Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 13, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 cr 13, 1944
n,.i 1:1 ii'i
rax. " .-,.
S 1111 .....uiiiiii'inlii.
1 wS cun.ro..
,1a r I swiiiai.'it
.i..iiiiiln n i tit ti I-
3 , the Ui.nr.1. ro
1 iiiii.oili.nl (lllicreiifi-. ...
"lnll.ni.le. KcelUiKs mil
.i .mm hi mil
P-V ... !w"M.!!-yi
have in-1" "
fin-, bill lliuy
1, In the labor movement
lpnlnl1'...., iw, ennuis
I in Mil tiv . -,
livtlllfJIl )( W1U
ll,W.V.U" .. .1 ..nth MUffffcd
'lhT WLU action in
". .. i iiuirn In It.
"rcUu'iU I'l.lllli Mfrroy
he iHni 01 ."iv'",
hi, numbers ninro H"
1 ... ll. i.l 1 Ifl ti t!
formula would bo revised
. i.. ii. .....III. hi of nub.
Ijt lit un- " - .
advocating Hie ciindldi.cy
'resident Hm.M-veu w.u
Inn risked some personal
tt In labor movement
ulrcudy divided. II" linn
. ir.wl illamlles lie-
ihc Wl.U involving largo
its o( rclr.iaciivu pay
might be lost to ll'm
fiirnuilu went
Inm mi t ll the reconvor-
icrlod. Murray iiihhkih.
...... n.iii tiu CIO mem-
have already spout the
ictivc pay.
IC 01 IlltW CIIL'.1I1IMHI1.3
AFL as n organltiitlon
AKL Imllvldimlii on the
wi,r i tin evidence of
nal chnsrln nmonil them.
fed that Murray aver-
1.1. Iw.twl mill Ill.H tllllCCd
dependence upon thu gov-
nt (nail Arli oocirinc ..
ti.u r,.,.l itvinnathv
Im and less (or the people
advice he tins. uiKcn. ino
. ...lu In ll.n nn.ltlnn
2 ins been turned down by
deal agency.
Oct. Ill (A" Senator
S. Truman curried Pre.il
Koosevell's t'ourth term
n westward today on the
lap o( a 7500-niilc trans-
enl.nl campaign tour,
democratic vice presldcn
ndldnle worked on n major
Oral address lie will deliver
k Aiineles Monday night.
scnnior licuim (lie lone
.lirough southern Texas af-
I'dging President Roosevelt
nsor expanded hydro-elec-iwer
and river transnorla-
m Loj Angeles the parly
to San Francisco (or nn
pc-ctifl" speech Tuesdav.
: itinerary Includes Port
Ore.. Seattle. Wash.. Mln-
Hs, Minn.. Mndlson and
iikee, Wis.. Peorltt. 111..
fi, Fall River and Wnrces-
iiss,, and n speech nt Modi
lltaro Garden. New Ynrk.
man will bring Ills enm-
lo a Close With nn ntlrlrnR
J'ber 4 In his home town of
fnaence, Mo,
so Differentials
femoin Same
JSIIINGTON, Ort. Ill lp)
"i to ellmlnnle reiilonnl
i '..".uii uriw.'un inc
f iinrlhwe.Ht nod .lie south-
I ""oer liHIusti les, the wnr
iieren h.U u,nr ....
f conomle factors and could
Bt Olllll till !nr. I 11. .
"o nt waws sliililllzullon.
AM. lllltlllnM Ill
1ra ,,' " " M.WII11II
rs. had rcniiPKlnH nn in.
In the nilnlmiiin wne
m 05 cents nn hour to
llbh Plltnl,,.,.. I
ft' bj ',. r a "rvnn
". Labor members
("'wpst minimum
irom 80 to B7i cents nn
I '"tflriw. ii ii i ii iiBtw 1
Klamath Church Directory
I- mmm mm.. i Vi'lfVVVM-iAPii-i nn n nn mm..
N OUi Rii'j I'hii. Ilv Divld r. IUr
ntt, Jr. i jiaitor. Out) N, lilli, (;tturch
lrl(iihiiita 7.(11 llllil fliool u:41 , m.(
uornhlM al II mi Thr CiirUlUn Cu
Uvor (uup m ft 30 u. m,
rigiith iid Hfgh irtr
ftuiulay Mum; 7, H, it Mi anrt II m
Holy Uay Me; o. t a. nt.
Wfivhiliiy Mat: H a. ni,
t'liMfaail'ilial HmintUi. Kvmt vt oy
divi mill firil rrlilnyi from a tu 4 a, m
nil fto'ii 7, JO U U..1U l), ml
L'hurrtt of Doll
lain nivinioit. nv, n m. minri, pi-
lur C'lHirch iltiul, u a. mi. t'(tni-ti
Im urvlra, 11 a. m Vl.ll, 0:00 u m
liraacttlitg Mfvlt-f, 1 4ft p. in.
riril C'huriM af flod
AMauiuiil and Ltolaware. Itv. Q. W.
(Jalwll. iMKlur. HtiiiilMy articHil. 05
a in Monilna; davulluita, II o clock.
YnuiHf iiauplsa tarvkt, 1:40 p m.
I'raarhtntf. 7;30 p m. Praytr aarvlca
Wadnaaday. 1-30 p, m.
Tha Halvallan Army
t'oiii'iti and Kluiiinlh, ('nnipany mat
lug lit a. in. Mtilliipii niiing ) ft nt,
Kvanaallitlo iiivaUnji H p mi. Thursday
and Nalurday 0 p nt. Olflroi-a til chaiga
Major and M. W. tluawall.
Church mt brUl
ajiirt Wanlland. MlnUlara. Raymond
I Ullilw. Wanlland. phuna 4H.10
and M l.ttiyd Hmllli. .1227 Allamonl
drlva. phuna M lllhla aiudy, 10 a. m..
Mr muii and tfoinrminlon. 11 a hi lo 12
immim KvanlMM Barvlcat, 7 4ft o'clock,
l.ailla II l lila riaai, Tliuraday. 7 o m,.
rnday liibla iiu'iy, 7:45 w. m. A haarly
Invltallon to all.
Immioiil rli pi lit
Dili and Mlh. Rv. J T. ChUum.
nattur loos f.inrnln. Phuna M10 C t
lrfarwall. dlrartor nf inuik nundav
rtMKil U 4.1 a in Mnrnliijf wonhln. II
a mi, Yottna; paupla. fl ;wi p hi, Cvanlng
ivlca 7 30 u in. Mldwtak prayar.
Wadnaaday. 7.5o p m
a a
Ma v-nlhIay A4lvnlli
flitlttall. mcImhiI Nalurdaya IM a. m.
at church, itn Nurlh Dth Pailor. P. C
A I dor ton pk al ilia II a. m. arvlr
Prayar inaailntf. Waiiiday, 7:4ft p. m.
Klmlb Ittlbfran
cVimi and ('raacant H. M Topnaaa.
natlor. Italdnra 1 17ft Craacanl, nhona
Hftj Kiinilay chnol al 0:411 a. m,
llvln worhln at II a m HvnXnr choir
rahaaraal Wadnvlav ( 7:30 p. m.
rtf M'lhadlil
43H Htm lit Nlnlh Rav. Nnrrli It.
Iliitfhaa, iiaitor. Hunday achunl at Id
a. in, tiomer nuhmi, aupnniannani.
Mnrnlna: rvira i a. m. Mappy hour
and VPMI4 at 7 n -n Evanliat aarvlra
t 7 4ft p in Thursday waning al 7:43
prayar maatlnf. B
rirl tWallal
N HI It al W a thin if ton, Rev Carl) C.
nruwn, paalor. Itaaldettra, 837 Rtdorado
Phnna 74.10 tlthla achunl. e 4fl a m
Morning1 wonhln. II o'clock, llapllil
Iralnlnit union. 0 III p tn Evanlnfl wr
vlco. 7 30 o'clock. Mid-week pravar.
WcilnaMUy. 7 30 p m. Choir rahaaraal.
Wadnaaday, 130 p. nv
Illbla lUalUI
Wiard al Idalla'a corner. Kallh P
PlrliU, paatnr. Worihip, ll a, m nilda
Iralnlng arhool. U.43 a, m. evening
aervlre, 7 43 p. m. Wadnaaday prayer
aervic, 7.43 p. m.
fall fleapal rhaaal
J O, J or Ionian, pailor, Located al
m N. 4lh Kfrvkei Sunday, 11 a m.
morning wnnhip and 7:43 evangetlaltc
arvlcea. Wcdnatday. midweek servlraa
al 7:43 p nv Saturday night prayar and
praiaa al 7.43,
XI oa Lalbaraa
1033 High. Victor A. (Ichulia. patlor
Phnna 07(t.t Uivtna won hi p. II a m.;
Hunday aclmok S 43 a. m. Choir, Thurs
day. a p. m. Child ran "a confirmation
claaa, 9.30 lo 11:30 a.m.al tha paraonax.
AHamanl Praibylarlan
Junior high achooi. H. 6th and Hum
main, Itav Hugh T Mllchelmor. paator.
HlMa achooi, ft 43 a m. Worahlp. II
a, nt, Junior ChrUllan Rndvavur, 4:30
Rm. Hi ma PI aoclaly, 6:30 p, m.. 4431
nih lha manaa,
Cbarra al CbriM '
All mamhera and ftianda ara axtand
td a apectal and cordial HtViUtlon to
attend tha downtown Church of Chrlat
al Sunday morning eervlrea. Song aarv
lr, 10 a. m.: liima atudv. lo:i a. m.;
aerrnon and woralilp. tl a. m.i commun
ion. 11:43 a. m : evenlnf aarvltea, 7:30
o'clock located In tha KC hall over
tha Italnhow thnalra.
Church of Christ,
A branch ar Tba Mathat C'harch. Tba
llrat Cbarrh r Cbrlil. gelaallal. la
fleaten. Haaa.
lOtb and IVaahlnrtea
Hunday Urbeal ! a. m.
unday lervlra II a. m.
flubjact, Oct. IS "Daclrlne ef
Wadnaaday availing aervlce I p. m
Reading Roam. 1031 Mala IL
Viral f)aeiiaiil
r.,,:f;i. w""," Phnna B3I7, Atlwrl U.
Uwlghl. imMor. Sunday if hoot, iu . m
niuiiilng wmalilp, 1) , i., Young peo
Pica fnaalliig, 7 p, m.j avaiilna aarvlva,
7:4ft p m Mld-waak fellowalilp, Wed
uaaday, 7;48 p. in,
. a a
Cemmunlly Cane reiallenal
(Jarilan liatwaan Cait Main and Martin,
Hmv Eugene V llaynea, patlor. Church
mImioI, u,4fl a m i aarvlca, 11 a. m.;
r."",.r",,.M 01 !h w" P- m commun
ity hall.
a a
Cfaureb ef tha Nararana
(iardan and Martin. Sunday achooi,
0;4ft a m j worahlp. 11 a. ni.; depart
mental infiallnia. U;; Kvangallallo. 7:43
P m.j mld'weak prayar, Wadnaaday. 7:4ft
p in. Paator, lurirand r. 1'alaiaon,. ow
Mbrlln. phona Aino.
t a
Aaaambly at One
!i"v- A. I""'1 P'M'ng. paator, 740
Oak. Sunday achooi, 0:4s a, m.j aarmon,
11 a m.j Young pauple, o 30 p. m Evan
(llitlo maatlng. 730 p. m. Tuaaday
7:30 p. m,, prayar maatlngj Thuraday
7; JO p, m preaching. ,
. ,
riril Church ar L'nnal gcltntlal
luih and Waahlnguiii. Hunday morning
arvlce. II nVlotk. Sunday achooi, W W
a in. Taallfnonlal niantlnga Wadnaaday
ai ft p in. Free ChrUllan fidenca raad
lug room located at loaj Main.
Klamath RavKal Canter
1023 Mitchell al Shaata way. ' Rav.
Warren U Coniba, patlor. Sunday
achiml, 10 a. m Morning aarvlca. 11
a in Evangeltatle, 7:30 p. m Weak
night aarvu-na. 7:30 p m. Wrdneaday and
rriday Choir piacilca Thuraday. S
P m. Phona 4330.
rirat Cbrlatlaa
Pina al nth. Howard Ilutchlm, mln
iainr. nibie arnool, 0 43 a. m. StaiUay Kan
da II, auparlntendant.
Morning wonhlp, U o'clock.
Evening aervic ta. 0:30 o'clock Willi tha
Chrlatian Endeavor maetlnge.
Kva,ngalUtlo aarvlca. 7 30 p. m.
Mi. Uht Praabyierlaa
Rev. Hugh T- Mltchelmore. paator.
Wunhlp. 0:43 a. m. fllble achooi, 10:43
a, m. Chrlatian Endeavor. 7:30 p, m
Coma out to any of thaaa acrvicoa.
Latiar-Hay lainta
Tha Church of Jeaua Chrlit of Latter
Day Halnta hold their aervlcaa In lha
auditorium of tha clly library, Oth and
Klamath. Prietthood mealing Sunday
morning al 0:13, Sunday achooi com
memea at 10:30, Sacrament mealing al
S o clock Sunday evening E. E liur
ntwa. branch prealdent, phona S293 or
a a a
Klamath Temple
1007 Plna. Daniel B. Anderaon, paator.
dunday a nool. 0:43 a. m. Morning wor
hip 11 a. m Overcome ra aervlre. 0:30
p. m Jail mealing!, 3 p m. Radio pro
gram. KKJ1. Saturday, 0 30 p. m Evan
gellallo tor vice 7:43 p. m.; Wadnaaday
night, prayar maatlng.
Pilgrim 'Ifellneae ;
ftw. William Ingcraoll. paator, 3301
Wanlland Sunday achooi, 0:43 a. ni..
morning aarvlca. II o'clock. 9HYP&.
0:43 p m.t avangallaUo aarvlca 7:43
p. m.
e e
riril Methadlal
N 10 in and High. Rev. Victor Phllllpa.
mtnlalar. Andrew Lonar. Jr.. director of
mualc Mr John O'Connor, organlaL
Mlnlttar'a ret I dance. 1003 High. Tele
phone 3AM.
Worahtp. 11 a. m. I
Sunday achooi, B;43 a. m.
Mathodlai Youth rallowahlp, aach Sun
day, 7 p. m.
e a . ;
gt. Paal't Eplaeepal Cbarrh
itav P. C WitMnbach, raclor. Cornar
Jafleraon and 8th.
Sunday aervlcra. Holy communion. 0:00
a. m. Cnurch achooi, 0:43 a. m. Pint
Sunday of aach month Holy communion
al 11:00 a m. and all other Sunday,
morning prayer and eermon at H OO a.
m Holy Uaya and SatnU Daya, Holy
Communion. 10:00 a. m.
Medea Pelnl Riptlei
Community Mlaalea
Sunday achooi. 10 a. m. worahtp aarv
lea, 11:13 a, m.
a a a ,
Apailella Palln
238 N. Oth. Sunday achooi. 0:30 a. nv
Morning devotion. 11 a. m. KvangalUUc
aervlre. 7:43 p. m. Wadnaaday and rri
day, 8 p. m.
tvsx m-
prompt, eftecti V Wi
iut from dU. t1
tnaa of. hud colds with Va-tro-nolt
Works right where trouble Is to reduca
congratlon - soothd IrrlUUon - nrnko
bmthlng uler. Also helps prevent
many oolds from developing If used In
tune. Try ltl Follow dlrectionslnfolder.
Cookies hit the spot with
both young and old. We al
ways keep a nice assort
ment of cookies in stock,
so you can choose a varietv .
and please everyone.
Re member, to include
some of our delicious cake
donurs in with your orders.
They are a perfect after-
school snack, and they '.
make any breakfast a suc
' cess. ' ; ' " ,
Klamatlti Quted Bake?
t'bareb r l'roii.nv. rirem.
uivin. ll. .urn
lea K. Main Hunilny Mrvlr,. s r. m
1,'lur. by paalur. K.v. K.lhlv.n Krli.
Wilii.l.y .iiDM.g, .iid pmv.r ..rvlc.
S Ii in. H.alil.iic.. 7(W HIU'll.lL fhuii.
7?71 All Klliomi.
Hill l'rll.rl.n, Mrrrlll
Miiiitliis ..rvlc. II o'clock, D.vld 3.
K.rgtuun, mliilit.r, '
Thompson Dies '
Of Heart Attack
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oel.
in fl'j Marlon Thompson, 47,
Camus paper mill cmployo whose
body was found In a slough near
Camas Inst Monday, died of a
heart attack, Coroner R. E.
Uufresno salt! today after an
Uufresno said tlio allack was
apparontly caused when Thomp
son exerted himself in an at
tempt to net out of the slough's
thick ooio.
Mem Burned In Fire
That Destroyed Home
TILLAMOOK, Oct. 13 (IV)'
Fire which destroyed his homo
nt Boy Ocean near hero yi-stcr.
(lay took the life of lirortfr
Baker, 76, whose body was
found In the smouldering ruins
by Coroner A. C. Lundbcrg and
county and state officers.
Herbert Baker, a brother,
lives In Oregon City, and a sister
residrs ln Los Angeles. Cause of
tlio fire was not rtrlcrm I nod
Now You Can Send
Flowers - By - Wire
through ,
QcU&uti fylawesi SUo-p,
724 Pine St.
Phone 5560
(Schilling ifNj
Pepper Jd
full pungent flavor
for zestful goodness
v - y
Shirts. Drawers
nly welgbl,
68 new wool
and 30 calton.
25 .
1.79 Ea
II e a v y weight.
2&? nw weal
73 cotton.
79c E.
Extra haary cot
ton with a warm
fleeca lining.
Water repellent and wind
proof. "Topline" - quality
poplin in
army style.
Cossack style in soft, plia
ble capeikin for long serr
ice. Zipper 1A nP
closure. . Ue3
Tough, durable horsehide
for longer wear. Zipper
front with xipper closed
Soft, pliabl. cap. skin
with pleated sports' back.
Full rayon lining and sip
front. ll AP
Union Suits
Heavy welgbl,
- laag eleeve, an.1(
hie length. 60
3 70 "
M.dlom welfbi,
Ifinf l..ve, an
kl. Unl.h.
Exlra heavy
wplrbt. f I a e e
lined, I a n g
alrer, ankle
Wool Shirts
Jg All wool navy blue melton
mIm.U In I,.,,.,. .alnU.
Deep pockets and large
warm f" QQ
collar. 3eO
All wool; heavy weight in
warm plaids of blue, red
or brown. Mois- p QO
tur. repellent. 9.07
All Wool
mtZ-f .3.98
I :.;.jfJijiWt Thlrk. w.rm.iU
wT.iia; ! ". ah
cotton In, solid
color tan, grtv,
or navy .blue.
Heavy, weight.
jjj I
ffel: ftr
Lighter part wool jacket
of navy blue melton cloth.
Full value econ- J OQ
omy priced. OeO
Heavy all wool plaids with
double, thickness over chest
and back, A sportsman's
favorite, ... 45
Heavy all wool fabric in
colorful plaid patterns.
Half belt in back. Made
for warmth
and wear.
Extra heavy covert jacket
with a warm blanket lin
ing. Full cut and j'lg
sanforised.- - 3. I 9
War...- fflm
m. On
60W fOV
m i luiaunu iu i tat w dv
il 11 vv - ,
CI' .
H . a v y weight
all cotton, softly
napped. Bright
colorful plaids.
: Work
Army type, tan
work pants in
heavy twill.
Made for woar.
nmi.iinVtf'f'i T l
Boot rtf5
. 59c
50 wool and 'I?
50 cotton long n)l
boot sox. Red or Tri"i
green trim. JIa
Split cowhide
glove firmly
stitched to stand
hard wear.
Gauntlet style.
a 1
i Union
Winter weight
union suits In
r I b bed - cotton.
Long sleeve,
ankl lsngth.
. Corduroy
Bright plaids.
'. '9SC:
mr twmmr m wi' rt.ci-t 'i mi. y.ni 11 .... . .
V :
aaaeaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaeeaaaaa im.i j'r'Tiw-Ji'ii
m ' ' linn