HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN 94 Automollvf 94 Automollv D4 AutomotWf 94 AutomotWf 34 AulomolWf 34 Automotivf 34 Automotlyf oberit-- NJjJJL-. Mf'TTtinmhti'' v.tr? .rtl. rNI,i I h HI. Ton OVA NJP' til nut VHHInl 0l ' l.mllMllM rt5si.....,.. Itilifl , ,,, 7in afler " i.i rr; MJTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAR We will match any color or paint your car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP John Probst, manager 2nd Floor Cascade Garage Corner 11th and Walnut Fhone 8301 CHEVROLET0 - John Ashley- WILL BUY WILL SELL YOUR CAR YOU A CAR' YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Y O U General N". "T, r, rrTRir FMERAL REPAIRING l.rYl and H.II..I"; !St Froncis St. Ph.,?.f,w rrr, woods ymir in ."!" .i.tlon en rr I " .1 .. 7 iri-iT ' ... .ui-rn1 fit romnOM Service. math Refrigeration SERVICE Announces Y. nnrnlnc of Radio 2nd Washing Machine- Repair Dept. Operated by Mr. Cox mr-rly of Merit Willing Machine hemes Btndix Repairing specially 703B -1.12 Comm. 110 Refrigeration Service IKELVINATOR itory Authorltrd Service Household ond Commerclol Phone 8617 ICON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. GUI St. 10-12m APPLIANCE REPAIRS . pair and icrvlce all makes Bioi, vacuum cleaners and other clcclrk-ttl appll Wo may have the type lo tube you need. Reason' prices. Phono SI 88. EARS ROEBUCK Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.-tf Refriqeration pshing Machines ectric Ranges facuum Cleaner Repair f ROMPT SERVICE friath Refrigeration service 7038 432 Comm 10-l fcTING - STORAGE ! and Lung Distance HAULING Klamath Fnlk tJSFER ond STORACE ' lor United Vnn Lines yamalh Phono 5072 10-30 I0ME APPLIANCE SERVICE lie Bar... and w.t- u..i.. Mlr and Service Clork Rnulinnt Fnrma,,.. .... . ""lie Terrace rhrma 4XS1 ...... i,ni.nnrn . loaom Oli R nAT i. ... ... 'Z"," J' P.-r.0 and ill! S1"'. East Mam 10-aim JRS Cleaned and Installed iZj" Ll" Service. 10-14m fl flrllmaiii Window waihlni. Phona ti. ,rr MM. Zweigart, 1044 'none ruist. 10 -aim Mr. i. M' w HI w iind nld "n am pi, ,:,.,,""". nr. 7.U 10.31m nicKMrtM KJ.-CP""- "fhoisle; lphnlltrln. rvrondlllnnnd. W... a 4hiat rr, . ntlAHANTFKD .rid n.l.. i . iirweri mi aotgif ffLIIISin 77:: It. P AL' TRRATIONS a """"o. us DhnH 10.13m mush dhy or I'honi ant. lo-in -' uivica. . . .Help. WanU d, Male IS If you want to work In o logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard whert conditions are good, go see Johnny Tipton ot the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. We need men In all these departments of our operation which Is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters ond Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay IS Htalth PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 183 Granite St, Aaliland. Oregon Phone 7091 Craduato Nurse In Charge 11-Bm 14 Hflp Wantfd ffnialf llTl.P WANTrDtKn.rl.nr.rl m.M.no nvpir in irjn. . min. iuii WANTKD CIIAMBtflMAlO at Emnlra houl. 10-ls WANTXO woman for hmutworll. rtayi r nay nllliu. Call U10. J17JU WANTED DiailWABMEX (or nljht .hltl WANTED Capable par.on to anl.t nurao. Oood .alary wllh room and hoard. Apply Park Vl.w Convalairtnl l(om, IM Orantu alroal. A.hland. Or. 10-30 WAITItEUEl WANTED. Waltrt.n. XM3II WA..rtD WallrM and dl.hw.in.r Wo man nrorarrfd. Apply al Rltlar'l Cortoa Shop 35MU WAITRESSU WANTED - Ua.'a Codai hop. ll DlallWArllfER and pantry fflrl wanted. Mill Colf.a Shop. Iftii lady roa orrica work Claanara. aundard SMti EWINO MACHINE AERVICE. all mafcal. rhona (171. Uia snaata Way. Il-Sm WANTED Olrl (or houiawork and or. o( I chlldran. Phono 7ia. US3II WANTED-OIrl for houaawork and rara of S chlldran. Muit alay nlfhu. Phona rata. uuiii WANTID-Caihlar. Apply al Walareen'i. 3toaif WANTED. Malda. n.rl.nr.rl or In a.parltncad. alaady work. Apply Wlnama Holll. 10-17. WANTED, Klamath Kalla woman lo rara for war wounoefl. inquira at Room aiO, roatofflra nld(. for In formation on aervlnf with the army madlral dapartmcnt aa a mambar of the woman a Army torpa. 10-17 WANTED Aarvtra man'a wlfa, tlr! or woman for light houtework. Kull or part time, noom If preferred. 03.1 N. and Phone m?n Irt-al It Hflp Wantfd, Mai Steady Winter Work TWO MEN For Work Inside of Creamery Klamath Falls Creamery 28S0K JANITOR WANTED Apply Esquire Theatre Office 2830tf wnnn rnttrrK nnlVERf WANTED Peyton V Co. 30tf WANTED Man and wlfa for rhore lob mint ba aaperlenced with mllklnl rhlna. Modern home. wood, llanle and waler furnlihed Parmananl loh ond waiea. Call 714. a.lo.f iwArMTrn.Man and hove to let pint. I. lent work. ood pay. Apply Bowllnl .iT.u ain u.ln n m. ar any avanlnf. Haturdly or Sunday. 1731 tf WANTED Mlddla-aied married couple to work on alock ranch, no rniiuren. Woman to cook for amau rrew. rrr-Ma-. Inri noAri w.aaa. Wrlla 1ln3. cara of Herald and Newa. 10-1 WANTED - Roy to ahlna ahoea aflat erhool and Salurdayl. Medlcal-Denlal nida. Barber Shop. 3aail WANTED 3 drlvara and ona axpreaa nandler, fail Hallway a.xpre.. "ayj. u i.m nn wnnw In elaanlne room Hlandarrt Claanara. 2Mtll WANTED-Planerman for mll planar running anoui .nr.inm inn i'"' ......i Parnall At Oertaon. rinehurat. a73lf atANtr.n Man and hoya to eat pin Uhl work, food pay. Apply bow ln alley. Bl Main, 7 p. in., any fv!'',;: Saturday or Sunday. I'JIU WANTED youna man to learn alaughter ........ i on n.r hnur wnna learning, i n, b.. BELLBOYS wanlcrt. experienced nr In ... . a Unlal. flxperiencen. nppir niini". 10 IT Tues.-Frl. Help Wantfd. Male Lumber Co. TF II Hflp Wantfd. Malt Would You Like To Earn Money after School? There ore two Herald and News Routes Open SEE CIRCULATION MGR. WASIinOUM IIKI I't.n . In.lde work. fno'l H'ngrr f aiir.'lr. Ijunulf IQ.lg IB B.tuBt'.oni Wantod WILt. CAliK for chlWrfn tor workin mnlliar Call ttl!14 10-1H Boom &nd Board IIOOM AND BOARD-334 Mlchlfan. ROOM, 00 AnU-Gentlemen. 1J7 Cre rnl 11-3 22 Roorr.i for Rani ROOM TOR RENT -lOSS Jtffmon. ROOM Ton HKNT l."V4 No. 3rd. 10.31m rOK HKNT-noom for (enllemcn. B23 Uran.a , 10-18 ron nCNT-IIounckceplni room. Sin N. "th mttr S -tip p m. lftlOif 24 Apirtmantt For Hnt FOR RENT 3-room fu-nlihed apt. fnuil has arlnlli. v wnrkri. Referfit.ee renuired- Wrlla Hctrald-NcMi, Ro 3410. 3410lf. RENT nf one-room modftrn apartment fre for prt-tlma houtework. Slngl woman prefarrad. Phona 74t8. 3010U VAC.NCY. Anarlmcnt. evers Ihlni fur n It heel. No children or pel. 14n4 Klfl ninth 10-17 26 Houm For Rant TOR nENT - Smalt 2-room furnUhffd liouie. bad., lor only. Phona 6843. 10-17 rOK RENT-a-room cabin, partly fur nUherl. intlfd out. Ph. .ISM Ifi-lt, 21 MitcolUntou- For Rnt FOR RENT Potato Storage McKendree Co. Merrill, Oregon 10-20 Fort nENT Floor .andera. edgera and wallpaper removing machine. J. E. Patterson Paint Store. Phone .1.734. 132S Eaat Main. 10-31m ELECTRIC rLOOP. SANDERS and edgcr ranted. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD r CO. 10-3lm rOR. nENT-Modcrn trailer apace. Call at tRnw Snnlh fllh 10-30 30 Real Litatt Tor Salt if-JVV-VV-efil"li,,',,, " eaaaaag' HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phono 84 i 10.14m ron SALK3-.vcar-nl(t cnmpMHy f .ir ninhfil modori. a-hrdrooni home. Re frlaeralnr, nw sa move, rtlntnjf room li I, davenport, chair, swing rocker. coff?a tahle. 2 end lahlcs. denk. 3 floor lampn, drapes, rut Uxia. amalt rtiB. new fl-piece bedroom atille. Flhcplace. automatic Rntt furnflce and waler heater, Venetian bUndu, hardwood floor, tnoulatlon, double Rarase, Urtte lot, completely fenced. Rhrnhs, food location. SA.VX), one-half cauli, 2244 Darrow avenue. Phone 7460. anaflif FOR 8 A LK--2-bed room house, Itnrdwood floora, fireplace, furnnca. Cloie In. Call m.l. 3U71I fOTt SAMS Sheep paaltire, 340 acre alfalfa nnd llmolhy mixed, aoulh of Malln, Call Llakey Broi.. 78U, Mill NEARt-Y NKW FOUR ROOMS on lit acre at 4nnrt nrnver. oniv $ibbo, EVERETT OENN1S, REAtiTOR iai N. ath i Phone Mm 1018 rOR SALE-3-ned room, modern home, oil furnace, on pavement near bin and achool. Dial 74.18. 10-18 40 ACRES near Hnrpo dam about 16 acrea under ditch facing county road. Meal rhlcken ranch, no hullrilntt. See Merlon Barnea, Olent. Ore. S2000 Oil rlahU reserved, W-ai Balsiger Motor Co. a Main and Esplanade YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. We Can Now Install NEW CHRYSLER engineered MOTOR In Your Car " BURNESS MOTORS 318 So. DE SOTO Parts Service 30 Haal Emu For Saif FOR SALE 296-acre farm on Klamath river, one mile above Kcno. Known as the Charley Nelson place. All level tillable land. Grain, alfalfa and onions. All irrigat ed. Free water right. e a 840-acrc stock ranch, known as McCollum ranch. 70 acres irri gated bottom land, 100 acres dry farming, balance hill pas ture land. TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1847-tt 7-Room Home In Hot Springs District, with 4 bedrooms, full basement, fire place, nice yard, near tchool, $7000.00. ALSO New small home on 'i acre Just oft Shasta Way, attractive and clean, completely furnished $3250.00. Everett Dennis, realtor 121 North 8th St. Ph. 8491 10-17 FOR SALE CLEAN Three-Bedroom Modern Home, Ready to Move Into Fairview Addition This House Will Sell. Call 4516 After 5:00 P. M. 10-18 NEAR SHASTA WAY 3-bcdroom home at 1813 Ava Ion. Has hardwood floors, vene- tint, hllnrte onrl ic vr-rv nltrap. tivcly decorated. 59x148 ft. lot with excellent sou. uoing ior 5oauo, terms. t CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1900 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4384 POTATO LAND 135 Irrigated IfiO acres in all. No Buildings. 118,000 Cash. MARION BARNES Phone 7005 " Olene, Ore. S 10-26 ron SAL About 80 rr food Irrl .(1 land. fAnrari. narllv cultlvatad 4 mlttB from town on hlfhway. no hulldlnii, itflOOO termi. Irrlffallen hiiilrtlnf rharxe fully paid, H. K. Haurer, 13.10 Main. 10-10 ron fiAl.r.-.rienral mde. itore A: aevan- room houie. $1-000 plua merchandise at Inventory, for particular Inquire at A. S. l.ee-mU. Lookout, Calif. 10-30 ron SAI.B-My Interest In content of ntobe aleeplng quartera. Kxtra food pavlnf proposition, iyiusi icu ai once, 61St So. th. 10-17 ron SAMS-a-room house, unfinished i acre lot. 030 cash or tiooo terms, A Minul S. Verdul. 1543 Etna SI. 10-21 FOR SAt.K-On arre, 3 housei, close in on bus line. Phona 7439. 308 Mich lean. 10-21 FOR SAMS-Small house, llvlnf room. bedroom and kitchen. Oaraie, larit corner lot, all city Hens fully paid. Down payment at least 300. balance easy terms, oeo owmr, n. . miner, 1330 Main. 10-21 ron SALE-a-room modern houit on Keno hlfhway behind Associated Ser vice atatlon. Phone 8039. 10-31 MUST SELL-Unfinished house, iJt acre, stoves and furniture. 81300 cash. 4818 Frieda Ava. 10-18 R R N 6th St. PLYMOUTH Accessories cod-tf 34 Automotivf For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 10-31 m RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 8th Phone 7071 ll-13mc Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Fhone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 10-14m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11-1 Dm TOP CASH PRICR (or your clean, late moaei car or aquuy. aea i ni. wuim al BURtVfcSS MOTORS Authorized OeSoto-Ply mouth Parli and Service Oaodrtrh Tlra Distributor 318 So 6th 398TU TOR SALT! 10.18 Ford DeLuxe sedan tires fair, above averasa condition motor needs little work. Priced to aell quick at S450. Phone 6247 after ,1 p. m. Shorty Wcatherford. Richfield service station, em ana Kiamain oe fore 8 p. m. 10-18 FOR SALR-'Sfl model A Ford coupe 1883 Academy. 10-17 for SALIC -lD;.fl Auburn. 4-door sedan Dual ration transmission, 4 new first trade tires, enflne newly overhauled. 9.10.1. May he seen at RIB Klamath or can eoaa aner a p. m. iu-ti ron BALK-1034 Chevrolet coach. quire 1303 Main St, 10-18 TOR SALS-One T-30 Trae tractor, F. A. Ohlemever. one mile west of Henley school. Phona 7973. 10-18 1, It", a "froten" article you need kd f artls. for a used en. in Uu claaatfiad. . Top OP A Ceilinq Price On Late Model Cars USED CAR VALUES HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK . SELL NOW ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. 34 Automotivf We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m FOR SALE One model T Ford enflne complete with radiator, water pump and generator. 2450 Orchard way. 10-18 FOR SALE 1037 V-8 truck with Brown Lipe. Phono 8343. Ellinfson Lbr. Co. 10-21 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils ' Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m 38 Miscellaneoua For Salf Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. ' Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 . 1173-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyei . Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg 9-30m FOR SALE3, else range, aultable for S20.0O. 1345 Lookoul. 10-17 r i r t ....... Unl Pnint Ttlri-lrir. range, j-nonc oon. A17L TYPES of .mall gas engines re nAired. Bodcnhamer 5aw Shop. 331 E Main. ll-13mc GLASS Mirrora. reallverlng. plate, win rirnu nnri niitn clnsa. furniture ton .helves. Kimball'. Glass Shop. .127 Walnut. Phono 737B. ll-4m SEWING MACHINE PARTS .and sup plies. All makes. Phone 6771. 3218 Shasta Way. i0-31m GIVE HIM A BURGESS VIBRO-TOOL F. R. Hanger. Open all day Saturday. 313 Market. Phone 72J1. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Thona 31171. 10-31m FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy . Schmock. Pttona 40D3. Rt, 3, Box 1042. 10-31m FOR SALE - Miscellaneous restaurant equlpmont. Jean's Place, Tulclake. 10-18 FOR SALE One 22 repeating rjfle with scope, one 30 automatic rifle, one pair field glasses, one rair binoculars. Shells for above rifles. Flxlt Shop. 744 Klamath. 342Stt Dt'l'ONT'S GREEN AND RED SHINOLH STAIN. F. R- Haulier. Open All Day Saturday. MS MarkeL Phon. 7221. 10-24 1 FOR SALE One circulating healer, lakes 22" wood: one wood range: one electric slovc. new; two stock saddles; used pipe. 1 to 3-inch; 2 used shallow well pumps; one 11 h. p. Elto outboard motor: new pumps and motors. Southern Oregon Well Drilling Co.. 030 S. 6th. phono 6(322. FOR SALE 38 Smith and Wesson. Phone MOO. 10-18 FOR SALE-Springer spaniel pups, heal ing itove and electric grill. 3032 An derson Ave. or call 6134. 10-18 FOR SALE Drag saw. heavy weight Vaughn, completely equipped including blade. Price $03. In good running order. L. B. Fender. Malln Call after 6 R m. 2000U FOR SAl.K-Beautlful 12-tube cabinet radio. 2424 Radcllffe. I 10-18 APPLES. Newtowns. SplUcnbergs. Gold en Ortleys, Delicious and other varl lies. Joe Nary. 111. 3, Box 402, Mcd ford.' Or.. Tit. (13118. 10-20 FOR SALE -100 tona baled hae, '1st Hit . alfalfa, oats -and rye, at K.no. See Guy Mooro at ranch befora crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. - 3353U LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrub, and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall Dlantinr. LAKE- SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phon. 4062. 10-20m FULLER BRUSHES -, Clam, Joser, J43S Marun, Fhon. 3677 - lo-asm 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE 36 MUcellanooui For Sale . TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES -ARE RATION FREE- All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, S57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from S37.50. ' HARRY-HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash - Buyer Gels the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan. 532 So. Riverside ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEH Calculators 124 S. Sih SL Pioneer Printtne SlJ.tlr.nrrv Co Q-lm 42 Miscellaneous Wanted BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN IN REFRIGERATION AND - AIR CONDITIONING Opportunity for men interested in going into own business to be trained by large organiza tion: Great need ior men to in stall and repair refrigeration and air-conditioning .equipment. Excellent post-war earning pos sibilities. Training will not in terfere with present job. Me chanically inclined men invited to write for details and FREE "Qualification Chart Tes t." Utilities Inst.. Box No. 10, c.-o. Herald and News. '. WANTED To RENT Or LEASE Modern apartment or small modern house suitable for two women. Call Mrs. Dubel. Marine Barracks, 512 1 10-17 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If vou have any no-longer-used articles of any hind lying around your here, or office then you have a real opportunity to help the war et fort in the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar tides: then too the monev vou raise by selling lilnps fan be converted into bonds I'.iona 3124. Classified Ad Dept. today '70l WANTED TO KENT-2-bedroom turn . tshed or partly furnished house by two adults, employed In lumber in dustrv Call S146 days, and 8373 after p. m. ln WANTED Experienced kitchen help, and waitresses. Good hours. Bnod sal ary. Apply In person. Klamath R'l llards. 10-2:1 WANTED Sewing machine. Phone ::i.3 evenings. ... .10-17 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 P "v WANTED House, ftirnlsltajtl or -partlv furnished. Will pay anyTpricc. Phone 3121. Marine Barracks, extension 10V days. Evenings 0102, ask tor Cam Baylcy. 10-16 WIIrL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO l.ouis R Mann. 120 N 7th. Phone 4510 or 7175. . 10-Sllin WANT TO RUY-P01.cn or- dorrn and half colored pullets. Thone 3078 after 6:30 p. m. WANTED TO BUY-5led with good run ners. Call 3124. 3146tf WANTED- 2-bcdroom unfurnished hourc. Sgt. Collman. Call 3121, extension 114. 10-17 WANTED TO HENT- -I or 5 room mod ern home, cither unfurnished or parllv furnished by responsible midillc as-(l couple, no children. Fhone 357:i or S44I.. 13:311 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7173. 10-lom WANTED - Poultry. Iiveslock. turkeys and rabblls. TRULOVE S MARKET. 010 East Main. Phone 4232. ll-4m HIGHEST PRICES paid fur nogs. veal, lambs ond cattle. Johnson Packing Co Phone 5323, nlghta 3303. 10-31m WANTED - Live poultry ol all kinds Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. lOL'lm AN IDEAL JERSEY COW for an'rldrrly couple. .Vo F. W. HURD. tit. 3, Bos 1032-A. :l'j miles north oi town on old Bend highway. 10-17 WANTED - 100 head young Hereford . cows. Notify Box 1093 Hirald-Ncws 10-31 FOR SALE OR TRADE For cows .-heifers. 1 grey mat,. 7 years old. 1610 ins.. 1 yeaning cqii, 1 two-way nr'r plow, 16 In., like new. Route I. Pox 636P acroaa iron, IOOr Merrill came. tan. 10-31 A Few of Many Good Models on Hand 1940 Special 3uick Sedan ' 1941 Dodge Sedan, Fluid Drive 1938 Packard 5 Pass. Club Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Sedan Phone 4113 42 MiseeManeoua Wantfd WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 328 Main St. 10-31m WANTED Tricycle, 6-year size. Phon. 6318. 10-18 WANT TO RENTUnfurnished a or 4 bedroom house, lone renters. R. M. Sterett Union Station, So. 6tb ana . Main. 10-16 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Dead and worthies, animal. Phone 4firifl collect 10-18 48 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN ! For Any Worthy : Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of. COMMERCIAL 'FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10-31ra See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO 0nur FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Comolctc Privacy l:i Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 10-31m . First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home ' Refinance Your Old Homts Pay Less Than Rent Lung Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN . Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 10-3 lm Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates m Long time easy payments . . Prompt Service It will pay you to investigate the . EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 8th Phone 4564 ' Tues.-Fri.-tl " V "