIRESTONE STORES 527 Main Phone 3234 Rationing Certificate Required 10 S.ttIcm Klamath Refrigeration SERVICE Announces The Opening of a Itadlo a n d Washing Machlno Repair Dcpt Operated by Mr. Cox Formerly of Merit Washing Machine Service Dendlx Repairing a Specialty Phono 7038 432 Comm. 11-0 Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phone 8017 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St Il-IJm Refrigeration Washjng Machines Electric Ranges Vacuum Cleaner Repair PROMPT SERVICE Klamath Refrigeration Service Phone 7038 432 Comm. Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road hono 7034 before 8:00 or . after 5:30 P. M. ll-Hm CRATING STORACE Local and Long Dlatanco . HAULING Klomath Falls TRANSFER and STORACE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 5072 10-30 HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE tl.ctrlo ! and Wat.r Ileal. r and 8rvlc. Clark Rowlings rorm.rlv With Cooco Roa. ISO P.clllo Torraca Phona 4aol RPRMrirn rnnnrTirnc Mn. Enid north. Oil Oak, phono 73IS lor appnlnlin.nt. ll-am MAKE YOUR DATE In advanc. lor pnp.rhanfara at J. E. Patt.r.on and nnn rami niora, Ea.l Main. Phono 3324. 10-31m fPTIC TANKS Claanad and Inatall.d Phono 7033. io-ai SICJN PAINTINd nnhl fl n.llm.. Phona B0B7. 170J Plarc. St, lo-31mo WANTED window waihlnf. Phona i0. jo.jn AIjTERATIONR. Coala. aulli mined and mad. to order. Mra. Zwalaarl. In.4 low.ll. Phona 8343. 10-llm DRESBMAKINO. nutton. and Duoklaa i .... "'""""un, on now ana v.m.ih. n, H. m, Allenaer twin ..u. -. YO.I, 10-311 TOEOIlOnE DICKSON. Ilphol.l.rlni rurnltur. Shop, upholltorlna, repair Int. r.llnl.hln. iprlnil rooondlllon.ri pnona 4017. .11141 Shaila Way, 11-Hm JMJ ,fOR A OUARANTEED NEW Itoor that will add color, In.u latlon and lira proteollon. 304011 Wll.l. nn j... '. ! ,ii..T.i A . . ""'"nry, room nry or llnl.hed. quick aorvlca. Phona 0134 10 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT , HOME 153 Granite St , Ashland, Oregon Phono 7001 Graduate Nurse In Chargo . ll-8m If It . o "f r..,. ------ iu.ui aillUID JTO'J P .1' "1vcrtl' 'or a used ono Oetobir It I 14 Help WnmoH r. WANTED .Woman TTN worn, rutin x "'t WANT Ell dm i i. work Mrvl k. I). r ,iv .. ';? I '. town .ti.i ",u hoil.owntk ...l.i,,,,!! lorod. I'h. 4.-IO. ' T" , WAN run- ...dl -'work. ,. KfJlM linn .1719. WANT iku riiAMHr'SSnTT Iml WANTED wnniBti"hJ7T or .lay rilarl.l 'II lllo WANTED DINllvvAMirHlr Apply lit no,,,,,, : Ifi WANTED :.o.l,l.r ard'. A,.,.li n'rV."1..-.- m.. IM ti,. WA :r.r.:rJ m.i Coffee Shop i Hhoii lady ron orrii-rtvollf NEW hon. 07J. Hh,,;," 'AHTEIl. fll.l (, , ol 3 Pi,,, i'ANTr.l)...r:i.i t'.Z .... : ' WA iNTKt). Krvlre , , unt.n rr liatn luuw. pari ll,n.. i,;, pn!" S H.lp Wanted. Mt, Steady Winter V, TWO MEN For Work Ins!; of Creamer) Klamath Fa! Creamery WANTED HICH SCHOOL-K 16 or Over To Do Slock Won Afternoons and Sn.- Sears, Roebt and Co.. JANITOR WANTED Apply Esquire Theatre Cj WANTED -Yard m.n nu ll waaea, tt.aily worn, rm hronner, aal Rprln, SL PAINTERS WASTE On. .pray man nr. hour day. rhona 4M7 ilurl" WOOD TltlirK diiiveiu Peyton A Co, WANTED Mao and llt la mult b. extirlenc.o .n8 - enine mnurrn and w.l.r urnl .... food waf... l ... . ... hall l.llhl work. ool oar Alley, niv mbw p - -Saturday or sundar WANTED - Mlddl.-aiea wH to work on nor. i.. Woman to conk !r i"1 manent Job. ejnrat car. ol Herald and N chool and NuliiriUM. " Dld, narber nnop. "hVndl.r.C.11 wat mam to wonK In '" Standard Clcan.rl. WANTED-I'lonerman it ' ninnlna auoi" ,,",07.,!c( Pernell ft Oertion, W" ... . . a hnrt WANl'EU Men " LUht work. d P"- . alloy ni Main. t , Rainrilnv or SHO""' 1 ' . . U.J 18 Halp Wjmoj;i aaalNaVss',w .' We have the W' sizes in New Truck T for Jlcl 7.50x20 8.25x20 11.00x22 13.00x24 (Road Builder,8' ' FIRESTONE STC: 527 Main Rationing Cen Required WANTED-llm'dy rjj ner t-o. i AIITOMonll.E Mtf Familiar . wllh "" ; narlcularly Dlllt- Main WANTED -To nianaja A washroom i;R';g jgj i a aitustion'JSJiii .an biv ' .m win. c:are i.; "1 I iarlv -"'. " MMrvatlon. " MOM ii .no L-iassuica. moiner, wnn