U, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN I..L hrary iud 3eting Monday ..-live nudlciic heard WO Chester Dnvla of the i,-. .. milno corp. apnak on "The Philippine:," at tho S"1" , .. meellnii of llio Klamath Full Woiimn'a Llbrmy ;, , well utteiiddd. Indicative of Interest In tliU i,0 ww . women'i civic group In tho city. Pr0.S Vir.i n-iiulur program. "J, I. nvo brief history of the Philippine.,' discussed imilor the various governor-general, and guve '.,r nri of '"'' P',"l,l'" "I" outline of tlio phy.Ul aspect. i.i.nd. was I' . . . r' ' i view or f ' in his personal -xpr- 'problem In the K P.irtcm Taylor, who S pleased her Klnm- 1" ' . I I luil VIII- fru" co Vlonois." Knd "'... Without 'M.ndclslin. She wan ',! ,y Mm. D"n outstanding ex- if Library club ' f L mm. Albert O. Roe- Po-fhSeaUland I .a thev were shown thl. program. "" "...mi. m.. rs rtirnf ilium. ,, v.. lise. Mm- George. Ulrlch. i-hnrd r"S. own- Mrs Irving Usbony. cdcrlck it. Lewis. Mr. Miller. Mr.. I ert C. ,,. r A. Lnndy. Mr.. ' cluck. Mauler Dickie '.....t m.- Hnenlike. lit represented Included Lows. New , Hebrides, the I'liuippnio., v. rnledonln. Suva. U Islands, n. well ai i.,A AiiKlrhlln. llita Elllng.oii and Bar- bod worKeo nunn n luliiiinii tbu cxniou. .lino Mr.. Hoenlrke. ist for the afternoon rs. J. R. McLellan and D. Miller. Mowers -anged by Mr.. Krau.e. Willie or i.iurnry cmo held Monday. Novem l which lime Prof. Jeiihaus will lecture on li member or the of the art department trnlvrr.lty of California. i taught hi Mill, ana an colleges In Callfor- omen of the city are In- membership In Library id may pny due. at any which thev attend. men Meet homem.klng committee .'nn.Ati nt tift Mnnmn mH .Moose hall Frlduy, 6c- (or a pollucK luncheon inem meeting. Fifteen atlpiuirH Plinirmnn or(T(nt U'n tn ,')w,i-ia yird parly sponsored by nen or uie moose rrl rnoon had nine table. men score was held Pltrnn ri'nnrl kv Hubert and the door ent lo Mri. Thorpe, win n mfMInf nf nil ire chairmen called by iireeni f ranees walls, Moote hall Thursday. 3 All enmmltlff. u..rm ttcd. IS li Wat an Innnll v Irnrinnrn at It, tv.AA,lrn fliekah social club which flnckday, October II, In V hall. Nollie Wnttcn- f naic iinsue were host- Sr thl, nnllni-lr li.nl.M le business meeting, the n was spent m Keel Cross and sewing. 4 to IS YOUR' DUTY TA WHISENANT 'ami CoimHaloglil hair get. so oily that "P'y can't shnmnnn H '''ICh to lrr.r II ll..l-. l..l:. .1 . " '. "Kiiiiiiii-ss, nerca a IHweeng,Xl'','''JI''''M PrAn.ffi.,1 "tion-vrixv, I1 your lmlr fln() npp1y ,uo scaip al the uiiui your entire ooen eiii..kA.i ...I.,. ... . It. wun mo kd cotton. " '"b with B lurksh " brush your hair flantlruff, scnlp finke hi ,h' b0, -,'1,0l0n- By this c fools nil tlngly 1""i uy aiimulatlng 'he lotion. Thin Is ) El. , ,,se 11 wU1 I'o'p i n IT "cn,, 80 11 ; "' 11,0 m id ,n mo lot on flraln the excosslvo . V0ll've fii,.i,j ,.. j.. " uvcau.e inn aoosn't ruin n.i. n !, Il. . IB- 50 the Si ntn k.. onn.ll 11 "uVVCr IZ f"n" to I o.nir nnir. -RITA. Soda Calendai Dlatrlft mllt nf th uxltlary In th Valttam at rorticn Wr in th Utn lllirary rhii rwim i 3 v, tn, Miiitdk), Uilabrr IA I'TA (fi'lifHil of Inilruciloii at Mr. MvthodUt ehurrli from 10 a. in. lu :i p m. hy f'TA pral(jnt, Mri Marry Oanrn of Porllanrt I'oihick lunrh o tw larvad at rttwin. AM arqit. cipeiially nawcniiitra lnvilil at wall a inamboit. HI'W Club Ulniiar itiatiii, Wlllarrt hotel, fl 3l p, m. 1'riitfrain toplr. "At W l'arlTtma Clllraitt? In t'liaro of Clanora WaNlharfOfd. Laagut M Wnmart Votari, 1 JO p. m. Itlirary oluh rMint. PTA achool f tiutriirtlon at Drit MaihiMlut clturrli, opening; at o a mi.. uitftar dlractlon of atata praildant, Mit. Harry Unrir of Torlland. Tu4y, Orlttbar It William I'm tdapiai of Dauchiara of th Rrtiuh Cmplra, no houu luncrtaon at Willard. Rooavll fTA In arhnol aurlltorlum. Wa4natdy, OcCabar U Ordar of tha Ainaianth, MaiDnlc Uinpla, Initiation of candldaiai. Wilna(1ay c-lun, fit. t'aul a Kplropa ehurrh, JUflowaan party, pariih Iioum. Thuraday. Orlvbar III Hakad tan auppar given by tha ldlai Aid of lha Klamalh Lutharart rtiurrh In lit church parlor, iMtflnnlni si 4 p. in, Danrt at Naval Air Siailon for Junior Koataate. lalurday, Oalahar 11 taaiua of Woimn VnUr nimmaga la, former location Mtal Canter, Mam Ureal. Marvaat rianra glvan by Ttaamaa Oolf and Country rltih al rluh limit Itagular matting AAUW, at 12 JO p. m., Winama hanquai room. Manday, Oclabar tl Oardan group of Woman Library club will mtat ai 1 M in im.ll club loom in etty library. Tlmraday, Oolahar Id Mallowtfn ooattima party al Marina liar rack for Junior HnxaiMs. rriday. Navambar I fllvaralda P1A lo antartaln with ava. nlng program for taachara In achool auditorium. Manday, Navambar IS Dr. Kugati Nauliaiia to laitura hrfor Klamath ratta Woman'a Library club at I p. m, in main library auditorium. Hadnaiday, Navamhtr IA Platoff ton Coaaaclti at Pallran. anon aorad by Klamath Community Conrart aaaociation talarday, Navambar II Annual holiday baiaar and laa hy fit Paul a C pur onal church in parUh housa. Hdntdar. Jaaaaty 17 William Pnmroaa. anoninrad by Klam ath Community Concari aMociaiion. Tlta Pallcan. Potluck Luncheon Wednesday. October 4. mem ber, of the Catholic Daughters iH America mei to work on Hod Crosa lnprobe. nl the home of Mr. Ely on Nevada. After a not- hick luncheon ihc lollowlni ladles completed a lnprobe; i.oui.e vauKnn, mis. dick Miller, Hr.. Mr.. Thomas Towey. Mrs Klmer Gardner, Mrs. Francis -Mnnumf, and son Willie, Mrs Mike Lavenlk and the hostess. Members who acted as hont cues at the service center Frl. ilny, October a, were Carrie Mc Mnhan, Violet Pleser, Kmllie Miller, Louise Vaughn, Kreda Newman, Adeline Towey, There sa uovari, Martha Lavenlk, Eliza beth Schuh, Kay Carty, Lenore Gallagher. Thelma McEnernev. Flnley Watson, Ethel Brunner, Agnes L,a L.onae, Mrs. s. G. Clark, Mrs. Forarty and Mrs. K. la. I'olerson. Monday evening, October 9, the Catholic Daughters held a business meeting In the parish nan it o d. m. ana uie nrsi read inga of now applications for membership in the court wore hoard. The dato of nutation Is to be Tuesday, November 14. iwoniy-five members, including Court Chaplain Rev. T. P. Casey, wero present, and refreshments were served.. Youth Discussed "Social Adjustments of Youth Following the War" wa. the top. la under discussion at tho Octo ber meeting of the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority, Saturday, Octo ber 7, at the homo of Mrs. Duena Stone. The Rov. David F. Barnctt of tno First Presbyterian church was the guest speaker for the nucrnoon. tl e v. uarncll cm phastzod that the foundation of the nation is the homes of the country, and the family Is (he cornerstone or aoc o v. Prior to the program, Mrs. ucraiaine uwsiey. pros dent, dis tributed booklet, containing the program for the coming year of Alpha chapter. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs, Ida Edsall and Mrs Stone. The Nftvember meeting will ba at the home of Mr... Stella Bowne, on the evening of Satur day, November 4. 5 Theta Rho Theta Rho held a regular meet. Inn Monday, October 6, in tho IOOF hall, starting at the new hour or 7:30 p. m. uiara nod key, president, opened tho bus! ness meeting, and plans were made, for the Halloween BBrty and dance to be given October 23, In the IOOF hall, at 8 p. m. The business meeting preceding the dance will be called at 7 p. m. Each member may Invite one or more guest.. A membership-drive has been started and will run until ue comber 18. Following the bnsi nesa meeting, refreshments were served by Bertha Russoll and Mnxlna Warner. AT FIRST HON OF A mite it Ik .11 w' if L. 1 J 4 id . i i aV Ui - fi 42 vVi I -A 'u V "v Emllee Ann and Donna Leo Carter arc the attractive children of Mr. and Mrs. I.. V. Carter. S21 Hillside. Fmllco Ann is six years old and started to school this fall. Her Utile slater is three. Kcnncll-Ellls Sojourners Hold Annual Fall Tea Bronze chrysanthemums and pyrncuntha centered the lovely Inblc al the annual fall tea given uy the Sojourners on Wednes day afternoon of this week at the Willard hotel. Tall orange taper, completed tho tea arrangement. Mrs. Matt Finnlgan and Mrs. Lloyd Y. Young poured. Bridge wa. played with prizes going to Mrs. W. D. Miller, Mrs. Lloyd Y. Young, Mr.. Ted Reeves, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Stanley Miller nnd Mrs. Joseph L. Mitchell. Tl AnmrnllU In nf J.IIU V.WIll,,tl .... V ill .IIBIKV Farewell Dinner A farewell dinner ahower was given for Yolanda Barratto on Tuesday evening, October 10, at ban . restaurant, Hostesses were Irene Ferrari and Matilda Sari. Fall flowers and candles decor ated the table. Mis. Barratto will leave soon for Fresno. Calif., where she will be married to Cpl. Gino RoitlrOl- la. Gueala were Mrs. Emll Paa- tegi, Mrs. Frank Ferrari, Mrs.. Darlo Barratto, Mrs. Alice Car. nlnl, Lydia Carnini, Anita Car nlni, Mr.. Angelina D'Ollvo, Mrs. Rla Rcginato, Mrs. Kather Ine Andre. tu, Mrs. Matilda Sari, Mrs. Richard Robustelli, Mrs. Italia Conte, Mrs. Leah Pickett, Mrs. Maudy Wilson, Mrg. Bettina Mazzon, Mrs, Elvira Zalunardo, Mrs, AnK)k Galettl. Mrs. Car mella Cunlae, Mrs. Ida Reglnato, Mr.. Mary Bernard!, Mrs. O. Glo vanlnl, Mrs. S. Plnelli, Mri. Yo landa Cadarln, Mrs. Gloria Card, Mrs. Llvla Bocchl, Eileen Boc chl, Mrs. P. Mora, Mrs. Nana Co metto and Mrs. V, Rizardo. 5 5 Happy Hour Mrs. Sydney Evan, entertained the Happy Hour club at her home, Sunset ranch, Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments were served to Mrs. George Blehn, Mrs. J. H. nammon, Mrs. w. 4. stelnmetz, Mrs. Maud Hosley, Mrs. H. J. Savidge. Mrs. Carl Sandcll, Mrs. H. E. Jones, Mrs. Albert Langer. Mrs. C. C. Heidrich, Mrs. R. G. Motuchenbacher, Mrs. H. A. Funk, Mrs. George Humphrey, and the hostess. Mrs. Funk will preside as hostess at the next meeting, October 24, at her home on worm rmn. of the tea were Mrs. A. J. Lam bert, chairman, Mrs. O. V. Gib son, Mrs. L. S. Stilt, Mrs. W. B. Yntes and Mrs. E. J. Howell. Guest, of Sojourner.', Mes dames E. II. Kellogg, Paul Buick, Cnrl Schubert, Dean Miller, Clyde Sidders, Howard Listoc, John Iliiwklnx, Leonard Gibson, Howard Dixon, Charles Wright, John Martin, C. Rugh, Saxton Avory, G. C. Lorcnz. Stanley Mlllor and W. A. Ough. The next regular meeting of the Sojourners will be held nt the Willard hotel on October 2!) at a nohosless luncheon at 12:30 o'clock to be followed by bridge and pinochle at 2 o'clock. All newcomer, to Klamath Fall, are cordially invited to at tend. On hi. 74th birthdny, A. E. Gale wa. honored with a dinner and card piirty given for him by hi. wife nt their homo in Lan gcll vnlley. Complimenting him were Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rcvell, Mr. and Mrs. Cluud Murrey, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Rayson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Frazicr and Dorothy Rcvell. Merry Mixers. Mrs. Carton Waits entertained members of the Merry Mixers at her home. 1522 Austin. Tnuns- dny evening. October 12. Those nttending were Maxine Rose, Al berta Allen, Louise Cramblett, Tlllle Chamberlain, Ruth Law rence, Billce Snider, Eleanor Curtis, Dorothy Smith, Ruth Anderson. Go Paup, a guest, Marie McDonald and the hostess. Following the short business meeting pinochle was played Ruth Lawrence held high score Louise Cramblett second and Eleanor Curtis low. After cards the hostess served refreshments, J Riverside Teachers of Riverside school will be complimented with program and informal party by tho PTA on Friday evening, No vember 3, if was announced this week by. Mrs. Lane Warren, pre sident. . . Mrs. Dick Roeder is chairman of the affair and the first grade will present the program. Re freshments will follow during ine reception nour. L ,.1 -ifc- . 1- ( If "A, 1 X.: i "it" jer' itoi (t 1 At? J n i t J us r- ':"wr Pho br Evdrgrcdn StudlM Hollywood Photography By Hollywood 'Trained Experts You, too, eon hove a glamorous modern photo mode now In' Klamath Foils by a photographer trained In Hollywood. Special Hollywood Lighting and Make-up STUDIOS "PORTRAITS, OF DISTINCTION" 737 Main Phone 7240 Aero.s tha street from Unltod States National Bank Studios also In M.dford, Bend. Albany and Portland Genevieve McGee Wed in Ashland One of autumn's most Interesting weddings took place when Corporal -Genevieve McGee. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen O. McGee Of Ashland, was married to Staff Sergeant Melvin Baker Klpp, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kipp of Evanston, III., Tuesday evening, October 3, in the Methodist church of Ashland. The Impressive double ring ceremony was read by Dr. George W, B(uce before an altar banked with fern and large baskets of Chrysanthemums, cream colored gladioli and Michaelmas daisies and lighted by grouped ivory tapers. Mrs. Frank Davis at the organ played Tchaikovsky's "Concer to in.B-Flat Minor," whiie Mar ilyn McLellan in pale blue taf feta and Flo Ann Perkins in shell pink taffeta, lighted the many tapers. "O Perfect Love," was sung by Mra. Robert Mackay, and Debussy's "Clare dc Lune" Just preceding tho en trance of the bridal party to the trains of the "Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin. During the ceremony, Mrs. Mackay sang "The Lord's Prayer" by Malottc, and "Canzone Amoroso" by Nev In, was played softly. Mendels sohn's ''Wedding March" was used for the recessional. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white lace over taffeta, a lace Dutch cap and finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and white pom-pom chrysanthemums with white ribbon streamers to which were fastened pink baby roses. Mrs. Colver F. Anderson, suiter of the bride, was matron of honor and was gowned in rose colored lace. She carried a muff with a heart-shaped shield of white gladioli and pink rosebuds. The groom was attended by Staff Sergeant Nye H. Munson of the Portland army air base John S, Billings was the usher. A reception for the bridal party and guests was given In the candle-lighted parlors of the church, decorated in pink and white dahlias. The lace-covered tables were attractive with crystal bowls filled with Cecil brunncrs, pink roses and fern. Eva Bprkhaltcr of Klamath Falls, served the wedding cake after it was cut by the bride. Mrs. Hubert Kidd, also of Klamath Falls, poured. They were assist ed by Laura Billings and Betty Sue Reed: Sgt. and Mrs. Kipp left for Palo Alto, Calif., where Mrs Kipp is taking her Internship In physical therapy at Dibble hospi tal. The bride was formerly em ployed in the city schools as a physical education instructor, re signing her position in May, 1942, to become a member of the WAC. While here she was active in first aid classes and served as a volunteer instructor. Sgt. Kipp will return from Palo Alto to the Portland army air base. Junior Matrons The Junior Matrons of the First Methodist church held their regular meeting Friday. October fj, at the home of Mrs. Uavld Snyder, 1501 Eldorado, with Audra Fulciuartz assisting. Mrs. Melchert presided over the business meeting, and Mrs. Wal ter Herndon led tho devotions. During the evening the mem bers worked on Red Cross quilts, and refreshments were served. Present were Mrs. Wal ter Herndon. Mrs. Christ Huck. Mrs. Victor Phillips. Mrs. Don Potter, Mrs. J. R. McLellan, Mrs. E. W. Tomlin, Mrs. M. H. Melchert, Mrs. George Cornell, Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. W. L. Tcrwilllger, Mrs. Kenneth Sam son, Mrs. Ray Garrison, Mrs. Paul Lee, Mrs. Bruce Binktcy, Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs. C. W. Howry, Mrs. Wendall B. Smith and Mrs. Agnes Lee of Salem. , The next meeting, November ' 7, will be at the home of Mrs. Victor Phillips, with Mrs. Hern don assisting. where he is stationed with the medical corps. Attending the wedding from Klamath Falls were Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Perkins and daughter, Flo Ann, Mrs. Evelyn McLellan and daughter, Marilyn, Mrs. Hu bert Kidd, Mrs. Jules Napier, Lillian Redkey, Eva Burkhalter and Orpha M. Hudson. "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" . ' JjttM f paf. J ' ' WTW AS SEEN IN HARPER'S BAZAAR Slim and lovely ... In a dork and slender cocktail-theatre dress. Irrideseent collar of bugle beads, shimmering in soft rose above the slender column of black. $37.50 A Harvey fearln Original Exclusive with LaPOINTE'S rug "" Main toltfpftparalloni at f dirtciedi