1944 pORSETD SfEAK IN KLAMATH ....... rcnuhlk-un t un- iJf Illtd.njek. cliiill iniiii ol V,'. uf Klumulli county. ..for hl Minii-urii'"-'" lmvu 'Vtovn complofd, lint lie ' iibobly l 1,1 u lui111'" ft P In U iiHuf""011 UIU "l I. nil III II IU IIVUIIIIIU. nit"" y- i . ,, ' Flashes of Life .nlt ' ..... i Hllclii" I. ilhl In UlftO lllUII- k slulMl. Lrgcncy Landing ip Carved uur Eastern Oregon stokank. 10 S.riil. l!ll 0T III out li Ijiucnuor till tlil I""'1 u ,,ml , Cr field ..viutlm, ration bwoeloi By Tin Associated pr.is .s msiiiiiiv EI". .... l -11 wiui no surprise lo clurkii in uu: nilllHDU V. Loilll ioiiki wiiun llurold iuuiii iii lino mjurau'ri mi mi. plication fur ii i,u t-erllllcute. A luollll'llt hi'loie. n Urn .ul nwiTiini ii car hlcw out with a loiiil "Ijiiiik" In front of the ra- won noii i u oil lee HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE SAN KUANCISCO, Sept. 211 il'l Snllur ISilwuril Slicvlln, ;)7, Iicciiiiic mi Amcrlciiii citizen. After lie hail kiiiic, iiliinK clinic aniillii'i- millor, Kdwnrtl Slicvlln, ), und lie, loo, look Inc. citizen- Mllp With. llolli wcrn born In Gliisiiow, Scolliind, liolli now live In New link City, both were at the Mill!!' ijoot ciinip, llul they never huvc met, lino iiro not reiaiea. Landlords Asked to Give Two Types of Data to OP A (Editor's Note: Thin l the nrr ond In a scries 0 articles cx-l pllnlni ll.o Ol'A rent control I system established In Klumuth county.) By r Ryan, Rent Information Bpociollit When roKlstriilloii of rented dweiliiiiis K,.l8 under way some llnif next week notice will he Klveu when the dale Is set bind lordfi will he asked to supply the Office of price lldmlliklrnilm. with two types of information, both ' iiiiit" in establishing the rent cclllnK. i ho first of these, discussed In the Herald and News yester day, is 'he rate actually charucri on the dale used 05 the basis for the rent celling. llul the rate charged does not tell the whole story. A houso rented for SHO a month on the Xreezo date, for example, mav have Included heat, refrlgeru'lon or other ser vices. 'J'o arrive at a correct pic- miiu in iiuu pi-openy s rem, ana Ui iMiimintce that the rent nnw charged presents the same value ns it did then, a second type of iiiiorrnuuon is asKeu lor at reg islriition time. Information Ailed Landlords u c asked to stale whether the dwellings were furnished, whether there was running water, a flush toilet, bathroom, central heating, a heating stove, mechanical refrig eration, clc irlclty. a cooking stove und other equipment. blmll. rly under the heading of scrv'- s they ar- asked for a yes-or-no answer as to whether the following were provided: garage, heat or heating fuel, cooking fuel, cold watcn hot w.ler, light, ice or refrigeration, Janitor :?rvice, garbage disposal, painting and decorating, interior and exterior r pairs and anv other services peculiar to the pr peri. If at first glance the two groups i f questions may seem to o -rlap, you will, on examining them closely, come to distinguish between hot water equipment and not water Bcrvicc, electric, ity inst iled and lighting lurn. ished, It is c'ccidcdly to the landlord's advantage to answer these ques tions a.i lully r- he possibly can particularly in the case of dwell ings fir; I rented since October 11)43, In s 'ch cases, since the OPA rent director has authority to idjust such rates to the level prevailing In the community for comparable accommodations, a true picture ol what tne rent includes may make some differ ence in that ad jstmcnt. Workers in rent control offi ces in established OPA defense- rental areas frequently comment that the problem of making ad-justmci-'.s, after the program is und-r way, is made easier when a full statement of such data is given on the registration form. Should Be Complete The process ot adlustmenl- to be 'iscutsed later in this series is om times lengthy to the poi' t of being annoying as the necrrT.ry examination of the case goes on. It functions at its cjst and for the greatest con venient, -f landlord, tenant and rent direct r when the registra tion is complete on all pointa. I Guarantee against an incorrect record of such services and equipment is the fact that a copy of the registration, after being checked at the rent office, is given to the tenant. With that copy tenan' a. reasonably sure of what they are supposed to be getting and may expect in the f . e. Specialised Problem The problem of hotel and rooming house registration is so specialized that it might be out of place to take it up in detail through the newspaper columns. For the general public and the tenants of such establishments, however, two points are worth mentioning. 1. The ceiling price on these places is the highest rent for each term daily, weekly or monthly for each number of occupants charged during the 30-day period between Septent. ber 1, and October 1, 1943, with certain modifications In cases of rooms vhose rental history dif fers from those dates. 2. The tenant in such dwell ings does not receive a copy ol the registration. Rates approved by OPA. however, nust be post ed in each room. The ' -tcl regulation appliei also to cabin camps and trailei areas. . Classified ads get results. ' Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do fa lie teeth drop, slip or wabbls. when you talk, eat, laugh or ineeul Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by men handicaps. FASTEETH. an alka line (non-acidi powder to sprinkle on your plates, keeps false teeth mors firmly set. Gives confident feeling ol security and added comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get FAft TEETH today at any drug store. Crime In cnsl- p;;. .lilt) nrttr Crime r'v,.L'.H,. CirtUtir millimiUf Jffiriiin. (roiii llc Wiillu Wulla yiW " mw - ii field Srpttm.brr a. Tlie . wfi rnrvuil Out of sane- $i lmid in hour, unci Hit- '( 0l IIH" ,,, Lines Urges Women Join WAC FORT I.KWIS. Sept. 2 (!') jjrn were uigcii luwiy in a the women's army corps In p mccl the need of skilled In nrniy hospitals by Col. pur R. ouineff, communciing ttr of me con l.cwi Army -a-ril hospital. . With casualties inouulliig on i European front, the need for :.ti help lit out urmy huv ill Is' Ini'ieaslng tmncncluiia ; he aald. SPOKANtJ, Wash.. .Sept. 20 Dfpuly Sheriffs Art Alk- in and Ted Holmes rounded i group of boys accused of itrlpplng and solved the mery of repeated grass fires. Out of the boys admitted Unit j lithrr objected to the com. r he kept. bo. the youlh u, Ihcy would start fires at raltable time and piaco lur h father' hours of work, fithcr Is a flremnn. UKNVKit, Sept. 28 (!) Seott W. t'uninnngs lost his wallet eonlaiiilng MS while fishing limn a boat on Monarch lake more than two years ago. Hut he has It back. J. U. ("ul nar reported It hud washed ashore, and returned It to Cum mlugs. The $15 In bills were Mill there, loo, wel but spend- aoic. SPOKANE. Rent. 26 (7T'I Postmaster Will W. Simpson snys, paste In those war stamps as soon us Uiey re purchased. Several limes local custom- crs havi! stuck u $1 war stamp I instead of a 1-ceul postage stamp on curds, nut the higgcsl crmr ramr when a letter was imnli-'il with three $1 war stamps on it. CI IKVKNNK, Wyo Sept. 28 f1'l-.-Wlldlifu In Wyoming Isn't so wilil. Airport authorities here tried to shoo an antelope off the landing field, failed, finally hauled it away. And In Coke- vllle, Wyo., a moose meandered Into town, posed prettily while residents took pictures, then strolled on. The navy has designed a fly ing suit containing built-in turn I- quels which serve as a possible aid In me control oi oiecaing among wounded pilots during combat. RLOAD OIL famous Penn Supreme 10096 Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL SALE PRICE Per Quart In fallen toll. In your own container Only bocouie wo buy In eorloedi, era wt obla to oHer you this 35c por oooit nuolily oil ot such I"" sovinos . . . lost whn, In mo.t eommunilioj, for you to chonoo to winter groda oil. PNN SUPREME . . . roflnsd from finest Pennsylvania crudes, is Da Woxcd, Ooublo Distilled ond Specially il''f ' Pj vida a pure, clean, protective oil thai flows. J"'wy "d provides on Inslont lubricollna film or. movlno ports, regardleu of the season. Western Giant DOUBLE DUTY Guaranteed TIRES Now Only 4.00-16 4-ply..- 4 75,5.00-19 $10.S4 5 25 5.50-17 $13.27 6.25 6.50-16 $17 55 7.00-16 $"'9 fadaral lsl Tm ,tM . -i.-.ui. fA. nw llrrs. II you ore .nn'u- :;,Om ' yoi'll not mora nJ'r.iS per Dollor" with WESTERN GIANTS. Theso new, hloh tuol-nthatlesorallytjuoren- toad for tna m "go Inst defeels In motar lol and workmanship. Hova a look you II ns IM . ..!. f n.iin Parts in Ills West I laraesi jioir w,w , T,,. iMln for 0 hard-to-oat port or 0'''?Tn 000 chance, are w.'ll hove "XZollonV safety nacassltla. to MP'XVffM PRICEDI mm ir - jsr sti m sr M i i f m .m mm m -Wt S3R Sfocti up MOW '. Yes, ndws a good ime'to lay in a stock of food against the winter months! And Safeway is your buying head quartersprices planned to save you money, quality of the finest, and guaranteed: your money back if you're not 100 satisfied. Stock up NOW, at Safewav! i PEANUT BUTTER "Howdy" brand new de licious coarsa-grlnd. Lb. Jar . . 26c HS-Ho Crackers STL c" 18c Edwards Coffee r.:::!.,. 28c Champagne Monte Cristo Madiera Wine Malmsoy-Vintage Madiera Wine Verdelho Vinlega Madiera Wine Boat Vintage Peanut Butter Beverly 1 lb. 26c Shredded Wheat Nabisco Fruit Jars, , reg. Kerr Mason Fruit Jars, reg. Korr Mason 2s-oi. i no Nob Hill Coffee Lb. Bot. 'a'0 Whole Bean Fieshnessl Bag 2s-oi. 9 30 Canterbury Tea -Lb. Bot. Black Pkg. ." 25 oi. f jo Tree Tea ioe o Bot. Black ..: Pkg. 06 25-oa. 9 ?t) Regular Caps iq Bot. ale 7 Kr DoI, I7C 2 Lb. Ar- Wide Mouth Lids iAe Jar Kerr Dos. n in. Mason Lids g. Pkg. ,uc Kerr Dor. 7C 2 Dos. i op Wide Mouth Caps Pints ' Kerr Mason Dor. i doi. 7c Jar Rubbers Qusrts 3C Reg, Bulldog, Ball Dos. Butter i6 Polnlt. Gt.d. A Lb. 49c Buy a good supply now as points increase Monday. CHERUB MILK (1 Bed Point Per Can) Cans for "..1...:...3.98 CANHM MODS We have space here to list only a few of many Items on our shelves Jtock up! Diced Carrots Blue Tag . . -.303 Glass 11c GREEN BEANS, White Tag !.. 2 No. 2 Cans 25c DICED BEETS, Blue Tag .No. 303 Glass 12c TOMATO JUICE. Libbv Fcv. iV..: -25c Baby Foods Gerber's Strained Can 7C Canned Meats Swift's Prem or Cudahy's Tang 12-Os. Can .... 32c Peaches Highway Sliced 2H Can ...... Fresh fruits and vegetables rushed from farm to store for you rich in vitamins! Concord Grapes For Juice or Jelly .....Lug 2.19 m Red Delicious from Washington, 1 1 ApPleS Rod Jonathans from Washington Lb. I I W Prunes .u . LUg 2.29 Pears B.ru.u OrapeS Red Malagas, for table use 1 5C OrOngeS Sunkist, sweet and uicy Lb. 1 OC Grapefruit sweet and juicy - Lb. 9c Potatoes Klamath Gems No. 1 Lb. s Klamath Gems No. 2 50-Lb. Sack t.19 mitt M CtiAHMG AIDS Sunbrite Cleanser 3 cans 14c Su-Purb Soap . . 24-oz. box 20c Old Dutch Cleanser, 14-oi. can ... 2 for 15c Sweetheart Soap 2 bars 13c LaVa Soap cleans dirty hands-M.d. bars 3 for 17C 46-Oi. Tin TOMATO JUICE,Sunny Dawn(20pts.) No.2Tin lOe PRUNE JUICE, Sunsweet -Qt. Glass 27c , GRAPEFRUIT JUlCE, Town House 46-Oz. Can 30c PUMPKIN, Del Monte fancy ......No. 2Vi Can 13c CRANBERRY SAUCE, Conway's iJaiL -1 6c CHOICE PRUNES, Red Tag noWgi... ----..-19c ;. KADOTA FIGS, Sundown Nofaocan -- -He PEARS, Harper House (80 Pts.) ...-,.2'2 Can 26e . BABY FOODS, Heinz 4Vi Oz. Can 8c PORK & BEANS, Van Camps ...28 Oz. Glass 19c LIBBY VEAL LOAF .7 Oz. Can T7c LIBBY VIENNA SAUSAGE No. Vi Can 12c POTTED MEAT, Libby No. Va Can 6c No. 1 Can lOe OYSTERS, My T Good (1 Red Point) ..7Vi Oz. 35c CRISCO "Quick-Mix" Shert.ning............3-Lb. Jar 68c Baking Powder, Clabber Girl 2 Lb. 23c Sno-White or Maximum ......2 pkgs. 7e Margarine, Sunny Bank (4 Pts.) 2-Lb 35e Flapjack Flour, Albers 22-lb. 22c Pancake Flour, Suxanna ,...40-Oz. 15e Honey, Beeville 2-Lb. 58c Marmalade, Exquisite 2-Lb. 34e Bread, Julia Lee Wright's, 1 Vi-Lb. 2 for - 2Se Mayonnaise,' Nu Made Pint 27e Salad Dressing, Duchess Quart 38c Ice Cream Mix, Old Mill Pkg. 12c Matches, Searchlight 6-Box Carton 29c Friskies, Cube Dog Food 2-Lb. 22e Pard Dog Food, Dehy ....8-Oz. 10c SAFEWAY AUDITS for that ispecTaC pinner snd for every noat-iijin9 mtal: SafeVray guaranteed meat! PEET'S Granulated Soap 26c Ivory Snow Suds in Cold Water 23c Ivory Soap 3 for 29c P.x.on.1 2 for 9c Large Bars... Beef Roasts Blade or arm Vt, :uts Grade "A" 5R : Lb. Short Ribs or Brisket M Pound AU6 Sirloin Steaks Grade "A" 13R Lb. 0 T-Bone or Porterhouse SteakS Grade 'A'UR Lb.48C Round Steak 1W ..Lb. 38c PORK Pork Steak, Pork Shoulder Wf Roasts Lb. Pork Hocks, 1 Eg Lb ' - Pork Sausage, 28c country style. Lb. Ground Beef 28c Colored Fryers ... .. ...Lb. 45c Colored Fowl .. Lb.40c Salmon KtMi LB. 43c Oysters L... Pim65c. 12)4-01. jlll ill I; m ill II! i-l X m if' i! m wt. S:H -Vi my mm- If-iV -if- m 1:1! r s If I - I'M I'M ; 0 isti i (I nnH rnminrr , i rm BACK THE ATTACK! 3VY MORE AND MORE BONDS 1038 MAIN PHONE 5514 A. M.44-0