t HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 3, PACE TWO f ,: 1 h tsUn World Series Ge Gardinals Favored Over Brownies in First All St. Louis World Series dera av Wednesday umm PAUL HAINES By Br JACK HAND ST. LOUIS, Oct. 3 iPj Twenty-five hungry Browns who never cashed a world scries' check and 22 Cardinals who've won three successive National league pennants, today split this bulging old river city wide open on the eve of the first all-St. Louis world series. Street car operators, bellhops and bartenders chewed your ear with retakes of Chet Laabs' two pennant .winninc homers and Sig Jakuckl was ffTT'TTTb oomed for f ; ' . . 4'mayor," but i r I " 'the boys who aes&aBur it with cash 'it'- i'jvi madc the Na- '.ty; ; ? (tional leaguers I V U to 2 favorites ! In i-i .(for the best four- LA nnt.nf.Hv(rt ( iHjt' i;nes opening to- ,i?ftv- morrow at Vir- 'Sportsmans '" ' Rainy weather ir- -v v twv.iook away some -: . .i. V --.r lof the enthusi Billy South worth asm vesterdav as Billy South- worth and his boys came home for the first time since clinching me nag, 10 De greeiea oruy Dy their wives, children and ticket hunting relatives. The town, however, buzzed with baseball talk and both clubs rcDorted complete sellout of reserved seats. Mayor Kaufmann issued as "Baseball Week." At least 35.000 fans am Ynprf. ed to turn out for the opener wim me weatnerman promising "fair and cooler." ' ' T.lllcf KetVPlI haI hie t2M..,;M . out for a short drill between the raindrops yesterday, and plan ned a lengthy dress rehearsal Ihlc mnTninv with Ihn 7-,; Jeaguers taking the -field in the Neither manager has named ' hlR first 09niA cai4an.U.. If I - ----- O""'- awurei UUl 1UUU Cooper (22-7) appears to be the noun tii lor me uarcunais. Nel son rotter is the likely Brownie opener with his 19-7 record and hie higMv.lninaJ Consistently good pitching was un. uiuai iiupuriani iacior in the success of the Sewell crew all season and could be the turning point m this series which will be played on an every day basis with the only off day between the sixth and the seventh games Southworth can call on Lefty $? La,,?'er',H"ry Brecheen and Ted Wilks to back up Cooper, but Lanier is a doubtful factor because of recent arm trouble He is said to be ready but only an actual start will give the an swer. Sewell can back up Potter with Jack Kramer, Denny Gale house, Bob Muncrief and Jak ucki, although Muncrief is also on the sore-arm list. The Browns' - Staff IS rfaAnn. rjy than the Cards , V.. an1 in AaaJ 1... B ... . 1 & Msical condition aespite the gruelling stretch UI 1VR. :; The only ail ing cardinal is ijetuielder Dan- T ny Litwhiler, who Is bothered by a right knee -injury. He told m southworth he :a 11711 0 1 L !i l& Silk. '. """J uul 11 Luke Sewell skipper mi g'ht Bprnn i ,.e,rooK!eAugie oir.h "' '. give the power against the American the the ST. LOUIS, Oct. 3 (AP) Facts and figures on world series opening tomorrow ot Sportsmen's park: ODDonents St. Louis Cardinals, champions of National league, ond St. Louis Browns, Americon leoguc titleholders. Time of game 2 p. m. (central war time). Weather forecastCooler and no rain. Probable crowd 35,000 (capacity). Probable pitchers. Mort Cooper, Cards, (22-7) vs. Nelson rotter, Browns, (19-7). Betting odds Cards 11 to 20 to make first game if Mort Cooper pitches and 1 to 2 to win the series. Order of games First six games, if all are necessary on four out of seven bases, will be played on successive days with one-day skip between sixth and seventh games. Cards will be home team for first, second, sixth ond seventh contests. Broadcast Mutual broadcasting system. Angels Defeat Seals 2-7; Deciding Contest Tonight inc a vr.rr rc i tx, Tonight's baseball game between San Francisco Seals tells the tale in their Pacific Coast league playoff series. The teams became tied at fhroo frames aai-h txrhnn T .n An geles defeated San Francisco 2 Sailor Hogan Meets Billy Nelson In Mar Opener Friday Eve Thf nnnn inn an af th rv,nn. rriaay nigm win pit aanor tlo- Mn affainct Rillv Kitlcnn Irnm Oklahoma. This uill h th f!rc appearance for Nelson in. the nortnwest out he has enjoyed success in mac rirr c nn tho west coast. - Billy is a clean, scientific grappier and should be a refresh- Whn Ipl nnfhintf tan4 in 4h;. . ...B Alt UKU way to gain a fall. There will be two main events set at a one hour time limit or two out of three falls each be tween the "Grey Mask" and Paavo Katnnpn anri .Tank- meets "Blood and Guts" David- Snn. A rain will h flinnJ decide the. sequence of the bouts. All in all, it looks like a big night at the armory. leaguers' right handersXwell-s only southpaws are Al HoHmg Julv 27 anrfhacfn 1 ;ta,rted since l- and Sam Zo dak, who for the first time since lt)2! when the Yankees and Gianti r J"."10 Po, Grou"ds Si "he series games are scheduled for ran.same park- eliminating aH conjecture on the advantage of P''ng'n familiar surroundfng, The Red Birds will be tho homo team the first two gam?s Brownies the next three and he Nationals again, if it goes to a sixth and seventh tilt. Despite talk about St. Louis Jusf Received! Large Shipment of tht Famous JEFFERSON WORK SHOES and LOGGERS Th Hand-Pegged Line $9.85 to S17.4S DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Antelope Plentiful As Hunting Season Nears Completion PORTT.ANn Hrf 1 IB wuu five days to go in the antelope seasnn. nprp am n omv if an unais ieu 10 KU1. . The fitAti Pam0 rammiecinn ro ported that out of 2500 antelope ......... w .euuw VTI1CIJ UIC aCdEUIJ opened September 24, only 200 jiuis nave oeen reported. Bags of deer, too, appear not too plentiful. Cold storage pianis in mis area, which iiuiuifuiy receive carcasses with in 24 hours of the season's open narry a one today, FIGHTS By The Aiiocisted Prn PHII.AI1PI DUT, . iir.-n, ""if noiman rriuiams. issi, Chicago, and drew, 10. ' Ue" Rico to 1 in 10 innings last night. The regular 1944 pennant was won recently by the Angels for the second consecutive year. The Angels, who lost three games in a row to the Seals in San Francisco, scored their third consecutive virtnrv nn hnmo last nignt. The game was marked bf a red-hot southpaw pitching battle hplwppn th Annnlc1 T?a D,in. and the Seals' Will Werlc. both ot wnom went the distance. Werle eavp un nin hit Prim 10. Each fanned nine. Prim scored the winninu nm from second on Johhny Os trowski's single to center. Seals in the first inning. Knock-1 Ko'c''!s jn& a tWObaf!fTPr. ho wac aini by Joe Futernick's bunt for a base hit and Gus Suhr's drive to left. In thP fifth ihn Ananl Di.. Russell hit a single and came home on Ostrowski's triple. Ted nomert tiled out. CowboV Rav Harrnll twill h..t for San Francisco tonight against George (Pancho) Cornelias. Shnrr tenrn' S. F 100 000 000 fl t in 1 L. A. . . 000 010 000 12 9 2 (lu innings). Werlp and nnp,.,.l.: t (8); Prim and S&rni. (Serins Uph 3 to 3). Local gridiron gallons heard from Coadi .Marble Cook, Ma jor Clyde Roberts, Paul Ang stcad, Wildcat boss, and Joo Peak, athletic director, at the Quarterback club meeting Mon day noon" at the Willard hotel. Cook stated tnat the Klamath lads played a fine ball game and outfought the Viks all the way Friday night at Salem. Cook, who pulled the Pelicans up from the doldrums of defeat to ride e! in his praise of his charges. lie weni on 10 say mm mc oaieui eleven seemed bewildered by the Pelican attack and were repeat edly outcharged by the Klamath forward wall. He also said that the Pells really played a better ball game in the last half than in the first, although they did not score in the two final frames. Bill Abbey may not be able to nlav f,r thn rpcl rtf thn wacnn Cook stated, due to an injury to his finger that he sustained be fore the game by cutting it on a broken glass, but this is not yet definite. henthorne. newcomer to the snuad and a track star in his own right, set up the first Pelican touchdown on the second play of football he had ever attempt ed with a 26-yard dash around end. A tough ball game is expected by Cook when the Pelicans meet the Ashland Grizzlies this Friday at Achlanrl a,,H hn -q,-na,i iegainst over-confidence. ine marine eleven is now in desperate need of tailbacks, ac cording to Marine Mentor Clyde Roberts, because of injuries re ceived in Saturday's game with the Navycats from Willamette university. McClure has a bro ken arm and will necessarily be nilt fnr thr met nf thn narnn More speed is being sought, said aiong wun a passer and and we were like the marine ele ven. We didn't sec him until the paw was In the ozone. There will b: a game between the Wildcau and the Junior I'sfcitu frnm irint. Dnc at Mn. doc field. Wednesday afternoon m.1 o ciock. r aui Angsieaa, Wildcat coach, stated that fani t't-allv mia-H i-p,l hrtt hall t-am by not being on hand for the ijaKcview-w imcai tut, as both elevens cut loose with some spec tacular end play. He predicted an equally good contest this Wed nesday and spectators will he able to see how the future Pell cans play the game by being on nana. Joe Peak Informed the Quir. terbackers that Dave Bridge's freshmen-Junior high eleven will also play a contest this week with Grants Pass Junior high out fit. Friday at 3 p. m., on Modoc field. This will be tho Initial test nt flirt vnar fnr Him vn,,nHr boys and they are really breath ing nrc, so mere u pirmy ot football coming up for Klamath fans this week. t.Pt' nil rln ntir kail I IU. games and let the fellows know we're behind them. more capable pass receivers. ! The Leathernecks next fray ! will be with the speedy Califor nia Rambler hnro thte Sattirn1!,, afternoon. Not much is known oi inc prowess of the Berkeley boys except that they operate from a "T" formation and tied me ouisin Army Air station ele ven, goose-egg to goose-egg, re- ccniiy. On the sleeper play that was good for a touchdown against inc marines, Simmons did not lay down before the play, but merely stood by the sidelines un til the ball Was tnannPn ann1 thnn gathered in the pass for 6 points. t iaimiy, me piay looicd us too. ONLY ONE TO PICK 'fM , NEW YORK. Ort 3 JA V. Wrav. SDOrts editor nf thn Ct Louis Post-Dispatch, was the only one of the 68 baseball writers in the pre-season As sociated Press poll to pick both the St. Louis Browns and Cardi nals to win American and Na tional league flags. In fact, Wray's vote was the only first place ballot the Browns received. KEEPS IT IN FAMILY LEWISTON, Idaho. Oct. 3 lP) "It's still in the family" remark ed Henry Crozicr yesterday as he watched his 16-year-old son. Bobhv. defeat ftenrff Carnh 1 and 1. for the Lewiston Golf and iouniry ciuo golllng crown. The elder Crozier, eliminated by his tnn in the utml.final, .... . defending titlist. Generals Defeat Washington 13-2 In Grid Playoff PORTLAND. Oct 3 1,11 The Grant Generals, Oregon's de fending state grid champions, are bti-k in the .ldlr :ig,nn. The Generals, who (i ll ::( hi Washington in the PorlUuid gild league singli-iiimiiir jamlniirr Friday, played the oilier three quarters yesterday lo end the game 13-2 for Grunt. Roosevelt high continued Iti threat to the Portland cham pions by swamping Lincoln. U2-0. the clean-up of the Jninburee play. Benson tramped over Commerce, 28 8: and Jefferson stopped Franklin, 14-13. World Series Ducats Go Into Wastcbaskct DETROIT. Oct. 3 (,71 The De- troit Tilers mav have lost the American league pennant, but they've found a taker for their 1944 world series tickets. If the club gels ix-nni'Mpn for such disposal from the Internal revenue office and Assurance that the tickets will be grabbed up, about two tons of them will go to the Wayne county waste paper salvage committee. eimm Telephone 4567 Box Olfkt Openi 1:30 1.41 AND-- Box Of lie Optiu 6:43 Ends-Wednesday rW.v?-vi5iy38l 1 lirniir JL' 04AW.CJ ItKi-OHO Phone 411? Open I:30 . Thursday I.JhMUO j j ENDS TODAYS J 2nd Hit "Ride Ranger Ride" Telephone 3262 Continuous Show Daily Open 13:30 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ann.hane hc Browns were last ... . 05 ,Illln ln the regu ar SCaSnn In iinnffinil : - 7 ets v .n h':r."-'a' ""r75' fon- lu et maispccu- tn ?FC rePrtedly asking $60 tin v.. """Bc-ganre sirip and '3ForVetf"W- missioner Kenesaw Mn,,nti' Inri , ul. .1 .. .., Toon u Ku,are 01 baseba in 1920, the white-haired czar will -hT;- -.tvoiu.-, remaining in Chicago under doctor's orders, u . COITirnissioner, who will be 78 in November, s in a Chi eago hospital, where h ? cond factory." "u " vcry satl- rin r e r!Prcnlcd at the nfr ChSAy.L:d, F.1. Pr.".ini Harris,- -j league Wl am ran .LC' Prc5'dent "f the Ameri 1tf,gue; and Lesl'e M. O'Con nor, his secretary. Probable lineups for the ODen. Ing game of the world lef,nt fKPo,wvman5 Park tomorrow: GutteridfB. 2B Sfphnii. SS Moore, HT McQuInn, IB CARDS Ho pp. CP Sr.no.tsn, in Muiln), nr W. Cooper. C Kurowikl. 3B Litwhiler or Bergnmo. LF M-irfon, SS Verhiin. 29 . m, cooper, P Span an1 ta-,i!if. 'f ... i-ipgras ana McGowan """-'"bii league, Chrlstmtn. .tb Hay worth, C roller. Attention Hunters Save Your Hides! 'W..-II r E,k Anlopo W" W'" pay ZpAtu "1? "v be MP ' u ing the war effort, r Hides are needed badlv. 2soi soartth st. 9on l(lU fttmit 9 b'r. ' ' 7 Tel. 3593 lillil-MMIn BOX in arxjiiai wiujmu() OFFICE OPENS 6:45 New DAY and FUN FOR ALL... J xS n Jf fh bwglirt,..to v"f iUvUmo. HAROLD PEART (THE CHAT OILBEXSKEVt) Jit riftddf Nancy DARWELL . MERCER GATES Screaming Second HIT! a1ft iat A jrm -esmw. r ?A i ill -i xm'f a r....-.i ii Hjjl Hang on to your heart. ..1HERE Box Offlc Optns 1:30 8:4$ U ' I jl mA 1 Mmille. S I tfk-Utt0 I I 171 IV II 111 I i '.i Yh I I a-l ...MKWMtmX-XWXr i 111 7111 I liM.ntJ oirininA nunrnis I t y ?. . mfiHS I ! ANOTHER HIT with BELA Mlnnei tf I ,hm VS? l ' il ML.i.l. N THE SAME PROGRAM ; I - J,MBANN0N J 111 NINE GIRLS" s - t friedalnescort-HiniFBch-Mat wim. f 'Alf.