HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MERRILL. LEEIOPJ Japanese Threaten Foochow fTALY TO SETTLE 11 011E, FJTE Box Office Opens 6:43 Box Office Opens 1:30 0:45 W I PACE TWO CHINA IV3V MERRILL A 20-year lease on the Merrill Community hall turned over several monilis ago by stockholders to the city of Merrill was sifjned by the city Hna UlO mcillll yufft, miiciumi Legion at the last meeting of the council. The building will be maintained as a community hall by the Legion, to ue m reaamess for public functions. A dance is scheduled Saturday night, Octo ber 14 by the Women of the 1V1UU5B IIU me annum uauini, card party and supper sponsored by the Altar society of St. Augs tine's church is also planned lor tnc nan. Paul Lewis, member of the executive committee of the Legion, will be in charge of the ouuaiiig. a. v. auiiies ia uie newly installed commander of fit, fathafe apnin ,-all allan. tion to the necessity of getting a permit from the city for in stallation' of sidewalks and her future building within the newly outlined fire zone. An ordinance governing permits within the zone was recently passed by the council. Abe Lincoln Won Foot Race At 42 TTDD A XT A TIT 1 1 tTi Abraham Lincoln, whom history reiaies was a Deuer man aver ngb mvi)ut,t nun a ivu xavu when he was 42 years old, it was aisciosea nere last nigni at a meeting oi me nan-century An entry in a worn notebook mat was usea oy an uroana car penter in the 1840's and 1850's said that on May 2, 1851: "Seen Abe Lincoln run a foot race with saoiuei waters from Mane (Sic) St. to Walnut St. in front of the court nouse. Aoe oeat. The record of the race was reported by C. A. Kiler, Cham- naiffn hncinaecman nhn ,u volume was received from Wil- nam tiarvey. BS, of Peoria, a son of M. D. Harvey, who wrote down brief notes of - current events in nis account book:. Arrow pointing near roocnow indicates tnt japaneie landing which is threatening that last largi cast coast port htld by the Chines. In the drive on Kweilin, former U. S. air base sit, the .Tan hva rantnrart Hinnan a th niwthait, t V. ...uk.J ara fighting in Changning. (AP wiraphotoj. Few Ballots Opened oy Army Censors WAKOTWrvrnw n. War SecreUry Stimson said to- aajr uiere nan Deen an "infinitesi mal nlimhoi- if Mnni4 : t : . - .pvib0 Ul limi tary censors inspecting service men a election oauots. He added that the number indicated the ballots were inspected "through accident or mistake" and "not oy aesign. Of more than 4,000,000 ballots sent overseas by the states, plus thousands of federal election ounison torn a news con ference only 268 reports have been received by the war and navy departments of even the uura envelope Deing stamped by army and navy censors. In just two instances, he said, was the in- aivciupe -oi an, army ballot Mildred MePherson Enlists In WAC wS 2244 r.i 7. "-u in tne WAC s October 12 through the local re uSP$&. .ofii?f',219 Fede build: fi. ft, "" ve soon lor Ft. Choice of primary station and f . Ju" wm d- allowed en. sfi? ie-WAc "! o-tob"; f i.w miitj. a recruit will h SffJ tTi2?.fl. arfcels mif iDr ner is great- . McMmNVILLE Oct 13 (m A dehydrator here, which be gin operation today, will pro lan 4the dr'ed equivalent of 2000 tons of potatoes for the army quartermaster corps. fiamaaaaaaWMI'M'MWl Phone 4567 Box Office Opens 1:30 :45 Railroad Pension Group to Meet The lftral rhantri- nf th. T?ail road National Pension associa. tion which is open to all classes of railroad labor, is to hold a potluck supper in the Pnmmnnitv hall nn CarHfln Mnn day, October 16, at 6:30 p. m. art .-. omnlnvoc utii-a.. t nil railroads in Klamath Falls are urgea to come ana Dnng a cov ered dish for the supper. T.ntar In Inn aiian,,,. DnlU Darmody, a long time resident of me iissuciHiiuii, win explain its aims and answer questions as to itC WnT-lrinfC Thi aunniqtinn Unp a bill at present before congress wnicn wm give a pension to all uriHnuc nf iatlriaH Amnlmmp dtier tue reacn tnc age ot oo, Hj ...:u i . . .... , aim win cii&o pny an annuity to their children until the age of IB. ine flue ar. small M no, year ior women and pensioners and' S4 nPP VPflf fn,.man nm. employes. Trainmen, clerks, sec tionmen, shopmen, telegraphers and all other workers are urged j cuieiiu, wiin tncir wives. Grant General Loses Jacket, Asks Return Has anvnriA fntinrl a hnu'e green jacket, with white leather sleeves, in his car? A letter was mritivMl hi,.A this week from Mrs. Irving Neder of Portland stating that her son. Calvin, who nlavori with the Grant Generals in that team's game with Klamath last month. VlAllAVAC that h. . : . ...nv lie a.v.i- dentally left his jacket in the ouiuiiiuDue oi a ii.iamatn mo torist who had given him a ride to the Willard hotel. Mrs. NAriAr urritAa "th rl low who was kind enough to i?ive mv hnv a .rirlA rfMH'l Calvin's name and vice versa so neitner could get in touch wun tne omer." Calvin would ?ereturn of hf jacket, and if " " ween juuna tne nnaer is aaisea to please bring t to The Herald anri Mow, t i . ,,, , " wiiivc iium " win De torwarded to wc ouy 5 aaoress in Portland. Trial of Coplin set For Monday Trial for rhi rnni;n j Of Statlltnrv rartn i I for next Monday at 10 a. m. in iuuuic court. Coplin is charged with the rape of a young local girl on last May 23.- Hp usc i uu uu toicu several months ago and indicted by the tyrant T. .1.. i n t. TJ?e. .Prosecution will be handled by District Attorney L, . onu UEpUly At. TnrnAV PUhh.. t r . . , .--..y w...c.,b; xiumoie. Attor ney for defense is U. S. Balen- ENDS TONIGHT Cary Grant ARSENIC LACE EDITORIALS ON NEWS (Continued From Page One) and destroyed on the ground and 93 Jap ships sunk or damaged. fThl .Tnrtc cav vi.A'rA at il anai'n today in Formosa.) MAC ARTHUR'S land- based renortpd vicfprriavl ciriact'iirl Ratiknanan afain wrAclrinn a gasoline-"cracking" plant beyond repair, heavily damaging a re finery and starting big fires among oil storage tanks. The bic Liberators wrrA a. corted by Lightnings and pre ceded by Thunderbolts. They shot down 32 attacking Jap planes. i (Continued from Pas One) j Day. RocallinR the millions of mlimis who have lo I lowed Co liinibiis to tlio wo.ttprn hemix plicrc, he -said: rlMlnr. tor Wilrflm have been welcomed so cordially d- inc iianan people auer years of fascism." baying aviation nan brought the nhi Hurt Hia n a w i'iiiIH closer, Mr. Roosevelt asserted mat if we do not now take ef fective measures to prevent an- otnci- woria war ana it there tt'Prn tit Kit a fhlrrl u-nU m,r- lit. lands of the western hemisphere WOllld ho a vnlnpruhL tn ullu,.b from Europe and Asia ns were the island of Crete and the Phil ippine islands five years ago." Klamath Hunters To Open New Front Against Waterfowl (Continued from Paga One) In nnwdnn a fnnrnl l,.,.,ti.H 1amrt ll.li..h mil., Un ..n 1 i.l.. t ...1 .iiiti.il tiiuo. tauunivu with the signature of the hunt er. Also guns must be plugged so as to hold not more than three shells including the shell J in the barrel and the shells in the magazine. Britons Want More, Better Corsets LONPON, Oct. 13 (JTt Eng- land's wnmAn nrA H.-n,a,irlittM more and better corsets and the Corset Hnilri ic :nrLr inn nrtinn from the government. ii ivr. uaiton (Hugh Dal ton. nresiHpnt nf tha hnarl nt trade) does nnt aitrAA tn ma ,.e and listen to reason." said the TN all these actions before the i ld s se.crct?ry- thc lcade" 1 inner gates ot the Jap citadel I i?Jv,f "I "" iaf rCatly NO JAP WARSHIPS wer In s aSe a sit down strike on the NO JAP WARSHIPS were even signtea. Where is the Jap fleet? THE answer to that question is rather easy. It is staying in hldtn?. hnninp in natoh tt Daiance ana momentarily unpre pared so that it can jump onto u ouuueinjr, iiuiict ncavy aam1 age quickly and then RUN. That is the Jap naval wav It is the way they licked the nussian xicet. LINFIELD TO EXPAND MnMTTMMVTT T TP r-L ,o .." ui:i. i.) irt-i President Harrv T. nilllr. T J . "ii,ll WA AJ1U- Held college announced plans for cm eAficiiision program to Include ine construction of a new in- .-. i.iiiaoiuill, alUUCnt union, unc arts building, amnhi. theatre, chapel and a modern auiuium, steps of thc board of trade." Corsetiers report that in thc black markAt wnmAn ,m n.,ln as high as $80 for inferior corsets. Ends Tonight fiCT,on! nltilltt k Second Hit "Queen of Broadway" s r v D ro 1HI MIN WHO X D roil 1HI MIN WNO IOVID Hill GEORGE SANOERS LINDA DARNELL SATURDAY (lutliia BOB STEELE V JIMMIED000 MaiairiUcril Iv- HP LANNA III Nw Hmi lrl Ivkntr IDW. IVIIIU H0I10N .1 Plus Solected Short Subjects Latest World Nows - Another Hit -TROPICAL PARADISE! STARTS SATURDAY , Tim KB .4. D9HQ 2 M & 1 Box Office Opens 6:45 -ENDS-- TONIGHT Is. Second Hit Saturday tMJJJ3111113 Continuous Show Daily Open 12:30 New Today BOUMIt. "S ON THS ( orN nn Ml C STARTS SUNDAY II AKUUNDTHE T JC BRENNAN : f i Pf? 1:1 rw" -in if I ) iromounl prnnlt MIGHTIEST SPECTACLE OF , TIME! -J f I Ml " ,.,,1., Cecil ECDeMille's - 1 ""w.'iwn Wf ,yr Saturoay evening post story Mi nn PHANTOM HU.V" Another Thrill Hit- 'tMtiBik'iHb f JFS'&'mml.l!Ei1ZL i" I I i s. R( rr llan licnl (lr i null i ml i s Ai I c liroi I I'dgi fcnso owe lovol in I to I 1C-CI Hi Ore, I to. niki'i ii, r l.'IM., 'mar l. man to n sribtr )c'MARCH ",llJ5A LANDI 'aAuotm COLBERT . I AllftHTON ..... " '' An1 Coil Numberlno Mor. iK 7nnni . I mmmmmm.-iMamm m dancing girls ...ihousanos or mm m ' "Thumbs Down!" the SymW Of Doith. to tnn T ltvtors.p tho Colisoua's Bloody Atom! rr irw-ito the lions W tha . yzm emporor of Pagan Homo! In--'k fOTIVbll-a. T?ti-... . 'l lem IsillN 1" Ii Jdiffoi If nnrl jiimbe in i HB1I I; On the Same 11 Proa ram , Jttilk tithl U "Cowboy k AI wmimm . . I KEYfjflLDSlHMnflN-nENOLDM riiiiivilMII C GEORGE O'BRIEN , PPfta. Eatress of R0a8t Judy- "