HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN P A St I niTDSPDKiUH PBBEISE rnNI'ST B. VACCARO Nt,W yi ' ,.,.,u WH iilcdKi'd T'i by hl" nii.'.lni! initio If i W 10 further flt:vtl- "VCry". Tru M "" 1 M..mnlni)l River H"f'ni I - I iissncliitlim. " ,iod timii V. ' ,.. tnr ti,e of the 'Ml-mnl Valley Chorliv '"'III "':'... reruns "P'e' ... it. ..t "il.U iiflmftiU. I"."11 .....nullim subside" 1 1, .postwar yours the ene 1 nlnnri wiilnrwiiy "will lc available I" formers, In ii m-nriilf-lN , rl themselves lo water jtarni . MI..I.. nn mi av C nnkl "fighting support" !,,?!"i,tt,i, flood ponlrn i.. ...j.i-1 (in Mwn must not new, - ; ivc In" J"" """ '""" whv ttoad to Merlin i, "rh Auoclated Press i w.im front: 302 ml I o.l Inn wet of Duren). -Russian front: 310 miles m WnrMiw), iItnllim front: SUO miles m near Bologna), ineral Production its Now Record ! WASHINGTON. Oct. 12 M'l iho'i mineral production set a w rrcoid of $.17.47.1,000 dur : 143, (he bureau of mines re- Siiert today. More tungsten nnd nntlmony ..... Irnm lihillrt lll.t Vllr tllllll m my other state nnd it rank ixcond In the output of zinc, id ind lend-copper ore. i jpiuslliorl Ads Bring Results x Makes 'Em Tick you drive a Ford or Ford k, you probably owe Bill n Biwkirk n vote of thanks. il'l riill'K "knnu, ,.,A Ichanlcal skill Hint's kept a Ford rmr-rntbio ffl. ftly and economlcnlly right URh this war period. has SneciallpH nn VnrrN the past 51 veam. Ho rrnllv ws what mnkes them tick, jk In 11)23, after the last war, Marled work for Elmer Bal- r as n mechanic, fay he Is the popular Sorvlco 5'r oi ono of the bus est fllirst Fnrrl ,li.1ni..UI.. !R in, . ..v.i, UIIIO 111 west. id owners mvn mnnnt, u., 'ng their earn nnri ln,rb. tn plser Motor Co. nt regulsr rvali for Ford Protective r'fe. Ask mil h,.'n .1....... yu a aqunro deal. Where G, I. Joes Will Soy Goodby to Army Life (1 ' rffo-- "MM v hiju ft. UnC Mvlm JiTj T- , ft Sn.llln, 4 lsJ rr, uonnworth j.fht,-. tuaj-i 0KlA rAK, y 1 w I , .Came AHoiitfjf J i --v. 1 1- 'A . (Ilu -0-.T, Cin Map obov shows loc,it,on of IS posts whero soldieis will bid farewell to O. 1. life. They have been deslgnsled as Army Personnel Conters by the War Department, looted to best handle population densities, each of theto centers will include: s Reception Center for processln newly inducted men; i Reception Station for receiving and reasslcnlng personnel returned from pveneas; t Separation Center, for discharging personnel from activo servlco. This concentration of activities will save ex penses oX transportation and overhead personnel, as well as speeding the flow of personnel lata throimh, and out of the Army. . Sprague River TS Robert Curnlnl writes to Mr. mid Mrs. M. Curnlnl that he Is now In France. PFC Howard Roff nd Pvt. Ar thur Rof f, sons of Mrs. Peurl Rug. ers, writes thiil they met encli other nnd enjoyed long visit, somewhere in the Pacific. PFC Hobby Cliuis, son of Mrs. Rosa Carnlni, is expected to move shortly. He has been sla tinned for some tlmo at Flora, Miss. Curl Schonrhln, who Is 111, was liiken to the Kliumith Agency the first of the week. Russoil Allphln, a prlvote In tho army, has been dlschiirged because of his age, nnd has re turned home. Mrs. Allphln and four sons have made their home In Sprngue River during All phln's slay In the army. Gloria Carnlni It In Portlnnd this week, vMtlng the mother and sister of Mrs. Rosa Carnlni. Dinnpr 0tiiK ! th rl.Ki.. BorouKh home Sunday wore two moiners, rioyri and Mnrle Bor oughs from Grants Pass, nnd two sisters, Mrs. Mnble McCul lum of Malln, and Mrs. Rltter nnd Mr. Rlitrr nnd dnughtor Jcnnno from Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. HoyJ William, son, former Sprngue River resi dents, now of Prlncvllle, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Dorothv Elano, born October 8. Mrs. Williamson Is sister of Mrs. Folk Haddock. Mr. nnd Mrs. l.eon llnlllng and children have hern here for sev ernl days, visiting nnd looking nfler their propertv here. They now reside in Seattle. Commission to Open Bids On Curb Here The state highway commis sion announced today that it would open bids In Portlnnd October 24 on flvo road Jobs, Including one Involving North Ninth street here. The Klamath road Job calls for tho Installation of 1050 foot of concrete curb on the North Ninth street section of The Dalles-California highway. If you are particular, buy your Insurance from Hans Nor. land. 11S North 7th. Phone 6060. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO FAIN NO HOSPITALISATION Ns I.Bif r Tim rrmntint aiulul DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlrtpreetlo PhriirUn m New lit Keqalr That. re Rll( Thane 10 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yoursell Save U Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anna Earley Proprietors Tlione 4307 STARTS SUNDAY ' O" gr - ' mm hi ltlAkH Pan-American Net Tourney In Semi -Finals MEXICO CITY, Oct. 12 f') Pancho Scgura of Ecuador meets Mexico's champion. Armando Vega, and William Talbert of Indlitnapolls plays Armando's brother, Rolando, in semi-finals of the third Pan-American ten nis tournament today. In mixed doubles semi-finals, Margaret Osborne of San Fran cisco and Talbert, U. S. cham pions, meet Louise Brough of Bcwrly Hills, Calif., and Ignaclo de la Borbolla Jr., son of for mer' Mexican Davis Cup player. In tho other bracket, Pauline Betz of Los Angeles and Segura play Mary Arnold of Los An geles nnd Armando Vega. Segura advanced yesterday by winning a straight-set but hard fought victory over Eduardo Bine, Peru's No. 2 man, 6-1, 7-3, 6-2. Armando Vega vanquished Joso Aguero, king of Cuban nct tcrs, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. Other winners yesterday in cluded: Women's singles, quarter-finals: Pauline Bctz over Peggy Welsh, Lima, Pa., 6-2, 8-2; Mary Ar nold over Gloria Thompson, St. Louis, 6-3, 6-1; Louise Brough over Teresa Mundct, Mexico, 6-0, V-Day Celebration Talk Roils 41st PORTLAND, Oct. 12 (p) The 41st division doesn't like nil this talk about celebrating V-Dny. MaJ. Charles R, Buxton, for mer Portland newspaperman, 6-0; Margaret Osborne over Gretl DuPont, formerly of Los An geles, 6-2. 6-3. "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" said his companions In the South west Pacific get "rolled and won der what the celebrations will be about. There won't be any down there." Destructive termites work so rapidly that foundations of even new buildings have to be re placed after two years. Skit PERMANENT WAVE Naturat-lookinnaul and wvti now your tamly. cool-ly. comCot tahly, at borne. I Jo it yourwIf.Thc emeslnc 59 fonLainevfrythingyourfrt, permanent wertj mlution, cufkr. ham poo nrl wave act, Eaay a putt ins your hair up in curkn. InaUe on th nutne Charm-Kurt" America' Isrgeet arll I home permanent wave kit. Get one toriav t Wagt'nnnr Dru and ill drug itoree, . Third-Grader Knows What She Wants PORTLAND, Oct. 1 2 fP) A third-grader, InM.ilIng on taking two copies of the same book from the Portland public library, ex plained that she needed them both. "You see," she told the librar ian, "I'm going to read the story twice;" Classified Ads Bring Result. ONION and POTATO BAGS NEW AND USED 50-lb. and 100-lb. Onion Bags Used Potato Bags Burlap and Cotton 100 Lb. Immediate Delivery Klamath Falls LOW PRICES Call I. Winkelman WINEMA HOTEL Or Come To 2401 South Sixth WHAT is THOMAS NATURAL SHORT HAND? It is the SMOOTH-WRITING, EASY-TO-LEARN, SPEEDY Shorthand. For further information coniulr the Klamath Business College 733 Pine Street, corner of 8th I :T3 I B:lf. . ' V. III ( TTTVs. Tmm ' coat & d L $79.50 H "Vi w f All jf -n " S i mi li ii ' " -- -"' jgfr ' . ' 133 South 8th St Dramatic New Coats Rich with Lovely Fur 45J The new look of elegance In winter eecrh of outotemtL ing beouty, quality ond smartness laden with fur in gleaming fuxedos, great fluffy shawl collars, deep cuffs, new jabot effects. Beautifully detailed fine all wools in black or colors. All sizes. 3 WAYS TO 181 Easy PerrT" WiHCafl 'Cuh Fur coat fainion of the yeor-the graceful deep-cuffed tuxedo-front classic -in silky tripe -dyed coney. Every Roseeraft fur xoat Is bonded for style, quality, ond value-ond there's one for every budget. Bright Young Styles! GIRL'S COATS School girls like smart coats, tool And Sears have them in wonderful variety sturdy and snug. Trim classics styled Just like big sister's; reversible woolen tweeds and fleeces gay young coats that will wear and wear. 7 to 14. 'y J is, ..lis J. ' 133 South 8th St.' . " . I , . i 4-.