Lb.r 13. 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE 34 Aulomolly 94 Aulomollva) 34 Automotlv 34 Automotive 34 Automotlv 34 Automotlv 34 Automotlv Refrigeration . Service vci VINATOR Y O u R F O R D ;olory Aulhorlwd Servta. and Commercial - tin I LfcON EQUIPMENT CO. F 127 So. oih St .. KATiNC STORAGE Klamath Falls fcANSFER and Co. or Uiillcil Vim Linen f? ,., riiono SH72 Mill" )0.30 Educational Window Display 0( International Cprrespondenco Schools ' At The Lanclry Co ' 419 Main St. p. Edward D. Lyman Open tvenings Holel Willard 10-14 Open For Business (OTO AND GIFT SHOP Lk Photos, Stamp or Locket Sue Up Til Main 81. Htallh PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Grnulto SL Ashland. Oregon Phone 7011 1 braduate Nurn In Charge 11 i i-am Help Wentod Femel irarasEJ WANTID-Wlit.n't rCD wameas and dlahaiailier We en rrelerred. Aoola el fllllar's ftffie Shop UMU IrilClUU WANTED fop. Mia Cnllt. 2311 IWAMint mrl pantry girl wanted Iv rnit orricc work f unden 8ML emirs. HTtO-Car hor-pen la work three , wren, a noiir enin. ion ran kt lino e ihift on Ibis lob. Apply Teh Drive-In nur a p. m. 347jlf KTtD - Kllchan nelp. Hoard and notnap preferred call ma I01TU TCD - Woman 10 lake car of mi rmi. invalid a dava a week 1 tinlanaile, Apt. fl. Saaett ST. MACIIINK KCfiVIC'E. all maare mne am. sun nliaite Way. I.m Tr.n..(ilrl for hoiuawork and par 3 children. Phone 7tue, awail ltTr.u..vYoiiian iJiikllor Hi Medlrel- in mnioini Aiuiv at Darnhiiei's "tii ui n r.m rii 3.lDt Halp Wantsd, Male WANTED JANITOR Part Time Work Apply fESTERN UNION 10-18 JANITOR WANTED AddIv pre Theatre Office 2630U Nd You Like To 28 am Money after School? jriicrc are two Herald and News Routes Open : CIRCULATION MGR. PMANENT POSITION f 2 Automobile Mochtnlci warn Heated Garage Payirit Poilllon In Klamalh ralli DCICK B. MILLER , ...ct,r '" " Klamath 470SU lui ,rt ,.., "'" ahoee allar Fliarbtr hr,J,, """"l-Denlal Tni!. ' H Co. ""VEnS WANTT.n . i-!',,r.7'.;,r.1i!;o' JjOBU ork .!!!!d h1" lo " . a?;.n'" 0. Apply Bowline Mia. m .!1 m' n avanlnl ry" o'inday. 172111 tlar" 12," "n(1 expreia Call nallway Expreas Agency. 1 in-iief iIS!?"r.rn'."". 'or amall planar im a, i . ",M '' par dav PUM.on, Plnahural. H7oati tr.n7r nam.i S.I"r "''hi work at Mad. icy -. omi. Apply at ,arnhul Tn T. - "aIflr 5'rrt k. Taw tn.ii "-aarada Laundry, 10-H Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Says . We Need Used Cars! Ceiling Prices Accurately Figured and Paid For . CLEAN CARS This Is An Opportune Time To Sell Your Used Car Value Has Reached Its Peak. Every Day Brings Us Closer to New Car Production Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. Oth St. 1 H1?, WtiiUd. Mil If you want to work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, go see Johnny Tipton at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. We need men in all these departments of our operation which is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. ' Pelican Bay Halp Wantad, Mala Steady Winter Work TWO MEN For Work Inside of Creamery lamath Falls Creamery 2850tf WANTKD Mlddla-afrd marrlad rntipla In work on alork ranrh. f0 rhlldrfn- woman lo cook for aroall rraw. Prr. manint lob. ciond watra. Wrlta I0A1 rara of llarald and New). 10-IB WANTKD Man and bora lo aat plna Ltiht work, good pay Apply bowling allay RIO Main 7 p m.. any avenlng 20 Room and Board nOOM AND BOARD-IX Michigan. ROOM. BOARD Ganllaman. 1007 Crra rani 11-3 21 Rooma For Rant TOR RttNT-Rooma or aparlmanl for rani, aia Commarclal. John Wol ford. 10-13 ROOM TOR RENT-IM Jafftraon. ROOM TOR RENT 134 No. 3rd. 10-31 m ROOM-Oanllaman. rhona 730 ovanlnga. 33 Roao St. 37e.1lf TOR RENT A badroom naxt to balh. Barvlca oaonla prafarrad. 337 Grant . 10-13 roR RENT Room for ganllaman. Ml nrant. 24 Aparimantg Tor Rant RRNT of ena-room modarn aparlmanl frta for part-tlma houaawork. Slngla woman prafarrad, Phona 74M. 38191 l"OR RENT-rumlahad ona-room aparl manl. nam. reirigrraior, ona anun onlv .ano wrrk 220 So. 4th. 10 14 Houiag For Rant FOR RENT g-room hotiaa, unfnrnUhad. Walrr and llchta furnlahad. 143.30 par month. Call 4830. 10-13 TOR RENT- 8-room houia. wrat end Stewart addition. Inquire 3008 Ehrr. Irln fit. 1014 28 Mlicallanaou- For Pant TOR RENT rloor aandara. adgtra and wallpaper removing machinal. J. E. Palteraon Paint Itora, Phona 3.124. I3M Eaal Main. 10-3lm 34 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and adger rented. Do your own work, inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD CO, t0-31m FOR RENT-Modem trailer apaca. Cell ai 4nn soiiih aih 10-30 SO Raal Eatata For Sal ' wwwwwwwwwnwwOAOnaw, TOR SALE Ona acre, part under irrl- Mattnn. amall houia. 81800. Innlllre 1414 llomedala Road. 10-13 rOR SALE-l-hedroom home. Herdwood floora. flraplaca, furnace. Cloae tn. Call 6713. 3147U fOR SALE BY OWNER-4Toom modern houie with bullt-ln fruit room. Large combination etion and garage, alio rhltken houie. On corner half acre. Large lawn, Ireei. garden with bar rlra, Soma wood. 12030. 81000 down. Termi. .1003 rralda Ave. 10-14 ron SALE Sheep palliire, 310 acrei Malln Call Llakey Broa.. 7014. 89111 FOP. RALE - 3-bedronm modern houao. baaement. garage. Cloia to nign acnnni. 10.10 Alameda. 10-14 NEARLY NEW FOUR ROOMS on ! acre at 4nnft Denver, only aiaan. EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 111 N. 8th Phone 8ml IP-IB FOR SALKa-bedroom homo on la acre on Olirn airrai. inaiuairn, lawn in front and back. Oarage, chicken houae, hullt-ln frull room In utility ibid, ami) Wlard St, FOR RALE-a-bedroom, modarn home, oil furnace, on pavement near d and ichnol. Dial 7438. 10-14 Phone 4113 If Halp Wantad. Mala Lumber Co. Tr Rati Litata For 8ala Attractive Home Restricted District 3-room home near Hillside Ave Has fireplace, full concrete bane. mciil, Venetian blinds, insula tion, excellent view. A real buy (or $4300, terms. AND a-room stucco home on Lincoln St. Has fireplace, basement, furnace, hardwood floors. Going for $4800, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Oth Phone 4364 7-Room Home In Hot Sprinss District, with 4 bedrooms, full basement, fire place, nice yard, near school. $7000.00. ALSO New small home on 'i acre Just off Shasta Way, attractive and clean, completely furnished $3230.00. Everett Dennis, realtor 121 North 8th St. Ph. 8491 10-17 FOR SALE Modern 6-Room Home In Hot Springs District Inquire 120 N. 10th Street 1872U HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 10.14m FOR SALE a-year-old comptelely fur nlihed modern 3-bedroom home. Re. frlearator. new aaa atove. dining room aat. davenport, chair, awing rocker, coffee table, a end tablea. deak. 3 floor lemna. drapea, rug 13x12. amall ruga. new (l-plrce bedroom eutle. Fireplace, automatic gaa furnace and water healer, venet an bllnda. hardwood floora, Inlutatlon. double garage, lane lot. completely fenced, ahrtlba. good location. 88.100, one-half caah, 2244 Darrow avenue. Phone 7408. , aR3Atf FOR SALF.-trrlgated farm. 18.7 arrea. Some terma. 3'V rntlea aoutbwcat of . Henley. J. C. Royer, Rl 1, Box AM. 1Q-14 Automotlv We Buy and Sell USED- CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m FOR SALE. - Sludcbaker Commander coupe, 10.10 model. Phone 3.142. 1013 FOR 8ALF.-l-in40 DS 80 Int. log truck and trailer. Truck haa 70 molor and rear end. 10.00 tlrea, good, aome apare Urea tola of extraa. Good winter Job. J, w. Crmalen. Ewauna Camp, 8pra aue River. 10-14 FOR HALE-lim Chevrolet -Make truck. Good condition. Eagle Point Irriga tion Dlalrlct, Eagle Point, Ore, 10-13 FOR SALE-P. Model Ford. 4-door aedan, very good motor, 16-tnch wheela, Call 0130. 10-13 FOR SAI.E-1030 Kord DeLuxe aedan, tlrea fair, above average condition, motor needa little work. Priced lo aell oulck' at J490. Phone 6247 alter p. m. Shorty Weatherford. nirhtleld Service Slallon, tlth and Klamath be fore 8 p. m, 10-18 FOR SALE--10.10 Ford truck, good rub. her, new motor. L'alvln Mootry, Raid win Holel. 10-14 8EE MEL HENRY el LOMBARD'S USED aell. ' lb-3lm WANTED Lata model coupe. Phone 1043 4300 FOR SALF.-Bantam panel, 1039 model. Four praciirauy nnw urea, aio uui Fori road, riwia 7034, 10-14 NOW Sell Your Car To Us WHILE USED CAR PRICES ARE HIGH TOP OPA PRICE D E A L E R F O R 21 Y F A R S Balsiger Motor Co. 34 -automotiv For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types 1 Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and' COMPLETE PAINTING - KLAMATH. RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 10-31m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 3:30 P. M. . 10-14m TOP CASH PRICK lor your clean, late model car or equity, sea u H quam at RURNKK8 MOTORS Authorited De Soto-Plymouth Parla and Service Goodrich Tire Dlitiibutar 318 so. ath statu FOR SALE - 10.18 Standard Chevrolet 4-door aedan. new aeat covera, body very good, tlraa good. Price 8433. Phone 6130. -10-14 1043 CHEVROLET SEMI-TRUCK lo rent with driver. 340 Martin. Phone 832S. 10-14 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery , "Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-3 1 rn 38 Miscellaneous For Sal ron SALF.-100 torn baled hay, lit rut , alfalfa, oata and rye, at Keno, See Guy Moore at ranch before crosalng river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 33S3tf LANDSCAPING - Evergreen!, flowering ahruba and ireea. olake your aelec Hon now for fall planting. LAKE. SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 408a lo-anm FULLER BRUSHFS - Clem Joyer. 14:19 Martin, Phona 8877. l0-3lm FOR SALC-Trailer houae. 16-foot Ram- bier, aleepa 4, air orakea, good tlrea, very fine condition. Muat be aeen to be appreciated, Roy Call Auto Co.. 727 Commercial. Phone 6763. 10.14 FOR SALF Trailer houae, good condi tion. Call at 2036 Orchard, 10-13 Call 3121 and we will be glad to give you our appraisal 38 Mlicellaneoua For Sal FOR SALE Cull Potatoes Jerry Short wocus 4 miles north of Klamath Phone 7833 10-16 PICTUKES OF ALL BOATS AND PLANES USED IN WAR II ETCHING TYPE Photo and Gift Shop 711 Main St. 10-18 GLASS Mtrrore, resllvering. plate, win dow and auto glasi. furniture tops, helvea. KtmbaU'B Glasa Shop. .127 Walnut. Phona 7378, ll-4m PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP QUICK PHOTOS-Stamp or locket aire -Up. PICTURES (Etching Type of all boata and pianea uaed in War 2. 711 Main. 10-16 THIS WTEK ONLY - All permanent! creme ou macntneleaa ss.&o and aiO.00. cold Wave 810.00. 813.00 and 820.00. Loretta'a Beauty Shop. Slew art Addition Phone 4020. 10-14 SEWING MACHINE PARTS and eup pliea. AH makea. Phona 6771. 3218 Shane Way. 10-31m FOR SALE 3 dining cbalra. 3 rocker chaira. reuohalltered: one wlnr chair. reupholatered: one guitar, cap beater, one aleeptng chair and atool. Phone . 4317, 3841 Shaata Way. 10-13 CIVS HIM A BURGESS VIBRO-TOOL F. R. Hauger. Open all day Saturday. 618 Market. Phone 7231. 10-31 STOVTS REPAIRED. All available parts atocked. Uied furniture, atovea bought. OK Second Hand Store, 620 Klamath. Phone 0671. 10-31m FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phone 4093. Rt, 3, Box 1042. 10-31 m FOR SALE Mlicellaneoua reataurant equipment. Jean'l Place, Tulelake. 10-18 ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SALE-303 Pine. FOR SALE-3 plecea new Armstrong linoleum .$30.00. Each piece 6x28 feet. 1114 Main St. 10-13 FOR SAl.R-1 tractor digger. 1 hone digger. 1 6 ft. a yd. roll over scraper. C. H. Kelly. Rl. 1. Box 330. out Home dale. . 1013 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 100 Ions first . culling. Thomaa Hefner, Bonanra. 10-14 SHOTGUNS Seven 13 gauge, pumps, doublea. aingles, with sheila. 140 E. Main. 10-18 BEAUTIFUL TWIN BEDS, aprlnga and mattresses. Prewitt'a Trading Post. 3344 So. 8th. 10-13 FOR SALF.-Phtlco radio. 823.00; I large baby bed. 81.1.00. White Auto Court. 2490 Blehn. Apt. 3. 10-13 FOR SALE - Furnishings for 5-room houie. including refrigerator, electric . range. Evanoil heater, radio, washing machine and other articles too nu merous to mention. Willard Smith, a miles east, t mile south of Merrill, at Lost River dam. 10-13 ALLEN Adding Marhlnea and FR1DEN Calculators. 134 s. 9lh St. Pioneer Printing A Stationery Co. 10-l.lm FOR SALF.-lnterna!lonal potato digger. De Laval fream aeparator, S.16. H. R. Frar-ler, Bonaiua, Langell valley. 10-13 12-GAUGE SAVAGE AUTOMATIC shot gun, used but Utile, two boxes of shells. 979.00. 2138 Vine, 10-14 FOR SALE-Spinet piano, Dclco car radio, 1 mellophone. 1 E flat alto saxophone. Shepherd Music Co. 10-14 FOR SALE -APPLES-White apple stand. .V miles aoulh highway Medrord. Jonathan, Delicious, Newtown.. Win ter Bananas, several grades, 91.00 up. Bring containers. Open Saturday and Sitndaya, A. C. Lewls.-Box 234, Rt. 4. Medtord. 10.14 FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan, 632 So. Riverside U-4ri, DHPONT'S GREEN AND RED SHINGLE STAIN. F. R. Hauger. Open All Day Saturday, SIS Market. Phona 7221. 10-14 Y O U R F O R D D E A L E R F O R 21 Y E A R S NO. 1 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Livestock Auction Every Saturday Pavilion, Phoenix, Oregon 1:00 P. M. . .lave lots of stock for next sale 200 head of cattle, including a consignment of 63 head of stock cowS and fat cows and heifers. Wo will also have lots of fat calves and feeder pigs. Our market offers all the feed ing and watering facilities of the most modern Auction Sale yards. Remember we cater strictly to the sale and trans portation of livestock, whether you wish to buy or sell, attend our regular Saturday Sales. Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co.; "Live Sellers of Livestock'' Col. A. H. Dudley Auctioneer . Phone 6223 Medford, Ore. 10-13 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandrneyer Phone 5195 C S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. 9-30m FOR SALE -One 22 repeating rifle with acope. one 30 automatic rifle, one pair field glasses, one pair binoculars Shells for above rifles. Flxit Shop. 7U Klwmitti J!1ZS 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH TOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4910 or 7179. 10-19m WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 628 Main St. 10-31 m WANTED -Dead and worthiest anlmala. Phone 4836 collect. 10-18 FOR SALE 6-year-old Jersey cow and month old calf. 1847 Homedale. 10-13 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKF.V. 019 East Main. Phona 4363. K-4m WANTED TO BUY-Used cars for wreck ing. Roy Call's Auto .Wrecking. 727 Commercial St.. Phona 6763. 10-14 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann, tao N 7th. Phona 4910 or 7179. 10 20m WANT TO BUY-Doten or doren and halt colored pullets. Phone 9078 after 6:30 p. m. 2839tf WANTED Electric French fryer. Call 3060. 10-13 WANTED -Electric Iron In food condi tion. Phone 4974. 10-14 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run nera. Call 3124. 3146tf WANTED- 2-bedroom unfurnished house. SKI. COUman. Call 9121. extension 114. 10-17 WANTED -Good homes for kittens. Phone 3014 or 4610 Boardman. 1014 WANTED TO BUY-Any kind of radio weighing Under 3 pounds. Call 6.166. 10-14 WILL PAY CASH for good electric stove, washing machine and refrigerator. Call at 3133 Eberleln Ave 10-13 RF.WARD leading to the rental of 4-room furnished bouse tn vicinity of Saered Heart school, vhona 9769. 10-13 SELL YOUR CAR To ROSE For the Top Price We Still Have the Finest Selection of Used Cars in Klamath Falls Rose Motor Go. Ponti lac 6th and Plum AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAR We will match any color or paiiit your car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP. John Probst, manager 2nd Floor Cascade Garage - Corner 11th Phone 42 Miscellaneou Wanted PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP 711 Main St. Now Open For Business Etchinr Type Pictures or All Boats and Planes Used in War II 10-16 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If vou haw an. no -longer used trtlcJe of ia kind lyinn amund your noire or office then you have real opDortuntt " to "net a the war ef fort in the first mace other pcaol? actually ntreT these no-longer used ar ticles: then loo the mnnev tou raise. by selling things can be converted Into bonds Phone 3134 Classifier! d Dsnt today urntt WANTED -4 to 6 rooms of ood furni ture. Must be reasonable. Phone 420. 10-14 WANTED TO RENT 2-hedroom Turn lihed or partly furnished house by two adults. en.pIo.ved in lumber in d us try Call 3146 days and 8373 aftct p. m. 451911 WANTED Good washing machine, pay cash or trade new Evijirudc outbo.ird motor. P. O. Box 247. 10-16 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 3078 after 6pm 2273U WANTED House, furnished or partlv furnished. Will pay any price. Phone 5131. Marine Barracks, extension 103. days. Evenings 8192, ask for C.ipt. lUy.rv. in-ia 44LiTtstock and Poultry GOAT SERVICE-1767 Burns. 10-13 FOR SALE 1200 head feeder pigs. 73 veal calves at public auction by the Farm Bureau at Anderson, California. Wednesday. October 10. Calf sate at 10:00 a, m. Hon: sale at 1:00 p. m. Hogs graded and sold In trur'; lOHd lots. Calves sold individually by the pound. io-t4 HIGHEST PRICES paid tor boss. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co Phona 3.123. nishts 3503. 10 3 tin WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 72 10-rMm 46 Financial . First Federal Has Plenty of Money a e a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home a Pry Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rales FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone S11I5 10-31m Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates ' Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to Investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE 8.. SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 4564 Tues.-Frl.-U GMC - Phone 6130 and Walnut 8361- Tues.-Fr!. 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE . 40 head especially fine year ling rams, purebred Hamp.ihires. Earl C. Reynolds. Rt. 3. Box 371. Phone 3031. . ' 10-14 AN IDEAL JERSEY COW for an elderly couple. See F. W. HL'nD. vKt. 3. Box 1032-A. 3i miles north of. town on old Bend highway. . 10-1T FOR SALE-r, bay marc, gentle, .-.fl'il broke .t:t-'H r!ivrr'Avc 10-14 4G Financial m .as.js.aa, j. . - - ,--,rif- riii ririjU7) When You Want a ... CASH LOAN For Any. Worthy ' Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett t at the office of . COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ-1 uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10.31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO JZr FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Civtlit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-SiRtfrs Quick Service , ; , Loyally Owned Motor Investment Co.' ' ': Klamath's Oldesr M-275 . S-241 114 N. 7th , -. , Phone 3325 j , 10-31m