PACE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cikier STATES PLANS IF RE-ELECTED John Reber, Klamath county tommissioner for the term end ing this year, said today m a re election campaign statement that u re-eiccien nu wm , tame courteous consideration of til matters coming before the county court," and that he is es pecially imercsien m wmiiimi a constructive county road pro gram. The statement: "Four years ago, the people of this county were kind enough to tttnnihni-tchin nn the county court. I have tried at all times to live up to their expecta tions of me. The people of the i.nn( mv rprnrn. and they know the kind of commis sioner 1 Will DC 11 in:. me. I will give the same cour teous consideration of all matters coming before the court. . 'Countv roads have received my earnest attention, and I will nffni-t In the devel opment of a constructive road program in me iuiuic in;s especially to extension of an ou- Reber, a resident of Malta, has lived in juamain coumy years. 23 Service Men and Women Home on Leave PFC Glenn G. Kennedy from A. S. F. Regional hospital, Pasa dena, Calif. Here until October 16. F 2c Norman L. Rose from Farragut, Idaho. Here until October 18. Pvi. Ernest William Jolly from McCaw General hospital. Walla Walla, Wash. Here until October 16. Slc Kenneth Long from Treasure Island, Calif. Here until October 12. SC 1c Harold E. Fredrickton from South Pacific. Here until October 22. Sat. Olin A. Rover from Santa Monica, Calif. Here until Octo ber 17. The above service people are entitled to free passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R. C. Woodruff of the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets Power Companies Comply With Rules On Expenditures WASHINGTON. Oct. 12 P) Five electric utility companies in Oregon and Washington have "substantially complied" with the federal power commission's regulations in accounting for political expenditures during a period reviewed, the . Fee an nounced yesterday. The companies were the jvonnwestern JMectnc company, Pacific Power and Light corn- pany, Portland General Electric company, all of Portland, Ore. Puget Sound Power and Light company, beattle, and Washing Ion Water Power company, Spo kane. Examination by the FPC was asked by the Washington state grange and the Washineton Public Utility Commissioners association in connection with Washington's referendum 25 which would permit public utility districts to join together to acquire private utility prop- uiiy, rru saia. Candidates Oppose Isolationism PORTLAND, Oct. 12 (P) Three Oregon senatorial candi dates ininpri tnHnv In iirainn on international organization to pre serve peace in me postwar world. Wayne L. Morse, republican, and Krirrar W Smilt. an1 Willi.. . Mahoney, democrats, all de- nuuiiL-uu isolationism in an ap pearance before the Portland League of Women Voters. Sen. Guy Cordon, fourth senatorial candidate, was unable to attend the mooting. mus'tc Vq mm Seeks Reelection ; sx x. 4 J Willi liBUBl l awvw - " J MalaMinn MS. POlintV COItllXllS lioner on the fall ballot. li.i,.!.l(tt.Pl.ltl(ltl:tliH'l!iniiti1!-'IHll't!l'Hi ''-imlitlHj HIGH SCHOOL 1 ews Notes and Comment '.'!iiiii!i!i!!!ill:ll:!ilt'l! DISTRICTS OF VFW SLATE MEET HERE A number of VFW department service officers as well as dele gations from Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass are expected to be in Klamath Falls Sunday, Oc tober 15, when members of Dis tricts 11 and 13, Veterans of For eign Wars will meet. Expected here are Department Commander Pete Fredrickson, Department Service Officer G. O. Pyke, Department Adj. Quar termaster , Fred B, Corn, and Past Department Commander Ira D. Canficlcl. . . Sunday's meeting will be pre sided over by V. J. Moran and J. N. Brocktrup, commanders of Districts 11 and 13 respectively. Service officers school will be held in the KC dining hall from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. Quartermas ters school will be from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. at Danceland building, and in charge of a department quartermaster. Prospective service officers and quartermasters are request ed to attend the schools. The district meeting will be called to order promptly at Danceland at 2:30 p. m. All VFW members are urged to attend. At 5 p. m. a banquet will be held Coach Marble Cook spoke to a Bovs Alliance meeting un October 12 to explain and de cribe football plays to them. The girls remained in their home room period during the assembly. Paul Dellar. former assistant Wildcat coach, has been chosen to replace Joe Peak, Pelican assistant coach, who had to give up his position because of his many other duties around the school, i Wednesday noon the Klamath Knights held a luncheon in the home economics room. This prac tice will be carried out every other week, according to Ted ' Reeves, president. i Felicana, high school radio ! English department held a cust ard puff sale in the main hall during the noon . hour today. Tomorrow the retail selling class will handle a donut sale. HEAR Governor John W. Bricker Republican vice-presidential candidate STATEWIDE ALL-OREGON BROADCAST From Eugene 8:30 P.M. Thurs., Oct. 12 OVER STATION KFJI Fftld advertisement Republican State Central Committee Carl Moicr, Exct. Sect. In tho lOOF dining hall. Be cause of Insufficient seating ca pacity, only VFW and auxiliary members will be served. Classified Arts Bring Results Marines Schedule Dance Tonight This week's murine enlisted men's dance will be held at the post gymnasium tonight, Instead of Friday nlgl.t. .o ..not. to I with . prUc lor- lb. ; conflict with tho high ncnooi coupio win - football game. ' l-i.,,,..l,r mill utiirl at 8 U. 111. with muiilc by, the -marine or with mimic uy ine-mamm - to attend, huh chostra, mid a' (ox-trot contort ,,,, ilt Hiriingcd, Uiioii will -a infix, m-min ii f ulrlK from Klamath Full luivo been Invited to attend, nml Irumportiitioii ioi Octobef ( run to tho buKu reui,U.L tho dun. ""M Kullstcit muiln,.. 1' f;..m lt Hgt. M. g S of I) compuny, ,IUK., clinirniiin. O Kl&f FNtam aradkato. All Bliato liwil DO WHAT QUINTUPLETS ALWAYS it CHEST COLDS To Promptly Refiefe Coaghmg T Make Breathing Easier Break Up Congestion In Upper . Bronchial Tract, Nose. Throat Ever since they were tiny tots when ever the Quintuplets catch cold good old reliable Musterole is immediately rubbed on their chests, throats and backs. Musterole gives such wonderful prompt relief because it's more than just an ordinary "salve". It's what so many Doctore and NuricaU a inoZcrn counter FUR. OH i YOUR COAT? Theseaion'sollogogovef' furl And even If your coat iin't furred, you will stilt wont one of these captivating hats I Luxurious Coney, Silver ' Fox and other furs on softest , felt. You must see them I I 1 M0NT00MMY WARD MONTOOMIRY. WARD iw. . TO PROTECT YOU Y , , AT WORK OR PLAY! 1 FOR W4BMTH' 1 ' 498 to1095 (ih Ifll . mmm " : r il v "CI? lI 1 iSi . Zero wathr ohtadl What you'll need ii a mighty t- " ' n WARM iock,,-a hvsftylonB-wbaring iaeka'v for work "sWl ' ii P.i&p . er active sportsl Choose from Wards grand pssorl- V J f ' '' VjSy'iyX - ment of burly shp'lined coatswarmly lined Mttfons, J, jf 1" vii' V ' MST - '' .: htyMackinaws, warm plaid,, Hqadt.lsl f , . i V I -- iW If!! r.Ai! 4 . &mk 's . MEN'S WARM! Practical Cossack type M aa I 1. T?lTr A A ?V Ji,' Button front 4.7 O "VjKJ (jJi'Sm '! A .lym Warm & serviceable ,HTf 1 1 1 iTV V-47 1 I '. ra,n,on aeere" mor8 feminina clothes tor ni lX MACKINAWS Mmf fI If JUJfA Ideal, for work,, sports 10.95 7 M3 U UU ' ri ' f m ALL WOOL PLAID STAG COAT I L 75? a3 Double cape & shoulder II g U 7 "s:rjL. ..J) I : . UcL lined game pocket ...... I I. i jCS sheep-lined moleskin coats i M Warm, lambskin collar 16.45 ! ' ' irritant. Musterole not only relieves coughing, sore throat, tight aching chest muscles due to cold but also breaks up congestion in upper bronchial tract, nose and throat So much easier to apply than a mustard plaster. Just rub it on. 'No fust. No muss with MtuUrolt" TS 3 STRENGTHS Children's Mild Musterole, Regular ana Extra Strong, less of that "tailored to a T" lookl Here If fully fulfilled In wool-and-rayon with aW luckings or shirrings on the bodice . : : wiA W oecentt of contrast fabric. Colors as bright fool Sixes 9 to 15, 12 to 20. . At aseiH wer! Time Paymtnt PMnJ M ontgomeryWard lyiontgomery f ...... ,