PAGE THIRTEEN 2, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BerrlcM frigeration Service LVINATOR Xulliw'f d Service ,Vlous.hold and Conimorclol phone (1017 j EQUIPMENT CO. ,7 60. U.h St jo l2m .frigeration jng Machines -trie Ranges gum Cleaner Repair )MPT SERVICE Refrigeration Service 432 Comm. Education!! ,.-,--- HlWnUa. Mtl 1 Help Wanted. Male If you wont to work In o logging camp, lowmill or lumber yard where conditions ore good, go see Johnny Tipton ot the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. t We need men In all these departments of our operation which Is an essential Industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. rr 14 Help Wanted Female HEM WANTKD Kprlnl fminUIn woman. mlridlagej prrrrd, No Bun amy or vtnlng work. Loit ntvar D.lry. 1011 WANTrO-Woman Jnllor Itontai Dtiitiiinf. Apply at JJarnhU! J' It Help Wanted. Male ' idow Display International spondence Schools ; At Landry Co 1)9 Main St. jward D. Lyman Ipcn Evenings 1014 Hotel Willard m For Business AND GIFT SHOP otos, Stamp or Locket ' Sno Up Ml Mun St. Health RK VIEW JVALESCENT " ;H0ME 53 Grinlte St ililand, Oregon Phone 7001 ita Nurie In China )lm p Warned Female OMEN ANTED- .. , FOR k Factory manenr Jobs irlenced Workers ' Preferred ican Box Corp. iprajue River Phone 11T4 10-12 Wanted orsetierre :cd preferred, but will I training to the right ho feels that she can this department and real job tor herself, nursing experience fs, Roebuck J Company nth Falls, Oregon 10-12 PPLIANCE REPAIRS and service nil vacuum cleaners and her clpctrlcnl appll- may have the typo "be you need. Reason Phono 5188. ROEBUCK" T'los.-Tluirs.-Sat.-tf . WANTED-Walireen'a. . ' ' ' 1333tf "V n"l'haahar. Wo '"4 Appl, a,,,,,,.., MWtt -S wanted Hu l Co am if. s!l r"n" l"1 wanta "nop. . . vast! rrics wonK , Standard matt n hopprrs , work ,h f'ehl" '.'""l Yl B T IV! In J." """ "h' Appl ir!,,c'"'n ""'e. "oerd and n prelerred. Call BOM 103711 ma. id. " a weak. 2-Apt. 8. . , ,,, l grocery tltrk. 34 Main. lu-ia djU i.,r c:ns. cr"r.-' Mai S." .!"" ,0 "r1" Refar.nL m" '"innahla S required. Phln, J O- m- in.i "B""la Wav. ll-Om Wanted -- Plumbing Department Manager Get ict now, In a business that experts claim will be tra mcndoui In tho near future. This ti a real opportunity for man who Iiri knowledge of plumbing and heating merchan dise. Managerial experience Is not absolutely necessary. We will pay good starting salary to the right man, plus liberal com mluloni on total department ales. Wo offer a permanent cireer, with added opportunities for progresi In our post-wir ex pansion program. Why not come In or write us? Tell us about yourself. You may be the very man we need. Ask for Mr. Fisher.' Sears, Roebuck and Co. Klimilh Falls, Oregon 10-12 Steady Winter Work , TWO MEN For Work Inside of Creamery Klamath Falls Creamery 20tf JANITOR WANTED Apply Esquire Theatre Office 230tf WANTED Man to drive pickup and . help in Parts Dept. Good Pay Steady Work Ashley Chevrolet Co. ilO So. 8th Ph. 4113 109 Wanted Men's Department Manager This is a real job for man who has some knowledge of men's weir and accessories. Managerial experience not abso- lutely necessary. Fine starling salary, with liberal commissions on department sales. Get started now with a large company. Per. manent career, besides offering fine chance for advancement in post-war expansion plans. Who knows this miy be the big "breik" you've been looking for. Why not come In or write ui? Tell us ibout yourself, Ask for Mr. Fisher. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Klamath Falls, Oregon 10-12 IS Help Wanted. Male Would You Like To Earn Money after School? . There are two Herald and News Routes Open SEE CIRCULATION MGR. 20 Room and Board PERMANENT POSITION For 2 Automobile Mechanics Steam Heated Garage Baal Farina Position In Klamath fain DICK B. MILLER Cor, 1th and Klamath WANTED - Roy to ahlna shoes altar erhnol and Raturdaya. Madleal-Dantal Bldf, Barbar Shop. 3S8U WOOD TRUCK DRIVER! WANTED -Peyton Co. 34otf WANTED Man and wife for ohnro lob mint b experienced wllh milking ma chine. Modern houae. wood. Illhta and water furnllhed. rermananl ioh, aood waaea. Call 7SI4. 3Xa WANTED Men and hoja to aet lna. Mint work, aood par. Apply Bowllns Alley, ail Main p. m. or any venirilt, Saturday or Sunday. IVMU WANTED-S drlvera and one axpraal handler. Call Railway Expreia Aaeney. 2R311I WANTED-Planerman for email planer mnnlni about feat per dey, Pernell It Oorlion, Plnehural. STSStf WANTED -Men end hoyi P'B"' i.ltht work. od par. Apply bowllni alley, ail Main. T p. av, any ereninj, Saturday or Sunday. lltl WANTED-Man for nllht work at Madleal-Dantal BH. Apply at Bernhljel Ai.ncy. S'tf MAN TO WORK In cleanlna room, aiandard Cleenert. aoOM AND BOAIID-21t Mlchlfan. 1031 ROOM, BOAnD-UenUcmen. 1007 Cr... jJJUl anaia aa aaeai 21 Roonvs For Reot FOR RKNT-Rooma or aparlmant for rent, tie Commercial. John Wol lord. 10.13 ROOM rOR RENT 103t Jelferton. ROOM rem RENT-134 No. 3rd. 10 31m ROOM-CJanllemen. Phone 7030 evening.. US Roie at. 379311 fOR RKNT-A bedroom next to hath. Service people preferred. 327 Orant. IOH 24 Apartment! For Rent RENT of one-room modem epartment free (or part-time houiowork. Single woman prafarrad Phona 7400 3aatf u Houses For Rent FOR Tir.NT -g room hou.a. unfurnlahed. Wetvr and light, furnlibad. S43.S0 per month r.ll inm in. n 2 Mlseellaneou- For Rent rOR rent rioor landara. edgeri and wallpaper removing machine.. J. E Patterson Paint Store, Phone 3334. IS3S Eaal Main. 10-Jlm ELECTRIC riOOR SANDEnlt and edger rented. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO. 10-llm rOR ar.NT-Moo.rn Uallar esace. Cell et 4eoa South sih. 10-30 TRUCKS rOR RENT-You drive: move ouielf. aeve 't. Rlllee IVaeon Serv. Ire imi Ea.t Main. Phona a.'wit. Il.nm 30 Real Eatate For Sale 7-Room Home In Hot Springs District, with 4 bedrooms, full basement, fire place, nice yard, near school, 17000.00. ALSO New small home on V4 acre Just off Shasta Way, attractive and clean, completely furnished J3250.00. Everett Dennis, realtor 121 North 8th St. Ph. 841)1 1017 HOME AND INCOME Turn nlnn snarl monl ft AllH 1 acre of good land, under Irriga tion, on Arthur street. One apartment completely furnished, Inlnrlino Iwn rlorlrlc rnnscs. one late model electric rcfrlgcr- ator, etc. rrice reciuccci to tioouu. Terms $1 830 cash, balance $44.73 per monin, Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S, 0th Phone 6072 10-12 Altamont-Close In Now vacant, one acre with fine soil, large 3-room house with fireplace, floor furnace and con crete foundation, good garden, fruit trees, Inwn. garage, fruit cellar, extensive chicken houses. Going at $3250.00. Can be financed, CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1900 " 111 N. 0th St. Phone 4864 14 Automot..- 14 AutomstWe 14 AutemottT ron SALE-120-acra ranch In Tulrlake dlatrlel. With or without equipment, n. S. Adama. Tuleleke. 10-11 TOR RAl.E-2-year-old rotnpletely fur nl.hrd modorn 2-bedrooin home. Re frlgerator, new gaa alove. dining room el. davenport, chair awing rocker, collea table, 3 end tablea. de.k. 3 floor lampa. draper, rug 13x13. email ruga, new S-plece bedroom aulte. rireplare, automatic gaa furnace and water healer. Venetian bllndi. hardwood floor.. Imulallon. double garage, lergo lot. completely fenced, ahruhi, food location, SAAO0, one-half caih, 2344 Darrow avenue. Phone 74eS. 3R3Stf TOR SAI.E-ln lervlce. Mint aell Income property. Beat Investment on your money In town. Clone to main butl neaa dlitrlct. Write 1933. care of Her. aid and Newi, 10-13 TOR SALE One ecre. part under Irri gation, small house, S1S0O. Inquire 1414 Homedala noad. 10-13 i-OR SALE 2-hadroom house, Herdwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Close In. Cell S7I3. 317lf I-OR RALE Two-bedroom, modern, fur nished home on Sargent street. Trees, lawn, fence. S1S30. Terms or good security accepted. Inquire at 31S So. eth alreet. 0-,J FOR SALE BV OWNER-4-room modern house wllh bullt-ln fruit room. Large romhlnellon shop and garage, also chicken house. On corner half acre. Largo lawn, trees, aarden wllh her rles. Some wood. 3M0. 1000 down. Terms. 0003 rrelda Ave. 10-14 For HALE-Irrlgated fnrm, ll.t acres. Some terms. 3'i mllea southwest of Henley, J. C, Royer, nt 1, Box SS0. FOR SALE - a-bedrnom modern house, basement, garege. Closl lo high achool. lo;i0 Alameda. 10-14 FOR SAI.E-4-room modern house In Mllla addlllon. Insulated, attractive grounds, aprlnkllnl ayatem. S4OO0. 33.10 Vine. . 10-13 TOR SALE - 14 acres front ng main highway, 'i mile Keno. 4.U cosh. Msrlln II. Olurk, 301 Sanla Rosa Ave.. Oakland 10, Calif. 10-13 FOR SALE About 00 aerea good Irrl gated land, fenced, partly cultivated, 4 miles from town on highway, no hulldlng, S900O - terms. Irrigation building charge fully paid. II.- E. Hauger. ' Y O U R P O R D D E A L E R F C R S Y F A R S Your Car To US Now WHILE USED CAR PRICES ARE HIGH TOP OPA PRICE Call 3 1 2 1 and we will be glad to give you our appraisal Balsiger Motor Co. ' Y O U R F O R D D E A L E R F O R NO. 1 Y E A R S M Real Estate For tale FOR SALE 4-room' house, double garage, chicken house and other out buildings. 1 U acres berries and garden. Price $2230. Modern 3-room home, oil furnace, hardwood floors, nice yard. Good deal for home builder. House under construction, near ly enough lumber on ground to complete building. Price $1200. Completely furnished 4-room house. $4000. 3-bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, good basement, attractive grounds. J. I. BEARD REALTOR 1030 Main St. Phone e33 Suburban Home 2-bedroom artistic home on Hope street with U-acre of ex cellent ground. House has large living room with fireplace. At tractive lawn and shrubs. Go ing for $3000, terms. AND S rental units on Shasta way near South Sixth. This is an excellent buy for someone in terested In a sound Investment. Full price $3300, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 8th Phone 4364 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8481 i6-lm FOR SALE-aheer. pasture, 140 eeree alfalfa end timothy mbred. MuUl of 'Stel'nCelUkejJrorTiUas 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought '. Sold ' Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 -Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11-lOm Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning ' MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Yeari' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Roid Phone 7034 before 8:00 er after 8:30 P. M. 10.14m TOP CASH PRICE to your clean, lata) model car or equity. See U M. C)uam , at RURNESS MOTORS Authorised DeSoto-Plymouth Parte and Service Ooodrteh Tire Distributor 311 So. Ith IM7U FOR SALE - Rtudebeker Commander coupe, 103) model. Phono 3943. 10-13 fa. t.t! i loan DS BO Int. loe truck and trailer. Truck has 70 motor and rear end. 10.00 urea, goon, some epare tires, lots of-evtraa. Good winter Job, J w ooaslan. Ewauna Camn. Sora- gue River. 10-14 FOR SALE-IMS Chevrolet slake truck. Good condiUon. Eegle Point Irriga tion District, Eagle Point, Ore. 10-13 FOR SALR -B Model Ford. 4-door aeden. very food motor, IS-lnch wheels. Call ISO. 10-13 34 AutemottT For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also X Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 10-31m We Buy and Sell - USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m SEE MEL HENRY at LOMBARD'S USED CAR LOT. Ml South th. We buy and ell. 10-31m FOR SALE TD-S Internetlonal Diesel tractor with Isaacson hydraulic dorer. A-l condition. Eagle Point Irriga tion Dletrlct. Eagle Point. Ore. 10-1J ss Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8387 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-Jlm PINE MILL BLOCKS In truck or treUer. MeUer Broc, South eth and Altamont, phon3SS10-lSm St Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE-100 tons baled hay, let cut alfalfa, eete and rye, at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing liver or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 33S3U LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and Ireee. Make your eelec tlon now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4013, 10-30m FOR SALE-... good aprines. dark' moAau' tiihilstkCwd. S.10. Call Jl ... " I AIXEN Adding Machines and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th SI. Pioneer Printing i. Stationery Co. 10-lSm OOOD USED TRAILER FOR SALE-2.134 vine. . 10-13 FOR SALE Household equipment. In. eludine eleetrle refrleerator. stove, combination phonograph and radio: aiao two peoa, springs ana and earnats. All to one person only. Will also sell modern house of 5 rooms along wllh furniture. Call at 30 Jefferson. 10-13 FULLER BRUSirr.S - Clem Joyer, 143S Martin. Phone SS7T. 10-0lm FOR SALE-Traller house. 10-foot Ram bler, alaena 4. air brakes, good tires. very fine condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Roy . Call Auto Co.. 737 Commercial. Phone 6783. 10-14 FOR ' SALE Salway peachea are ripen. ln at Walnutmare, rine for canning or slicing. E. E. Foss, Talent. . 10-13 FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE . V. Morgan, SOS So. nlveralde It-417, DUTONT'S GREEN AND RED SHINGLE ItTAuN. r. n. fieuger. upen All li.j Aalurdav. all MarkaL Phone 7321. 10-84 FOB SALE-Traller houae, good condi tion. Call at KM Orchard. 10-13 FOR SALE International potato digger, De Laval cream aeoerator. 8-16. H. R- Fraeler, Bonanaa, Lanlell valley. 10-13 St Miscellaneous For Sale Livestock Auction Every Sarurdoy Pavilion, Phoenix, Oregon 1 :00 P. M. Have lots of stock for next sale, 200 head of cattle, including a consignment of 65 head of stock cows and fat cows and heifers. We will also have lots of fat calves and feeder pigs. Our market offers all the feed ing and watering facilities of the most modern Auction Sale yards. Remember we cater strictly to the sale and trans portation of livestock, whether you wish to ouy or sen, aiiena our regular Saturday Sales. Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co. "Live Sellers of Livestock" Col. A. H. Dudley Auctioneer Phone 6225 Medford, Ore. 10-13 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Says We Need Used Cars! Ceiling Prices Accurately Figured and Paid For CLEAN CARS This Is An Opportune Time To Sell Your Used Car Value Has Reached Its Peak. Every Day Brings Us Closer tc New Car Production 4 Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. Phone 3138 Thurs.-Sst. St Mlicellaneoua For Sale FOR SALE Cull Potatoes Jerry Short wocus 4 miles north of Klamath Phone 7933 10-16 FOR SALE 2 pieces new Armstrong linoleum .S30.00. Each piece 6x28 feet. 1114 Meln St. '0-13 FOR SALE-1 tractor digger. 1 horse digger. 1 6 ft. 3 yd. roll over scraper. C. H. Kelly. Rt, 1, Box 530. out Home dale, '"-13 31 For sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE SO acres with building- some pasture land. Price S42S0. Down payment S15O0. Term. Also 50-acro farm with house, barn, chicken house, double garage. Price 36800. Amount of down payment de pends on the terms. Location miles north of Medford and Midway road. Inquire flrat house north of the achool. forenoons or Sundays. 10-12 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 117S-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone S195 C S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bid?. - 9-30m PICTUKES OF ALL BOATS AND PLANES USED IN WAR II ETCHING TYPE Photo and Gift Shop 711 Main St.. 10-16 GLASS-Mirrors. rcsllverinf . plale, win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Klmball'a dials Shop. 937 Walnut. Phone 737S, , ll-4m PHOTO AND GirT . SHOP QUICK PHOTOS-Stamp or Locket alia -Up. PICTURES lEtehtnf Typel ol all boala and plenea used In War 3. 711 Mein. 10-16 THIS WEEK ONLY All permanents SS.SO, creme oil maehtnelesa 68-30 and 610.00, cold wave $10.00. SIS.OO and $20.00. Loretta'a Beauty Shop, Stew art Addition Phono USO. 10-14 SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup pi Ic J. All mokes. Phone 1771. .1316 Shasta Way. 10-31m rOR SALE-1640 10-wheel International 8-yd, dump bod). 1637 Studebaker 4 yd. dump body. Inquire Wednesday. W. Baker, Baldwin hotel, 10-13 FOR SALE-3 dining chairs. 3 rocker chairs, reupholatered: one wing ehelr, reupholsteredi one guitar, ear heater, one sleeping chair and atool, Phone 4317, 3941 Shasta Way. 10-13 FOR SALE-Outboard Evinrude 10'i h p. motor. W. 9. Lorton, Altamont Trailer Park. - 10-13 FOR SALE Brunawlck phonograph with 100 records and 6 tube Crosier radio. 1440 Wilford, evenings. 10-12 GIVE HIM A BURGESS VrSRO-TOOL P. R. Hauger. Open all day Saturday. SIS Market. Phone 7331. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available part atocked. Ueed furniture, etovee bought. OK Second Hand Store, MO Klamath. Phone M71. io-31m FERTILIZER and GRAY CDfOERS-Ttoy Schmeck. Phona 4003. Rt. 9, Box 1043. 10-31 m 42 Miscellaneous Wanted .(TjTj-xj-ue,!! jririarr 's' s -1 - - - - ' - PHOTO AND GIFT SHOP 711 Main St. Now Open For Business Etching Type Plcturea of All BoaU and Planes Used in War U 10-16 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If you have any no-longer-used artlclea of any kind lying around your horee or office then you have e real opportunity to help the war ef fort, in the flret place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar tielea: then too the monev vou rai-ie by aelling thing can be converted Into bonds Phone 3134. Classified Ad Dept. today 670ti WANTED 4 to 6 rooms of good furni ture. . Must be reasonable. Phone 4S30. , ' 10-H WANTED TO RENT -2-bedroom furn ished or partly furnished house by two adults, emoloved In lumber In dustry. Call 3146 daya. and 6375 clter 6 p. m. vl'a vrrn-nnml u-ashine machine, pa ' cash or trade new Evinrude outboard motor. P. O. Box 347. 10-16 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modem, furnished apnrtmcnl or house. Phone 3078 after 6pm 2273U Wn.t. PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO- Louls R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4S1S or 7175. 10-lDm WILL PAY CASH lor used suns Bring them In for appraisal. BELL'S llAnq WARE, 928 Main St. 10-31m WANTED -Dead and worthless animals Phone 4636 collect. 10-18 Ffm SALE 5-vcar-old Jersey cow and month old calf. 1647 liomcdalc. 10-13 WANTED - Poultry, llvrstock. turk-yr nrf r.hhlt. Tnill.nVE'S MAHKET. 016 East Main. Phono 42G2. 11 -4m WANTED TO BUY Used cars for wreck Inc. Rov Call's Auto Wrecking. 72' Commercial St., Phono 67S3. 10-14 SJIU. PAV CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louie R. Mann. 130 N. 7th. Phone 4910 or 7173. 10-20m WANT TO BUY- Dosen or doron and half colored pullets. Phone 3078 oner 6:30 p. m. a.Jii WANTED Used or new oil heater. Evanoil preferred, call 7408. . WANTED Electric rrench fryer. 3060. Call 10-13 WANTED Electric Iron In good condi tion. Phone 4374. 10-14 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 40 head especially fine year ling rams, purebred Hampaniree. sari C. Reynolds, Rt, 2. Box 971. Phona 3051. 10-14 FOR SAIJC-Registered Berkshire boar also registered Hempshlre boar. Your choice $79. Francis Harmon, Tulelake. 10-11 AN IDEAL JERSEY COW for an elderly couple. See F. W. HURD, Rt. 3. Box I032-A. 3V. miles north of town on old Bend highway. 10-17 GOAT SERVICE 1787 Burna. 10-13 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN . For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. ; 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 - 10-31M -See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO you,..' FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements omplete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phon 332S 10-3 lm WANTED Invalid bedside table. 6571. Phone 10-12 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run nera. Call 3124. 314611 44 Livestock and Poultry CIOHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phono S333. nighta 3503. 10-31 m WANTED - Live poultry of ell kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. 10-2lm First Federal Has Plenty of Money , e , e e Buy ti Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home e - e Pny Less Than . Rent Long Terms . Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 518S 10-31m