I Octobi PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " 16. it. Out Our Way y J. R. Williams Our Boarding Houe With Major Hoor SSL7 I DON'T MIND PACKItO' TOj$F OH. SHUT UP.' I iilM M YOUR LOOT ERVOUR MfVOK'l PARE TO SET ITli hi I M KIDS HERE . FREE Pf DOWN "THE POO. ,11 i 6RM1S--BUT WHEN M WOULD BE RIGHT X V I f ft 1 I COME TO TRVIN' TO )M INTO IT. OR VOU'tJ ffljlft FIND TH' KEYHOLE WITH STEP IN IT.' vT" '"H A PISH OF JITTER GELA- TTSwiPirr TIME PUPPIN' IN TH SAME I JK, I N I HAMD, THEM 1 DENVKMD fJSS'( id , MOT OMLY WAGES I f7lSJ& O&l 1 BUT TIME AMD "V f'ffisTP "' NE CAOTIOUSLV EF IT'S A MNSTER.V rr WON'T PEEP ) UE FACTORY f WEAPON I BETTER, i WHAT IT IS W SECRET ROLL EA5V SO IT J-THe OLD A9k FOE Y DON'T FALL OFF GAFFER USUALLY lC JOMES .A AN' 'SPLODelV OVERHEATS HlS MOVOS f -A I DON'T CRANE 6ENDIN6 SET V to to be Peeled U whenever we T- ( OFF NO WALL ) COMES UP VJITH ! LAK A POSTER.'y 60MB NEW ' y ; 7 r p NI&MACe Red Ryder By Fred Harmon 'WHEW.' Frt LUCKrtiVfl 10 GET OUT OFj-- ;1J IKANKFiJL FOR THE INTERVENTION, JOE" HAYES RELOADS FIREWATER. A TRY KILL ME r-VWfc FLY-TACKLE5HE m?m HEAD.' fWHAT HAPPEN EO. LITTLE 6EAVER.V4A nrrr-ac- JT YOU Freckles and His Friends By Blosser T JL.N AW ATTEMPT TO SET PUBLICITY FOE HIS POLITICAL CAMRAlSN.LAtO pbetcnded to disappear at stauffer's lake, by leaving Some of his clothes on tub snk.allthf evidencf points STAW TEAGEDy' The- kid who repohted lard smiths 'i Tiii NCt gave; his name as LMKU srvil I M ' e- -I -JF IT MAY BE A HOAX. &UT (SO OUT TD THF LAKE ANYWAY, AND SEE WHAT , COOKS OKAY, 1 : In I "V What's the smelling ) Better, keep it salts fDe. SON? HANDY. MOW. IN y CASE YOU SEE I I SKIDOOS -S L I HEADLINESr. Merrill Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner I CAME TO T JUST A MIMUTE, Tl THEPE 5TAN0IM' THERE WITH THEIR 1 LUION TO CAPTAIM EASy... W I MOUTHS OPEN AN' THEIR EXES OUT ON LOCATE YOU, TAKE A LOOK STEMS, WAITIN' FOR YOU TO TELL US !SS?lA,yr' L MV MENJ V WHY; YWHAT'5 HAPPENED IN TH'OUTSIOE J AN6 FIND LINK' j WORLD SINCE BATAAfii YSEE, WE RE TWO AW A HALF YEARS 8EHIN0 IN TH' NEWS. ALL WE'VE HAD IS A FEW SECOND-HAND REPORTS OF WHAT TH' JAP RADIO HAD TO SAY ; OF COURSE, FELLAS -TRY TO ANSWER ANY- ONE AT A TIME!! ft mi I I'LLT I VHHY Boots and Her Buddies By Martin 3 wc. wto'b rap HOW) TO WKNrt TO hty.ooTei SHOOT M Trt , tvae: OH.VM 11 1 1 M6.0,'E. 11 1 1 By V. T. Hamlin 2HtTi a CO W'oiiT r THIS HELP SITUATION IS EvPSA. .u rHDYoiilx- I 1111 onto r cc Little Orphan Annie " ! r ' " . By Harold Gray SOOT!? POUND ANNIE. OMLY K5 BE WZC I 1 Y-TRr ,N1 if OLI PONT SEEM TO KfflMrKMRS.BLEATING-HART I EVEN OU CON'tI J 1 MYo!CEI,i II RESIZE TOUftH POSITION F LTt) THE POUND. TO BE KILLED I I BE TT CRUFI J fi S'i-Tin II WEftM-REMEMBftH, I J I T-vJ V" . -SJ-i: JM B Vft.fi?y,TE-l n 3 STILL CON SEND YOU i T ME OUT "j Q L-AMMI l-MI ILLLM.I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sharp were business visitors In Redmond the early part of the week. Merle "Bud" Woodlcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Woodlcy has reported to Snn Diego for navy traininij. Young Woodlcy grad uated last spring from the Malin high school where he was a member of the football and bas ketball squads. Mrs. Roberta Edwards, San Jose, is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Warren Fruit and family. Help is badly needed at ' Red Cross headquarters here and in structors arc asking that any one who can spare an hour or two Wednesday and Friday af ternoons, appear to nelD out with surgical dressings. The daily quota for Merrill Is 400 dress ings and the few who appear to ncip nave ciimcuuy is keeping up. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Olds, San Francisco, were recently guests at the Home of Mrs. Olds parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robison. Mrs. Olds who will be remembered here as the former Martha Robison is secretary to Robert H. Lamb, San Francisco attorney. Olds is also practising law in San Francisco. Their mar riage was an event of July 21 in the Children's Chapel of the First Presbyterian church, San Francisco. While here they vis ited also with Mrs. Olds' sister, Mrs. Hilary Wincbargcr, her family and with other relatives. The homemnking committee of tne women of the Moose headed by Mrs. Helen Shroyer and the hospital Euilri with Mrs. Eleannr Jondahl as chairman will spon sor a public dance in the Mer rill community hall, Saturday night. October 14. Music will be by the Tulelake Guardsmen. Plans for the dance were com pleted at a recent mcetine of the society at which time It was re ported that S60 was made on a recent rummage sale and S7.5D on a cooked food sale sponsored by the rtoosehcart committee. Poe Valley Word was received here frnm Ben Nork from a Portland hn. pital that It was necessary to use penicillin, sulpha drugs and hot packs, to check the infection in his leg. He recently came back to Klamath Falls after a second operation on his leg, but was forced to return to Portland. Mr. .uckerman is hav ne h i spuas aug mis week. Ho em ployed about 85 Mexicans and hauled them to work and back to the home nlace in buses. He had around 300 acres in pota toes this season. He is almost through digging. A benefit shower was hiM for the Warren Moore family wnu lost ineir nome and belong ings in a recent fire. Manv nan. ful gifts were receiver) hv h Moores. Mrs. Hallie Haines was a hnn. per in Klamath Falls Friday. Bo Tucker bought 80 acres of land adjoining the Emil Wells place recently. The ranch was formerly known as the McClure place. VIC Brown wax a faMnt. l Klamath Falls Monrinv tn not M ur Pola" loading. The Mexicans arc now optiln- scven cents for picking a 60.1b. jotr. ui potatoes, rney refused to work for five cents per 60 pounds any longer. They are picking for Bo Tucker this week. .IOC Nork has nnnrlv nil nf ut. fall rye sown on the home place. New Pine Creek Everything is all set for the PTA benefit dunce to bo held 111 New Pine Creek. Music for the occasion lias been arranged by chairman of the music commit tee, Mrs. Erma Sunders. AH other committees linve been as signed and are functioning with full cooperation, It Is reported. Juanila Collins, who was working lit the Willow Ranch box factory, has quit her job nnd has signed up to Join the WACs. She leaves sometime next week to engage in her new type nf work, about which she Is quite thrilled. Her parents will lake care of her children. She will either bo n the medical or nil corns. Etdora Llghtle announces her engagement to Sailor Alexander Charles Taylor of Los Angeles, who is at present stationed at tho Lakevlcw air base. They were to have been married Wed nesday of this week. Miss El dora has also been working at the Willow Ranch box factory. It Is understood that Pat Ilalllnan and his family will move soon to the Ousley ranch which he has recently pur chased. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Johnston came up from Vallejo, Calif, last Sunday, accompanied by Aunt Julia Edwards. They plan to stay about (wo weeks during which time Kay will enjoy his beloved SDort of Inmllnu the deer and shooting tho water fowl. Sarah will exchange gos sip with her many friends. Mrs. towards will make a good ref eree to decide hunting Issues between Kav and his father Lee. both experts. Artie V. Rcld also cnuuht a chance to come up from Ala meda to try his luck shooting the illusive antlcrod targets that roam tho hills and dales at night and hide in the thick brush bv day (until after hunting season.) iwo local women now claim undisputed honors over their husbands for being first to get their deer this season. Fannie Fisher showed hor husband, Ray mond, how it was done on the opening day of the Oregon sea. son, by bagging a nice three pointer. Mrs. Carrol Cloud got a big five pointer In the neck last Monday morning at 0:30. She was hunting in a party with her husband and his brother Ernest and his wife, Francis, the latter naving Just come up from Val lejo for a week or two to visit and hunt. The big deer dressed out around 207 pounds, and is Incidcntly the largest deer that has been taken here this season. The Home Economics club met at the Grango hall Thurs day afternoon, October 5, with a very small attendance of four members and two guests, Mrs. Wcstergaard and Janice Ham mcrslcy. The afternoon was spent piecing on a quilt for the bazaar to be held RnmoilmA M fall. Mrs. Frank Deter donated a large oisn towel to the grange. The hostess, Mrs. Elizabeth Alex, anter served apple-rolls with wnippeo cream and coffee. Mrs, iyaa Bisnop will be next hos tcss on October If). The HanDV Hour nliih tv.Al wun mrs. mary cannon at Wil low itancn last Tuesday afte noon, week ago, with eight iiii-mucrs nreseni. a rnmn i-,n,,t uurcuau was piaycd by the mem, bers and won by Amv Cloud nnri Ella Oliver. Verv tnslv fhiftr, sandwiohes and coffee were served for refreshments. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Thclma Butler October Ben Cloud, father of M f-mest Koblnolt is reported ill ui me in kc view hospital. Hnllon CiUndir ; Wnr rrlrt ml lUllonlng Hoard, 4rt0 I mi. lu : P. m.i Manmlay. U ;JW i . m. t a . in, I'hont OWl lur all Infonna lltAtl mtllt'-lln" '"'I MAILKn til (o lh War I'rlia ant) lUUoiiliig lloan at 4M Main .treat, and NUT -jraaaiiUd Vk"aILUIIo Iwoh 4 Hxtft itantna .10 thruuaii 0.1 valid lnditiMly. pound" rh. SuKr ataimi 40 valid through r!. a. tu-in (ur a ummdi liunia can nut only. For nioia rannlnfl uar, ap ply lorn I board tutu tpaia clamp 3T, I'lUHrSSKD rooDB. A in tie HiAMIM..ril nil hniiM 4- llmiM.lt .) and Aft llituuih HA valid iMiivfiniifiy. urvr iiit-rt-irii rnirKHir HKlV HTAMI'S - ration booh 4-AH ll.r.,intli . -ml AS throUCll Kft ooi In d(tnltd1y. ititara taimi U- good (ur 10 u,lrB ImiiiIi llirttUMll Ul(llr i I. UAHUMNC-"A'r l axplraa DctinlMr 31, Karlt coupon Vtorlfi 4 gallant. I Mil lion not valid unle tndoratil, n' y 't." i- hi in mi may lia ranawed within, but not twfora IS daa (rum data on vuvrr ol booh. rvti OIL-Period 4-0 cmipout and naw parlod I cu-pona valid tttrough Auguii ;it, iu M'OVEH -iKallonlng of final, wood a(ovi rndi Oi-toltar 11'. Apply local boartl for purcnaia cai imcaiai. bllOEH-Hix'k 3-Atrplana alampa I I valid Imlehnlloly. Now lamp valid No wnibri' 1, Uioig iUi)H' invalid. WOtHl. COAL, 8AWlUHr - lallVry by prior Itlaa liaiad on wrlttan alat uianlt of uardi. I'lili'K coNTltot.ltrer lnuulrtat ami complalnl lu prli'a cl-rk at local hoard, lltNT CONTItOl rallllona ra:alvad In all arra ivnl otllt-aa timlar "paoullar vlrrumalaiH'ca" amandinant. WII.I, C'AMIC I,.. . moinar. fail miu lor TT1I.U IHM II I V .... halfara. I gray h CLABblFICD RATES On day ... U da run J day run 4 day run a day run Week run . Month run . 30 DiKcuunl lor Pay & Ltlscuuut (ur t'a par word 4r ,. p" word N -.-i. p' word He .lr word lJu . ., i-f word 14a .pr word I on -oer wurd oc Hi nlow. lfl imA arroaa (r fling roll, i WANT TO tirNT. luTtTT 'TM,,"..n a. inn ,.1" l. niaraii. union .. fri , M.ll.. fc. k' WAK)rn nut . cow.. Noilly uil,JV roii HAt.r-'. , i UVI Academy, Ton i,i..i -h.;: v rt:? " ' ''"'It. IM k.,.'." rill). Klarln,, it ----. nan. r1 My lniairjr! ." f "!" Muit toll mam in Advaitca ay man 1 by loth Ada reralvad by I oo p. m. will appaar ama aritrniHjn in ''New Today" volunui. Ada gu into regular v I an I (lea l Ion a(li I ha dial day. Ada may cancallad 0 calling 3t3 bv to no a. nv DISPLAY ctaialtlad lada with larger lyitet muii ba to Ilia day before publication Naw Today ' POtfl.THYMEN- Your Nana might eat awituil. but tlmy wmid knot lay egg. Cheap ranmaih glvei no more r(iili. Hodirtl-lltewiler Egg Producer, on lha niner hand, will giva you aur. run latent r-jg proditrllon Wllh a larger perrentagp of larger egg and mure revenue. Try It titii winlar, vr.ow.za wamriiuunk "Feedi and Seedi (ur all your need" Maal n m.i. f II a Klamath . 11V. '' 1 1 rut Katl W nemotn Loit nd Found TAUT email brown ring 1 email eara, blark Ull f.-l i,b r-. ii .,wl LOUT- Mrnwit laalhar jack, t LOST lllllfold. 144, rherk tu, operator lrrne. mUrvllAneoili papara, Kevp 10. Pleae return In lac l ph. 7n.ni after PIS p. m. or mail to Mabel llawklna, Joaa Arthur. 10-1 H EPA I MM EN! A good time to reptara thoaa worn out gaugei and torrhra. tiet a naw "Alrco' el. PROPI.M WAnRHODSR 10 I CALLING a anarlat meallna for IhiMa who work at Klamath Dehydration pieni in approve and familiarise l hem aivea witn ma a are men! betwaai employee and company. 433 Main At Wednesday I nth, S p. m. 10-ta Potaln aark twine. Onlnn haga Pntaln haga PCOPt.es WAIIKllOlfflK WASHHOOM ItKlJ'r.R tntlda work good wagea. Catcada I-iiindry. to-IB 1 I -ergo nug . to M 1 Smalt Cook lit ova 1 Airtight heater a oo PEOPLRA WAIIEHOUSK 10-14 TOR RENT- 3 room rahin. partly fur nlihed. 3 mllea out To. 3&M. 10-11 it lis a "frozen" article vou need, advertise for a used one hi me ciassuiecL LEGAL NOTICES Bly Warren McCain who Is in the ..v.y ana nas been attend ng electric school at Wahpeton, N. -., .j,,,..,. vu anyn noro visit "8ni Parents, Mr. and Mrs, day Oct. 8th to report for duty Pcdr. Calif. Here ho ... dc assigned to aeroplane Mrs. .Tamen Ttnv1 atiA l. lor Sharon loft Wednesday, Oct. 4 for Florida. They will spend some time there with James Pnr)ln f I U,HOnM t Camp Gordon Johnson, Florida. .5?!S- n Smllh Bnd children and Mrs. Russ Smith were busl- SsS!0 In KIamalh Falls Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hadlny. Dar Icnc and Butch spent the Pay visllln relatives at -J$i !and Mr. Floyd Lynch and Johnnv snent h ,.i at Paisley. Ore. The kingbird chases hawks, an? cvcn ef,Kl0' but it will flee from the attack of a Mumming bird. - - .-ii-ii-ni'ii-injij SUMMONS Civil No. JMJ. In lh flri;1. f0.urt; lh Unl1" su, tr lli dlilrlcl ol Orrinn. tJnlltd silica o( and Merli I. Hard, hu.band and wlfa: K'Uan w. Rolwrla If llvlni, and Jane r o wue' " mllrr''d; Zela ri-i V. ,u ,ln ,,HW ""in. ner nut. band, it m. priori- V l.u n... ft bach, a alnale man: M.rv n r:in.h..h a widow; Klamath Coonty. a mnnirin.i corporation and political tiibdlvlalon of .. di urcion; me unKnown heir f, T"" 'levmeea 01 mcnolaa n, Glnabach, deceaaed. and of Klljah W, ,k ' deceased. If dead, and alao, all w.. . ircr.un. or panieB unKnown claim, ins or wno may claim any rliht, title, r A r..,c ,n inn uompiatnt nere ?' ."''"ndanla. To: Elijah W. aoberla ii iivina. ana j.im iiru. n.h..,. 1.1. wife. If married: Z.t. K uh. .h 'r.h. jjw noain, nor nuinand. If married; ixiuanioy nny uininacn. a alnfle man Mary O. Glnabach. a widow: Tha un. Known helra at law, devlaeea and ican.ee. 01 nicnoiaa o. Glmbarh, ceaaea. and of Klllah W. Roberta, de eeaaed, If dead, and also all other per. aona or oarllea unknnwn riai-ni... . who may claim any rlsht, title, lien or '"'real In and to the real property 2...., ... ln complaint in uon- R51 S"J.n.'wreJn: ,h nnm" '"c Unlled Slalea of America: Vou and each of you are hereby required to appear and ariawer the Complaint In ton atmnatloii filed atjalnat you In the above """"" wiinm inur weeka from the dale of lha frat publication of thia aummona, and If you fall ao lo appear and aniwer. Ihe plaintiff for want Ihere of will apply to tha Court for Ihe re- Condemnation filed herein, to-wll: That u., ,mKr jiiriaoicunn or Ihla cause and maKe and have entered herein all auch orders, Juriamenta and decree! as ..? neyc.sary 10 neiermlne Ihe r.ri"!hlrin .?' ,'J" hrrlnnftr deacrlhad lands and fix Ihe value of the aame and the amount of compensation lo be paid r1"1"'!'' 'o whosoever may be adludsed lo be the owner or nwnera h. V. ' r ' . "L"' n,v" nlered herein auch further orders. Indumenta fhf 1mr'." "cceasarv lo veil i. Jri. L'Vi" ,,,h" h"-'l"'ler described .VlX ilnri. kI'.n",d 01 America, finid land hin aiinat- - ... Srihiri0""0"; tt mor" Particularly J?,, '" lows: Parcel No. i: SW.n,Nn '- ,ln l. Township ns Sr ikw."'?,;-1:!' p"-cel NO. & w. m b ' " va.-ir.vai, nnciifin IB. Town' public ullllil.. .ri I. .,?. ..1.mn'" .'"r ?r'eh."M,'riU:" ,h" hn'""lry road, nf h? ..Mpo.,,nb,;,,"d This' sKiSss! Thl aummona la ' aervrd EEL'S r","''! fiS tZuu2" J...?- September. . ""VB mareof for four aid and '.'.'' Pi'bllcatlJn October. 44 nernarrl tt"m .M "Security' Calf Food PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 10-10 FOR HALE Small houte, living room bedroom and kitchen. Garage, large en rny iiena runy paid. wwn payment ai least MOO, bale net emy irrmi, oec owner, M, K. llauger. SPRAY lhal chicken houaa before win tar. Uie "Red noneler1' wood Dra acrvcr or ahegp dip w. hava both I'EOI'I-ES WAREHOUSE 1016 FOR SALE Man'a aull. alia 42, blue wu..,. pairs pjniB. no. nany buggy 410.00, food. Peoria 4313. 10-16 MILL SAW FILERS! wa nave several of lhoa dandy ... w.ifu aircran lorcnaa and 3-ttga '"i. 'ori. tiei youri now, PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 10-14 FARMERS! no your own welding! Wa ttock warning equipment and up pi lei, ojtvfcne, Aretjlene A Carbide PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 101 FOR SALE-Dra law. haUW u.t.(.t Va'tghiv completely equipped including i - " w n aonn running order, U B, Tender. Malm Call after p m. . 2000 tf FOR SALE -10U Auburn, 4-door aadan. uumi r uon iranamiion, 4 new (lrl grade tire, angina newly overhauled. ,t?;V?1;y te'n ,,B Klamath or call sou after c p. m. 10,31 T,r',,Jl? " 101,20 H,nrtmda wlld-gooa ... r e.i.w aacn. renpiet Warehouao Bag Co., ftia Broad St. 10. lfl LOST-Sunday morning nn Main at 10lh large Rhopping bag containing lunch ior nuniera wllh runa. nlalaa, allver wara butcher knife and can nptner. wotiid appreciate return of silverware Pleaaa call i5873 or leava at Ouri 8tor' 10-14 LOST Small brown dog. short hair. man ean. black tall, curled over hack. Female. Phong 81177. ft-17 wfNT5D CHAMBERMAID at Empire WANTED -Service man'a wife, girt or me' nmt!L " Pr'rred. 035 N. 2nd, Phona 9430, 0.j. WANTEO.-Work by collega graduate wnn oince experience. 3000 Rutin St. m 10.14 LOHT-fllllfAld con. .mint . gas cnupon. miM-lli 1 3000 raward for retum i-u-l - t. (Kiain, in.ii rortiintjkl LOHT-llrown wallet cniiuj tvdy ticket and money bT-J Nora Coegrove, Rt, , 1 LOST-Mlerllng ilv.r lrar.ui pattern. Reward. Phone tlx 1 LOST-l Lloyd llg lien alarm rlett vni. iinnaoia. LOST l-adlea brown kid flcmfl i-ieaH leait.l General Notlcfg FALLS ELECTRIC I GENERAL REPAIRlJ Light Plants. Clenaratort. &nl Motors Rewound and ftJ xtmm nfinti marnauiea satl pairaa Ageni for Dele Li Plant and Italian. 633 St. FranciiSt. Ph- OPEN FOR BUSINC Photo and Cift SK? Tii isin at. QtnCK PHOTOS -Slamo at L wnini t ypf ririurei huh and Flanea Ued la Wit:; OPEN FOI1 nt'RIMSI PHOTO AND fiirT ur I QUICK PHOTUS-FICTtlll aii rianaa and HhiM ta 111 Maid 8L MaK'B iJiKE C WOOM rati quarura curing nun una awti taurant, alore, tervlre nia canine avatiabla. 1 arty. RATES SHOE repair ifee i Or! rrr It. Anyone havliij wal lease call for Ihem Pariontii QUICK PHOTOS tamp or Lockal tiis-Ql Etching Typo Pfctuwl Of All Boats and PIiau l War II Photo ond Gift Sh4 111 Main It aONJ POEMS WANTED! fl H apaclal mualo for you. mm" any atibject, Free eiafflliutHl wrtght, Box 3AQ1-D, Poruiuv VhiliCVAp-w!l,,n1, vryihln fur nlahed. No children nr i- iaa , ,. riR.B51I; """,ntn room. Sin n. 1 " P. m. iD.lBtf awn -rti.K - n-ronm house, unfinished. 8 Manuel ITvl&lS. 10-31 ST VO A Mfld n a n Clean modern 3'bedrnnm hnm i.. VJ2,yr.:: .... . "i ciean cnndiiinn in" "room" a"? "!" n. house, one.h. """ " .iaoo. Terma. " l"oa "" n 1. et (.fa ll fl, a.u ' uulvM Phona 4TI0 lo-ia ron BAI.E-n.room modern house on Keno hlahwav h.hinrf . .....'J1'" vlra ,1. .l "".uciaiea Her vlra lallon. Phone floao, 0.., M'WT RT.Ll, .Unfinished hn.. .... nd achnol. ni.l Hm. lo.'ii aTCin a . " "'." la-tub. cahln.l Kancllffa, . in.ii T9J.?.Ati?79 wx nf .no ..,,'.IZ Ki.m.,h"vTP'h'.'g. h"- ,'rr, M,'ST SRl't-Accnunl r.'i.,.. nua and truck line rni.i.. "rale, with ii., H. c"hlnad or aep- common e.rri ; franchise vi'.iV"1 joraon, gprln.ar, JT'' 'f" 10 - Sarvleaa Klamath Refrigerd SERVICE Announcei The OnrnlnK of I I and Washing Mi , , Repair Dept. ' Operated by Mr. Cox Formeirlv nf Merit Wi Machine ScrvlM , Bend I x nepnlrlni Specially Phona 70S8 ' Refrigeratio'l Service KELVINATC'I " iWory Autiiorlied i - Household . and . Commercial Phone 617 ORECON EQUIPMENT 127 So, etn Refrigeration Washina Macn Electric Ram Vacuum Cleo Repair "'. PROMPT SERVld Klamath Refrige1 Service Phone 7098 v ire Id rn era Rc CIRC IMAN Am, 'tarn In, p PICK mr. 71 Vm,n. 1lrhn r"nlni nrl "a (M "llnrt 'Mall ""mil, O-lfl-M-M; K Sm. m, II If1. . ... v mMTITCHlNO A v.rtla. o, .'J oST&'.'S&J Neadlaoraft Ihop, 1X