PACE NINE HFRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON MEN AND SOS" . nt ' , ft' V "".. ..- from 1,1 " , " II" IIIIMIMT 3fM'f w li it r r num.. .,.Klllll hi li Via .....Miiier of li"' t (''ii II. S. iirmy "''S -S 1 v c ' "It 111''1 " . NVjfdlKlritl Nntl'iiH'l r- Imnk In Kliiimilli 3 h'llllrt. IMlllHlfcl I" j 1U41!. Weill '':- i ,;.t ..,., In Nil- ':li.i.b-r. io. ',?'. mill ",;W fr"" N ii r I li Africa HUM .1 i.inifi'r Id llalv in liTi'imiei in tlml year. Kuv- I. ink ll III LS. eve HuiiK-ry ".Hi the ! ;'5"cominiiml III Simla Mini While In-'" Hi' whs llm iMr. mill 1"-ikc (OS LHiconi. I .....I tlilu fk Umt Clinlii'i '""1r' (or' rf 'ii i-h.n.i.ih Ku Us. who on- Fir... i...,,in' iii tin' II. S. ly h arrival In Nw liul. th atate department of Wirt- lure mr '' : Li, throughout Uicgiin hav- KrVCll llliriiiH " inspector In vurloim rapuc- Willi mr ii'mui " 1 v .1 ...I.iln Iwrn ill Ihe Mill. no,,,, . inierrcu nun" illord una i.iumj i n.". .Ir COnipiCini III llIOi"K iwliciil unii ill Camp liiuklcy. T . I l. crt'lnH UMlll n riv fremritl uaiiaiiuii. lie fitter living In Klamath illy, flirt, r.uM 'ii' .4.i 'n Helen Howell. Klamath j, mid Mr. A. J. Mnu, flier- If I-.!.. 1. ,-,.. lllln. 111 Inn I'm 'or the iliimlluii. inliln Hsrry Huford Hamuli, .1 l. ....I lr. V i Ol .'11. U1UI .HI. . V !h. 220 Cunilcr kvcihiu, i Hlg lllrf iiiuiiMiiiiin hi oiii. i' physlcluns unci turiivuua :Q in llio tiuiun-u mi'mi'i rillllR lor llic wiilliiuru uc I movra oui m r runti:. Iurfius is ininirwiici v in me '1 Ifllli nllir.f BTiran ruiruirn. nun jinicinn.i. fiitn-nl-i nt this r iiiii'lli'iiliir hnfiiltul iirrlvp by nm Inilmico truln in well in from .iky unilmliuicrn, tlm liillcr cur- ilml by uli' iroin I'niiiif. Thin IiihI y i u p rviicli the hutpltiil wllliniit liny nollip ii ml lioipltiil nKi'mtiincI niiM'ls llio eiiicinciuy clici'ilully. r WmsSr.m LLTTLH3 Mm. Mnvn Slllwi-ll unii iliiiif.htiT VIikiiiIii, 10:iH Dl vlhlun, Imvo rci'i-lvud word eon cmninit I'l'C Wllliiuii Kuy Sill wi'll, V. S. iiuirlno rurpii, unri hln ciiunln, I'l'C Arlln Wlnlfiod Mnr (In. noil mid nrphi'W of Mm. Hill Well. Miirlln, pictured liirru, li now buik In tlii' utiiti'i. lie nuf. fmrd nhi'iipiinl wounilit mid mil liil'lu for which hn Ii ln-lnu trnil ml lit l''ort McDuwcll hnnpltnl nfiir Sun Krnnclm'n. Martin ond Kill well vWtrd eui'li olhrr while In the South l'M.'l(ic. "Bill" Stll vrll, In thn nun nm iiiilform, hn bpi-n uvci-M-HK 2'i niunllu unci miy Iw will be Klud to net home wlmii bin turn comet). Addresses of the two boyii, who would he huppy to hear from their friend!, may be obtiilnrd by culling Mri. Slllwell. Mm. Ituby IjiVi-rnn 'I'lnitley, 728 N. 2nd, KIhiiiiiIIi J'mIIn, diniuliliT ,, Mr, mid Mm. O. I.. Million, 2410 OreKon, Inn com Pli'ti'd lur ciillHtinent In the Woun:ir Army t'Ki pj.i in Poi timid mid will tin rulliMl to mtlvo duty nhoilly, Hhe enlUtU'l III the WAC Ihrouith 1 1 if Ini'hl icciinlliiu of fli'O in the puitolllci! hiiilillnu lit Klnniiilli Ku In. Mm, Tlnfjlcy dc eldi'd to Join Hie WAC imd take thn Kond iidvli'e and Innlnlont nrtilni! or her Iwo WAC friend, 1. 1, Floieni'u Lh, and I'livule Adallne llourk, who uio nlu lloncd oveihiMm, AN KIC1ITII Allt KOIICE nOMIIKIt STATION, KiiKlaiid r"lllil Olllcer Kubrrt A. Nendel, 21, en pilot of the H-24 Libera lor, "I lying GlioNt," his Ijeen awarded llio Air Medal for "mcTitoi'loiiH ailileveiiient coolneM, touiaxe and nklll" dur Iiim elKhlh ii ir force buinblnu lil- liickfi on nazl war nuking Instal lations. r() Nendel la the aon of Mr. and Mia. Jainea L. Nendel, lilt) street, Murnnlh ram. Ho fore I'titrrlnK the army air force Beware Coughs from common ooldi That Hang On OreomiiUlon reltevca promptly be tune It Koea rlaht to tha anal of tlx trouble (o help loosen and xpl Hcrm laden phicvin, und aid natitrs In aoothfi and henl raw, tender, In flnmed bronchial mucous mem brnnea. Tell your drugnlat to sell you a bottle of Creomulnlon with the un drntandlnir you mut like the way It quickly Blluyi the cough or you are in have your money back. CREOMULSION forCouehi.CheitColdt, Bronchitil Ihe went conit airman Win em ployed uh a aefvlco atutlou alten dant, llo la a urndualu of KUHS, The Oregon man is a member of the Ilrd bombardment division, tiled by the president for Ma now historic Knxland-Africa shuttle bombing of Messcr.'-chmltt plants' at ltcgensburg, Germany, in 1043. If It's a "Irozen" article you need, advertise for a used one In the classifiod. mr rrtiiri . O''' ' ' v-VP VZZ r i4 I El- CHURNID WITH FRESH PASTEURIZED IKIM MILK TIT, ATTENTIONI Thar will b formal dedication txerclsca fo HONOR ROLL PLAQUE, together with antaf talnment and rafraihments AT EAGLES HALL Friday Night, Oct. 6 ALSO Balloting Upon Important Changes In Aerie By-Laws. ALL KLAMATH EAGLES BE AT LODGE GOOD COOKS KNOWOW TO SEASON A. 1F Schilling Irfic ?2atne is assurance ofjinc flavor Coffee ' "EaaasMaa iiaarilTTW (Potato C I sffT3RMlfrWarJBa.- . A high energy food kids like to eat! 'Blue Bell potato chips art tlie most popular lunch, pail food. They add zest because they are fresh and, delicious. They add energy because potatoes are high, energy food. They have; that grand potato flavor "They Are SABINIZED'1 the new,-modern method that means I:-., Jresher, "potato -chip's I 1 1 PS., aMgm: me.8kk Pays ' SHfeB Are Hem ilpeio-. W ) mutfSB'ir A I ime tor stocking up on Flour, Shortening ond other C LOOK AT THESE 5 I i) 1 BaKo tee easily, for October delight TO MAKE thin eveninc'a riinnor appetizinaly different, why not bake romc drop biacuita? Very little time is required! DROP BISCUITS Follow your regular Z eup recia for baking powder biscuilH, but use enough milk (about a cup) ho mixture will dmp from teaspoon on an unareaaed baking tin. Unkc in a hot oven M&O K.) for 12 to 15 minutes. Makes about 1G biscuits. Ivan mor nppetlilng drop blfcuits result i. you add (depending on pcr.-onnl tnstca) .' j cup ,' of raisins or chopin-d nulmcats or diced cheese ' to the mixture lieforo kneading it. Or, use tomato juice instead of milk for the moistcner! And for donort, how about ICED APPLE DUMPLINGS Using a ftnndnrd pustry recipe, roll the pastry h-im h thick and cut into 6-inch squares. Wash and jieel 6 whole medium-sized cooking apples; remove cores and place one apple in the center of each pastry square. Kill each coro-holo with brown sugar, and n dash of cinnamon and nut meg, and ;i Ibsp. butter or margarine. Dampen edges of pastry, and draw up around apples, pressiing securely together. With sharp lined fork, prick dough well all over. Place in well-greased drip pan. Hake in hot oven (-ISO0 K.) 15 minutes. Hedure heat to moderate oven (350 F.) and bake 45 minutes or until done, basting every 15 min utes with syrup made by boiling 1 cup grnnulatcd sugar, U eup water, and 2 tbsps. butter or mar gurine. When baked, frost tops immediately with medium-i'''"1' ""wdcrcd sugar butter ieinir. Safeway Homtmakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WttlOHT, Diiu I ime tor stocking up on Flour, Shortening ond other ingredients. Check your larder now. Harvest Blossom FLOUR Sperry ENRICHED Flour 10-Lb. M I0-Lb. S" 3C. Sack . "Lb- 25-Lb. S0Lb-! 50.Lb. Gold Medal Enriched FLOUR 54c 10-Lb. Sack , 25-Lb. 1.25 S0-Lb. 2.51 KITCHEN CRAFT 5-lb. Sack 25c 10-Lb. Sack 436 Enriched FLOUR 25-Lb. $1.00 50-Lb. $1.93 Vanilla and Lemon Flavor, Wcstag 4-oz. bottle 7c Vanilla and Lemon Extract, Schilling 1-oz. bottle 20c Schilling Cinnamon, ground 1 'i-'oz. can 11c KC Baking Powder, old favorite .....25-oz. jar 23c Calumet Baking Powder 25-oz. can 27c A&H Baking Soda 1-lb. pkg. 10c Sno-White Salt, plain or iodized 26-oz. pkg. 7c mots They're typical of all Safeway Values Every Dayl Pkg.' If W Swansdown 2t 25c C:-L.-' Cake rianci a nour sack Biskit Mix Fisher's . ..2..HPLkbg.29c Duff's Mixes Muffin, 14-Oz. 0"3 Ginger and Waffle rkg. 3H-Lb. VW C. Pancake JUIHIIIIU Fiout pkg 2 "Moot for good spring!" that's the kind Safeway offers you and every bit of it Is guaranteed to please you! Grade "A Post Toasties s"ci 7;. 12c Rice Krispies K.iio8g : Pkg. 12c Kellogg's Pep ... 8 0s. Pkg. 9c Noodle Soup Mix X;. 27c Cherub Milk (1 pU. 3 Ta c.n.25c MMI Carnation, Borden, Sego, lfl I'" Alpine, (1 point) Tall Cans "WW Edwards' Coffee Vacuum' Jar 28C Nob Hill -SS:!!r-.-.M.i,.45c" Airway Coffee blVkg".!:. 58c Malted Milk S" i Lb. 26c Juice AD1.d 42c No. 2 1 8c Cider Vinegar Old Mill. Gal. Bot. 49c Doa Food mind fl.Ox. Pko. 9c Shinola Polish ,u.ld;or 10c 15c Fly Swatters Husky ones. 2 for Beef Grade "A" Beef Roasts f5hM"d"CLb. 27c Sirloin Steak ,13M) Lb. 38c Rump Roast (8M) Lb. 28c Ground Beef Lb. 28c Short Ribs brISKET .. Lb. 20c Fryers Coior.d Lb. 45c Fowl Color.d Lb. 40c Salmon slle,d Lb. 41c Halibut 811e.d ...,.... ... Lb. 39c Oysters ..'.... P1. 65c Veal Shoulder Roast Lb. 286 Rump Roast Lb. 33i Shoulder Steak Lb. 28t Veal -Chops Lb. 38 Breast of Veal Lb. 19c Cane Sugar ...... ..'......2S-lb. sack $1.58 Cane Sugar 10-lb. sack 63e Brown Sugar or Powdered lb. 8e Molasses, Green, Br. Rabbit 32-oz, 37c Syrup, Sleepy Hollow .16-oz. 21e Spry or Snowdrift 3-lbs. 68a Silverleaf Lard, Swift ......4-lb. etn. 78e Parkay Margarine, (4 pts.) .2-lbs. 49e Margarine, Sunny Bank (4 pts) 2-lb 35e Nucoa Margarine, (4 pts.) 2-lbs. 49a IVORY SOAP Medium 9C Bar.... OC "Personal" Sise bar, 2 bars for ,eTs-- Royal Satin SHORTENING The shortening .value you're looking for! 3-Lb. Jar . 59c CRISCO SHORTENING Nationally popular Always good. 3-Lb. Jar 68c SWAN SOAP Best for" Baby, too Regular Bar 6c Snowflake Soda Crackers ....2-lbs. 33e Seedless Raisins 2-lb. pkg. 25 e Honey, Beeville 2-lb. jar 58c Guava Fruit Jelly, Ferro ....2'i tin 39c Peanut Butter, Howdy or Beverly . 2-lbs 45e Peanut Butter, Real Roast ... 2-lbs. 43e NuMade Mayonnaise ......quart jar 48c Salad Dressing, Duchess qt. jar 38c Karo Syrup, Blue Label, l'j-lb. gl. 15c , Jelly, Ferro Guava 2 'a tin 39e Yes! Safeway produce is naturally fresh because it's rushed from farm to you! Sold by the pound to assure you full value.. . . guaranteed to pleajo or you,r mqney returned In full, Apples Yakima Red Delicious, Extra Fancy Pack Lb. lie Onions Yellow Danvers Lb. ' Gravenstolns for pies and sauce 3 Lbs. 25c Grapes 2.19 Head Lettuce Oregon, Crisp Heads ; -...Lb. 5c 12V2C 1 Concords 23-Lb. Lug Tokays Lb. 10c Ribier Lb. 14ft U. S. No. 1 Klamath ' 1 Netted Gems Lb. U. S. No. 2, Klamath Netto'd Gems 30-Lb. Sack Yamss. S. No. 1 Grade, Baking Sise Lb. 10c Potatoes U. S. No. 2, Klar Squash Hubbard Banana Squash 32C 1.19 5c Lb. 56 Lb vwTieuys?A 'Dozen IJUSTCANTfidruSCO TO THIS PLAN OP PRICING FRUITS BY THE POUND, AMVI V YOU MEAN, YOUVe K OP Au5TAA6 SHOW U, 1 I ' ALWAYS BXI6Hr ICXJUWei II WY INNOCENT JANEI.' . , , ANO NOW THAT YOUVB WEK3HEO THEM.VOU MULTIPUV THff PRICE PER POUND BY THE WEI(5Hr IN , POUNDS, ANO Vt3U KNOW HOW MUCH YOU'RE PAYING FOR THAT PARTICULAR O RANGES! St 1 If THEY WERE SHAU(:R TrVHY ITS SIMPLY OR LESS JUICY, THEY TH6 FAIR WY OP WOULON'T we;sh so mucha pricing fresh OF COURSE-ANO YOUR I FRUITS. ANO DOZEN OGANOES WOULD, YSlJETABLES, tnfoy trie wore't meif pepufor eaeroi In yetff Hewf fREI Optra Broackatf Program TWt. itrtTtlii pto(si enrtUiftl 4 Icry f each rf rJ pictum of UiMrg - krotiktsl 10 t m. Stindiiyt 4 f bv. va Uo U MutMl UftiU4Ua frm . 2r5 f