PAGI SEVEN 34 Automotive 34 Automotlvfl 34 Automotive 34 Automotlv 31 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON lis Klomain iu S TORACE rr.LW mill '(111 hone r61i I Itl-tHI -TTTTa DDI 1IANCE jus ...A tv.1. H.alsi rlllC ""''. 7.,i rivlc flnrk Rawlmgi Kir 'i. hi 1 llrrsnn and tail Main loonn Clean "" lnllt"'t IU-JI '. Mt IV i, ' Rom tu-)4m I Hi - 0-lltnr 10 w . nrt i. inn 10-Jlin flt, T.'ivmvtHNii m I' M All-in i4 hi ,6 31(0 Room -- III irinl rein If- ;,!;::.,.. v.;11 lillnnart 1 1 om nir.snl. Open For Uusinci ioTO AND CU T SHOP k Photcs, Slump or locket Sue Up til Main lit. Heallh PARK VIEW IONVALESCENT HOME 153 Grnnllc St. Aihland. Orr&on Phont 7001 iaduiitc Nurw In Chnrgo "3 . n ii-nm Htip V. Wanted Femele rrvrhmMr Mild. Like 10.1 rn Mflm.n for hoimnork. day: ir nllhU. Call 4310. 377311 TD UUMWASMKII for nllhl hlfl In nron at iiH-ink. .muau D Cnhln nmon In kit. it Cnry) talari with room knd Jd Apply Putk View ConvUirnl 13J ura ii Ms lima., rtii.ini.'i. 10-20 frtSJES WANTRDWalgrMl.'t, ttvO WilirMs and Wr Drtftmd. Aools ! R ttvr'l b thou . UMtl LS3U WANTED - Uu i Cofft AOHKn anil nantry ilrl wantait 'I Cotfta lltto ro orricc work Illnoirrl SMII ttD - Woman to laka eara nt f HmMnvaMd 9 tlayi a . uplanada. Apt. 6. SAUK 'G machine nr.RVirr. all maker t nil. ! Miaita Way, Hum rD-filrl lor tiouiawork nd rata (wiaifn. t'nona Tola. juatf pp-Olrl lor houiawnrk and trt inuunn. iiun nay nlinia. rnnn D-Caihlir. Apply at WaUroan'a .laoiu pD, Maldl, avparlanrait or In Vitnrtd. n.aiiv un.t, i..iu t" l,oll- 14. if. pp. 1 Klamalh r.lli woman i iia n wmm,'c,1 inoulra ki. (or in iion on lervlnf with lha army 10 Hilp Wtntid. M.l WANTED JANITOR art Time Work Apply STERN UNION la-is iJANITOR WANTED AddIu ire Theatre Of f ice 2630tf 1 1 i "f m Money after. school? There ore (wo H"ald and Ncw routes Open CIRCULATION MCR MANENT POSITION r n ochnnlci ilcm Henteti Gtirnon I ralli MILLER W- "h ind Kl. iimitit Tnnti VS i....... i ..' I A,l" Wlnem, llnlel. . 1TM7 Kiiiniaon Lbr. Co. r - 1"'m - 10. an tej;rr,Ln'," urocry nr lll .r; ,"c:n ,,r,nn. '"l fim.ryJ,'l Author- lo""t, .rani," Flral ; io-ia 4 SO I .I'M Enid r ! 1 1 .Mm I .niil thai " ,lrt M,U,r- I -ljii!55-" - - - u wire rr r Y O U Balilgcr Motor Co. Main and Eiplanocle YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. it Holp Wanted. Mela Plant Superintendent and Assistant Manager Wanted A large, atlrqiiittely flnnncerl pine opernlion, wllli lunc term tim ber supply wuntj to eniimtg a ircnrriil aiiperlntcnclcnt. Experience In production of western plne.i unci the IwiiidllnK of l.-iuor essen tial. Comforlable alnry. Cllmnlc and oilier llvlns conditions de sirable. A Eood poitlon with a future for riglit man. In -reply give past experience and Information neccssnry for preliminary consideration. All communications will be treated in strict confi dence. Address Pine Mill, core llernld nnd News. 10-16 It you want to work in a logging camp, sawmill . or lumber yard where conditions are good, go see Johnny Tipton at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. 'W need men In all these departments of our operation which Is an essential Industry. WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. .Pelican Bay It Help Wanted. Male Steady Winter Work TWO MEN For Work Inside of Creamery Klamath Falls Creamery 2830tf WOOD TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED -Payton i Co. 34MU WANTED Man and will (or rltora lob muat fee axpartoncad with mllklnf ma chine. Modarn houaa. wood. llfhU and wilar Mrnlahad Pernuninl lob (nod warn Call TSI4. S30S WANTED-Man end bort 10 ! Pin" l.laht work, food ey. Apply Bow Ini Alloy, Mln t. m. or any evanlnj Saturday or Sunday. . "SIU WANTED - Mlddla-aiad mairlad rouplt lo work on atock ranch. No children. Woman to conk for amall craw. Per manent Job. Oood weiea. Write 1l care of llerkld end Nawi. 10-1S WANTED - oy to ahlna ehoea alter chool and Saturday!, Medlcel-Dental Bids. Barber Shop. 33SU WANTED a drtvera and one axpreil hendltr, Call Rallwuy Epraa Aiency. 3fl31tf MAN TO WORK In oleantns room. Standard Cleaner!. .UI( WASIIIVOOM HELPER - Inaide work. Oood wasea. Caacedo Laundry. 10-14 WANTED-Planarman for mll planer runnlnf ehntit feet per day. Pernell tt aertaon, Plnehural. a7Mlf WANTED Men and boya lo eel plna. Llsht work, sood pay. Apply bowline alloy, SIS Main. T p. m.. any evening. Saturday nr Sunday I12III 20 Room and Board LJIJVA-ri.rijiili'al'l"'"' -J eem ROOM AND BOARD 324 Michigan. 10-31 BOAnD-Qentltmtn, 22 Roomi Por Rtm VWWWWVvVvAAeSAAAAeeAr ROOM roil RENT-IMS Jelferlon. ROOM FOR RENT-1.14 No. 3rd. 10-31 m TOR RENT Room for sentlemen. Kaj 24prtme FOR RENT 3-rnom rtirnlahed apt. mtial ho adtitli. Day workeri. References renulred. Wrllo llerald-Newa, llox 3410. 34IOII. RENT nt one-room modern apartment tree tor part-time houaework, Slnale woman preferred. Phone 7488. 30I0U WANTED -Cnnsrnlal aTlrl In ahare apart ment and BJtponaea. Inquire I4i4 t:rea cent aflar S:30. Pearce Beauty Shop hp fore fl I" ' It Houses Pot Rant FO RENT a-room furnlahed home ull ahla nr hatehelor or couple, no chil dren or peta. 3JS Division St. 0-1 YOUR PORD DEALER POR 21 YEARS R R N O W Help Wanted. Male Lumber Co. TF 2t Houses For Rent KOIt I1KNT .. .Smell a-room furnl.hed hoii.p horhelnr otllv Phono nBt 10-17 28 Mtscelleneou; for Rent FOR RENT Potato Storage McKendree Co. .Merrill, Oregon 10-20 FOR RENT floor Mnriera, rteri and wjillpatper rnmovlni machtnsa. J. K, PfliienMi Paint Stora, Phona 3.134. 1330 Eait Main. 10.31m Ki-KCTmc rtoon SANDRHR and adr rnnlfd. Do your own work, inqulra Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WAR13 A CO. 10-aim ron nr.NT-Moriern trallar ipaca. Call at 4 'Hi South 6th. 10-20 Ton RENT-Potato torjifn, a mllea north of TulflAke. Martin Diniler, Rt. 1. pny M. 10-1 30 Real Ettat Tor Sal HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phona 8491 10.14m H"OR SAl.E-a-yar-old completely fur- nlMirtt modern a-ntflroon. nome, nn frigcrAinr. nrw gAtt niove, dtntng room art. davenport, chair, awing rocker, coffee table. 3 end tables, dk, 3 floor In in pi, drapea, rug leiMZ. imaii ruga nrw n.ntffco bedroom nil It. Flrenlace milomattc gna furnnce and water heater, venettfln bllnda, hardwood floora. Inatilflllon. double garaga, largo lot, completely fence ti. anruna, gooa Inrniion. (W00. one-half caih. 3144 pnrrow avenue. Phona 74M. afi36lf TOR SAl.K-3-hedroom houaa. Hardwood rioora, fireplace, furnace. Cloaa In, Call 87 in. 3W ron NAIK .Shenp pa l lira. 340 nctea elfnlfa and timothy mixed, aouth of Malllt. Call Llakey Biot.. 7614. 031 If NEARLY NEW FOUR ROOMS on H Ml eiimn nenver. oniy sinnu. EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR i9i n. nth -Phone lt4l 10-16 FOn SAI.K-2-bedroom home on 'i acre nn oiled street. Inaulatcd. lawn tn front nnd b.ick. Onrnge. chicken houae, hiillt-tn fruit room In utility ahed. .tni.i Wlard Rt. rOR SALE -3 acrea of good toll, n-room houae. 3 barm, root cellar, garage end woodnherl, at nt. I. I'nx hh, near mio' imnA fifnsT hall. Br ice S3630. Reiiann- hie terma. W ln-l so CHEVROLET0 -John Ashley- WILL BUY WILL SELL YOUR CAR' YOU A CAR Top OP A , Ceilinq Price On -Late Model Cars USED CAR VALUES HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK SELL NOW ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. Oth St. 30 Real Estate For Bale 7-Room Home In Hot Springs District, with 4 bedrooms, full basement, fire place, nice yard, near school, $7000.00. ALSO New small home on '4 acre Just off Shasta Way, attractive and clean, completely furnished $3250.00. Everett Dennis, realtor 121 North 8th St. Th. 8401 1017 FOR SALE Modern 6-Room Home In Hot Springs District Inquire 120 N. 10th Street 1972tf KOR SALE About .10 errea sood Irri gated -land, fenred. partly oilm-ated. 4 mttei from town on hlshwav. no hullrilnf.. nono term. Irritation hnlldini roars" fully paid. H. E. tauter. 1330 Main. 10-10 FOR 8AI 4-room modern home. 1420 takevlew Ave.. 20O0, S300. down. eev termt. Call 43SJ. 10-17. FOR SALE-General mdfte. atore St .even room hou.e. SAOOQ plua merchandlie at Inventory. Tor particular. Inquire at A. S. Loomla. Lookout. Calif. 10-20 34 Automotive RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE . BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13mc Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road fhone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 10-14m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m ron CASH PRICE lot your clean, lata modal oar or equity. Sea U M, Quam at RURNESS MOTORS Authorised DeSoto-Plymouth Parts and Service Goodrich Tire Distributor 318 so. oth ansni FOR SA1.K. 10:14 Ford roadster, sood rub ber and motor. S240, cash. Rt, 1. Box Ills, Phone 7ti88. lo-ao FOR SAI,E-One T-20 Tree tractor. F. A. Ohleincver, one mile west of Henley school. Phone 7073. 10-IS FOR SALE-1034 Chevrolet coach. In quire 120.1 Main St. 10-IS FOR SALE One model T Ford enslne complete with radiator, water pump and senerator. 2430 Orchard way. 10.18 FOR SALE--1037 V-R truck with Brown Line. Phone S34S, Zlllnsson Lbr. Co. 10-20 24 HOUR WUECKEIl SERVICE Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING Now Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 61h St. 34 Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radialor You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone fi!M2 10 .tlm QUICKER And better service for the repair job you need Is here now. for our mechanics waste .neither time nor parts. Come where the job you want is done quicker and without waste. LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wcd. FOR 8ALE-10:I6 Kord DcLuxe sedan, tires fair, above average condition, motor needs little work. Priced to sell quick at S4S0. Phone 6247 after S p m. Shorty WeHtherford. rtlrhfield Servlre Station, Oth and Klamath be fore i p. m. 10-lc SEE MEL HENRY at LOMBARD'S tISKD CAR LOT, 321 South 6th. We btiv ami sail. "'-a"" 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality ; Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor lU-31ni TOH SALE Miscellaneous clothing, fov girl,' aire m. prewar matertnls, Kont. for makeover. Garden. Ph. tmi 10-lti APPLES. Newtown, SplUenbei r!. Gold en Orlleya. Delirious and otlii-r v;n ties. Joe Nary. m. a. Box 42. Mrri- ford, Or.. Ph. nSDft. FOR SALE, a sporting rifle. :t0-10 Kr.ifl. Ph. 3308. TEC. LaFoy, 4;il) WafhtiiK inn. . UM" ford. Or.. Ph. M!R. I'111 TOH RALE Trailer hnuMV 3U ft., fiu-tnry built with rnnite 9t oil healer. Aim elec. brakes. Phone :UK1!) or i)ir7. 10-30. FOR SALE Uied wood or coat lurnnce. Ph. 6d7. :m.Mr ron SALE-100 tona baled hav, 1st rut alfalfa, nats and rye, at Kcno. Hoe Gi Moorn at ranch beroro crosintnc river or call Doug Puckctt, Tulrinitr 7104, ;a:i,;u LAN11SCAP1NO - Evernrrcna. flowprlug tthruba and trees. Make your selris tlnn now for fall plnntlue. LAKli SHORE GARDENS NURSERY, Phone 4063. 10-l!0m FULLER DRlISItFS - Clem Juycr. V-t'tS Martin, Phona 5677. , XU-3HT. FOR SALE Prewar htryrle. excellent condition. M0. 71!t Jetfersnn. 10-16 FOR 8ALE-OUon rug. 0x12, 21 M Orch ard way 10.18 A Few of Many Good Models on Hand 1940 Special Buick Sedai 1941 Dodge Sedan, Fluid Drive 1938 Packard 5 Pass. Club Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Sedan Phone 4113 Phone 3136 Tiiurs -Sat M;v-rMano'!S For Sale FOR SALE ' Cull Potatoes ' ' Jerry Short WOCUS 4 miles north of Klamath ;. ..... . .Phpne. ,7233.., 10-16 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 U3-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ; ALL RISK POLICY . Call John Sandmeyer .. Phone 5105 C. S. Robertson Agency First- Federal Savings Bids. . 9-30m PICTURES OF ALL BOATS AND PLANES USED IN WAR II -ETCHING TYPE, : Photo and Gift Shop 711 Main St. RARE '..'-piece sr-Hd Walnut bedroom suite, complete. Prewltt Trading Post 2tl So. tith. 10-18 FOR SALK si?e ranee. uitable for nnnrtment or trailer houie. almost new, S2it.O0. 1345 Lookout. . 10-17 FOR SALE Larcr kItc Hot Point Electrli range. Phone :i17. - 113430 ALL TYPES of ?nnU Rns cnRlnen re n.iired. Bodcnhamer Saw Shon. Ml E. Main. ll-13mc GLASS Mirrors, rcsllvorlna. nlate. win dow nnd nulo dnss, furniture tops. Hbctvcs, Kiniball's Glata Shop. .127 Walnut. Phono 7.17H. ll-4m PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP QUICK Plioyos-Siamp or Locket lire -Up. PICTURES iF.tchine Type' Of all ti.xits anu Dianea used in nar a. tii Main. 10-16 SKW1NG MACltTNK PARTS and un piles. AM makes. Phone 6771. 3.lo Hit a Way. 10-31ni GIVE 1MM A BURGESS VlRRO-TOOl- r . It. Hauscr. unrii a ! day aaturaa: 515 Matkct, Phono 7221, . 10-31 STOVKS REPAIRED. Alt avalUble parts Ktnvkcn. U:u furnitura. ftnvc bousm. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Plump 5t71. 10-31m FERTILIZER ami GRAX CINDERS Roy Schmcck. Phone 4093V Rt. 3, Box 1012, 10-3tm FOR KALE Miscellaneous restaurant equipment, Jean'a Place. Tulelake. ,0'18 SIIOTCtl'NS - Scvon 12 Raujie, pump! douhlcs, (ilnslcs. with shells. 140 t Main. ' 10-18 ALLEN Adiling Machines and FR1DEN t'Hk:!aluis Ui S Oth St, Pioneer ' Ptinllnti & Stationery Co. 10.13m OUrONT'S GHEF.N AND RED SHINGLE STAIN, r. II. Hainer. Open All Day baturoay. sin Riarnet. rnona 7 10-24 FOR SALE One circulating heater, tflkos, wood: one wood range; one tMcctrJr) Move, new: two slock snddles, Uf-cd n'pr. 1 to 3-tRch; 2 used shallow well pumps: one 11 h. p. Elto outboard . inotov: new nunip and motors. S-.uiihern OrrRon Well Drilluif Co., 630 a. inn, pnonn trn.. FOR SALE Used wood liirnace. $mm. Nil U?l Moro. - - - 10-15 FOR SAL'E-S-horse .Johnson outboard mntru-. Used ah-! 28 hours. 3tna Homedale, . ll WE WANT All Makes And Models WE PAY TOPS Cash Immediately ROSE MOTOR GO. 4lh & K'.-irrath Phone 8164 PONTIAC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 36 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with rnok top, especially priced. S57.50. All-while porcelain cook sloven, priced from S3!). 50. Circulating healers priced from S37.0Q. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the C?h Buyer Gets the Break He Deserves -Entrance Corner Oth and Klamath 3773-tf FULLER RRUSH R EP n TiSE N'T AT rAr E R. V. Morgan. 532 So. Riverside 11-lr-. FOR SALE On ? 22 repealing riMc with scodc. one 30 automt'r r:T!n. one pair field clnwcs, one. pair lino;n'nn. Shcl's for above riflea, Fixil Bho 711 T,-.-.l'i-''ll ' "M1"!' ' 42 M.senJI'nom Wantorl BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN IN REFRIGERATION AND ' AIR CONDITIONING Opportunity for men interested in coinc into own business to be trained by large organiza- i tion.. Great need for men to in- i stall and rcoair refrigeration! and air-conditioning equipment.; excellent past-war earning pos-1 sibilitics. Training will rot in-1 lon'nro with n recent lob. Me chanically- inclined men invited In writo for details nna t iw.r "Otinlification Chart Test. Utilities Inst.. Box No. 10, c-o. Herald and News. PHOTO: AND GIFT SHOP ... - I'll Main St. Now Open For Business Etching Tvpe Pictures of AM Beats and Tlanes Used In War II I0-1G WANTED To RENT. Or I.EASK Modern apartment or small modern house suitable for two women. Call Mrs. Dubcl. Marine Barracks, 5121 ' 10-17 1 ; . I Sn.t USED AR1'1CI.KS AND BUY WAK BONDS II vou have an? no-lmtsr used srllcles ol any kind lyms ar.iuni your hcrra or ofrir. thrn vnu have a real opportunity to help the tvnt e1 fort, in the first nmc .other peuolf artuallv neett iheje no-lonecr u.ecl ar tides: then Ion trie mnnrv vou rait, bv selllna thlnR" ran be converted tnto bonds Phona 3124. Classified A-i WANTKD TO HKNT -S-hedroom furn Ished or partly furnished htv.inr h two adults, empln.ved In lumber In dustr.v Call HUB days and 8.-.7S artct S p. m.' sWIRIf AVAN'IKD t" buy a late nioilcl i-"in. Thonc 4209. , In-Kl. nF.WAnn leatlftut to the r-tital ff II:1-!1 aparlmcnt or furnished In V i-m-lly ol Sacred Heart School. Ph. "' ' tVANTKll Experienced kitchen l-.c;o. and waitresses, (lend bo-ir-.. Kn.-rl atv. Apply In person. Klamnlh r Hards. , . 10-'.,i WANTr.D-ScwinB ntachilie. Thonc eveninfi,. l!'-if WANtFD-Gooll w.ishinc ln vh.iiic. r cash or trd" new Uvijirutle out1' motor. P. o. Bos 17. 1'.' WANTED TO PKiN'T tv permanent con pic. a modern, furnished rriilnHnV. or house. Phone 3073 after 6 p m 217.111 WANTKD - Uoue. furnMlcd or r:Tl'U" furnished. Will p:i.v ony prlf rho ic rtl.ll. Marine nir;:'Vn. extension 10".. dfivs. EvenlnBS 91f2. ask for t'.i-l. Bayley. 10" WILL PAV CASH FOH YOUR PIASt) iMila B Mann. 130 N. 7th. phone 43IB or 117.V 10-a.lni WANT TO BUY- Dozen or tln-en and half colored pullets. Phono 51)78 ni 6:30 p. 111. a.ll.'jtl WANTED TO BUY -Sled Mllh sood run tiers. Call 3121. . Sl'BU WANTED- 2-brdrcom imtiimish.ed hov-o. ' st. Collmnn. Call 3121. extcr-i'. n U4. in 17 WANTKD TO r.i:ST - l or ron I ! ern homo, eiu-er tinturnir.hrd or p;i-l': furnished by responsible inld-l'e couple, no children. Phone 3.V.M o--3441. lPi'.r.f WILL TAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO imrtt R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. rh-i -4319 or 7173. pl-lPiP WANTED - Pourtrv. Itvellcck.-turkeva and rabbtis.- TRHLOVE'S MAHKF.T. 919 East Mam. Phone 4282. ll-4in GMC f'-"-"!lJirioin Wanted WILL PAY CASH for used jum Brin Ihrm in for artpralsal. BELL'S HARD WARE, .123 Main St. 10.31m WANTZD- Tricycle. 6-year sire. Phona 6118. 10-18 WANTED Dead and worthless animals. 4-1 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE-12 Guernsey cows. 1 regis tered Guernsey bull, 3 two-year-old heifers. 1 F-12 Farmall cultivator and buck rake to match. 1 McCormlek mower, 1 aprir.stooih harrow, 1 drag 1 harrow. I 2-botiom 1-l-lneh tractor' plow. 1 Kili.'ord disc. 40 tons hay. to bell all together. Call 1741. Hope St. after 3 p. m. 10-18 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 10-31ra WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds, eggs, Martin Produca Co. Phona 3j"3. 10-3 lm AN IDEAL JERSEY COW for an elderly couple. Sve F. W. HURD. Rt. 3, Box 10..2-A. 3!a miles north of town on old Bend highway. 10-17 HAVE one or two hundred head of white faze cattle to rais on shares. M. Udcn. 433 W. 8th St., Eugene. Ore. 10-IS 46 financial When You Want o CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett qt the office of . COMMERCIAL -FINANCE CORP. . ' 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon ' Leans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary. Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements ' Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10-31m See K. A. (Dinty) AAoore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE . NOTE On Vcur Private Sales Financed .Simula Credit Kequirementi romolrte Privacy '2 Won Ills to Pay 'Iu Co-ISlsnors - Quick Service , Locally Owned , Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest I! "75 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 332J 10-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money. Buy a Modern Home . . refinance Your Old -Home Py Leas Than Rent s Loiik Tarni3 . Low- Rates ' FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and': LOAN . Assoc; -of- Klamath Falls Sixiii and Main Phone 8195 i 10-31m