Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 16, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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16, l?-4
Continued from r One)
.jounced today. ' ' i
ii. mare 01 unnormuuHu
'."Ccl doom. Mn
ll ,cc! Amerran gun
ryimni '.. . , ,,, . in.
!, I ZTm " Aiiwrlcm Had
111"'". tuff!" lout before
ip'hrtrwl from till. biw
h. French city
iM'l1: prnuInK the
irllljn , I'"""'" exnedl-
IcrB""" V 1.1." "tod
l, Vlm'.....i.,. inileA throo
II" P"ra. n i .rlrfuo.
rkl HO - i
IS ' c on. Vie..
fc, frontier, wrro ton-
IT Ureal U ""' "'"
it v. ... ii. u'ralorn
InllMliy " ",v
'"."ih". tor Ao.w.xp
inadiana were waning
'll b.tlle for tho open l..g
J Antwerp " i"'i'i"j
aVj, In S wimi.i -"
AC 111 " ..ni.,,1 frnitl
ll at clearing the snowy
f . u,iiiir. Hunremo
IS uc.''" ".j ii.; itl.
VHZ. comprl.in the
fL' l ... .....I thn aev.
American army, had
Led momentum" In the d
Ice north of tlio Belforl nap.
alm were "
lint; resistance uiumh
,1 and several town, wore
cd." Includlim Baccara .
nvillc. Fontcnoy and Freml
lalne, the bulletin stated.
:ontlnued From Page Ono)
ch Pravdn In Moscow de
bts as the "key to Norway,
hus Germany'! satellites In
NOIITH arc beginning to
nbh. t t ,
IE battle of Aachen con
linun In undiminished fury,
ee tlmea In 24 hour, tho
man) have counter-attacked
Americana Ihero ferociously
nt apparently are losing rath
itian Knlnlns ground aa (II
Ma K'.e tins lorcnoon y
have CLOSED the escape
idor out of the city to the
that the Gcrmana have been
ting open.
ill i fair bums that Germany
hitler, In fact, alnco he acema
to D i hp commanucr-in-
rt aa well n tho political
of tho nazl atatc) has do-
to make Aachen another
liar knows with the par-
riy clear vision or hind
that the frightful losses he
tred in TRYING to take
nprad bled him white and
him the wnr. So (nrcsum-
i) his madmon'a brain has
him that the thtno in Hn la
RE closing in alowlv on
he great port of Antworn.
M DOSjesslon will miitrilnllv
fen our supply lino to tho
ncrmnn iront. At Mclz,
finally clvrn nn Irvlnu in
Fort brlnnt. whnan mm.
ted underground defenses
proven too costly for us to
even With mnH.rn knn.li.
artlllcrV. fWa'll nrr.Hi.hl,,
ljnlt II In the Russian man-
The Uiuid to
By The Aasocl.t.d Pr.aa
1. Wcslurn front: 302 miles
((ruin wi'nt of IJiui'ii.)
2. ltiiMilnii front: 310 miles
(from Wiirsuw.)
3. Iliilliin front: BUU miles
(from LIvvrgiiHiio.)
Mfled Ada Bring RhsuIU.
One hundred and eighty cars,
nlxilil M.000 huxes of near huve
lici'ii shipped hero from the
Koiiun Klver viiliry to uc stored
In transit hero ut tlio Klamath
Ico and btorauo comuuny, uccnrd
Inn to Geiirgo A. Myers, assist
ant munagi'i- ut tim firm, The last
carlot arrived Sunday.
As tlio marki-ts cunnnt bundle
llio pears liiimedlutely after they
are picKeo, iney are stored Here
and shipped out us I hey nro need
ed. Some cnrlou Imve been sent
out iillvndy to enstern murkets
and to the army tiurlermut,ter
department. It is expected that
all of mn pears will Do out by
tlio first of the year.
Pears are sent here from the
American Krult Growers, near
Creek orchards, Crystal Springs
Packing company, Heter Krult
company mid Myron Hoot and
company of Medford.
Immunization of
Children Slated
Pro-school children and those
of the lower grades who reside
at the mlKrutory camp on the
Merrill city limit, will be Im
munized iiuiilnsl diphtheria to
night, Monday, according to Dr.
Peter II. Kozcndnl, Klamath
county health officer.
Death look mi Infant at t h c
camp Inst week and a aocond
cuso of diphtheria sent on 8-
year-nld girl to the county Isola
tion hospital. She Is Improving.
No now case. Imve occurred. Dr.
Kozenclnl staled. School children
were not permitted to leave the
enmp upon word thnt the disease
hud occurred there.
Cooperative Miller
Returns From Confab
Bernard King, head miller at
the Plieifif Kimtilv Pnnnn.ii 1 1 ., n
just returned from n three-day'
cuiucrcncu oi mo nonnwosi mil
ler, association.
Tim meetintr wn ,lnuilnl In
discussion of postwar operations.
wio uaa-and insinuation of now
and Improved machinery, and
tho over-all Improvement of mill
ing techniques.
King's eldest son, Francis
King, also attended tho Portland
meeting as representative of a
Portland milling machinery
II rm
OLYMPIA, Oct. 16 yi'i A
24-year-old mother, Mrs. Ivnr
Carlson, plunged Into tho icy
waters of tho bny here Saturday
and saved her two boys, age
seven and eight after a rowbont
In which tho pair were playing
C. J.
(Continued from Pago One)
repllng force of SO Japanese
Them wa no announcement
of American olr losses, Nlmltz
said "only superficial damage
was done to our surface ships"
in tho Manila bay area raids
Tokyo radio reported today
that jnpuneso naval and air
force, driving homo attacks on
American carrier forces off For
mosa and the Philippines have
knocked out score, of U. S. ships
and set buck the "Impending In
vasion of tho Philippines by at
icnsi iwo monuis.
Claim, of victory reported In
various Jubilant Japanese broad
casts varied from 40 to 52 U. S.
wurshlpi sunk or damugod. Im
perial communiques listed 40, in
cluding 11 alrcrnft carriers sunk
and six damaged.
The broadcasts. Includinff a
report thnt the long elusive Nip
ponese fleet had at last come out
of hiding and was pursuing the
u, a, uisK jorco nceing from
Formosa, wero unconfirmed by
allied sources.
Dunsmuir Girls
Fatally Shot
(Continued from Page One)
car. A few moment, after they
entered the house they heard
a report and ncard Vivian Jean
scream. Seeing the 3-year-old
was shot In the head, the father
picked her up and started In
ills car for Hurnoy. Ho dcvrl
oped car trouble and en route
the 1 1 tic girl died.
A short time after the father
started, tho mother noticed that
Vivian Jean was a so wounded
and her screams, at first at
tributed to fright, were caused
by a wound In the abdomen,
lioth little girls were standing
In the doorway of tho Russell
homo at the time the shot was
Tho mother then started for
Burney In a second car, her
machine also dcvcloned trou
ble, but she finally reached the
hospital with the 6-year-old,
who died on arrival,
Tho Ruff family has lived
at the government- housing
project in Dunsmuir for three
months, during which time the
father has been employed by
the SP. Two other children,, a
5-year-old son and a 9-month-old
daughter, survive. Final
rite, were hold In Shasta coun
ty following an Investigation
by Deputy Coroner Glenn R.
Linn of Redding, to whom the
little boy told his story, de
claring he had not meant to
hurt hi. little sisters."
Regular MMtln. of Scot
llih all tonlfht. Masonic
hall. 8 p, m.
Vonarabla Ma.lar.
Paschall Hodges
Hurt in Italy
MKnrtlLT, Pvt. Pascholl
Hodges was wounded In action
in Italy, according to word re
ceived by member, of hi. fam
ily hero this weekend. No de
tails were available.
Hodges' wife Is tho former
Marjorio Hartlerodo of this
place, and his parents arc Mr,
and Mrs. Churlcs Hodges, also
of Merrill. A brother. Pierce,
is stationed with the U. S. navy
ut Karrugut, Idu. Hodges wa.
inducted September 14, 1043,
and went overseas In May of
this year. Prior to hi. induc
tion he was ono of tho owners
of tho Hodges store.
Equipment Co.
Karl Urquhirt
SU Klamath Phono I45J
Refrigeration .
I Vitazfattf 7Somcn& J
War's kmr Paea.Makern, tatting naw production m.rkl,
find rclaiallon In a p.m. drink mada better br PM da tue. "-
TM Ii belter . . . a whUkc). of nmiMial mcllownm. and Snr
I ".Tor. It offera Prewar Merit Ins lllaliball or Manhattan ' 1
I ... old.faihloned exeellenca In an Old-Kaihloned ajlaat. . ' . I
lfh fsn'l PM . . . ll fan's an Evmlng "J-
ri',rod.iel.Corp,N.Y. Blwidud Whl.r. .. Proof. MfAStrtdaM Whl.lny, 49fj CralnWalnl Spirits.
(Contlnuod from Pago One)
garia Just north of highway 9
the Rimini-Bologna highway.
Forty prisoners wero taken.
Tho Canadians also took Gam
bcttola. across the Scolo Rlgossa
canal north of the Rimini-Bologna
railway, and advanced
1000 yords beyond tho town
against light resistance.
In the hills south of Cesenn
a general advance of about
1000 yards wos made and a
number of Important terrain
feature, and 140 Germans were
captured northwest of Carpin
Gloria B.rtha Johan.on. a rldnt of
Oil. community for lh la.t twenty-five
year. pa.Md awar In thl. rlty on Sun
day. October 13. 1044 at 12:03 a. m. fol
lowing an lllnc. of ooe week. Rha wa.
a native of Blue Valley. Nebra.ka and
at the time of her death wa. aged fll
year, and B month.. Surviving are thre
Uler.. Mr. Leo S.gehorn of Tulelake.
California. Mm. If. E. Melnecke of Santa
Roaa. California and Mellnda Alexander
of Washington, D. C: Three brother.,
Seldon C. Alexander or Billing Mon
tana. Wayne F. of San FraneLco. Call-
lomia ana John c. Alexander of Pitta
burgh. California. The remain, ret In
the Karl Whlllork Funeral Home. Pine
ai nixtn. notice of funeral to be an
nounced In the next luue oi thia paper.
Gloria Bertha Johnnson, for
25 yours a resident of Klamath
Fulls, Tuleluko and Mncdocl,
Calif., died In a hospital here
Sunday shortly after midnight
following a ono week's illness.
Mrs. Johanson's husband, fa
niillurly known as "Alusko
John," preceded her In death by
one ycor.
Mrs. Johonon was a native
of Blue Vullcy, Ncb and at
tho time of her dcuth was 61
year, of age' She and her hus
band opcruted the Macdocl ho
tel and later a tavern at Tulc
hike, Mrs. Johnnson is survived
by three listers and three
brothers, one of her sisters be
ing Mrs. Leo Sugchom of Tule
lake. Funeral announcements
will be made by Whitlock's.
German Sea Escape
Route Cut by Red
Capture of Port
(Continued from Pate One)
acknowledged that Russian
troops and Yanks and Marshal
Tito s Yugoslav partisans had
fought their way Into the city
after reaching the outskirts Saturday.
Berlin implied also that other
soviet troops had crossed into
German East Prussia on a 27
mile front in the Mcmcl terri
Moscow announced red army
troops had advanced three miles
west of the fallen Latvian cap
ital, Riga, as Uiey steadily herd
ed nazis into the narrow trap
sprung when the soviet first Bal
tic army reached the Lithuanian
coast north of Mcmel.
Cooper Visits Forrest
Cooper, Lakevicw attorney and
long a state war bond assistant
administrator, was a Klamath
Falls visitor Monday.
If it's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
in tho classified. .
You'll Need
Plane Smashes
Into Coquille;
Fliers Killed
COQUILLE, Ore.. Oct. 16 M'l
Three navy filers are dead and
live civilians were in hospitals
today, victims of a plane that
cra-ihed and tore through a row
of houses in this western Oregon
The plane plowed into a resi
dential district near the high
school, witnesses said. The chim
neys ut two houses were sheared,
as well as porches from two
more. A grocery store was hit
and then the plane exploded, sot
ting firo to another house.
Dun Rogers, a civilian, was
critically hurt. A man and his
wife were taken to a Myrtle
Point hospital, badly hurt. The
fourth victim was an unidenti
fied baby.
Clarence Osika, former prin
cipal of the high school, had his
leg broken by flying fragments
from tho plane.
Property damage is high, state
police here declared. Several
blocks of the area was declared
out of bounds to spectators and
roped off by naval authorities,
who refused to answer questions.
Jury for Trial
Of Coplin Chosen
Orbic Coptin went on trial
Monday morning in circuit court
to answer charges of statutory
rape, involving a young local
Jurors selected before noon
Monday morning were as fol
lows: Desty M. Kleincger, Carl
A. Young, Orris G. Vroman, Jane
A. Howell, Glen B. Inman, Ber
tha M. Eastbum, Ross R. John
ston, Viola Gregory, Charles A.
Wright, Greta M. Brewbaker,
Roland E. Oakes and Mabel G.
Attorney for the defense is
U. S. Balcntine. The prosecu
tion is being conducted by Dis
trict Attorney L. Orth Sisemore
and Deputy District Attorney
Clarence Humble. Presiding in
the case is Circuit Judge David
R. Vandenberg.
(Continued from Page One)
of the week just how the situa
tion stood.
Digging was at its peak this
week but there was a sharp de
cline in buying. Shippers said
that not only was it impossible
to ship in "reefers" since the
October 2 freeze, but there was
also a visible shortage of boxcars.
ftundar, October 13, mil I
. Max. Min. Prtclp.i
Filt?n .,-, 04 41 .00
Kiimnth Fall 07 , H.1 .00a
Snrramrnlo 70 47 .Otli
Nnrlh fiend fll
PnrttftiKl .71
He no
Sun PrancUco
.. HI
Hans Norland Auto Iniuranct.
Phon 6060.
Calen Staley Howell, seaman
first class attached to the Klam
ath naval air station, died Sun
day morning of a gunshot wound.
It was learned that Howell
was found fatally wounded, with
his service revolver in his lap.
He died about two hours later.
A navy board is investigating
the tragedy.
Mowcll s home was at Billings, :
Norway's merchant marine is'
credited with transporting 50 per ;
cent of the gasoline used by the !
RAF in tho battle of Britain,':
Bjarnc Ursin, Norwegian consul!
at Boston, Mass., guest of a ;
Pendleton family, said here to-1
day. . j
Classified Ads Bring Results . 1
la your ntomach on the warpath from
war litter, worry and overwork?
Sufferer from jumpy, nervous indi
geition find that pepto-bismou
help bring prompt relief from heart
burn, distress after meals, gas on tha ,
stornarh. Tastes good and does good.
Ask your druggist for PEPTO-BIBMOL -when
your stomach is upset.-
Gas on Stomach
lUlMFtai m S auomHts r alawbU ytwy oMotf back
tVltta titans itcskicb add rtwi painful, loffoeat
tnr m. wur atanarh and heartburn, doctor t rouallr
prewrJtuj the futMt-artfnr nedlelnn known for
tjrmptnniatic relief mullein like thoi In Bell-ioa
Tablet. No Inatlrt. Bell-arts brine, ramfnrt In
jmjcrieutnbotUe to tu for double maor back. SSe.
Is Your Club
Looking for a
Call Me If You Ar.
Possibly I Can Help
"Baldy" Evans
For Fall and Winter
Under One Roof!
, . .. . i
Buy from 6ur
Retail Stocks
Buy from Our
New Fall Catalog
Save tlmt whan you ahijtil Sav.
money on Fall and Winter n.c.ial
tl.a back.d by S.an f.moua guar
ant..l Should you not find things
you n.d In our large r.tail atocka,
top at our Catalog Sal.a Depart-'
tn.nt. Moat .v.rything, now avail
ablt to civilians, will b. found in
our big new Fall and Wlnttr cata
log. With everything under on.
roof, ONE-STOP SHOPPING la the
aai.st way to buyl . .
of New
S w a tch books,
containing sam
ples of catalog
fabrics, . permit
you to a., and
feel . goods . be
fore you order.
V. on Moat JJ
ll&i!",ft I Richfield 100 Octane gasoline
iagpPl llW I I help61 Allied planes fly higher,
TODAY The West's newest and most modem refinery
is "on stream.',' Richfield can produce gasoline even
more powerful than any aviation engine.: can burn.
1 111 "jj' "
TOMORROW your Richfield Dealer will provide you
with the finest gasoline your car is capable of using a
fuel that will be years ahead of your postwar automobile.