1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON Conllnuou Show. ...i.. nom 12i30 Box r PAGE THREE f"- ii i r:a ei .1 iv . II ii. if it ENDS TODAY 'VALLEY OF HUNTED MEM' Slnrrlna BOB STEELE gocond Hit "ISLE OF FORGOTTEN SINS" SUNDAY HE ONLY LAW RANGE ITS RESPECT... Int law Ojf FIST AND GUNI Charles starrett Second Action Hit "Prison Train" K-Men Resort to Aerial Attack for Both Scores tw MmilW MIWIIMI ----- Rollio Berry Heaves To Biehn, Thurman By PAUL HAINES I Hi'sorllnH to mi iiorlnl utlnck to Mini It up Ihclr touchdowns, lliu Kliiinutli I'HiciuiH won them- SI'lVI'S U lVllllll)l(l' rllMIl'l' (if ii bull Kiinm over mi nijiti'ilvi mid do li'i'iiilni'rl Ciivcnii'ii I'levni, 12 (1, In il nliilil ln'fnri' u crowd nf 2Hlt) rnlhtinliiMli' liiim nl Modoc field. 'I'll,, L'l',,,,,1 lit'ltl ll-fl 1,11 till III,, i wy for llic K iiii'ii In tint second mill llliui mhiiiii wni'ii l(ol lie Hrrry In-lived luivirs good fur toiichdownN. Tin' (lr.il eninc In tlm t-lo.-ilnu minutes of the second nlmizn with llirlm Inking n 10 ynid Inns from Hrrry mi his own Mil mid inoniiilfriiig 70 yiuds he hind (Inr blnc-kiiiu (or Hie (lint score of tlm winui. Jim Piilmrr i wim unit In hy Conch Mnibli' , t.'ook to iittrnipl thr conversion : hut his plinc-klck wns no Hood. iTIir Ciiveini'ii wrro pi'iinlli'd (or i roughing tlm pirkrr nnd Palmer I wni given ii M;cimil try, hut tills j also fiillrd. The second tnlly wns chalked 1 1.. II... fl,,t fmiifi .in iiM.illwr I pints from Hrrry, this time to L liurK i nttrmiin, rigni end, una iircoiinlrd for ;t.'i ynnU of pny. dirt. Palmer's kick wns low mid Willi!. A I'l'llrmi touchdown wim mil llflrd on llir oprnlnit piny o( the Kiuno whrn Itu lirl kicked o(( to I'crkitiK. who started to hl)i own rliiht but Intended the bull to Itedkey on a reverse nnd thr Nlirrily right IiiiK liiilloprri HO tlirill'purkvd ynrd to thu Grnnls Push goiil, Thr I'rllcimii were off.ildo offensively on the piny, however, nnd the. piny wus culled Caveman Dragged Down on PJunge Through Line CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY OPEN U;30 P, M. LAST TIMES TODAY "Home in Indiana" 2ND HIT "CALL OF THE JUNGLE" STARTS SUNDAY A GAL NAMED DORINDA LOVED A GUY NAMED JOE! An exhilarating, heart -sathlyhj ' imethnal txeetltntt ion will Una iT-"", SPENCER TRACY IRENE DUNNE Touchdown Passes For Only Counters I buck by Umplro Ilurold Shidlcr. I All the I'cU pluyeil B Kood I Kiime, but Wirth wim execution. ully oiitHtundlnii In the line ulonti Willi i niirmun nnd i,oiik, In lliu buck f ic Id. Ilerry pluyud a nwull liuine und threw xonic brniilifiil punned; Hob I'l'ikhm nnd Buddy Itlnl... U.. 4,,...t ln 1U. nnd It in difficult to sliiKle mil nny one or two men (or oiiliilnnd. inn piny n nil of them were In thrro pliiKKlnt. On the Cuvcmen nlde of the Icdiier, Atmluiul dlfipluycd ability lit the flmiker slot nnd Lutz nnd Iturdrll wero the bill noise in the Grinds Puss bnckficld. Conch Mel Johnson's boys mnke un rtiKiied ontdt nnd wo miss our litii'M " tliry don't tin some of thrlr onnonrnts over lirforc the rnd of the senson. The Grants Puss forwnrd wnll whs the most Imprrftnnblo we hnve seen in a hluh school tilt this yenr. They nre bin nnd fnlrly fnst and bnttlc over every Inch of contested ground. . One of the hlKhliiihUi of, the Rnmo wns In tho klckliiK depart mrnt, with ncssonctte nnd Micks KettlnK off some dnndlrs (or the Pels, and Qiirdell nnd Robertson dnlnu the snmc for the visiting eleven. All In nil, tho'Kiimc wns as nnirh, and more, thnn anyone could ask. It Is true the K-mcn didn't score quite as much as was expected, but they scored enough, nnd Hint's whnt they pny off on in nny league. Con sidering the defensive strength displayed nil through the gume by the uavemen, It could be ar gued that the Pels were fortn nnte to account for as many points ns they did. Conch Cook did n grcnt Job in drilling the boys In pass dpfense, us only one nrrlnl connected for tho Grnnts Pnss outfit and thnl wns the fl nnl play of the contest. 1 First Quarter I Relbcl kicked off again for Grants Pass, nftcr the above mentioned play wns nullified, nnd Berry returned to his own 3 1 . nirhn picked up 0 and Berry almost broke loose on nn end sweep that netted 20 yards nnd a first down. Holey then Intercept ed a pass nnd brought it to the Cnvemcn lfl. Tho bnll chnnged bunds and Bcssonettc kicked out-of-bounds on tho Grants Pnss 12. Neither side wns able to gniri an advantage and the quarter end ed with the oval in possession of the Cavemen. I Stcond Quarter On the first nlny of Hie sec ond slnnzn, Burdell kicked over the Pelienn gnnl line and the K men took over on the 20. The Cavemen held and Blchn's kick was partially blocked and recov ered by wcnci on the I'cl zh. Grnnts Pnss mnde a first down but then bogged down and Aus Innd went back to attempt a field gnnl but tho attemnt wns low nnd wide. Klamnth couldn't cnin nnd Blchn kicked out on tho Cnvemen 47. The visitors slnrled rolling at this point and chalked un three first downs in a row with Lutz nnd Burdell car rying tho mail. The threat wns stopped when Burdell fumbled nnd 'Long recovered. Each side kicked once and then, the light ning struck with Berry fading bnck to his 30 and letting a pass - IIIWBLI I III II III HLWH W' II J Vplf-J CP tpW Frank Burdall, Grants Pais back, is nailad by Wirth in a play occurring in ths second quar ter of last night's fracas. Klamath players shown by number and position: extreme left. Perkins, (3)'Blohn, (14) Vandorhoff. ' PAN JOHNfCfi ' Ward soun PAMK CUA50N UONfl BARRYM0RI fWNUSOH.fsiHfirWILtlAMS 2ND ACE HITS! 1 1 ilTTrvTrklT V I I iTTTMTTTTTT K I TTVTJ i il H man tames a torror I town... v ' "..";V ia(s.; "L,D FLORENCE RICE ":TS. WIUIAM HENRY EVENTS VICTOR I0RY 'Wednesday OCT. 25th Game Statistics K. F. G. P. Yardage, scrimmage (net) 106 04 Yardage, passes 121 14 Tolnl yardage 227 108 First downs, scrimmage 3 5 First downs, passes I 1 First downs, penalties 1 1 Total first downs : ' 5 7 Pusses completed S 1 Pusses Incomplete 3 10 Pnsscs had Intercepted 1 , " Passes Attempted 1 H Percentage passes completed 43 9 Punt average (yards) : 28 34.5 Ball lost on fumbles 2 3 Bnll lost on downs 0 0 Penalties (yards) 45 46 Touchdowns : - 2 0 Conversions ,....,.,.. .0 0 Attendance 2600.. go to Biehn for 70 yards and the first score of the game. SCORL: PELICANS 0, CAVEMEN 0. Kimsey kicked otf to Lutz who attempted to duplicate the Klam nth kick-off play by latcralling to Rolcy, but he was nailed on his own 15. The hnlf ended n few plays Inter with the bnll resting on the Grants Pass 5-ynrd marker. Third Quarter Kimsey kicked off to Boycc who returned to his 15. The Cnvemcn went on the inarch for two .straight first downs with the aid o( a clipping penally oi 45 -yards. Tho Pelicans dug in and held ana uranis rass was forced to kick. Neither team could do anything and Tom Bcs sonettc ngnin booted a beauty out on the Cavemen 8-yard line. with Roley and Lutz toting the leather, the Cnvemen made a first down but could go no furth er nnd Robertson kicked to mid field. Rcdkey lost 6 as the third period ended with the ball on the Pel '44. i Fourth Quarter The ball changed hands with both sides unable to gain con sistently, and the break came for Klamath when Robertson booted his only poor kick of the evening which was downed on the Pel 41. A 15-yard penalty put the pig skin on the Grants Pass 44, and that wns all the alert K-mcn needed. A pass, Berry to Pope, picked up 26 yards nnd a first down. Two plays wore run off and then Berry did it again by spotting Thurman In tho clear and letting him have It behind the Grants Pass secondary for a gain of 35 vards nnd tho final counter. SCORE: PELICANS 12. CAVEMEN 0. Klamath managed to nick up two more first downs and Grants Pass completed their only successful pass of the eve ning for 14 yards and a first down as the gun barked the end of the tilt with the bnll on the Pel 27-yard line. . Armchalr.stratcgisls will have a chance to discuss the game, pro and con, Monday noon at the meeting of the Quarterback club at the Willard hotel. Score by quarters: Klamath Falls .0 6.0 612 Grants Pass 0 ,0 0 0 0 -on tronv PAUL HAINES By Football Scores OREGON PREP SCORES . Corvallis 13, Salem 6. Mac Hi (Milton-Frecwater) 14, Clnrkston, Wash., 13. LnGrandc 37. Pendleton 7.. EuRcne 13, Bend 6. Grant (Portland) 26, Franklin (Portland) 7. Benson (Portland) 0, Lincoln (Portland) 0. Washington (Portland) 6. Jef ferson (Portland) 0. Nowbcrg 27, Tigard 6. Toledo 19. Waldport 7. Pnrkrose 19, Central Catholic (Portland) 0. - . W'oodburn 27. Molalla 0. University High (Eugene) -7, Junction City 0. Grant Union 18, Enterprise 12. Seaside 52, Wheeler 0. ' Milwaukic 26. Astoria 6. Columbia Prep (Portland) 27, Rainier, Ore., 6. Albany 7i Oregon City 0. - Cotta'ge Grovo 28, Rosebure 6. Lebanon 21, Sweet Home 13. By PAUL HAINES NIMROD NOTES The boys lrom tne barracks are going after a little different type of game nowadays than they have been pursuing in the past. Instead of the Wily Jap, the boys will be after the wily birds re ported to be so prevalent throughout this sector this sea son. About the only difference is that the boys -haven't any scores to settle with the birds. Any man in the service can obtain a resident license by the simple method of applying for it at any one of several local sport ing goods stores.- ine Marine Barracks has procured its first allotment of 30,000 shells and has authority for an additional 30,000 if release from jobbers can be obtained.. These shells may be bought at the post ex change by men with a permit from the recreation officer, who governs the distribution of am munition. . . Guns for the gy-rencs are on tho way but have not arrived as yet, so friends are either loaning the boys a fowling piece or they arc Tenting" them irom -downtown stores., Quite a few of the fellows are reported to be. going out, and woe be to tho ducks and geese when these sharpshooters cut loose. It was tough on the Japs, too! PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION Na tun of Tlm . . fcrmftnint RtialUI DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlroprtetlo PhyalftU N. 1th Rtqalr Thttr Bill. Phnn 1M Refrigeration Equipment Co. ' Karl UrquhMt ; , 611 Klamith Phone 645S Fo . Commercial Refrigeration SALES ond SERVICE Discriminating buyers of in, surance patronise H a n Nor land, 118 North , 7th. Phone 8060. ' i Allen Adding Machines Friden Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks - Chairs ' Files For those hard-tc-get items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls COLLEGE FOOTBALL . Boston College 33, City Col lege of New York 0. Georgia 13, KcnlucKy vi. Presbytcrinn 20. Newberry 6. Colorado College 20, Denver 12. Rnkc 26. Washburn Municipal Univ. '6,: Southwestern (Tex.) 39, North Texas Agcics 7. Missouri Valley college ii. William Jewcu 6. FIGHTS Bv The Associated Press BOSTON Hay "Sugar" Rob inson, 148". 4, New York, TKO lzzy .Tnnnazzo. 153. Brooklyn. 2. Grant Still Undefeated For Season Powerful Generals Trample Franklin 26-13; La Grande Hands PendMnn 37-7 Loss By The Associated Press The column of undefeated Oregon prep grid teams thinned out loctay, nut the powertul La Grande Tigers and the de fending state champion, Grant of Portland, stayed firmly on the list. Bend's Lava Bears, victorious in their first four starts, Uimblcd to Eugene last night (Friday), 13-6. The game, how ever,; does not count toward the district title. La Grande steamrollered Pen dleton, 37-7. to keen the Buck aroos in the cellar of the Blue Mountain league. Milton-Free' waters Mac Hi moved out of the league to defeat Clarkston Wash., 14-13 in an inter-state tilt that saw all the scoring packed into the final quarter. In the Portland league, Roose velt continued threatening to break its past record as a per ennial also-ran by defeating Commerce, 33-7, for its fourth straight victory of the season Grant, Portlands other un beaten squad, romped over Franklin, 26-13 Benson and Lincoln played to a 0-0 tie, and Washington edged Jefferson, 6-0. Albany's unbeaten Bulldogs remained on the No-Name lea gue's pedestal by defeating Ore gon City, 7-0. Corvallis defeat ed the Salem Vikings, 13-6 in another No-Name tilt. University High of Eugene halted Junction City. 7-0, in one of four initial Tri-County' league tilts yesterday., Toledo kept its top spot in the Lincoln County league with its third straight conference victory, 19-7- over Waldport. Clippers Win Over Bombers SEATTLE, Oct. 14 (P) Two - third quarter passes from Ken-' ny Washington, former UCLA colored flash, to Quarterback ,' Carl Britschgi and Fullback Bill Robbins, for a total of S9 - yards put the San Francisco'-' Clippers on the Seattle Bomber two-yard line in position to score two final period touch-, downs for a 13-0 American Pro-, fcssional league victory last night. On the first play of the fourth quarter,' Washington crashed! over for the first score of the. game. Jack Mulkey, Clipper . end, intercepted a pass from George Karamatic and went 41 ' yards for the second and final score of the contest 10 minutes! later. . ... , 'r The Californians ' meet the Portland Rockets in Multnomah stadium Sunday. PORTLAND Kenny LaSalle, 129, San Francisco, decisioned. Leo Turner, 163 M; Portland (10). TRUCKS FOR RENT . You Drive ' Move . Yourself Save !4 Long and ' ' ' Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304; 1201. East Mala DEVELOPING' ' ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. Attention Hunters Save Your Hides! Deer Elk Antelope .. We will pay you top prices and you will be help- -ing the war effort. ... Hides are needed badly. Sixth St. Auto Wrecking " " We have Oregon state permit to buy. 2501 So. 6th St. Tel. 8588 3av V I is mm YA m Ipfhtl untie (it DANCELAND ' 515 Klamath Ave. DANCE , ! ' , Mutle By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE . . Auspices VeFeW. T WILL YOU TAKE ONE LAST LOOK... TOO SOON? There have been a lot of farm sales in this locality in the last couple of years. Just count up the number of farmers you know -who have given up their places.;. given them up during the best opportunity" in their lives for making real money. Why? Run over in your mind, once more, the list of farmers you know who have retired. Didn't most of them quit just because they were physically unable to go on any longer? They were hard workers, but they had worked too hard for too long. Many men past sixty right around here have found a way to add years to their active career on the land. They ' are using the Ford Tractor with Ferguson System. They have done away with back breaking labor. Implements attach to their tractors i - i : ( -: . , ; .- r so easily -their six-year-old grandsons can actually put Implements on or take them offs Hands that have years of hard work written on them now move a little finger tip lever " that sets, ' raises or lowers ground tools. ... While their work "is easier; they' are getting more done, and they are doing it at far less cost Most important, they are continuing to live the kind of life they want to live. The next time you are going by our place of business stop in for a few minutes and let us tell you about the impor tant features of the Ford Tractor with Ferguson System and Ferguson Imple ments... the modem farm equipment that will add years to your active life on your farm. .: . Balsiger Motor Co. -Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 - Main and Esplanade I- m mi