PACE THIRTIIN AutoMatl 34 AulomolWa 34 , 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 A ilomotlto 34 Automotive 34 Automotive . . I 5r HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON Sell Your Car To Us NOW WHILE USED CAR PRICES ARE HIGH TOP OPA PRICE Call 3121 and we will be glad to give you our appraisal Balsiger Motor Real Eiute for Bule ASSURED LIVING kit o( HOT SPRINGS. Each l hj 2-beclroomii. concrete iiminl. flrenlace. HOT UTER HEAT. Hero is your Mrtunlty to "own your own Jfciui an Income. Shown by Monument. AND Mil only 3-blocka from Main. anlly rcttecoratca, ana " lAm.lU Ait U.l fnmnr lnl ;ih attractive Uwn. trees, and HI LOOT E & SMITH :in. Bih rhone iooi 2BEDROOM HOME mn froom home, very close rull cement basement laun mt trays, (urnnce, hardwood tjri and many other niirac t features. Full price $5000 J. E. HOSKING Main St. Phone 3211 0-20 FOR SALE Homes and Investment Properties JOHN McFEE REALTOR No. 7II Prmnn 421 2S2Stf Business Investment W Pine Street. A real choice ron for either service sta- hi. 120-fl. frontane on Pine Has income at present lime ''1 Drlcn S23.000 6000 rest like rent, E. GRAY Realty Service Esquire Theatre Bldg. . Phone 3685 0-20 (SUBURBAN HOME W desirable 2-bedroom home, I'll lOrnUrl In Ihm Unmxrtllln f""n. rivo inrge cucmui on and utility room. Home uiiuca Hiia recently reuuv rlreplnce and other nt 'vo features. Barn, chicken Oil If, . li .1 wn, flowers, fnilt and shade .i acres ot gooa lanu. J. f wncik'iMf; II' Main CI Thnn 5211 'r.-Tourlsl court In Hty. Homo 'MlWit ontl;e, Phona 4Sil), l"-s 45 I'K-a-bdrnnm attractive, mo. uY" unma. nattered ana venr,i ill 1"- On 14 atra nf Uwn and raw. ?' . fncea ,d ,wy pld. Trull K.V'.?m" h"i and clilckan hou'e. mTinim. lnna oary at, i&lE--, 'arm, 1 mllai out , ear." h7,.R io-a Hon.. 3-room, unlurnHlifo ? !!' wllar, wood homo, chicken & ?,!!00' "", Daylon. o'l ..1. ,i- Keep Your Car 1 in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modarn Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD 414 S. 6th St. 30 Real fcitete For Sale 34 A HOMEY HOME Not new, but a very livable S- room nome wiin many " able features, like plenty of closet space, rock wool Insula tion, niceiy proporuuimu iuu.(. size and arrangement. Large yard with plenty of trees, lawn, flowers and garden space. There Is a 3-room renUl house A varv nulct on inc piciutp-". '-- ..... neighborhood; also view of Up- per uukc. rnco uuww BOGUE DALE REALTOR ... e n.u Tel. RB7Z "u a- o.m KOn SALI.-tr.rom. prop.r.y. ' J,h K, ,'d.ll0M, .11 furnl.h.J . pl with own.r. Will bf at PlKf ;hZ to 7 p. m. mi .., Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Rcconditionlnl MOTOR TUNE-UP !5 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 8:30 P. M. 10-14m WE SPECIALIZE IN. HM AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call John Sondmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bld We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Mln -3()m -ii. 1 ' ' a .ra!lwHlK USED SEB MBit WfflVSi WU W fill CAR COT. il ouU ein w" J0m ail I '- GoodJlo! BlltrlbuW s n.lntln. W0w.nwn.ny.--5a; , Paint Shop, ""' T o-tmt Z nnT'AUTO OtASS tn"? ",' :".r.y m.aB ahoti. oi" 32 nl wm 34 Autoit'oU,,,., inni Kimo.ii v. - Y O U R F O R D D E A L E R F 424 O R 21 Y E A R S Co. No. i MOTORS Phen 3136 ThuravStt. Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator ,You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2321 So. 6lh Phone 6942 -. rr-. r-, Paints. I lra-l r"PC Larfl stock of Roofing and USea Oars " " Plasterboard. Rouaht Winter is just over the hill. uuuvjiil WQrm up fo Briquftts Sol J. W. COPELAND Traded YARDS ODELL MOTOR CO. AUCTIONEERING 74 Klamath Ave. I Live to Talk I Talk to Live Where 8th Street Ends Date Your Salej With Me 16-10tn w Will Both Make Money vcd i roTi Co1- Swigart YEP, I bU I ! 871g So. 6th Phone 8770 Som. r.rd molor.. Vjd.l A an 9 80 JJ V.TcZM. fA ; I WIA-MD BtiCTRIO HE AT IBS. Pjpii International. Dl cat hud. T. . H.mer. Open All Day lnt 1ST Wrlta H.rald- JVturday. H MarK.t. Phono TOt. Ntwi, box W. fob SALE-art-ton Mnly e.r wreclt- WANTED-M.d..AplkUp.luSSfn TOIW OJAV n "r - 9-30 m tiiiuTrrt-iiifrl pr fr wreekinH. 'toy 1 Wgra,."coJ,TComn,.r..... Phon. ..OACmNJ PAKT.nd jgj JSMt-aiaMW- J),,, way. Pnona JM. 10-w 36 - "''tB"'1"!! LANDSCAPING - ararraon.. nowarlna ahnita and traei. Maka your .lee- , ,rlPi r tion now for fN planuna. lakb- RICHFIELD OAJUJNt NWMY hjn. Stove and Diesel Oil. Rusras - o,,n, joy.r Best Quality Martin. Phono aan. """ Prompt Delivery roa AM-tr.iir nouw, t ft. rrav- Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF WSSSlr Distributor 8-30m hona wes. 30 vom HALV -Lady'l Waek Stfooek oo.t. mm MII.I. BLOCKS l mtek a. trail;;. ',T,i,Wo7colUr. Sl JO. Calf ffo... South am and AUayoM; "JiSH5222SL5iIrSjS -yCiE BRUSH nUPRISENTATiyt" .,.,V.Mor.a.M.S.Rlv.m 8.,u,d.;y....M...Pfa.M SSrtSSrtS' Prlntinf . Stationery Co. !-"" fon gALB0, oMC Tlmktn nar an 4, SwSo' MACHIN MJMg SiR e,.Ymt.Uk?vl.wr..f . CASH For Your Car IF it is not convenient for you to come in for an appraisal we will be glad to call - SEE MEL HENRY LomBarcl Motors S. 6th St. AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAI We will match an coor or paint your car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP John Probst, manager 2nd Floor Cascade Garage Corner llth and Walnut Phone We Are Now Open For your convenience Haugar'a Service Station will remain open each evening until 9;00 p. m. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Grade No. 1 Tires Tubes Grade No, 3 Tires Batteries Weed. DeLuxe Tire Chain$-r-Sire5 60016 and 65016 Lubrication Is Our Specialty HAUGER'S SERVICE STATION Main and Broad Mann Caldwell. Mar. 9-30 We Can Now NEW CHRYSLER engineered MOTOK In Your Car ' BURNESS MOTORS 316 So. DE SOTO Parta Service ?- .MI,c""1""" r" - fft - PRIORITY FREE Firtex Wallboard - PlanK-in- ing. Attractively eolprea. Doors - Windows - House Phone 3136 8.30 8361 Tues.-Fri. Until 9:00 P. M. Install A 6th St. PLYMOUTH Accessories eod-tf 36 Miacellanaou. For Sale For Sale Large Wooden Building Must be wrecked. Thera ! eomlderabl. lumbar that ean ba i.lvaad tor lurth.r ul. without mtrlctlon. Pelican Bay Lumber Company 9-30 Farmers! Attention Bellville Potato Elevators Potato Sorters Potato Diggers Get Your Application Approved For John Deere Llndemon Crawler Tractors Made up in our own shop Baled Hoy Pilers Potato tievaiors Sack Loaders Brown Equipment Phone 827 31tf WS HAVE IN STOCK a good anort- and rn.ttre.jei. Priced 7.00 for the two nieces, vu... luramt,., Mam. . FOR SALB-MhOny finished dlnetto table and four upholstered chain. .tvi. AMI Pack Drive. S-2Q SHELLS TOR SALt-SO-66, Phone BM 33R Market 111 TO SAL-3-pica tore seat, trull J.r. . j. l.riv's rldlnt boots, size 343St( rnona oowo. ... uibiu .mha1 vnnrt Ntn.e r and diMU. " Phoni 81... W CHEVROLET 'John Ashley -SAYS . YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE TODAY THAN IT EVER WILL BE AGAIN Sir ft REASON? NEW CAR PRODUCTION IS NOT TOO FARAWAY Sell to ASHLEY Now WHILE TOP PRICES ARE AVAILABLE Ashley 410 So. 6th LOMBARD'S 1740 Ford Deluxe Coupe 1940 Ford Tudor Radio and Heater. 1940 De Soto Coupe Radio, Heater and OverDrive. 1938 Buick Special Coupe Radio and Heater. 1938 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Newly Overhauled Motor. 1938 Chrysler O. P. A. CEILING PRICES 521 So. 6th St. 36 MtaeeUaneoua fe ?als. AUCTION Sunday October 1st 1:00 p. m. Located on Keno Road back of Klamath View Auto Camp Good lot of Furniture including Cold Spot Frigidaire, beds and j - H, wtAtti-iiiaa daveno, ehest of drawers, lock er, commoae, two lianas, muw i .aa1. fftr lamrt. kitchen table, 4 chairs, library table, arop ieai vautc, iron, toaster, hot plate, cooking utensus, ironing uuaru, .uui utltets, ....n., -v . ... kAiiM ntonta 1.1 manici tiutiv, . . nhnde Ialand Ked Hens, 1 Doe and 12 young, garden tools potatoes and feed, other articles A. Fields, owner COL. SWIGART Auctioneer 9-28 Roofing Composition and built-up loefs of all kinds. Modern equipment for not mopping. Sealey Bros. okM. 77na - lt73-tf FOR SALE Cull Potatoes Jerry Short wocus miles north of Klamath 10-U FOR aALe-Binoeu.-r., rOR SALB-John Daara 1J-A combln. uhfl r! p.uit.n. Tulalaba. 9'n FOR SAUt-Cannlni ars. 29S Trelda Ave. Brlna .acki. 8-ao aitlon. wn nu .n i rOR SALE-OW sjulrrel oo.t. SUJ W. 15. cell alter aiSS P. m. ara Sunday. Telephone OI or call at oM B"Un Drive. .. JaJal dfl Te Exchanea, t. wru. SXCHANoe the rant ol a new a-room nou,. .. n.... : - rent of a a or J-rMdroom houta In Fall.. Mr. J.R. Una, aa Brldao .treat, A.hland, Ore. 0-3 Chevrolet Co. Royal 4-Door Sedan 42 Melln"o Wanted 1 SELL USD) ARTICLES AJTO BUV WA .m.Iu m .n tttnd Ixlna around you honra or ottiea than you have a raw mporaumr ". Ton. in n nm k---actuafly ium lhaa no-lonjar uiad ar by lelllnf thlnf. ean b ejnerta Into bond. Phont 31W Clawlfled lAd nw ,na BTDtf WAKTKD TO RENT-2-bedroom turn- two adult., amoloyod In lumbar In an Call MS day., and 8375 after p. m. " WANTBD TO BITY -Model A 30 or "31 Ptf loll Sartent rnona 14, WANTEO-Daad and worthla 'ln,I": Roblnion. P. O. Box TJ, City, or t.I.phon. 73ta avenlnn. aLA6iV-Mirrori. resllvarlnf. plate, win dow HO mwo l'"3"- "Vev, Walnut Phon 73.8. 10-4m WANTED En fHhtypt riding boots, IVt and S . m. Mn. Lrie. . 31(tf &50-3000 SAVAGE SHELLS WANTED- tVAniliU i V noiiA-wuaii , -7 rouse or -3134 till S D. m. 3084 WANTED TO BOY -One to flve-ncre auMitVi ai- stAutheaat luburbi. reason' My ofleed. Addreee Bt M. tiri nf.M and Newft. Bit uv ' O U ' lUOU inm' ilanfl SUM. Brlnl WAAE. 53S Main fit. 930m Louis it. mnn. . tew . "" 4510 Or T175. Dearoom nomo. mu .i ' r r. tloi in. Permanent resident. Write Bex U8. care neraia ana how. wavT Phone 4846. 10-3 WANTED 1" Ktni wj- - r . V r w . eiA-TO a, ll.i, An m OI RQff. mum mv.o r 44 Livestock and PouJHIL .mi L.... ...-. MtalU famltV COWS tnat I Will "11 on lerma. MR, On MBB- nunw 314 milei north' on old Bend hiihway. Name on mall box. $-30 WANTED Suitable place for beauty aar u .u.ljlaa Vat-Ksai ahnn. nup. nwuiai tin thAfia 4030. 9-39 o ftALEWeaner pie, 4.00 each Gooding ranch. 3 miles from Merrill, naa, T.sratv1tU hlsth Si. ' fo-a FOR AtB-So Ramboulljel rams. 14.M Mt hut. W. H. Casebeer, Bonanja. Ore. LI... C.llf. a- w"t?:. r"ss? -... n.A.n. co 331J. Phon 4113 44 LWaatwk aw f wUry wantip to uv o aiBT-e-aaaa. can eota. rw at reller rt.tte, alitara .1 nt. j .kasi for saix-40 Tifi atoo jars j Willi I in v pi." . wv. FOR 8AL Tr h'cow. ms.w aaJ. 1. it. j, amiin, aoonMi pnsc iranu viwrtn SIP Bart bfaln 41 rinaitrial When You Wont o - CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Coll On P. A. (Buck) Evrtt qt the off ic of ' COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon a Li A Loans iwaae jn Automobiles r- Furniture Livestock Salary. Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In - Phone 7711 Uc. M-22S Lie. MM Se K. A. (Dinty) Moore rot LIBERAL : CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financtd simpl Credit Rttui?meat Complete Privacy li Months to Pay No Co-SInera , Quick Service : Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath'n Qldt M.S7.1 8-J41 M N. 7th Phm First Federal Has Plenty of Money a a Buy a Modw Home Refinance Your Old Hem , a . a Pay Leas Thn Re5f . Long Terms Low ) rriDCT FPDPRAL SAVINGS and LOAN Sixth nJ Main ;, Pl)on i lS 4t Bumi 9V?,t!i!?fli?'f FOR ALT.-Orlana'i Baitjp aha, 4 Main Street. - FOR SALt-BoVi Cart. fT,,(t35 tMt. Dolnf ooo ustnei. tr Mrs. Spauldlni. . . w-m li! (41 ill Hi " 5, r i if HI I' I i -i ia-i m. .'" 10-I