tJLJ' I jwPWjjC i i' 11111 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FrVt nltr? , Crimilil'il Market r'1" n,i..T of vc.'i-.i uk. vlcc ., 1 11 civilii'ii peiwinn I F I nil III t 10 MIIIIIIIIII inn val .". .,i nv from (Jump i 1 . ' miiirl, imri . ho I. IT'i .. mr will. Hm "'i'.';' ;. , of wi-n, souttic. ion" , mitl Mrs. Is. 1 11 1 I II 1 1 1 Vf fin... II' ! unti ii '''."i mil?. Mr. ""(I Wh. c '"V. . vM.ntimi. Foster e' lirL i tin niiilnr H" u ,, .,, i.....u... Bikici . l hold a b.ihl 3 ThUfMiuy CVCII -Mr. irllon arrived M. i,v triiln Sunday r Tim Supni 1 1)11111 Slipper ....... fl...,,ltr. ,l ,. m. In the church par- The public I" invited. Id.,, .o Mc.l-M.-s. DrWIirj PrrviivH i mi' 1 ..... .... riM,.liir 111. Ill 7.:f0 I). lit. mritit'T-" are tii K' 'l ' nl'''ll''i Fremont PTA All parents of Fremont school children lis well lis the goncinl public lira luvllcd Id nllcnd ii 1'i'A urogram ami iiirrtlin scheduled fur 7:1)0 p. in. Kl liliiy. Ui-tubiif ail. Tin rj will ha n short business meeting fol Inwucl by ii tn I K by 1,1. I.oren Mi'saenurr ill the Kluiniilli niiviii nil' Million wliu will discuss tuples pertaining tu present world problems. An evening of hlugo with rclreshinonU served liili'i' In planned. Funds will go into tho PTA In-nsiirv. will attend the board meeting In Portland on October 24. Mrs. Urocsbeck accompanied him. Bale Plinnod The Klamath County League of Women Voters will hold ii ruuiinnge aula on Saturday, October 21, In thti former Mont Center, 1021 Miiln. Material will he picked up bv Mm. Godfrey niohin in tho Hot Springs district unri by Mr. C. K O'lioiiuhlin In oilier districts. Aiiyoiie having donation please, cull Mm. Dlohni Ht XI2li and Mm, 0 Loughllii at 70U2 beforo Friday. From Los Anuolos Sieve Stimuli, lornierly of Khiniiilli Fulls iiiul for the ycur mid onehiiU ii ii-Milrnt of Lot An KcIck, Is vlMlini! Iiorc with irlcnd.s. lie In u liurst nt Motel Hull. Sb; Willi pliinn to cnlcr the Unlvomlly of Soullicrn Cull fori i !u thin Novcnibur. Builnon Vlkltor A business visitor In Kluiniilli Kill In Mon thly wiin Jiinir.i L. McClurn of S u n I' luuclrco, ituIoiiiiI miIck )loinolion li.iiiniKi'r lor tin: Alius L'hnlnicra MiinufuclurinK com-puny. Time for a TOPCOAT iH M my Builllr Clothing Sine 1906 Corner 6th end Main Towniend Club A reutilur buslncMi inertinij of the Town Mind club will bp held on Wcd nodiiy. October 18. lit the home of II. O. !lycr. 3110 North Oth. Hefrcihmciils will be nerved. Iloportod Improved Mm. C. llouleld of Merrill, who has been crilleiilly 111 In llillnido hoii pllul, Ik Mild to be Improving. Her (Imiitbter mid liiiHbiind, Mr. nnd Mm. Kohlineir of Ml. Ansel, Ore., unother diiuuliter, Mm. Z. I'elem of J'ortliind, and a lion and wife, Mr. und Mrs. Henry Itonfcld of Idaho, all former renl drulM of Kluiniilli Fulls, were culled hero by her illnenii, and win remain lor a ;cw cloys. Frcture Hip Mm. Mnhala Loretz, 75, In u putlenl nt Klam nib Vnlley hohpitul, followinff a full nt her home in Sprocue Hlver. Mrs. Loretz luffcred a friictiire of the left hip. She wan admitted to the ho.ipltnl at 3 p. ni. Sunday. Mm. Lorctz mnkcn her home will) her son-in-law n iid daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Watson. U. S. Senator Guy Cordon left for Lnkcvicw Sunday after a day and a half spent in Klamath Fall meetliiK cIllzeiiB und ad vancing his campaign for elec tion at tho November balloting. Cordon spoko at a meeting Saturday night at the Legion hall, discuHSiug o.ipcelully lcglx. latlon designed to aid veterans returning from tho war. He out lined the "GI Bill of Bights" us a framework for proper govern ment aid to veteran, and emphasized the Importance of a local service officer or agency to help Individual veteran to'ponent In the November eleo Inko advantage of legislation passed In their behalf. L. L. Lombard, president of the local veteran club support ing Cordon' candidacy, intro duced tho senator. Cordon said he l receiving encouraging evidence of support throughout the state. He was appointed to the senate by Gov ernor Earl Sncl) to fill tho va cancy created by the death of Senator C. L. McNary. His op tion i Willi Mahoncy. If it's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. vsu5E666 Cold Preparation at directed: For Fall Wear! -A- ARROW and MANHATTAN SHIRTS TIES Nowest patterns always available. All sites. From S2.24. DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main FARRELL TO SPEAK SALEM. Oct. 17 (P) Sec retary of State Robert S. Farrell, Jr., announced ho would make speeches at Tillamook and Rock away tomorrow in behalf of the republican ticket. He said ha would make several other speeches In other cities, but the dates for these appearance have not been set. Clusslfier Ads Bring Result RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7322 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 9th Returns NorthMrs. Lndvlg Petemon returned to her home In Prlncville Monday after veil ing hem over the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Lime Wnrrcn of Culilurnin avenue. Improving .1. J. Keller, pres ident of the city council, w.n able to resume his scat at the bible Monday night following a ncrious illness at his home on Jefferson, Report Elmer Tripp, 218 Old Fort road, advised city police Hint neighbors were throwing gurbime on his property and he would like to have an Investiga tion made. Beck to Base PKC Slenlien Snbo, who visltrd his family in Klamath Falls last week, left Saturday to return to his hurt In Crnterville, Miss. Snbo is witli the 1282 army engineers. Visiting Hera- Mrs. Nora Cnv. anaimli of Portland, n former iT.ident n Klamath Falls, is vis iting hero with relatives and friends. Goes Norlh-T(. C. Groejbeck, member of the slate board of higher education, left Tuesday for Eugene nnd Corvallls to visit tho university and college, Employees Meeting Klamath Falls chapter 12 of the Oregon State Employees association will hold its regular meeting on Wed nesday, October 18, nt the KC hall. 400 Main. Election of of ficers, district delegate and chap ter delegate will be held. All members aro urged to nttend. , nun i-Miiucuis win oe served. Meeting Piece Chenged The Happy Uuy Sewing club will meet Wednesday evening, OctO' her 18, with Mrs. W. C. Little. 2144 Orchard way. instead of j with Mrs. Lloyd Allen, as plan ned. Legion to Meet The Ameri can Legion will meet tonight at 7:.'i0 o'clock at Legion hall. All Legionnaires are asked to be ore sent as important matters will be dlscus.scd. To Portland J. V. Owens, Klamath Falls, and Forrest Cooper. Lnkcvicw, left on last night's train for Portland to at-' tend a state war bond meeting. Home on Leave S 2c Harry Orem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira I Orem of Henley, Is home on leave from Farragut, Idaho. He will bo here until October 24. Police Court Five drunks, two drunk and disorderly cases, and three drunks who bailed out. made up the Tuesday morning police court report. Ill at Home Mrs. Dora God rinrd of the sheriff's office is ill He' nl her home with a severe cold. POTATO GROWERS! United Brokers Co. Will Be Located At Morrill, Oregon WATCH FOR PHONE NUMBER JOE FRAWLEY Buying Potatoes and Onions Temporary Phone 4181 IWWv 1 I, I 'V-'yii.-.-f inpiii t V ,,,''? . rf r" (S ' ' V-i".V V iiaassBaaWa-aBmSaBass. 'JU km A 1 , ( t? 'zs: aJSr!M 'i i li i Fw ypflrs Lord Cfllvert hue been ArnorJ ' diobI expensive blended whiskey. It 18 "Custom" Blended for those who can "lord tho finest. So rare... so smooth . . . bo mellow . : . it has nevtsr been produced except in limited quantities. Each bottle of Lord Calvort is individually num bered and registered at the distillery. Chl "Cu.e."fl.i.lf,if Whltkiy, M.S Vnoh Crefn Nmtnl Spfrils. Cwrl DUUlUr, Corp, S.Y.O. Before you buy a winter coat, be sure to keep in mind That Penney coats have quality of very special kind: Fine lines and careful tailoring, and fabrics good as gold, To give you endless happy wear, and keep you safe from cold. PIVOT YOUR WARDROBE AROUND ??k9 'si' Wonderfully soft, wonderfully long-1 f. , jj ti V -'i ' 1 slx" wearing woolens in vibrant new colors" I !jtVt J ( 1 ifif f"-' , ' , i'CU L or basic darlt snadcs emphasized with tf'ftvs f e?P"' Z(ifc. Jf JT " c r'ch velveteen touches, bright buttons JF" jt"A J " ,VJ f l JS Pii and soft dressmaker details. Favorite M W I A?JL IS tV .'- t-'1: f -rf'ytW Chesterfields with softer lapels! Fitted tf-'flrLLw S vH v T4 i$C s-iv v models with pocket concealing flange- T5aW. . ' '- ?t)?-Jr. Vc CCi'' SA fitf 'l fronts! Classic boy coats! R?- I ' ay V Deep-Piled or Suede-Sm I 'T"'!"''' Free-swinging Chesterfields, boy coats --- I TirVja5a' Xfor lorm-fttting style In lively new col- jt-i F1 fAtf&& ors Handsomely etched with velveteen. Two.Tone an"d Solid Color Suits f-'t. 1'" i ,; ' . Warm fabrics and lin- QfOQ 1 n 1 " JP tags. Knitted ctiffs, , -M ' - I rZLJSl ' ..'yriliy,tilk TJT wrists. Knee patches. i s ZL 7M'r .-6; 440. M - I- 'l ' children's Jodhp Vf '-iK tV- - 1 ft JV Ipi. T&fci a ft L 5anforired cotton twiUJodhpurs R ' ' ' f In : t t Vav0 "-J ieafc. I it to accompany your coats or fffi Jackets. A good substitute for .W:;MVi lr girls-dresses j '- I ' 1 r-V.r V 'T. )' I nirls' two-niece sailor dress in darlt t 'ifw&fK!' 1 . I " I and high shades. Rayon gabardine rfeAVf'i'! I W- - I with white braid trim Aft Sil?Mt ?tf I 7 ,.""a " and Bleated skirt. 9.19 ' "T''TU!?St;v,;K' rS' 1 ' f J Other girls' dresses in velvet and h"!-J?-' I Yf dressy taffeta, 2.98 . 4.98 SV 5 J- s f.' ''S I Matching Caps 69C ' I "'ViliP' A. Jewel Tones Add Bplca to wardrobes V" Jr. Boy Coal and Cap Set ..(.i,; warm winter cgsu in 5011a tan v,5 ji'-l-i'U ' , ' T, ' 4i Meece. Double or single CL OA breasted. Lined! Regulation Meltons, Navy only 4.98 Matching Caps 69 r Sizes 1-4 SfCOND FLOOR Beloved, evory-hour classics In two piece, button-front and shirtwaist styles softly accented with clever Stitching, bright buttons, bold belts. Gently tucked, pleated or shirred for figure loveliness. Bright colors. Straight, Diminish--Ing Lines for New Figure Slimnosi! SECOND FLOOR) Just Arrived. New Colorful Novelty Belts. Also new styles of suede and leather; Colors, red, blue, black, green. Prices BALCONY Men's Poplin Uniform Shirts, 2 flap buttoned pockets. San forized shrunk, long wearing, form fit. Grey only. JO AQ Sizes 14 M to 17. ?awQ MAIN FLOOR A beautiful assortment of all wool yarns in all 49c colors. Priced 17W BALCONT Play Clothes for Junior boys. Boys' Jimmies. Heavy cotton weave, dark colors, Oftfi sanforized. Sizes 1-8. TOW nOWNSTAIRS Jr. Boys Dress Sport Coats. 70 per cent wool with full rayon lining, three-button front, three set-in pockets, Herringbone weaves. Blue, tan and tC AA brown. Sizes 4-10. DOWNSTAIRS Children's Oxfords. Brown blu cher oxford, rubber heels, leath er soles, for boys or tf 90 girls. 84-11'.. DOWNSTAIRS Moth Proofed Wool Batts, re duced to clear. 2-pound ff 1 "J"! comfort size. 72x00. Three pounds DOWNSTAIRS Men's Wool Slack Socks 47 per cent wool. 54 per Cent cot- , ton. Fine quality with ribbed ' top. Brown, blue and bur- AG gandy. Sizes 10 to 13. MAIN FLOOR