ACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nl'Vl V .Vi'VIM F Gives First Gl Allowance nut Ic washing machine whU-li is powered by Island tirrctus. It was designed and built by three I3lh Initiation men In their spurn time. The niuchinii was t'onti'Ui'letl of n diirn odd pieces o( Junk and wood imd the hoys Miy "Unit l( lliey cm loente it couple nf l.vpmvrltnit, Ihoy will mid a wrlnmT, Inn." Fire On Potrick'i Creek Controlled On ANTS PASS, Sept. 28 (,V, A bliuo which hlum-kcnrd 2nd iu'I'ck nf limbec nh l',i i i"!. ,; rrerk, CalKmnln, and destroyed twn cars iiiu'l MHfnil nililim wn;. under i nntinl lodny, I' ill hi (iriuils I'n.'is hliih M'liniil "".vs. employ,.,, su7." -7T APPLY FOR Gl . -I'Hin SAafU and StOfU r "vnirK i me EWVETEIUUIS ALLOWANCES 1-iALL is clean-up time for lots of people, 50 I thought I I'd mention a few things I saw at Garcelon's for clean ing in and around the house. Things like palm-leaf brooms for sweeping walks, yards and basements . . . At 6fle . . . Big yard baskets for $2.25 to $2.75 . . . And of course, all kinds of Mexican baskets of all sires and shapes for every purpose, just about, that you can use a basket for. Garcelon's has good-looking, serviceable denim garden hats and aprons for women . . . And hobby aprons (with lots of roomy pockets) for both men and women. And I mustn't forget to men tion the Puritan line of house- liluftalX cleaners Rug shampoo, (wo styles NEW shipment of the cutest little bolero dresses you ever saw has arrived at Whytal's . . . And some new wool dresses that are honeys ... So I'm going to talk about them both. The bolero dresses come in paint cleaner, silver polish, etc. uarceion is ai iui xuam si. One is sequin- tOU may remember, a couple 1 of months ago, that I wrote 1 about the new Models' I Special Make-Up, a new M. form of cake powder trimmed, and has a high fitted waist on the gored skirt Three-quarter sleeves. The other has contrasting Draid on the bolero Jacket . . , Black on red. red on grey, etc. . . . Very fctchingly done. Both types of bolero dresses are made ot rayon and looK like wool . . . And are $19.95. The wool dresses are in a new combination ... 85 per It was at Currin s and came rpnt .,.oni )s - rpnf h. in a wooden case. bit hair, which reallv is all- Well, it really proved a sen- wool but givfs an entirely dif sation . . . Not only here but ferent finish to the material, everywhere . . . And Currin s Tney are 2.pjece affairs . . . finally has succeeded in getting One model has contrasting pip a reorder shipment, which ar- ing on tne jacket and thc otncr JUftth's week has a short belted jacket that - P0y, "iV5 tlm.e- Models Spec is a darlingi with buttons down lal Make-Up is in anew, flatter the front of o,- skirt Both plastic case . . . ihe price is types have long sleeves and are , I"- priced at $19.95. UJ: , . , Whytal's is at Ninth and Main It still comes in five beautiful streets, shades. The shipment this time also included the newer-still Models' Special Lipstick, created for fashion models and color-styled by them" just like the Make Up . , . And they definitely are clothes-conscious shades, those lipsticks . . . $1.00, plus tax, in a plastic case. At Currin's For Drugs . - . Ninth and Main Streets. SUaiv Statiotesuf, 1 Studio, Beauty F you have been planning on getting a world globe one of these days, you d better get it now . . . Shaw Stationery has a good stock of all sizes and tyoes at present, orieed from $3.75 to $25.00 . . . But there won't be another ship ment before Christmas. There are table models, and floor models . . . You know, the globe sits on a stand just high enough for easy reference while you are sitting down comfort ably. These world globes are Rand McNally-made . . . And each has a handbook explaining how to use them . . . Besides a tag that entitles you, after the war, to a map supplement rhowing all the changes made in countries between now and then. At Shaw's you'll find all kinds of maps and atlases . With several thousand of Ore gon's service men already de mobilized, only a few so far have taken advantage of the re adjustment allowances for out' of-work veterans under terms of the G-I Bill of Rights passed by congress in June. The first S20 check went out this week from the state unem ployment compensation commis sion, which has been designated oy me veterans administration to handle Oregon payments. Recipient of No. 1 check was Glenn Lewis of Baker, while No. 2 went to Roy Sutton of Salem. In the three weeks diirimi which claims have been taken at 22 U. S. employment offices, la veterans nave asked allow ances and three have continued claims into the second week. Under thc bill's terms. 52 weeks of payment may be made within two years after discharge or the end of the war. Partial allow ances also arc made for qualified workers who cam less than $23 a week or for self-cmoloved vet- erans making less than $100 a uiomn. Acting as readjustment allow. ance agent for thc veterans ad ministration in Oregon is Arthur Heer, who formerly was with me state unemployment co mission. L1 -f- mi rlM .111 Chairman T, Morris Dunn of the state unemolovment torn. pentatisn commission handing the lint Gl readjustment allow ance $20 check to Administrator Sllat Gaiter lor mating to Glenn Lewis ol Baker, Ore. wwtITH the addition of a full- I I time nneratnr ahnnt a ill month ago and a part-time ?he Rand McNally World Atlas II one this last week, the !? the most famous . . . The I I Studio of Beauty now is Premier Edition is $5.50 and really able to begin to l"e- Readers' Edition is $2.50 lake care of the people who . Another World Atlas that call for appointments. t0k my fancy is put out by For a while it was pretty Hammond, and includes an Air bad, you know, what with the A8e maP The kind that scarcity of beauty operators and snws )' a a shorter distance to the demand for thoir rvi, China by way of Alaska than Fern Short told me the other bV way of l(ie Hawaiian Islands ( day that both the new girls are v Ana "-s onlv si.oo. for very good at manicures, too . . . the whole Hammond World Their names are Marian Rudak Atlas! Rogacki and Charlotte Schroe- Shaw s is at 729 Main Street, ' der, in case you need one! Even with the new ODerator. though, the girls are plenty busy . . . Fern said she hoped that customers who don't work would get their beauty work done earlier in the week, be cause Saturdays the shop usual ly is swamped with last-minute work . . . Teachers usually come on Saturdays, and a lot of them patronize the Studio of Beauty. I was able to get an appoint ment last week on jut a couple nuuia uuuee, nowever , And Fern tells me that there ffiJ (Oha are enough operators now to VUV M take care of drop-ins almost ew.vume. you w The Studio of Reantv know, is located on the zanine at Whytal's . . . the phone number is 7151. 1o State HEN I was in Your Store yesterday I heard a gal say that she was going to order her Christmas cards right then, because she was ton lalp in ool any last year. I asked Jean Hawllns about It. and she told me that their books of Christmas card sam ples were called back " 'way early" last year, before many people had gotten around to or dering their cards . . . Simply because the Christmas card com pany wasn't able to fill any more orders in time. She said tlrfit right now the length of time you have to wait for your cards to be printed with your name is one week . . Later on it will be two weeks, and so on , . . Until sud- aeniy you can t order any I, is: OING through the old files ot the Herald and News, I found this little item in the Martha Shops and Shops oi oepi. zi, mju , . . rive years ago! . . . Here it "A person certainly eoore- dates having tome place to go these evenings when ihe crisp night air makes ysu ieel like going out , . . There has been so little doing in ihe way of evening entertainment in town , . . Few dances or parties, because, for seme rea son, people always wait until the winter 'season' gets un derway before they plan ac tivities. "I'm not ihe only one who has been thankful thai Cal Ore is just down the high way ... It's so easy to run down there . . . And it's sort of like having a party your self, because you always see so many people you know , , , My friends kid me a lot about my raving over Cal-Ore, but lots of them do the teasing down there while they're en Joying themselves, tool" from the distance of five cards! , . . Not for this Chiist- years, I can now sav that I was mas, anyway, ngni, even thonl Have you gone through the selection of cards at Your Store? i . . I mean the ones ' you have your name printed on . , . They are exceptionally lovely, even though not expen sive. Prices range from $3.50 for 25, or 8.00 for 100 .. . Up to $8.50 for 25, or $28.00 lor 100.- There is no reduction in cost if you don't want your name printed on them, incidentally. Your Storo is at 721 Main Street. J River Travellers Reported Overdue LEWISTON. Sent. 2H m Amos Burg. P o r t I B n H nnrt Charles Wheeler, San Francis co, are overdue on a boat trip down hazardous Hell's canyon, sponsors of the trip said yesterday. River residents as far as 30 miles up the Snake hare re ported by phone that they had seen no sign of the boat. The pair had planned to leave Hunt- ng, uro., in time to reach Lcwiston Tuesday or Wednes day. Truman Scores GOP Men As Bureaucrats KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28 f.P) Sen. Harry S. Truman, the dem ocratic nominee for vice presi dent, declared during a speech to a Missouri-wide Elks conven tion: "If you stand on Pennsylvania avenue on Washington and throw a brick at a bureaucrat, the odds are 2 to 1 that you'll hit a republican." Trains ride smoother in hot weather because of rail expansion. WASHINGTON. Sent. 28 (.!') Production of civiluui work clothes is likely to be cut fur ther during the next three months, the office ot war in formation said today. It added that consumer cotton goods items generally will be less available and ot mediocre qual ity lor some tunc to come. In a report based on data from the war production board and the foreign economic ad ministration. OWI said that a current scarcity of cotton goods for civilians, now described as greater than at any period dur ing thc war, is expected to con tinue for one to two years after the collapse of Germany. The civilian market will have 5,000,000 fewer pairs of over alls than first planned for Oc tober 1, thc report said. Civilians also will have to do with little more than half o the toweling they bought in 1939 and can get no work shirt chambray at all, it added. Thc military has first call on thc better fabrics as well as priorities on production. OWI said that when hostilities end in Europe, export demands for cotton arc expected to double because of relief needs. FUNERAL ARRANGED ASTORIA, Sept. 28 (,P) Fu neral servicees were being ar ranged today for Jens Hcnning Hansen, 74, retired plumber and resident of Astoria for 65 years, who died Tu sday. Whistling swans do not whis tle and screech owls do not screech. WOMEN IN SERVICES ''-'Wl Two Kliimnlh WACs were among the U00 members of the Women's Army Corps stationed ill Italy to parade September 1 in rccognitiui of thc first mini, vcrwiry of thc formation of the corps i.s a component of the United Stales. In the line of march were Sgl. I Pauline Suty of Merrill, and I - Adeline lluuck ot Klamath runs. - Sgt. Edward Ybarru, former Klamath youth, would like to hear from the folks at home old frlcn-ds and new. He is somewhere in Italy and lias been promoted to the grade ot sergeant. Said Sgt. Ybarra, "I huvc had tho oiiDortunitv of vlslline . ii - . . . - uran, Algeria, Naples and r lor ence since leaving the States in April of this year. I spent about 30 minutes in Rome as wc came through that city, and i ve seen many ancient cathe druls and statues and even thc Vatican City from a distance. Sgt. Merle Aiken, also of Klam ath Falls, has been with my outfit since its reactivation at Camp White in 1942." bgt. Ybarra s address may be had from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ybarra, 2153 White. Hhis wife Is the former Mury Waro of this city. SF2c Leonard .1. LaCroIx, whose wife, Grace, lives at H32 Oak, is now. serving with tho Scabces in the South Pacific. LaCroix' outfit built an auto- :i . :' ; I - Ai I H ;::W M: A Gift . . For Baby's First Birthday! 0t Free Sittinq Free Mounted Photo 3ring your baby in to EVERGREEN STUDIOS for thc photograph you will want to keep always . . . the picture that shows him in all the cuteness of one year of age. No Appointment Necessary Open 10 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. AS STUDIOS 'lv "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION" 737 Main Phone 7240 Across the street from United States National Bank We Apologize . . Duo to a mlsunder standing in our studio, several per sons were told Unit we were not making this "Baby's First Birthday" offer. If you were so told Please Bring Your Baby In Again I r i .cap jfifl mmT i5A miP fffeerf vrtfwv KXHW GET PIHCUED FOR CASH? mm r 1 1 m m f n 1 1 v 4 v .V 'at, wiser i mm MONiy,. J BORROW THE LGW-$$r iw ...FRQtt WE FIRST m u J ti 'i 41 i - t -l s 5,1 ,J t 1 , 31 ' ft. ' e fW fM A IU v V i l ?l "A i i I ' LOANS 50 to M000 (A full year fo repay) -f)ntf Stanch His UlllSi OF 'PORTLAND Ml Ml I I lltllU DUOIIt INtUKAN e cooatioh , pi mm l .v MA J1.