Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 05, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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l"n"', nn farms on
1,1 1 ...... li... nf feed Hllillk
TOlll '" .-, rP
.., Iluril liirg-
in Hii'i"-'
on record- .
nmnbo'r f
,, .vcr'i!- ..ni.-whi.l lower.
JW .added. 1. for
rrccor.! n.rn crop The
1.u. I t.,ri-in.l WHS 3.HM1.-
,11)0(10 l)llnri, l
Fr l" "o ""d
. rnt'tl.
Market Trend
f'tllor i iNlm The fnllnwinf mark!
lit fur million la iippllil (mm nttrlnl
ii)U1ll'l tivrr tlm nvnirnf lit In ami
Mil III 1 10 tiffK "( lh exlemlmi
ernnnmlal ill nrejfor, (1iat mil The
IMRirilHI, Ml 1111 (Villi III M WOOHiy til I If
iniy (it ttemlt 1,1 I lie hvriimk mitrkrl
it it (i I lMitnitl I 'i riUt' pul tifiy (if
day merkrl iep(rla i j
(jmwj ml rltMli beef rallle rontimttirj
arar'n ml iil'n Ham ilvu'lv In ahglitl,
ltilirr Hi Niirlh PntlUnrl M'imlas. Or.
(itixr V llhr kind wrr Irmly or
hghllv on nm if..1liiB (iiiniiiiiTi
or linltiw. MMwml mailt! ritnl
htg li litrrmaln tt 'ipm ll'in nf wralrtn
mil In 1m curt en I rf lpl Appro. I
ittntfly Omhi tifirlhvplri it gmti i-wllli- mi.
rlvril In f'lilCMtfu tr Miimluv, imiallv
CllM I anff il'x-kril hi lltiala I hr
ve-HitRa were v lUndy at, aiMft r
vi 4 in Him a irw ni ai.t
Bill r I' AMI I.AMIt At A II K I ft
1. a nib, htitll fa I Intnl-a ntl fnarlara
Inrlril thr Hrfk IphiIv In atrium Ml
Nnrlh I'm Ham), Oumlm, ami . IiIi iih'i
The ln. at anmitil al Notlli I'url.
lantl Wat up Ml emu nvr Hi laat (if li
firavlntit wmh. Twn lotria o( ulin
Itnlii hrnugltl the top ptlra nf 14 M
al (iinana ittr man nf rhnli hlak
fara farillnf lamlit lirii()t I3 18 at
Rffrrtiva i lolr J M Umhi h.ri In
Ilia prltiN of 1044 ar t-Ui(it a
lamlit 't Hi ('hiiattn niarktl.
(H( MAHhl f
Mi'lf innikrla opaiinl tha work Im
glltnl'itf ri;t'tltri' a ai-livn and lullv
tcnily, 1lh"tigh ia mpport prlca waa
irdtirrtl II StA at Chli nilii nffr'-llva Or.
tntiar I mi'l now appl'i mil v mi
till rlmh-a liiiltliti ting. M-alhlnir J"0
In a 4(1 pmn(1 a Tti qitniatlnfi al NnrHi
I'nrllaii'l im nnt in -)!'- 1 An in 7tn
lintimi ni Mat 119 TS, ahoill a tlnllar
civar rtilraffo.
POIITLANU. Od. 5 (I'l The
IilcrJlnlf cuiiiincri-o oominli.
on'l bun on rrfriKfimor ciua
or OrcgonColUornlii potato
.t.titl Iti Mah
fnrHon (H Ore.) ttxliiy u a
Julnotu" mciiMire.
In IPlPtrnms lo inc n.. nn
. rtiiii-n nf rirfi'iiflo triiuAiarlu
U, Cordon miicd rrcimsldcm
Ln nl the rule in not buncd nil
;ind tiidiinifiit. Without re
irrnlloM, nc Sllio. niuril in inr
lamoth busln'n notiito cnip will
S DnilA iltinmMiU for Ihn flmt
ur dvi o( October lotuled 205
irlMdi, and ihowcd n dropping
ft liter the refrliierntlon enr
n went on nt mutnlijlit Mun
v. ((ere ore the day's uhlpmcnln
far: Ortnbrr 1, Sundnv. 2S
in; Monday, 83 car?: Tue.idiiy,
curs; cdntjciay, 44 cars.
hr'age Investigator
Mow in Klamath
Percy W. Varney, Inveftlfia-
r far tliA anuA ctnltlliyntlun
loiram, ha arrived here to
iend part nf the Imrvcxt hcu-
Mi in coniirciinn whii mo lurm
Jc ceiling procrmn.
F. W. Knnirr uuiun l:.l,lll.
Em oHiccr, who U hrre tor the
uon. laid that indicntlom are
it (arm wnura are Renernlly
Miiu wiin win rcinriKn CMHU
'ned aflor a hearing.
te&V "EU0N r0K KLAMATli
Vi r'u-fJ"" ,,,f,,,,' Kruior nf
' nnq viiata
Amy Ryan Zumhrun. who alio
nwn ti Amy I, 7,nmbrim. t-aar
r - - ..-.MB iiauna nininii tain
Piw trf rtfiulTfd trt priarnt Iheni wild
'""Hirii in me ii n cirri I ail on
"illor ! II, KlMimlli rIU nnrh,
iuii 8lr"'1 KImHi IaIU. Orolon.
DlIM Ssplpmtwr 7. IM4.
"'-,M"1 "AlIUNAI. HANK
. ,. Sr. POI1TI.ANI). raeulor.
T li ii u: o. a-No. im.
Wllct to hrmliy lvrn lhl Hi. untHr-
...... ....i.iniirBI(ir OT U14 mini n(
Ih? r ll"l. Il IIUll
I?.!. . ? ""I Coimly Iha rinl
.u i.J'.J'1' "tmlnHrMrin or 111
i.hlJ J !."" Cn"'l li" Ptinlnwil
Wr Hlh. IM4, ! hn hour ol in
",)'' " ' "m., and I ho
Ih. h . ""' L'""rl l,l,re
M,nli mriiieni o Bald
P"rt: opi'mb.r Jl, toil.
"ni.l.T M. HCCTOa,
Mmlnlilralor of the Kllala
( O.M.Ii) H ,e0r o,.
'I : O lo.j, IM
CHIC'AtiO Orl, ft lAI' WyAi.-Pnl.
1 tiff a ; airKat liil; on urk JiJ; tntal
II. ft thlptnahla I1U1; auypHa (Hiatal,
for Itlattd Ituaaati Ixal of If. Hi Nn. 1
aliwk; ilaniaml itindvralt', ntlikal alTady,
Ulllily Mtada, UvmiaikI 1im', maikot
tttiak, lut nmtlicrii atnrk. ilrnmntl vriy
alow. narit-t ftull ami tllf htly wrakir;
Idahii l(ut It ,ii hank V . No. I ,
91.13 a 4V l olormlo Med Mt Clufi-f , I' H
No, I, too J 15. Mlnnoola nd Norlti
llakola Itllit Trllimplia: I', ft. No. I uil
MNthrd 12 15. roMtrimrrtal Waahcil 12 TtO;
WUronaln tlilppcuaa t' . No. 1, U ii-
2 30. rii(tiniirll 13 33 3 30.
CHICAGO, Oct, 6 lAP'-Prlctt wrra
(limn a rant or inoiit hi mMt tfiain In
hum inatkwii tiMlay ami ltt irada diat
gl. tlaaia wto Inarllvt daaplta I ha
lag In hit) tug Inlatatt n: apparanlly
Hra Unwilling lo praat lha aniling aldo
fnr ftar of fuithar tmllUh iitwi of gov
rnmnt prlca auppml.
Orilara lo.- whrt lama from mill
atitt i-oitmtlaalnn Jtmiaca and tm tlto
mat kfl Muni atipitorl Thv May dellv
ary Ma wanted al II flj
An uvrnilflit an-ntrtuiMhon f arlltng
nut-1 a rjuifil rvv lo lircak aarly and
iiicir m tiilla talijini powr In lha
Th a drmand for oat wat limited.
At Hi i'loir Wheal Uat )' to iii
loMr thn atrdt a liitiah, Daraiiilxxr
1 w. ntn Mat down I In IUr,
camtar II -I.1S. Oata war off lo lf,
Daratnbar 4f. H)a wi 1 'V to l'r
Inwar. Uaramlwr tl.trfS!. harlay wat
off Hk In I'.c. Oe-ftHtM-r II oat.
Courthouse Records
('mplaiiiu I Ileal
rtaranra Wilium ".Vclv vrratu Wlnl
frad J. Wcaley. Suit-for divnrt. rharga
cm? I and inhiimKh treatment Couple
married In llftin. Marrh JO. lti0. Datn
tiff aaka cuatiMly of two minor children,
W. Imar Townand. aiiornay for plain
utt Iturnlra Klovd Hanev varaut t.urtlt
Maramct Kaity, Null fnr divorce,
rhargi deaefilon. Couple married In
liranta Pftia, Jul)' 9. IIOO, Plainliff aaka
riittmly nf on minor rhtlil, red 0.
Small, att'irniy for plaintiff
Morlne Verna Shf part! varaiit Virgil
flay Shcpard. atilt for dlvnrre. rharge
cruel and Inhuman Ire t man c Couple
married In Klamiih fail. ftptniber
14 1P40 HailiUff aaka rual'Mty of one
mitmr child Mrrrttnan and Napier,
attorneys for Plaintiff
Junllra Cautl
Km i at Carl Nimnni. falling lo nhey
highway Inlertectlan tP ngnat, fined
1.1 Ml
Come and get it! This big, wall-size map
by Albert Richard Sporliwear
?oi7!" ?,,t"' Ql0h"1 "h mPl DlcUonary of aviation "iltn?." Win
P lailtjau ol Uailod Nillona. Plan., ol lha lulural
Suqarman's Bovs Doot.
q"lHy Clolhlnfl BInct 1908 Corner 8th and Main
NrW YOMK. O-l, n lAPu -The ilm-k
market niv made anollier hrlak early
"lull at an advane. Ii bv aire It and
i"i'laliial hut dnmamj evfitlnally Up-"t-d
and many initial prliilere failed
In ffill'iw Ihiiiiigh.
Cloalng mt'ilalloiu;
Atnerlian Can
Am ar
Am K Trt -...
Cihf I'urkhig , ,.
'nt Ti at lot
Ci.iMHi'inwrallh A
Cnrlla Wrlgltl
(rnrrtil iViilrlo
tirn"ml Mnlnra
il Nnr tlv pfi
Itllnnla Oidral ...
Inl ll'irvnpler .......
I'ennry .,
Long Hrll -A'1
Mtmivdiiif-ry Waid
Nat It Krlv
U V Central
Northern I'aHtic .
I'bc limn K t.
I'm hunt Motor -
rnna II It
Itcpohllf H If ! , ,
Itlrl. field fill
Mafrwa Nlorrt
flrnra IhlHlrk
H'lUihain Pacirif ....
IHIamlard Mramla
hini-liina Mining
I'nlmt Oil Calif .
union t'arlftc
H H Hlrrl
Wainet I'lrluiat .
, fi:i'4
., IMI'i
... 211 'i
- 10
... m-;
.. i;i'.,
PORTLAND, Or... Orl, a IAP-WrA
Nalaltl. raltlv 1.10, tolal 300: .alaltl. and
l"lal calva. AO. Inarkrt nr- .low on
rannrr ruwi; nllirr Kradr. .IIKhlly mora
arllv. than yr.trltla; frw I'lHUir-coiti-in',11
.t.rr. 17 IIO.IUINI: InollirtlnK .ovaral
Inl. tin itork.r ai-i-iiutit al 17 oo-B.ao: odd
inatllum alcara ll fto; rninninn-nittlliiin
half.rt IB00.10.IW; mllari Itnwn In 10. 00;
f.w rann.r and eutlrr row. trLSo-fl !Ki;
Hirllv row. dow n lo ;i ik) hut many
tm.nld: (al dairy !r row. mi In 10 .Ml;
fradltim-anod harf row. ft 00-10 00; hull,
mil movlna; frw inrdlum .rMid vrnlar.
III.VIIJOO. rooimon.lnrdllini gra..
rnlvr. $7.00-0 00, fe nirdluit.aiod aiadr.
Mataula hntf. 330 total 400; markftt
arllr lully .lr.d: good rh. lira 100 340
Ih 119.71; 341-370 Ih. al.loo; hravl.r and
ll.hlar Wright. fl4 00-nn: Knnd mwi
moo no. frw 3VI lln. .I.17S; gtuttl 7S
Ih. frrdrr H-. ll.nrai; ehoiro above 100
Ih qunlahlr tn ll.l 7.
Kalahlr and lotal ilirrn 3M: markot
inorr . arllvr. fully .Uady ;.liahlr lot
norl-rholrr 3 Ih. wnolrd lamb. III.7S;
medium grade 7S lb. 110 00; romnmn 70
lb. law. rnmmnn yrarllnr. laoo7.O0;
i,od awe. UOO.-IS. Medium 13 39,
riurAoo. on. a lAP-wrAi-iatabie
hog. onoo; lotal 11 SOO; acllve. lully
.Irady; rnmplrle rlraranrr aarly; Bond
and rholra l.lo 340 llm. !4.7.V welahl.
o-rr 340 IU. and good and rholre .ow.
114 no: frw medium lo cllolre 130-140
Ih. 1130 14 VI.
S.I. Mr rattle 4VW: Inlal 9000: .alahle
r.lve. 700, Inlal 1300; good and cbolri
frd .leer, romparable helfar. and good
giade row. urndy: no .Irlrlly rholce
Mrrr, h.r,, t,e.l 7 Wl; liberal .unplv
rnmmon. medium and average good
grade offering, weak lo 39 cam. lower.
mn.Hy ln-id rent, down; common and
niedlum heifer, and bulk beef cow. and
rannera and roller, sharing derllne:
.Ji. v"'r arllv. and firm al
MOO; down hulk gra.ay and warmed
up heifer. 10 00-IJ ; mo. I gran hull.
H 90. 10 00: all grade, .lock rallle coo.
tinned arllv. at sj c,n higher prlca
Ihen wrrk ago.
Salable he.p 3000: tolal Bow): early
air. and hid. .laughter lamha atrong
tn 39 renle higher; older elaaae. ecarre.
.Irong al the week, upturn; early aale.
and hid good and rholre native lamha
114 90-14.79 with biirk. dl.rnuntrd one
dollar, .ome held above 114 79; common
and inrdlum kind lin.no. 19 no; load med
ium and good around Bo-lb. ahortfrd
we.iern lamb. 114 00; medium In choice
native cwra 99 on.7J; few cull and
rommon u 00-4 90.
If It's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
tn the clnasiried.
The OPA luia announced Hint
llin ceiling price on turkeya for
October to producera la 43 conla
per pound boxed weight. When
pureluiaed loose' weight, 1 '-j
ceuta per pound la deducted,
nuiklng the iii.tunl dreaaeri price
loose weight, 4 l'ii cents per
I'mm this celling 2 8 cents
per pound on a dressed chilled
weight basis Is deriuctuble when
the grower him hia turkeys pro
censed by n processor who sub
seiiuenlly purchitses the birds.
Tlie October ceiling for sales by
n grower to such a processor is
MM. 7 cents per pound firiide A.
Ciriide B. 1 '4 cents per pound
less total 37.2 centi per pound.
Grade C, 4 rents per pound
less total 34.7 cents per pound.
(Oiling prices for November
are 1 cent less than tho prices
quoted above,
Margarine Shortage
Predicted for '44
CHICAGO, Oct.-S (A') Mar
garinn manufacturers, reporting
heavy demands for their product
from consumers unable to buy
butler, predict a shortage of the
butter substitute,
The industry is operating on
a government quolu basis, mak
ing 167 per rent of its produc
tion In the basic years of 1 040-4 1 .
Until about a year ago this quota
was act at 180 per cent.
WFA haa offered for sale to
feed millers and grain men
ehiints for livestock and poultry
1408 bags of pea flour made in
an experiment to find a use
for human consumption of dry
wrinkled peaa purchased under
the price-support program. Tha
flour was found after testing
to be undesirable for human
TU?,ELAKF. Construction of
a large two-story potato storage
warehouse and packing plant be
ing built at Hatfield by U. S.
Alderman, Oregon City, who has
extensive potato growing Inter
ests in this area, Is being rushed
in preparation for the digging
The building, with an approxi
mate floor space of 100 by 300
feet, is centered with a wide
driveway from where potatoes
may be unloaded from both
sides. The lower floor will be
used for storage and the upper
floor will be devoted to space
for packing.
Alderman has about 500 acres
of potatoes, grown principally
In the Malin and Merrill districts.
Are You Embarrasud By
If you. like so miny women, between
tho .tKcfl of 38 and 63 suffer from
hot flashes, nervous tension, lni
UbUliy, ero a bit blue t times all
due to the functional middle ae
period peculiar to women try Lydi
fe. PlnJtham'a Vegetable Compound to
relieve such symptoms.
For almost a century thousands
upon thousands of women rich and
poor alike have reported remark
able benc-nu. Many wise women take
Plnkhnm's Compound regularly to
help build up retittanca against such
annoying dl&Lrcss,
Lydla Pink ham's Compound helps
nature. It also haa what Doctors call
a stomachic tonlo effect. .Follow label
directions. Worth trying!
New Roosevelt Club
Under New Management
Featuring the
Frank O'Connell, piano Lei Meeler, drum
Hayden Simpion, trombone
(Wrlttr of th nw hits "Swaater Girl."
"Sauctr-Eyoi," Etc),
Finest of
(Closed on Thursdays)
Juit ever lha Oregon - California Una en tha
Tulolako Highway
Ask Eva L. Long
How to Get the Most Insurance
Protection at Least Cost
Tom Thorn
before you sell!
Nick Delis Co.
Ban Francisco
Branch Office Hatfield
if 'TL
Lei her give rou
the full detiili
on th 4-W'ar
complete pro
tection of the
118 North 7th Strt.t
Get Our Deal
Before You Se
Dehydration Buyers
Terminal Market Shippers
The Store With The Glass Door
Republican Candidate For
U. S. Senator
Will Speak and Answer Questions
Relative to His Political Ideas
A. F. L
422 Main Street
Friday Evening
7:15 - 8 o'Clock
All Labor Groups, Rcgardlon of
Affiliations, Are Invited.
tsn.fi 1 1' " . r a 3bs.
All'. 1 t.:' livJPfl! HV,. ' e w
jits 7 rwym VJQ
' "'i "VV'W Jeiir-A zs bright fall colors
(t 1 rfWififl - ? ! -Smart Chesterfields
! A iA' SI-' t i iW- Stunning Fitted Reefers
COMPOUNO I t it ' liTf I vli' "' NB'l . I
! -Vlir f4 1-- f Y6 ' USE 0UR LAYAWAY PLAN
0;V'i i t ToniatckWohW!
f I JrrA 'TRtQR Venetian Coverts
I A ti -Mannish Worsts
Xf "l . . -Fell Color,
1 la ' $&&csc
Yff 95 Mh.w
.Twilirancl Gab'ardineT Vl '
Gold, blue, melon, " natural' 1 ! " "'S
.WoolMiturei..plidi,lollel '-: SPat1llifl9 new ereP " V-
11 ' VMBaaaBBaaaaai Upen ''" 8 Saturdays 61 Main rasBBaBaaBaBBBVBaBBB
rf it