G7 WOPEMTES fMESSAGESERVlCE r,r'n!.'",E!,.frs '"a Vriioimi'l overseas earl f", lh Vinflvc. of tlm Service tie iinvy'i Inoxptmiilvo mid Kiiiirtprii imiiouiieed loduy. S", Tiir c.lrl. In available to " " '.i,.irlna lo comnuinleiiti' Tnavy. murlnn or count guard J, personnel who nr land- bused Willi HTtnniiitiit fli...l m.ui umie numbers, or In nunii) cuscs 10 tortoui mobile land-bused mills wllli fleet Dut rrii-.. - iirmy pint office numbers. Mcm- u.-io in uii.M. eiviee In turn miiy uim K1''M lo conimunliiite wnii im'imjiik ui liiiine. KKM ser vile t'liiiniil be used lo mud men lo men iibonrd ships. A liilnl nf 'J'i7 riu...i ji -. jirti-u iiTAin lire MViillnble Id users i.l Kl'M service, iiiieu of wnic y be coin- blued In fitu lu , . - t'ltni! i'iiv iiurnMiKe which costs eeiiLi, puN f,.,. ;mii nix, iiini which muy In; sunt from imv liwnl ii,i. i. ..m.. till! (cxts lire designed l cover n wmu Hingis o topics to incel every slluiillim rcciulilng fust eoniiiMiniriiiiiiii service. HERALD AND NEW5, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THRK POItTLAND, Sept. 28 (TP) Oregon countlcn, eschewing bond Ibkiidh, will finance postwar Im provements on a tux-us-you-go basis, u Porllund bunker's survey disclosed today, Husscll M, Colwoll said Inter views wllh officials from every Oregon county arrowed a defi nite imll-hond sentiment. Mult- nomiiii county, whoso votem up proved a $4,000,000 road-build Z V VJTStr Jy, J III II ff I IdttlMliJ -frT! log bond Issue, Is the only one which plans to float bonds. "We're never doing to Issue any moro bonds here." Colwell said ho was told by Clinton ilurd, i-.une county Judge. "I have Just figured out that we paid $1,250, 000 Interest on one bond Issue of $1,700,000, and I don't like It." Except for Multnomah, which has a debt composing 1)0 per cent of all county indebtedness in the state, Oregon counties are march ing toward a debt-free goul, Col well said. Some are already debt-clear, The banker reported reserves ror postwar work ranging from $2(5,000 In smaller counties to a $1,000,000 backlog in Douglas county. Vaudeville Star Disappears From Bloodstained Room PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 28 (IP) A vaudeville performer who dis appeared from a bloodstained room was sought by police to day, Leon F. Sermon, 47, whose clipping album showed he troop ed with circuses and the Pan tages circuit in an acrobatic act, was reported missing from his shipyard Job and his apartment yesterday. A note, found next to blood-spotted clothing, said ho had cut himself accidentally with a razor. Beside a package of $1050 in war bonds was a message saying "If I do not come back, please send my bonds to my son." Clippings showed Sermon was billed as the only man in the world who could Jumy, standing on one hand, between two 12 foot posts set 16 inches apart. E'. "ALT APPOINTED CORVALLIS, Sept. 28 (TP) Tho npointment of . P. Ewalt, assistant professor of dairy hus bandry at Oregon State college as assistant extension dairyman, effective October 1, was an nounced today. If It's a "frozen" article vou need, advertise for a used one in tho classified. Washington Offered Oregon Harvesters PORTLAND, Sept. 28 OP) Northern Oregon, whose apple growers have sufficient harvest hands, will send scores of pick ers to labor-short orchards in Washington, W. J. Haycox said today. The Multnomah county farm labor assistant said he was re ferring men to Yakima, Chelan, Okanogan and Douglas coun ties, Oregon's Hood River valley, thanks to 800 Mexican workers, expects adequate manpower for Ihc apple harvest which begins Monday. Mrs. Sadie Bennett, Hood River county farm labor ' assistant, said the imported farmhands were saving both, the pear and apple crop. . . Flax Industry ' Makes Record Profit - SALEM, Sept. 28 (VP) The state board of control said today that the state prison's flax in dustry made a record profit of $248,000 in the year ended July 1, and that profits In the current fiscal year should be as large or larger. The board contracted for 3000 acres of flax next year, ' com pared with 2400 acres this year,- Classified Ads Bring Results. Get Them .Ready For Winter &fl4- of Service to the Nation Mip:?r H m $N0w4ff f suits lims CHECK THESE VALUES WARM COAT SETS 69 Outing Flannel Gowns In this attractive, comfortable gown you' get not only. "Slumber" Queen" quality and superior styling, but also fine flannelette that launders beauti fully. Double needle seams through out . . . no raw edges to pull out. Dainty prints or solid colors. Sizes 34. to 40. EXTRA SIZES l.g9 Outing Flannel - Pajamas Mannishly . tailored, femininely flat tering! In an excellent quality of flannelette along; with the crisp lines and clean workmanship.. Snug comfort" for. lounging,, or sleeping. Floral prints or solid colors. Sizes 34 to 40. , , ' Solid color pastels or white in heavy weight flannelette. Rayon piping trim. Round neck or collar styles. A "Slumberqueen" value. r--. wool two-plcco sulls warmly lined, md has attached hood. Elastic hack lickct wllh embroidery trim and sus fender leggings. ! COAT SETS Herringbone waive hreds In princess alyln ml , wllh contrasting telvetcen trim. Match i"g legging with slide lutoner closing. Girls' PAJAMAS 2? Pageboy style In floral print fleecy flannelette. Neat contrasting trim nnd elnstlc back trousers. Just the thing for cold winter nighls. v Outing F JAMARETTE A Junior edition of our iamnilB mnn.alvlnH .Timill. 'rcttes, All Big Brother's "Hck tailoring, with Just a hint of feminine in the lovely pink unci blue color lugs.' Soft, caressing flan "cletlc, smartly piped. Convertible collar. Sizes 8 to 16. ; mm .Ltltft'W SWEATER DICKIES flj II V sweater effect. No bulky sleeves. J V ' 11 fasiei ana aarK colors. .y & - a an,u w r tSEl Princess styles wilh stitching on W H 0 , ... ; I ''' i 1 HUPM j , . ,n 4tj0 II Soft, knit rayons that are cut and v t ., ..: . 1 . e collnr and Pcket- Hcavy woi8l,t W 1 , dc- 1 made to fit. Elastic waist. Several AQC t, f: h .y part wool fleece with Interim- ftulW wcS yu styles in tearose color. W k f , J JlSf openings. Practical fall colors. 116 v-io c !U I.ch 1 1 . i I f if ' ItSS ?? p,astic Coated AProns J Hn ll S &SS Cb' scVlTceW 8' Bib or waist style aprons with a -ftn if.., rt ir-mt ,I1VV trvir Vur we""1 ! Vl piastic waterproof coating. A must IUU h I iU NAVY STYLE 0 item for the kitchen. , U, i K f -f5T7 Lillle tots double-breasted V -J I ' ' EXTRA HEAVY. : 7. " '. , yrOT overcoat in navy blue mel- VV- RAYON HOSE ' f ' FLANNEL ' RllV TIJ lining. Navy insignia on 11 45-gauge full fashioned rayon hose . GOWNS 170 K'ta lALk.l V M 1... . mm ... xjjQOW 11 with reinforced foot and cotton WC $ . . If flWTs ito. 00 'op. Service sheer weight. ' - f U I SHI Vnt IT lKlllVJr" 11 111 ;1 KsBILTWELLS H 1 I V l II Cbfiii Sturdy, , proper fitting shoes, .- '. ' rkf I I .SfffWl . glee , 4"0'l BVw Ler x m II r. a w P,TTrr, lection of styles in sturdy school BBi . DAY CITTCn ' V V'k sPctto 4fi 11 ?Ll,na X-RAY FITTED shoes or smart dress-up styles. X-RAY FITTED . II 1 "Wm CHECK THESE PfjW sujmbbrsound SM lire P;;& DLMmci MrWk -.S.LS' 11 VALUED ' I 'tJSf 100. long fibered American : . M Wf 6W W-BW I lfrZ&SSgffi wool with a soft fluffy nap. n90 til' 11 . y l ASXSlS. -f Double woven for strength. ' W , i fW ..MItfiotSV : CORDUROY OVERALLS hf S-v:T5 'i,V ' . . X.111I1 w. 11 Little tots cords, bib style, mm ao I" ..' jf -f. AO LW) Uv Jf ll ' in practical dark colors. Fine ' d yiL&s; -5 . 11 iwSjJWJIiSSP 1 and 5 Teca rayon,., for i - . aQK 11 I VaSfTw89 sheen and luxury! 3 lbs. of M 0'" 11 AkIIHFTC fe? JJ ARM ' A Fine knit mercerized anklets . SSV Knit Sleepers 1 - 25 . v rhrrubs slln easily isp" tAcco 11 or cant snaoes. !iC3 75 . .I.,; in alnener ."u" ttoXV lv tn" 1 1 Li?VJ. 4nr warmth. Larce block MX 'snug knH 'cotton. Cn- qQC Watte a. 1. N 11 ' . fWf ilaid pattern In rose, blue, . in.,lln decoration a . " ..... W""" jtl n A V"IKI CI IDV I ft,. t . ?cf Wc - " , , ;Vr. . J Fine quailty rayon crcPes ,n ' m ' ' Lti . Stollo7, .nr6c 3 vo 6 .. Hnlntv lace trim or tailored W f. . , A.,, Birre CI FFPERS coWt9, -"Z-0" styles. Tearose or flesh' color sSiT A soft fleecy blanket to re- ; Kt ONE-PIECE SLttrtKi in sizes 34 to 44. SS place hard-to-get sheets. Pas- . ....... wh mm V00 ' .;.. tel block plaids In full bed.,. oaV. Warm one-piece 17 . , f&Q, ' . styles In solid colors. TWO-WAY 7 STRETCH PANTIE Sk rT ,H iVVk A4 ' , Styled in Honywood Soft - 2? 0." J IIJV. 1 ii?l'?i'Hf 1 U knit rayon wim iwo-way m V . ' 1 !Tf yA . ; stretch. Elastic in waist. Si- Big, Warm, Luxurious 33 13 wool, for' warmth; 25 cotton, for wear; 36 23 rayon, for richness; :; and 5 Teca rayon, . for sheen and luxury! 3 lbs. of warm comfort! Solid center, . contrasting stripe border. 72 by 84 inches. Acetate rayon. 25 WOOL PAIRS cotton and 25 wool warmth. Large block plaid pattern In rose, blue, , or cedar, Large 72x84 size. Heavy 4-lb. weight. ' Fleecy Cotton Pairs A soft fleecy blanket to re place hard-to-get sheets. Pas tel block plaids In full bed size. Lock stitched edges. SHOWY WHITE SHEET BLANKET Snowy white sheet blanket. Softly napped! Select Ameri can cotton yarns, . closely woven. Overlocked ends. Ex tra long 70x90 Inches. 49 98 89 09