Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 09, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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lob r 9.
larines Defeated 13-0
y California Ramblers
Visitors Strike In First and Final
tjuartors to -r
. KllliVnin lliii'l'f
i i ii rd up to their inoul-
Snturcm .. .,
V III I'"'0 1,1,11 """
'h,(o crowd of 'iWO
Ih I "l '"'........... nnmiull
,M, mi.hlns .
)n '"
i rn"
iumpi! -
II Wl nn (iiml'l"
Double Main
Hassling Go
Friday Night
boyi Htn'rcd '""
il,Vflrt unci lining double
v by chiilkiiiii up II"1 "''
ikti hliiucll ciiiiirlri Uiick
,,k from tiio Leatherneck 1
lJ"itumblcr.i niacin nnolhor
chdown when Shrppard Intel-
.-J c,Hvi-n' nun III lllR last
S'rliT mill dashed unmolested
itio cnci X--'
called utirk by Hcfciec Hunt
irk as tlicro wna n penalty on
r'.iiinriiiiiiin (ur holding.
Iluilhcs pluyccl lii'l t"ino
i marine oiicKiirm nun ....m,
;l Drnvin were? uut.liiixtniu In
forward wnn. mo iom ui
nln was sorely fell bul llio
l.r lacklo hus hurl a recur-
ce of mnlarin and wnn nnlur-
nol 'bio to pai ncipiue in inc
Flril Quarter
.cRond kicked off for the
nblcrs and the hull went out
otindj and was broniiht up to
.l.Vvarrf line whrrc tho' ma-
U look over. Alter two playa.
iuiMi fumbled linn rurccii rc
orrd for the Hnmblers. Kd
nflon went around his own
ill end (or 18 yarila and n first
mi. tcimon.Mim pic-Kc-o up n
reond Martin made It another
it down. Martin passed to
4y for 10 yards and a third
J jldown on the Leatherneck 0.
li niarinc-ic rtim in and look the
I on downs on tne u-yarn
ficllhcr eleven was able to
n on advantage, with tho bull
lining hand! several times,
il half-wav through the qunr-
Roy waiters kicked to
ok on the mldllHd stripe and
ran to tho marine 44. r.dmon-
in took a laterul from Snook
traveled around his own left
(or 30 yards and a first
n on tho 14. Thrco nliivs
it (or naught hut on last
vn Snook rifled a pass to
y for the 14 yard s and a
chdown. Johnson's attempted
version was no eond. SCORE:
fisen broke loose with a 14
Jd daMi for the only sliahlo
beforo Hie minrtcr ended
li the hall In the possession of
ttamwers on their 40.
Sucond Quirlar
he ball exchanged hands four
times In Ilia second stiuuo, wllh
Kdnionstcin iiccuiiiiIiiik lor two
coiviRcutlvo Him downs fur the
niiinUli'i'a In four pluys. 'Ihr
C'lilKiiinliuia llicn fumbled hut
the inurluea hoijecl clown uud
wore rorceil to kick, bypull eon
netU'd with two pusses, uno Koud
for 21 yards unci the? other add
mil 20 more, before tho Lruther-
nccks could stop Ilia iliivu unci
tho half eiidc-d wllh Hie ball In
the hands ol the Luliformu ele
ven on tho inldfleld stripe.
Third Quartar
Lrlloiicl kicked off to C.'hiipin
tq atari the second hull, hut
there was u fumble on the nluy
and tho Kamblers recovered on
lha Leatherneck Vi. Afler a
coliplu of Kumblcr penalties, In
Icrspersed wllh loncj riuiulnii
liulns, Ldinonston iiallopcd 10
yards for a California first down
on the murine. 21. The murines
held at Ih l.i point and took the
ball over cm downs. Ilunhes
smashed inroutih for 10 and a
first down and followed up on
the next play with another 10
yard drive for two first downs In
two plays. Kudijcn made 2 and
lliiuhes added 4. Facliien bulled
his way through for A unci anoth
er first down and It bruan to
look as If the murines were real
ly iiolim to get rolling, but two
plays later. Snook Intercepted
) milieu's nerlnl and the Leather
neck threat was slopped.
The hull uunin changed hands
and LcMond hoolecl a nice kick
for the Itamblers that was down
ed on the inarlno 10-yard stripe.
The Leathernecks failed to gain
and lloy Walters kicked to Shep
pnrd, who was downed on the
marlno 31. The Kamblers made
II a first clown on the 20 and
Snook threw a pass to Cray,
good for 12 yards and a first
down on tho fl, Three attempts
netted 7 yards and the quarter
ended with the ball resting on
inc i yarn line.
Fourlh Quarter
On fourth down. Snook took
the ball on a nulck onenlne
quarterback sneak mid ploughed
over for a touchdown by inches.
Cjray ciropxicK for the extra
point was good SCOHK: RAM-
ui-r.llb 1.1. nlAIUNES 0.
The ball shifted hands twice
and then the marines rolled up a
first down with Hughes picking
up 6 and Lal'uglia passing to
Albrltton for B. The Leather
necks were forced to kick and
Hughes punted out-of-bounds on
inc cai iiio Hnmblers kicked
back after two plays and the ma
rines tried desperately to con
necf with some aerials as the
clock ticked off the final min
utes, but tho attempt failed and
tho ball went over to tho Call
fornlans on downs, rtauccl cut
through for 13 yards and a first
down and the ball was on the
Cal 40 as tho gun barked the
end of the game wllh the count.
13-0 .. the Hnmblers side of the
ledger. .
Edmonston showed up well
along with Snook for the Ram
biers, and Albrltton turned In a
capable performance with
Hughes for the marine eleven.
The boys are coming closer
every game and maybe they will
really hit the Jackpot In the next
Score by quarters:
Ramblers A (1 0 713
Leathernecks .000 0 0
There will be another double
main c-venl affair this Friday
night on the ras.iling bill at the
armory. "Wood and Guts" Da-
vicImjii will have the dubious
pleasure of tangling with the
cruel "Cirey Manic" in one of the
events, and Jack Klr.cr will
mulch holds with a newcomer to
the northwest, Tuny ilots, In the
Runs Is reported to be a rug
ged individual who uses the
rough stuff lo iillaln his tumbles,
so Jollln' Jni k may be in for an
exciting evening. Mosa has
drawn large bouses all over Ihc
country and Intends to cul a
swath through the northwest
route by upending each and
everyone ol his opponents.
"Illnod unci Uuts." althouah
nol long on science, may be jusl
tho type of grappler to toss the
hooded heel, which would be lo
the utmost satisfaction of tho ma
jority ot inc funs. Tho "Mank
will resort to his vicious head
hulls If all else falls to gain a dc.
cision over the ex-mar ne.
i ho onenlni! bout has not vet
ih-iiii ciocicico, mil win be an
nounced oon, according to Mack
Llllard, promoter.
If this card turns oul lo be as
lorrui as llie last one. there will
be a hot lime in Klamath Falls
rriciuy night.
Cal Bears
Hold USC
To 6-6 Tie
oms Upsei Vaunted Bears
9-7 in Pro League, Game
nilCAGO. Oct. 0 UVl Tho
MBllt was turner! no tnrlnv
und tho National Koothnll
puc for Alelo (Buff) Donelll'j
vcianci Hams.
lie riltsbin ch
P had a habit of coming up
ii ninny n si rnrlse narlcuun
n ho rilled tho grid coach
roost at Dunuesne unlvi-mllv
nre the wur min. im miu,
flhcr yesterdav whf.ii hl
'is bounced hack from a 7-3
"ncl-perlod deficit lo knock
mps io80 Den'S' lBSl ycar's
' was Donclll's second
"Shi league win, earned with
'"i" J"1"! pyrotechnics that
)t him a ,10.21) vlctorv over
I msburgh-Clilengo comblna
'., rcvorherullons wora
monR tho faithful at Clreon
21" inniiff l the Pnrlrora
,ft SrAG
wlmt:-. H
BfH0NE 4151
Bro" St.. Klam.ll,
had n comparatively easy
dumping lha Pitt-Cards,
for their fourth win.
The Ram's victory cams In
tho first full-schedule day of the
season, that drew 07,350 fans
to tho fivo games despite raw
or rainy weather over most of
tho circuit.
Tho western division leaders'
victories wcro coupled with New
York's 22-10 win over Boston,
Detroit's 10-14 defeat of Brook
lyn, and a 31-31 lie by Washing
ton and Philadelphia.
Ktpl From Chasing Cam
If you owned a big dog and
lived within 10 miles, of the
king's hunting preserves, In an
cient England, tho dog's knees
wore cut lo prevent his chasing
the royal game. Small dogs,
able to para- through a special
dog gunge, wora exempt.
Brazil Is the largest republic
In Iho western hemisphere, and
is bordered by every South
American country except Chile
And Ecuador
Willamette Scores Pint
But Washington Wim 40-6
San Diego Wins Over UCLA
By Tht Associated Praia
Tacific coast college and scrv
ice football teams cngaac In
full schedule next weekend with
six gamers on lap.
Tho strong University of Cali
fornia Bears, winners over St.
Muiy'i (Jaels and University of
Calllorma at Los Anceles. nlavn
Coach A. A. Stugg'g College of
the Pacific at Berkeley this Sat
urday. i ins promises a treat lor
pigskin devotees.
Another good battle is in store
for central California fans when
the St. Mary's Navv Pre-Fllcihl
eleven plays the University of
ouuiiiciu vuiuurnia ai rresno.
rnrlhcr south at Los Angeles, the
Uclans meet the hustllnii vounc-
slcrs from St. Mary s college.
In the northern sector, the
University of Washington Hus
kies acuin tannic with the weak.
cr Whitman college team at Wal-
la walla.
T h e University of Ncvade
Vandal will again play the Ton
opaharmy Air Base at Tonopah.
The wlndup of the college
schedule brings together the
Compton. (Calif.) Junior college
team against tho Arizona Slate
Teachers at Flagstaff, Ariz.
The underrated California
Bears bullied lo a 6 lo B tie with
the favored Southern California
Trojans in last Saturday's chief
aii-coiiegc corneal.
The strong Bear line held the
vaunted Trojan offense well in
check and unleashed an attack
that pushed over a touchdown
in tho second quarter and drove
to Iho one-foot lino In tho fourth
quarter before relinquishing the
oau on clowns.
Gus While, bnollnc two place
kick conversions, gave the San
uicgo naval Training Center a
14 to 12 win over the UCLA
urums ni nan Ulego.
Johnny Rocsch, hero of the
Bruin last-minute rally which
6nvc the Uclans a 13-13 tic with
SC two weeks ago, again
sparked the comeback of the col
lege team, which failed of a tie
by margin of the points after
Washington's Huskies spotted
wiiiHmouc six points cany in a.
game played Saturday at Port
land and then powered- over six
touchdowns to win. 40 to 6. It
was tho Huskies third victory
oyer minor opposition.
in an all-service contest, the
Fourth Air Force Filers of
March field downed the Fleet
oity Navy team from Plcasan
ion, cam.. 311 to o. n a came
played at Riverside. Indian Jack
Jacobs, formerly of Oklahoma
U., took the opening kickoff and
ran 00 yards to a touchdown.
Tho Alameda Coast Guard vet
eran team in a Sunday contest at
San Francisco pushed over
three touchdowns In the second
period to defeat the St. Mary's
coiicgians, la to u.
Win Fifth
Game 2-0
World Series Strikeout
Record Sot by Opposing
Pitchers With 22 Total
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 0 !') Luke
Sewell'a Browns arc ready lor
another last dilch stand today
after a season of comcuacK suc
cesses but tho Cardinals have
them groggy, truillng 3-2 In
games, and desperately needing
a victory by neiaon j-ocier iu
slave off a knockout punch. Ei
ther Max Lanier or Blix Don
nelly will attempt to do Vhe on
for Billy souinworin s iiaiionui
Mort Coooer's 12-str keout lob
In yesterday's 2 0 Red Bird tri-
umpn was a mow ociwcun cou
eyes to the Browns tllle hopes
and tho scries largest crowa oi
3B.80B which came to cheer for
the underdogs, went home fear
ful that the end was near.
Not since Howard tiirwce
emerged from the shadows of the
Philadelpnia Ainiciics nuiipcn
to strike out 13 Chicago Cubs
and set a series mark IS years
ago has a pilchcr been able to
fan 12 men in one game in the
annual classic. Never before
have two pitchers like Cooper
and Denny Galchouse whiffed a
total of 22 victims In one series
afternoon. The old mark of 21
was held Jointly by the A's and
Cubs of 1029 and the White Sox
and Cubs of 1000.
Kay Sanders' clout atop the
roof of the richt field pavilion
and Danny Lilwhilcr's long dis
tance into the unscreened stands
past the 400-foot marker provid
ed the only scoring of an excit
ing game.
Big Mori's defeatist complex
about the American league was
iust a rumor this time as the
husky righthander from Athcr
ton, Mo., fast balled the Browns
back to' the bench. The Scwell
crew kept pecking away, here
and there, collecting seven hits,
but when the blue chips were
down, Cooper had it. In the
sixth, he gave one of his best
pitching exhibitions by throwing
the ball past Al Zarilla and
Mark Chrislman after the Ameri
can leaguers had loaded the
sacks with one out. They said
his curve wasn't breaking and
Southworth had Teddy Wilks in
the bullpen but the fast ball
Mort threw th-it inning never
needed a curve for help.
Irish Whip
Tulane 26-0
If It's a "frozen"
need, advertise for
in the classified.
r.o ttmi r Tim
rraatnli! Rcaglltl
CMrneraotl rafMeltn
iU Net. lib Kiqalr Thtilro Bill
roan ions
a used
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9 (P) The
Browns 'dressing room is lined
with 25 extra-large silver-plated
horseshoes, gift of a St. Louis
brewery which told the club it
needed them more than the
horses d d. "We've gotten lit
erally hundreds of gifts,' Man
ager Sewell said, "but I got the
best one a two-headed silver
dollar that might come in handy
during the long winter."
With' five games of the 1944
classic now history, a player has
yet to try to steal a base. No
six or seven game scries iihk
ever been played in which at
least one man from one ol tne
two participating teams didn't
steal successfully. To which the
Browns roolers jeer "ana mey
ridiculed our catching staff!"
Stan Muslal's fumble yester
day was the first Cardinal error
of the series. Previous to that
nlav the Redbirda had handled
172 chances In the field without
a mlscue. Fielding .993, the Na
tional leaguers have a good
chance of setting a new record
for a six or seven game series.
Aimlanes of all varieties
from single scat sightseeing ship
to one of the newest four
cnglncd bombers have "buz
zed" Sportsmans park for a free
look at the games. One time
yesterday, Denny Gatehouse
stopped his pitching chores com-
Eiciciy and waicned a nuge
ombcr swoop low over' the
field. Then he went back to
work and struck out Johnny
Hopp, batting; .174 for tho scr
ies, is the strikeout champ of
the first five games, whitflng
seven times in 23 trips to the
The pitchers In this series are
holding to tho old theory that
hurlers never hit. In 26 at
tempts members of tho Cards'
and Browns mound staff have
made only one hit, Gatehouse's
single in the seventh inning of
ycsicraay s game.
L. W. Soukon. 505 Pacific Ter
race, bagged an antelope in the
uuuno lake area near Adcl re
cently. The antler measured 164
Inches from skull lo tip and Al
Cumm ngs. local laxidcrmisi.
says it is the biggest he has ever
seen. It is reported that there
was an antelope killed locally,
some time ago, measuring 17 J
inches, and as far as can be as
certained, this is a world s rcc
Jack Miller, local hunter, hit
the Jackpot last Sunday when he
Killed a jt-poini DiacKian weign
Inc 218 nounds dressed. Jack
bagged his deer in the Long
rru inc.- region,
We still don't know for sure
the identity of the "drey Mask,
but he could be. and we only
say could be, a rugged guy that
used the handle of King Konc
in California mat circles.
Whoever he is, and wherever
he hails from, he possesses one of
the hardest konks we have ever
seen in the cranium-crunching
business. Don t think he con
ccals anything under his hood as
Is susplcioncd, out just nas
darn liurd dome.
Wallv Moss really did a bang.
up job of rcferceing Friday night
ana acscrves congraiuiacions.
It's a tearing task to separate
the body benders when they go
on the prowl in earnest. So
take a bow, Wally.
Our Quarterback club is get'
ling well-deserved recognition
from darn near all over the state
Here is a ciuotc out of Al Light
ncr's pillar in the Oregon
Statesman from Salem:
"So after the 33-0 shellacking
the prep Pelicans took from
Grant, which was certain to
draw repercussions, it was hint
ed, the largest turnout in his
tory of the club showed up at the
next meeting to pledge even
more support to the team and
Coach Marble Cook!".
Al goes on to say that a sirnl
lar organization could sure be
used in the canital city. As fa
as that's concerned, an outfit
like our Quarterback club could
be used to advantage in any
town or city that is really Inter
cstcd in their football and their
The mixed two ball foursome
matches at Reamcs must be com
plclcd by October 20, according
to word received from John
West, tourney chairman. Two
cups will be awarded the win
ners the night of the Harvest
dance, October 21, held at the
local club.
There will also be another
servicemen's clambake on the
local links Thursday afternoon,
October 19. The same sextets
will perform as did upon the
previous occasion when the gy
renes kept the situation well in
hand, but the navy and army
will be out for revenge in what
will be a dinger of a match.
In the championship flight set
tled Sunday. , Sgt. Leslie Leal
walked off with the crown by
out-stroking Earl Weimar, 3 and
Martin Swarison took the mea
sure of Bob Sproat in the first
flight, and the winner of the sec
ond flight is not yet known, but
will bo announced soon.
Purdue Rolls Over Illinois
While Ohio Stat Conquers
Iowa; Wisconsin Victorious
NkW YORK. Oct. 9 (I'l
Batcbull hasn't fuisakcn the
limelight yet. but already the
football picture for this third
war-time season has been clari
fied to the extent of determining
the haves and have-nots.
Although service teams have
thrown some mighty blocks in
the two grid campaigns since
Pearl Harbor, the coming season
may be their best.
Already North Carolina Pre-
Flight has polished off the U. S.
Naval Academy squad and
Duke, each a leader in its dis
trict and tne Middies a distinct
candidate for national honors.
Randolph Field crushed Rice and
Texas on successive Saturdays
with a combined scoring total of
101 points to 6.
In addition, there are the
Iowa Scahawks, Great Lakes
Bluejackets and the highly pub
licized Second Air Force Super-
bombers are willing and more
than able tn defend themselves
on the gridiron. J
In strictly collegiate circles
the same hierarchy apparently
win prevail.
Notre Dame, last ycar's na
tional champion, subdued Tulane
Saturday, 2U to 0, for its second
straight victory and this Satur
day takes on Dartmouth, 20 to 6
victim of Pennsylvania, at Bos-
ion, luisa has streaKed to two
straight and stands beside the
Irish as the potential best among
tne independents.
Purdue, which disposed of Il
linois by 35 to 19, Ohio State,
34 lo 0 victor over Iowa; and
Wisconson, which downed Mar
quette, 21 to 2, loom strongest in
the Big Ten. Purdue, co-champion
with Michigan a year ago,
is host to Iowa Prc-Flight on
Saturday, while the Badgers and
Buckeyes collide at Madison.
Pcnn, who takes on William
and Mary next; Army and Navy
have their usual places atop the
eastern heap. Tho Cadets used
everyone on their roster while
downing previously unbeaten
Brown, 59 to 7, and Navy pushed
aside Pcnn State. 55 to 14. This
week. Army engages Pitt and
the Middles are hosts to Duke's
twice-beaten but powerful ele
Georgia Tech, winner over
North Carolina, and Tennessee
ruled in the southeast circuit
while Duke and Wake Forest are
top? in the southern loop,. Ten
nessee, back on the grid map
after a brief war-time hiberna
tion, already has defeated two
conference foes and Saturday
has Florida as lis guest. Tech
opposes Auburn. 7 to 0 victor of
Fort Benning's 4th infantry team
Texas and Rice, despite their
drubbings by Randolph Field
continue as Southwest confer
ence favorites although both arc
busy with non-conference foes
this week with the Longhorns en
tertaining Oklahoma and the
Owls playing Tulane while
Southern Methodist ha the task
of trying to stop the Flyers.
Football Scores
By The Associated Press
Alameda (Calif.) Coast Guard
18, St. Mary'a 0.
St. Thomas (St. Paul) 27, St.
Mary's (Winona, Minn.) 6.
Camp Peary 38, Camp Lee 0.
Balnbridgc Navy 53, Camp
Lejeune 7.
Maxwell Field 62, Kinslnn
(N. C.) Marines 0.
Georgia Pre-Klight 33, Cherry
Point (N. C.) Marines 0.
Fort Pierce Navy Amphlbs 40,
Miami Naval Training 7.
Charleston (S. C.) Coast Guard
14. Chatham Field (Ga.) 0.
220th Engineers. Camp Camp
bell Ky.) 1H. f ort Knox 7.
Bowman Field 44, Fifty-Eighth
Aircraft Engineers (Nashville) 0.
Nevada 25, Arizona State
Teachers 6.
Late Saturday
Oklahoma 21, Texas Aggies 14.
Tulsa 27, Kansas 0.
Oklahoma Aggies 14, Texas
Tech 7.
El Toro (Calif.) Marines 52,
Beaumont, Tex. Army Raiders
West Texas Slate 19, New
Mexico 12.
Pittsburg (Kan.) Teachers 13,
Rockhurst College 0.
St. Olaf 13, Cornell (la.) 0.
Villanova 7, Sampson Naval
Florida 27, Jacksonville Navy
20. . .
Central (Ind.) Normal 6.
Franklin 6 (tic).
Amarillo (Tex.) Army Air 31.
Lubbock Army Air 0.
Catawba 34, Newberry 14.
South Carolina 0, Miami Uni
versity 0 (tie).
Moore, Sewell
Should Thank
Angy Giuliani
Nimrods Say
Huntinq Good
This Season
By Tht Associated Press
Nimrods. goine through for
est areas which were closed most
of the 1943 season, are reporting
the best bags of recent years.
Game officials estimated that
the opening-day take In Fre
mont, Deschutes, Malheur, and
Oehoco national forests exceed'
ed 500, and succeeding days
were equally good. Much of this
area was closed for army ma
neuvers last fall opening only
for a single day s hunting. Deer
have come down to lower alti
tudes than usual,
Cold storage locker plants at
London a residents spend
9juu,uuu,uuu annually on snnv
mlng" and other beauty treat
mcnts in normal times.
Vou Drive Move Youratlt
Save M Lens and .
Short Trips
Phone 1304 1301 East Mala
Attention Hunters
Save Your Hides!
Deer Elk Antelope
W will pay you top prices and you will bo help
ing tht war effort.
Hidei are needed badly.
2501 Be. Stlf St.
Sixth St. Auto Wrecking
We hive Oregon state permit to buy.
Tel. SS8J
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9 Wi If
Gene (The Sphinx) Moore, the
St. Louis Browns outfielder,
ever speaks more than three
words at a time (his record at
present), he might thank Angelo
Giuliani for a share in the
world series currency.
And if the silent Texan keeps I
getting on base in front of First 1
Baseman George McQuinn,
Manager Luke Sewell might
thank Giuliani for the extra
swag that goes to the winner of
baseball's biggest show.
It was Giuliani who told
Clark Griffith, owner of the
Washington Senators, last
spring, that he didn't appreciate
Deing traded from a likely pen
nant winner to a sure loser.
He would quit baseball. Giuliani
averred, rather than play with
the lowly Browns.
The "Old Fox" had to send
the Browns another ball player
in lieu of the recalcitrant re
ceiver who had been swapped
for Rick Ferrell. another back
stop. Moore was it.
Gasoline has no definite freez
ing point. It gradually stiffens
into a wax-like substance, 'and
ordinary gasoline will solidifv
at temperatures between 180 and
240 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit
Film City
Win 38-0
Lot Angoles Wildcats Roll'
Over Portland Rockets 26-7
By Tht Associated Prtst
The Hollywood Rangers near
the half-way mark of the new
American Professional Football
league untied and undefeated.
The strong Film City eleven
powered by five former Univers
ity of Southern California Tro
jans racked up their sixth vic
tory of a 14-game schedule by
crushing the hapless Oakland
Hornets, 28-0, Sunday.
Presaging the Rangers' first
real test, their opponents of next
Sunday, the Los Angeles Wild
cats, rolled over the Portland
Rockets, 26 to 7, behind the pass
pitching of St. Mary'a Andy
Marefos. The win was the first
for the Wildcats.
In the league's other game the
San Diego Gunners edged out
the Los Angeles Mustangs, 7 to
6, the winning margin being a
dropkick conversion by Halfback
Bob Hess.
Although operating without
their backficld star, Steve Ba
garus from Notre Dame, the San
Diego Bombers flattened the
Oakland Giants. 21-0. in the
; Giants' 1944 debut in the Pacific
coast pro league. Joe Mansm
subbed for Bagarus and tossed
passes for the first tally.
While the powerhouse San
Francisco Packers were tramp
ling the Hollywood Wolves, 26-7,
the other northern member of
the same league, San Jose's Mus
tangs, rallied to defeat the Los
Angeles Bulldogs, 14-3. The
Mustangs overcame a first quart
er field goal advantage by scor
ing touchdowns in the second
and fourth periods.
The Packers rang up 19 points
in the first half in a power dis
play, but the game's highlight
was staged by Hollywood when
St. Mary's Harry Mattos arched
a 50-yard pass to Sandy Sanford
for a third period touchdowp
NEW YORK, Oct. 7 (VP) The
New York Telephone company
had 106,800 calls for the result of
the first game of the AU-St. Lou
is world scries Wednesday in con'
trast to 83.300 a year ago for the
outcome of the first game which
involved the New York Yankees
and the St. Louis Cardinals.
Top number of calls ever re
ceived for a sports result was
118.171 for the final game of the
1943 world series.
Lieutenant (jg) H. T. Osborne,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Osborne called his parents
by phone last Thursday night
at which time ' he expected to
leave immediately for overseas
service. Lieutenant Osborne
spent 17 months in the Aleutians
and is now being sent into the
cjcntral Pacific area.
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne have
had as their recent house guests,
Dr. and Mrs; Horace Pittkin,
San Francisco and Mrs. Fannette
Hodges, Merrill. The bay area
guests plan to return here for
the opening of the pheasant sea
son. , I
Starting a forest fire today is
a serious offense, but in Puritan
limes it wa considered the easi
est way of clearine land.ianrl
millions of acres of forests were
destroyed by hand-set fires.
Baker and Pendleton reported a
steady influx of venison.
Four hunters have lost their
lives since the deer season
" FOR 1
When tn Mediord
' Stay at
Thoroughly Modern
Jo and Ann Earlty
311 Underwood Bldg.
A S25 fine has been fixed as
a penalty for letting a dog stray
over neighbors' lots in London
because home gardens have be
come so important.
The Shandakan tunnel, part of
New York City's water supply
system, is 18.1 miles long.
When something you v Htm ciums
simple diarrhea, rafte toothing
fbpto-bismol. It bring prompt re
lief to upseU in stomach and intes
tines. Tkstea tfood and does good. Ask
your druggist for PEPTOBISMOI
when your stomach is upset.
Allen Adding Machines
Friden Calculators
Royal Typewriters
Desks Chairs Files
For those htrd-to-gtt Items
124 So. 9th Klamath Falls
Pepsl-Cbla Company, Lon$ stand Cllji, iV. V.
FraneMied Bottler: Klamath Falls Pepii-Cola lottling Co.
The Windbreaker can take it and come up
smiting. It resists wind and weather and
continues to look trim and fit That is why
the Windbreaker is nationally famous and
every boy's favorite. Fine wool linings.
it WJf v fSIZES 12 to 20
Quality Clothing Sine 1908
Blh and Main Phone 44