0 Williams HERA' ) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Our Boarding Horn With Major Hoof PACE ELEVEN i 'I ' P'K.nvNir r, i v,ll uviv.u.amd m.'!i-i: ll-ll! lMIKI comv:s UP vol boast,' tvl.KriOUulll.KLX) hi u : 1 MPor 1.t.Ar..'Mr -l MAI .-','M.w-kiri.t:,'-. M'if INC.OMVI MII-.MCtG,' VOI got Ji"t 1- 1 ii'r Ait it 'Wku riUvV IN), IUU, Willi ,JVM.'. 10, WA1 -K, &LICKt--t?J., LUUCHL.2.,.. VMt'.l -H-lfM, Wt. -VKjV 1 ,t.-A,r..'Mr THAI I S iMXVJ if Mm WMmWri TOO MUCH CO!" 0 nvvubAM'; r iu otLL, iwp,ouk. : well. 1 vie Cm Mn A. Too -r; ! NT riT 1K1 r 1 wwimu inrw rn iuu LlKt A BU WIslNb, WITH PFPC,PieKTiON.V (T'C might wwcmM at Tae OLUt: mt I UKi --OL) 006HTA 6TICK.TO THVT; 'VW VOORD.TOM VOO'RE AS ' PKOLL AS A brkAlSiED ASTIGfAATlSlA. PERMITTED Mfc TO ACCEPT SUCH A POST. UJHCT I hi THt VJORLD IS TWE.R.E TO WATCH AT A GLUE t-ACTOKY f 7 lbw n'3 rw 5klu GxnE. " ( I A1 " ' f ; 1 Vnn'n vJwrw FDR fiTlfW- FINGERED UUS Prize Goal Within Allied Grasp "t ' t- ' JfX" -w&JpriJlmmrto-i, .S-"Jfic;M.. "JBWW V 1 ptrrfThow. part of the srcat Bu.bao, Idu.,r..l Wo. enUa- undoubtedly wrecKca, jot uie Klv w - - ,h s lie3 ln the hcart of Germany' bS? .! ui in keePlng Germany, W guns and bombers in action. Pepper was sold only In 'drug stores in 14th century Europe. Flood That Failed By Fred Harmon i FUNNY BUSINESS novjA , "DROP IT ( FRon ( ft--S, i YOUR , NTDbJ Lkloi and Hl Friondi lr cpfu; 71 at It'.DA AND tAD l MTU PUNNING N TUB OfflCE W COMMISSION! ;B fTHLEtlC StJU Ull riA UA tm k eovcorr. E RrfuSKO TO ilVE CT6S WlT is uNtrsg us f ? ACP VOU A MOOSE OR A MAN J A DAME PUSH YOU AROUND? J XTTT. rwn.'.' 1.. i RUM FOR OFFICE ATTA AW V AFTER ALL, A fUV UA ' TO STAND UP FOR HIS , PRINCIPLES.' HC BCflVICf. IWC. y xi30?ilw! HILDA b jiJpSo WON'T - NJSfM DATE lV VS kW AND 'T' ( A -v jiwM WONT m r r J i'W'm be much (I P ( FUN -N X'MW CUDDLING T. M. BEO. U. 8. PAT. Of F " T y-30 '"born, iw t MtAavict inc. t. m. s. u. s. at, oif. "A new kind of headgear confuses the opposing team THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 0' TUB VILL.A6E MAYBE 1 CAN ASK ABOUT LINK HERfc r-i - ri a, ifTVM 31 WMWSH-JI' lAlipi'fl'?"Hf M THAT WAS ALMOST AV I !' yf j S V POTATOES S' J ( PEK ACG , WERE PRO- ) ' ' jfil?t Vi-V -SS ? DUCED BV SCIENTIST 7 ' " 'V' .J W.GERICKE, THROU6H ( I. . eOPP. 19 BY HEA SERVICE. INC J, Mb HLU U. r'. ' Ru Uflrtin ('i "7 p and Hor Buddioi iiy Pop . ; ll ' ' r- mmummmmm II III WMx&t 4j' I.OOKIT 'M 00.' HOT PAW&lM K:ttS)fill' y "ll""m'' ; By Horold Groy rflOrphon Annlo - " " ft. . mi N f-AKb THERE ANV VOLCANOES ' 104 ICELAND? IN NEW GUINEA. EVERV WOMAN IS MAAAED MARY ANSWER: Iceland has more than 'a hundred volcanoes; U. S. ARMY UNIT HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1,6 Depicted Is 1 Short sleeps insigne oi u z Nouon S. Army 3 Regular 4 Three times (comb torm) 5 Him 6 Company (ao.) rani TOAt 1 11.1 w ir 4 KNOVJ VOU'LL Wr-TTio HELP JJfUD WITH IT J TtiSSUIA- 1 H RND I JUST GOT ftND SftTURDKf COOKIN DONb L I I 1 Ktic T1MP MV WOMtwow'i "IIZ TO GET (V LITTLE HMe urn I.IUV RUOULb VOL) HftVETO WRfcblLB h MESS LIKE TLiie ftMSIIEf 1 - - 1 'OUfcS NOT TO VJI-N"- EW oruu 1 13 Concealed 14 Persian tairv 15 Genus of shrubs 18 Musical - Instrument ' ID Diminutive of Sarnue' "20 Sleeping visions 22 Dine 23 Late Ameri can humorist 25 Companion 27 Dried tuber 20 Row between seats 32 Any 33 Louisiana (ab.) 34 Transposi (ab.) 35 Area measure 36 Tardier 38 Takes care of 40 Devotee 41 Dutch city 42 Carve 44 Shudder 49 Eat 52 Shield bearing 54 To tho Inside 55 Man's name 56 Emissaries 58 Parts of fish 60 Trials deity 20 Goes 91 SnrlnUk 7 Ovum (como. 24 Deletes form) 26 Ventilated 8 Insurgents 27 Salt 45 Belongs to him 16 Within 47 Vermont 48 Dawn goddcs 8 Malayan 2B Collection of soitraians canoe sayings ',, 10 Lot It stand 30 Youth 53Entomologl 12 Courtesy title 31 Bitter vetch (ab.) , 13 Eccentric 37 Headings - 55 Boat paddle wheel 30 Cuddle 87Tastosolo 16 Symbol for 42 Outer " tellurium garment 59 Symbol for nni,vlonian 4S Incit columbuini ten 4 Germans flooded vast areas of the Netherlands coastal regions tej forestall Allied invasion, but General Eisenhower outfoxed than by flying the First Airborne Army1 over flooded areas to suu"Fi Holland for 'junction with British. Photo shows onof flooded areas, with German sentry near now useless plUBox. Return to Philippines r 'if," u 1 AIT J 7AnltAfnl . d . .vmhnl nf American re rnrtTe-phmnosiore direct bomb hit during carrier-based aircraft strike i which delivered smashing blows at central and southern Philippines. U. 6, Navy pnoto. cor., in r m unvia. inc. i. ' "Guess who' ; Lawyers Urged to Fight Intolerance ASTORIA, Sept. 30 OP) On eon lawyers wore urged Frida, to combat: Intolerance based oi race, color or creed. j. r. .jin.:iii'j . "- president , of the Oregon Ba. association, told the group lOthv annual convention thai America: needs a: tasting peaoi not only witn omur. iui but Avithin this nation. Over 200 attorneys attendee yesterday's opening of the three day session. '- V- ; Cats' whiskers have very sen sitlve nerves at their roots, malt ing them, invaluable as a guldi In the dark ; ;: ' ' . , Alcohol equivalent of n poun of sugar would give us 47 shoti at the Jnps. ' 61 French city 1 IP'I