PAGE NINE 14, W Halp Wanltd, Mala It Halp Wantad, Mai. 3 Automotive 34 Autsmotlv 34 Automotive 34 Automotlva 34 Automotlva 8rlcM HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CHEVROLET - John Ashley- WILL BUY WILL SELL YOUR CAR YOU A CAR Plant Superintendent and Assistant Manager Wanted .1 and ' HAULING Klnmoll. Fall L iN-' u ,i vn Lines YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS (or ,,,lune ATii aiiwtll 10..KI L A ber In Hi ie '"' ' .' r..iidlliiii4. tut v- 1 1 -Bin ' - '.""".'."7 M'l' 4.i '"....?, ;,, ?ior. in.ii- lindow Display nl InlciiKillonol , Ol,, -,!. ci At he Landry Co. 419 Main Si. Edward D. Lyman Open IS ci imgs Hotel Willard 10-14 f)pen For liuiineis 0 AND GIFT SHOP Photos, Stamp or Locket Suo U HI Main St. Health DARK V!FW IcInvalescent .11 HOME 133 Grantto SI. Ashland. Omjjoo Phono 7001 Xuia Nurso In Clinrco T . 1 -fllll tvulrae and dUbWtttMT Wo- KHfarrtd Kttolt ll llttrl 1MB J MM Liu wantkd - m ctt CeffM Shop 4tJ IriK ftrrice woitK Itandartl t . Kitclten help. nrd and notr-an praisrrou. wan IU3TU Wnrimn lo lake) car Mml-itivll1 A day l a week pitnad. Apt, . leMatf machine f.r.nvu T-, mM. e.171. xite, Miia Way. 11-Oiu )-(iirl for hdinrwirk and rra lr)rn, Phona 7A. 3J3JI -Girl for riouirworti unrt rr !idfn. Mull ty nilhti. Phom B-Caihlrr. Apply at Walfr.. Help Wanted, Mh( WANTED JANITOR Phi Time Work Apply STERN UNION 10-1 ANITOR WANTED Annly re Theatre Office 2030K You Like To n Money after bchool? There oie two f "old and News Koutcs Open KCULATION MCR ANENT POSITION Aiilnmaliilo Mechanics teJK llcnlcd GnriiEo Icj) fil! 51!! BU: I'oillion in Klamath rail B. MILLER "l nil Klamath 470911 '' ' I". Ilrlnll urc. rry l,ll'"rn,fl. hill mil v rtniMhorai ,ip-m,. trnl Mr'"'"v AlMwr- rhn llll " """iiii Waihlntlnn 10- tstfl ijirt . 1 "'una iinoai ,flnr DlllAl XUlll Iiick Dnivtns wantf.ii 340011 feiaJ.J".!'!..1"' S!1? I"" i, "ib. wrmii 1i.i.T. En V , ' trni Fr"- 'll 7ni4. uani inn. anoni r iij:"1"' pm.v for & n. '" ur n r ba...i ' . nl ninft Rnwllm avanlns, nam id-14 vin. r - "-hi, ,n wnrk I'Dlv """" mil f In purioii. 314 nr pari Muln. in-14 ion .in.,, Kr" innrriad roupla, 1" cook i, . ,""" children. LT mH "ow. Par- i"tan 2rtA""- vvnia loiia. "" 10-18 " "'"way E.pra.a Aaonoy. undltl Si'oV" l.lnt rnnm Pi Hri ri,7, r : t-wm" . ' ,""; nucki.s W'i.LiK! i "n ". " f " J large, adequately financed pine supply wants to engage a general miiici-lntendcnt. Kxncrionce production of western plnea and the handling of labor esscn I. Comfortable milnry. Climate and other living conditions dc- Irahle. A good poiltlon with a glvo pat experience and Information necessary for preliminary naldcralloil. All communications will ho treated In strict cond uce. Address Pine Mill, care Herald and News, 10-16 If you want to work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard wlioro conditions are good, go sec Johnny Tipton at the. Mcca Billiards, 531 Main Street. Wo need mon in all these, departments of our operation which is on essential Industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay IB Halp Wantad, Mat Steady Winter Work . TWO MEN For Work Inside of Creamery Klamath Falls Creamery 2BS0lf wanted Man In rift yard work, raw hour a 4ay piilllnf warj. rullliif frail, rnena 4iw or can ua ao. Bin. 10-14 WANTRO-I'lanarman lor imall planar rnnnlnf annul ao.imn raai par nay. Pornali ii uaruon. Plnahurat. WANTKD aian and ho? a la aal pina Llini ivora. food oajr. Applj) Dowuni ll 410 Main. T p nv. any avanlni Wanira nr tlnda ITIII 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOAKD-U4 MICAIfan IIOOM, DOAHD-OanlUman. 1007 Craa. rani 22 Hoonr.i for nam ROOM rOD ntNT-lult Jallanon. ROOM fOR RtNT-IS4 No. ard. 10-Slm rOR nrNT-Room lor unilamen. a nranl. i":i 24 Apanmanti For Rant iient nl ona.rnnm modarn anarlmenl Irea lor pareunia nou.awnra. pinaia ttomin pralarrad. fnona 14a. aalBlf imii hint., rur-nlahad naroom aptrl' mant, balh. ralrliarator. ona adull only. 3 M vet. JM So. 4lh. 10.14 WANTBICnnanlal lrl lo ahara apart' mini and axnanafa Innulra M2i Crea rani aliar JO. Paarca Baauly Khno Iwifnrr a 10.14 21 Houaa Pot Rant rOR RENT-Broom houaa. al and Riawarl addition. Inquire Jood r.har laln St, 0-14 rOR RKNT Small 3 room furnlahed hnn,r barhrtnr nnlv Ph"n" nIV 10-17 28 Mlsc.lUnaou' for Rant FOR RENT Potato Storage McKendree Co. Merrill, Oregon ron RENT Floor aandari. crlc.r. and waltpapar ramovln machlnaa, J. I. Palter. on Paint iio. Phont saJ4. 1310 Ea.l Main. 10-,Hm n.rcTnio floor randsrs nd dr ranled. Do your own work. Inoulra r-alnl Dipt. SIONTOOMIRY WARD A: CO. I0'31m rOR RENT Modarn Irallir ipaca, Call I 4m) Routh ath. to-ao ton RF.NT- Potato itoraar. 3 mllai north of Tuialaka. Martin DlniUr, nl. I. Til" 0, 1114 80 Raal t ilat. For Bala TOR SALT. -S-hadroom houw. HardweM lloon. Ilraplaca. lurnaca. Cloij In, Call 1IS. S'4'" FOR SALE RV OWNIR-4-roont modarn houio with built-in fruit room. Uil roinhlnatlon hon and iaraie, alio rhlokan Jiouia. On rornar half aera. I.ana lawn. Iraai, irdn wllh bar rli. Soma wood. Sltso. 1000 down. Tarmt. aoos rrolda Av. ia-14 ron RALR -Shn P4itur, 340 aoMii alfalla and llmolhy mlKad, aoulh ril Maim. Call Uikay .. 71. SI rOR SALE J-hadroom modarn houio. baiamiiil. faraia, Cloia to hllh chpol. lost Alamada, I"-" NEARLY NEW FOUR ROOMS on It aero at 44110 Drnvor. only IlltSO. F.VFRETT DENNIS, REA''TOn... iai N. Slh IMS Fon RALE-a-hrilroom homo on acr on nllrrt alraat. Inaulatad, lawn In front and hrk. Oara. chlrkrn houio, built-in frtitl room in utility ihid. 3fi in Wlard St. itm. ajti a. a.h.a.nAm tnnriorn homt. oil furnaco, on pavamont Mar hut and tohooi. Dial 74i, 10-14 rOR RAI.F. -B acrol ot ood loll, 0-room hotiM. barm, root collar, raa and wnoi l.lietl. nt nt. l. nnx a. - , r,...- K.ii nrma Raaion- operation, with long term tlm- future for right man. In renly Lumber Co. TF ao Rail Eitat. for Bala SO YOU WANT -A LITTLE HOME IN THE COUNTRY Where You Can Hove A Garden, Cows and Chickens Look no further Here are 3. acrei, all under chicken wire fence. Completely furnished nouie, including washing ma chine, electric stove, new clr culatlng henter, etc. Good out Duimmgs. rlno cow, chickens, (lucks. L'ceae. rabbits. Flno Har den, berries, young nrchiird. 2 electric brooder. Everything lor Z73u,uu caah. THE MANDROS PLACE Shady Pine - Green House On Old 97 Highway School Bus Service at boor Wed.-Sat APARTMENT and INVESTMENT Close In on Pine street, apart ment building with sufficient ground for service station. In- come from property nt present lime 335. This Is one of the best future service station loca Hons in town. E. GRAY REALTY SERVICE Io,ulre Theatre Bid. Sunday Phone 4880 10-14 CLOSE IN 2-bedroom home near Upham St. Thia property has had an owner s care, and has large liv ing room, rock wool insulation attractive yard, doing for 33630, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1001) 111 N. nth St. Phone 1384 ON WIARD ST. 2-betlroom home with bnsomcnt furnrtce, everything just like new. Nice lawn and trees, one- half acre of ground. Good street. One Bedroom With furniture, one-half acre ot land under Irrigation. Rcndy to mov Into. Semi-modern. $1800, E. GRAY REALTY SERVICE Erquirc Theatre Bldg Sunday Phone 4G80 10-14 rnn faAI.K LrivHv a.lirdroom homo In SI. KmnrU PrJc, Just five ypnrs old. trico W)O0. Kt HIM home In MIIU Adrillion. Prieftd to icll t SaUidO, Tornn, Two-IiPdrnnm horn In Altmnont HMrlflt with one aero oi into ion. ur Joe Perry with r, u wEAvrn .a.iH"si Phnntt filfll .,. , FOR SALE Modern 6-Room Home In Hot Springs District Inquire 120 N. 10th Street 1072tf HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th rnona oii 10-Hm T. . rt ..Al.l n,.nllAlv fltP run nrti.a.--.von, .- r . . .. .1... mun hnm. R.. ' frlaarator, new afe itovo. dlnlul room at. davanporl, cnair iwin, "ircr, roff thl. a nd tablai, dcak. 3 floor lamp.. "?""'" ,-,. noW O-piOCa ncm,.ii, p.... -h-",-' automatic a" '""l"" ',leI haalor, Venetian bllndl. hardwood floori, iniulation. doubla aaraie. laria narrou, ' avanua.' Phona 74ea. 3Mtf atod land, fenced, partly cultivated, 4 mllei from town on hlbway, no ni i uuim, wi' " .'.L -1,-11 h.nlriln rharva ful V Dtld. H. E Hauaar. 1.130 Mln. 10 Y O U Bolsiger Motor Co. . Main and Esplanade YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co"? AUTOMOBILE Careful SERVICE Complete Prompt' Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. ODELL MOTOR CO. 30 Raal Eatale For Sal 7-Room Home In Hot Springs Diatrlct, with 4 bedrooms, full basement, fire place, nice yard, near aehool, $7000.00, ALSO New small ' home on 'A acre Just off Shasta Way, attractive and clean, completely furnished 33230.00. Everett Dennis, realtor 121 North 8th St. Ph. 8491 10-17 ivib HALE IrrtfiUri farm. 11.7 aorai noma tarmi- J- muea inyui., v, Xtnlty. 1. C. rtoj.r, Rt I. Box . 10-14 34 Automotive RECAPPING 1 Day service Tire Chains WINTER LlfBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed . 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 lMSmc Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 8:30 P. M. 10.14m We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE ' 1330 Main 10-31m rop CASH PRICE tor your clean, lata modal car or aqulty. aaa U M. Qutm al BURNESS MOTORS Authorltad DoSoto-Piymouth Parta and Sorvlca Goodrich lira DUtrlbutor sia so. ath 3DS7U wA a., a ta.-ta Rlanriard Chavrolet 4-door aedan. new seat coven, body very Hood, Urea jood. Prlca Mas. Phone U0. 10-14 1143 CHEVROLET SEMI-TRUCK to rent with driver. 340 Martin. Phone S.138. 10-14 rnn hai.k. mn4 Chevrolet coach. In quire 130,1 Main St. 10-10 FOR nrNTl.ona wheel has Ford truck, . . , Ttdlalaar Motor Co " n 10-14 eAn. A niW.i. fnr a. la 1111 Cftilitncnlft. euro 4405. 10-14 ton SAlOne modal T Ford engine complete with rurtlntor, wMf pump n era. no rat ft r 9430 Orchard WAV. " 10-18 FOR 8ALE-I0.10 Ford DeLuxe ledan. tires fair, above average condition, motor needi mile worn. Priced to sell oulck at S4S0. Phone 6S47 after S n. m. Shorty Woathertord. Richfield Service Station, th and Klamath be for. S p. m. 10-16 FOR SALE-10.10 Ford truck, good rub ber, now motor. Calvin Mootry, Raid win Hotel. 10-14 BEH MEL HENRY at LOMBARD'S USED CAR LOT, SSI South ath. W. buy and ell. tWlra R R N REPAIRING Phone 4149 Wed. and Sat 14 Automotlva For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6th Phon 6942 Used'Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends IMOm ron At.lcilftAfJ t)S M Int. lor truck rtd trailer. Truck has 70 motor end reer end, 10.00 tiros, good, some spurs tires, lots of extras. Good winter ion. .T W. Croaalai.. Ewiuni CtmO. Sora- rtie Rtver. 10-14 rnn flAt.rHinlim nansl. mOOl. rAiii nracllrallv nftu- tlrat. 118 6 111 Tort road. Phone 7034. VM4 35 Ful Hatsnq RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Trompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m RR Mlar.ll.n.Aui Par Sal. rOR SALE-lOO torn baled hav, 1st cut alfalfa, oata and rye. at Keno. Sea Guy Moore at ranch before musing river or Mil Doug Puckett, Tulelake 1104. S3S3K LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering ahrubi and trees. Mane your icicc lion mw fnr fall olanllnf. LAKE- SHORE OARDIN NURSERY. Phone 40S3. 10-20m rUt.LER RRUSHFR - Clem Joyer. 1433 Startln. Phone s77. 10-3im FOR SAI.E-Traller house. 16-foot Ram mer, Sleeps a. air uraitRa. iww ,,,. very fine condition. Must be seen to he anpreclated. Roy Call Auto Co.. 737 Commercial. Phone 0763, 10-14 c"OR BALE 34S Winchester, model 71 wltK 0 hAvaa tit abulia. Phona 104:1. 10-14 Vftn flA1.EPrewar bicvcle. excellent condition. S70. 71S Jefferson. 10-16 FOR SALE Furniture for R-room house. Inrludlna Frleldalre. electric ranee, electric washer. All to one party. Stay be seen evening. Saturday afternoon and Siinriav. Ha Ewauna St.. between Pine and Main. 10-14 FOR SALE-Prewar black caracul cloth eoat. sire i. quiitad lining, worn twice. Call Merrill SS. 10-14 ton HAl.C Olaon nil. 0x12. 24AO Orch ard way , , 10-16 FOR SALE 12 gauge Remington shot gun. Can't tell from new. 970,00 with 39 shells. Polly Ann Bakery. 10-14 FOR SALE-S-horso Johnson outboard motor. Used about as hours, mo. Momsdile. 10-13 Top CPA CeilinQ Price On Laie Model Cars USED CAR VALUES HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK SELL NOW ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO.Vi 410 So. 6th St. 38 Mlacellaneous For Sal FOR SALE Cull Potatoes Jerry Short WOCUS 4 miles north of Klamath Phone 7833 10-16 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 770S . 117J-tt Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR : COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone S19S C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. . PICTUhES OF ALL BOATS AND PLANES USED IN WAR II ETCHING TYPE Photo ond Gift Shop 711 Main at. 10-16 GI.ASS-Mlrrors. resllverlng. plate, win dow and auto glass, ruriwura tops, shelves. Kimball's Class Shop. 327 Walnut. Phon. 737S. 11 -4m PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP QUICK PHOTOS-Stsmr, or Locket alia up. riuivKu icicmng iype oi an hosts and plane, used in war a. 711 .Main. 10-16 THIS WEEK ONLY - All permanent! .o.oo. creme oil maentneieis ae.ou ana SI0.O0. cold wave S10.00, SIS.OO and S20.00. Lnrette'a Beauty Shop, Stew art Addition Phon. 4030. 10-14 SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup plies. All makes. Fnonft 6771. .taia Shasta Way, 10-31 m GIVE HIM A BURGESS V1BRO-TOOL r. R. llauger. open all day Saturday. SIS Market. Phon. 7221. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available part! itocKea. used furniture, stoves oougnt. OK Second Hand Store, sso Klamath. Phon. 3671. 10-31RI FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy senmeek. Fbon. 4083. Rt. 3, box loss, 10-31m FOR RALE - Miscellaneous restaurant aouloment. Jeans Place. Tuioiake. 10-1S FOR RALE Baled alfalfa. 100 tons first cutllna. Thomas Hefner. Bonansa. 10-14 SHOTGUNS - Seven 12 gauge, pumpl doubles, singles, with shells. 140 E Main. 10-lg ALLEN Adding Machines and FR1DEN Calculator. 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing 4 Stationery Co. 10-lSm la-GAUOE SAVAGE AUTOMATIC shot- gun. uncd but little, two boxes of shells, SIS.OO. 21SS Vine. - 10-14 FOR SALE-Splnet piano. Deleft our rsdlo. 1 meflophone. 1 E flat alto saxophone. Shepherd Music C6. 10-14 FOR SALE-APPLES-Whit, apple stand, .t't miles south highway Medford. Jonathan. Delicious. Newtowns. Win ter Bananas, several grades. S1.00 up. Bring containers. Ooen Saturday and Sundays. A. C. LwU, Box 234, Rt. 4. Medford. 10-14 FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan, S32 So. Riverside IMit DUPONT S GREEN AND RED SHINGLE STAIN. F. R. Hauger. Open All Day Saturday. SIS Market. Phone 7111.' 10-14 FOR SALE One circulating h.atar, takes 22" wood: one woed rangei one electric stove, new: two stock saddles: used pipe, 1 to 3-inch; S U9.d shallow well pumps: one 11 h. p. Klto outboard motor; new pumps and motors. Southern Oregon Well Drilling Co., 630 S, 6th. phone 6632. FOR RAt.Ettaed wood fumaea. 133.00. 2027 Del More. 10-is FOR SALE -One 21 repeating rifle with scope, one 30 .automatic, rifle, on. pair field glasses, one pair binoculars. Shells for abova rifles. Ftxlt Shop, Tas Vlspiath. SSfrytf 4tt Misc.llanooin Wanted WANTED Tricycle, 6-year ill.,' phone 6.118. i 10-18 UlANTnn - neari anrf Qinrtbiaaa 'animals. Phone 4S3S collect. 10-IS A Few of Many Good Models on Hand 1940 Special Buick Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan, Fluid Drive 1938 Packard 5 Pass.' Club Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD 424 S. 6th St. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP 111 Slain St. Now Open For Business CtcAlnr Tyoe Pictures of AU Boats and Planet Used In War 11 10-16 WANTED To RENT Or LEASE Modern apartment or small modern house suitable for two women. Call Mrs. Dubel. Marine Barracks, 6121 10-17 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If vou hav any no-longer uaad article, of an? kind bine around your hott. or ofMe. then you Rave a real opportunity to neln the war ef fort tn th. first Dllce. other eeoole actually n.aad tnaaa no-ioniar usao ar ticles: teen too the monev vou raits by selling things can ba converted Into bonds Phon. S1S4 Classified Ad - Dent today a70tl WANTED. 4 to a rooms of good furni ture. Must ba reasonable. Phone 4810. 10-14 WANTED TO RENT.2-bedroom turn . Ished or partly furnished house by - two adults, ambloved tn lumb-r in dustry Call 3146 days, and 837S alter i p. m. - soibii WANTED Good washing machine, psy cash or trade new Evlnruda outboard motor. P. O. Box 247. 10-16 WAMTV.n TO RENT bv rjcrmaocnt cou pie, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phon. S07S altar a p. m. 2273U WANTED House, furnished or partly furnished. Will pay any price. Phone 3121, Marine Barracks, extension iw, rtav. . Eveninas 0102. ask tor Capt Bay-ley. 10-18 WANTED 2 or 3-room furnished modern apartment. 2 adults. Phone Murine ftji-rark!. .037 after 6 P. m. PrC Sakevllr. 10-14 ttrn.l. PAY CASH TOR VOUR PIANO Loula R Mann. 120 N 7th. Phone 4310 or 7I7S. 10-30m WANT Tn ni!V..rtniftn or dor.en and half colored pullets. Phon. 6078 after 6:30 p. m. 28Mtf WANTED -Electric Iron in good conol- tlon. pnone iu-" WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run nera. Call 3124. 3I4SU WANTED-2-bedroom unfurnished house. Sgt. Collman. Call SI31, extension 114. 10-17 WANTED Good homes for 6 kltlena. Phone 3014 or 4610 Boardman. 10-14 WANTRD TO BUY-Any kind of raiHo weighing undr B pounds. Call 6553 10-11 WANTED TO RENT 4 or 3 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or partly coup!, no children. Phon. 3373 or 8441. ' 102SH WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7lh. Phone 4419 or 717S. 10-19m WILL PAY CASH tor used guns Bring them In for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 828 Main St.- 10-31m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, tnrkevs nd rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. SIS East Main. Phon. 4282. 11 -4m WANTED TO BUY-Used cars for wrerk . Ing. Roy Call's Auto Wrecking. 7?.7 Commercial St.. Phone fi703. m-M 44 Llveitock and Poultry FOR SALE-1300 head feeder pias. 73 veal calves at public auction bv the .Farm Bureau at Anderson. California. Wednesday. October 18. Calf sale at 10:00 a. m. Hog sale at 1:00 p m. . Hon graded and sold in truck load lots. Calv.l sold Individually by the pound. 10-14 HIGHEST PRICKS paid for hoit. veal. - lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phon. S333, nights 3S03. 10-31m WANTED - Live poultry ol all kinds Also eggs. Marun Produce Co. Phone S372. 10 11 m AN IDEAL JERSEY COW for an eldrrl couple. Se. F. W. HURD. Rt. 3. Box - lOSS-A. 3'i miles north of town on Old Bend highway. 10-17 FOR SALE bay mare, gentle. saddle brok. 330 uenver Ave. iv-is HAVE on. or two hundred hend of whit, face cattle lo raise on shares. M Udan. 4.13 W. 8th St.. Eugene. Ore. 10-18 Phone 4113 MOTORS Phone 3138 Thurs.-Sat, 44 Liveetoek and Poultry FOR SALE 40 head especially fine year ling rams, purebred Hampanires. Bart C. Reynolds. Rt. 2, Box 37 L PTlOn. SCSI. 10-M FOR SALE 12 Guernsey cows, 1 regis tered Guernsey bull. 3 two-year-oia heifers. 1 F-12 Farmall cultivator and buck rake to match. 1 Mccormick mower. 1 springtooth harrow, 1 drag harrow, t 2-boltom 14-inch tractor plow. 1 Kiliford disc. 40 tons hay, to sell all together. Call 1741 Hop. St. pftor a n. m. 10-16 46 Financial When You Want d ' CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL: FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On . Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. s-asi 10-31M See K. A. (Dinty) Moors For LIBERAL CASH LOANS 'AUTO On r-i idmiti mr Your rUIMNI I UIL NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phon 332S 10-Slm First Federal Has Plenty of Money e Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent ' . Long Terms . Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL ' SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. ot Klamath Fall Sixth and Main . Phbne 819.1 10-31ra -auntiry, io14 abla tarma. ' 'n-19