Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 16, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    ,r 16, I"14
... . !., .,ii i!,ii!iltiill l'1i!l!!!llil!pll!!'llil'!Pili.!iM
i i'ltI i-'t fa. Mm wmm 'v U K' I m T . ' M, 'i 1 ,' i i
K Mi HI""""
-i Um Moots
fift Che Moo!.uwllln,el
l i 11 n, in. in
... t u p.
V'.. Alumni Chairman
10050 r i will present the
Wt lUgM pruerum. An In
lP ' cni H been
.liinnod ' " i1,iui1.ti. All
'"' urged lo bn pics-
&w.., 'S" l will
id rc rcs.un. .r - -
Fimori In the hull preceding
I111 . inr meeting l "
Piiici Through Col.
p.,.,,;!..ir.v innloyct by tlio
E, v ,i io-i side Electric
K...11I1 here over mu .
frD. 'j i.? Aiiimiu. Ga.. most
i the time In construction scrv
; since Ills enliMiiicnl end
;rs reeently iransifcrrcd to 1111
I'idiscloicd bare.
....1.... ..rn Archie Lnlim
U wife. Pvt. Olive O. Lning,
irenU, Mr. mid Mm. George
..j...,. iiinil Denver, Luiiig
as injured In the nirhurno In-
1M011 of southern r ranee mm
II receive trratiuoni ni uuwiq
ncrsl hospital, Menlo Park,
Lillf. Pvt. Lning l in the nir
'AC mid siiilloned ill me r lur
id rmv nlr hnv) k.h teletype
id telephone upeiiilnr. The
0 will be hero until October
ill In Hospital Word win re-
Tri In Klaniam rails ninnnny
n Taroina. Wa.ih.. advising
undi o the serious Illness of
ler Elizabeth Ann, (Louise
miter), daughter ni Mr, and
rs. F. Hill Hunter, formerly
Klumnlh Falls and now of
mon Grove, i.alir. MMer fclla-
jklh Ann has been In bl. Joseph
Bpltal in Tacnmn since August
Towniand Auxiliary There
ill bo a meeting nl the Town-
nd auxiliary at the home of
rule helilmlnesky, on wodnej..
y.Oetober 18. A pollock lunch
n will bo served at 1 p. m.
fis Is a regular business meet-
On Vacation Mrs. Robert
uw, case worker al the county
tpKare office la spend lug a abort
cation at Home. She will re.
rn to work on Monday.
Yn II 1
fateh Your Behavior
More and rnnn. wmmrlAl mn
fill be returned to their homes
me next year. And maybe
m tht we 1
be a little
InuKht to how
are to be. ;
ivc . toward
em. Several
Nescstlons nro
Wn In a re
Mnt j 0 v e r n-
nt bulletin.
pon'l m a n .
11 pity for
e m. That 1
rile on TV.
ml t "uuiui man
er1"" lu nave you acl as
r.i "uimnu nan nnppencd.
- juu pay nucntion 10
"'. "in 1 11 will com
Urn like a handicap In tho
rnot face dlsfinurrmpnt with.
"K some reunion. look
fav unlil vmt ,t . 1
Jjon't ask (he boy how ho
T "la. Lei him Inltlnto his
"'"'y .wiiiiout prodding
Yoy. He'll tell yon the
n when he gt5 E00d and
nd abovo nil, you toast-
wucn n rotumrd sorv-
man ton.. . .
a h. "T r". is prraemod
J , W; (lon 1 Present him
an vh.uu 1..., 1 ...
- ,u n5 wnni no
'"' " a Riicst of honor.
f Ml Monday Mr. WhllWlr
nne fcarl Whitlock r'unoral
ikt. Lit" on "wish.
W The Month?
.art fin.. a.. .
ita..',urel ! a lilt, btua-C iih
L"la km I'm".'" "ompo'inrt lo
wmaa. r,w!.n,,d" eaBeofaiiB or
aitrw, ,;,n "Balnat such
" m;n tZSiy "j thousanda
a amum rio&auav
1 .
'I I
" I I I
Vliltlng HrSgt. and Mrs. J.
Alfred llonnlfer are hero from
Tncoinn, Wash,, visiting nl the,
huiuu of Mra. llcnnlfer's purcnta,
Mr, mid Mra. It. K. Iluuucr on
I'liciflu Tvitiici. Sgt, llcnnlfer la
now stationed at Fort Lewis and
his wllo, the former Butty liu
sur, la teaching pediatrics at the
Toconm Ooneral hospital. They
will return lo their home on Fri
day. To Confaronct Jack Almeter,
miinngi-r of thu U. S. employ,
mcnl offlco hero, and Lester I'ln
ley, local vctoruna' rcpreacnta
live, of the IJ, S. ernployninnt
service, will leavo Tuesday for
Pnrllund, whore they will at
tend a conference pertaining lo
tho war manpower cominlaaion's
program for discharged veter
ans. JUIumlng Klrat Lt. Dwaln
C. McDonald, husband of Mrs.
13. C. McDonald. 11114 Portland.
Is due to arrive In the United
States soon on furlough from the
European theater of operations
where he served seven months
as B-2i and 11-17 pilot with the
h'lghth Air Force. He completed
.13 missions totaling ZUO flying
combat hours.
On Vacation Mr. and Mrs.
William Petty of California ave
nue, are expected home the early
part of the week from San Fran
I'irco and Los Angeles, where
they have been vacationing. Pet
ty is n dispatcher with the South
ern Pacific.
Frlondahlp Court Friendship
Court, Order of the Amaranth,
will nii-et in the Masonic temple,
Wednesday, October 18, at 8 p.
in. There will be Initiation of
candidates and all members are
urged to attend.
Condition Sama Earl Hilton,
who hns been a patient at Hill
side hospital for several weeks
receiving treatment for head In
juries, is reported but slightly
improved nnd his condition has
remained the same for the past
several doya.
Raeant Appointment Marjnr
l Anne Clark, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. S. C. Clark. 2012 Main,
who is a junior at Stephens col
lege n Missouri, has been ap
pointed to the advertising staff
of college year-book, "Ste
phcnophla." Poitponad The Camp Fire
Glrla executive board meeting
has been ohanged from Tuesday
to Thursday evening. The meet
ing will he held at 7:30 n. m.
In tho chamber ot commerce
Mamorlal Planned The last
memorial riles for Lt. Robert
P. Leslie will be held Sunday.
October 22. at the Presbyterian
church at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Lea-
lie, wife of the lieutenant, has
arrived In Klamath Falls from
Arcadia, Calif., to attend the
services. She Is a guest of the
Leslies nnd of Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Fleet.
Will Meat Tho American
Legion will meet Tuesday at
7:30 p. m. at Legion hall. All
legionnaires are urged to attend,
as Important matters will be dis
cussed. Ya Olde Pinochle Club Vio
let Vance will be hostess to Ye
Oldo Pinochle club at her home
on Shasta way Thursday, Oc,.
tober 10.
Vacationing On vacation
from the First National bank
are Roy D. Rakeirtraw and Rob
ert Ross.
Do It fnirel, It'i eny m pytttnf
ymif hair up In cur It-n. You'll And
mryUitaf you omc! id th
Itftfluirrt no htit or ttKtrkltv. Si. lot tvtrr
tyj o Mir. (h-rr h million nl1 del the nmi
tng Chatm-Kuri PrmnenWve Kit today
XVrronr Drue and all rinif atorM.
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
Oreomiilalnn relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the sent of the
troiihln to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
lo soothe and heal raw, tender, In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Oreomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way lt
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
mil mown
Compound Is that It eontalss no
harmful oplatea. It Is rnada from ,
nature's own roota and harna (plus
Viumln DO. Hara'a produot that
Klpa Nature and inal's the kind to
burl Also a Hns atomaotilo toslol
Follow label direotlona, Tty (tl
fianlar rtrRla Th aanU,
circle of the Community Con
gregational church will meet
In thu Community hall Friday,
witwui-i tu, mi p. m. ivirs.
Lea Sutton and Mrs. J. J. Pex
will be tho hostesses.
At Home Friends of J. I.
Beard, long-time resident of
Klumalh Fails, will regret to
learn that he is III at hit home,
m Pacific Terrace.
Manager Here E. C. Scam
mon, manager of the U. S. em
ploymcnt olflco at Alturas, Is In
Klamath Fulls today, conferring
with employment official! here.
In Merrill U. D. Rakestraw
of the Klamath Falls First Na
tional bank, is in Merrill manag
ing the First National bank
there while Rile; DcLap is on
his vacation.
Molhar Horn Mra. Walter
Schcndcl and her baby son,
Stephen, born nt the Hillside hos
pital on October 0, are now at
their home on Orchard.
HEPPNER, Oct. 16 fP) .!.
Logle Richardson, formerly of
Heppner, now of Portland,
asked his hunting friend, Philip
W. Mahoney. to reserve a room
for him at "The Lucas Place,"
an inn.
Arriving here after dark,
Rlrhardson went directly to the
inn. He knocked on the door,
and receiving no response,
walked In. His hall went unan
swered, and he knocked on a
bedroom door where Mr. nnd
Mrs. Lucas customarily slept.
Thero was no response there,
so he opened the dor. A bed
was made, hut the room was
unoccupied. So he went to bed.
He had asked Mahoney to have
him called early enough to get
away by 8 a. m. It was 7 when
he awakened.
Wondering why he had not
been called, Richardson started
out to find Mahoney.
A block down the street he
saw a well lighted house under
a sign: ;The Lucas Place: In a
New Location."
He had occupied the spare
bedroom of the Christian church
Portland Plants
Open Manufacturing
Of Civilian Goods
PORTLAND, Oct. 18 P)
Fourteen Portland plants will be
gin manufacturing $1,894,000
worth of civilian goods as soon
as they can convert from war
production. :.
Tho firms only onc In Ore
gon authorized to reconvert to
peacetime lines under a war pro
duction board order will pro
duce such Items as beds, electri
cal heating devices, neon signs,
aluminum cooking utensils, dust
pans and septic tanks.
Paul Hlrsh, WPB deputy re
gional director, said Portland's
production would represent a
large part of the national total
of such manufactures.
Cordon to Confer
On Future of Camp
BEND, Oct. 16 mV. S.
Senator Guy Cordon said here
today he planned to confer with
the war department on the fu
ture of Camp Abbott, semi
deserted army engineers' camp
south of Bend.
Cordon, campaigning in cen
tral .Oregon for re-election, in
dicated tho eamp could be con
verted easily into an army hos
pital or a rest camp, with fine
fishing streams nearby.
Dewey to Speak
Tonight at 7 P. M.
Political speeches scheduled
for the next two daya include a
talk by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey,
GOP candidate for the presi
dency, which will be heard to
night at 7 p. m. over the Blue
network and NBC.
Tuesday night, Sen. Harry S.
Truman, democratic candidate
for tho vice presidency, will
apeak from 6:30 to 7 p. m. His
talk will be heard over the local
radio station.
In normal times, England Im
ports about 50,000,000 heads of
lettuce annually.
If Back Aches
Flush Kidneys
P tou wffar from Ckttlnf Up NyrMf,
nekarnt. NrTounii. t iina tHi..i.
ftfteksKh, Nmouanm. Ur
iiMa. Awollrtn Anklri. nnaumit!& Pi inn.
Btaddrr Wtaknua, Painful Pautfti, or fit!
ma inn nm-gorn, am nonorfinift ina
nonrittmln Kidney mtl flladdu trouble?
ir ip, mr la inna new; Tha very nm don
fiHy iota rlihl ta n-ark firtpltjjr tit Kldntya
fttuh out Mem arid and wantu which may
hava naufttq your trnuhl. 80 taki Cvittv
fi-attly rtlrfrtf rl and watrfi tar miirVh-lp
nnd a rapid inertia In pap, mora Te-.ilr.ful
irri.u, phi jnt 01 nvinvr. iTiri muu iur-
prlM and Might you and aauafy eompUtflT
or you limply return tha amply par kata and
your mon ;y bank Ii guarantied, Eton" I aurTar
another day without trylni Cyitat nl
13c. rear (d vt: Ukt to your imtoUf:
b ur to rat piniilm, cuaranriK Cyaratt.
United Brokers Co,
Will Be Located
At Merrill, Origan
Buying Potato and Onions
Temporary Phona 4181
By Juanlta Shlnn .
Tuesday, October 17, will
show off some Latin club Ini
tiates. Tonight all of the old and
new members will attend "The
Sign of the Cross" in a body
the club paying tho expenses.
Election of new officers has
been delayed so the new mem
bers will bo able to take an ac
tive part In the election,
Hello day, traditional friend
ship day In KUIIS, has been
set for Thursday, October 28.
All students speak to each other
in the halls, especially friend
shipcorrldor (the main hall).
The traditions committee will
serve as an introduction com
mittee to Introduce students
who have not yet met.
There will be an after-school
dance, where further introduc
tions will take place and good
will will prevail.
The pep assembly will be
held Thursday prior to the Med
ford game be luse the team will
leave at noon on Thursday.
Enemy Patents
To Be Shown Here
Local manufacturers who
might be Interested in putting
to use any enemy alien patents,
automatically taken over by the
US government nt the time of
this country's entry into the war,
will have an opportunity to study
the patents octouer n ana m.
Here on those two days will
be Roy Shawcross, northwest
technical representative of the
Alien Property Custodian office.
He will bring with him 45 vol
umes describing the various en
emy alien patenta available, ac
cording to hia letter to the cham
ber of commerce.
Lifting Exhibition
Slated at Barracks
J. R. feebler and a group of
his Klamath Falls weight lift-
era will put on an exhibition ot
individual strength and prowess
at the Marine Barracks gymna
sium this Tuesday at 7 p. m.
Something of a variety pro
gram is planned for the occa
sion, featuring the barracks or
chestra and a basketball game
between the Klamath naval air
station and a try-out for the
marine regular quintet.
Personnel and their guests
are invited to attend the event.
School Opened at
Crescent, Lake
Classes, not able to open on
.oK.m,,i hl fall at Crescent
Lake, are now in session In that
community. School opened mere
October 2. . .
Nine students are enrolled. In
structor is Mrs. June Turmell,
who Is teaching in Klamath coun
ty for the first time this year.
The same school building as in
the past is being used.
LEWISTON, Idaho, Oct. 16 UP)
TinanHnl aunnort to a "seeing
eye" dog training center to be
constructed at TiuamooK, ure.,
was voted by northwest region
Soroptimist clubs at the conclus
ion of their two-day conference
A surgical nurse. Genevieve
Albers, took the temperature of
a cucumber and found that its
Insldea were 20 degrees cooler
than the air outside,
Helpi You Overcome
Looieneti and Worry
no ionrr d innoyta or imi ui i
ih because of loose, wabbly fait
tetlh. FASTEITH, an Improved alka
line (nnn-aeldi powder, sprinkled on
your plate holds them firmer ao they
fel more comfortable. Soothing and
c oollnf to mi mi made core by excessive
arid mouth. Avoid embarrassment
raiiiod by looa pi ales, Got 7ASTCETH
today at any druir ator.
New Color Cakt
Shampoos & Tints
Hair Luxuriously
without exht rinse
t.TlNTZ. tht eaw eoler
oak elacnaaa and brlnra
hatr up to an evan, rich,
natural tona all at ft aunt
' S.Safa. Not a dy. Coaant
lntarfara with TMnnananta.
Chole of 4 ahadea to suit
vary hair color.
. 3. Eipart. BMutr fUlon r
ault saally, right In your own
noma. Civar t MILLION
eaJcaa already Bold.
Only SOe. Ask for T1NTZ
Color Shampoo Caka at
140 Main Ph. 4J14
On his return from Eugene
last week Frank Z. Howard,
county republican chairman,
expresesd himself as being
greatly Impressed with Gov.
Brlckcr's "appearance, sincerity
and very evident capabilities.
Howard was one of several
county chairmen in attendance
at the Eugene meeting held In
McArthur court in honor of the
Republican vice presidential
nominee. Brlcker was enthusias
tically received by an overflow
From reports made at the
Eugene rally, Howard stated
that "the Republican ticket is
gaining strength on a state-wide
basis. The Djwey 80,001 club
la making definite progress all
over the state, lining up unde
cided voters in the Dewey
ranks. Although off to a late
start here, our organization is
now complete and Increased ac
tivity is expected."
Washington Man
Dies After Crash
ILWACO, Wash., Oct. 16 (Pi
E. W. Peck, Ilwaco cafe owner,
died today of broken neck and
skull fracture suffered when
the car he was driving crashed
into a Seavlew residence Satur
day night.
Three passengers were In
jured, none believed seriously.
They were Mrs. Peck, Ernest
Kary of Ilwaco and Mrs. Ruby
Smith of Seavlew.
The car, traveling from Il
waco toward -Long Beach,
failed to negotiate a curve and
rammed into the residence of
Richard Moffitt. A piece of the
porch was carried 30 feet.
SEATTLE. Oct. 16 (P) Near
ly decapitated, the body of a
one-armed man whom police
tentatively Identified as William
Lewis Robb, about 90, of San
Francisco, was found at a lum
ber yard early today. Detec
tives found two razor blades
and some mutilated identifica
tion papers nearby. They said
they believed the man was mur
In San Francisco Mrs. George
Harrison is visiting friends and
relatives in San Francisco and
Veteran of Souih Pacific,
European Theatres Now
On Duty at Air Station
A recent flyer to report to the
Klamath Falls naval air station
ia Lt.-Com. N. L. A. Berger, who
has succeeded Lt. G. G Gilmorc
as operations officer. Lt.-Com.
Merger was ordered to Klnmath
Falls from Washington, D. C.
where he had a short tour of
duty following his return from
the European theater, after par
ticipating in the invasion at
Entering the naval service in
1938 at Sioux City, Iowa, he
received his training at Long
Beach, Calif., and at Pensacola,
Florida. Shortly after getting
his wings he was assigned to the
USS Yorktown, one of the navy's
largest carriers, and did consid
erable convoy duly in the North
Atlantic prior to the outbreak of
the war, as a dive bomber pilot.
Following the attack on Pearl
Harbor he was transferred to the
Pacific where he played an im
portant role in the raids on the
Marshalls and Gilbert islands,
and later in the Coral Sea and
Midway battles. For distinguish
ing himself by extraordinary
heroism in connection with mil
itary operations against the en
emy he was awarded the Navy
Cross, which ranks second only
to the Congressional Medal of
On one occasion "his ship was
sunk while he was 'out on a
flight, and he was forced to seek
the haven of another carrier's
deck and landed safely with a
minimum of fuel,
For nearly a year he was in
London as naval aide for air to
Vice Admiral Allan Kirk, as
sisting in planning the operation
of D-Day. As aide to Admiral
Kirk, he was aboard the USS
Augusta, flagship of the invasion
fleet, and participated in land-
ing operations of thousands of
. ...
t is atA nsTwnsT
.m i a -V
Stationed Here
Lt. Comdr. Berger
allied soldiers on the Normandy
beachhead, on D-Day.
Commander Berger, in addi
tion to the Navy Cross, wears
the Presidential unit citation
ribbon with one star, as well as
various campaign ribbons.
For Warmth!
All Waal
All Sizes and Colors
From $5
733 Main
etn., tH J ,0 AS
Low Costs, Better
Service Promised
In Postwar Stores
PORTLAND, Oct. 18 (P)
Oregon food merchants prom,
ised lower prices, mora cour
tesies and many service im
provements for tha postwar
merchandising world at today'
session of their third annual
war food conference here.
A. J. Falk, president of the
San Francisco chamber of com
merce, said Sunday that "pub
lic works are stopgaps which
can be used, but the real Job
ahead must be done by Indus
try and labor," .
Speaking on the period of
transition from war to peace
economy, Falk declared: "We
must depart for all time from
the theory that labor ia a com
modity to be bought and sold.
Good wages for a fair and
competent day's labor calls for
fulfillment of obligations on
both sides."
Aeeideat ladaaaaily Csaspur
General Insurance Agent?
815 Mala St
Phona 419S
Democratic Candidate Per
County Commissioner
r. Ad. r Dwatkn Sick
..nil' ..
r 0