S II Makes Debut p Kamath Country , iiv lull now, with Uio news uboul bazaar hvuliuiinu trlcKio ummrr'ii fun him endod and ii'n tlma In ( np" 0( work( JiK'lrlpnliiHy .horn In h pprnlntciu t . kcr ! 'n Rofl Crow W"' WW" ropmn mut now Kn nil I Ul mo wJi iih.iv ginmiu iu niiiiu linn' hiiiiih . , i " " .Tnrii.whllB vcnliiro !v.i n iVf friends will he Interested In note, from AHIrfl V ri.r In tho Southwest Pacific II seems Ihnl a the Hoi- film imk forco win nrDiii" Ivo the final BU'KinB ", i-ih nlNccm will . forco win preparing final Buiuiim . J ll fC(l OUIUI" " ol V. ......... ihn war iiii iiiimvn v - ,K ,i,.iil who were to ''rf 1! Ho wm he.rd $"$1,. t!cy ro sending u. mole." .., .. - . .... fix. I IIOni ' llluht there ln ul1t' ',l.cl Bush 'The soe- WCU u (f V"111 '. ' ...I I. In. 11,1. 1 l.tl ri.r Miowni - . ' ,,.J l.li mtllliicho. m'iricu im- . I, Mnybe tic better come in hniil." .. .ihcl liot there, ' rV""' !,".v'.... .,..,... iiiii nliinc In. n clerk hnd ren the m:.A floured Asiihel WM uloke mid clmugod II. nother Klnmnlhllc far from c I, Major D. K. Van Vector 'V. ...riiirn wife Mnr.v tbt I, niiw stationed In Belgium r months i" linn'""". ,, Toon will be Major Zed nts who has ncun lor more ..... .,..rt nl mil nf the $. ,jr be9 In China and d thc.e lucky KirLs Hint cl Stl Paulino Suty of the Ct It due homo oon. She in lhia country after Lr of duty In Africa (which IWK 10 uciorc iiic vn- & p.ti.ii.rptirri. ill iiiiu w lip wriiiiu ij.i Inc Is the lift hometown C to return from foreign n.lnill mill uiiIiiun iiinko the fiiniiiin Fred Farley will ir're oon to saltier u) Jerry their two cluuuiuorf, bynn rhprvl nnd buck they will , Snoliiinc where Fred In lioned at Fort Georiio Wrliiht. W. F. Farley, ur. riiricya iier, who h been horo for past icvcral monina vniung, fo lliul nir norm wmi mem then continue on homo to Idcn, West Virginia. Wn. Leslie Hogem has re- rd a most Inlereallne nirtn- hox Iroin mmi Liinlnln jamen irr, ol the US marines cornj, f jtailonea somewnero in uio iin ririiic. i no on nem I, lovely shells, a utrand of hell which James nicked while hliillnned at Midway hiid.ilruiiK In Honolulu, and r mementoes from the south. it. Jamf j Barnes, tho Marlon iitr. llttlo boy, was called the ofdeo at Tyndnll Field. tida. It was Jut Major J. tin Adams wanting to sco ibody from homo and have over for dinner with tlco and the kids. Jim graduates I'bcr 14, incidentally. Reames Golf Activities for the Indian sum mer dnys of full at lleiimcs bus Included tho regular full tourna ment, tho Friday afternoon giiino of bridge, und the furth coming (Iiiik'IiiK party to be given October 21. Friday's ruin called ulf the championship match nl Beanies Golf and Country club whom women of til" club planned to complete tournament play. Mrs. J. J. Mteliter was competing with with Mrs. William Urove, and Mrs, A. B. Olnocchlo was to play Mrs. Paul W. Sharp. Other matches havo been announced. Mrs. Itnbert Sprnal was hostess on Friday ulternoon nnd follow ing sack lunch, several tables of brldgo were In Play. Mrs. Martin Swiinson and Mrs, Guy Hancock received the (lay's awards. 11 was announced that all matches scheduled for this week will bo played next Friday, October SO. Hostesses last Friday were Mrs. Peter A. Albcrtson and Mrs. Gcorgo II. Merryinan, and the afternoon award went to Mrs. Lafayette Stephens. There weru several tables of bridge and the second mulches were played for tho championship. On Frlduy. September 20, Mrs. Oscar Shlvc was hostess for the day and Mrs. Albcrtson received the ulternoon gift. A guest was Mrs. Sol Davis of Seattle, visiting at the Merrill home of her sister, Mrs. William Grove. There were four tables ol bridge in play uud Unit matches of the championship tournament pluyed. i s Herald u: lews Society liif PUifliu Caltiex SORORITY PLEDGES AT OREGON COLLEGES ivOt J V r l XT 7 4 1, ... J 1 3i m- "W: H 'f Mary Bride Thomas Is in Alaska Margaret Murphy, daughter Vlrelnia Sham, daughter of Ann Stevenson, daughter of Georgia Liskey, daughter of ol Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sharp of Mr. and Mrs. George Steven- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liskey of Alpha Delta university ol flierriu, Aipna uannna ueua, son, ucuu ucna utiu, uwvn- incuni, o.B. mVV, w.....- Mory Charlcnc Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bert C. Thomas, 828 Paeilic Terrace, became the bride of Don Emmltt Smith in a beautiful wedding ceremony performed Sunday morn ing, October 10, in St. Matthew's Episcopal church at Fairbanks, Alaska. Miss Thomas, escorted by J. M. McDcvitt, who gave the bride in marriage, came down the aisle to the music of the Wedding March from Lohengrin. She wore a long white satin wedding iown that had heen worn hv hr mother. Her veil, of finger-tip length, had very old duchess point laco at the crown, and her arm bouquet was of white bouvardia and cream tinted roses. Before a candlelit altar, the service was read by the Rev. Albert N. Jones, and Mendels sohn's recessional was played wnuo ino oricio anu gloom iclt the church. Mary L. Coutls. as maid of honor, wore a turquois blue gown and carried a bouquet of violas and heather, tied with a largo bow of lavender taffeta. Norman Haley served as best man. Following tho ceremony, the couple was greeted by a large group of friends at a reception held at the Morrison-Knudson quaiters. Hortesscn were Barbara Moore, Lena Manis, Patricia Penlz and Kathcrino Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are both employed by Morrison Knudson at Satellite field, loft after the reception to drive to Circle Hot Springs for a week's wedding trin. Thev will return to Satellite field for a time, but Ihey expect to make their home soon In Fairbanks. Mr. Smith is from Helena, Montana, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt C. Smith of Port land, Oregon. S 8 5 Wedding lellrr (rnm Mrs. J. F. King living ut 1101 Meadowhronk ino, uos Angeles, and en- nt a picture ol her new fibon, Kirk King Calhoun. k. were glad to sco Tluby and I llnstini and to know that arc coining back to Oregon live even though it is Port I They're house hunting this K. lb. S.I 5 5 S jta Sigma Phi ppn Chanter of Mela Kluini '"Id a rushing party Thurs evening. Oclober 5. at the ic o( Mrs. Howard Pernell. flowers were used in the f ration of the rooms. Hummy 1'iuyra, a n a Mrs. Arthur ;ip and Mrs, John Hawkins nigh scores. Don Dlvcns was chair- oi arrangements, assisted by lloWlirri Pemnll nnrl llolnn who cs. I were Jaequie McClcllim, rrulnvc, Elsie Kurnlck, JW McLcllan, Helen Grtim- 7' tvcrcll Ballard, Mrs. "wMns, mis. John Ma- mis. vun 'I'MnM Dlvcns, Mrs. Lorn Dalcour! Vcril Whltlnleh Mr. r nioorc, Mrs. Norman ' airs. Howard rcrnoll. ' chapter of Beta Sigma met at hi, i r r... Jlinll Cornell, 2043 Lavcyl Ny, October 12. J aueis present wcro Mrs, e hpriiKue, Mrs. Hoss flu- "ITS. Uirnn lhildr.rimv Nnl. 11 ll. Mp M,.l.ii n. ., ....... i.in ii v-nrnnii, . ,ntl?' ls,r' Jnlln D. Fee and hatherln Jackson, S K x thday Party U'FrtKpilh Nnrseth was one hi.-"" nciy, October 1, ."' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nercl , . ldn.V nt her hn, mil 9 Way. Cillesla Ullm .'nl.,.J lfr?Blr,h!,.y cnkewrraMr. r,r"-.Ray llarols nnd nnv llri iJ'.?l,!y ,l,'l,",H Grneci M'r' t '"."""" iviiM7.lc and iinby ; of "orris. Put mid nieU loy; "en and Pauline Cur. i'e J,f? J!!"1 Jcr,'y Hlgglnn, and chuckle McGllvray -SonSnS'iSii nnd M"' W' S hier "i!.11 ,PV Voting here .V"? r,: rmi n.i ' : 1 " BiRy 1 q Ln"(l '"'0 guests of Mrs. on nomcdalc, and J' "ink Adams of Mor- Captain Arthur "Bill" Patter son, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Patterson of Klamath Falls, married N 1 1 e I e 1 1 a Coulter, daughter of Mrs. Itoy Coulter of Santa Barbara, California, on Saturday. October M. Tho cere mony wns performed in the El Monlcclto Presbyterian church ln Simla Barbara. Captain Patterson Is a pilot In tliu United Stntcn marine corps and relumed recently from over sens duty. He Is a graduate of Klnirnith Union high school a n d of Oregon Stale college. The new Mrs. rntterson grad uated from the University of California in Los Angeles and is now teaching In bantu unr-bara. s s Farewell Party Mrs. Truman V. Berg, who leaven next Tuesday with Susan nnd Roger to Join Lt. (Is) Berg In Boston, wns complimented with ll going away parly Thurs day evening when Mrs. E. B. Goeckner eniertiuncd witn ties- sort bridge at her home, 345 North Tenth, Guests arrived ns they were when the hostess called to in vite them to the party. In bridge, scores went to Mrs. Borg, Mrs. Donnld McKay, Mrs. Frank Hngnlny and Mrs. C. D. Ough. Others bidden wero Mm. W.i A. Ough of Monterey, uall fornla. who is visiting her son's famllv nt 234 North Second, Mrs. William DoCew, Mrs. Rob ert Sprout, Mrs. Robert Mitch ell, Mrs. Edwin Schnccbcck, Mrs. Harold Pnlmer, Mrs. Thomas J. Orr, Mrs. M. H. Mel chert, Mrs. C. A. Wright, Mrs. John Hawkins, Mrs. Wllllnm Van .Buskirk, Mrs. William Bralton, Mrs. John Schubert and Mrs. Richard Illbbs. Oregon. Kcnncll-Ellis University of Oregon. 1 Kcnncll-Ellis cilv nl Oregon. Sllv Of OrCSOn. Kcnncll-Ellis Kcnnoll-Ellis I ft f n .rV, V- &.V 7 - ' :9 rt - f tit TO". ,-,V! .t-r'M Yi A ( i ti Pn4ft(n Qflumn HmtfMr n I T.rttie Llnman. daunhter of Jeanne Mairce Long, dauglv Mr and Mrs. O. E. Schupp, Slg- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Llnman, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas ma Kappa. Oregon Slalo col- Alpha Delta PI, Oregon State Long, Delta Gamma, University lege. college. of Oregon. Kennell-Ellls Kcnncll-Ellis Kennoll-Ellis Zamsk'y-Erlandso'n , Engagement. Told The engagement of Adello Zamsky to Lieutenant Gordon Erlnndson of the United Slates army medical corps, was an nounced on Saturday afternoon, September 7, at an Informal lea given bv Adollc's mother, Mrs. Charles J. Clrck. Tho tea table was lovely with tall white candles and a cen terpiece of purple nnd white asters. Unusual pastries In the shape of large roses were served with coffee and tea. .. I I-- ...111. rn.,lnn' kn. " 111 nciMHB nun uu.i.v.. o . --.t ,,.,J h. Hie rooms lug a doctor, the announcement was written on tiny rolls of paper, placed in celluloid cap sules. ' ' Mrs. Otto R. Erlnndson, Gor don's mother, poured, and Mrs. Adolf Zamsky, Marie Suty and rw'W T!rT TT'tv; , 1 1 f rt-N'X , A mm Mnrrled Snlurdav at a candlelight ceremony pcriormca n the Lutheran church were Flight Officer and wis. mines nnrrei. iSr . . - i- .1.. -.. Morirle Anderson. inc oriao is inc ivmu-i ...v...... Comart Adello graduated from Klnm- ath Union high school in 1940 and attended the university of Oregon, where she was a mem ber of Gamma Phi Beta soror ity. She Is now employed at Wilson Titlcnnd Abstract com pany. Gordon' Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Erlandson, of 310 North Ninth. Ho is a graduate of the. University of Oregon, where he was a member of Sigma .Nu fraternity. He has ccentiy started ins internship at tho Wesley Memorial hospi tal in Chicago, following his graduation from Northwestern University medical school. . . S S s Bazaar Date Tho date for the annual holi day bazaar and tea to be given by the Guild of St, Paul's Episco pal church has been set for Sat urday, November 18, in the parish house. All women of the city are invited to attend. Emphasis is placed this year on stuffed dogs, toys, animals and dolls and this should be a boon to the shopper who has hnd difficulty finding tuck-ins for the small fry, Mrs. L u d v i g Peterson of Prlncvllle is spending this weekend nt the home of her son-ln-lnw and daughter, Mr, and Mm. Lane Warren of Calr fornlR avenue, 5 An Informal' dinner was civ. en by Mrs. C. A. Limriy on Tuesday evening, October ll) Guests were Mrs. R. D. Rake straw, Mrs. Guy Harmon and Mrs. Arthur Schaupp. 5 Women of British birlh or ancestry nro Invited to attend the no-hostess luncheon of the William Pilt chapter of tho Dnughters of the British Empire. The affair will be held nt tho Wlllard hotel nt 12:10 p. m. on Tuesday, uctooer iy , Lioness Meeting A fall decorative scheme was used in the small club room of the city library for the Lioness meeting, hold on Monday, OctO' bcr 9. Refreshments were served from a "sundae bar," on which were arranged autumn leaves and several lovely pieces of old china. Centering, the counter was a large, antique fruit bowl, wnicn nas' ocon in me iiiniwy of Mrs. Hans Norland for many years. Candles were placed on' the tables, which were decorated in full shades. Following the business meet ing, two cello solos wore played by Mr. John Best, accompanied on tho piano by his wife. The numocrs wcro opanisn apron ade," by Glauzinou, and "Song lo the Evening blar, by wngncr. Bridge nnd pmocnie were played, and hirb scores were lield by Mrs. Myrle Adams and Mrs. Lester Finley. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Paul Angstcad. Mrs. David Bridge, Mrs. Hans Norland and Mrs. Walter Wicsondnnger. ' Eastern Star The oast matrons and past pa trons ol the Order of the Jiastcrn Star were honored guests at the regular meeting ot the Alona chanter on Tuesday, October 10. The occasion was the lUth anni versary of the chapter s first meeting in the present building. General chairman of the meet ing was Mrs. Neita West, who was worthy matron in that year. It was then observed as Aloha night. Previous to the regular meet ing, a program was enjoyed. . miss mine jemes piayea iwo numbers of the violin, accompan ied at the piano by Jean Rick clts, "Bcrceus" and "Meditation" from Thais. Blanche McGilvary of Clalskanie, Ore., also played several Hawaiian piano numbers An impressive aaacnoa was given by eight young ladies, each carrying a lighted taper to be placed on tho altar. Leis were presented to each honored guest, and nn original song was sung by all the members, m apprecia tion for the services of many years on the part of the past of ficers. Mrs. Ostendorf was surprised oy being presented witn a gar denia, in celebration of her birthday. It was decided at the meeting that Eastern Star members should attend church as an or ganization, nt the Presbyterian church on Sunday. October 22. Mrs. A. B. Epperson, president of the Past Matrons club, thank ed Mrs. Dickson, worthy matron, for all the courtesies of the eve ning. There wfre 45 guests pre sent. The refreshment committee Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostendorf, Mr. and Mrs. O'Flaherty and Mrs. Gertrude Moore served refresh ments after the meeting. Taking part in the addenda were Leona Sclby. Grace Ber- man, Betty Hunter, Blanche Marks, Florence West. Irma Mil ler, Josephine Robinson. Inez DeLameter, and Pluma Erdmann was at the piano. 5 5 Wed in Reno Announcement of the mar riage of Dr. Ernest D. Lamb and Jessie Caldwell, Sun Fran cisco, daughter of Mrs. E. M. Caldwell of Klamath Falls, in Reno, Nevada, on September 17. was made here this week. The Rev. William Scmpsey read the scrvico In the Reno wedding chapel with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moss of San Jose as attendants. Mrs. Moss is a sister of the bride. Dr. and Mrs. Lamb enjoyed a wedding trip by plane to Se attle and from there by boat to Victoria where they were guests at the Empress hotel and ut a resort on Campbell river. They were guests of Dr. Lamb's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Lamb of Tillamook and in Portland with his mother, Mrs. F. M. Lamb. Dr. and Mrs. Lamb are now at the Winema hotel but will be at 327 Lincoln where their new home is being remodeled. 5 Executive Coming Miss Mary B. Stevenson, a member of the national staff of the Girl Scout organization, will visit Klamath Falls on Oc tober 16-20. Miss Stevenson, whose home is in Duluth, Minn., serves, the Girl Scouts as an adviser on training. Previously she was local Girl Scout director in Panama, field director in Bos ton, and local director in Evans ville, Indiana. She has had extensive training in Girl Scouting, having taken special courses in administration, train ing and camping at the organi zation's national training schools. Miss Stevenson will snend her time here in conferences with various members of the local trirl Scout council and the executive secretary. Thurs day night, October 19, at 6:30 there will be a dinner at the Pelican cafe party room in honor of Miss Stevenson. All people who are interested in Girl Scouts are welcome in nt. iena. uin bcout leaders, coun cil members, and troon com mittee members are especially uiKeu in aiieno. Knr rocprva. tions contact one of the follow. ing committee: Mrs. Dean Os born, phone 5218, Mrs. A. L. Brandt, ohone 3620. nr Mr. Albert O. Roenicke. phone 6643. m ft E f I v "fM i A Encaged to Lieutenant Gor don Erlnndson of tho United Stales army medical corps is Adelle Zamsky, attractive daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cizck. Wedding plans are still imlciinuc. Engagement ' Mrs. Ethel M. Duran of this city has announced the engage ment of her son, Sgt. Leo M Case, to Mavis Jean Austin, daughter of Mrs. R. Corke. Day's Hay, Wellington, New z,ealnnd The ceremony will take place in Wellington. The young couple met in New Zealand last January, when Sat. Case wns on a short furlough from active duty with General MCArtnur s sixtn Army. Sgt. Case has been overseas since July, 1942. He and his bride exnect to make their home in Klamath Falls after the war. His brother, Cpl. Dwayne Case, is also overseas, serving with the marines in the south Pacific. Bridge Luncheon Mrs, C. A. Lundy entertained with luncheon on Thursday, October 9. Bridge was played and Mrs. Arthur Schaupp and Mrs. E. M. Balsigcr held high scores. Guesls for the afternoon were Mrs. E. M. Chilcotc, Mrs. Wal ter West, Mrs. M. C. Cassell Mrs. Arthur Schauon. Mrs. E M. Raymond, Mrs. Paul Farrens and Mrs. E. M. Balsiger. Mrs. Peter Cartwright has re lumed from San Francisco where she spent two weeks as the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Henry Cabell. While south sne enjoyed several attendance al the opera and was the guest of old school friends. Mrs. Cartwright and Danny are at the Lloyd Frock home on Lake shore until after the holidays, S 8 Mrs. Robert Shaw received word recently that her husband has received a promotion in Eng land and is now a major ln the United States, army nir corps. Mrs. Shaw is living here with her mother, Mrs. Francis Olds of Riverside. Bridge Club Mrs. Llovd Froom entertainer! for her bridge club at the home Of Mrs. Richard Post on Tkr. day evening and the affair was also a going away party for Mrs. Frederick Farley who will join Captain Farley in Spokane around October 24. High score went to Mm. Roy Whitlatch, who will entertain in two weeks, second hiph in Mrs. Stanley Staiger, and low 10 rars. dorm Ray. 4 6 Relumine to Stanfnrrl me oast weekend wpn Rno Macartney, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Macartney. Win- nnrea Lamm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm of Modoc Point, and Merlon Al brecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Albrecht, and Janice Bubb, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Bubb. All four have spent the major part of the summer months here. Soroptimists The Klamath Falls Soroptimisfc club met for its first regular meeting of the season at the Pelican grill Thursday noon, wiiwuur 16. Warrant Officer Chester Davis. of the Marine Barracks hera spoke on "The Philippines." His ihik was Dasco on actual ex perience, as he has been tn the Orient nine times in various cap acities, as teacher, as government representative, and as a member of the armed forces. Mr. Davis' discussion was colorful with un usual description and flashes of humor, and showed a sincere fondness and understanding of me isiana people, ui significance at a time when our relation with the islands of the South Pacific are becoming more im portant, wcro his more serious comments concerning the prob lem of Philippine independence. Visitor Here Several social events have been given during the past week for Mrs. J. R. Devlin, formerly of Klamath Falls, who has been here from Portland visting at the home of Mrs. Oscar Peyton, at 406 North Ninth. Mrs. Peyton had a few friends in for cards on Sunday evening, October 8, and Mrs. E. M. Chil cote entertained Mrs. Devlin with dinner. On Thursday Mrs. George A. Massey invited the out-of-town visitor to her home for lunch, and Mrs. C. A. Lundy gave a dinner for her. Mrs. Devlin returned to her home in Portland -on Friday. Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers entertained at dinner Tuesday evening. October 3, observing the 38th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Underwood, well known Klam ath residents. The attractive table was cen tered with a low bowl of vari colored asters and the Under woods received many notes of congratulations from their friends in the city. Corporal and Mrs. Harold Briscoe were married recently In a double ring ceremony performed al the Church of the Nazarene, by tho Rev. Bertrand Peterson. Mrs. Briscoe Is the former Joyce Mosbv, daughter of Mrs, Mildred Mosby of 1629 Crescent. Her husband is from Greeley, Colorado, and is now stationed at the Marine Barracks hero. Tho couple spent a short wedding trip in San Francisco, where they were honored with n reception niven for them by . Mrs., Briscoe's father .G. H. Misby of the I U. S. navy. Comart studios. If: r--'-i 'IV. f