PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Oclobf ' 14, Slammin' Sam Back on Trail Of Links Gold CHICAGO, Oct. 14 W) The boys around the professional golf circuit have new worry on their minds today barn Sncad Is back, ready to start slamminc down golf's cold trail Slammin; Sam, who had the hottest clubs In golf when he enlisted in the navy after win ning the 1842 Professional Golf ers association title, recently re ceived a medical discharge. Ana he doesnt intend to lot any divots grow under his feet be fore he goes eacK to reclaim that crown, and regain ranking as one of the game's leading money winners. He Intends to start down an exhibition trail while awaiting the winter play-for-pay circuit's opening with Bob Hamilton, 1944 PGA tltllst, as his com panion. The two will get to gether tomorrow in Evansville, Ind., Hamilton's home town, in the first of a series of matches that will end in Portland. Ore.. when both go after the C---;on open title. Snead, a first class petty of- ficer when discharged by the navy, says a back ailment that prevented his enlistment early in the war eventually ended his naval career. But. he says, it has not interfered with his swing and he expects to pick up where he left off with the PGA title before his induction. Snead said he planned to take in all the west coast tourna ments this winter, starting at Portland and going down through California, Phoenix, Ariz., Texas, New Orleans and ; Florida. . "Grey Mask" Wins Rassling Go Over "Blood and Guts" Before a capacity crowd at the armory laai iiiiii, itic anvuti "Grey Mask" took the final hal: f A HntiMn main f'rnt hv fm. ploying his favorite head konks and cannonballs to "Blood and Guts" Davidson, The Mask knew he had been some place, however, as Dave gained the first fall with a back-breaker, followed by a body press. "Blood and Guts" tried repeatedly to tear the hood off the face of the Mask but met with no more suc cess than his predecessors. The masked marvel came back to grab the second tumble with a number of head bulls, followed by his famed cannonball. After this ruKgcd treatment. Dave re quested an additional' five min utes to get nis bearings but the Mask, never ready to oblige, re fused. "Blood and outs showed he wasn't in the marine corps for nothing by making a came attempt to come back, but he was shaken up loo much and the hooded heel took the final drOD and the match with another cannonball. The newcomer, Tony Ross.' up set the dope bucket by knocking over Joltin' Jack Klzer, the Paci fic coast light-heavyweight king, in the first half of the double cm. wnen he said Tony was a mean sort of individual, we real- did everything but throw th ring posts at Kizer. Ross, a product of Oklahoma, pinned Jack with a back-breaker followed by a body press, to take the first fall. Kizer returned to even matters with some play in the ropes followed by a body press. The Oklahoma bad man was not to be denied, however, and tossed Kizer through the ropes injuring his buck. Jack climbed back In the ring but Ross was waiting and took the match with a body press. In the opener. Herb Parks and Tex Porter battered each other to a draw. Tox got the nod for the first tumble with a self strangle hold and no fall was gained in the second round. In the final frame. Porter attemut- ed to use illegal strangle holds and Referee Wally Moss gave the round to Parks. This winds ud the rassllne for this week, but there will be more mat mayhem committed next Friday, same time, same place, with another red hot card on deck. Cage League Under Way Ai Barracks Three factors, accordine to tho Public Roads Administration, de termine the efficiency of a high way system: new construction, improvements, and maintenance. All three factors have been ad versely affected by the war. The Murine Barracks Inter Company Basketball league of ficially opened on the pott gymnasium court this week, under the direction of Lt. Fran' cis llognn, athletic officer, and h i a assistants, SSgt. Russell Cleveland and Sgt. Les Israel. The schedule calls for tw Minn- iu uu i,vt.'u chcii aay, five days a week, and is in close accordance with the r habituation program that has been put in ooeratlon. in which each individual man is urged to participate in at least one of the activities In tho posts ex tensive ainicuc program. After the first week of leasu play, HiS Company has been found to be the team to beat, as the cagcrs from that outfit sparked by 6-foot-4-iiich PFC trttic Scmsky, set back C Com' pany t6 to 32, and A Company, d f lO 10. Beatty Man Returns From -South Pacific BEATTY Just back from the Mum acmc are upi. Marvin J. Walker and his friend, Sgt. Frank J. Ladd. They arrived in Klamath Falls October 6 and were met by Mar vin Walker's mother, Mrs. Effie Driseoll of Beatty. They went im mediately to the Walker ranch Just north of Beatty where a welcome home party was held for tiie men. Members of the 2nd tank bat talion of the 2nd marine division, these two men are veterans of the Guadalcanal, Gilberts and Marianas campaigns. Sgt Ladd will spend a few day with the Walkers at the ranch before going on to his own home to be reunited with his mother, Mrs. Orena Ladd of In dianapolis. Only a short time ago- Cpl. Walker was decorated with the Purple Heart for wounds re- vc,vc in uie Datue or xaraWa. Wednesday OCT. 25th -j KM MKUUnOD Olil 1U4 U lit) "jF WTINUOUS SHOW BOX OFFICE OPEN 1 TODAY ONLY II l 'mrefl I cowboy i h i ' i SECOND HIT ,JllJlti illsXi MM) "SUMMER STORM' CONTINUOUS SHOW OPEN 12.30 TODAY George Bandars . Linda Darntll TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT TELEPHONE 456? ' STARTS Continuous Shew Open 12:30 AT BOTH THEATRES SUNDAY II II II II II Bit W I VS. II y WM :'SttTAa99e3 Amf mMPA c jrw - vf suzin .... 71, A Tiii v. v vj . STARTS SUNDAY Everbody's humming (ties rm. . Parade Hum-0!nrar "Janlr' and "Keep Your Powdir 0i" with '4 m. mm-wmwmwm arm enjoyment P CARTOON LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS STHP AAlftWTY CAITU That Has-F Jamed Through 20 Centuries! TKf J1fhiSroterep!c.i'n;ihe:anna!j of nflfgmottrnoigeo.inio.q.tramendout tit lh blooY ef . tL, anlrv of ftofflt'l onelent.Coliisupi . IEI InlrtguM of iff THE i it,' ' a OF THE ; jfi ws -.y kiw a w . .. . ' iVi? MARCH Vl 1Z 'ii' j,'.i'.CLAUDETTE COL8ERT : jA S CHARLISIAU6HT0N :4 - (AMI ARi httsi " - - mm a mm . r