Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 16, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Leathernecks Display
Power in First Victory
Marine Touchdowns Scored in Second
. lie
Period on unves by
The surprising Leathernecks
from the Marine Barracks
powerhoused the Fairfield Sui
sun Army Air Base last Saturday
night, 14 to 12, behind the play
of line smashing, pass intercept
ing, Vince LaPaglia and 180-
pound bod Byrne, nara tacKiing,
driving left guard, and the toes;
of Dunlers. Banccr and Mahan.
pound Bob Byrne, nara tacKiing,
l-.fl a.-,,, tlia AAe
Ul UUIUV1B, UHIlkVl Oliu moiiBii.
The final score does not tell
the story of the marine power,
which marched on sustained
drives to two touchdowns and
almost another, whicn was
turned into a soldier score on a
pass interception on the marine
J.IIC ajr.j'iiiaaicAa iiinmcu up
the first score on the initial play
of the game, after Sasse had ta
ken Chapin's kick off from the
10 to the 26. Behind a horde of
in.. Cl...n-..l... marVaJ on
soldier blockers, Sasse ran wide
to his right, then pivoted and
Jilted a Jong pass to wade, wno
had out-distanced the marine sec
ondary, and Wade rambled the
remaining 40 yards. The play
was good for 74 yards. Sher
man's place kick for the extra
The Skymakers were well on
tneir way to anotner score, alter
uuauan, murine s new lauoacK,
had punted out to the soldiers'
24, as Sasse galloped on two
plays to the Leathernecks' 13
The marine line held and the sol
diers lost tne can on downs on
thA 7
Mahan got off a beautiful punt
a..i r.t t tu. c?i...i I
wui ui uaiigur tu mc oniiiidricra i
29. The tide of the game turned
iiere as LaPaglia, who played
- Brilliantly at lull tor tne Leather
necks, intercepted a Sasse pass
on the 45 and returned it to the
On a nrnunr aVIi-a mith I
lia and Mahan alternating, the
marines hit paydirt. It was a
smashing, twisting Mahan off left
idtAie t iui ine iasi iour- yaras
mai cumaxea tne drive.
PlirriA'c firet lam l-ia. Iha
"' extra point were nullified as the
oKmsKers were on side.- On
the third try, Currie booted one
that, snlit tho nn-rio-hte a, all im.
portant point that proved to be
. ine margin oi victory. Score;
Marines 7. KlrvmaLrArc ft
Just after Darnell It irked nff tn
the soldiers, the marines were
spotted a DreaK, which set up
their second touchdown in the
second quarter. On an exchange
Huiiu, aa&se lumoiea and ura
vin, Leatherneck end, recovered
on the Skymakers' 24.
On fourth down with 11 yards
i" ur aown on Skymakers'
25, Bancer heaved a neat fast
pass over center to Dravin, who
KSST?1 thl b-a11 ' . he was
T . 5 .,.. J5JL A reported that
B o s ,w . nuuson
u- i . j-ncii uu
three plays, Fadgen plowed over
fh. l'J SOOTe Baneer's ry for
shnrf tr?hPOhm,t was !.ood- The
Skylaker's0" WK Marin" 14'
k&erLs . t ....
erntA. k..r.",.."re
. .Z 1, --u.iiiig uiC SCLQna
nan. ana on lourth down with 4
yards to go for a first down on
own on, manan Kicked to the
On the first play,' Berksdale.
QK-ymaners Jeft half, , was hit
Blended Whit-
key 86-Proof
5714 Grni.
Neutral Spiritt
The Lanidawne
Havre . de
Grace, Md
w t
When in Mtdford
8tay at
Thorouohly Modern
Joe. and Ana Earley
Save Your
Deer Ellr
5T Attention Hunters fSf
1, , nilllivpi
We will pay you top prices and you will bt help
ing the war effort.
Hidei are needed badly.
Sixth St. Auto Wracking
Mahan, raagen
hard by Byrne, marine stellar
guard, and fumbled. Chapin re
covered lor me marines.
Airier, hv a elinninff nenaltv
the Leathernecks brought the
pigskin down to the Skymakers
n Was there that Mahans pass
fell short and into the arms of
Dansbv. who ran 98 vards. out-
running the entire field to score
standinc un. Sherman's kick was
t r 1.1 et...
makers 12.
In the last quarter, the Sky.
majtcrs inreaienea to cross me
marine Lrnm. ffniTiniF in inn .1 no.
fnrA lncinc thA hall am rtnwni
Bancer's kick, ennd far almost
ou yarns, was canea DaCK oc
eans thA marinee waia nff !Ha
fin hi. runnJ L-iL- 11.A la.ll
nff thA ciaa Af hie f'nAt an1 u.AAt
oui-oi-oounas on tne i.
On a quick thinking move by
oaiitei, me marines gui ine Dan
haAlr a. (ka aanau A..1
haalr inlarPsntad Cm'. ,... ln
the end zone and downed it for
an automatic toucn-DacK. Atter
a COUDle .of nlavs failed. Ranrpr
got off a dandy quick kick to
Sasse on the Skymakers' 30. The
soldiers tried another drive
through the air, but was stopped
by another LaPaglia pass intor-
rpntinn RanAA. anal T nT)!.'-
took over the marine ball, carry-
ina- nil clniir lina nlov. ....All .1
A awi ,111b iiaja uiiui mi;
gun sounded the end of the game.
score by quarters:
----- ....
6 0 6 0
Paavo Meets
'Mask Again
This Friday
Paavn TCannnn u,hA . .
- - --- - -"i".j anv uauni a
CnallAna-A frnm thA t-Iam
week to the winner of the "Grey
Mask" "Rlnnrl an a n,,ti n..: J
. aim wum laviu
son go, has had the challenge ac-
-i" aim wm meet ine M8SK
in the main event at the armory
this Friday night. '
Paavo doesn't have any use for
the hooded grappler in any way,
??aP,e.' or form and along with
hlS niSltkA nf hie nnnanaal 111
be seeking revenue for ; th
irounang ne took the last time
thAV mat TUn l-l. , i
DC hot Pnniio-h in mata :
P?sts curl as Paavo also has an
who the Mask really i, and will
undoubtedly ttlmpt to te?r a?i
iuco ma. ne would like to so.
t oovo may nave iisured -out a
nidi, nas met wlttl such lit
tie success tn riat. ucn m
The preceding bouts are still
entave but Promoter Mack"
i?rd "king the services of
L"yRi!S! J.o of the event.
2' rarKS mav "Ho be on
l"B Dill.
Clippers Take Tilt
From Rockets, 27-0
Tht Hnllvwnnrl DanAj... ..Il.j
up their seventh American pro-
feSSlOnal fnntViall -....
, ,? Di -ouc vjuiury
with adding machine precision
uuuudjr m rouiing tneir cross
town paly the Los Angeles
Wildcats. AA tn 1 rA : - - .l .
Rangers triumph at the league's
""'j " merie napes in
tercentert a W rini ,l.
a-VdlQ Iln in- Flmh aa AS
- - i-mjicu no
yaras tor a third Deriod touch.
In the other American league
7 'ai,uomi iwiippers
crushed Portland's RockcU, 27
, Dcnina tne fleet Kenny
o.iVi . i" "niversity ot
l.ninnrnH Tl l
nla al I'os Angeles.
fnnhlV.-!.."""11 Ca
jana cianr u
, ..,w,.o. n e uax
passes by Mel Rcid of the Uni-
it J. r- -an '"ncisco, reg
istered their initial win by down-
.n - ,CUJ 8 oan jose
1UU3M1IIKH. aid-.
featuring an 83-yard punt re-
r.t .,T-.-.:e; cij 10 tneir
iri. i ""ves, o to 13.
nndtoS3 i?ie..lom,bers t?k
J nks'M156," frmh.the unb"" "
ranks in a miAhlnt -u
n i i is i i u 1 1 1 un .
rou DrWe Mot. Youm.U
8itc Long and
Short Trips
Phone M0 1201 Cut Main
" " "" " I
Rams Remain
In Unbeaien
Pro Bracket
CHICAGO. Oct. 16 (TP) Those
ureen nay racKcrs, lonay pac
ing the National Football league
aitcr nve years amuiiK inc iu-
minds as thev awaited their next
That, of course, concerned
thacA imhArnlHAA' on4 itnnrAHiel.
able Cleveland Rams.
The Rams, after a vcar on the
war-time shelf, were relegated
to the limbo of circuit "cousins"
'wav last summer when "Chili"
Walsh picked up Aldo (Buff)
Donelli as a coach and decided
he'd field a team this vear
war or not. What has happened
since is the surprise of 1944.
The Rams knocked off the Card
Pitt combination, 30-28, to open
their season and then dumped
the champion Bears, 19-7.
They came up with another
last Deriod rush yesterday to un
set Detroit, 20-17. and remain
alone with Green Bay, in the
nnHAfAatAH hraAlrat nf tha WAt.
ern division of the league.
The Packers. Cleveland's onlv
unbeaten rival in the western
division, had cause to worry,
tnn aftAi rAaHinc ceniiflntf rn.
ports of that Ram victory. Green
say naa dropped a JB-u de
cision to the Philadelphia Eagles
in an exhibition at Nashville.
Tenn., Saturday night. Next
Sunday the Packers and Rams
meet at Green Bay in a league
fame that will hnvn a naru Aaf.
inite bearing on the title race.
End Steve Pritko caught a 53
yard touchdown pass in the last
aeven minuies oi tne game to
give the Rams their victory over
MpanwhiTA thA
Chicago Bears, smothered the
u n l c a g o Cardinal-Pittsburgh
Steeler combination under a 34-7
score. The Bears have been
beaten by both Green Bay and
the Rams, hut thair narfnm...
yesterday was enough to give
them a "ffiant.lrillAT." .4t;Ha. ,
. . . anting IUI
the rest of the season.
.uT13e JNew Yorlt Gian's took
the lean in thA mlam
.ci uivia.un
as thev beat Prnnlrlvn 1.7 A
37-yard pass, Hank Soar to Ver-
i. "aan oroKe a 7-7 tie in the
finar period. The Washington
Redskins alsn nam. A..t u j
with a last period 42-yard touch-
pass, rranK Filchock to
v.-u rvT ' lne Boston
Yanks the victims,.21-14. .J
SEATTT.r rw 1 o w .
eat tie Irnnmon nn-f-j u:
pcu incir sec-
ouutcaaive raciiic Coast
ieasiue horkiv win nf. .t
at"e sta" last night. Final
score was 3-1.
SPCiKAKV. riA 10 m mi
dwlsioned Clayton
Worlds, 190, Los Angeles, in a
nfght h6re Saturday
Notre Dame's Steve Bagarus
romped to three touchdowns,
one of his dashes covering 80
H -Mil HI.:
n i i i n
i Their s a
Itneu Htt-rarMia U.im
Dnr . . ."Janle" ant)
Nwder Dry
Battle USC
Confcrena Clash First
Real Test of Grid Sbihh
For Undefeated Washington
By The Associated Prm
ITniV'AI-sitv nt Wn..hiHflrnl.
au.iivii:a L-ume oui OI II1C Coin'
11Atitinn.tni.lA4 Daalffa ...tk
, ....... .H. i nwtuu nui Ul
west next Monday night to en.
gage in their first Coast confer
enee fnnthn 1 tmrnn nf loii 1 a.
A ' va Ao-s-i in at
Los Angeles meeting with the
university oi southern Califor
The colkcum game will be
the only conference clash of next
itcckciiu. ine otner members
of the war -depleted college
'isc viy service teams.
Universitv nt Pali'Ant.u
Bears, which put together first
anH last nnrlnri lnni.KA... i.
beat College of Pacific, 14-0, Sat
urday, stay' in Alameda county
for a game with Navy's Fleet
City Bluejackets at Pleasanton.
California s southern branch,
UCLA Bruins triumphant over
St, Mary's College Saturday.
39.0. ana-aa-A Qt VTnn.,. D.l
Flighters at Los Angeles.
Traditionally a conference
threat, Washington has rolled
over two weak northwest oppon
ents twice in four weeks and gets
its first real test against the Tro
jans: The Huskies Saturday
crushed little Whitman, 71-0, the
identical score by which they
drubbed Oregon's game Willa
mette Missionaries at the sea
son s start.
Previously the Huskies beat
..uiameiie, su-o, and Whitman,
Southern CaHfnmin 1M,t A1IAH
a second quarter tally for a 6-0
vitioijr over at. Marys Pre
F'jKht at Fresno Saturday night.
. o,-vo an, a ncci,
UniVArCltv Af KTAdaala. I....- a.
u Aivvaua, luser to
lynujjon nrmy Airtield, g-7,
plays Utah State at Logan, Utah,
gallic asab'
. Coach A. A. Stage's nluckv Pa
cific Tigers act as hosts to the
(Saturday night.)
. i-ompton Junior College, Calif.,
invades Tnnnnah Ma.. 4.
Army Airfield (Sunday.)
El Toro Marines take the field
against the powerful Fourth Air
wiiii-n was neid to a ZO-ZO
tie VActArf4au ku thA A1 .
vudsi ouaro; . .." - ;
K-Boys Run Wild
To Whip Medford
By 25-0 Count
The aggressive freshman
junior high eleven, coached by
yave nriage, cast a good omen
for the Pelicans over their tilt
with the Black Tornado this Fri
dav nittht Kv ahaaIaa ...iu
against the Medford freshmen.
Saturday afternoon- at the pear
city to the tune of 25-0.
The K-boys had both their
ground attack and their aerial
offensive functioning . smoothly
and WAr In rnmnlata , J
---- vuniptu; A.WllllldlIU
of the game all the way. The
Medford lads were in there try
ing but never had a chance
against the superior Klamath ele
ven. Thlfi t thA CAAAAA1 ...la. -A IU.
-" a.. W.WIIU VT11I Ul WIC
season for the Dave Bridge boys
m iuey KnocKea over tne urants
Pase fraehmAn tn.A . T. - I
- -" J -vcjva Afe.il ay
M' baiiic counc, ico-u.
Its Tne ucc J-vlfI imr. u Aw
little hH f JmieincetygiHiJ littkgtl
ft r. n. at
cr nt'j ivi"v " " vam w r
First Days
Of Wildfowl
Season Good
The bird season got off to a
flying start Saturday in more
ways than one, with ducks and
fieesc prevalent thromihmit this
entire area. The majority of
nunters bagged tneir limns both
opening day and Sunday in a
snort tune. The weather cooper
ated, especially Sunday morning,
with a InW-hanffilla? fnir that u;a
Ia'a.., a-- l. i " ...
ivivni iur iiuuiuiK in most dis
tricts, as it made the birds come
in low seeking lecding spots. It
was rennrteH that thA haai h,,nt.
ing was to be found in the grain
.icias arouna tne lower Mamath
and Tulelake areas, but it was
expected that better success will
bu fnrthrnmina- . aa. I.. ti..
swamp areas wnen the birds are
driven In from the fields.
The MiHIanH bfai una ..1 J iA
be about the same as last year
wun Diros plentiful but flying
rusher than In th. Iawa. u-i.,
ath district.
It warn cttmitA kit
thoritiea that 3000 duck stamps
have been sold to date this year,
and manv mnr im k. u .
lore the termination of the tea-
th Asioclattd
Fourth AU Va. in. l
Field) 21) Alamaa .111.
a A-uii.c mirrn
A..., -1." . -iii.y
wutisi uuara (tie).
Toro (Calif.) Marines 8,
uaii uicu avai training cen
ter 0.
Holy Cross 26. Villanova 0.
Orris Field (N. C.) 19, Geor
gia Navy 7.
Fort Warren 68, Idaho South
ern Branch 0.
Denison 32. Bethanv 12.
,-JUial? a.state 40- Pocatello
iiua-uo marines u.
Wsl "B;; 33, Franklin .
Hampton Institute 0.
Southwestern (La) 15, Lou
isiana Tech 0.
Southern Tin!
Sam Houston 0. '
Marquette 4S, Lawrence 0.
Tulsa 34, Texas Tech O.
Richmond 18. Ha
ney 0. -
,.W.ake Jorest 38, Virginia
Military 7.
North Pai-nlina Clal. ia
... vwvtiiia aiRic 14.
Catawba 7.
Tonopah Army Air ' Field 7,
Nevada 8.
Cornell (Iowa) 13 SImn.An n
West Virginia 8, Maryland 6
Syracuse 32, Lafayette 7.
Randnlnh FiaIaI ah Ga..ika
maiu'i-Va "
ATlClllUUlSk U.
Texas' AffatAt 7 t.a,,i.;.aa
State 0.
Bowling Green 20. Case 18.
nalHuin.llallaAA AC i. : .
Wesleyan 7.
m Amarillo Army Air Field 38,
West Texas State 7.
Southern t?alfni-nla .a e
Mary's Pre-flight 0. '
NEW vnnif rM n ,
rootoau s elite ox unbeaten and
untied team. dh-asbIa ot
elevens, a tabulation showed to-
aay, witn familiar names of
Notre Dame, Pennsylvania,
gia Tech and the 'University of
Tti.ining.on topping tne list.
The Universitv haa Aniar1 91?
jioims, us opponents li.
I-lnrn it i-nnuwl Tlin IIIim.L, 'Pa,.
iiaavaw waa.i iiivitiuni lTtljr a Mllll-
Arlnn iniiiiiiiitl in,, tin. Hia till
nann nuna MnAfnvA I. ....n.
of tlio scasuu wilh tho Klmnalh
rciicniis mis rruiiiy eve. tven
if both elevens lose every other
liHinc on iue siuiu, inu team 11 un
walks awny with this fracas may
VVIiauii:! mil SClUU H BUCCCSS, SO
we dug un some Information Hint
wc thought grid fans might find
Since 1023, Klnmnth Falls ole
veils have lost 13 tilts to Mod-
lord, won four, mid two were I
tied. Tho Bliiok Toriindo Ims!
cnaiKcci up ;iU7 points . nst
jJt tor the pelicans in that pe
rnio, ui nine.
In tha na.l ,.,a .... lU. v
... ... r . .. v j.a.i ii, i
men have really pourad it on
their rivals from tha ptar city.
winning jat-u in IVYl and do
ing it again last yaar to the
una oi iu-. .. intie two vic
tories account for half the
mimbar of frays tha Pels havt
won from Medford in 21 years
ox compatitioni
The Hlni-lr Tiirnnrl,, I,.. ,1.(1
nltely not liked being reduced to I
mm win ue going :
all out this Friday nite to build :
ut nun- mure vciocny,
Tha Medford record for this
year Is impressive. Thty de
feated Weed, Calif., in the
opening gam of tha season,
, and ran wild against
MarshfU-ld the following Fri
day to win, 33-0. In their third
battle they trounced Eureka,
Calif.. S.S-6. Last Friday they
had an open date and were
over here en masse to get a
line on the Klamath boys,
These scores add up to a tolal
of 103 points scored by the
Tornado in three games for a
rough average of 34 points
per gme against a total of 12
points scored by their oppon
ents. The Pelt tthnw a inini a At
counters chalked un in '.four-
games tor an average nf a in n
over 10 per game, while their !
uuuoncnis nave laineri 4.1 murk.
Sfl far Kite aabkaa li.. i .
teams have not met a Joint op.
Donent. n Ihnrn ic ma l.a.i.
r .. miiai.-i iui ,
a i i.uiiiini i.mii on inni scale. After
int. uih uamo wun tne j'cls, Al
Simpson's boys will timgle with
nrant Pan Raaa Aaui....j i
. Uv,,, ii.-uiuilU, HIKI
salem in that order to complete
nv.uii.iuiu oi cignt games. The
K-men will meet Eureka, Calif '
and RAIIrl VlAth h,a 1a I '
.... i IULII1U
put a schedule of seven tilts for !
me iuii season.
According to these statistics,
the Medford eleven figures to
.hock me iviamam Boys over,
but we'll believe it when we
see it. And we are going to
see it if we have to walk to
Medford Friday!
Here arc the statistics of yards
gained by the Pelican ball car
riers in the tilt with the Cnvc
"Jpn. Seems as if the boys did
ll right for themselves in this
one. hut they'll hiive to iln bettor
liinil hub iifcHMi.'!
Timet Dili. Avt.
Carried N-t Ydi.
Biehn 14 "
Perkins -
Borry S 38 7.2
Redkey 4 10 2.5
Honlhorne 3 4 1.3
Hicks . 2 14 7
Thurman I
Blelin'i averaci wi cut by
a 22-ynrd lou which lollowod
a bad pan. Me pickad up the
ball and ran with tl. and the
lots li nectaiarily chargtd to
The Wllilnils Inimpled
.. I I i 1 I I -W i I J H I I BOX OFFICE OKrw. ...II
i g.iw.-auV . "-'I--1 1 , hi
i I Conllnuous Show Dally I I . - , 1 !! i
I open 12.30 i i i cnas I Onit'e II I
Ends Tuesday Chorlo, Sto"" 1 1
VOttm -ia."don
! 7 MY GUN" U
JTVrr II . s.,A Hi, ;
I t ,r- vs-it' III ( I . I h
- v: 7 a w Jf III S "PRKnKl iln
I a iTWrwi III laMioiii .- I iilc
III fAII '- y I I n. ...in I 1
I 2nd Thrill Hit 1
i ii it.
-.M fW. Am
IWi'lCil b V -T.I I I Kit at
fritja .tt: nil...
; v,. RE
Academy Snlurriay nften,
a coiuit ot 44.il. Vi ... .. ""On
reserves niusl of (ho
Iho boys wei-o really ffki
SL'lllCCl HllllONt 11 1 li, I I w IM
Coleiiiiui, Willis .,,
WHO H little morn
"hvv for the Wild,' J
I'lllll New. i, in. . .'"I
Kcono wero ntitatinwi J"')l
If It's a "frozen" tuT.
line,. arlvni-llaA f"
Ill the classified.
J I a I I I I t 1 :
ii"1 I I 1 1 I ; i I 1 11 1
-...-.. Itn 01
; vcn
1 -a mm ma ym m'
"ThQ Battle of the Marianas"
MDS p0) . ARNOLD -
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