1 PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October U Out Our Way By J. R. Williams Our Boarding Houia With Major Hoopl he overheard (WE WOMDERIMG WHV A HUSK LIKE HIM IM'T OVER ll rf TAODILV' M 41 wl.-4dcll4i 1 1 i i I1 n loocna it-Aic n Q ALWAVS THOUGHT BE VES-AM' BEIM' BO AM AROUND MDU IS Y I "AMP I'M 1 MAK1M' ME CO THAT.' COMMA I WHEN HE GRABBED KEEP OM i SOU I THOUGHT, THINKIrsl' 1 lAJDI II DMT IT RE TILL HE'S KffM -1 UNPATRIOTIC TO AT LEAST V-M (VSL BUT";,1 IN UMIFORMT BLOCKS ,.' .":. 5 r?3KnZ2Mf I. WOULD I GIT ( AWAY i jj"f rW'rJ&MllJU IN TROUBLE FROM MY' I ,W3d -S $&(MWHr WITH TH' GOVER" I TERRIBLE fir"- I - .. ...... u, -r-1 r- rrik itd ai . . i I ITSCAT VOU PRVlMS SNEAkS THOUGWt) .i-ma. Cv ccAD-lJim TUP V rAUUIND I A G,f ATVC V 1 - Ll t Li UtLi WHILE I WORK OUT MY BRAIN CHILD -wlHfcKE i 1Ni THKV 63, MACK, BUT f I riwiivv T M. lit U I PAT. Mf r CBlTlcrTxrt,i bTRIP FOR. .V!) H CRACKS Aoun cTii M .:i"Jll developing '-' TJ:r iiM Red Ryder By Fred Harmon I Freckles and Hit Friends By Blosscr rr ' f " y -C y c (what IMGoino To Something 1 Well, im 1 Hilda. Vou'll I You were right amd dont -Ss k?.Vf?J P'VET N AW TELLS. ME I GOING TO FREEZE STAND THERE lTkF A MPtVROVV ) t I rsr never .sw? 15 lac!v-v w Wosh Tubbs - , By Leslie Turner B I mnuso r?'", THANKS, f WE ARE KINPA ,V HEy.aJYSJ :T f FEuiPE ISSUE ANV V ciOOD' " PffiY SER(3EAWT. OUTNUMBERED ON TH ( AMERICAN b THE WAVflSl I MWUTE. HE CAN 6ET THI& R0U6H I I.J'iPr lWEtfTMIKHTO AN01WANTTO lj I ISLAND, SIR ...I FI6URE CI6ARETS J BROUGHT A iRATEl lTvet JiPtl iffiWH OprER A oucSTi I HftNO IT To YOu AB0UT23,OOO TO I. SO -r-'o' SUPRLIES HEMAY L To hbVp h m f UPLP uiw 7 .BBk. m -554. i- is 'j ts.T-w now if a. , i An";.' - v f i Boots and Her Buddies ' z . ; By Martin Market Quotations NEW YuriK. uci. N (AIM The few tutiuy took oil niuucst omounls of ulilily coining election aceincd to havo brlgiil tiica mo niorKci presiiociivc. Tratislcra rati to around IHK) 0O0 iharei Karnltm and dividend irouCU neipeu a miinucr ct invoritea. at ly-U peak, wai attributed to the reorKinizatioiiprouram. Cold and ktocl telctrMih jumped teveral polnta it early oi(i-lol trttiiction. The appeal: court ruling thnl WeMcrti Union, whlci rcoponslhlo for C. it S. Income txc agnin wax ino principal prop. Consolidated Kdlioii edged Into new of the time were Columbia Gni. National occasional reibtance wai ihown bj oaniu re. uranam-i'aige, acati noo buck, American Telephone, riltiburgh Westlngiiouso and J. I. Caie. Bethlehem, Chryiter. United Aircraft! Goodyear and Northern Pacific. Bonds and commodltiei followed a ltm course. Closing quotations: American ian Am Car & Fdy Am Tel Si Tel AnnrnnHa .Calif Packing .. -ai i racior Comm'nw'lih St Curtls-Wrluht General Electric General Motora Int Harvester Kcnnccott Lockheed Long-Bell A" Montgomery Ward Na-th-Kelv N Y rf-nrr-al Northern Pacific rac Gas Ac El Packard Motor -Penna R It Ronuhlln JBl.1 Soars Roebuck - Southern Pacific Standard Brands Sunshlno Mlnlnir Trnns-Amcrlca Union Pacific . U S. Steel Warner Pictures Sou ...103' ...1311 21s, ...... 12'' M'i IH'i - Ifl'i Wi ... 3.1 fl'i 2t', 10 .-..1001', 101 2ffa ... 04 0i ..IO0 Huiiieiiiiikiiio' lligliliolils From tht Olllco of th u. n..itnaiiiiillnn Inlnl Tliu KOHLRABI ifflpe WHICH MI'S. I.. J. Llllllltlll or., ui KI..I1.. ......... fill,, W,.U1 lino rcuclivd ua lodiiy, tuul It is a series oi iiiviiukis ui iiri'i'"' 'K tills vi-Kvtuble, iiitlu'r tliiin Just U rrcipc. Tlio first iiu-tliml, which Mrs. Luluidn tonus fried kolilnilil, Is to wnsli, pine the fund mid cut it in slices. She purtiolls it fur mmui u iiiiiuiies linn inning 11, then files it in incited euoklim fill or butter (tluit'll be lifter ii, . r,. i,,ui ,,r i,ui a,, wi seusons it with suit mid pepper, Atiouicr wny 10 iiuiKe 1111 up pt'tiziiuf disli from this vtme tublo is to creiini it cither by itself or In eoiiibiiiiitloii wllh youiiR curiots mid pens, lifter boiliiiK it in suited wnlcr, Bui the most unusiiiil method l II. n.l.llll f II. 1.. .I.......I.... is iiiu uiiiiiiiuii u. linn uii'nsiiiH ..r I. ..in... i ..r I.. .1,1. (II1I.-I UWlllllK WIIU 1(11111 4 I'l 1411,11- rnbl in suited wutcr mid drain- ine: One cun of sour erciitn. one tublespoou siiiiiir, one table spoon butter, ono tablespoon n...... ...1.1. ..i i i.. limn iiiiiii ii in itiiijiikii vim jiii to suit taste. The mixture is al lowed to come to u boil mid should be served at once. line TAr-ir I'lPiiL'Mnnni- 4I1I40. UI14.I4,1 114111 HIV llllJJIiy 1114:11 414 4I3IIIK .U11IIJ.-1114.-1 9 .41. .IIIIUK lllllll'l llll for tho Christmas boxes sho Is scndinK overseas. Not only do they keep tho contents of the boxes from boiiiiclnii iibout, but they limy afford n few moments of chuckles for those who nrc fur from tho dully fuiinv-pupor .,.,iiiuu mi A eonv of "1 he Herald and News'' inlKhl be vuy welcome, also, to fltihtliiK Kliimiitiuies. t m... I -I lit ll-IIA'll n., I, .,1,111,1 r. viur.iiiv.ri iiiu. 4. w ami Mrs. Dowoy iipprecluled the ullentlons shown lliein by Kluni alh people was expressed In u letter received l.st week by Mrs. Leslie llouers who present ed the New Yorkers with u Jar of Klamath wild plum pre serves. The letter said. Ill purl, "II was so kind of you to pro- sent us with some of your fam ous wild plum preserves. We enjoyed them twlco with our breakfast en route and lire look- UK 11U1VII11I 11' VIIJ4".1 ll'H llll' rest of tlirin wllh our family. We would llko to know more about them," WHAT'S COOKIN' Monday, ilomciiiiikcr's broad cast. 1:45. Tuesday. Allamolil Extension unit iiieclluu. "Maklnu tiwect Hulls." C'hlloipiln Extension unit niecllnii. "Let's Itavo Fewer Colds." Wednesday, Kulrliaven Kxten slon unit mcetluij. "Let's Have L-... '-..LI . I'll 4.-1 4.41111.1. Thursday, Henley Extension uiiu nit-eiiiiK. ruivui cuius meei in.,- U'4.nrlir,.i,t.,ii- -,n,.,.i A L w tension nieetlnii. "Muklnj! Sweet lions. Krlilny, Kort Kluiniitli unit meetiiiK. I''ewer colds meellnij; Minsiii nun ineciliiii, Miikluv hweet lions." n L Nwjyn,it WANT In liml, M,,rT"N Willi S l..-. .,,,',, ' i StKMsN ' !""nimi ' J-":a4 i 1.0HT..111111 i, ZTT' IM. i'iMIni ., , fiii.mi rvivni il fi,i ,r, -1 nil W. Il.iiiik. I,.,., .. ' ' lU "i.nil i.imi ..iiimwii 4v,t pi i-,.,...;- Nina C'i,.u,.,v . r '1' 44.nl. I'l,.,..n ni,,, ' ' Dul -"-lam- '""I. ...MIT- Ills Urn nUmTTuT; I.HIJI1 lilll. ll.ln,,..Hi " 1 i.osr i.miic. 1.1 ..wi, iTi7iTr '..' ":' ''''' ...T Conoral Nocw FALLS iic CENHRAL Repair, ! KikIiii-. 11...,..'' "-t i,.ir.ii a,.,,, i,,r ;cL" I'lanl .,,,1 i ., "" 633 St. Francis St, ft ntld-.ri.ton. lK-.l trailer, tippnrteii Hie nt.rkel and anino ofllto buvlng aiiparvnt- I. ...... In fur llio wcrk and. nrar ilia rn ra rallied a cam front the cnrly Iowa. Onta and corn fluclualcd In a narrow ranilc. AI Itie cloae wheal waa to cent, hi. her than ye.lerday'a flitl.li. Iei-riiiti.r Deretnber l.iat.. Oala were liitrhatiard 4vbh 1'. In rrnili Klt,r ll,.Mr,ilu.r SI.OTla-1,. Barley wm nni-hansed lo a. renta lower, Oecentlier el.tMi.. Plane Crashes n Grant County r a m vriM pitv r,.t 1.1 nu A piano crash, hcnrcl yestcrdtty uy ucvr nunicr.i in urnni coun tv. Wnt r.HinrtpH hv Sheriff I R HiizcUino todny. Tho Bhnrlff vniA tn nlnnn unit lnnntoi-1 vnclnrrlnu n.wl t).A pnnts found dend. He did not uiaviuau iiiu tyJU ui piiiiic nor tho number of norsnnn it rnr. rica. Now Todiy WANTK I) -- Kvprrlenrvd kltrhen ttetii arv. Anoly In iwiiun. Klaiiialh ltd hard. 10 JO TOR NALK -Trallor hnua. 12 ft , factory elec. brakes. I'lume 3tU0 ur OIUT. 10 20 rOH 8A1.K -Waeltliig marlilne, 4jn Kane Ixilwrcn 4 and 9 p. ni. 1014 KM. HAI T -I'.f.l wocm! or roal turn Ph. OrtflT. J7 M I f ra.ra iiiii.i. 'v ill illliini licairr. d ail llfht healers A Itabv's txirlahia .wln-r Phone 4701. 10-14 WANI'ICI) Hewing machine. Pliotta liiMt LONT Drown leather Jacket, v4 dciivraun. ran.nl 1010 v......-:. inmu ii.tiii. inn iiimufr nanq r. I-Uona KUg. CilutMaun i.hr c to. JO Potatoes WVO .00V' tvtVQv4iii v.. inwnv ?no SO ViA't3.t'b-TO tti "SOS? OOvi'-V NOO V00 M CAKi'T VOli Vnivoc T.OO ? Ki OWSSi VJOWi 4A- 4 4.1 A. . r- ' 14V4J -lrvct Vlt l- , 1 WtW, 6'vbVt ViOW'r J I IL 1,1 1 N I r? n i m n r-1 -rex rum L;Ki i nriw an i Alley Oop ' 1 i "'11, w -- . ... By V. T. Homlin i HE SrTlrSrt rl ) TO0K HIS OUTFIT V vt UP A COoJ'JL'Zr YHJ16J! LLE0 E HORSELESS YET V TO FIND ipQeiSi M$Mm SHmm m JL m LiHIe Ornhon An.i. ... . ' narola ray lt,k'e to '0i JF tai.ltWiisea'-i ns.'KSiil I lirl&nTiM Mill It lfaIB 39. ill 1 I D . ' I iw-r lllir1 A "-. r-. tt i a a-.. . 4-i4-nu4, it inn-twrAi-foii. toes, arrivals 8; on track 103: total US shipments 043; supplies modernte; for dcbi quality slock demand moderate, market steady In firm; for fair nuallly stock, demand stow, market dull: Idaho j.-1-.rT-i nunMuiKn, rio, I, K.llU-.l.HI TriumphH, commercials unwanhed 2.23 2.15; washed 2.33-2.6.1; Cobblers, com- mnrpl.lt .17 ril.f n. Ui.--i.i-. r-i. i VW11.1I.4J1 V-.J..4. fa,a0 LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 14 (AP)-(WFA) Cattlc-for week, salable 3313; calves 013; compared week ago market strong to 2ii ccnta higher, lower grades up most, many dairy type cows 50 cent higher a-iux-u ,., iiiny iuaus meu-ium-good grass and hay fed steers il3.ou-l4.30, common to low medium grades W.30-12.30; common-medium heif ers 5H.00-11.73. few 12.00; medium-good beef cows 9K.2A-10.S0, lew 11.00 to U 30 L'nnncrs and cutters -KW-H.-tS, fat dairy a-lHC LK fllCO I U 171 -gOOO lU I IS !.lW-0,30; good-choice vealcrs 13 00-i-l.oo, lew specialties S14.90-13.23: grass calves largely S12.30 down. Hoga-iur week, salable MOT; supply again below trade requirements; mantel ......r """J. ivxiuu-i. nuiLU JOS. 15.i5; lbs. 913.00, heavier and iignlcr weights 14.00-50; good sows ViJ.23.73. lew 914.1X); good-choice feeder pigs mostly 313.00-14.OJ, lata top Si 4 23 good slugs $10.30-11,00, KhLfnainlaHlt (no ....-I, nnnn. ... falriv nov-i aov. mantel " . ; -"--., 4..1.VU iiuw, goner nlly steady with previous week. Uood -..4.. ' inuiun rii.wia, lew choice $I2.0U. Common to medium lambs M.00-10.00; good shorn lambs largely 10.00-50, few early shorn kinds to -ll-OII: Orif.fl uj,,.-. .1 ....... nil Tai.w-jw, tuu 10 mcuiUm 1,00 OBITUARY Klamath rails. Ore., for the pat 20 1044 at ,1 p. m, The deceased was na tlve of nradfnrri nmarln f'nm " - n " ;rn, i ninnini ana Maud of this city, he ! survived by four daughters. Mrs. 1-aMnlne Myers of Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs, fluth Colahan -a .l Jrf,uiina; mrs. rerne Warner and Mrs. Dorothy Sine, both of rniiB, wre.: a uromer. Ward Parent, of Detroit. Mich,, and a sister Mrs. Kdllh Smiley of Ilad Axe, Mlrhl- irinocnunrrn survive. The remains rest at Wards Klamath ........ immt, u Mign, where frlrnds ii,"yiaC?i 'r5r.3 ' Sunday. Oclohtr be anounccd later. LEGAL NOTICES fflll MAI r I II n U.a a L. la... Uin. Phone BJ. llinKMn Llir t-. 10-30 UKU.JtOVS wanted, experienced or In experienced. Apply Wlnama llotot 10-17 APPLKS. Newtnwns, b pi teen bergs. Gold en Orlleji, tt:lirioui and othrr varl Mrs. Jio Nary, Hi. a. Box 4uJ. Mm,i ford, Ur., Ph. tuua, jo an roil 8AI.E. a sporting rifle, 30 40 Krag Ph. 3500, PfC. Uruy. 4J0 W-.ftt... 10-I6 WANTKU young nian tn learn slaugtttei While learning. n. MM. lo-W; run SALE Miscellaneous clothing, for vtvvtmr materials, good Jor make-ovors. 2Xti Garden. Ph. ivwi 10-10 WANTED woman for housework, iv K.'nTII'l rn ' None. 1. h..1.:"..!."'- I'.'.Ti." 8,".ud h"a ,wfn 0PPolnled admlril.lralnr "him, 01 w. II, MCPherren. dr. een.ed. hy Ihe Clreiill Court of the Mlale Of'Kon for Klamalh County and ha! At, n.r.nn. I...,. ti. "'""' niimi acain.l .aid elnle are hereby notified lo ore.enl .11. raiiie. niny vorlfled a. reonlrrd hv at il.. -,, 4"t"n,a aomlnlilralor. at Ihe offlro of A. W. Sehaupp. ma', Oe.ihfrb,"Cfoi0.n wn" "' I CLAHA A. McPIIEnnKN. - S .!lrJ. ' "' "l" "lalo OT.l4.ai.sn- ail' u. dacea.ed COIJNTV ' KLAMATI In th. 4l.,,. WILLIAM HF.NKY CODv"". . In '-.rr:?"- Prons hnv hrreof " ,5t m,,n,n" 'ro"i dale Dated Octolwr 7, 11144 If SF nvwhi Administrator of 07-14.21.9ii m ui. DOVO "te. CHICAGO. f)ft lat lAPldalahl. .'frO, not cnoiiRn to mnVt a m.rL,,. notninallv Mrwuiv r.nM.1,1. ..a tclllllli: rnmnnrrrl tulih . ...J.i. k""' "vie miiy nicnuy, 1 hn hhfi rntlln irwui. n,. imrcd Krlday last week: good and 'choice led stcrra nntl vr.n,im. . wa in nuYtiguo BCOrCfl CBTly WHS ftrHHOd ... imiiiimi, nnu meaium grades cenis lower; good and choice fed heifers strong to 23 cents higher, rom- ...... ittuumm Kraucs 4.1 cent! lower rlly. cow 'cdy t 13.00- 14.00. hut All nlhxra Ril.Vft " c(t nners, cutters, and common hir COWS drnnnlnir hnrlr In ini. t 1 time; grans bulls 23 cents lower; good welgnty sausage and beef bulls iirm Venters Wpnk at KlIliVI ' ...... 4, j ri(.iii-i,i,i)iij aiociters and feeders were active, 23 ccnls higher T'iii, I vy, mmniy at fiu.oo- 1.1.00; lop fed steers lfl.:W; best yrnr- i 7 "l", : hc,f,eJr yrlings reached 17.t; killers pnld up to !7.oo rnr n sia i'-i Mon'ann and up 1 . . . " oniana caws. SfllnhlA ilinf-i. innI. '"Vf """"t""" i.i.'. l.l ir.- "'nlV'orl -Inuahliir eive. alron lo 25 cent, hlher; hulk "wort ""and" choleo "S. W..lk.' DnW'1,,.nM...WJ,lh. ''l"nlln,,e,i .ia-A. . inT" .X"""""""' '"Mini aalri . liii, i, nun aoriottla ll2rm 'r 0" 1-1 lb Moman. o2T,'.,,'l.m.l4l'',,,ht feedlnn Inmh. at. 4, ' "."nlnna WHEAT CHICAnn nn tA . . . raiu-rf ; r "Jnr'-.uri futures raid V not hoi'v-y. n,ar,"!U' T,, ". lumea iriellonally hlthnr at COUNTY -""""" KLAMATH r li n" "j:-0' K""t of , Nolire ,7err" h"' "",, I t, hern appointed Kiwuirh, of ih.' f"v' entlilcd i-.im '.c,l,lrix or Ihe ahove In. ."d'eala Z'T "?V'" onl them wSh T h. r"lM'l pra- Main Slreel K ,rU """. 7a4 wllhln l, m,, : '"'"v oren Dated October T. iwi. QEUI.All nvtivi. Kei-lllrlx of' the f"-M.2.M. No. IT " '"V" COIINTV '"I KLAMATH been nor."V'':'' Uial t have enlllle, e.i..' u.V,"r,l,r"t Ihe nhnvo snlital .,1,1.;,; :' """')' clnlnia aent Ihent wllh ihe mZ' "il" . Mnin a . .1. "iiiiam Gnnona. iia HRLRNA llnnTnii Reriiirl of 'it,. 07-14 SI.2B. No. IDS IN Tup ,M,7r. rr Rtatr n a ;uJ..W Tiir. COUNTY ru" KLAMATH h.. . """'J' lven II,. 1 i i,.. .hove "e'nT, :r,,lJ.i,n,A,1"1lr",,x ln elalm, ,AI1 l'"ona hnv- ? r"nh.rw,u,.";"o.; 0not,, 724 Main SL , Wlllm 0r8on. wnhi 1,!lr",L.l5l""!h rail,. hereof. ," "'onma irom dale .i uciober T, 10441 "a-" ,pl!"KINfl, Adminlalratrlv ni OM4-ai-aa, No. inn "ov" new toaav TIIASI1 IllIIINMHM U.n.ul' ..... All whllo porcelain circulating lye Ira.h liurnera wllh coo lop ipmialiy I,. nil wnn. tvnrc.lain cooa h..i-r.''r'",a ,M0' fl'C'tlatlni f,",! I""'' '"" W1M. Harry llafl.ra liirnllur. Slor,. h,r. ,,, ... . wrI aria in. nreak. ha H. ii........ """. Lorner (lit and 1114 "g l'ISIIWA.SIir.ll lor n.l, .hlft Apply In p. Tik.Tok. jmm, W.J.I!U .c'"hl" P'non l am. Snti. K'VI- Con'v.le.cVn'! b 4.1.11,1. aireel, A. hi. nil 10.J0 " aW.'!i. 'fd'n 10 rental of moll li iacrau ,,,', V T,1S' lo-lrj. 'IS!..! "I"!' "if"? ,lo- h.lr. l.rw r.. . .V. lmu- ourlad over hack, female. I'hnno WITT. lo-li ,4111 MKNT nson .. rate. 4.1,,... "c.il.ni Uotlnlc-k". V"fl.,",k.,,4'.',':nCh' WANTeO-Chamlwr Maid. Iko llnl.T la-la fin nKMAIIIIMrt . '. jlresory and Polll. Arthur. uTh DATr.a winr : 'tlftil, '-"Il for lliein, , in.,7 WANTKD. Maid.. . i-aperlencrd. aleadv u,ru i-. V 10-IT. Wlnema Hotel. BALK I.Mim 4.. I 'rom Main, , Wf.rVrhon. ICl WANTK D lo buy late, model coupe. 1010. FTakev7ewA4:."T.o,,r.',,l"r MM terma. Call 4 tnj ' ' aown- OPEN P0R BUSIN; Photo ond Cill S)y. hi ftlaln ai. and 1-l.twa r...!,, ""J" AN.I liTi!?J All I'ianr. an.l KI,iB1CJ 111 Main HI MAKE I.AKK O- WIKInTr lailr.ul. ali.ir, rvl,",' S rahlin avallalil. u.. " irlv foraoiinii quick rnoTr Mlaliin or I..-L.. .... ( 1 Klehlnii Tynr rictHv r Ail noai. a,i,t pi,.. . War II Plioto and Gift ShJ Til Main at. BONO POEMS WA.villTlT si'i :v'"..'''' --... .muii.u, I'oiUltl ServlcH. Klamath Refrige btKVICE Annouiiccj The Opeiilni; of , r n d Wiishins Mi. Repair Dept. Operated by Mr, Cox Formerly of Merit tfi Machine Sorvin Uendlx Iti-p.ilrini 1 hpeciully 'hone 7o:iB i C H Refrigeratic: Service , ' KELVINATO? Factory Authurlird &r Household and Commercial riionr. lioi; OREGON EQUIPMENT iZ7 bO. Oil, il Refriacratiofll . . . - . . . 1 Washina Machi Electric Rangff Vacuum Cleorl Repair PROMPT SERVlCf Klamath RefrigerJ Service Phono 703B !f ire id Main, w Bn"f ; T.. WANTKD. 0 Klamalh r.ii. '' rum fur u... w.fiiinn m CJ"' Army Corp.. jo.17 ron IlRNT J room furn anie for halchelnr or counla Z i !' !lJ"l.r,"n 8l ' " To'-Iq CALL A. n ri, m,S," , .... IKvenlnm TIII0I JOHN McKKE llenlior , no. 7II m. 10.14 Kon mai.v in... .. . r her and m , ;'.T."n" '"" '", I'hone 7tl(io. '" APPLIANCE! REPAIRS Wn rmitilr 1111, 1 corvlPC of radios, vneiinm cii ninny other electro'1 nnrna Wn 11111V have IJ of rndlo tube you nod I nhlo nrlrcj. Phono 511! I SFARf? ROEBul Ttios.-ThtJ Al.TFIIATIONS. C oal... ' "J mndo lo nriler. Mn. Iiwcll. Plume l" HftMSTITCIIlNII ANIl AI-TJ' I ron ui, . 1 a. oMr ,;;, . n-. i'".'1"'-. r- "thiwi. PhWw ,07,1. '"filZ r "voo'ms ' pii!r:lT;ir""""" "'". tnnn. ,,r -w"4 nnard- i 10-14 riAriK 9.ni 1 .. .. n aoild Wain,,! I. i r2p'.Hm.,K,rl.f..r;n."! "'."'"'I. for "o.oo. laai i 'l "tmoai new. .,,, in.17 "n;i''tt:' ' Point Electric - ir.i;ifi W,Tr?A.h.''"7"t.nmer .. ir7. ewa. 10.14 P"om 'LSrV. -van. Ncrdlecrafl ttlmp, 47111 HOME AIJPUIAK SERVILE Ileclrlc ftanile "nil "AS Bepalr and O""" ; Clark Rowlings formerly won-"! ne. nnO Pnclllo Terr." MAKF YOlin DATE l '!, papnrhnnnera ' J 'jm fil non l-atnt hm,i, Phono n.124. urliTUi tanks Cleaned I Phono 7(1.1.1 ivnN nrinlillCTS . Ml .-non. iiiu-, IIAUI.INO TIlllNKfl NM' Call 44110. Pal i Lnb wnJ WANTKD-WlndnW w"1 BION PAINTINII - Phnna 00117. 170.1 flerrt "J 1 l Inventory rV.r ... m"ren"ndl"" 341011, u7i4.Tr window oiaui