October HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE TWELVE Out Our Way By J. R. Williami Our Boarding House With Major Hoor. r THEY RE GOME-M&( ARE YOU SURE igT THEY BEOKE SOME WJ THEY AIN'T GONE ' MAMPOLIM-STEIMGS hrrR OLn FOR- MORE 'Ql ANP THE QUARTET A1 I II STRINGS? FINP HIT lfTTf IS; WENT HOME M I OUT--1 DON'T W I,,, fl ft EARLIER WANT TO CLIMB ) i IJU I li RT TOMIGHT J -usll' ALPS AGIM JyJ f 111 'J DRNT.' MhN WEREN'T EN )TU FOUNDATION YJ I NEJ J MITH VMEEL6 ( '2 CRUIv6UN6.' WE COULDN'T INSTEAD OF FEETf MM3CrAN3 AROUND ALL Ki NIGHT AT THW 6KUE60Ne & SLUE FACTORV MAS 8 BROUGHT fW 6UMIONS CS-- TO WHITE HEK1 .' ; (' .- inn i k--sir " r k m ttku innnnnt fifti.LT for' -m-- N I SrSPil! NOT vfitfV I -H THE OLD OPRV HOUSE PR06&6LV WILL 6 DlSv-ASiTLED, -TOO BAD: USED TO 6NE PRETTV SOOO COfAEDIES RUN THE BAAEG ON UP TO NOM THE MObT WALING HE EMEROIDWAS BETWEEN WOC'aESHOE- L CTMCC ' ATANX- Red Ryder By Fred Harmon ViV&xf' f A'VEGOTTAN I I (C7nA') I LUCKY FOR 1 (71 CUSSED WrA-W GUN"-TD x Freckles and His Friends By Blosser Saint Thomas Must Have Sweet Music To Win Ring Bouts PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12 (P) Sjamt l nomas. Heavyweight box cr and follower of Father Di vine, isn't particular about spar rinc partners or cym accommo dations to train for his ficht next Monday with Melio Bcttina but music lie must have. "I've got to have a violinist to ploy for me every night from now unlil Monday, he said, ex plaining: When he hears sweet violin music he heat's angels sing and when he hears angels sing lie just can i lose. . ,. LEGAL NOTICES Jl.LrlRJ- IrswewSiS ' nl IpUJSJ f He v. law, Ps -s-sr. frkIT f Huuv into Twn A SWIM BACK.' Jm, ' SETCWMPS IF BE IlVV MUrr WHERE ARE J I I'M IN HERE .' WHAT PHONE SUE AT THE rvrlS-. L0NG' r, .MVSELF-' y-v-r'' . l,)Jlf V V5JC REPORT YOUR. , Wash Tubbs ' " . .... .. .. : . B,,.T . : f ... . By Leslie Turner TTTsE I r ilS'fi ) l (ZWSPZJM AHEl" )OKAV,FEUA:i: MAV6EVOUARESIR-1 1 ' EASy -p ' toy VFROM THAT PlSTOLv--s. OFFICER, U.S. AIR J WE'RE 57111 RUNNWIOOSE i ON THE A ' -Jfev. : f 1 FORCES, lOOKiHC, OUT HERE IS THAT WE winnr -w miMrtfim r miyy, -7-VI-fSSrff- -i.g. K , gi fcJIL cor.'ik,-.?,,5,.v,cr; le, 7. ,xaiaiArt J Boofs and Her Buddies ' " " ; : . ' By Martin TOWW mv see. SOME. OV Ui i you mo I , I'l mit EWW W " By V. T. Hamlin 1 " ' By Harold Gray r1" ii iii'i'iiiKiMioinnmniiii ; IITT ri i ft w. VJl oueiS-S ca..'... Jil ,M " not 1 sweTi I II I A m fmillllrliFPHl I SUMMONS FOR rUllLICATJON Equity No. ?074 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKCiON IN AND FOR .itIE. LUUNir ur KLtAMAt, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, STATE OF untLjun, a puouc cornoratton ' - , PuinUif, VI. EARL C. POWERS nX JANE DOE POWERS, hu wile; LOLA DKJSCOLL ana JA.tiiA it. tier hus band: U. O. PAHKJ3H. a inln- man EVEKE1T M. BELL and ATHVI. nr.l l. his wife; LLOYD HELL and DORIS BELL, hlit wHe: BERN ICE BELL; COM MEHCIAL UNANCE CORPORA'! ION. a corporation: UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OHK. CiON, a national banking Corpora lion. uiicisor 10 ino American national nan 01 iinmain rails, Oreaon national banking corporation: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON, a national banking corpora tion, succeuor to the FIRST NATION AL BANK OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, a national banking corpora- nun, minur,ni C. OAOIOUHKT ana juim uuc balisuuhy. ncr husband; TED E, COLLINS and JANE DOE COLLINS, hli wife: WILLIAM HAR RISON LYTLE and JANE DOE LYTLE. his wife: J. J. STBIGER, a .ingle man: THE RON J. KASSON and JANE DOE KASSON. his wife; D. J. PUCKETT and LETA P.UCKETT. his wife; JAMES ai,fin ana jaiyc doe BLAIR, hit wife; EWAUNA BOX COMPANY, a cor poration; CEO. W. BOYINGTON and JANE DOE BOYINGTON, his wife; C. M. BOYINGTON and JANE DOE nuiimuun, nia wire; J. c. BOY INGTON and JANE DOE BOYING TON, hid wife: J. D. HOLTZERMAN and JANE DOE HOLTZERMAN. hli wife: NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF - MINNEAPOLIS, a corporation; MAMIE WELTY and JOHN DOE WELTY. her hiMbnnd; WILLIAM P. KENNEY and JANE DOE KENNEY. hl wife- 2fV?H'PH1.WINTEH "nd JANE DOE WINTER, hii wife; MAE C. MASON f.1'U?.ynGE W' MASON. her huiband; BERTHA WORDEN. widow of W s! Worden. decerned; ROBERT WORDEN and BOBBIE WORDEN, his wife; PAUL BOGABDUS and JANE DOE BOGARDUS, his wife; WHEELER OLM STEAD COMPANY", a coVpora n ;,H?RDEI'T n GENEVA ?U?,RBElT' n1" w,f: W. GLAD ITSCH and JANE DOE GLADITSCH, his wife: MARY O. GINSRACH. wiaow: KINSLEY ROY GINSBACH ill JA.E D0K OINSRACH hi. wife JAS. If. DORAN and GERTIE L Kg AN N hi. wife; JOHN YAHR and JANE DOE YAHR. ftli wife: ALICIA n5f?2ELEArf J"- jon S UNDELMAN, her husband; EDNA ILAJINGS nrt J0"N DOE HAST INGS, her htisbnnd: WILLIS J. WALK SArl2 AkMA WALKER, his wife; GRACE G. IIOVKY, a wldow: fAHLES O. HOVEY and FLORENCE ""VFY. his wife; DETROIT TRUST uammAX; corporation: EMMA HAMILTON, a w dow: VERNON E PUCKETT and LKOWa'PUCKBT T. hU wife: J, n. RHAW nH rrrn. mritoralioiu ctalmlng any rlglil. tl . estate. Hen or Intvieil in or to th lnl property dPnibed In the roiu plaint herein, or any pari thereof; also all th unknown heirs of any i'fasetl partlas thai may ba named herein, n t , , TO: Enrl C. Powers: Jane D.w Powers, his wile: llernh'o Hell; Mantciy E. Hulls bury. John Doo Mullsbuty. Iter huitwnd; 'lVtl F. Collkli. Juno Doit Collini. Ills wife; Wllllnin Harrison Lytle. Jane Dtw i.viin iiia u-ir: Tlinioit J. Knssuit, Jiina Doo Knssoit, his wife; 1. J. J'mkcl I -I- i.i.Ull lila tvlfn- C.'fit. W. llo.lnu .. .(aim ll.tn tin vlittt dm. his Wife: C. M lloylngtou. Jane Don io Inglon. his wife, J, K lloylnglim, Jnito uoti iioyiniti )i. if .i it lliil(ifriiii(ii. June IK lloltirnntin. his wife; Northweslein Na tloual lluitk A Trust Company of Mill tinaimllk- Mamie WrllV. John 1)09 Welly bur husbaud: William P. Kenney. Jane Hi.it Kfiiukv Mb wife! Klltlololt Willie Jane Doo Winter, his wife; Paul M unrmii. Jane Doe lloxanius. ni wn wiiKniAP.niiiiaioaii rnitiiiMiiv. a corpora Knit: Jnnn llo llliidlUi'll. Wife of II. W. (llNttllsih: Mary O. Ulinbiioh: Kinsley Roy Ghithai'h. Jane Doe (llnshai'h. til' wife: Jas. II. Doran. Gertie L. Doran, hn wife: Jiilm Yar-.r. Jane l)oa Yaltr. hu wife: Altcln Yahr Umirhnsn. John Doe I'm e innn. her husbani : Kilns llasimil John Doe IImsIIiiiti. her husband: Wlllli J. Walker: Alma II. Walker, Urai-e 11 novry; ftmrins u. novo; fioroiu Movey: Detroit Trtist Comiwny. a cor itorallmi: a no all nil if r neiaoni. nuriiei firms or t'orixiralloiis clalmlna any rlahl till, nlilit. lion nr Inlcreil lit or to the real property described In the complaint herein, or any pari t her col; also all ihe unknown heirs of any deceased partle that mav bn named herein. Defemlnnl, IN THE NAME (' THE K'i'ATK OF' OREGON: You ajul each of you aw here by rct)iitrrtt to tipitcar ami aner the complaint filed aiiiilnt you In Ihe above entitled stilt on or before the tun mv 01 Novemlter. 11)44. l ist licluu the ail day of the time allowed under the order for nunucation or this summons: and it you fail so to appear and answer, fcr want thereof the plaintiff will anoly In the couri tor ine rener prayed ior in in complaint on file heroin, lo-wlt: That you and each of you Imj rr quired to set forth the nature of am claims adverse to the plaintiff In the following described real property situ ated In Klitmnlh County. Oregon. In-wti: a 'iNK'i . sf'.nwv Section , T. M a., R. .1 E.. W. M. SW'iSEt, Soclioil 3. T. 37 R. 7 t., W. M. All Fractional Section 7. T. .17 fl. R 7 K.. W. M. WSNK1.. E,NW't. WSSri's Section II. T. 37 S.. It. 7 E., W. M. NW'.NE'i. SNE't Section H, T. .17 S.. R. 7 E.. W. M. Fraction N'NH. less OS acres de- scrnen as tviiinning ai ine &r, corner of the N'iNH Secllon IB. T. 37 S., R, 7 E . W. M.: thence north along the east line of the N'N said section 370': thence wrt 4'i7'; Ihenco south 370': thence east 4l7 to the placo of beginning. In Secllon 18. T. 37 S.. R. 7 E . W. M. Frnctlon NK'i. NE'tNW'j, STVUNW'i, SE'NW'. Fr. N',S'i Section 10. T. 37 8.. R. 7 E.. W. M. ENWft Section 34. T. 37 S., R. 7 E W. M. W'.SW", Section 13. T. 37 fl,, R. 7 E., w. t. S'.NE', Section 2d. T. 37 S.. R. 7 E. W. M. Fraction NEU Section 30. T. 37 8., R. 7 E-. W. M. SEi4SE4 Section 4, T. 40 S, R. 7 E-, W. M. NNEV. SW'.NEV. SE'iNWU, NS- swvtl sK'tswu, jtw'-.mf:'' section 34. T. 28 S.. R. II E., W. M. ',S", Section 3, T. 30 S.. R. 13 E.. ;NE Section 10. T. 3(1 9 , R. U E., W. M N'!NWr. SEV.NWt. N(SWn, R'- w4 section 11, T. 30 S . R. 13 t , W. H, 'iNE Section 31, T. 33 8., R. 14 E., W. M. BWt.NW'i, NW'iSWf. Section 33, T. 33 fl . R. 14 E.. W M. Fraction E'lE'i Section 31, T. 33 8. R. 13 E.. W. M. NWC, Section 33, T. 33 S . R. 13 Z. W. M. NE',NW''(. N'VS'i Section 8. T. 3fl 8. n. 13 E.. W. M. That any and all such claims ha hM for naught and that plaintiff he decreed to be the owner In fr ilmnl rl a.iri real property and that each of you be inrcvcr oarrea ana enjoinea rrom as serting any claim whatsoever in said real property advene to the plaintiff, and for SUCH ninep rnllr In thai Miiri maw seerh Juit and equltahle. This summons it served upon you and each of you by publication thereof In ine ncrain ana news, a newspaper print- puniisncu ann or general circulation mamatn i:ountv. Oregon, nv order the Honorable Davlri l( Vnrfanhra Judge of the above entitled court, made ann entered the 2nd day of October, iims. wnicn said order requires this sum mont to be published one a week ior tour successive weeks, flv m, sertlons: that the first tuibilratlnn ihr. m no maan on ine a n i sv of ortnnr 1044, and the last nuhtlrallnn nn th inH day of November. 1044. the last day for nam qrirnnnnu in appear ana answer oeing nxcn ny said order as the 0th day tiuvniHimr, inn, L. ORTIf SISEMORE . K Attorney for Plaintiff is Lourt House Hatlon CaUnflgr War Prira ami Hallonlng Hoard, 410 M i...l. eel Olflco hours dally. :JW a m. In 4 3 t. m.; Hatuidny. 0 a. m. to II p. m. 1'tumo UMU Ir an iniurma All applicallons must b MAILED In at 4;m Mali! itreol, ami NOV pieseiltetl III OCIHOIl HIK1AII -nation I k 4 Sugar stamps 30 III roil tt It 3.1 valid inilrf Ihilelv. 0 iioiiihIh ....,. MUlii' ainiiin 40 vhIIiI through Feb 1IH. iun lor a pounoi ihmhs m iilnii onlv. For mme caiming sugar, ap plv IoimI boanl using spai slamp 37, mini -if en' li nil II IN... 111. UK UTAMPN rallon hook 4 -All throiiah .(I ami A3 through 113 valid lOilcllilllrlv. Kit a i- miT-t-rti. t'liKEK - HKI) MIAMI'S - rallon book 4 All thtough II niui A3 thiougli K3 gHd In dcflnllelv, hpnie stamp Ut gnoil for 10 point Ininli llirntign in-ioncr ji. GAHOI.INE -"A" LI expires December 31. Each couton worlh 4 gallons, t oil pons uol valid unless embused "W" "i "l!" coupons may he renewed within but nul beforo IA das (lorn data un rni'r (if iMMtk. MIKL Oil.. Period 4 3 coupons and new period I coupons valid through August :n. iiM.i. HTOVtS illallonltig of coal, Wood sloves ends October Li'. Atutly Imal thiard fnf imrchoso certiricates. HIIOE-V nMk 4- Airplane stamps 13 valid Imlcfiullely. New stamp valid No- vnolier 1. stamps invalid. WUOII. COAL. HAWDUHT - Delivery by priorities based on written slate llicnls of nent. PIlll'K CONTMOL-ltefer Imiulries and Cttinptnlitts to price rleik at local boatd. IIMM con Titui.-reiiimns rcceiven in I area rent offlres under "ecullar clicuiuslauces" aiiieiulmeul. CLASSIFIED RATES One day ier word 4c 3 day run " word ftc 3 day run I"" won) lie 4 diy run r word I.ic 5 day run , , imr word He Week run woid 13c Month run . per word 4Ac Discount ior ravmeni in Advance 3 uucoum ior ray me in ny tutn Ads received by 1 on n. ni. will anteai 1 tame afternoon in "New rnday" column go nln regular c asslf cation after the first day. Ads may tie cancelled Or caning 3)34 nv lu i si g m. DLSPIY elassiried lads with larger tyiiei must vm in ma day before public- tion. mil HAI.K M, (mill) ynii.in, -erieci Mr. 1 . K. rim M.n. .1 i .l.y or H.iur.liy. """"l antw) iiniur7nrr: liiriil.li.cl will " ll l.y. WANTKII AN'IKIl - J WANTKII TCI HKNT liy !l Ml,ill., t'OII HAI.K A r.rin ll, A ", h: .rrM iiound; " '"'"viOu KLAMATH FALLS Ji; Lodtfo No. Hoe, meet, dny nliihl, 0:00 p, fe tlon every tcond tn Prlttnv Lost and fount: I.OHT- 1 iprtnger HmhUI were 10 name of Hit. 4141. New Todv LOKT Black leather bu. IxMiks and 3 bonds. kiw.? LOST--1 pair of rimlett case. Reward of UOO, J NEARLY NEW FOUR ROOMS on Vi acr ai soiu ociucr, oniy siiio EVERE1T DENNIS. RKAI.TOM 131 N. nth Phone nioi 10-111 LOUT- Rat terrier "Hutch chest "; v, """snj rh llruwn and blsct J . Pondnsa Apt. Ho. I, KLKCTttIC RANGE FOR HALE .103 Pine. 1043 CIIKVHOLET SKMI THUCK to rent with driver, J40 Martin. Plume M3.i 10-14 LONT-llas rap with ks7j r.f.Mr mil ft, General Nolle WANTED Good homes for S kittens. Phone MH or 4010 Uoardman, 10.14 LOST 11)11 old cunlalning Mime money. gas rtiuMins. nilscriianeous papers, aortfl reward for return litlarf, Rob- n r, Moarn, miu I'uriiauu ni. 101 LOST -Brown wallet containing student HMiy ticxet aim money belonging In I nora -uosgrnve. III. 1, son WW. Re. ward. Phone 3071, 10-14 FALLS ELEOTJ J; GENERAL REPAIHf Light Plants. Genersten bf Motors Rewound and u (las Engine OvsrhiUt4I paireu. Agent far Oslo Plant and nailer 633 St. Fronds St. JANITOR WANTED - Parl-tima work.! Apply Western Union, 10-13 OPEN FOR BUM Photo and Cift W 711 Miln ll Klamath Palls. Orxa-nn s-ia-io-2: n. a-No. ion. R1IAW Utm ...If.. ...'yn sfncle man: Statu or- nnrr-nM.' A'"Q all other persons, parties, firms NOTICE TO rRKtllTORN Notice Is hereby el von that it.. uiincnisnou na neen appointed ad mlnlstralnr of the estate of Clna M Brook field, deceased, and has qualified. person! having claims aeain-it aairt tale are notified to present the same me wnn proper vouchers at the office L. Orth Rlsemnre .dull 911 m...... Drew Building. K tarns I h Falls. Oregon. 1944 niomns irom uctouer Jeorge E, Brook field O 12-10-20; N 2-0. No. 301. NOTICE nr PIVAI. ivT-rii uuu. Notice Is hereby given that the tinder algned. administrator of the estate of Oswald M. Hector, deceased, has filed In the Clrciilt Court of the state of iM";n uoitniv ine rinal Account of his arlmlnlitrallon of said estate, and that the Court has nppolntr t Oc oner 2fllh, 1044. at the hour of 10 r""," " ,n "me, and thn Si Vir f ",,JCm"' the place iccotinL " "nl ""'""t of sal-j Dated: fleolrmhnr 21, 1044 WALLY M. HECTOR. Administrator of the Entat of Oswald M. Hector, De- S. 21-20: O. 3.12.1f)No. 1R-1. NAVAL LEADER HORIZONTAL 6 Us 1,7 Pictured 7 Nova Scotia Canadian (ab.) naval officer, 8 And (Latin) l PrfTl.n. Pot.l, i ait Vicc-Adm. 9 Danelcd 10 Lady Literate In Arts (ab.) 11 Exclamation of mild fright 12 Scoff 18 3.1418 34 Siamese ITlpnjmrA 17 Hawaiian bird 3S Diminutive 13 Withdraw 14 Obtained by theft 15 Heavy blow 18 Italian rlvof ion. i . . ""oumi uira in iuiiiu. ui i-airicK J form). 38 Interpolate 22 Follow after 21 Exist 37c;ne K Tar anew 23Morcdninlv .in rh,i... 't i rap 28 Doctrine 27 Herb IC Alvl I- tliL.L-ltlVB'Sl !i5?t!iiiSln WANTED Man to do yard work. Few nours a day pulling weeds, culling grass, Phong 4103 or call 111 flu am D. i Ui'iLK rittiTUH iiiimi st wi"S irpe rtriurtS t FOR RENT Private sleeping rooms for ;r wiuhiiik men, at.ag per ween ot'i n, am St. ia-13 atsj Planes Used la tt FOR RENT Turn l shed one-room apart- innn, nam, rerrigrrator, one adult I only, f3 00 week, 330 So. 4ih. 10-14 FOR SALE -107 US-11. trunk sedan. , vxi-eiient con union, 1'hone 3131, Et ill, uuran. o-12 I FOB flAI.E-.10M Fnrd Det.uxe sedan, itres fair, above averaae rnnfliimn motor needs Utile work. Priced li sell quick at HW, Phone 0747 after "'torfy eatnrfort. Richfield j ' n ana niamaih tie- FOR SALE 11130 FnrH (n.V ber. new motor. Calvin Moulry, Bald win Hotel. 10-14 1 FOn 1 SALE ... 1030 Standard Chevrolet -. uuvi arnan, new seat covers, body I very good, tires good. Price f4 1 oi-w. W.H OPEN FOR ni'SlMs PHOTO AND Oin PEJ; utncK i'iit)TO-ricni AH 1'ianes and SMss 711 Mam S. MAKE LAKE O' WOODfl I quarter during huntlai taiirani. einre. ssrvKf ratlins available. earlv I Ponontii QUICK PHOTOS I Stamp or Locktl Sue - Etchlnc Typo Pled Of All Boats and Plsasi ) War 11 Photo and Cift ! WANTED . 4300 !( model coupe. Plmue rwK nt.n i . mom house, west ut .umiion, inquire ZUOO r.hr. 10-14 leln St. 0.3 ONf) POEMS WANTTD1 I any subject. Free turn Wright. Box 3MI-D, FOR SALE-a-bertroom home on acre1 "ii. inaiiiaten, iJiwrt In I hull! '".""V.11- '"lek.n ho,i,. M. wi.;.. . """" "" "' 10 1-OH SALE Sholiun. IIOJ Callfomla. 10 ia - iicinor, iionanta. 10.14 1 ! io in Hh.ii. i. "air Binocular.. 7 . ""' r""1 """P- nriii.iL.m ' - JJ - lrln. ann ni, "e"111" iraoing I'oil. Klamath RefrigeJ SERVICE Announcei The ODPiilnn of 1 1 and Washing i Rcpcir D?l. Operated by I Mr. Lox Formorlv of Merit l Mnrhinc Scrrkil Uondlx Repalrlnil Specially I Phono 7038 ' I K.Y?. !. ", !" "'" IM.OBi I Inraa Whin Aitlo Cmirl. nirnn, API. .1, ln.t.1 Airr.ATtnwa rL .uni ran mi.c ....,.... . : mam io nmrr. n -i hn.. "'-" " "r j-Bioni Uwoll. Phona IUU rauilr. Kvnnoll h..i.r. ,.,,, '. 28 Present month (ab.) 29 English statesman 30 Symbol ior calcium 31 Nickel (symbol) 32 God of love 35 Pastries 37 Bird . . 30 Poker slake. 40 Now memhaca 43 Abettor 48 Belongs to me 47 Silkworm 50 Stair parti 63 Tin 55 Eludes: 56 Provides with iooa VERTICAL 1 Surgeon's instrument 2 Even (conlr., 3 Route (ah.. 4 Kind of clouds 5 Year (ab;) 41 ricam (ab.) 42 Marne v,n.. 33 Executed the 44 Livre. (ab.) commands of 45 Licentiate of ihe Society of Apothecaries (ab.) 48 Scottish shecpfold 40 Noun suffix 61 Of the thing 52 Steamship (ab.) 63 Chapters (ab.) 54 Hough lava 1 l P H P" H I" I" I'M zzzz ' 5 ZMZZEErwM TT" si-- - 'III U niloll lllr . I Tl mprmi. , .. naiififf, ion nu- llndanhamar saw mil t ',T- YJ1". "m"". a SU , ... -." - - ai ni.rr . mi 1 Mivr "m. m.n liMnxiTriiiMn AND Nearilacrall Shop. I"" 7P.1 CRATING Local mid Loud Di HAULING Klnmalh TRANSFER ond ST3J Agents for United Vi walihlm imdr S pound." c. "Z' 10-14 W"th t,AH',,'"r - el-lrle .lva, Call .1 iiV'; "nr. "'rUaralnr " Kbarleln Avo lo.n ; L.nJ.h. ''?"?..,n vlrlnlly o( (lacrrd .Lll.,ni. iwiona S7n;i. i0..i mi. br,,. h. ir"a?'Av..'To.M M01 Klnmnth P1 MAtlJOIIIK CRAFT On M.OV1) CnAKT . ,, 3 HI'KNT.TIl COIIHKT1KI1K M.. i n, "l- ''hon. 7.110 Inr an. 11 -nm HOME APPLIA SERVICE "'"""rifr and 1.11 Clark RawlWl .A. ' r nay or By .. ojmbC - '"". mono 3H2II. 10-14 ..; ',... Wrr0,r:,l,m"rri.".'''''" r or llrrald and New.. m.iri W.NJ'.. "Irl '" hmiTwork and .nuomi. niiono 7010. mil . nim,nl WASiiiioom iiRi.PKn 1...1H. .. T venlnn, Sunday". ""a... i aacade Laundry. 10-14 lir.MSTITCIIIIJ DBMSMAKINCI. nuuon.- covarrd. AMeraiinn, v rlolh n. Mr. .. . Main, nonm Jl r. FOn n.MT n . . Oranl " '"r nllmn. m loin BHPTIC TANKS CI.."1 Phona 70.13. AVON PBOOUCM - Pliona 0144. Irrin t m . . . - ii T.,";rnenrin, modern homo. ...j J!", pavement near Im. " ""' '""I 74M. .a ii - ul I fon 8Ai.cn... .- ' houM. Phona U, w I?!? nw lir.fc.ls Sid . ... . una. I'nnti. mil . : :i r. . . " 10-14 MAllt.INn THIINKB Call 44AB. pal a --" - AN holla. 7s.m .iJ'.1'!,", ,wo "' "On SALE- ann vino. WANTID-Wlndow radio. 1 n, ,", ' '""" car SIGN PA1NTINO - Vnn n a . i i.. - laar.a a r n I in MATE I" - Jonallian. Dellrl. . 7 "ao'orn, Ron Paint Slore, -a i-nnia er. n. . : : z . Medlord ' "W"' Bo M, Til. 4, NF.W HOOF Ih.l ""1.S1 10-11 1 lallon and lira pro"'" I frit sr Incct I who th rc Rl Mrir lolhcr PVe n ' lube I'CCJ. .RS MM. W w.li,, r,r.,. jShap. I'M W, "'.a a "ll fj 'i orri "-a. i '"' a ai Orlva.i ii. Woman j;ml.nv "n(l, Udy , 0 Im I L'AChin