Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 07, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    October 7, 19
Sunday. October 8
Members of BPW club to at
tend services of First Christian
church, meeting at corner of 9th
and Pine at 10:30 a. m.
National Business women s
Week tea to be given at home of
Mrs. Marshall Cornett, 3:30 to
6 30 p. m.. 2043 Lavcy, to which
all members invited.
Monday. October 9
Klamath Falls Woman s Lib
rary club. Chester Davis to
speak on "The Philippines" at
2 p. m., main auditorium, pub
lic library. v . j
Executive board of BPW to
meet at 7 p. m. at home of Ber
tha Geiger, 1503 Upham.
-s t t : rniiaitave of AmCr-
ica meet in the parish hall at 8
I. IH. All Bppm.anu.ia
ua nniirt shnuld be
Presented at this time for the
rst reading. , , , .
Lioness club meeting in club
room in city library at 8 p. m.
Tuesday. October 10
Delphian, Delta Gamma chap
ter, meeting at 9:45 a. m., at
home of Mrs. Horace E. Getz,
511 Pacific Terrace.
Happy Hour club to be en
tertained at home of Mrs. Syd
ney Evans, Sunset ranch, 2 p. m.
Friday. October 13
The Friendship club will hold
the first fall meeting with Mrs.
C. O. Dryden, 610 N. 11th, at 8
p. m. All members are urged to
attend. , . , ,.
Saturday, October 14
Orions will hold a rummage
sale at the Meat Center, 1021
Main. ,
Monday, October 18
League of Women Voters,
1-3J p. m. library club rooms.
PTA school of instruction at
First Methodist church, opening
at 10 a. m., under direction of
state president, Mrs. Harry
George of Portland.
Wednesday, October 18
Order of the Amaranth, Ma
sonic temple, initiation of can
didates. .-,!
Wednesday club, St. Pauls
Episcopal church, Halloween
party, parish house.
Saturday, October 21
League of Women Voters
rummage sale, ft mer location
Meat Center, Main street
Harvest dance given by
Beames Golf and Country club
at clubhouse.
Regular meeting AAUW, at
12:30 p. m., Winema banquet
Umnliv ftf tabor 93
Garden group of Woman's Ll-
I.,K will mMif at. 1 :S0 In
small club room in city library.
Wednesday, novemoer u
Tlnti-.f Ttnn HftCcn nlri at Ppli
Mt, cnnncnrAl hv Klamath
"I' -rf ;
Community Concert association.
Wednesday. January 1
TOJlHam Prtmrncp cnniKHrPll
by Klamath Community Con
cert association. The pelican.
5 ,
Bridge Club
Mrs. Richard Post was hostess
to members of her bridge club
last Friday evening at her home
on Eldorado. High score went
to Mrs. Lane Warren and low to
Mrs. Frederick Farley.
Guests were Mrs. Stanley
Staiger and Mrs. Robert Elling-
son and others present were
Mrs. Roy Witlatch, Mrs. John
Sandmeyer and Mrs. Lloyd
Froom who will entertain the
group In a fortnight.
Bettie Hopkins of Klamath
Falls has returned to Lewis and
Clark college where classes start
ed this week. She graduated
from Klamath Union high school
in 1943, and this is her sopho
more year in college.
Serpent To Woman
SCENE Garden of Eden.
Said the serpent to Eve Did
God say there was one certain
tree in the Garden of which
you must not eat?
Quite so, said Eve and if we
even touch that one tree we
shall surely die.
You shall not die said Satan
You shall not die. Looking back
on this moment, Christ named
Satan the Father of Lies. When
he speaketh a lie, he speaketh
of his own, for he is a liar and
the father of it. So said Christ
of Satan and of this first lie.
John 8:44.
So, being tempted of Satan,
Eve took of the fruit of the
tree, then she gave to Adam,
who ate of his own free will
not being solicited bv Satan.
Already God had told them
to increase and multiply and
repienisn tne earth. Now
children were born to them
these came with Adam's fallen
nature. He was ruined by the
tail and in Adam all die. Where-
lore as Dy one man Adam-sin
entered into the world and
death by sin; and so death hath
passed upon all men, in that all
have sinned. Romans 5:12.
the ranks of the fallen sons of
Adam. God is callme out
people for his name. ONE God
blots out their sins Christ died
for our sins. And God writes
eternal righteousness on their
fiage. Also he breathes his own
Ife into their souls. In a world
dead in trespasses and sins, here
is new life.
TWO For the next slxtv
minutes, I give my hands, my
feet, eyes, thought and heart
to Christ to do with as He wills.
Yielded utterly to Him, He is
10 use me 10 1110 glory of uod.
Yes, I make Christ the Lnrri
of mv Life for the next slvtv
minutes and the next and the
next, ior all my days, I make
Him the Lord of my life. And
He pledges never to leave me
nor to forsnkf mn Trnlv Ko-
lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ
ana thou shalt be saved.
S. W. McChesncy Road, Port-
jano 1, uregon. this space paid
iur oy an ureepn Dusmcss man
I 'V
1 1
r v
1 :
1 x -r
5.; r"!LbVl1
wig', -
ness Women s weeic irom uciuuer
Political Topics
Timely for Program
Sunday, October 8, marks the opening of National Business
Women's week, when the 1662 Business and Professional Women s
clubs of the 48 states, Hawaii and Alaska stress their aims, and
ideals through appropriate programs ana omer acuviues.
First on the schedule of the Klamath Falls club will be
church services Sunday morning when members are requested
to meet at the corner of Ninth and Pine at 10:30 o'clock to attend
the First Christian church.
On Sunday afternoon from
tea will be held at the home
of Mrs. Marshall Cornett, 2043
Lavey, to which all members
of the club are invited. The na
tional week tea is always one
of the outstanding affairs of the
club year and is anticipatea Dy
many who have attended in the
past. Mrs. Cornett is chairman,
assisted by Jean Rawlins, Dena
Backes and Grace Kintgen.
Mrs. Rawlins, public relations
chairman, who is in charge of
arrangements for the coming
week, also planned several radio
talks, the dates and time to
be announced later.
Last Monday evening s omner
topic, "Are We politically Liter
ate," was in charge of Isabel
Brixner who stated that here
tofore women's groups have
been regarded, politically, as
babes in the woods and stressed
that in order for women to ob
tain what they want in this
field they must know "the
facts of life about political pro
cedure." Mrs. Brixner again re
minded that women will prob
ably cast the majority of votes
in the November election.
Rose Poole, republican can
didate for state legislature, fol
lowed up this last statement in
her talk by staling xnai wom
en have always had the balance
of power since they obtained
the privilege to vote, but they
haven't used it.
Mrs. Poole urged that legisla
tive bodies be referred to as
we." not as "they." for "we
are the government" and that
it be kept in mind that repre
sentatives to the legislature and
congress are put there by the
people to represent them; there
fore, voters snouia not nesnaie
about keeping them informed of
their wishes. Mrs. Poole also
asked parents to explain to chil
dren the process ot voting ana
its privileges.
Lena Dennis of the League of
Women Voters explained the
amendment to the state con
stitution, to be voted on in
November, which will allow a
change in county government
to a manager form in which the
administration of county gov
ernment is under the head of
one responsible person. She
stated that it is the belief of
the league that reorganization
of county government will give
more for the tax dollar and bet
ter administration,
Dorothy Revell. a former
member of the local club,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Revell of Langcll vol
ley, told of the Bus-Pro club
at Anchorage, Alaska where
she is now employed. A letter
was read from Marycarol Jones,
formerly of this city, who is
now in hospital work In the
South Pacific.
Dena Backes discussed the
proper procedure in the intro-
duction of guests, with Stella
Bowne giving an illustration of
a wrong introduction. Mrs.
Cornett told of a visit to the
Prinoville BPW club
On Mrs. Brixner's committee
vere Stella Myers who assisted
with the colorful autumn dec
orations, Maude Melton and
Rose 0 Leary,
"Are We Part-Time Citizens"
Is the topic for the next meet
ing on October 16, with Elen-
n. -,
' Mi
' 1
vj( : Wtiift'J:;
. 1 t-i' 1 1 tir. nluK tliic vonr nr Nnrmfl
Pictures bv Kenneil-t-ius.
o w -
3:30 until 5:30 o'clock, a silver
: '.
ora Weatherford, legislative
chairman, and her committee in
charge. A meeting 01 tne execu
tive board will be held Monday,
October 9, at 7 p. m. at the
home of Bertha Geiger, 1503
Of interest to his many friends
Klamath Falls is announce
ment of the marriage of Carl
Dudley of San Francisco who
took as his bride on October 1,
in Sacramento, the former Drus
cilla Jean Ramey of that city.
The service was read in tne
Westminster chapel.
Wd in South MOv m" 5 Z mV'to 1 p. m: ft' Mi I V
ylaM S'" with'perllnnCtrlm
$6'" 0nly'
r M frjl I Forstmann suede
RECENT WEDDING K&l tfi'mmVi'lm
Corporal and Mrs. Terry R. Ireland cut their tiered cake at
the reception following their recent wedding at the Seattle home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, parents of the groom. Mrs. Ireland
is the former Dorothy Laurenson of Klamath Falls. Her mother
is Mrs. Lela Laurenson of Portland.
Now You Can Send
Flowers -By -Wire
(fodtani tfaue Ska
724 Pine St.
I1 Sv- s i
vie. t
clubU observe Naiioi nlBusi-
Birthday Party
Fifth grade classmates of
Frances Stearns were invited to
the birthday party given for her
by her mother last Saturday at
their home on Pacific Terrace.
The party waa held in the
basement "rumpus room," which
was decorated with pink crepe
paper, and there was a Dig Dirtn
dav cake with pink candles.
. Frances, who is the daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W,
Stearns, was ten years old on
September 30,
Catholic Daughters
The Catholic Daughters of
America have taken over the
service center on Friday for
the time being, and are asking
the ladies of the parish to assist
in this project. There will be
four shifts during the day, from
10 a. m. to 1 p. m., 1 p. m. to
5:30 p. m., 5 p. m. to 7 p.
and 7 p. m. to 11 p. m. Eigh
teen women are needed each
Friday to help in this work, and
those who can are asked to call
Grand Regent Phillis Mahoney
and leave their names or call
Agnes La Londe, 4440, Ellen
Ely. 3287. or Violet Pieser, 6454
and tell them what shifts they
Phone 5560
Grand Regent Phillis Mahoney I fsv - ?. : Vf I
and leave their names or call ll? f " 3 11
Agnes La Londe, 4440, Ellen I 6 I'M I I I
Ely, 3287. or Violet Pieser, 6454 dL ' I 1 " ! 1I I 11
and tell them what shifts they zk I I R I
Dorothy Laurenson
Weds in Seattle
Dorothv Laurenson, formerly
of Mrs. Lela Uiiir.n.on of Pxrtlnnd. brcame 1110 ormo m -or-
emnitea ai iih iioniu ii in--
Baker. In Seattle. September 20. v,-i,
The double rins W""?...! XV.rf.iSZ',?.
Goodnaugh Ol tne esu-y runiuuHi.ii , V"' i ... ,,11 ,,Vi
before an open fin-place banked with ferns. White gladioli and
orinc s roses necoruiru inu mum.
1 no Dnnc, kivvh hi iiiomihks
by the groom's father, wore
frost green and curried an arm
bouquet of orchids and yellow
LWlHtWC v. w.v. ......
rosebuds. She was attended by
Betty Lou Cramer ot Monroe.
Oregon, who was innid of honor.
The smartness of your coat and suit hangs
by its shoulders. We don't remember a
season when shoulders have figured more
importantly. Their very squareness does
wonderful things to hips and waistlines
... via contrast!
V, 17
V jA 'y,. I Rhnrl rnnt In tin
11 I Trimmed with for-
II III iiiimniHI. .... tug 0d1mm
i I Skirt to W
J A match .... 110.95
of Klnmatli Falls and daughter
land Colleen Ireland, sister of
I thiv i!room.
Following the wedding, a
small reception was hold, in
tended by the following ituosts:
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gray. Mr.
WW f
I 11:11 I WUAY
t r ... vm . w li
beautiful Mou to n
and Mrs. Harold lli'iithiiiiiit. Mj"'
and Mrs. Jc ""; V' .'"
- 'll',":;,"n,,r;
TOIll )". "". ,' Will'.
joo now, cpi. '''"";.,. .1 1.
roil Wood, USMC. l "t henttl ,
and Mrs- Ilnrold Olson o( h
UL'iie. Mrs. i.ium-"-"". -bride's
mother, nunc (rum ! I-
hind o iilioiid i"- -.
Cornoral U,-.,;,,.. ;,;, Jus
in the Soul 1 rnrinr.
1,1, bride are now in San Dh-ho.
awaiting- (urlln'f orders.
S y
Two showers were given re
cently (or Mrs. Il. rl l"''"
nn Tuesday. Sopl.-inlx'r 2. "'
the o her o , Thursday. Seufn';
i... " vl,,d who gathered
at her home both
Donate a few
pleasant hours
at the Red Cross
work rooms.
Mm. Genu ChuinpiiHiic,
t'liiiinpi'giie, Mm. Jntm w..
Mer, Mis Wiilly lludden,
Kd Kiinpp, Mrs. Hobcit Mn(
Mrs. Iivlntt Cray, Helen Cm'
Mrs. William Stephens, Mrn.
nn T001I, Mrs. John Irwin,
lliy Ileiuley, Mm. A. L. HPUIt
Mm. Irvln ningman, Thtl
Hlngiiiiin, Oiml liliimnnii, jj.
Deo Fox, Mm, Donulil
Mrs. W. M. Ilnlrell, June 1 IUir''
Mm. William M. II11I10II Jr., N
liny Overson, Mrs. Jerry Co',
mini, Mm. Lydlu J imii-n, n
Frank Nlles, Mm. Robert Jon,
Mm. Walter Anderson. M
llendrlok. Jesse 1 1i-nclrlVki
('Inirleiie Hendricks, Mrs, j,:
Young. Shirley Yoiiim, Mrs. ft,;
nun. Mm. Sulslierry, Hlchm
Salsberry, Muriel Newlund. ,
Polium tlimnm, nir. jess bto,
. A ......... t 1 1 r
lllul WIS. liiun-J m-win-r.
Gnbardlna suit,
Not too dressy . , ,
not too tnllorrdl
Finest workm a n-ship.