October 17 HERALD AND NEWS, -KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SIX Out Our Way By J. R. Williams f NO, lAIM'T BOTHERIN' V WELu.ClJt OUT b ill HIM WITH FRACTION' ft I TK DOUGHNUT Nil', if COWBOY ROPlN' AGIU" MAKiKl' AM' GO Jilj'i jf '. I'M MAKIM' DOUGHNUTS I TO ROPIM'" : 'S! ' yZ?-Sv AM' THEY STRETCH BE- I vOU'll BOTHER I' ii':, ' Si FORE I KIM GIT TO v HIM LESS.' 7''! (m, iir cot hisself caught, rs Our Boarding House With Major Hoof THE WORRY WART flCTHlS HVE 16 SO VX'LL BET STRAIGHT, PLrVCeY WE'LL PUT . ( DULL CIMCETHE 4 AMD 6HOV0 WE'6 GlvJlrJG 'EIA AT UlS M; V MA30CTOO A OUT M(TH A SNORE ? STATION AT t MU3WT 30B THW ) SONATA RI6WT NOWJ HThE BREAKFAST t COULD GET A, H LET'S 60 OVER N TCOUGKTUEM ) big thrill read- ) and sNtch his guM V tand back l v img the S and that Pie tin A and Jatch , 7 CONGRESSIONAL HE MEARS OM HS j 7 HIIW GO UP -I RECORD.' tJJx VEST .' J I LIKE A . ySljTX -jJ (LAND NNlNEf) Red Ryder By Fred Harmon "SHE riOT 70.0NLT NNOCKEEj BETTER Y NO, imL KAVER-'EVEn' DEAD. RED I UUT .' WE'LL TAKE TAKE-UNI IF SHE & Atf OUTIAV0-, t R1DER.VHER TO TH' f TO VWE'YE GOTTO 3lVbisj AjETmjji WHEN RVOER COnES BACK ,Tu KLUU HlfV- WHOA- HERE HE rOLLY DADE.' ' fc sua, RECKON ILL LET THIrtoSN STAND TUt I FIND OUT WHAT rOLLVS GArAE 15 SHE'S NOT TH' NMD TO FAINT WHEN A SUM 60Ey OFF ' n -nam' Freckles and His Friends By Blosser Well, mr. would-6-Commissower. of athletics. lb:' discuss vour gisani1c publicity1 plans .' fortv-tvvo people have phomed to extend theie. sympathy ! they WERE lo HEAR I HAT YOU DROWNED ,' For The moment, lets FORGET YOUR POLITCaL, WAR. AND STABILIZE THINGS ON THE HOME FRONT.'.' ! (but. pop. l Pop, vou sure have a PECULIAR. SENSE OF DIRECTION.' A Service Men and Women Home on Leave COPB l&u ni tin trcwirr u T. M- CG. U. . PAT. Off a "'V Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner fllNK'S MEN L3 LISTEN EASEBLY AS EASY BRIMfiS ;THEMNEW50f THE PSWE TO RETAKE THE PHILIPPINES ImW WHAT VJJf fiATHblt X J CAN WE DO g INFORMATION, f TO HELP? M sergeant, thats 1 CAPTAIN? ( WH I'M HERE. WE I VNEEPPATAONJAP . ,J?P -X. PEFEMSES... J fact wp rAU'rscr utu RSC0fIAIS5AMCE PLANES! BUT WE'VE GOT TO WORK FAST, V7 Y V I PABM A LOT to keep alive, .IP' ..MAVBP WE CAM HELP.' 3OO0i THEY'LL NEED A HAND UP THE TRAIL WITH THOSE supplies; Boots and Her Buddies ty HERE COMES H FELIPE ANW05E I FO Archie Laing and wile. Pvt. Olive O. Laing. Here until October 21. S 2c Harry Oram from Fnr- rnnut, ldnho. lieru until Octo ber 24. The above service people arc entitled to tree passes to tnc lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R. C. woodrutl oi the dairy. Plcaso call at The Herald and Wcyvs office (ask for Paul Haines) for your bourtesy tickets. Case of Missing .. Tokens Unsolved PORTLAND, Oct. 17 IIP) The question of what happens to ra tion books is opparently destined to remain forever in mystery. The blue . tokens, whose or iginal disappearance was attri buted to hoarding housewives, are no longer valid but they've never turned up. With the deadline for turning in the tokens expiring last mid night, Portland bankers report ed the amount received from grocers was only 50 to 60 per cent of the total originally dis tributed. Perhaps, guessed the bankers, the rest got lost. . Or dropped in slot machines. Or maybe, said the OPA hopefully, - the hoarders got stuck with them. By Martin BOOTS.YOU'RYi SLKt VbKH TOO VAOCH TSOOSLS. ROSS., 'M LCMK& trsLm ktMCdUHsV WE.W KiOW.Wm bftKiX WE CO'bMtTiC'b . OR Cfc to J Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin mfrZ jbpb k .m A 5-WJ?,?T? 1 2"", A5 HE SAID-WITH ONLY 11 WCCORTYARO JUST THiJEE ) SCON Aft I PTfLTBF V AND A RELEaIe it. GrTl " M CHES READY ir FROMBDllM Jf feiSU g i, Little Orphan Annie ' : Portlanders Begin , Halloween Worries PORTLAND, Oct. 17 ' IP) Civic and educational officials went briskly to work today on the perennial problem of how to keep the children home on Hal loween. The YWCA orAposcd a samDl party to divert Portland's Juv eniles from soaping political slogans on windows and dump ing gar Da go can contents on roofs. WOMEN IN SERVICE t'.S.. Fithtr Dulgnsn Promoted Father l'etor UuiKiiun, who brfuro his cnllslmont In tl' iii'iny as a chaplain was assis tant pastor uf the Sacred Heart church here, has been promoted t o captain, it was learned hero r o c o n t 1 y. Father DuiK nan. loft lust January to en ter the armed forces. After u short train ing period in Harvard Uni versity, ho was ut.tit In Afriril and Is now stationed in Italy, dipt. Duigiian on a brief leave In Rome not long ago hud ; audience with Pope Pins XII. He also appeared In a newsieel u.itii An-lililshoi) Snellmiin of New York when the prolate Vis ited Rome. dipt. Dulgiiiin. writes the churches ot Home are ueuu tlftil beyond - description and spoke highly ot the Italian peo ple and the reception given the Amerii-nn tiooiw when they oc cupied the Italian cities. . Chestnut Promoted Harold L. Chestnut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skelton. J0J Kane, has been promoted from private to. corporal In a rifle com ninv nf the 147th Infantry sta tioned In the South Pacific. Corp. Chesnut has served In that urea since November, 1943, and has been awarded the Pacific-Asiatic theater ribbon, and in acuiii on wears the Good Conduct mcaai. Inrlnelxd In June. 104:1. Cpl. Chesnut received his ousic inn i- Inir nl c'umn Roberts, caul, no U n ornrinntn nf Ik'lllcV high school where he piayen uouinu, basketball and was a member of the track teams in )Wi and 1043. Supple Wounded I.AKF.VIEW On Thursday Mrs. Thea Supple was informed that her husband, Private Jerry SuddIo was seriously wounded September 14 in Belgium. Supple before entering me rmcd services was employed by R. L. Weir. He has seen action n North Africa, Sicily, naiy nd now the European iront. Market Quotations Ktrvv VOIIK. Oct. IT iAIi-HUhig .....ii mid Inoinif niilisjltil in iv .lay'. Irk nurhrl wttli lh ruU Uxmi ihu rh'0 illrci'lloH rmwliwil nulahly t'llHC iinuiloiw: Am i nr A Hl-V Am '1V1 A -.v. Aititf ttnclM I'niK r.u'titin I'nl Tmtt.ii . .. iVmimmwi'iiMh liirti-wiit!in it J7 411 1 (iimrinl r.ici-iili- .... IJpitrml Mi'toi .... (j Nor It V l'l lllhiolK tVittml Inl tirvler Konnri'Dll ... LiH'hliirl l.iiiiS Urll "A1' -MottUinmry NMli'Krlv N V I'otHlfll Niullicill I'wi-irU' ... I'nr link A M I'tu knul Molt.r I'nintn II M Htfpuhlio .StfCl Illrlidrld "II Nitfrwuv Morrii Kriirn Mtwlmrh Htitilhrru racHli Nlmiil'trtl Miniutsi ... Si(ililit MltilnK .. . Trmo-Aiiiprica IttHoti OH CHf . ... Unlnil I'Ni-IIIC , . IF 8 NtrH War nor I'Uluttfi . ... , 4'fc . lit . pu . , in. , HP. . Ills ... w'V ... Mll'ij ... ; . us . H ... IN1 I l 1 4 nns .. 13', Potatoes .nation ci... M.ln itr.,1. oili.-l .. ... r a. mi. lo i.m p. ,., . "" Uu,' All aplillr.llnni mu.i h. . I 4M M.ln .ir..!.".,""''"!!. Ill uumm " ""I dJ' mi(lAII-H.lln t . l 30 through ;ti v.i .,i;ni1i,:',',''"J Mi'h. Bm.r l.mii Vn ' lkl rr.!i.'"i 't.. '." i-"m5:Yq llllitf unty. r, IV lut-m hoaril nimll XI ami AH llii,,u.T I, inii.u. ., ..;,"; Ki i; in. i... ii. ii., IANII1.INK -"A 1,1 I, , "I 1 t iiirip.nar.it r(l) )H ""Mill hioniiiiii.lv "u.rr' lil r AT. liurrifii r... 1 ...... r na "ii IMllMI. I.I UANIll SI. Karl. iiiiii. mil v.llu .mi,,, ;,.'llii hur noi l..l.,r. is J1,i,,SN nl . rilKI, OII,..i,t,K j, I new ii.iIikI I cm,p,,,".;nJ Auui ,11, lull " "Hi J mtovkm. iii.iiom,.. .... I jl.iv.. .ml. Oi-luiM, i. . tiii.nl fur iiurrlia Mi i u.ll.i ................ .-.'".'.'I. .1... by urloritu. t,f w, , U " - J mviti nf itrrtU ""' tj I'HK'IC I'ONIMOU .Hrfe, . 1 JIliNT CONTKOlP. 4 rircuiiwunrw- tuiwimy1 J CLASSIFIED hat. On day . 4fc tiy run. . tt it,. liny run day run ntlt'ACO. Ot'l. IT I AP -I'dUliiM. r' rlvHli it. oit irack IUT. I'. h't menu IHH; mii.oitsii nmdcrtu; lor ii ntiM-k, flrniMiiU tfooil. mathul firm Idaho ltuirt Uiirtianh ti. 8 No. I, i ni t-jit t'.ilinntlii Hnl MtChltf If. ft. No I. "S-.i H. Nrliraikti llllta Trl ituitihs. ) S. No. I tJ.lti; Miniitot Mild Norm I)jW.tJ llllm Trtiiimthr. V, H No I wTif( J ."Mi-J fl. com in mat urt Wailed Bel.Hl'alM) C'ulllr rtimmvri'ldl i! 'Jtt- J 40. WliCDIltllt C III, com incirlAl UJ.V3.1.1. ' Muiilh run Aik rci.lvt by I to ' n "Zn Mtna r larnoon in "Nr fa?? cllln 3134 b tuiNl . ,r c DIHI'LAV cl...in. ,X , iypt mu.l u in nlt q . lion w'' WHEAT i Murphy Injured LAKEVIEW Friends were sorry to henr that Edward Mur phy who is in uncie anin s serv ices was seriously injured. At this writing no further word 1ms been received. He is the son oi Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy. The oa rents were notified by the war department that ho was seriously injured in Franco the latter part of September. irmcAOO, ot it aPi-Clraln ftitur HtAistvU urn airoiiM Itiday. wlUl ! oovtttn-mg onarp.y ia.rtn1 whea., Cum ami null wiitt II. Itnyiim of vlrluall alt ry cuntrafU by tuw of llto Icntlint coinmtimi nutua ailrarint arativml additional tiuylni. with liitnl olfprtiimt. Unified offerm! o wttrat alw hroiiBitl an opturit whn rutiHiilMlun Itotur aiorlctl llifiu. Hy wo tii ;i routs) ovrr Mmolaya cloo toward Ina end of Ilia IratlUiit. Corn itrvDliiMd runaotaratii trnin, Iho Occomur roiilrai-t lxiit Iroiigtu ai-tivr. o- aovoial tiHiimuUi. houa uiiKr.ed oy iwrai tratiora. ttotltng w iMHiai on ino advance. 'I ho o4U mamrt wa hitfrtar in yinpathy uilit uinor 1 1 am, mucn oi i. .a iioi.iat.il lu.mnsi irotii tiK-al inoru, . Ylio iraitttlrt of ry wot atirlouiad lo lh brlifl ny Iradcra mat it wouiu oa ucd l.y a.cohoi uutiuer during Irto profM-tuv itijuur tnaMintt holiday dur. mtt Oot-oinlwr. The inovotnani of ro from I ho tiorihwtmi hai nul boon a uravy a iraiiora cktMctcd arm lhr aa mm concrrn lni unio of tn crop niistiit remain In iho Mold. Al (no cioe wtioat wii m Ui Par. Itorenioor 1 Ol'a-'a. t-'un, Wa Ui m to 'e, Docoinoor H M'i-U. Oai rr l I'ac huuer. iloroitiltor M.c. Ilyn wa. up 3 ' . lo 3c. IKtfnilr iOl to ( tMrioy m up i w I'ar. WANTKU- rurnuh.d or i nmiao pf NiiartMiOiH Walnut, Apt. A WANTKU rurtil.had W.b, orn liouao clo m, j w rorttart. I'hon ytn. IJ.II fl rOH 8A1.K (iotsd Sr.lmJH .--..... i) Willi (Vjtl I . 3M7 AUmont drlvo. roil MAI.K lforf..fd bj)Tirf nui. old. 1 rouierd 1 purttaTI urn P-pora. tall 7(mu, , ,s WoyalMiouoor Junrllon oa It LEGAL NOTICES Courthouse Records ' Comnlalnla Fllfd Joe ThomoB Allen. Jr. venui Kathleen E. Allen. Hull for divorce, crmnte cruel nu iiiuuMNiu ircflimcni. uoupie mar ried In San Diego, Calif., October 20, 11M2. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff, uiamiiu i.. unucr versua uenrge E Grldcr. Suit for divorce, cham rm nnd inhuman treatment. Couple married in Virginia tny, nev., cplcmner J9 1B40. Plaintiff links restoration nl mnlden name Blanche h. Ward. Harry ItoKB B. Mltcnell versus Jamn rrl Mitchell. Suit for divorce, chnru mii oiiu iiiiiuiiHui ircfiinicni. couple mar ried In Madras, Ore., March .'to. 1026. unciii, anorney lor plaintiff. jusurc vourt John Smith. Drunk on nnhlle hlh. Lewis Ivnn Moore.-.. No. red light, ' Harrv Jim Mnritan ni.i..t vk, rnicu if.atu una costs. By Harold Gra wHSfy SH-j 'ssi 1 g g OBITUARY I.U.ANNAII EI.IZAIIKTII CRANK i.iizannnri Rllinhnih i'.,nv ...i... of Klnmiilh l-allfl, Orciion, lor Iho patt - m"- ..w.ij. . ncr laic rMI- denrp, 2.'l:i'2 It.clnmntlon. on Mondny The dtccastd i a n.llve'ol Sprlni field. 111., end wnn aRrd flO year.. 11 nionin. and in day. when died. flh. of Portland, Or... M. II. and' W. J. .rann. holh of Klamath Fall.. Ore: Iwo dniiahlora Mm. Mablo Howard Kminrlt Idaho and Marguerite Crank of . 7. V. Co.... urc.; one anoplecl .on, Jullii. aeynoldA and one adopted daugh ter. Inei Gilbert. AIo 1,1 arandrhlldren and la srcnl-srnndchlldren. The re main, rent at Ward'. Klamnlh Tiineral ,1,Rn' wnere friend, may cnl after 2 D. in. Werlnn.Hnv ,ln.nt... id Notice of funeral arrangcmonU will be JOK IIKKKHIIAN SANDOVAL naby Joe llerk,hnn KanHnua. -i r.ui- juln. Ore;. pn,cd away In lhat city nn Monday, October 10. MM at 11 n m lie wa a native of Klamalh County' Ore., and wa ancd, five month, and 111 day. when called. Ho I. . .urvlvtd by Mr'.'Tu."' 2-. "randparent., Mr. "and Mr. Mike Sandoval nf Tuc.on, Arlron., and Brandnarent., Mr. and M. Jr. Herk.han of Chllnqnln. Ore, The r". home. n ,.rraJL,T.'""'?. !"n,'"VP !" Th""1ay. th. notice Of the funeral nrr,na.mn.. u.,11 k.. announced Thurday. . FUNERAL -"'""A BBBTIIA JOIIANSON Bertha Johan.nn who nn... ........ , tSi..i r. '.""tay. October in, 1044 "SEfiATfe ffif .",laSlp',hm.,w1i,n 5S?ih5ffi. .!?!? mfi'. ,Cnm,nil"!1nl ervlce and Inter.' ffid'.":;;y1;Xd? Unkv"" cem"rj' LIVESTOCK SOirriC SAN rHANCIRCO. Oct. IT AP-WFAi Cattle: joo. Active, fully itcndy. Yesterday, four load Ore Hun trass steera i;i.(-l3.2S, nuinrniua hi heifen fll.00-11.30; . gnol cows today SII.00-1I.M), aged medium ftr.W-lu.v.i about 400 ranner.1 and cutters past two days largely iu.to-h.w. Modium mini So.00-10.ou. Prompt early cleiiratice. Calves: 123. Steady: two loads medium to choice 37(MU7 lb. slaugnter calves 9i3.no-i-i.oa. Hogs: 200. Steady: parkago Oregon 20ft lb. barrows and gilts 13.(h), extreme top. most 200-24U lb. good and choice 2in.no. Odd Mood sows tu.w. Sheen: two. Around 2.1 cents hlaher two decks 63 lb. No. 1 pelt clover lambs S13.ftO-13.7S. Monday, lambs closed 2.V 40 cents higher, choice scarce, Good ewes 3.oo down CHICAGO, Oct. 1? (AP-WPA. Salahle hogs DOOO; tola I 10.000; active, fully steady: complete 'clearance early; good and choice lftO-240 lbs. $14.7.1; weights over 240 lbs, and good and choice mw. $14.00; few medium lo choice 120-140 lbs. iz.fto-l.3U. Salable rattle (WOO: total RROO; salable calves 1000: total 1000, fed steer and yearllnfftt slow, steady; good nnd choice otieringa scarce, Hilling quality mrntly medium tn good: top am. in on light steers: bulk slaughter steers St 2 :0 17.50; fed heifers firm, hut common and medium grassy kinds and all grass row weak: "strictly choice dry. fed heifer reached S17.T9; bulk grass heifers SO.ou- lef.nu; cutter cows jtt.tw . down; most fanners S4.ftO-S.90; bulk stash bulls Sfl. 2.1 -10.00, easy; heavy shipper hulls leady. most beef offer nn all Afl-12 Vi storkers and feeders fully steady al M.so-ll.M on common and medium grades and S12.50-t:i.ft0 on good nnd choice western vearllnos. Veaiera wenk at S10.00 down heavy calves 2ft.ft0 cents lower at art. mi-1 z.oo. Salable sheep 3500: lolal 0.100: market opeplng slow and draggy feW early sales good and rholre native slaughter lambs I4.00 one held slightly higher; Sl.l.fiO, common mainly Slo.nn-ii.O0; no early action on native slaughter ewes ui tvcaivri. ranio lamns anu ewes. POP.TLAND. Ore.. Ctrt ti iatkupa. Salable and total rattle 200, holdover IHO; calves 70: market mt.rtiriiv nti... on most classes, largely steady: "dragy. nnwever. nn ngnt ranner and niller rows and he fen: nhimmi.ni.rii,.M ..... steers ftfi.ftO-U.2.1: some held higher; rnm-mon-medlum hnlfers SR.rm.li.oo: cutlers n;10'. "nner nnd cutter rows S4.ft0.fl.00; llghL shells down In St.00 CS?5LhlowJ '"l"lry Ivpe cows up to S7.00; and S7.50; medlum-pood beef cow tfl.M-iO.fM; some held higher; mrd-lum-good hull nnnn.n in. ?.2., 7 00: 0f-fiholce vealers llilK """mon-medlum grades 1 TT i00' fnw r" rnlves !2.ft0 down Halahle and total lings ano- mnrkel ' .72i ' al-Wn lb. Slft.OO: heivler t , ,e,!(' P'g nearer, .foTr,b.r;h,?e,,o,"i'ppp,r.,,d"len:,; medium a-raries i?M.inf,' ZZAmm'mfatUni '""Inn 7!Wi-o-oo: nood ewes sn.oo. NOTICE Uf llirAltlM) Of I1NAL AllOlNt Notice Is he t coy give,, that the d muuairalor of iho r.ttale of r rank rill .....ift .le,,-ail Una l.ldU Ilia llltdl SI' t.ount In aald estate and Iho Court has fixed Friday. Novrmwr If. 1044 at 2 o'clock P 1" the Circuit Courtroom In Klamatli ) alls. Oregon as iho lime 4nd place for Hie hearing nl objection tnerc to anil inc iiirinen kiviruii .tmiN l.iKtv. AduunlatiAtor of the estate of frank t lUgrrald. deceased. O. 17-24-31; N, T-14 No. 200. POII BAt r A largo homo on t'.-.i , Kasl Street with full lMfmi B n-t anu (Wfr lireplr rvd mM coat I4W. fan It. hu iMi a7 -i'""tf "no looNing mw. A newly remodeled hama . J Rlh olroot wtth nim rrwru and recently painted. A Met k A 4 room hnuaa with hiib .i strool wllhln one hltvk nt ou k-J Good Condition and prlrad n jjl J. W. Sanders, Sail but loiai main ntreoi rwet" PritMANRNT rril.l.nl with. nlsbod apt. Rarellent rermat .l)V0 and toavo addrou or rOH RENT Nice furrtUhed Ua4 room with private hath for tJ i wiitt reference. xj ptr : OUtT. POS SALVE -Do,k ' Ml Marlln. lamp ss4 i NOIK'i: OK MAI.K. IN TIIK CIHCIHT COdltT Of THE STA'l K OK UltKUON rOH TIIK COUN VV OK KI.AM ATM. IN THK MA'i rHH OK THE ESTATE OP EMMY WKEKS. Ihicoaiod. Notice Is hereby M.vcti thai the under signed Kcrutrlx oi the abf.ve emitted eftiate will, from and alter rtovemner . 1044, at IO;UO a. m , proceed to sell al private sale for cash or upon credit the following desrrllted real property ul said astute, lo-wlt; . . r.u of NK't of Section 31. Twp, 3S South, Kauge II E. W. M , and W, nf NW nf Section 22, Twp. M South, llange 11 E. W. M-. KK'i of Section 29, Twp, M South, ilange II E. W. M. Rrartlnnal NW, of Section .10, Twp. 3fl South, Hange 12 K. W. M. Snld sale Is made nurstiant In license of the above entitled Court dated and tered October 2. 1044. Maid sale will be made nt the office of Harry I). Itnlvln, at 724 Main Street. Klamalh i alls uregnn. wbere bids may be efl at any time from dale hereof until aald property is sold. uateu ucim-er 2, inn, INK, WKKKH HUNTER, K.ttecutrlx. 3-l0 17 24-.il No. 100. Ht'.MMONH Nn. 7(K1.1 K IN THE riMClIlT COURT OP THE mnir. ir WMr.uuiw ruit THE COUN- i i wr ni,AmA i n. EVELYN L. CLEMENTS. Plaintiff. . vs. JAMES R. CLEMENTS, n.nrisnl TO: Jnmes E. Clements, defendant ahovs nninrij. IN THE NAME fir Tltr BTATf nr OIlKClON, You are hereby re f Hired to appear And answer the rnmnLim fiu.i .nif,i rvu in mr auova entitlet court and suit on or before Hie expiration of ...... WCrr i mm urinner ;i. ibm, wbleti Is the date of first nubllratlnn nt ihi summons, and If ymi full so lo answer, for want lliereof, the plaintiff will apply ... ... ..,.. ,.,r inn reiier prayed for ii her romnlalnl mrninai en,. tM.u.n. lhnt the bonds of matrimony now exist' log between l tie ntniniirr ifui i C rmenls, and the defendant, Jaine E. Clement, be dissolved; Ihnt plaintiff he Awnided her maiden name of Evelyn L. " '". n i hi tor surd other and further relief n to th ronrt m.u . nd emiltable. ' .T.m- ,,mm:,nB ' "erved upon you by P. Nlcniioi, hereof nnre eaci week for ''IisuT Courl, "vhlc'h order 'uereci ur nner 2. 104. IIAIIIIV l, HOIVIN. Atlornev for Pl.lnllff an William, nmidins o. n-io.i7-24::iirN. ml" I I '."" LFGAi kinTifcc ,. "" Vlnl Matin, dereaMd am Ho, ,iini(1d am per.on. h.vln. f."'"."."."1""1 "W e.laf. "re nnllf Sd voucher. i mi ..." "' WHn PfPer iinu.e, Klamath Vn ,, Ore.nn wllhln lx months from Oclober l57oiiW,,hln CLARENCE A. IM(1t.K O 10-17-21.. N 7, No, a(Snm,n,",r"or- POB SALE 30-3f) Wlnrhftwr. iJ . nf shells. 9X1. AIo wilt iriotlJ shotgun with 4 boxes of tSiftij . gjugo, pr sell for . rtkx , PAINTERS WArfrtO On spray man. five bnf n noitr day. I'bone &n sntrsjin WANTED To mansgo psrtffl Can give referonf. rh. i MI'HT leave for CalifnrnU H home on rnrlland aired lot soivahlo down luiyrnenl Imstafi ' session. See Joe Perry. iHl Weaver Iteal Estate and Iwaies K. Main. Phone ATM. MOllRI, A and II fln hp . B-sf s hr.. reennrfitloned Kord rftcHn ahd 1B40 4I Chevrolfl eo n I har laroar molnrs lUllieW V tlonary work. Write BogW.1 and News, Uf AMTsrra.nirl nr WOfnlfl fV 1 work, Days or stay nllhU. W service man nrt wire in housework assistance, iw " fered. Pit. 4210. Ml A kirr n V.,.1 man OVIf 8 I Wages', steady work, frtd 1 bronner, 021 nprmg . Ipi ,m ..l.rln Mrvic. Mull.-1 properly, n.l lnv..tm.M l mon.y In lown. Clot. ""I nea. dl.lrlel. vim. iw. . .Id and New,. flood rubber. For wr"-'! D, Miller. 3ol li.rocn. ro SAI.K I'rlred lo 'I! Ilflcat. riiilrd. rred H SWl nzi Hprlnc ni. roR SAi.r a.vion la1''"!?'! layer, jonn irrr t. a tractor. No. 110 (Lilian J'' J llon.'l combine. J "'",.f Calm.., Keno, Or., . w.a vnn u.i.r Hie.tner Irnn. "71 repair, liars.in. nv- WANT tn buy autom.llt 1 . n7. IIKWAno for rriurn . ration book, i-ni.'i" ; SPHNcr.n co'""1 Mr.. Knld n.irrh. ni Mia fnr appnlnlmeni. WANTRIJ MlUU.r -"'.(,) holuewnrK. in. uv" I .17IS. :ac fna fTI lama Clc del WANTED Handy man. bar Co, . I'lione "- AllTOMOnll.r. MKCHAN'O I I . r.mlllar wllb (len.nl . A Main WANTF.D-Woman lor I wnrk, 1'lione '' nooMR-sis nun. .i.h.h L.: ie unoer. of ihe ..1.7. "pP.i'n'ed ndmlnl.lralor beraer. al,o knnwn J n Her hbo'er .nd"h..'q?.rri,,,nd. 'or K"m"h " e.iat'.P.r".onl! "".vln, Ranat ,ald th. .m -h7r,ll,v .ni'l'lod lo nrc.ent law. "fa .'h.d". y.r.r. '!!' . by flrii .!i.M m"nt'i.t'rom the dale ol the Admin, ;.ti.M.j."9"(?N . Klamal I Counlv n &lllwllon from' 2". 'iny iiniu i.. ... 'rum nai mo f fth.d.v i ft" mem.""1 ""Id ""lent end apperllon- I. .T. nivnm . ft tO-lTi-No 'tii"" Dl'attirt'. ' ron rntNT a-room hen". 1 .m72. ron RAi.n-",m..ro,"1a, . iHKlfe piekiip. . - ,;m7. run nni... mi,..-. , rilil.n. linn. See 411 ' ron SAI.lt -ned Cockers ' old. . K. uoonc. roaj SAUtl-Prew.r Pll ' "I ..... mmmh ... . ffllir ' No. 4i a I lor 0:00 BASK S-plero title, eornplele. PrewllK . 2244 Bo.,0,,1. . vu OAI.V.nnlnn. ue!. ... supply now. a.- ron SAI.K-7II bred .' Kano, ore., una ron SAi.K-on '""JtSi;. rl will Irene. .". 10 ft