Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 12, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    October 12
Mrs. H. L. Wimer of Fort
Klamath narrowly cscapca nram
when lire destroyed her home
f Bftnrnnrtll. Mrs. WimCr.
H,h hari heen ill. Was aSttCP at
the time and neighbors were
forced to break a window and
carry her from the flaming
structure. She suffered minor
burns about the face.
m. r.oli r!i iTCtnnram. not
j lie -nitvu wuv - - . --
in operation at the time, was also
destroyed, us wkik v-iw..u. (..
on both properties. Cause of the
I:-- ....... l Hntnrmineri WiniCf
is operator of the Shell station in
Tort Klamath and was haulms
wood at the time. The Wimer s
hunting nnn
Don, Aunam, . r , ,.
neighbors gathered to assist the
lamiiy. All peiimsinsa cic iv.
The Klamath Agency fire truck
arrived and saved the Riessen
rooming house.
CIO Nominates Two
Klamath Men For
State Positions
Two Klamath men were nom
inated for CIO state offices
Wednesday at the state conven
tion of the Oregon Industrial
Council now being held in
Nominated for state secretary-treasurer
was Richard Scott
of Klamath Falls. Robert El
brum, Klamath Falls, district
2, was nominated for the execu
tive board. ' ,
Elections will be held by
state-wide referendum.
In other business of the day
Wednesday the Oregon CIO dis
approved the "Little Townsend
pension amendment, which car
ries a gross income tax, and
the proposed 3 per cent state
sales tax.
Long-Bell Official
Falls Six Stories
Raymond T. Demsey, 64, vice
president of the Lon-Bell Lum
ber company, was injured today
in a fall from the board of di
rectors' room of a downtown of
fice building, Fred O. Wilson, po
lice detective, said.
Wilson said Miss Maude Tay
lor, a file clerk for the lumber
company, told him she attempt
ed to prevent Derasey's fall by
holding onto his coat.
The lumber company execu
tive fell six floors and crashed
onto a wire mesh over the sky
light of the Columbia National
bank, Wilson said. The bank is
the ground floor tenant of the
At St. Luke's hosoital. where
Demsey was taken, it was said
his condition was probably se
rious. The extent of his injuries,
attendants said, could not be de
termined until after x-ray exam
inations. Eugene Club Plans
To Start 'Em Young .
EUGENE, Oct. 12 OF) A
plan to develop gridiron talent
practically from babyhood up
was worked out by a Eugene
businessmen's club today.
The initial venture will be
a round-robin football schedule
for four Eugene and Springfield
junior high schools, under tute
lage of University of Oregon
Mentor' John A. Warren;
Next season the program if
successful this year will be in
augurated in the area's grade
I -
SALEM, Oct. 12 mVernon
Reed, 38, Valsetr logger, died in
a hospital last night from injur
ies received yesterday afternoon
when he was struck in the head
by a cable on the Cobbs Mitchell
Logging company operation at
If it's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
in the classified.
New Arrival Fine Quality
Boys' Suits
H'l Iff JUvW,.?
1 JKiteslf
tSaaai.l.tf'': . , , . L , !,, , iL'iHl
Fooioall season is on, so Kaiy Turner signals for fair catch on
rapidly-moving surfboard at Cypress Gardens, Fla. It's quite a trick
to ride jitterboard, which is swing version, while holding on with
both hands.
Major Zed Barnes
Arrives In States
Major Zed Barnes, son of W.
B. Barnes of S. 5th, Klamath
pioneer, has returned to the
United States and will be home
within a short time, his family
has been advised. Major Barnes
will be in San Jose, Calif., to
night, Thursday, as guest of his
sister. Mrs. Webb Kennett, for
merly of this city.
Major Barnes left the United
States for overseas service two
years ago last May and has been
with the u. b. army air corps.
bombing squadron, in India and
Thrill of Career
For "Slats" Marion
ATLANTA. Oct. 12 (IP) The
"biggest thrill" of his baseball
career for Martin (Slats) Marion
came when the Snorting News
named him the National league's
most valuable player in 1944,
the St. Louis Cardinals short
stop told a sports writer for the
Atlanta Constitution. He learned
of the honor yesterday morning
while reading the Constitution.
A native of Atlanta. Marion
came here with his family for a
visit. He left yesterday for his
farm at Antrevulc, S. C.
Child's Colds
Relieve Misery
istri V VapoRub
B9B i
: AS
J, Whita Crops Bleui
i with Tucked Front a
" and Jewelry Neelline.
Othen with Shirrlnji
or Ruffle i . . ,
; Smart Tailored Shirts. '
Short or Long Sleavsi.
Pint, Blue, Main, Lime
and Fuchsia . . . , .
New Red Cross Work
Room Plan Slated
Red Cross surgical dressings
workers are advised of a new
mam workroom hour schelule.
The room will be open until fur
ther notice during the following
Monday 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Monday evening 7 to 10 p. m.
Wednesday 12 noon to 4 p. m.
Thursday evening 7 to 10
p. m.
Friday 12 noon to 4 p. m.
The main workroom at 418
Main is closed every Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon.
The schedule of all other units
will remain the same for the pre
sent. VJTHEtV you need quick relief from
pain, do you hesitate to tike aspirin
because it leaves you with an upset
stomach ? If so, this new medical dis
covery, SUPERIN, is "just what the
doctor ordered" for you.
Suptrln U eiplrln plus contains the
same pure, safe aspirin you have lone;
known but developed by doctors in a
special way for those upset by aspirin
in its ordinary form.
This naw kind of aspirin tablet dissolve
more quickly, lets the aspirin set rifht
at the job of relieving pain, reduces ih
acidity of ordinary aspirin and doea
The Store With The Glass Door
1 f lTT
5 'h.i Ji'
V 'WWSaitji '' ' Jr (
Gl Food Gripes Send
News Hound to Chow
Line At Barracks
(Continued from Page One)
and butter, ice cream and cake,
and plenty of hot coffee.
Night's Mtnu
A visit to the galley gave us a
whiff of what would be on trays
that night. Meal balls and spag
hetti in a darn good amice, wore
being whipped up by the kitchen
crew. .
Feeding such a crew of men,
operation of a kitchen which puts
the stuff out for distribution
three times a day. is no house
wife's dream. Capt. Lewis took
us through and this is what we
S"a' gleaming galley, stainless
steel, chrome and aluminum In
shipshape, steam kettles big
enoueh to bathe the Quints in.
and locker and cold storage
rooms crammed with the mak'
ings of good food.
The mess hall is 410 feet long
and 110 feet wide. It will scat
2000 men at one time, served
cafeteria style. There is a de
parture from the old stylo bench
and long table idea, and the
four-man-tablc is an innovation
which makes for good convcrsa
tional eating. From the time a
man gets his food on his tray
sits down and eats, he has con
sumcd some 22 minutes and a lot
of chow.
Travs. catlns utensils, cups,
soud bowls, all are made of
stainless steel. Thirty-five men
8re involved in the preparation
of the food and early chow is at
11:30 a. m and serving contin
ues until 12:30 p. m. This is the
dinner hour, or main meal.
Back of the mess hall dining
room, the work of getting the
chow ready goes on hour after
hour. Eight 80-gallon, and eight
60-gallon steam kettles cook most
of the food. There are 16 big
meat ovens and a bank of 22
electric ranges. It must be quite
a signt on naniacK morning to
see those plates covered with
sizzling batter.
Various cold rooms keen food
stocks at the proper temperature.
The thermometer registers 35 to
45 degrees in the room where
yeast, eggs, butter, cake .mix
"Irish Eyes
Are Smiling"
NEW kind of
ASPIRIN tablet
doesn't upset stomach
not irritate or upset stomach area
after repeated dose.
Taar this awt to remind yog to get
Superin today, so you can have it on
band when headaches, colds, etc., strike.
See how quickly it
relieves pain bow
fine you feel after tak
injt. Atyourdrufcist'lt
lit and 39'
4r i-iuffc
n "X
and that stuff Is kept. The veg
etable room Is kept at 40 to 45
degrees and the meat storage
room Is around 15. Hero hung
a week's supply of beef, prime
stuff, and for a lady struggling
along with a niggardly 10 points
for the rest of the week, It was
heart breaking.
Good Coffee
Coffee at the Murine Bar
racks, whether they think so or
not, was good. Three cups, good
and black, and it still lusted
good, Capt. Lewis said that he
buys Brazilian coffee, grinds It
fresh for every meal, and brows
it up In 480-gallon batches. The
tantalizing odor of freshly-
f round coffee greeted us In one
arge room where a big grinder
was going to work for the night
We even toured the garbage
room. Here the refuse is sep
arated, wet and dry, sold to a
Klamath Falls' outfit for hog
food. By the time this transac
tion Is over, the quartermaster's
office figures a loss of less than
eight ounces of food per man per
day. That's better than most
people do at home.
This story could go on forever.
The marvel of the toasting mach
ine that seems to be the answer
to a prayer. Eight of these toast
ers operate on one of those never
ending chain deals. The section
where the start non-commis'
Chesterfield . . Reefer
Wrm and Flattarlng
All-Woel Suadei - FlMeat
Hack . . Brown .. Green
Ruit . . Fuehiia . . Gray
llu, Gld, Melon, N4turt
Gabardines and Twills
Chtek, Plaid, Selid Wool ktnrures
Crapas with Glitttr Sequini
sinned officers eat at tho west
end of tho mess nan. rno uui
food conveyor which they ship
over to sick buy for those on reg
ular diet. The scullery where
they wash tho utensils t 120 tu
140 degrees and Huso them nl
180 to 200 degrees. You'll have
to carry on from hero yourself.
t here s a paper snoruigc on.
Some folks will sny wo hit two j
diivs when tho food wns good.
The fellows that still gripe will
read this and suy it sounds like j
n screwball diime Hint thinks
everything Is "Just ducky." It
stands to reason you cim't pre
pare food for 8110 men with the
dash of a salad for two. I
We Just took two days out of j
two weeks and here It Is!
Equipment Co.
Karl Urquhart
611 Klamath Phon 6455
...The Store With The Glass Doe
-i II ( v h
I u ? 1 ' ! y
I 1 ' ' 'il f I " ,
I ' if "
Phono 4307
(Iff i I
Mi , mjmy
l 1 '
Softly Tailored
T Match orConlratlYourW
AII-Wool Venetian Covtfti jf
Durable Mannish Worttidi
Cardigans and Classics
1 Boys Department
Opn 'Til S Saturday 417 Min
Open 'Til 8 SoturJoyt617 Main St.
Corr Sih and Main