Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 06, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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n,imlon-Mr. Wiillor
",fl c) nfiir l'.uKene,
"'I1 l ii, I t pnivnts. Ml', hi l
u O'Connor, formerly
llc-olc-y- " "L, . firflt ro-
on l ,,'Lcll. In..
kir. t " ,',. n resldo 111
m In l"c 1 '
, w.rl.:r....in !
r Z he open until further
in win ' r.iiiuwiiiu
ess ? & ,i
IfaW "r ., will re.
IS it I"" '"' ' l,rC'",l,l
?, . If , rnKn.ii. on Friday,
r . hull (or member
0. . Till, will be
P . i.urutn will n e-
nil Will I"' '"
!Kl.mm. H.M.rvin
rmm. who
, rduibluun conm ."
5 work In brlmU of the
lit cnn'Ht'-y of Wi.yne ..
. II s. murine corps ;
l2 polllin.1 conle.il, in which
WM llllllirrc.viui.
frhtu nho c;iri or i
, il.r IOOK linn m ' .in p. in,
lin will he miiclr lor UK! I nl-
veen party nn'l " nieninemiip
ulrsl l I" l) titi'rf'l. Every-
l.mkrd to niicnu in orc.cr io
.,,-.o. itrtl,n rtuuiell nnrl
Ixinr. Warner will aerva rc-
vi.n u. Virl XA. nnr) Mm.
in Ehrheurt are here from El
o, Texan. visiting their pur-
tj, Mr. no "irfl. n. rv. mm
,,. .ul Mr nnd Mrs. Georue
lrhrt. Mrs. Ehrheurt l the,
kmer Connie iinnnon oi nun
v. Lt. Khrhenrl preni
',vA tiftri. rrreoltv frnm Med-
Id, to open the Wl-nc-ma cole.
On Lvt Jnines Lavln. ten.
In i arrived Miuirdny 10
lit hl parenH, Mr. nnd Mm, D.
Uvin, his iirm vimi nunm in
cr yenr. His l.tcr, Mury
frmret Lovln, a studi-nl lit
or O. at EUKcnc. returned
ime (or low dnyii to see her
bihtr. He will ho hero ror M
Sond ritc Slwili'y M.'CMi-L
Inn nnd Kriiiicln Arnold of Klmii
nth l'nlla mid wlmiera In Ilia 411
chili Junior IIvcbIdcIi almw, will
nuiid lleecfB to Porlliuid'i 17th
m.nuiil 4 11 dull wool nhnw, net
lur Hiiturdny, Oclohcr 7.
Stamp 8U Totnl nf I'nlr
view k.'IkjiiI nliimii nuln this
wwli, hrhl on (Jrlohrr 6, wim
377, la-cordlnK to n n-nurt iiiucli
todny. Li.fit wuck'ii iwln on Sep
lumber 20 win SU.1U3,
Portland Man Wants
Whiskey for Jump
rortTLAND. Oct. a ia-i a
IioitKIciI crowd Kthorcd t tho
Monlnoii lrft brliluo hero y
teidiiy to wntch n limn purched
on the lop nf u ulrdiT.
' AfliT u lOnilnute wnlt, he
tnnM.ri hl rout Inio the river, and
pluniicd In nller It.
I'rciciillv h i-iiine up nwlni.
inlnit. "Wliut'K the nuiller?" ho
n.sked polh-e who rnacued hhn,
uii-ii nnoKiiM mm inr uiiioiflcily
cond.iel. "Isn't nnyhody iiuhhIiik
out tliii wlhnkey? 1 thoi.lit Ihcy
tlilVe n uuv ii rlrlnk vulit.n lir. riillx
ill tlm river."
He wim Identified us .lenoe l)u
vld Snyder, IH. roillnnd,
8t. Pauli Guild At the pur
lll hoime on 'I hurmliiy. October
12 at 2 p. m the St. Pniiln
(iiilld will meet to hew upronn
for the bntunr.
Vilorant Mooting The piu..
Iih-Amerlcttii wur veternivi nnd
iiuxllliiry will meet In the K. C.
hull Tiiixdny, Octolu-r 10, I'nt
luek dinner will he nerved at
7;U0 p, 111.
Girl Born Mr. nnd Mm. K.r
iienl Mllllron, Z:t.'ill While, arc
the imrcntn o( bnhy ulrl, born
Kiidi.y niornlnu nl the Klnmnlh
Vnlley liospllnl.
Swodith Sorvlca There will
he n Swedish aervlre lit Ilia Klrsl
Coveniint church, Siii.rtny nt II
p. in, The Kiienker will he the
Itiiv. Edwin A. Ilnll.nten of Port
hind. Interference by
Bridges Charged
POHTl.AND, Oct. 6 lT)
Wnync I,, Morse, republlniii sen
nt or In I nominee, chnrued todny
Hint Hurry llrlduen hud threaten.
ed to oppone bin enndldncy unh-M
r.iorc aniiieu inn .nippgri mm
Ijov. uewey lo rrcMtlent Itooao-veil.
Moral, cndorrii'd hv the CIO In
the pi'liiinry, nu.de the ntnleinei.t
ai.orliy nller Mine ciO orficlnl
neriiarri the Sim Krnneltcn labor
lender of InlerferniK In Oreeon
Khaptl Meotlne There will
a special mcctlns of tho rep-
irntatlvea of all churehcn In-
elcd n the wrv cemen
ppel, a.i well an any other who
- interested at the Immnnuel
nllt church Sunday afternoon
2:30 p. m.
FSA Hopraientatlva n. J,
plsate, field recreatlonnl reprc-
iiiauvc oi me t hA, In In Klnnv
. Falls Friday to make jur
y in connection with an an
pcatlon for fundi for the USO
:mcr to be established here
ffiilurdav Night Party The
al Order of the Monso will
wld tllClr rPUIllnr Knli.rflnu
I'll iwirly In the Mooso half,
"""": ai ii:ju p. in., and
inocra nnu inoncis nro Invllca
ottcalvat WrrA ..wl HI...
iy. n ucKy, n:i Cnnby. have
tdVCri U'nrrl II. nl .1.-1-
,,,!.... ' nun,
I'tnin Jack K. Stucky, mudici.l
icer W II, II. n II ... ,'
i,"'. , w. o. iiiiuy, la
Nwhcrc hi France.
F,'" D'"9hl' A seven pound
n ?. , 1,1 10 ftlr- m,tl Mrs,
0. Defkins. ma South Sixth
hlmmitli Vnlley hospital
Hnn Norland Auto Iniuranc.
Phono 6000.
Oui' winter nllot
incnl of I Ii o i c
popular P.i'nwim
R n a c h .Jacketfl
Itavo just arrived
. . with or with
out collar.. . also
vi'Hts to match.
Sizes 36 lo fia
Official modal of the "Flag
hip" Glrli of the American
Airlines. Three -pioc bell
for daihing figure flallory.
Beautifully loilored in fa.,
mous Tackle Twill , Crav
enette shower-proofed,
wind-rmiilanl and a joy lo
wear. Air Force blue, natu
ral. Sixes 10 to 20.
Main et Fifth
te,'A.,.,..l,,fI,.l"'rK nii:man
lnVk S!.. .' '"'l Wl lam
ih held
loil k n ' "10 e"" Whlllm k
IS?.''- ' M n. in. wlih
., & Th rm.ln. will
)' m K i? "I"" '"in? enm.
Rl ,;iu p. m,
.'".J ervue ,r .... ,,.. ,.
ihil to'K!? ;". n ihi. my
"H. Th. .. r,lc"l".v. Oclobtr
Smilhtrn ., i ' D" 'orwarilncl
C '. Klain. i' : ."'""."'n Valley
Whll. M". Km..! Mllllron.
llflR ,"' , wn!ih v.".v'
'h rii"h" ""-,w. o. nn.vinn,
:""thouse Records
tY. M,.V,.J,r,,,u"
:' '. r'nl,0;. V"-"1 "-Vftinnd
M. Pfinh iiK""''. r''.' Imna
' Kl. K ; r...
l.,rl" t.ir",vpf"'!1"
ln' Cm i. r dlv',r'. chrn il.
aiiori... ir"B"r... -John B.
Republican Candidate For
U. S. Senator
Will Speak and Answer Questions
Relative to His Political Ideas
A. F. L.
422 Main Street
Friday Evening
7:15 -8 o'clock
All Labor Groupi, Rogardloss of
Affiliation!, Are Invited.
!' lM.n':p;w,M..:iUi'.'Uii
A PKic Woolens f
I ' "r
t-onama iwis
A medium weight 100 virgin wool fabric In new colors
of Salamander, Old Gold and Kelly Green.
84 inches wide. Yd.
Cohama Monolain Coating
A 100 virgin wool coating In lovely novelty weave. Comes
In colors of Moss Green, Purp'e, Chocolate and r Qr
Copcn. 34 Inches wide. . Yd. 0,7 0
An ail wool medium weight novelty fabric for suit or coat.
Comes in now shades of Watermelon, Winterberry, Soldier
Win-. Powder, Kelly Green, Orchid and Navy.
54 inches wide. Yd.
.t -
Herringbones and crepes In suit and coat weights. A lovely
rich and durable fabric. Comes in bottle green, wine, Ted,
gold, beige, turquoise and winter r A i r QC
green. 84 inches wide. Yd. J.OU tO D. 70
Herringbone Worsteds
A heavy 100 wool coating of exceptional wearibility.
Comes in blue, brown, green and gray. f"
60 inches wide. - Yd. 3.0U
AII-Wool Plaids
Medium weights for suits or skirts. Several color combina
tions to choose from. ) rft i 5 QQ
80 inches wide. Yd. 3,OU TO O. 7 O
Part wool plaids,
50 wool, 50 rayon. ' Yd.
Forstmann Check Suiting
Popular check patterns in new season colors.
Brown and gray, gold and gray, cerise and
cray and light and dark gray.
54 Inches. Yd.
Pacific Coating
A heavy crepe coating of 100
virgin wool. Comes in chocolate,
gray, brown, soldier blue, salaman-
and wood green. r flp
inches wide. Yd. O. O
All-Wool Dress Crepes
A beautiful sheer wool in rich lustreful fall crepes. Comer'
in soldier blue, gray, brown, purple, moss green Crt
and black. 54 inches. . Yd. J.OU
Ripple Crepe Suitinc,
An all-wool suiting of rich lovely texture. Kelly green, gray,
brown, copen, soldier blue, moss green and f QQ
black. "54 inches.
I j
Boys' Sport
Sportswear Type in water repellent fine
heavy cotton. I OO
Sices 6 to 10. ,70
Woathtr-Proof jackets. Button front A Q r
styles in olive green. 6 lo 14 years. T 7 O
Boys' Pari Lealh.r jackets. Part wool heavy
typo. Navy only.- 7 OC
Sues 6 to 12. ,7a
Boys' AU-Laother Jackets. Zipper front,
siietyoM. 1 3.50 and 1 4.95
Boys' School and Dress
Pants . 2.98 and 3.98
Large assortment of wool mixed dress pants
in dark shades. Herringbones of heavy san
forized cotton. Sizes 6 to IS years.
Boys' and Girls'
Wat-a-Tite brand heavy twill in tan colors
in 2-pocket styles. Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Best grade cotton and rayon in plain colors
s"zdesst6r'tpoe8 1 .00 and 1.19
: . r ,:v..i..i.
A l! , I
Kaji jr.i- w ir wr
jjjl '
Girls' AII-Wool
Long sleeve cardigan styles in pink, blue
Sizes 7 to 14. 2.98 and 3.98
Girls' Stylish
Fall Coats
Polo, herringbones and plaids in lovely as
sortment of all-wool fabrics. Chesterfields,
reversible and dressy types in newest winter.
Sizes 4 to 18 yrs. 6.95 to 16.95
Kiddies' Snow Suits
Middy styles in J-pc,
Sizes 2-3-8 years.
Snow Suits
Wat-a-Tite and polo cloth In warm interlining.
Navy, tan, brown. QP I I A OC
Sizes 12-3 years. 0. 7 0 10 I U.YO
Crib Blankets
Goo.d stock now avnilable In
cotton, pnrt-wool and 100 vir
gin wool. Floral and plain colors
1.00 to 5.95
Girls' Blouses
Tailored and dressy styles with ruffle trim
ming. White only. I .nf I QQ
6 to 14 years. ' ")7ljna ' ,7
Girls' Winter Hah
Lovely little felts sparkling with style.
Feather, ribbon nd self- I 70i.rt )
trimmed In newest blocks. I'71U.4T
j TO OiLllcV I
We Close Daily at 6 p. m
,d Sl,hr."."dtan.nA rl"", on