Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 13, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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I .1 1944
pS&stH fmM-zs wi' raBep
0r the Klnmoth com
Jl 101 .... r.in,l cuinn to-
1.1 In
l,c IJlllTIK'kN
.ih.ilrt the "v"'
C', piiv In clvtllun mo
11 . " ,.. on
L7v voluntas bl. iv
Kii S30U lo Hiu ociil
rlnalwl warm worm i
Hon irom
rnimi-. .
fr"riVV fr.. (TO
1ATH. 'lVV"
r Dear p"-
tltlJ.cn.1 01 rw milium
siu-crr-dcd .. nil
prcM-rlbcd quota for
i.d war Itcm-i.
il". In my homo lowii.
utccl li ouy iJ
Hie Communnv v.iini.
mlllvllll'lll Of 'ly
Milan lifi". ,
it hul hip iimj"iii.r "
i Kli"lli r'Ml' 1,1VC
o( ilu-lr way lo initke
0( tho murines here
i,8 mid plcii-iint
anil I feel sure tlmt
Lint mummy m ino
nrtrloUi null "
ul wo M" l,ot control
, o( Hie minority, wn
c given ciuifiw i-
,d In $3 for your Com-
Fund. .. , '
jusl Allot"" marine.
II 0. s.
LAKE I.loutcnnnl Lyle
i former Tulclnke resl-
I ilncf last My has been
is oni over Kiiropn. Ill
turned to the United
ollowinii n Injury re-
etlon, according lo
ictlvrd thl week by hi
n. LoU Haas, and his
Mr. nnd Mrs. JacK Haas
id members of hlj fimlly
jut he might be teeing
nant Haas, pilot of
had completed more
missions whon his plnne
nBi. rlak Injured hi
Irtakinii scvernl (mall
tut he has written that
ic hospitalization In tng
'. no is making a sous
recovery and can now
weight on the Injured
,Nw Notes and
I Comment ii
BY juanita shinn
All nliini now stum! u nun as
sembly will bo called from U
until 4 irtclny ullcriiooii u I
which tlmu speeches will be
heard f rum 1'uul, Dcllur, new
HSSl.lItllll I'i-IIciiii C'Olll.'ll, u i id
George Lonii, right tackle.
lliu murine mind win piny a
fow numbers and the imseinlilt-d
body will bo entertained by u
klt from the tlrunia depart-
mcnt, and a aextctto comuoscd
of "K" club niainbura.
A rally led by Iho band and
l'ei Poppers will bo formed on
Third street between Main and
Klamatli at 7 i. in. and will
rally down Main to Moduc field.
The group will stop at three or
lour places lor yells.
The I'cp Peppers were ex
cused from morning home
rooms to encourage tlio students
to turn out for the rally.
In order to encourage Mil
dent attendance ul the rally,
student body tickets will not be
honored nt Modoc field until
the rally arrives, j
As superstition has It, Friday ,
tho KUh is i Jlnxcd day, and '
Ill-luck Is to befull all on that
duy. If tho students have their
way, their pep and enthusiasm -will
ward off oil tho bad luck !
ccompanylng the duy. Every- j
one Is hoping It will pour rain
for a few hours and then clear ;
up. Poor weather will imdmihl- i
edlv hamper efforts for a big
rilly. but for those who are
willing to support the te-am, '
weather or anything short of a
tornado will not put damper
on spirit.
Farmers Enabled
To Sell, Grade
Cattle Locally
SPOKANE, Oct. 13 (ip) A
program lo make It possible for
fanners to grade nnd sell cnttlo
locally in small towns to elimi
nate shipping to slaughter houses
and back was conferred upon
yesterday by nnlluiial, regional
anil district officials of the office
of price administration.
II. II. 'Williamson, national
agricultural OPA adviser, said
"present plans arc to distribute
Information to the farmer as to
how to Ktiunp and grade his own
incut along with regulations re
garding (lie collection of ration
stamps on the meat ho sells."
The ttoad to
By Tht Assoclattd Prtss
1. Western Kronl: 302 miles
(from west of Duren).
2. Russian Front: 310 miles
(from Warsaw).
3. Italian Front: 5B0 miles
(from Llvcrgnano).
Dr. Adolphc Zlcflo, dean of the
Oregon State college pharmacy
school since 1017, has taken a
year's sabbatical leave and will
then retire to dcan-cmcritut.
PORTLAND, Oct. 13 ()
OPA and farm representatives
here will confer today with It,
H. Williamson, OPA agricultural
relations adviser, Washington,
D. C, on problems connected
with land price Inflation.
Morrill-Lokeview Jet,
Short Ribs .
Roast ...
Steak . . .
lb. 18c
lb. 21c
lb. 26c
;No Points)
lb. 15c, 2 lbs. 25c
Hearts & Tongues lb. 20c
Bacon Squares . lb. 15c
Yes, we have butter and bacon !
Klamath County Meat Only
Shaw Lumber. Pays
Overcharge Sum
PORTLAND, Oct. 13 (IP)
Payment of $16,380.98 by the
J. R. Shaw Lumber company
Klamath Falls, to the U. S.
treasury In settlement of over
charges was announced today by
the district OPA.
Tho- OPA said tho sum rep
resented abovc-ct-illiig prices
charged to various Industrial
firms during a year's period on
non-standard sizes of pine lumber.
Persons who are renting
rooms in private homes must
register these rooms regardless
of the number of such rooms
rented, it was announced today
by Marvin Hixon, examiner in
charge of the Klamath rent con
trol office. If less than two
rooms arc rented, they are not
governed by the federal eviction
limitations but must be regist
ered and the rates examined and
Managers or agents for rental
properties where- owners are
absent from the ' county must
register for the absent owner,
Hixon stated.
All registrations of rental pro
perty may be made at the rent
control uiiiee, uu main, wncre i
volunteer assistants arc on hand
to assist landlords in registering.
Landlords are urged to register
immediately to take advantage
of this assistance.
Retail Purchasing
Increase Noted
NEW YORK, Oct. 13 (P) Re
tail buying continued brisk last
week, especially or seasonal
merchandise, with sales volume
estimated at 8 to 14 per cent
above 1043, Dunn it Bradstreet,
Inc. reported today.
"Gains In sales thus far in
October have been less than they
wcro in tho similar porlod In
September," the business re
search firm said. "Dollar volum.
continues moderately above the
high level of a year ago."
Regional percentages were:
Now Knglund 5 to 9, east 12 to
16, middle west 7 to 11, north
west 8 to 12. south 14 to 18,
southwest 3 to 7 and Pacific coast
11 to 13.
Classifier) Ads Bring Results
ll ' m. ' .err
volunteer assistants are on hand I laf -.--rSfct Hil lv ll ,; ' 'T-tt I'IAk tf -' f
to assist landlords in registering. I V itMlwJSSV tip IMff, : v
Landlords are urged lo register JP29 "$ 1 1 MT I Iff V-iV
immediately to take advantage JL " A .7VLV4 ; ' -i
of this assistance. VI tUl " ' "
If It's a "frozen" article vou , Vil WTl5ij4ll?&,S4?v5 '
need, advertise for a used one Vau iWlP? tA '
m the classified. Mlzf" !k$SL? .Wi,' .
iii i w-k'fjia(i:M ir'K''Sfl f2ji
'?Z' T ' I 'iT 7771 w i'iUHm 4 v
H ARK FT L-n' ' Treat your fami.y ,o the ,a- g
III H K IV t I . 44r ' : vorite North Woods break- Wkt 'M
I ' Ktyt ? Xr- fast. Stack those hotcakes wM lM5i i
VJC V. ' high! Top them with a golden 4 'M ftW k
fZfy u V tdr J s'!,- . stream of delicious Lumber i j , a IsttT'
' ' j Jack Syrup. A magic flavor S'L .'. I ifjQ&lfrf:
T ryrT ; exclusively Nailer. - . Ik V 'MP
wmm ii wirir.fi aimrt
Another NALLFY'S Product
fcleiiram was
ok, N. Y.
,ent from
bn Prisoners
Hied Cause
fcking Apples
trU, Oct. 13 (Pi Ger-
oners of war number
fie hundreds wero dls-
day to be aiding the al
se by working In the
caking Washington ap-
ar dpnarlment-annroved
f Post-Intelligencer sold
IPs of the prlsonors had
fated In north central
fon one at Mallot,
usanogan, and the sec
Jit the prisoners, ranging
uni ii io years, still
oMiinctive caps of the
Mnka Korps. All wear
army fiitimie elnlhxs
'hitc p. w. on the back.
ernmcnt Is paid S8.S0
w use n( tho pickers on
oi a uo-dox cstimnlc
C-thini til litrlt nf on
ho prisoners are paid
government In script
y be used in itinii. ni.
ens. ,
n. s ninnu j
B i I '"'I'll, i hi
IWlj, Is rhni co nf thn
prisoner ot wnr camp
Hion Spent
M V On War
Ti?. Oct. l;j (p,Nmo.
pillion dollars annually
V "ij ino na
Jiiwichin,. rolling, Seero
fcTrcasmv Hn,iH.. t.
lW here, adding that
w be a seventh war
'Hsu stnnnerl In, I li.i
py plane lo Ln Aiinnlni
', his parly said the
lean wmilrl .
me west coast,
ish Eyes
To Evary
'4 Md Purs.
s Klamath
cal Horn-
"nl Son
Phom 3331
MO- tO- '2V Ui! u" Ra,n DreP for di,tl-
washing,.. for laundry. Notic. It many advantagtt.
Then, writs your slogan In 10 word, or lets, telling ui in your
own words why you like Rain Drops. Sign your name and address
and send your entry to Bu-Tay Products, Ltd., at the address
below. Enclose box top from package or reasonably exact fae-
limile tnereoT. Tour grocer nai rain uropi.
Anybody May Win One of These 24 CASH PRIZES!
Send Your Entry Today 1
1st PRIZE 1000.00
2nd Prize . .
5th Prize . . .
8 thru 14
$500.00 3rd Prize
$100.00 6th Prize
, . . $25.00 each ;
. $75.00
15 thru 24
4th Prize .
7th Prize .
. $50.00
$10.00 each
No more grease rings, soap eurd or film around basin,
In laundry tub or washing machine I s, .
Just add enough Rain Drops to water to create gay blue
color. But use only 'A or less the usual amount of soap I
Makes billows of fast-acting, dirt-chasing suds, even In
hard waterl Delicate fabrics and colors last longerl
Eliminates extra bluing rinse I Washes clothes bright
white, freshens colors, leaves fabrics toftl
Leaves hands soft and smooth. No red, rough hands er
ruined manicuresl
ftiooni uri lueTiuriv. No waiting, no streaklness, rib harshness! A fine powdef,
VDISSOLVES INSTANTLY. neV(jr oarJ. or orninvl
ContMt closet Novtmtsr SO, 1744 and an ntrltt muit M
ht of that date. All entries submitted become the property
of Bu-Tay Produel,, lid. Each entry must be accompanied by a Rain Drops box top or rea
sonably exact facilmlle thereof. In the event of a tie, duplicate prize, will be werde
Decision of the judges will be final.
Appeifie-cotiing "Shreddies"! A new
flavor nut-like and delicious. Spoon-fiia
biscoirj made of 100 natural whole wheat.
Si lakMlbyNabUco...
gS Nallooal Blicuil ComfMity
jf " " ' - Tb
' t .' ; . ' H
.WU TmT j Msj J "" M Lamour amwtrti ) eul of 4 qnif IT
g . Horn correcllyl Correct answers, T
y','! tLjOgTj ff in orier, are: iabvcb; ptrcoUlor; L
Ccsn you outt-seore
DorotKy Lamour?
Find out who knows the most about coffee you
or Dorothy Lamour! Have fun playing M.J. B.'s
new Coffee Quiz game! Correct answers to quit are
printed in quiz panel below. (But no fair peeking
ntil you've tried to answer the questions yourself !)
Coffee when first discovered was called by
a name which meant "the stimulating, the
invigorating"; that name was : ; :
eofiah kahveh Q mutobo
The coffee-making method most widely used
in the West (according to recent survey) is..;
- glass coffee-maker Q pot
drip Q percolator
M. J. B.'s vacuum-pack (highest of any cof
fee) removes approximately what percent-,
age of air from the container?
72.5 86.7 98.6
As you probably know, Brazil is the larg
est coffee-growing country. What country
ranks second?
) Argentina Columbia Q Venezuela
You can't buy finer, fresher coffee thin M. J.B
this we guarantee! And we make sure you
enjoy M. J. B.'s full, rich coffee flavor at Its
fresh-blended best by vacuum-picking every
' pound in glass. (M.J.B. coffee is sold no other .
. way !) Try M.J. B. I Make your coffee with'the
same care you have in the past . . . then you'll
know i
Double your meney back H you stent egree
' ' b't the finest toffee you ever testedl . .
iaagstMrf.mae 1 1 in i nm i