PACE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Octoba !,.' '. ."'."" " I',' , i'LAA?l-''y-jjTT7r-'?,'f.tVB-a?Jt)!iV J WELL, we didn't take our friends down to Cal-Ore last Saturday night . . . And it was very embar rassing to say the least . . . Not only because of the party we had planned. To begin with, they had writ ten they would be here on October 7 ... So Friday night, which was October 6, we took a gang of boys over to the KUHS-Ashland football game at Ashland. There we were, . sitting, body pulled my hair from the back ... I turned around to scowl, and saw, behind us. the two people we were expect ing in Klamath Falls the next day. It turned out that they had gotten mixed up in dates, and tnought that Friday was Octo ber 7 ... So they had arrived at our house Friday evening and found everyone gone and the house dark . . . They went down to The Herald and News office, and learned we had gone .to Ashland. And o c nlonnnrl nn going to Medford after visiting us, they went on to Ashland ' and went to the game to give us a good lecture for running out on them. When they discovered it was their fault, though, they promised to stop in Klamath Falls ' on : their way , back to Portland next month ... And we promised to make up another party and go to Cal-Ore. WOMEN IN SERVICE RE you one of the many Aiiow .geuing . pnotograplis ready for Christmas? . . . Well, Garcelon's has a good selection of those popular leather (real leather) frames In three sizes . . . For 1, 2 or 3 They come in various colors . . . Black, tan, red, maroon, green, oiue ana Drown . . . And range in price, from $2.05 to $9.95. There . also arc exceptionally nice looking wooden frames, pricea irom z.ou to $3.tju. At Garcelon's ... 407 Main Street. GuWdtvL Wluftali I REALLY choice selection of new compacts has arrived I a.t Currin s ... In sterling f silver, 24-karat gold plate, i enamel . and plastic . . And yet. in spite of their attractiveness they're certainly not high priced. . If last . VPSr Jio dnif m.U. you 11 be .choosing and buying these compacts right away for Christmas gifts . ... Because the lasi-minuie snoppers in Decem ber 1943 found they had to take all kinds of substitutes in stead of what they'd planned on. The enameled compacts are decorated with- handpainted de- 6'i aim uie omers are clever ly topped with appliqued fig urfs and modernistic doo-dads .T,2e sprung . are $3.98 to $5.75, plus tax . . . The gold plated are $3.98 plus tax The enameled are $2.98 to $4.35 . . . And the big amber plastic Currin's is at Ninth and Main Streets . . 840 Main., EXPECTED HOME Clifford noy smitii, 30, EMIc, Scabeos.S was rxDortori .s. home after two years in flip South Pacifn- -. He is the son of - Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, 1007 Pine, and a for mer Copco em ploye. Smith is now at Camp Parks, Calif., awaiting orders to leave for Klamath Falls. , .Miss Schmledel.r Awarded Advance training at the WAVHa yeoman school, Iowa State Teachers college, Cedar Falls, Iowa, has. been awarded Frances Susanna Schmiedeler, seaman second class in the WAVES, reports Navy Recruit ing Specialist D. T. Schreiber. Miss Schmiedeler is the daugh ter of Airs. Matilda smith, Koutc 2, Box 705, Klamath Falls. She received the rating of seaman. aeconu class, on completion oi basic training and indoctrina tion at the naval training school for WAVES, New York City. Miss Schmiedeler recently rc- ueivea me selection tor advance work at the WAVES Yeoman school, Cedar Falls, Iowa, and on completion of this advance instruction, she will be sent to a TI K nni;nl haco Int. rli.t., nnt for further training, releasing a trained yeoman lor auiy at an advance base or on a fighting ship. She is a graduate of Hen ley high school. . service in February, 1943. He also lived in Lakcvicw for 14 years. DRAKE LEAVES CPO C. E. Drnko k-ft Mnnrlnv morning for I ho oust coast to ru- IU,rl f,,, rtllfv uft- ,.,,r4l n MO.Hnv lpjivr, will, rclnt lv nnrt irieuns in uenver. i.os ami'imps and Ills home, Klamath Falls. t'hlpr llralfn line inul rtii.,,n,4 from 14 months duty in the Car . SFBVE WITH IIM1T Two Klumulli county men arc serving wnn me a-JHtli infantry regiment, one of Lt. General Mark W. Clnrlc'e fifth nnnu wnicn smasncci tno uustnv and Hitler lines and chased the Ger mans from the Gnrigllmui to the --.- .., ..,,,,, nL'iu rru 1 npnflnrf, . R ), n. munition carrlof. Chilociuin anci pvt. Pascluill L. Hodges imciiitiii, itirrrill. LINSE AWARDED Flight Officer Paul H. Linsc, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Linse of Bend, all former Klamath residents, has been awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement in aerial flight while participating in sustained operations against ine enemy. . The message came from a base of the 15th AAF in Italy. Linse was a student at Malin high school before entering the SJODIN, ROSE AWARDED PEARI. HARRflD p aioclin, 126 N. 3rd. and Earl A Rose - I.IK -Rnrgnnt hntl. Klamath Falls, have'been award ed . certificates of Honorable service tiy Hear Admiral Wil liam R. Ftirlnnc pommnnrlt,,,! ,.r tile Pearl Hnrhnr nmiu t.uivl Tkn inc-n are no longer stationed at reari Harbor, it was nnnounccd Dut wnilc there contributed to tnp milnn nf tyn h,n i.. ...... port of the United States fleet. ZEEK PROMOTED Charles D.,,, .,f rtenry n. Kay, route 3 box 318 Klamath Fnllc hac KMn sioned a second lieutenant, in the U. S. army, following training at the Fort Benning, Ga., infantry EYERLY COMMISSIONED Fred S. Eyerly, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Eyerly, 1908 Earle, has been commissioned a second lieu tenant in the U. S. army, infnn- trv. at Fort Rpnninn Cla enlisted, August 23, 1942, and served with the 694th field artil lery battalion before going to officer candidate school four months ago. He held the rank of corporal before his present rank. Lt. KVPPIV attpnrlnl IflTUC and Oregon Stat pniinnn ...i he worked on the Oregon State ui uuieier. ' Non-Huntress Shoots Bear To Protect Two Small Pets Klamiith Falls him n new bear rug, or sno win nnvo pretty soon, as the result of an Inter- ,.lh,n vp,.pi,n 1,1 l,p Klam. aili woods Monday night. Hip woodworths were hunt ing deer over the werkrnH and Mrs WnnrltiinrDi ii.lin nlnlniK she Is not a huntress, remained Cordon Schedules Meeting In Klamath I-!,,,, rrrl,,, nf Dn.nKn.rt ITnitpH .lnla unnnlnv ni,,l u,trli date to surceed himself, will bo in Klnmath falls all day Sat urday, it was learned hpro this week by the republican central committee. PnrHnn Ic florl,il,rf In nnt over KFJI, from 6:15 to 6:30 p. also scheduled for him, time and piaco to oe anonuueed later. Stato Senator M. E.. Comett is managing Cordon's campaign. Ambrose to Chairman riday Rotary Meet Kpitll K" Allllinn Iflamnll, Falls fire ehipf. wll iJ Mm pl,.,r. man of the day at the Friday noon luncheon of Rotary at the WillnrH hntpl nnnuf ...nnlrAH will be Robert .T rtiirlf p c,u,nlnl agent from the Hanover Insur ance company. Portland, whose topic will be "Fire Prevention." Tllie is Vim Pr, ., in,, ..,-!, and Ambrose has spent a major uuruon ni n imp nririri,,. n school assemblies stressing the need of observing fire preven tion me year around. In camp with a dog, a cat and u .22. Glancing at an object ucrons the creek, Mrs. Woodworth spotted a bear walking on a log. Feni'ful for the safely of her pets, Mrs. Woodworth grubbed nn the .22 mid let co onn shot which eiumht the lirnr In the head. Bruin fell from tho log, struggled to his feet and rolled off in tho buck brush where he threshed around until Mrs Woodworth finished h I in off with another shot in the head. The Woodworths left Klam ath Falls sevprnl veurs nao and recently returned hero from Idaho. Thev have decided to ro main and nrn lnnkintf for a real dence. Postoffice Extends Overseas Mail Date WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 The postofflco department day extended by to day to mummy, October iu ... lino for tho main ... 4 num tuii'pplw I 01 I nel overseas r p'!'1?, W i ii k it n n enco." slnen , . B ,.,. ., I'M ' "IIKIIII in, inns nn it nimdiiy, 1944 Births Tor Previous Figure Twpnlv.fnnr morn hnhtpft were nnrn ill iviamain pans fiiirmu September, 11)44, than during the same month last yw, ac cording to figures released yes teraay by ur. Peter ll. Itnten rial, coiinlv health officer. Birtht for Inst month totaled 75, while only 51 arc on record for Sep tember, 1943, Twenty-four deaths were re ported in the city during Sep tember, one less than tho num ber of deaths reported for Sep tember last year. The number nf hlr(h In Klamath Kails topped the death record month by 51. Roi-nrH nf hirtha nl l.,nll, 1., the entire county for the month has not yet been, compiled. Chiloquin reported two deaths and three births. "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" CREAM ...... pvpvior yar -round" dtuart II L AS lOW At . II v a pint Alwoyt cut, ond dt'ldoiii. VOU ot. noroi In 2 atlHutw. 20 hMw raclpw In eodog.. ruoia g,k rour inn, h, LOfiDOfiDeircy MS Hafd Slam, So, Fnuidw 1, Colli. HAVE you seen those new quilted short robes with nighties under them, all of gorgeous figured jersey? Whytal's has them . . . And they're really something to write about. I The short robes are a little longer than finger length, but not quite to the knees . . . The most slenderizing length, you know . . . Especially as the belt ties at the back, and the skirt of the robe flares. In spite of the quilting, they re wonderfully light in weight . . . And the taffeta linings, of red or blue, make a startungly effective contrast. TilP niphfffnnme 1 . same figured jerseys as the quilted robes . . . They arc long and graceful, with very sophisti cated tops . . . And the gowns and robes together make an outstanding outfit that is not only unusual but beautiful . . . In fact, stunning! The two are priced separate ly . . . The gown, $10.50 and the robe, $19.50. MaAi Wthytf''s N'nth and Main Streets. need 'ifou. State. yESTERDAY I dropped in again at The Art and Gift Kierulff was getting along ,'.,JAnd fhe '""nediately .npp"'6!"16,1? see something jpecial, the Linnea line of here. 'eS' Whlch 18 new oSt with (1,Srden' is Piumed with the fragrances of various herbs and things that grow in ,a7dedinhnV' And Mrs' kierulff Shn?SUmmers 111 Swede when she was young. The aromas really are lovely usual "d dAlff5rc,'," lrom whirl And lhe boxes noptL"16 vaT"" articles are packed are gay with Swedish figures and designs. Prices are neither low nor f'Bh . . For instance, one- J1.20, Including tax ... A gift box containing dry perfume fa furmtp01Sa'i,aCop coI8ne and per! ThL ' 6-B0' il,cluding tax. t 619 MainBS?reS!tt ShP ls VOUR- STORE has just ie North Star all-wool """'kkis, tne ones you've - seen advertised in all the Anm.lgazmeSl Just abut . . . anfiil0. ""'y waited tt it lul memi . 1W? il6 Iast lwo year- the Worth Star nannla i : ' Store a sh m I proauction was t And as the anL""117- "one of the stores cut apwn on orders c. " "um now on. Your wi". be the North Star th Fs UtI6t ln KIam- In TtwL u. typel were received In the shipment, all with satin bindings . The Starlight 517.95 , . And the loveliest baby blanket you ever raw. In i,. , rj" "'"osaown, and nir i;d. ,make an extra-extra nice gift for a new baby. .washing instructions hTant.f l. "nh Star blanket, because they are guaranteed washable If laun rifrr.epfi?I0perIy ?cc?rdin8 to the shrunk" ' lney re pre- Ynnr Slnr. 1 , . .. ,oa crries lull npiL?lmaPy ,ther blankets, iiot j b b ol- "'ary s, Spr ng v3JearcKT.r SPU" nd Ofr , , , r,ari tsaac says the in0rh1ahaL.S .thc crcam 0f the crop States the United Your. SfA : x ' . Street. ' liL Mam The way you bake at home is different from commercial baking ... for home baking you home-type flour Home-type Kitchen Craft Flour gives finer results in all home baked foods Kitchen Craft it llght-bodl.d: It mixes smoothly and quickly with other home-type ingredi ents to give fine even texture in all your home baked food. KltchenCrams properly milled: Retains desirable moisture in your pastries, cakes and breads in spite of the drier heat of, home ovens. Kitchen Craft It rsendably uniform: Absorbs iSc same amount of water each time so you can follow your recipes to the letter, without change; Plnueiriiwl A Am nin a..... It. I I KTj) SERVE WITH r mustardWhi 1 iiAnrrnniMrii f i. . . . .. wJvftia)'- no need to ranvn mm mnn on your gOM home-boked brood and pailrlot. For Ihii health's sake Crown Flour Is nrfchod wW extra iMinoralt and Vitamini. yes W BAKED r fyr foods are umeR J -2f' AND M0RE TENDER . i' &'Jj N0W ''M um& J K,TCHEN CRAFT Jfey H0M6-TyPE FLOUR BIST CQODS wltk unDiieinicuf ClOWN "DltCMIN C4IIIN" ftOOl aOWH "MLCNOICI" FIOUI iNowDior mi.iuiNO nont AUOWHCAKIflOVI ciown rAinr itoui iWAMPAsrnovi i, CtOWH MNCAM ANO WUIU MOWN WWIA1 OHM A CMWN OUHAM llOVt CIOWN UACKie WHIAT novi CIOWN WHOll WHIAI ItMN I m rm met n cum CampbtH't Tomslo, III our blagut and stlltr. You should tail. It. mm 100 IOH-oi. Tin 3 lor Z3C 8tindby up Ih. tUvort and glv.i (ail. to m.ali and oth.r foodi 14-oi. glan Til llfl Pick 3 p, Bumbb Brand Fancy Albaear. Wo. XL ti- For all tough waihina pa obt It'i unb.alabla... Bar OC Llbby't 14-ot. tin Fels Naptha Deep Brown Beans 17c 42c ,14c Soup Catsup Mild Chccitl :j It Pit rnpuUr far rhitlf "ri"m Ana tnwi iku Per lb. M Loaf Chceie ll ri,,i,.,i, Brookfiald Chccit ll rt. Amrricn 2-lb. loof American Chctfil i Aitirrlrn lpp. a liH B-ox. oka Kroft Chocio Spread 7 I'lt.-Tlii Kr.fl larMIIT- Iwyt lh lamt tint 2-lb. loaf OME beautiful fur-trimmed ft 1 rnaf . V...uV" " IJnl81 at business0 of rjis isx on such coats Blnnn.' " "e What trnJ1 Priced ?c"notta78b,c rXoi $115.00 to $189 ,0 ARE 'axabie wiiA .? i.,"S.ttey 8re equipped tL mh. W-prlced furs. . matcrlals in the coats are Forstmann fabrics, all 100 ner cent virgin wool " And Pof conrse are beautiful. ' f The lovely furs are fox (red, blue, grey, white and silver . . . Dyed squirrel,' etc. . . ' Most of the coats have big flat tering collars, but some are tuxedo models, with fur rever and some have fur cuffs Moe's is at 812 Main SbVet. lour horruvsize i -recipes aren't the same as big-batch bakers use. Your ingredients are different, too. You use home-type shortening and baking , powder. For perfect results, now try a home type flour Kitchen Craft I Made es pecially for home baking, this top quality flour gives you cakes, pies and breads of mouth-melting delicacy and goodness. Adds important health val ues to your baked foods too because Kitchen Craft is enriched with B vita mins and iron, Get a sack of home-type Kitchen Craft Flour and try it in your favorite recipes. If it fails to please you in any way, return the unused portion to your grocer and get all your money back! . , 1 'XI Jacobs' Spaghetti Creole Dinner "Unbelievably good." Buy on. packag. at ragular prlc, get 2nd for lc. Regular Prlc. 2nd Package ., Total . . ..18c .. lc 20c Kritpy Soda Crackort Wllhllx Hlltd A topi .hh rhi, 2-lb. box ........31c Wotion Oil fur lilidt or r..hlnr Pint ... 27 Silvertip Brand Ratpbcrry Jelly 2-lb. glass 19c DoHbia cm am) for f f"M 3 lbs 6H Shredded Whoot ka , (t0(( pkg lie Tin Sunbrito Clconier 2 for i J Id. I. . " at SAFEWAY IAY AWAY A BOND TODAY 1 Pork Roast iu . Boil Beef " H Dl. .' ID. ZlC rK 3ieaK lb. 31c Sausage Purt f01k b 2? Ground Beef ? :IC Veal Chuck Steak : : b vZ JONES FRYERS wi'i it i AA ,D 30C Apples ..i ,. "fl" Wlnt., Banana. PahoLa. Athland Kr. B wt unges Ju,c, 8llt Potatoes t.rrr io ""ii! Cabbaae ,u,b-3?c Dry Onions I T' Ivory Soap 1 Vitr iva.hlnf nr btlfc Med. cake ... Ivory 11 In Soap . rlillJ"" Lge. cake, 3 Camay Toilet Son row h (.3 fori' for . Cake Box $3.98 $3.29 Oxvdol IV.ihri nlrl Pkg. ... qiiickir ', i I 1 Dui Wathjng Mikffl quirk1 Pkg. White Rot BlcoiJ 1 '""I 'Vloil.l.'l -''It fthr r 'I Vatic no it ' all v Mi Io s " ord.i Fn Sprlii, H-gol. J io Lb. n jji. tb. Bag "J