Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 12, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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12, 19-44
ii... I'm null 1111(1
IW W'' 3 o Horn" tint
Vmirrlcr wi u ..i,
om"."!. .,.0'.,'im , 40 minim
d, "iiiSai there. Tliu una
l,cru l i l w ' I"1'"''
'"hlki ! ''00 k"h!tl W""
lior.1. It. '"?...,''
tv"L i,.v.iv vii.ii.Hi ut
Eml ";;;'0','we,u h""1'
. I'nd Is vi-ithiK ut it'"
rfr"'""?... iii.i- niiiiill nun
WZ t 1,1. nr.1111.
SI?" homo tor la-nrly
I1'' . n ll..,w,, WlH H Ell-
rs. ) L. Kim will
.SanFriiiiciaco to sliop Ihla
.udM.H'i'-'-ylllll vh.lt
l llio R. 'or",r "n
f1"''' , ... A.I.IImiii m-i'wci-
rtr, arc sonic ot lh "!
summer home rolnnUls.
..J S lo Luke Ortcll for
r,,",i id vmirs. nicy come in
I. ., ' ii,i nn-wi-r rim l!ol
tuck Willi!" viiciitlonlnu.
III! III" niiii;'u . .-
men . in" ";
wnrk nil und wined
J, undisturbed by tliolr
line at him. Ili'im i"""
!u,h"ro thl full. ihkI whlln
Showing mn "i '"""
U itoltlirr do Itipy seem to
Irliilitenr-d of them, often
Ing ' Within 'nw tevi u" l,c0
biolli and bin K'n'K M'vf"
,, where they will do elee
l.tMlni. for llio Southern
lie roinuniiy. Mil Midll
liveli Oukrliiue in
U u,!iif,.r
IIVC- 111 Vt.n. "'
mi ihrlr son Jerry, can ill-
school there.
..L. ...rr:.l' ,llllllr.m PlU'l.
rin ...... . "j i w'.-- - -
tned lo work atler spciidlnii
il diiyi in mo cuki'iiu
lnke ildlint lirro of llio
joid track In brlntl rrpliiced
131 pound ru. inn m re
nt 80 pound rails which
lild during consiruciion in
The heavy traffic hn
muclo II nevcmiHry to roplare tha
llulit mil wllh t ho henvlor tynn.
Harry IIIIIh Ik In chnrRc of (he
work. Thin nkllnu In It iiillen
W. A. Nleholit of Eimlo Tolnt
Ore, vIdIUhI limt week wllh lib
non, rnim'iH iNiclioia und liimny.
Mr. und Mra. Hub Coko mid
children, Murahall and 1'hyllm
Ann tind Mra. coke miner, jack
Poeblnr, all from Modford vlait
od frlrnds und relative! here
limt week.
TrcKHn Snndcra, who ap.iul a
week vlilllna ut the home of
her ion, Mmvh) Sandera, left
Tliuradiiy, October Bth for her
homo in I. my, Moitiiinu,
Mr, nnd Mra. Iliiruld Chance
of Albany und Mr, and Mra,
Claude Lukaiia of Corvallla and
Mr. und Mra. Ed. Glclbecck of
Kliiiniilh Knlla apent tliu punt
week cim ai me noma or Mr.
mid Mra. John Olenlhrcck.
Mr, and Mra, Auguat Tlkknnnn
mid noil Jimmy of llurny, Cnllf.,
und Mr. and Mra. Fred Bownuni
und diiutibtrr Aucuna Rao of
Kltimulh Kulln were week end
vutorn ut tho Lee iilnub home,
A 1. Ilvr.1- ttllH Mr iini-l M rm
Itulph Sholton returned to tholr
iinme in Myruc ureck, Ore.
Wcdiicuduy, October 4, huvlnu
hpent ilia week at the Normnn
Dyer home.
Audrey Goljsboock win liontcx
lo tho Women a club Wedneaduy
October 4, Refreshment wore
nni'vod to tho fullowliiK mcinboia:
Klizabctli Cumpbull, Uiirburu and
Jo. Hulh Obenchi.ln. liclty Arm-
ntrons, Lyudcll HurrUon, Wilna
Annus unci urundclilKircii, Uulchy
und l.ciih.
Thi'linu Abbott wna honteaa lo
tho brlditc club Krldny, Septem
ber zu. Kcfrcihnicula were
ai-rvcd nt a Into hour to Helen
Smith, Unth Smith, Jennie Glf-
ford. uctly Armntronit. Nlsha
lludlcy, Mildred CiutwrlKlit,
Kllrnbelh Campbell and Thelma
Abbott. IIIrIi ncorra were held
by Janli Uifford nnd ElUnbclh
Mm. J. Cieiheeck and daugh
ter, Leslie June were bunlnesa
vlsltora In Klamath Falls Satur
day. Alico Jones and daushtcrs,
Betty nd Benle spent the past
week end at Bandon, Oregon.
Frank Clagston of Medford,
Ore., la spending the week here
visiting frlenda and hunting.
12 Touh
Cgstomati Mar I place an order for bloekif .
Uli I'm sorry. We are unabla to taka order! for
blocks at tha present time.
Cmtomtri How about an order for ilabit
Un No. Our dry slabwood Ii gone, and wo art so
far bthlnd with preen alebwood erden, wo had
to quit taking ordera lor tha present. The sup-
, Ply Is short, and tho season Is late, and wo
nay be unable to get out all the orders on
Wo do have pros-to-logi and coal, and can make do.
l'ry In a short time.
J I" a typical conversation carried on all day at our
r-- -i .mopnone and at tha counter. Have you under
l4 why this situation exlsta In Klamath!"
f.cl" h,v b"n, and will oontinuo to ba learea Item of
II Supply, 11 VOU hV u... .k...U .... mrm.
only as kindling. Use other luel for cooking and heat-
'lo iogs, coal and slabs can all bo used in all types
cooking and ti..n. i . .i ... .
. - wui.iiiviii, aoiiiviiiiivp Trim juii
" djustment. We were several monthi behind when
"oppsd taklna rrf.r. .-j .u. .... .
H ba some time before we will be able to again take
fl" ""'on for the ihortage Ii our Increased population.
"Honing records ahw that 30 more fuel was de.
this year than last In Klamath Fall! area. Our
P'y irom the mills w. 1... h.n hrm.r .. as we
I 1,0 'tockplle to draw from.
i'i all
to go cold or without cooking fire If thev will adlust
. 10 the availablo supply.
Pred H. Heilbronner
"Fuels that Satisfy" plus Service
It In reported by rclntlves of
Mm. Dnllun liecbo Hint nho la
Kniduiilly khIiiIiiK sti'ciiKlh mid
her condition Improving, follow
ing sorloua conipllcutiona Jn mi
appendix oncrutlon loccnlly.
Mr j. Ilenhe Ik tho daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrn. Jumea I'hllllps,
and the fuinlly formerly lived
In Keno. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bucbc,
also Mr. Derbo'l purcnts, now
rosldo near Midland.
Mr. Ulld Mrs Krinlr Klrnheru
have moved to their now home
In Keno. They formerly lived
on the hlghwuy, near tho Keno
pom nflirc.
T. E. Deckard, who was In
jured several weeks ago when
tho homo which he wus riding,
fell on his leg Is reported lo bo
recovering satisfactorily at his
Mra. Charles Foster of Grass
Valley, California visited at the
homo of her husband's brother,
Joo II. Fowter on Wednesday
und Thursday.
Several ot the men from Keno
havo been on hunting trips this
punt week.
A number of Kono people era
working In the harvesting of
onlona and potatoes the past wack
or two,
Mr. and Mr, W. L, Perkins
and Utile dauuhtor havo re
turned to Keno to reside, after
having been gone for about a
vear. Thev returned to Keno und
were here several weeks Inst
spring, but It was necessary for
Ihem to return to California to
Mr. and Mrs. Holly Swingle of
Trull, Ore., were recent visitors
at tho O, L. Brown home.
Mra. Estclla Mill Is visiting at
the homo of her daughter und
Son-ln-luw, the Jnek MurHhalis,
Cpl, Jimmy Sullivan spent a
week at tho home of his parent.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sullivan,
returning to Sioux City, la., und
uo ng from (hero to Lincoln
Neb. Cpl. Sullivan la a gunner
in the air corps.
Mr, and Mrs. Guy Foster of
Summer Lako were guests at tho
Marlon Barnes residence tho first
of tho week, They were accom
panied to Klumuin falls by Mr,
and Mrs. Carl Ewing of Pendle-
take cure of business matters
there. They expect to be In Keno
ton, Ore. Mra. Ewing and Fos
ter also visited with their eister,
Mrs. Curmol llartln, who resides
on Boardmun avenue. Mra, Hugo
Leyva nd Mrs. Leo Hanks of
Lakevlcw, Ore., spent Friday af
ternoon With tho Barnes family
On their way borne after trans
acting busincsn in Klamulh Falls,
Mra. Itoso Hussel of Topeka,
Kans., has been visiting with her
futhor, Henry Donovan, and
brother Leo at the Corpehlng
borne. Another brother, i.d, has
also been with his family, hav
ing recently returned from
; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitby
spent Thursday evening visiting
tho Jack Marshulls.
A prospective husband and
wlfo munt remain secluded to
gether for 40 days before the
wedding ceremony In Java.
chilling flavor is
always reliable.
s- -iyy.-;iiiitv r r r i
sav. "fn i - - - i o
I till HUM I '
r - i - mjw-wim vri 'trzA'zrx
xmz l m cojH
f UCrO&er WU t t t i.Notin.llyAdvrtiBranJ.W..-k. mCj ;
rVTiSj I aJ t-f-w,w 1. rf..rin nil tU krnnrl vu know nnd like. The brands VOU 1 H ' f X V -5m7k -A
5tVv reaa OOOUI in llio iumoii a leuu.ng muy uiiioi, iiaion iu wc mo w... "" I pT 1 x fViVVV f
YTFj&szsickb l m your 'oc3' newPaPer" Stock up today on the many good "buys" listed """p- jjr
. below ... Most important put your javings in War Bonds and Stamps. jQfiS& yy ) I 'l
M y Campbells Soup TOmat0 ,.... .oh ;.. 9c GVE M
m W-n ""p's Pork & Beans' ci-19c : gene'ir wkIWA
IS H U Corn Country Home CB CS No. 2 Can 13c
to your fJ lg M I iffli llli is?l?
fffi A S nowf lakes or 8i?oDnnScSL. pS' 33c united war Tif-l llf i'.lS
Prem Meat ,
Grade A Small ., Dozen
2-oi. can
(-ot. pkg.
Potted Meof, Llbby, No. Va
tan 6c
Deviled Horn, Underwood,
3oi. con 18e
Tan 12-ox. can 32e
Chill Con Carne, Van Camp
17-o 28c
Diced Carrots, Del Monto
303 glass 12c
Tendoronl, Van Camp, 6-o.
2 pkgi 15e
Rico Krlipics, Kellogg't, 5'j-
01. pkg. 12
Kraft Cheese, V a I v t a I a,
(6 pti.) ij-lb. 24e
French's Mustard ....9-ot. ar 13c
CHB Catsup (SO pts.) 14-oi.
bottle 17e
L. & P. Souco ....'....5-of. bottle 33c
Miraclt Whip, Kraft 16-01.
Salad D r t s I n g, Duchtss,
16-oi 23e
Mayonnaise, Nu Made, 16-oi. 27e
Bouillon Cubos, Kraft's,
5-eube pkg 8e
Coffee, Hills Bros., 1-lb. glass 33c
Noodle Soup, Lipton Mix, pkg. 9c
. Helnt Soups, Vegetarian, Veg.
Pta, Bean ll-oi. 14c
UP ,T , , '
Jell Well
A lla
junket dertaVk ins - Pk
c at no, SparKiins .
Aasortod Dessori.
Raisins, Sun-Moia,
White Rice, M '," : ., S-ox. pkg.
Salted Peanu s,' k?.
ffi'W" Alb. a, x.-;
HalfTH-it Tobacco
..10-lb. 54e
50-lb. sack 2
'""5'o"lb. sk.$2 39
10-lb. 38e
.......i. 88e
Aunt Jemima:
"packet He
Gold Medal 'HoirV
Gold Medal Flour
Flour, Drift Snow
. n.u. Snow
Flour, - .
Flour, Harvest Bless
Ik .
putiv"" .
in.ni . l. sae
Bisqui f lour " 25-ot. eon V
Baking Powder. Calumet, 05. . u
"''I":. Saits", Schilling
.26-ox pkg. 8e
Rippled Wheat r..:.."0. pkf.-iOe
Rico Krispies, Kellegg's ...'.pkg. U
Nabisco Bran ;.16-ox.. pkg. I7f
Bran Flakes, Post, 14-oz. pkg. 13c
Grope Nuts 12-os:. pkg. 13e
Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, 6-ox.
pkg 5e
Quaker Oats 20-ox. pkg. 13c
' Fisher's Zoom 20-ox. pkg.. 23e
Wheatsworth, Nabisco Cer.,
ie .
una. .................--- 7
M. i-Si H,ir catteo ....id. iar jjs -
Airway Coffee r.. lb, bag 20
Nob Hill, Whl. Rst. Coffee, lb. 23e
Sanka Coffea .:....:....lb. jar 36e
. am M .
Imtant Postum ......4-OX. PKfl. 41E
Hershey Cocoa ....'x-lb. pkg. 10c
. Hemo, Borden's ..........lb. jdr 59a ,
Ovaltine, Chocolate, 14-ox.
; Plain ..16-ox. 66a
Canterbury Too, Black, 14-lb. 22
Tree Tea, Black.... Va-lb. pkg. 27
iVOyUl eJMtin and Rlehi cute In quickly.
3-tb. Jar
Crisco Shortening lb. jar 24c; 3-lb. jar 68c
Cane Sugar, Stamps 30, 31, 32; 33, 40
10-lb. sk ....;....,,... ... ..63c
Karo Blue Label Syrup ....T2-lb. glass 15c
Brer Rabbit Molasses, Green 12-oz. gl. 15c
Maka Mix, Syrup Mix Powder ....pkg. 5c
Heinz Cider Vinegar quart bottle 21c
Searchlight Matches, Ctn. of 6 boxes 29c
G-E Light Globes, 25-40-60-W. (incl.
tax) each 11c
White Magic Bleach 32-oz. bottle 10c
Edwards Coffee
Finest Quality Blend Vacuum Pack
Lb. Jar
28c fo J
Super Suds
Concentrated 24 0. Pkg. alaf W
24-Os. Pkg. .
Soap .. 24-Os. Pkg.
Toilet Soap
2B.r. 13c
Clorox Bleach 32-oz. bottle 16c
Sanifluih, Works Quickly! 22-ox. 21c
Rex Lye 13-ox. can 9e
Sunbrito Cleansor 13-ox. can 5c
Bon Ami Powder 12-ox. can 12e
Mrs. Stewart's Bluing, 10-ox. bottle 15a
Argo Gloss Starch Mb. pkg.. 9e
Elastic Starch 12-ox. pkg. 9c
Rinso Gran. Soap 24-ox. box 23c
Vano Cleaner ......32-ox. bottle 29e
O'Cedar Polish 4-ox. bottle 19e
Satino ........I..... pkg. 6e
Simonix Liquid Wax pint 45e
Windex Window Cleaner.. ....20-ox. 33e
Jet Oil Shoe Polish bottle 9c
Gaines Dog Meal 2-lb. pkg. 18e
Gra-Pup Dog Food 25-ox. pkg. 23e
t '.'jsi aV ..
Safeway Farm-Fresh Produce
Extra Fancy Delicious -
Extra Fancy Jonathans
Winter Banana
3 lb. 25c
4M Shoulder Roast, square cut ...lb. 34c
7M Leg of Lamb lb. 38c
5M Shoulder Chops b. 37c
7M Rib Chops - b- JJe
Breast of Lamb 1 lb. 19c
Grade "A" Beef '
SM Roasts, .blade or 1
round bone cuts lb. 27 e
13M Sirloin Steak lb. 38e .
' Short Ribs or brisket
Boil ...Ib.20e-
Ground Beef lb. 28e
Pork Steak lb. 33e
Pork Roasts, shoulder cuts.Jb, 31e
Pork Hocks lb. 17c
Pork Sausage, country style, lb. 28e .
Grapes Concerd 23-ib. lug $1 8
Grapefruit ni. Lb. 7V2C
Carrots :!; e.... U, 7c
Turnips Lb. 6c
Potatoes Klamath Netted VlC
Klamath Netted Gems
No. 2
SO-lb. bag
Baking sue
Lb. 10c
Since 1919
Spring ut.
Telephone 41 S3