Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 13, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    October )3. ,j
Pelicans Out to Capture
Second Victory of Season
Against Cavemen Tonight
'C Company
Out of Lead
In perhaps one of their poor
est bowling nights, C company,
who had lost but three games up
to Monday, was toppled from the
Marine Barracks inter-company
league lead, . as they were
blanked by A company in their
match, 3 games to 0, at the post
alleys. B company also won
three and moved into a first
place tie with A company.
The Leatherneck keslers had
to be satisfied with only two over
ZOO counts, Sgt. Matt Gobclowo
ski's 202 and PFC Bill Burke's
214 m the low scoring matches.
The standing:
A Co. 30
B Co. 20
C Co. 18
D Co. -17
r Co. u
H Co.
G Co.
H&S Co.
Orioles Win
Minor League
World Series
Baltimore's International league
Orioles. Frank Merriwell finish
: specialists, were back in minor
league championship ranks to
day for the first time since 1925
to end one. of the most success
ful seasons in junior baseball
The Birds clinched the title
Wednesday night with a 5-3 de
feat of Louisville of the Ameri
can association.
This season saw all attend
ance records for minor league
games shattered with the junior
series drawing greater crowds
than the main show in St.
Louis. Paid attendance at Mon
day night's game here was 52,
833, approximately 17.000 more
than the top crowd at the world
Segura, Talbert
In Pan-American
Tennis Finals
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 13 (fP)
The International double team of
Pancho Segura and William Tal-
Derc laces Juan Vincent and
Primo Terrazas of Mexico today
in the Panamerican tennis tourn
ment semi-finals.
In the other bracket, Armando
ana itoianao Vega of Mexico,
.fan-American champions, meet
Jorge lara and irancisco Gal
van of Mexico.
The first major upset of the
tournament came yesterday
when Segura and Miss Betz,
Pan-American mixed doubles
champions, were defeated by
uiuaimu vega ana miss Arnold,
5-7. 6-4, 8-6. The winners meet
j.aioeri ana Miss Osborne, No. 1
in ins u. s. in ine tmals.
in men s singles, Segura of
Ecuador, and Talbert, of Indiana-
guns, aavancca to the finals.
Segura defeated Armando Veea,
Mexican champion. 6-1, 6-3. 6-3
5 o J?lbert beat Rolando Vega,
o-2, 6-1, 6-1.
i-UKILAND, Oct. 13 (VP)
o-.ui.R5 ana geese will be plentiful
when Oregon's migratory water
fowl and upland bird season
upens oaiuraay, sportsmen pre
dieted today.
211 Underwood Bldq.
The Klamath Pelicans will
take the field against the Grants
Pass Cavemen tonight at 8
o'clock with a twofold purpose.
One to attain a measure of re
venge for their unwarranted tie
game with the Ashland Grizzlies
last jrriaay ana seconaiy 10 cap
ture tneir secona gna victory
of the season. Their tie tilt still
rankles with the K-men and they
intend to score all the touch-
downs time and the Cavemen
will allow them.
If the Pels can live up to the
example set for them by their
colleagues, tne Wildcats and
freshmen-junior high eleven
they will come out on ton of
the heap with little trouble, as
both teams scored easy victor
ies over Grants Pass outfits last
week. Tommy Edwards, who was
promoted to the Pelican squad
from the Wildcats, will be re
luctantly remembered by some
oi me urams rass boys, whether
they be spectators or players,
as he ran wild against the Cave
men junior varsity last week.
The Cavemen do not have an
impressive record this year, but
have- given some strong elevens
a good scare and are not to be
under-rater. North Bend, which
aeieated the strong Eugene team,
19-6, in the no-name league, beat
Grants Pass 13-0 in the opening
game of the season. Bend,
another highly rated team, was
lucky to nose out the Cavemen
14-9 in the second tilt and wnnlri
have dropped the game, had not
a uranis i-ass toucnaown been
called back. Thev battled to a
scoreless tie with Marshfield last
rnaay so their record stands
two lost and one tied against the
Pelican standing of one won, one
tied, and one lost.
The Cavemen are hanriirannpri
by lack of experience and a
dirth of reserve strength but
fully expect to cive a eooH ac
count of themselves in tonight's
game. They really have the edge
on the K-men when it comes to
weight, outweighing the Pelican
forward wall 15 pounds to a man,
and are 10 pounds heavier per
man in the backfield. This is
giving away a lot of beef but the
oaiem vmings found to their
sorrow that heft didn't mean
everything as they were run
lz,zy by tne more aggressive
Pels. Cavemen Coach Mel John
son nas only 12 first stringers
but the squad is reported to be
improving rapidly.
On the Pelican side of the
ledger all the regulars are ex
pected to be in shape after hav
ing sustained several injuries last
week. Coach Marble Cook has
oeen arming nis charges" inten
sively m pass defense through
the week as the visitors are re
ported to De inclined to use an
aerial attack.
Cook was optimistic over the
outcome oi the game and the
K-men were champing at the bit
while awaiting the opening
niiiaue. ii rnaay tne 13th
aoesn t throw a ilnv nn ,
reiicans, tney should cut the
mustard all right in what will
oe a rootin tootin ball game.
Bruins Tangle With
St. Mary's Gaels ,
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13 ()
UCLA finally i meetine , fnr,t.
uan team it can t miss beating,
St. Mary's Gaels, from Mnrau
Calif., will be the sacrificial of
fering for the victory - hungry
Bruins tomorrow in Memorial
coliseum. Coach Jimmy Phelan's
teen-age Gaels must give away
uis advantages in weient. exDer -
ence, speed, passing and kicking.
If by any chance St. Mary's
oiiuuia win tnis one,-'the lights
definitely are out for UCLA.
which has tied Southern Call-
lorma and lost tn Cal fnrnia and
the San Diego naval training sta-
Bowling Mark Set
By Chicago Quintet
CHICAGO. Oct. 13 rmTh
nation's bowling teams had a
new mark to shoot at today, a
3211 posted by the Thompson
restaurants ouintet. the hiehpst
serics of the season on the basis
of latest A. B. C. records. Of the
15 games, only three were under
200, while Rake Lenzen posted
a 700 three-camp, fatal In
his team. The previous season's
high was a 3207, also rolled by a
' I'
116 N. 9th
"y.f'XP"' Technician
For All Makes of Radios
Ollirlr n. . I .
"'nf wuurunreea service
Across P, ... . rnn 3slZ
--mgomwy ward on North 9th
Each year a prognosticator of
some sort winds his way into
the football limelight, goes high
and mighty during the season
and then when the end comes he
slowly sticks his wonderful pre
dictions in his back pocket and
oven if he's the only one who
thought they should have been
right, goes away for another
Well here's another guy who
is going to stick his neck out
come rain, sun or snow.
Guess the most important
game to us local fans is the
Klamath, Grants Pass game to
be played tonight,.
Looking it all over and tak
ing it for what its worth, it
looks like the Klamath lads
should take this fracas if a couple
of good end runs are tallied
right and the pass receivers are
in the right Dositlons In nther
plays. With that thought in mind
the score should be 18 to 6 for
ine luamathitcs.
We still have a marine team
to be proud of and when thnsp
boys start clicking, and they
will, they should really hit pay
dirt. They travel to sunny, make
it changeable California to meet
the Fairfield army team and if
mat new backfield clicks like
it should the Barrack's boys wili
come back with victory. How
aDout making the score 12 to 7,
Marine's favor?
The only game throughout the
nation that may be an upset is
the one between Ohio state and
Wisconsin. Ohio is a w hit fu.
ored but Wisconsin could start
rolling. To make it a thriller
tne game should end with Ohio
on top v.'itn a 13 to 12 score.
Oreron High Sebsel
Bend 30. Eugene 6.
La Grande 19, Pendleton 0.
Albany 13, Oregon City 0.
Grant 36. Franklin 7.
Benson 7, Lincoln 6.
Roosevelt 13, Commerce 8.
Jefferson 13. Washington 0.
Other Games
California 18. College of Pacific 7.
UCLA 35. St. Mary's Gael 7.
USC 18. St. Mary s Prenight 13
Notre Dame 34. Dartmouth 6.
Michigan 13, Northwestern 0. -Purdue
IB, Iowa Prenight 7,
nilnols 30, Iowa 6. .
Indiana 36. Nebraska 13
Minnesota 13. ML.rmrt n - .
g;' Lakes 33. Western Michigan 0.
Michigan State 20. Kansas State 13.
Marquette 8, Lawrence 0.
wl!r'down.d"?ooU' m""- "bro
Barrier On Rogue
River Expensive
Army Backfield Scoring Threat
PORTLAND, Oct. 13 (iP)
State game commission hinlno--
i&is saia toaay tnat "the cost
of replenishing fish losses will
probably be $4,000,000 if a high
barrier is erected on thp main
Rogue river."
The U. S. fish and wildlife
service cooperated in a survey.
The game commission also is
sued a preliminarv rennrt fa th
effect that dams at any of sev
eral sites surveyed would prove
detrimental to fish life.
Sgt. Elmon Sane, a 190 pound, itx foot, two Inch Ult half
back for th Skymasters of the Air Transport Command's Fair
fitld-Suiiun Army Air Bate, it on of the team's bta aunt
the backfield. Th army team mesU th Klamath Falli (dragon
Marina Barracks eleven this Saturday (Oct. 14 In a horn gam
at vaiiojo i uorcui Moid. Last Saturday th Skymasters, who
nay now nit tntir ttrldt, hindtd th Camp Parks Soabees
13 to 0 defat.
Bombers Beset by Injuries
For Clash With Clippers
By Th Associated Press
Achilles had his heel but
Coach Dutch Clark and the Sc
attle. Bombers have their knees
three bad ones which may
s p e 1 1 the difference between
victory and defeat in tonight's
clash' with Kenny Washington
the ex-UCLA colored flash, and
his San Francisco Clippers.
Dean McAdams and Milt
Sammy Baugh
May Return
To Redskins
The Washington Redskins of the
National Football league may
have their triple-threat quarter
back aammy Baugn lor home
games after all.
Baugh, who recently was told
he'd have to remain on his Texas
ranch or lose his 2-C draft de
ferment, told the Washington
Star he had an okay from Caleb
R. Simmons, chairman of his
Sweetwater, Tex., draft board
to play football on weekends if
ne wanted to. . .
Baugh said he would try to
line tip plane transportation for
the Redskins' Sunday contests
in Washington and perhaps other
games, ne expressed confidence
he would be back at his old pass
ing spot in the backfield before
Ine Baughless Redskins oDen-
ed tne National league season in
Philadelphia last Sunday with a
3i-3i tie. ,
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 13 JP)
Kenny LaSalle, San Francisco
middleweight, goes into the ring
a slight favorite over Leo Turner,
Portland negro, for a 10-round
mam event clash tonight. La
Salle holds a recent eight-round
win over Turner.
Double Headline Event
On Rassling Card Tonight
Another double main hill will
get underway tonight at the
armory at 8:30 p. m. The matches
last week drove the crowd of
rassling fans into a frenzy and if
tuia uhb is as ennn anvthtns man
The "Grey Mask" haH in ho
escorted to the dressing room by
a police escort after Referee
waiiy Moss wisely stopped last
Fridays match between the
masked grappler and popular
Paavo Katonen. ninnH
streaming down Paavo's face but
the courageous Finn wantori tn
continue, regardless of his in
JuryJ,a,n,d U was wit" the great
est difficulty that the bout was
stopped. The Mask, who may be
one of several raselem iriM.
ng King Kone Tnv
the , nod from this, corner, used
Vuloi"U head butts bring
about Paavo'g downfall. At One
point in the bout, amid crys from
the crowd of, "take it off," Ka
tonen climbed the ropes in an
effort to gain leverage in ripping
off the hood from his opponents
face, but to no avail.
,''BIod and Guts" Davidson
will see what he can do. tonight
"m me, up to now, invincible
Mask.; Davidson is certainly no
lily and may turn the trick with
his rough tactics.
In the other one hour go Jack
Kizer will tie up with Tony Ross.
Ross is reportedly another one
of the meanie boys who doesn't
let anything stand in his way
in winning a match. Jack is wise
in ring lore however, and will
give as much as he gets.
The opener will see the return
of Herb Parks tn nnrlh,i
circles when he exrhanooc
Pleasantries will, T. d.i-J
burly Texan. - - "'"".'
Popovich, two of the strongest
cogs in tne tsomuer backfield
were rtuea out Willi bum sup
ports cany mis wecK Mc
Adams for at least a week, Pop
uvil'ii ior ine season.
That was bad cnouch but
Clnrk announced last night that
Morrie fionicr, a hard-running
left halfback whom he had
counted on to fill a starting
Derm, also had developed
ailing knee and wouldn't be
around when the whistle blows
As a result the Bombers will
attempt to move into second
place In the American pro
league standings with the fol
lowing quartet carrying the
mail Inky Boc, quarterback
Dal Holmes and George Kara
matic, halfbacks, and Lavern
Bell, fullback.
While the Seattle camp ema
natcd gloom from every corner,
the Portland Rockets announced
acquisition of Mike Penccalc,
205-pound guard from Temple
university. The army dischargee
will see his first action Sunday
when the San Franciscans move
into Multnomah stadium.
Illinois Grid Team
Has Jinx On Centers
CHAMPAIGN. 111.. Oct. 13 F)
Coach Ray Eliot is beginning to
suspect that maybe there s
jinx on football players assigned
to play center on the university
oi Illinois grid team.
The Illini have lost five con
tors since the season opened, the
latest being Stanley Spraguc
who was forced to quit the team
because of a skin Infection. The
other four still are sidelined
with Injuries and Eliot now is
grooming two fullback candi
dates for the pivot post for Sal
urday's game against Iowa.
LOWELL. Oct. 13 Mlwn.
bur Lister lamented today that
he'd actually ridden on a deer's
back and still came home from
nunting empty-handed.
The youth iumned from
log onto the back of a sleeping
buck deer, and was carried 10
feet before the animal bucked
him off.
But the deer escaped. Lister's
companion. Fred Cook, had in
eschew a sure kill for fear of
shooting the boy.
You Drir Mot Yourself
8t H Long and
Short Trip
Phon S304 1201 East Main
When in M.dford .
. Stay at
Thoroughly Mod.rn
, Jo and Ann Earley
ProprUlors '
"Irish Eyes
Are Smiling"
Allen Adding Machines
Fridcn Calculator!
Royal Typewriters
Desks Chairs Files
For thou hard-to-g.t Items
124 So. 9th Klamath Fall.
Marine Grid
Team Meets
Leathornecks Sot For Tilt
Saturday Afternoon With
Fairfiold-Suliun Air Base
Tonight 20 Murine Barracks
grldders travel to Vallrjo, tho
slto of their iinnw against thr
Fairfield. Sulsun Army Air base
Skymasters tomorrow afternoon,
The Leathernecks, iiossesslnil .
more spirit than before any other
tilt, are confident that they will
como up with many surprises
and a possible win.
In tho biickflcld, Conch Rob
erts hits clevcloncd a new tail
back, Wiide Mnhnn, who lins bucnj
slated to start with J nek Walters,
wlngbnck, Bernard Currlc at
quarterback and slgnnl-cnllcr,
and hard drlvlnir lln rrackinU;
Vlnco LnPnglia running at full, i I
the Marines have a greater
variety of plays and more decep
tion, Now, If tliey will find them
selves on down-field blocking,
the ball-carriers will be given n
break to streak for longer gains. I
Time and time again, Inst Snlur
day against tho Ramblers, the
backs would break through a)
wide hole in the line, only to be I
stopped by the secondary, inter
ference being Insufficient.
The forward wall, which held
the Nuvycnts and Ramblers on I
line power drives, will hnvo the :
nr.ll nnrl Phnnln nf nnHc- Tsvlnr'
and Flore, tackles: Byrne aivll
Apt, guards; and Golden at ceil- I
tcr. . II
Tho wingmen hnve been re
ceiving extra nttcntipn and
Loach Roberts believes that thev
keep the end plays more within 1 1
rencn. i
With Joe Flore back In the
lineup, tho Marines may now
hnvo the noccssnry minch to '
spark them to victory. Big Joe
has a world of fire and experi
ence. ,
Next Friday, October 20, the
Leathernecks nro scheduled to
meet the soldiers from Camp J
Bcalc, Marysvillc, Califnrnln.il
here in the first night gnmc of
the season for the Marines. This
game was originally scheduled
for November 10 but was!
changed to provide a more com
pact season.
Haig" Predicts
Higher Caliber
Postwar Golf
CHICAGO, Oct. 13 (An Post
war golf, says Walter Hagcn, Is
going to be of a much higher ,
caliber than ever.
"The Hnig," who over a span !
of almost two decades burned up j
mi.- mil wajra 10 wc nine oi some ) I
m major tiues including tnc
British open four times bases
his prediction on the condition
ing youthful golfers arc receiv
ing in the armed services
"One of the few blessings of;
this war will be a generation of
athletically coordinated youths il
wno, in normal times, never
would have attained the nenk of
conditioning they now nrc get-1
ting in the service," Hagcn said
in an interview today. II
"MU ' li,lH t..l..- I- I
along lines where nonr-pcrfoc-tion
can be reached onlv-through
excellent coordination and co
ordination is the cardinal asset
t tne goon golfer,"
J Wy.
II rysAMJj.-'sssssyssyszt uj trrmm in in
.fsmrrssssssssjssiA imj i i - jt
r. ia.M'4 mj&jv
Pressure Cleaner
Blasts Open
Clogged Drains
No Juts I rso muss I Just
Blip tho hoso on a laucot,
sot tli o suction cup over
tho drain, turn tho spigot
. . . and drains open up
liko maptic. Carter Cleaner
eliminates atoppagca, bad
odors, gases, saves plumb
ing bills , , , works like
jo i ir
Pollnhos and
dusts In on
easy operation.
Nooda no pol
ish, won't
cratch, won't
i , f . , :
i.. ;ab. ..... j
jo i ir
Dig, soft doll
ro moves illrrr.
Waro tarnish h
a Jiffy. Nop
I'll noodid.
Won't aerttd
Read the Below Bargains Twice
Silex, 2-cup Drip Coffee Saver
G. E. Juicer for Electric Mixer ..
7 in. Butcher Knife
8 in. Slicer Knife-....;......
14 qr. Wood Bucket .'.
.. 3?(,
.. 3k!
.. 3?ii
Frying Pan 1,:
Household Cleaning Set M
Handy Clothes Rack IW
And Many More Bargains
Helps appenr
anco of tiros
after rotroatl,
or wash 30d
"jl-- 1' "'"wWSSjWMW&
Attention Hunters
Save Your Hides!
w Deer Elk Antelope
We will pay you top prices and you will be help. -1
Ing the war effort.
Hides are needed badly.
Sixth St. Auto Wrecking
2soi so. eth st "T "90n permit t0 bui--
' Tl. 3583
Saturday Night
8ponsord by Townind Club ;
Modrn ind Old Tim Danelnj 9i00 'Til 1:00
Mn SOe Lsdl.tSOc '
New Roosevelt Club
Under New Management
Featuring the
Frank O'Connell, piano Les Meeler, drums
Hayden Simpson, trombone .
(Writer of th new hit "Swatr Girl,"
"Saucr-Eyi," Etc)
Finest of
Open Every Night
Just over the Oregon Colifornlo line on the
Tulolake Highway
Toiifth tap to
t o u (ch J6h.
Safo, etono
leal, eonwi
nt, non-expif
t 11. " Bss-aa'vs a-
Pay me same
Lrow Price For
More, Safer Mito
(0.00 x lfl)
fivonn! ,n IrtntH AO ffOW
Inata in inner. COfllS 80
GoodVcnr mntorll.P
tested methods develop
through Goodyenrff
ecarch for FAST, SAIJ
rccftpplnjf that pay" u
' plus pcrtormancpi
c'. th end Kl.m
Sic '
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