Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 11, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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' ,cu..j io w'll Indny. wim
"n" In rontrinu-
"in"" ' n""e"" '
U few d.
.onal'J . . .. civiwui from
mi n'"" - ..nil. but cam-
... -AM 111
V.i .1. .iiiil tho mini can
n.rf rH It P'-llo who have
' Jo,! ... fr wl '"I1!!' ' '
lrlDu. . ..onlrllnil oil
.. . . i... Mr.
t Mop rini"'"J''" "
M Clink $10. CicorRO Ton.
5 ; Vi, ,H Mra. Forest V.
kmisiO. Ads P. Sparretorn
Kiwaill .i" .'".
Mr. ona
51?.' m,.,,,,, $100. Frank
Lard SHI. Kli.in.itl. Lutheran
110. Martin Swanson $10,
inidp Cox $10. K. 1 1. IMirrir
i. Burl E. II..WK I a -;
. J5.U. I.I'C IllIHMm
Hub $30. I.V.'""""1""
Mr. und Mra. W- l'lon
' h,. lunlnr hluh school
ionU $1IH .14, Oltlu Mao Ash-
n v.. l . in. i.MK.'r
Moore $10, Kliiinnlh Auto
v ami cmploypi'ii $32.8(1, Mr.
'tin C. A. Ilcndrrsun $15,
lothy Amry $10, Mr. and Mr.
Ulrr Ucnno jiim, nun. n. .
slpv $10. Wnn.rn ni inn
,Mprr.ll chanter No. 1
J. Lrlnnri I'opc $10, Ilcrnacc
on $25.
;. M. and W. F.. Hammond
J. F. Adams Jr. $30, Mr,
l' Mrs. Wllllnm Jlnnctto $10,
itlebr-rry Drill! Storo $10,
ir noagff $ii. ur. umman
M, Thomns r. Barry $10, Mr,
1 '
We'vo Just ro
ceived another
shipment of
boys' corduroys
Rtny All
sizes. Also a fino
selection of boys'
all wool slacks.
and Mm. Kl.ncr Btukel $10,1
Shell Oil compuny, Merrill
branch $128, M. A. Howinan
$10, Ktrot Niilluiiat bonk $29, J.
R. Hlatch $10, Thomas W, Choi-
burn $10, K. C. nurkci $20,
Siintford Jonei and company
$10, Morrill Lumber company
$10, Mr. and Mm. John Klnlt
$20, Mr. and Mia. II. IUkks $10.
Kathrrlnc Utlcy $10, Mm. C.
11, Kpi'iiki'l' $10, It, II, Cirunihlt'S
$10, Auui.nl Andrlru $10, Cart
er's nii'iil iniirkcl $10, United
.Spanish War veteran $2, W. K.
Curtis $10, Clllbcrl Harrison $21),
Jim McMillan $10, K. J. Perry
$10, t'nki! Hrilhers $10, Oelberl
Krrdrrlrk $10. Cii'oriii) A. Holler
$20, II. W. I.arkey $10, Carl V.
Ilaupiirh $10, In Memory of
John Hlnncwell $44.
Heed S. Mollno $10, Andrew
Ortls $13, William Prlcbc $10,
J. W. Crosslin $10. Mr. and Mm.
Klroy Call $10, GeorKo Dumnro
$10, Hay Cyr $12, It. O. l.owery
$20, lien Hiicki'i.ell $10, W, ltna
FraiH-ln $12, William A. Mavo
$10. ftoberl Niiuniilly $10. M.
L. Weaver $1.1, II, O. Adumt
$10, flay V. Chase $20, Ur. -I,.
W. 1'c-i.lo $2A, Klamath Saddla
club $10, CiroriiR C. Hire $10,
Standard OH rompnny of Calif
ornia $313, Chlloqiiln Lumber
company employer $7110.1(1,
Total to date: .$40,873.00. ,
Langell Valley
Marxarot Uurnett and Mm. Lela
Murray entertained the Lannell
Valley Women's club at Mm.
nurnett'a home, September 2B.
Pinna were made for a dance to
be held in the community hall,
November 4, to raian money to
inaure the hall. Nettle Davis
will be chairman of the dance
Farewell preaents will be pur
chased for Mr. and Mm. Charles
Ilevell, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Mc
llnth and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mao Gale was appointed to
meet with dlalrlct directors con
cerning: the club's taking over
the community hall.
Cora Leavltt resigned a sec
retary of the club, and waa given
a vote of thanks for her 10 years
of service to the club. Nettle
Davis was appointed as the new
Attending the meeting were
Florence Uotklna, Grace Revell,
Eva Roberts. Rebecca House,
Christine Drown, June Coheo,
Nettlo Davis. Edith Jones, Mary
Leidy. Mae Gale. Florence Ray
son, Grace Dearborn. Madge
Monroe, Cora Leavltt, Jean
House, Mildred Novotny, and
Hattle Walker, all of Lancell val
ley, Mrs. Mary Dearborn of Bo
nanza, Mrs. Edna Bunn of Ash
land, and Dorothy Revell of An
chorage, Alaska,
The Bnnanza-Langell Valley
Garden club met at the home of
Mrs. Louise Barnum In Dairy,
on September 22. In the absence
of the urea dent. Marviret Hev,
den, the meeting was conducted
by Vice President Bessie Frailer.
Discussion of the winter storage
of vegetables and the care of
flowers was held. Plants and
snrutis were nrnucht to the meet
Ing by tho members, to be clven
to the Marine Barracks for the
landscaping of the grounds.
Following the meeting, re
freshments were served by Mrs,
Barnum. Those present were
Theresa Tenre, Llizle Schmnr.
Ireno Hartley. Blanch Gowen,
nolle Rosa, Mary Leldy and
Bessie Frailer.
Dick Pcnple was the honored
euest at a buffet supper given at
Iho J. E. House home on Tues
day evening. Rebecca House and
Cora Leavltt were hoatesses,
Dinner was followed by cards
and singing.
Dick will leave Wednesday
ovenlng for Farragut,' Ida., after
a two weeks' furlough. Present
at the farewell dinner were Mr.
and Mrs. Owen Popple, Doris
Leavltt, .lean House. Marv Ann
Leavltt, Tom House. Ted Peonle,
Cal Leavltt. Bill House and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Leavitt.
, Here it is! The
New Box Bag
of soft dressmaker
. ....-
felt tint opeM'
wide to icveil lots 0
' . ' space. Just one from'
' our high-style bty .
selections in new colors;
and only . . . .
1SS Bouth th
' fw,i.,J o, h, ,, 1, umnmn ss anti Hvhtl
Sewing Clut
The Art Ncedln club met at
tlio homo of Mm. Roland Cofer,
Wednesday; October 4, for an
ovenlng of sewing and games.
Those present were Mr. Hszel
Swnnnon, Mm. Christine Melcalf,
Mm. Grace Cnwdrey, Mrs. Lou
Ian lllchn, Mrs. Murjorie Laeu
bo, Mrs. Ruth O'llarra, Mrs. Kl
alo Snucr, Mm. Alma Campbell,
Mrs. Ava Whltlatch, Mrs. Ivy
Propat, and the hostess, Mrs.
Hazel Cofer. ,
I 5 -
Camp Fire GVs
CHILOqUIN On September
22, me bui-gooi-gl-noosc-kunga
Camp Fire Girls of Chlloquln
held their first meeting on Chel-
gaele Island, at Iho Junction of
tt.e hpraguo and Williamson
The ceremony was baaed on a
nature theme, and a new group
under tne leadership of Mrs. Nell
Martin, waa taken into Camp
urn mat nignt.
Tlio ranks - awarded were:
trull acrker, Juanlla Buck: wood
gatherer, Lorralno Grayblll: fire
maker, Georgia Prlegc; torch
hearer, Francis Bradley; litem
ture, Elene Pohll and Greta Ma.
this: Indian lore. Jane Flurv: art
Gynel llsnlan;. water activities
Norma Lee Glencer.
uemeiuon or ma Island, in
memory of Barbara Bradfleld
was given by' Norma Lee Glen
ger. It will now be used-as a
recreational ground.
The' ceremonial was attended
by a good crowd of interested
friends and parents of the girls.
Social Club Meets
Mm. F. H. Cofer and Mrs. Nina
Currier presided over the tea
hour and four tables of bridge
at the October meeting of the
Eastern Star Social club, Friday
afternoon at the Masonic temple.
Colorful arrangements of -fall
flowers were used on the table
Bnd about the room. Mrs. Cal
vin Hunt . received honors for
high at. the close of play, and
the special, award went to Mrs.
waiter Brown.
8 8 5
Oh Sunday. October 1st. Mary
Ion Rusco and Jeanne Seancy
leu tor Asniand. wnera tney
have enrolled as . freshmen In
SOCE. Mary Lou expects to
major . In sciences, while
Jeanne will take art subjects
Both girls are popular members
of the younger set and gradu
ated from KUHS with the class
nf 1044.
malar artf aeotln n. awrtlai ikla,
. 4
0 '
t . 0 mer
, ' 0
i. .
Tiftllv-' M fT ' qr V I J M Quality l-'.sl . Chroma Raflector $
WWM S'&rJ 1P; 7.
j, iJKlV 1 1 HriUj. Sy I H - AH work 4one by fsctory-tesJnsd rrt. AU aatsrlsls sad .
wW l' ' ' ' "yN s$'y? I -tsfr worknuuishlp MUy guarsntoed. ' ' 1..
.... kJ- :m. r23XXxw a.. . ..
MIDLAND The Homo Eco
nomics club met recently at the
homo of Mrs. B. H. Mistier. Tho
orgnnlzullon of an extension unit
for Midland was discussed and
ans were muds for a card nurly
o bo hold Saturday. October 14.
In tho grange hfill.
Present at tho meeting were
Mrs. Mildred Largent, Mm.
Anna Sutton, Mrs. Kininn Lumh,
Mrs. Pearl Burnett and grand
son, Jlmmlo Hickman, Mm. Amy
C.'rapo and sons, Mm, Mario An
(Ircau, Mrs. Minnie Aniireuu and
daughter Hull., Mm. Edith Docli
ery and son Hill, Judy Milcgun,
Mrs. i.oiuae Milium, ivirs, unr
bara Mistier and son Ralph, and
her grandsons, Edward and Gary
The noxt meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Emma Lamb.
S 8 8
cornea In for
Klamath county
more praise and
publicity In a
factual story in
the Uclooer
issue of Nature
magazine, the
author of which
is Elizabeth Butler Loosley of
1B02 Manzanlta, a free-lance
"Faithful" Is the title of the
story which Is about a family of
Hcesc In tho Fort Klamath coun
try years ago when U, S. troops
were stationed at tho fort, and It
is beautifully Illustrated with a
pen and ink sketcn.
8 8 8
A regular rhpeting of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft was
held Monday evening, Octobpr
2, In the new location In tnc rit
hall. Alta Clark presided and
Dlcksy Weed and Eva Richard
son were hostesses for the pot
luck sunncr.
The next meeting. October 18,
will be a birthday parly and all
members who have had n.rtn
days in the last three months
will he guests of honor.
Telonhono 4587
There's Excitement A-Head
Dream halt'oro'trieiedetigned la
' mak you devatalingjtorrinj
nw elegance in (lurries of feathers
one) fur, sequins and high colors,
They look extravagant and cosf
sL.JS ". - S .Av,.A II y -'Nft IATION CEKTIStlC AT E NIIBIB 2. 'A
Pinochle Club
The Lucky Pinochle club was
entertained Wednesday, Septem
ber 27, at me i.omo oi rvmuue
Phillips, 2230 Garden. Luncheon
was served at one o clock to
Hita Fuller, Nettie Good. Ruth
Kr.hnm lli-Niiln llrutlrm. Flor
ence Young, Mary Martin, Zclla
Biankenslili) and the hostess,
mid ttm iiftnrnrxm wiir snent at
cards, with Rita Fuller holding
nigh score, ursine urnuon sec
ond, Mary Martin low, and the
pinochle award went to Zclla
Illiinkenship. The next meeting
October II. will be with Ruth
Schoru, 1724 Jvory.
Jennie Hum and Mary Curtis
were the hostesses for the pot
hick luncheon of the Past Noble
Grand club of the Rebckahs,
served at one o'clock Tuesday,
October 3. in tho IOOF hall, and
eleven members attended. A let
ter was read telling what Christ
inas uifts would be appreciated
by the Odd Fellows home. At
the next meeting of the club
the packages will be assembled
and made ready to pack,
8 8
Juveniles of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft met at the homo of
their senior guardian, Stella
Dryden, Wednesday, October 4,
at 4 p. m. for a regular business
meeting followed by games and
refreshments. Eleven members
attended and Mrs. Dryden was
assisted by Alta Clark.
Jltlleve misery, as moat momcis
do. Rub tho
throst, chest
ana uacit wita m D
tlmo-tested W VAPORUB
,m rmw rw
" manual I
'o. XSJ1V
s s fcs y 1 JT 111! .
in Sears
1? SALE! '...'
HiVr.-f ! I p a5MhAJ5:r'S V Clao.tr. UKS CEMENT 11
: natalnstre flalsh. . . . l,ld Solder. ...ea. 33C -v-tt-t-
133 South Bin Striel
( wmimM m Li
. Ei ses?. . vwiwirm u
ICKS Reg. 49c Paste Floor Wax, 16-ox. 43c J irf"8""
""" A Reg. 45e Self-Polishing Floor Wax, pt. 33c J i?T5l?E II
k .V Reg. 45c Cream Furniture Polish, pt. 33c J
fi -i .if feSA tlntsh base. I I
, N - 'mr ' RMuterty 4.19 . 1,1 .p
I I 1 I 1 iniah, sttta and qaart ' .S0f
Main Street
listen to
Store, 527 Main St., Ph. 3234
thf Voh cf Written twy MonUf tmML W Mr 1- &
Top Dretiinq
Black Tire Paint '
Toueh-Up Enml ' t
Auto Claanar
PoKahing Wax .
Pr-Wax Ckanef , "
: Cleanar Poliih