Utr13,1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CE FIVE I- . . . . Tlin fl,hool o! "uu v" 1.1 f 'TA Mio w I mcl Monday. ...miction 7"' ,,i ,. unt I Jjrlohe'- 1 . Ml,,ll)(,,t church. Id. I". V.:..i. Tin, school will I rl,,h I by Mrs. Hurry ;c0Tt A putluck lunch will rc" .iwil l)V UlO 101'UI uniu " '. PTA. An Invlliillon W,m"J J l.v ho president, ' t! r vlo mil only to .i!.!r hut to nil parent., III in" ' toraerl In till. ,necinii,v i minHin'O'. . .i Unit All women A ton?ff. mini rra nr. urged UweoK from ilhoAlo mon unit room.. Mr.. 1 ,h t ciifon, unit chairman, '!L (ollnwh.ii .latemont: "" ..Lr Is nut over and wo at """ i Jiri.ln needed for our "TL 5m 'd white on duty :;?rSr " l"t ' nol mil to keep !,cm siippbcilj uMiou Visitors over the v'," . (he homo of Mr. mid "K " e ri M.im, Ml) low., ' re Sir inid Mrs. T. D. Wagner TC .. ..- l n lien hew Dnga.c. " . ..; "k' i,, . i Mr Hermann ", ',' " , V.i 'ilf"'"1 . ... .. K. ,,Ik tit the .,, will .... . rrrV.d n. M fidr d ,.,10, M'V.. .-"I"' ' " I,,, o ro.de lure. Mn. Mllltr InlurodAfter iv. f M.iirr Is now con- H'SISS herhom, .."MB f,,, from num. Y"'V;, , ill list wee nl 1 Lining project o h". Kw"y l.. .!. fiiiiriT iirtsinvuiit, mi". hllcr ervinn nun J-.. nl II... M1IX1I11TH Ulltl irofesslonal wome n uu m. .... i i..n iii il. cilv where lt in, resided for muny ycnr. Visiting Hero Pvt. George .,( ri,, .hi (.'iiiltiorne. Lir.. Id noy E. Cox, S 2c of the U. nltVV 01 Solomon, niu., i.v i,th here vlslllng relative, and Iicnrlj. Pvt. Cox l to be in lumalli Falls till October St Jd Seaman Cox will lenvo hero October 18. Another brother, Sji Roy H. Cox it with the !iny nicnica. corps in Nslghbors of Woodcr.tt 1 hn h-ichDor. of .woodcralt will i . , iccl 111 reguinr session niononv lober 1U, nt b p. in. in tno C hall mid following tho bu.l meeting there will be rihdnv pnrty for member. iho hnve had hUtlulnyi In tho tvi uircc moi.i.15. Frecklai and Hli Friend By Bloitei "TX BOV, WtVC (50UMA JB"'INr. ll'AT C'tr voo sort'-' y t .iKA b.iwcu' PUBUOIIY ) ALONu W44 A Iruuipic IPS I 1 !iPtAD HU M OUr ON tut BANK Ol' WF IkKt -llJEN I IO!.itD IN A BOJIDIH ANO MDf A SWACP A tr3 NOW.AMo UURKV INTO (OWN J 1 JUST H.ARO THAT URO SMITH, CANDIOATf FOR COMMIftSIONEft OP ATW- Lerics is missing in blAUFFCfcp LAKt' BVr n n w wwa r a 5ap i am: ;ih avc "WHO IS THIS SPAKIN& f AND 1 IVbh ft K. ' If l . if ir WWWI'lC. S TALKS IN KLAMATH Semi tor Guy Cordon, rrpiibll enn ciindlduto for the U. S. hen. iitfl, will upenk nl tho Amerliun l.rulon hull on Kliunuth avenuo. between ;iid nd 4th utrccln, on Saturday cvenlnd, October I t, nt H p. in., iimler Hie nusplces of tlic Vetciiiu'i. ni-publicui. club. L, L. Lombiird. cliulrnuin of Cordon'. Klnmnlh cninpuign committee, unld he would be h.ppy to innko appointment, with Cordon (or group, or in dividual who with to dir.ru. local problrnis with him on Sat urday. In l.iii talk, Cordon will dl. run. I Ik: work lie han been doing in Washington, D. C, a. a mem ber of the commerce Irrigation anil rei-l.-matloii, Indian affairs, iiiislofdce and post rundit and library committers. Cordon will .peak over the local radio station at (I p. in. Saturday, Mrs. McPherson's Will to Be Filed LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1.1 W) Tho will of Almee Semplo Mc pherson, dhpcmlng of personal property estimated by her at torney to he worth less than $10.0U0. probably will he (lied today. Simultaneously, the evangel Infj daughter. Mrs, Ito- be'rla Salter, nald she had , no Intention of contesting provision, of the will. Joseph Kajncr, attorney for the founder of Angelus Temple and the Foursquare gospel, raid the" will "mention, only blood relations: no strnngcr. or others are mentioned." Ho added It made no provision for Mrs. Mcpherson', .ucccssion a. head of her denomination by her ron, Rev. Molf McPhorson, who had been o designated be fore her drain in Oakland, Calif., September 27. Claiulficd Ads Hnnq ItcaulU PGE Asks Special Election On Power SALEM. Oct. i:t (!') The Portland General Electric com pany ahked the Salem city coun cil today to call a .pcclul elec tion to let the voter, decide whether the Salem Electric Co oneralivs .hall bo given a fran chise to operate In the city. Tho PGE company agreed to share the cost of the election with tho cooperative. The cooperative distribute, nonunvllle power, and was or ganized by a group of Salem bu.iiiCMrnien. Senator Coming Stnator Guy Cordon, a can. didst to iuecd himself in the U. 8. senate, will visit Klamath Saturday and will .peak Situr day night over the rsdlo and nl s meeting in the Legion hell "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" Service Men and Women Home on Leave PTC Glenn G. Kennedy from A. S. F. Regional hospital, Pasa dena, Calif. Here until October 16. F 2e Normsn L. Hon from Farragut, Idaho. Here until October 18. The above .ervlce people are entitled to freo passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R. C. Woodruff of the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask (or Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets TO REMODEL Portland, Oct. 13 P) The city planning commission and a government oriiclal tentative ly approved today a proposal to remodel the old pioneer post office building here at a cost of $150,000. POLK, Neb., Oct. 13 fP) Two months ago Mrs. Guy Blan. chard sent some cigars and candy to her brother, PFC James Lassen, stationed in Italy. She picked out his favorite brand of mokes and sweets. And is Mrs. Blanchard puzzled since arrival of a letter from her brother: "Got your package but can't say I care for the old canned chicken," Private Lassen wrote. 3 vote mr- For DOROTHEA BUCK Democratic Candidate For County Commissioner Fd. Adv. by Dorotbtt Back Juvmllti The. Juvenile, of tte Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Monday, October 10, at 4 m in Ihn KC hull tnr n Wllowcen pnrty and all mem bers arc urged to attend. Louise Btrnhnrt and Etliolmne Skinner 11 be in charge. Correction Tho American Le n auxiliary will meet Tucs y. October 17. and not (Vtnhi.r 11. as was erroneously printed ScdniMday. Next Tuesday's CCtins Will hn A mri-lit rtiiM V mothers and daughters, and' I be held In the Legion hall. Hebek.h Lodge Pro.mcrltv iickah lodgo will meet Thurs '. October 10, at 8 p. m. In t I00F hall, and refreshments il be served hv Rnin .inn,.. m Charlotlo Martin. iLovsl Orrlai nf M r..l . .-iwwii r i night ut 8 p. m. there will mcrunK oi tno Loyal Order the Mnnn uil il,. ..-..i..- ! Mlurday night party beginning DANCELAND 513 Klamath Ave. DANCE Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON-HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE JCirl Scout Council The J. c?.unc!1 of Ciirl Sc0 will Monday, October 18, In HI lift rnnm f linn t " 1:30 p. m.l" ""'0ra tfi'l' ?'' nnd Mrs." Moc- pH p.. i ' Bncl M"- 00i r I, i n '? ,0 poiul ll ll flt t in hnm. . . 4-abee.C ' l",rC"t5 0f Lt' liv ,?1,,-Mrmbrrs of the r-J, October 17, at FOE hall hr.i '".'-inra iteimer is 's are j . J"-1..1 1 lB.ry ". ...you'll surely want to fry Successful Oregonlan for U. S. won - AuskeW. nnn n it"' i r m i mm , CrwA i sua It convenient! PJ MODESS OFFICE WORKERS Eyes Change Glasses Don't Have You Had a Check-up . Recently? NO CHARGE FOftl EYE .EXAMINATION CHSClt.U ANO Sjt Wy PHONF 7121 CLUf-1BIAri OPTICAL SINCI l0S IXCIUSIVHT O'liCAl. I eomAM. ll S W Aid . two uto.ti hiammh Kill, 1. MAIN Dr. John T. Monahan, Besiddnt Optometrist Hannegan Charges Whisper Campaign ' NEW YORK, Oct. 13 Wi Democratic National Chairman Robert Hannegan .aid today "ap parently there I. a whispering campaign going on and being in tensified about the president's health." Hannegan made the comment at a press conference after call ing attention to a newspaper story quoting Vice Admiral Ross Mclntlre, the president's person al physician, as saying "the prcs- lui.iib iii;ui,ii iv JiKi Itkii j. uivajr. When Hannegan remarked that a "whispering campaign" was on, he was asked who was conduct ing It. "The people who don't want Roosevelt the opposition, Han began said. because: m Naw Money-Saver Box saves shopping trips, is easier to carry. Mode.. Is afer...In hospital tests, 209 nur.es proved Modess gives greater protection than nationally known layer-type napkins. Mode.. Is softer.. .3 out of 4 women voted Modess softer to touch, in nationwide poll. Mor woman are) switching to Modess than to any other sanitary napkin in America. Buy it! Try it! See why I , Get the new money-saver box kssv enrrrn tirrn m DIFFERENT CUSTOMS. PARD NEW YORK, Oct. 13 (P) Totin' a gun out west is every-1 day stuff to a cowboy, but it brought about tho arrest of Rob ert B. Bowler for violation of New York state's Sullh-an law. Bowler, however, was paroled by Magistrate Charles E. Rams- gate when he produced a Calif, ornia permit and explained that tnc gun was a necessary prop In the Madison Square Garden where he performed. Classified Ads Bring Result ITCHING ofDi'C IRRITATION Ir I L C IV Don't suffer korrtltnlyl Relieve the bumlnf itchy wreneM es mny others do with wothlnf , widely known R ESI NOL, Cameras Rented 8 mm. Movie Projectors for rent FILMS Developed Printed -fc Novelties fc Souvenirs fc Greeting Cards For All Occasions PHOTOS WHILE U WAIT BUD'S 1031 Main Phone 7167 A WOOL DRESSES You won't have to worry about fuel rationing with one of these lovely wool dresses! They're beauties for style, too -some in nailhead trimmings, some in , self-trimmed effects many in elaborate draped effects. See them in glowing colors to warm his heart! Sizes 12 to 20. 1 9.95 to 24.50 New CREPE DRESSES SPOTLIGHTED FOR 1945 -SUCCESS! Eye-catchers wherever the smart set meets these dainty crepes with elab orate trims of sequins, fringe, beadwork and jewelry! Figure flattering draped styles or two-piece modes to select from. Newest shades to choose trom. Sizes 12 to 20. 19.95 to 29.50 Cotton Gabardine CASUAL DRESSES Mere are the little tailored beauties you have been looking for for about town and business wear. Smart cardigan and open collar styles in various tailored effects one and two-piece styles. Some in contrasting colored jackets. A bevy of 1945 color charms to pick from. Sizes 12 to 20. 10.95 to 14.95 We Close Daily At 6 O'clock 1 IHE WOMAN'S STOLE, inc : flees I IHE WOMAN'S STOPEincK V ) m il mi m w 1 s m S3 Br;