October 2, 1 944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page two Willamette Navycats Romp Over Marine Eleven 33-14 In High Scoring Contest i By PAUL HAINES On a perfect football Saturday afternoon at Modoc field the H'Ulamette Navycats ran over anrt around the Leathernecks from the Marine Barracks to the tune of 33 to 14, to complete an exchange of upsets, and at least in one case an exchange of fum bles, between Klamath Falls and Salem over the weekend, r The initial upset was staged at Salem Friday night where the favored Vikings were knocked off their undefeated perch by the Klamath Pelicans and the other occurred here when the Navy cats toppled the highly touted Marine Barracks eleven before an estimated crowa 01 uuu ians. . t oil rtne resoect to the Wil lamette boys, who played a swell fame of football, one must still ivo nlpntv of credit to the ma- Snes. Everyone of the Leather necks that participated in the fray has been hospitalized at ono time or another and they actual ly just weren't in shape. They displayed plenty of power at times but were sluggish and re peatedly outcharged by the light er out more aggressive v,au. MeClure and LaPaglia were J outstanding in the marine back- I field and Higgins did good work 5 in the line. Simmons, Willa- j mette fullback, was the standout r ' player of the day along with Marv Goodman, pass snagging left end for the 'Cats. Everything that could happen, did happen, and it was a thrilling ball game from start to finish. In fact, Hunt Clark, veteran ref- i eree, slated that no naa seldom, if ever, officiated in a game where so many unusual situa- tions developed. One was the I automatic safety scored by the marines wnen a kick was diock : ed and the ball jwent past the ! . end zone and then bounced back where a Leatherneck fell on it for what appeared to be a touch down but was only a safety. An other was the exchange of pop uj fumbles between the two ele ven.?; that finally-resulted in an even-100 yard touchdown gallop . oy vyarqrop, center tor the .navycats. Wardiop Runs Length of Field Willamette won the toss and elected to receive -with'- the Leathernecks choosing to defend the north goal. Darnell kicked off. to Anderson who returned to his own 26. . After two plays, Conway quick kicked to Bancer on his 45 and the marine left half brought it back to the 'Cat 45. Salvador! ploughed through cen- ter for 3 and Bancer went Naround his own left end for 14 yards and a first down. On the next play, Salvadori fumbled and the 'Cats recovered on their own ia. Two tries netted 4 yards ana Simmons then took a jaunt arouna nis own lett tianK for 23 yards and a first down. Rochon fumbled on the next play and Darnell recovered for the ma rines. Willamette held and Ban cer booted to Rochon, who let v-A Lne ball' pop out of his arms. Gol , -den, marine center, snagged it on the fly and carried it to the - oeiore ne was brought down. Bancer was stnnnpH fn nn buton tne next Play he was ac- . . fualli, nr, 1. 1 li . . , -"j vii mc guai line ana naa ?J t0 faI1 forward when again . ; the ball popped up and Wardrop grabbed it in the air and mean dered 100 yards behind some fine - blocking to score the first touch down of the game. Rowe's kick TPi',t.thJLlmriBhts- SCORE: WIL LAMETTE 7, MARINES 0. Marines Get Rolling Simmons kicked off for the cats and after an exchange of punts the quarter ended with LaFagha making 7 and the ball in the possession of the Leather si0." th?ir wi 36. On the first play of the second stanza, MeClure picked uo 6 for a first down. With MeClure and La' faglia doing all of the ball carry ing, the marines chalked up two more first downs before MeClure was forced to kick to the 'Cat? goal line where the ball was downed. Rochon immediately kicked out of his end zone up o the Navycat 20 where the ma rines again took over. With the aid of a 5 yard penalty on Wil. amette for offside. LaPagl a went through for 6 and a first down with the goal only 7 yards SfiTlri11 'f "!e Learnecks ?Hth t in '? makc tne distance! eveJv .imngli.a ,carr-vl"8 the bal 'SS ' but " last down he ; drove over guard for 2 yards and .TRUCKS FOR RENT rou Drive Move YounaH . Save K Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 Eut M.ir. Wr jgp. ;Anenion Save Your Hides! w.w., r E!k Antelope will poy you top prices and you will b. htlp ' Ing th war effort, Hides are needed badly. Sixth St. Auto Wrrlr.'HP 2501 so. eth'sir0"80" .f " GAME STATISTICS Marines Willamette Yardage scrimmage H Yardage passes .,', Total yardage '" First downs scrimmage - 9 8 First downs passes J Total first downs a lu Passes attempted ' Passes completed ' Passes incomplete 1J J Passes had intercepted 1 Punt average , 2 ' 29 Ball lost on fumbles 4 a touchdown. Curric's kick was blocked. SCORE: WILLAMETTE 7, MARINES 6. Navycats Score Again . rhanin kicked off for the maJ rinps to Mclver who brought it' up to the 31. Simmons battered through for 12 yards and a TIrst down. Alter a piays naa raiiea, Conway kicked to MeClure on the goal line who returned 15 yards. LaPaglia gained 6 as the halt ended. Simmons kicked off to Ban cer, who was hurt on the play, and MeClure came , back in the ball game. The marines were stopped and MeClure kicked to his own 4o. Aungst picKea up a yard and took the ball again on a lateral for 8 more. Simmons then swept' around his own left end to travel 3o yards for touchdown. , Rowe's kick was good. . SCORE: WILLAMETTE MARINES 6. - - Goodman Hits Paydirt 14, Simmons- kicked -off to Me Clure and he brought it up to the 19. LaPaglia made 4 and Me Clure nicked ud a yard but was injured on the nlav and taken off the field orr-a streteheiv-'La- Paglia fought his way through for 15 yards and a first down. On the next play, Mastrorilli, who replaced MeClure, fumbled and the cats recovered. Good man took then ball on an end around for lizards and a first aown. Simmons made 5 and Aungst was .inches short. Sim- mons. picked ud 8 yards and an. other first down on the Leather- necK 11. waldroff lost" 4 on a double-reverse andSimmons was stopped cold for the first time. un tne tnird down, Aungst faded back .and tossed .a . beauty to Goodman, good for 16 yards of paydirt and the third Willamette touchdown. Rowe's kick m. good. SCORE: WILLAMETTE 21, MARINES 6. , . It's Goodman Again Simmons once mnrp IriVlra off but there was a violation of kick off formation and he had to kick again from 5 yards fnrth. er back. Hughes received onlv to fumble, but rppnvprurf n 23. Willamette held and Hughes Huu.tu iu nungsi at midtieid. Aungst passed to Goodman for 13 yards and a first down. Si mons. made 3 and Aungst was held for no gain. On the next play, Goodman got in the clear and took a pass from Simmons for 33 yards and another touch down. Rowe's kick was blocked SCORE: WILLAMETTE 27, m RINES 6. Marines Score Safety Simmons kicked nit tn Aikrit. ton who retlirnpri is Me n.., no A pass, Bancer to Morehouse, was incomplete and on the next play, Bancer fumbled and the Cats recovered ac h ended. Willamette failed to gain and Rochon kicked over the goal lino and the ball was brought ?iT t0u ,the. 20- Bancer went throueh for 1 1 anI - ,-, j... ' w ...... t Hi,, uuwii, There was a penalty for unnec essary roughness on the 'Cats and Hughes made 10 yards and another first down on the next play. Three plays netted 6 yards and n the last down Hughes charged through the line for 7 and the third straight first down for the marines. Hughes tried wo passes and a running play that netted only two yards and mJ! k. nkodout on the Willa CffS ?' Conway Picked up 5 but Rochon was thrown for a 13 yard loss by Sturm. Rochon's punt was nullified because of an offside penalty and on the second attempt the whole left side of the marine forward wall broke through to block the kick. The ? !! ro,!edtout of the end zone to give the Lcathprnicir. K?.tla,cty- SCORE: WILLA METTE 27. MARINES 8. .ai work Sleeper Play Simmons hnotnH a trn put of bounds on his own 35, Mc Lavert.y t"ed 2 passes and 2 run- .."b viaj-o, none ol winch work ed, and the 'Cats took the ball on downs. Simmons made 12 for a first down and Rochon picked Simmons made a yard and then passed to Goodman for 6 more. Hunters p"mit t0 b"y- Teh 9513 p AinrDirko L Simmons failed to gain, but on last down Rochon made 3 for first down. A pass, Rochon to Pavlock. that went for a touch down was nullified by a 15-yard flipping penalty. On the next ,play, a forward pass followed by a lateral from Rochon to Sim mons to Pavlock was good for another first down. Rochon and Simmons made 5 yards between them and Mclver smashed through for 12 and still another first. On the next play the 'Cats pulled the time worn sleeper or camp out play witn Simmons lay ing down by the sidelines and then jumping up to receive an easy lob from Rochon in the end zone. Rowe s Kick was no good SCORE: WILLAMETTE 33, MA- Albritton Runs 83 Yards Ward kicked oft to McLaver ty, but the marines were unable to gain and lost the ball on downs. . Conway s pass was nv comrjlpfp and hp sttpmrttoH an. other which Albritton intercept- en un nus own i i-yara stripe ana ran back 83 yards through the wnoie miiameiie team lor toucnaown as the final gun sounded. Extra time' was taken for the conversion but Chapin's kick was wide. IINAL SCORE; WILLAMETTE 33, MARINES Score bv Quarters: Willamette ...,..7 0 20 6 33 Marines 0 6 0 8 14 Packers Tame Lions 26-7 In Pro Tilt CHICAGO. Oft. 9. im It looked today like those Green ay racKers, wno once dominat ed the National Football league, are at it again. At any rate, the Packers, who last week knocked off the de fending champion Chicago "7'"! ' iar aneaa or tne rest of the pack in both the eastern and western divisions, and if uicjr Bei past tne already-beaten Pittsbureh Steplpr-fhion dinal combination next Sunday, they certainly can't be over looked by the yogis who make iuH or crystal-gazing for a The Packers wnn that,. ut-j straight league game yesterday when, after spotting Detroit a touchdown, they got their bear ings midway of the second quar ter and passed their way to a 27 6 victory before 18,500 fans. It an uvernean airnrlr all fl. way that brought them the vie 5 ,J "L "v i-omp and Lou Brock do nu thn toc.i .j Hutson, Paul Duhart and Comp the receiving in the end zone The fourth touchdown was scored by Ted Fritsch after a flurry of passes put the ball on the six-yard line. thpr.,F?cker victory ca,"e fn '"p. on,y league game of the day, although six other teams were & Jn'ra-leasuc exhibitions. Ihe Chicago Bears, apparently lSVSS,,5d 'to' '""; to Green Bay 42-28, a week earlier, came back to hanH tha u;i.!.." Redskins, last year', eastern8 di- Crowd. Wa-shinnta- .j earlier exhib Fon torn ibt Bears, 21-7, in Baltimore! aaL- .!sburgh' the Card-Pitt combination edged out a 17-16 victory over the New York Gi- " wnen r ullback Johnny Gri ?hnf i " 8 "e-ma last half Thn rLJ" anJlhcr, e"hibitlon. undMpa.a.HSIR-nd, E"elcs each 8r! undefeated In league comnptl. ini S'1' Iast Tuesday night to Rm 'i,e .e?Jtcrn division. The Rams beat tha r,.j m .,' , 28. September lC'U0",U 'wings into the "chin. rfa..... seherlnl. ..ruu ,....'-V,'1" aow ton. Brooklyn' at Detroit Ch I to the CS d1 I'1'18' in aadltlon Bay. Card'Pitl ai"e at Green -GREAT FALLS, Mont., Oct. f ?' Frank RoOeew called out that dinner was on the table Frank, right through the ceiling tabierP "ear th dinlng ro He really wasn't that hungry. iaw1ud hif ,0?un. while in sulating the atlic. Angels Sweep Doubleheader From Seals LOS ANGELES, Oct, 2 (.?) The Los Angeles Angels and the San Francisco Seals resume their Pacific Coast league baseball playoff series tonight with the northerners lending three games to two. San Francisco can win the Governor's cup with a victory in tonight's game. If Los Angeles wins, the deciding contest will be played tomorrow night. The league champion Angels stayed in the running by defeat ing San Francisco, 5-4 and 21, in a doubleheader yesterday. In the opener, Johnny Ostrow ski rapped out a homer in the ninth to score the winning run. In the second game. Rip Russell broke a 1-1 tic by doubling in the fifth inning. Although pitching but one In ning, Ray Prim was credited with winning the opener. Don Osborri won the second, allowing only four nits. Short scores: First game: S. F 120 001 0004 7 0 L. A 000 012 0115 16 1 Joyce and Sprinz; Adams, Co rnelias (3). Phipps (7), Prim (7), and Fcrnandes. barm, Urigg. Second game: (Seven innings.) 5. r iuu ouu o 1 4 1 L. A 001 010 x 2 7 1 Scats and Ogrodowskl; Osborn and Sarni. (Series: San Francisco 3; Los Angeles 2.) tronw PAUL HAINES QUOTE, UNQUOTE Here are some quotes taken from the Oregon Statesman re garding the fine football dis- Dlaved by our Pelicans Friday night. Coach Marble Cook must have instilled enough spirit in the boys to make a jackrabbit burp in the face of a houn' dog. "T h e outweighed Pelicans, brimming over with hustle from start to finish, outcharged and outfought the Viks almost throughout. Added incenuvtvwas given earlier in the day when Regular Right Halfback Bill Ab bey wounded himself on a bro ken glass too seriously to play. And that incentive paid off to the tune of a thoroughly lopsided yardage-gained count of 228 from scrimmage tor the Pens to only 20 for the Viks and 15 first downs to four. Operating swiftly from their T formation, the sharo-blockine southerners rolled into the Vik end zone all three times in the second quarter." ine pelicans victory was cer tainly no fluke as is proven by the statistics quoted. Sure hope Abbey will be all right. SATURDAY STATISTICS Speaking of statistics, here are some from the Willamette vs. Ma rine game for any figure filberts interested. For the Leathernecks. Bancer averaged 4.2 per attempt, and Salvadori 2.1. MeClure drove through for 4.3 for each try and Hughes held high average with 5.2. McLaverty was least suc cessful, only averaging 1.5. Simmons, the Willamette siege-gun, and the outstanding player on the field, came throueh with an average of 8 yards. Sim mons also averaged 7 yards per try against the Huskies in their previous game, even though the Cats were swamned 71-0. He's some ballplayer, that Simmons. MeClure, who was carried off the field on a stretcher, was found to have a broken arm. and will bo out, of course, for the rest of the season. Apt, who was also injured, has a strained knee and will probably be unable to play in the next two games, but may be ready later. Two bad casualties for the marines and it s too darn bad. NAVY TAKES TILT The navv bovs from th air station won the Softball cham pionship series from the marines Sunday afternoon at Recreation jarK witn a -3 triumph. The eathernecks outhit the sal'.ors. V hits to 6. but Walters marina twlrlcr. was wilder than a hol and allowed 5 sailors to steal home on wild Ditches. anH thai made the difference. SUNDAY AND LATE SATUR. uni ruuiBAU, SCORES By The Associated Press ' SUNDAY Fleet Cltv Navv 15 si Mo.,,'. (Calif.) Navy Pre-Fllght' 0. , LATE SATURDAY Washington 65, Whitman 8. Ar zona rFlnnctom Tnflnk. 13t.Tnop8h (Nev.) Air Base 0. Willamette TTnluproMt, n Klamath Falls (Ore.) Marines li. mis-nssippi 20, Florida 6. Sclman (La.l Flolrl la Li ana. Tech 8. Alabama 27, Louisiana State 1 (tie). Toxas Aggies 27, Texas Tech , Randolph Field 59, Rice 0, filbert picking 'machine, dcvel oped bv Orponn stoi n---- agricultural engineering depart- tomorrow: aemonslratct e By Irish Run Wild Over Pitt 58-0 NEW YORK, Oct. 2 OTl Notre Dame has played only one football game this season but already Its new grid coach, Ed McKcevcr, had qualified for the "crying towel" champion, ship. McKcevcr, wno succeeded Frank Leahy when the lattor entered the navy, said several weeks ago the Irish, the No. 1 team in 1043. would "lose a lot of games" this fall. On that basis it looked like a close game when the South Benders tackled Pitt Saturday. Instead the Irish ran wild by 58 0 and now seems destined to retain their national title. Equally as surprising as the Notre Dame margin of victory was the defeat of Navy, the team many expected to replace the Irish as the top eleven. The mldshiDmen lost to North Caro lina prcfllght, 21 to 14. being unable to stop Otto Graham, former All-American at North western now with the Pre- flicrhters. George Mungcr's Unlversily of Pennsylvania team also came up with a surprise 18 to 7 vic tory over Duke's Southern Con ference champions while Indi ana ended Michigan's two-game winning steak, 20-0, and Cali fornia upset UCLA. 6-0. In other outstanding games Alabama and LSU deadlocked at 27-27: Ohio State thumped Missouri. 54-0: Randolph Field walloped Rice. 59 0: Tennessee beat Kentucky. 26-13: Illinois tied Great Lakes, 26-26: Yale beat the Coast Guard Academy, 7-3; Wisconsin took North western, 7-6; Army whacked North Carolina, 46-0; the Texas Aggies beat Texas Tech and the Norman Navy Zoomers tripped Oklahoma. Holy Cross tied Dartmouth and Mississippi trounced Florida. Outstanding games this week include: Cornell Yale; Dart mouth Pcnn; Brown Army: Pcnn State-Navy: Tulane-Notre Dame; Purdue-Illinois: Iowa Ohio State; Michigan-Minne sota; . Texas Aggies-Oklahoma; Tennessee-Mississippi; Michigan- Minnesota; Texas Aggies-Oklahoma: Tennessee Mississippi; Michigan State-Kentucky; North Carolina Pretlight-Duke; Ran dolph Field-Texas; Second Air Forcc-lowa beahawks, and California-Southern California. Bears Claw Bruins 6-0 In Grid Game By The Associated Press Pacific coast conference foot ball fans will center their inter est next Saturday on Los An geles where the undefeated Unl-1 versity of California and the j University of Southern Cali fornia, which has one tie game to mar its perfect record, tangle in the big game of the day. In the north end of the con ference the University of Wash ington will unleash its power against small Willamette at Portland, Ore. The Huskies crushed the Salem, Ore., team, ! 71-0, two weeks ago. - j me university ot laiuornia at Los Angeles will match tactics with the powerful Naval Train ing Station at San Diego on the same date. The University of Nevada goes to Las Vegas, Nov., to meet the Arirona State Teachers in an interconference battle. In last weekend games the 1 Laiuornla Bears by the margin of a blocked punt early in the game defeated the Uclans, 6 to 0, In a conference contest, while the Southern California power house was rolling over Coach Alonzo A. Stagg's College of the Pacific squad, 18 to 6. The Bears' offense looked none too powerful against the ?.ruuns. ff,om tnc outh Coach Stub Allison's linesmen made a great showing on defense. The Bruins staged a thrilling 06-yard march In the fading min utes but two ovcr-the-goal passes were knocked down. T'ailBI'l Pacific Tigers the Trojans showed the need of a driving fullback. George Cal lanan, Jimmy Hardy and Gordon Gray were efectlve ground- side hldrfbUt lac,ked "unch In side the deep scoring zone. Wash- ngton powered to a 65 to 8 vie-t0ZVer-,,i,tle whman college. rna.i r-dnyJ1Iaumes,' tne Alameda Coast Guard beached the Unl. versity of Nevada, 35 to 0. with Gonzales Morales starring for the victors. ... mi aii-snrvice game at P easanton, Calif., the Fleet Cltv Bluejacket, scored a flefd goaf safety and tnnoisrin,..- . "j "'' in an all.servleo version in theirl2 to 0 win oVer .. ..,, . navy pre-lllgrit. Joe Stydahar, former Chicago Bear star, and Seabee Walt Slov- Fleet City attack, and accounted for the scoring, except for the automatic safety which came from a blocked pre-flight punt. TAX CLINIC OPENED PORTLAND, Oct. 2 (IP) Slate Tax AHmltii.ir.i Taxpayer, association represen- opened a "tax clinic" here today. Browns Beat Tigers Lose First Pennant for St. In Tightest Race in By JOE nEICHLEM Aiiocleted Preis Sporti Writer America's third warliini' ohm' bull season elided yesterday Willi the St. Louis lliowns wlnnlnti their first pennant In the IlKhtiM race in American league hilv'. a race not decided until thu lusl out on the last day. A 5 2 victory over the New York Yankees i-oiu'liil with it Detroit defeat by Wunhinglon. 4-1. gave the (lag to tin' Hrownn by one giinir, breaking u Ho that had existed since Friday. With all due credit to the 1 ig-; seme of t i lor them, and lin er fur their iiuiu.lng climb limn ! ,-i enl inli-hliiK Newhmiser mill seventh place on July U. moil funs were pulling (r the Browns, not only because the Sewellinen had never wnn n pennant but also beeau.se ol their thrilliuu comeback alter they had apparently dropped mil ,i( the running. Just llli re week ago, thev had skidded to thud place afier having led virtually all season. With Slgmund (Jack) Jnkucki hurling a .Hx-hlttcr before 37, 815 funs, the largest St. Louis crowd of Ihc season, the Browns swent a four-game series from the Yankees, lo climax stretch driving, during Y,"1 which they won 11 out ol 1-, Although long distance slug ging won the final game from the former world champions two homers by Chet Laab.t and the other by Vcrn Stephens ac counted for all the Browns' runs pitching was the Browns' chiel weapon all season. Nelson Pot ter, jacK lramer, uenny i.bic- house. Bob Muncrief and Jnkucki hurled 10 complete games of the Inst 12. Including lour shut outs, and did not give up more than four runs in any the last 11 games. Potter, winner of his last six straight, won 10 games, more than any other Brownie hurler since Bobo Newsom's 20 victor ies In 1938. Kramer, of one-hit fame, won 17 while yesterday's clincher was Jnkucki's 13 th. Most of the batting punch was produced by Stephens who drove in 105 runs and hit 20 homers. Emil (Dutch) Leonard, I) ! -year- old knuckleballer, who had not beaten the Tigers since Sep tember 15, 1041, losing seven straight to the Bengals since, was the Tiger tamer, hurling a four-hitter before a dazed crowd of 45,565 fans. Stan Spcncc, whose hitting beat Detroit on Friday to create a first nlnce tie. cracked his third homer in three days to put the crusher on Detroit. Dizzy Trout, who teamed with Hal Ncwhouscr to set a new lively ball era record with 50 victories, made his second at tempt In three days for his 28th BOX OFriCE OPENS 6:45 ENDS TODAY "THE SULLIVANS" Second Hit Roy Rogers "COLORADO" Starts Tuesday TOUR TAVOIITI rUMTIR,..lt Hll tl In lie Ktiia! -ALSO- LRR0RIFIC! ri"i BEL LUonsr " Frieda r Of Ri lnwort Mat Willi! V-stfH5rv ,, HAROLD y peary emrin.,) r w Yanks 5-2; to Nats 4-1 Louis Club League History victory, mil milfcrrrt ni inn delrilt imtnirt. TIiiik Iho llrnifiij. fillKlli-d ai luuh ih who luul ml only i twice lH-fniv- -in HUH!, Ihcir tirM i.srnsoii, Mini in when lln-y j mi.-i.ifd Iho pi-nmuit by "'"e guino vim tlio right U inci-l St, .mil' Nutlimnl Irtiiiiic leprc- Urinative, tin- I'unliiwl. In the world M-rii-n nH'iiint; Wi-ilnen- tiny. The Tigers made o game figtil, Up;iikrl by Hie return ( l'ick Wukelield. liinr lug li.it won Trmil. New lumver 2t victories 1 1 id George Miilllns murk ol IHO!) lit the must win turned In liy a Tiger huili-r. Annum the league'-'' Iff t -banders, only Hub (J l uvc tit the If-II Athletlc.-i won , mora games with 111 The ankers failed In an l tempt lo win I in-1 1' (mil III stiiiii;!it fag. dropping to third, the lowe.H in the Joe McCarthy regime. Hit hard hv the loss of sm-li .stars as 1)111 Dickey, Cluirllc Krtlrr. Joe Gordon. Hill John son anil Snuil t'liiiiiilter. th.. - i auks put n game light, but faced in the last wt-rk. emliiiu with four stl night Iosm-s to the Browns. The Boston lied Sox, a con tender all mason, fi ll bark when Iheir ace pitcher. Tex lliighsoii, winner of 111 gainei. and their nee hitter, Bobby Doerr, butting .325, were called into the serv Box Office Opens 1:30-0:45 - -Ends Wednesday ALL THAT FUN CAN OFFER- -set to six thrill ing sonflj and Sinatra sings (ourl W BROWN CARNEY -VJ MITCHELL JEFFREYS (t ' ,i . in 11 ' LL Continuous Show Dally BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:30 ON THE SAME REDSKINS ON THE H THE IS Tl. m ... jvu iLJii i i m I iri -trim HSTiSmrXSSSiJ Ota ice, n mniilli hr-foro the clout nj the season. They flnlnhed W) a .500 average In fourth ilt, 11 games off thn puce, fi,' eniirn inn season "putting , g iwtn blll from Iho Whit ; winning the first 3 1 ami iht. ? losing 41. " The second division elulu yvtn Cleveland and Philadelphia tjj for fourth, Chicago an,i w, tiiglon eighth. The .Mmkiutj won Imlh Haines from ihu (j, dlaim 0 1! ami O il lo tie Clevrluiut mulling llielr best llnl.li iih,. ; they placed flflli in 'JM n,, ! A s were- ri'niuillile t (),, Yankee downfall. Mverpin, , : el urlal three game set m mii ! September to knock the Vnk out of flint pluco, fc'.ir Ihrt K,.iiiilm-ri It L . . ll.i.la- flr.l Im.I.i1m.-, t .. ! tier Chirk Griffith s vi-i vieiort, ' j mine no iiiois viihiu hi lyi 3 iA strong favorite to i n ptuie their flint flag Mnce lli.i.i, , Nal never were In the itmmiu ' but blunted Detroit lm,rt k ..'lltllll,,. U-1, ill ll, l,..t I.' " ..... .,. .,..-,1 igyf ! game from the Tigers, ., Mimuii Detroit won if out u( l()g) j litem. j I The Cards mode a louawi; IHVIT M II tsjtifitiig iiirir CIJJiui j (lag uml third In Mirer-, :,, i,. I j 141 game margin. Ihv came the first club In Nulloml ' league history lo win over IM 5 gullies fur three miere.sive yciri -I'hey ended Hie evm spl'ittiiu I a twin-bill with the (limits, -i lug O S In 1:1 innings and wi ' . mini the. second ID A I'lllshurgh nosed out Cinci null for the runner. up p M the final tiny, splitting m ; bill with Philadelphia winmej the opener 0-1 mid losing : nlghleap 71. while the Rti, i bowed to Brunklvn 9. Cmri I natl finished third li gnmoi bt-! hind. I: box orricE opens hi AND allium Telephone 4S17 Box Office Opens 1:30 Ml AMECHE - ANDREWS - EYTHE cviiiis iiciioi - sii tunc minim ENDS TUESDAY HIT PROGRAM WARPATH ! WARPATH! - e. j i 5 i