PACE FIVE Roames Club Women Slate Golf Tourney Womi'ii of Hie II fiiiiti-M Ciulf and Country club will meet Fri day for rluiniploiiKlilp mulches which will ha played In lliu innriilng. Out fur thu cliumplon ship en i uro Mm, J. J. Kleiner whu piny Mr. Wlllium (Jrovc (if Merrill; Mm. A. 13. Glnocdilo who will ho U'liinud against Mm. I'uul W. Sharp. In the first flight, Mm. Ted Mc-dford will pluy Mrir. W. O. Smith; Mm. Hancock him a bye, und Mm. Oorxc II. Mcrrymun will meet Mm. Murtln SwaiiHou. In the fl hole tuurnnment, flrnt flight, Mm. E. M. Raymond plays Mm. Mutt Flnnlgun, uud in the second flight, Mm. Puul Parrens incc-tu Shuiinoii. Mrs. Wilbur Toastmasters Hold Meeting Here Toastmasters, members of Toaslma.sters International, met Wednesday at 6:15 p. m. at the Willard at a session planned by the newly elected officers. The 1944-45 officers, installed by Past President Boguc Dale at the October 4 meeting, arc, Joe Hicks, president; Sanford Sclby, vice president; George Kunzman, secretary-treasurer; Frank Smith, deputy governor. and Edward Hickman, sergeant at-arms. Retiring officers are, Prcsldonl Leo N. Huls, Vieo President Joe Hicks, and Secretary-Treasurer Ben Trippett. Guests of Wednes- day were S. G. Bullougll and R. C. Grocsbeck. 4 - The money iipent for each hour of niizl oecupiition in France would support SOU French fam ilies of three people for an en tire year. I'lin Ulixill' i.trict , "KoiTlun r f, '!' fur a tllnlrlft iiieef- , M cl(rd and liianis HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Giiilliliia I IIIIIV MllllllUIIIIMl " . ' '' ..f.oiii i'nilhind wll fl"-'"1 ,i All nfflwra niicl TTZ w"r uniforms ' "'d , iiicinhcis ihm licked l " II ' I " kle l-r H; J?"" J' . ulven fur the post ' ,' , K il J IOOK lu.ll lit I v. Knr Infornm- !' "N.'ii,. c'W, Henry, phone I. .... ! n.,h Thrm will bo f" ,Zi, the Hitllroncl .. iii ii roil r.ui- l$M. nV.I final I'ciisIoii liMoehi f M.m lV.y " ' I'.lii-r 1. In the Ml1 , i .. Cilir.lcn. At cro will bo 11; 21 E.mmt ."'"! Hir lamilli'" lh l')iirinily. rhnrlr-r inember rnl ! ! " ' , . ' i mm i "ii,w,r' ,dl.i' Ald-Tho Ladle' Aid i. Kirsl Covenant eluii i h illl hud lt "sum i.i.mi.i . ,,,, blll,lu. 1 ..Unwed bv u rtou win KSS nifl'tlllK. "' tllly wciruuic. ,, ArllcU TV 'r" embers and An article ..... i,. C Hir es II. auirn. rotary '" Khinuith Fulls tr 01 coiiiii"-!"! -ri- IJ.ii. Ii ontltlcil i-eiiciiim m Kfc und tnko iunihlnt Clrcl. - The Sun lie circle of the Kirs Cove- church win nicci '" !:; ,0....,".. , : ,(, All ll'lliui-in .......... uriji'll I" 'lime I 111 HI" uir.. i i u.r.Mr. and Mrs. II. U 4l (l .mull n. '.'"'.'"''kYu,?,' uiinrrl have moved to KlUlll- Wnll was recently dls- fire'-tt frnm h l,rmy . corl"- was siiui"""' ........ Id. 111., ns an Instructor In csptology. math Kulls.' iom Yrska Mr. and Mrs. nk Mrek of Yreku were vlsl , on Monday at the home of mid Mrs. II. C. Brown, and i it tho homes of Ernest and mid Drown on Sluistu wny. Irk s an old friend of the tun family. n Ly William H. Mel- , signnlmnn .ic, is nomo on I dny Iravc and Is visiting his rnts, Mr. and Mrs. William hase, 1510 Cniiby. He Just turned from 12 months' sen ly in the Atlantic. BSNA to Msot Members of Orrson State Nurses ussoclii . district No. fl, will hold a ilar meeting Thursday at 8 in. at the home of Mrs. Lottio can, 240 Hillside. Mtr Hy. Visitors Mm. P. L. jipich, who has been seriously at the Hillside hospital for past two weeks, Is now re erinu and may receive visi tors From Bsnd Mrs. Ruth oldsonimd Pvt. Milton John- of tho u. S. army air corns visiting hero from Bend nl homo of Mr. and Mrs. K. F. iwon of Cook street. rd Party Tho Women of moose will sponsor a cord )'. Pririav. Oelnlier la li Ihn c hall at 2 p. m. This will ' . nirn oi tne scries and the lie is Invited. loytl Ntlghbors The Royal inuors oi nmerica will Hold ir next regular meeting Frl . October 13, at B p. m. in nan, ion Main. 8lM AuxiliaryThe Eagles 'tuny will niPl.l Kr r nu fl,-. rr 1.1. lUn I., .i.-'il. . Ililll, J .?nr!Yr-Th0 Midland fdJ'JI i1"?1'1 " cnrtl p"r,y. uuiiiuit in, ai a p, m grange hall. The public "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" IN-WORMS At Last il' Treatment! :"" Hi" trrmi,nll,i. i ijvMfiuu. . lh.1 wlthlhl, '"-"1 "ivaicai DIieawAFw I nu.n , 0i;L"Thu'X I iS. .r".'t In P-W. th. pi. "liwn1; p!w"l1n.v.':,,l",l'u 'n Itchlnii mown tit ooay. iptciku. Here's a word for thrifty shoppers and for recent G. I. Joes, It's a word of eight short letters that means super-duper clothcy. Known and worn with satisfaction over all this favored land, Right you are, the word is TOWNCLAD - give these suits a great big hand!; J (jwjA for STYLE'R,GHT MEN ' t " ' lljil 1C11K miiflViiMff! ' Woven 'stripes . smart co,ors -' ;, MenV MarathOII HfltS 1 1' (lillnflr.' tey tl f3 ll- ''Mil Wl'm oncolored backgrounds. Roomy , Ill 111 II $ Wl . i! i ' t rAt proportionate fit! Sanforizcd.t i!98 !' wmmf r r''' ( fw ' ' l'l Pil 8hrinkage docs not exceed 1- ; fco ; tuJ;iPlffl h ' IffwMl HiWllOT Lined Rayon Ties 98c ."' . 100 fur fen hats, shaped to m your 'llv I ? ll rr.'i Viv'XHSil 11' ;f !' 'wnVll Satin finish rayon In neat all- ' head. Grey, blue, tan, brown and y VV2l i! I '' '' lWmUSm iifi over patterns a n d feathery ' black. ' . ii Miig' t A fk Long-Wearingl Colorful! ' y'll fir . V v Yr IMMir : boys' SUCKS 'cU' - aasV" IJr 'ls'viry'd lr Long sleeves, for dress or sport J. X S'A'" V vtfMMrQr f wear. Collar can be converted. 98 y r J 0'?J('' f j ' wf Blue, rust and tan. Sizes 8 to 16. ' . " sfsiSrf jryr&'y I , V''''; V.' For 4-to-8-Yar-01d Men . ' : I V V Pll I JUNIOR BOYS' HATS weaves in rugged wool-cotton f&Cf' 1 -'ff-C liKX Qfl -and rayon mixtures. 6 to 16. BUILT FOR MANY-SEASON DUTY ' IWmi ' ' :'Vjk"V- I 5? xJIvRVM These- will please you, be- :, : . V, ALL WOOL WORSTEDS 7r 1 ' - . 1 'T I 8i'vwf lVCsl There's a manly shape la Ci' SmS Ii I iVW virWl these Juvenile Hats a shape jfk A ifi-i! icM V na say there, because . eam'm,) SSAW TtvB lhese hats are made that fc? li,.,, nil , TOWN-CLAD In clean-cut buslncs.i-llke stripes, plaids, gabardines. All over smooth tailoring, soft rolling lapels. Medium drape and straight lines. Single, and double breasted. ALL WOOL FLEECE TOPCOATS In a comfortable fly front model. Broad shoulders, set-in sleeves, deep, comfortable armholes, action-free! Hero's warmth without bulkl Blues, Drowns, Gray. All Wool Covert Cloth ; 22.50 MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Men's all wool, firm wenvo slacks. Hard twist yarns that hold a crease. Blue and brown. Sizes 30 to 42. main ri.oon MISSES' HATS and BEANIES 7 1 49 2 Boys' Fingertip COATS 1090 A doubly warm coat fleecy fabric. Rayon lining Buttons clear to the chin, Dark blue, brown and camel. Sizes 10 to 18. 98 DOWNSTAIRS M'J IK That easy to wear bcanin that Is always right for sport or street. All tho now fall shades In off-the-faco and forward styles. main ri.oon New Buttersoft felt hats, softly side draped or brow revealing off-faco designs, diminutive pomps and ca lols brightly feathered and veiled. Bright and dark shades. skcond floor 100 Wool Knir Fascinators 100 wool zephyr scarf, knit. Assorted colors. Sizes 16x54. Ladies' Fleeced Knit Sleepers ! Warmly fleeced knit sleepers with knit cuff, and ankle. Sizes "l medium, and large. , Mmi Hand - Stitched Gloves An important accessory for your suits suedc-soft cotton OQ gloves. TOC Smart' Leather Handbags Spacious carry-alls . in dressy or casual models. Black, J AQ colors. Full-Fashioned Hosiery Sheer log flattery in smooth-rayon Soft fluffy 1. IK i sm . n't m mi IP Boys' Rugby Matching Suits 12" Rpugh weaves, herringbone, tweeds, hard fin ishes and plaids. Blues, heather and brown. Sizes 8 to 18. , .. . BRUSHED Rayon Jackets Ladies' warm, snug jackets. Just right for cool mornings. ' 0 ftrt Sizes 12 to 20. 7 O SECOND FLOOR Vanity Sets Beautiful white lace 3-piece van ity sets, to be used on . QQ WW .... 1.19 end tables. Dreistr scarf to match -. MAIN FLOOE Coat and Hat Brushes 19c Fibre bristles wire woven into wood handles. MAIN FLOOR PILLOW CASE Shoulder Pads Remove pad for cleaning, leaving shoulder pad in perfect np shape. All colors. . 39C MAIN FLOOR BOYS' Waist Overalls Eight ounce denim, double stitched.-. Made for hard QO wearl ., . ' , 0C . DOnNSfAIRS Girls' Blouses Cotton slub broadcloth, white and colors. Sizes Aft 3 to 14. 70C SECOND FLOOR LADIES' Denim Slacks Sanforized cotton denim to wear for harvest. Sizes - 12 to 22, , . SECOND FLOOR 1.98 Girls' Dresses Cotton and rayon materials. A big assortment to choose 1 0 Aft . from. Sizes 3 to 14. TO SECOND FLOOR Corduroy . Smartalls For little boys or ' girls! Bright shades. Sizes , t AQ 1 to 6. : I.HY SECOND FLOOB knit run-proof 1 I II 45 gauge. I I U TT