29, 19-14 FUNNY BUSINESS mm mm wmj mm f( built the "i'le winfin on spt'cinl no my litislmnd , won't stub his IIdk'Ts tolling llsh stories 1" HERAi ) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON MCE PLEVEN Feted at PAC Sendoff HI" $ If V 1 r 1 71 L. V- t I -vJfVV ' O if J ' Nil fdiV'fl Cniil. Il.if.h Miilz.if, loft, above. Nccro commander nf n mcrchnnt Unp, mill Krdinand Smith, secretary of the National Maritime Union, nrc patiind ;,i a banquet in New York where government olllciulu, luljor lenders ami representatives ol business Interests llvi Smith ii senilufl on Ins national tour, sponsored by the Politi rnl Action Committer, in support of the Roosevelt-Truman tk'kct. Tlio New York World-Tciiuram recently asserted that Smith is an olten Communist i".E..' HLFL'TA UTL? A 3tU L't 1-J5- lit' m' ' .'' J!J'-LE JS SAME.' 1 11 PUT A JT-..3 cVr.' Ag$d i'f a 111 ( By Fred Harmon NOW m &ET S'50"VOO) LOOKS &rPLE,l V"r ''RED "RYDER loco tF he: ; J(l ond His Frinndf By Blosser 7 '1 n x- , , - aifi jwme-jm - r ' -s r. Wf-LU . IN A UtMlXKUtT Tut pconc note for "weiR CHOICE Put i.vkowas luf OLV CANDIDATE .' AMD US UMPAIR TO THE voitus To Oive Tuem omlv QNC CJDiOAT To " ScPl-J ' IW 17 v , i cewtrer. CA ft VES AND IF VOU A AIMT VVERf A GEWTUEMAM. WOMEN YOU WOULDN'T RUN 7TME FUNNY AGAINbl ME IHINOi, fW.-Mi IHOUGH? , l'. J T ti WJ.' Hi Ik mmm T M RTC U. 8; PAL OFj f-'FJ Tubbi By Leslie Turner to you Vu'jS-ijw-i' .AS TELL r. J WHO Aft it f THEY CALL ME Y CAPTAIW EASY.1 I (TAPTAIW EA57. ( BtMfcMHfcK NOW! TITOS A FBiENP I YOU HELPED 09GANUE 0'MIKIE...WHEM THE MEM IM THIS THE JAPS CAME -X VALLEY TO FkSHT THEM I " vTriew i W MANY Or Y HW 1 S THOSE MEN ABOUT 8 ABE 60NE,. LIEUTENANT 9 TITO WAS MANUEL.OR CABRIEP FELIPE? 1 S OFF TO V (SOME, TOO... MANUEL"! WAt KILWtP,..rtLIPE 6 IM THE MOUNTAMS TO THE EAST. WORKINS WITH SER6EANT LINK'S MEM Hay Foot FTr1t, R tr Li h ji w K3 Hi .4-r.fr Jc. w, Tne ancient marcnins mcme of Army rookies, "Hay-Foot, Straw-Foot," has new meaning for Pvt Patrick J. McDonald, of Grand Rapids, Mich., ever since he acquired the straw boots he wears in the photo above The old footgear was pari ol equipment left behind by fleeing Germans somewhere m France. Fall Redecorating ItMl )m v GOVERNOR Anwui-r lo Prrvloii Putrlti HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured governor, Leverelt 10 Area measure 12 Symbol for silver state of Massachusetts VERTICAL 1 Dish of green vegetables 2 Gaping 3 Fox H,e:LJEJMii A U A 'a n ft-.f.j It IN njl P Wic 41 Late Ameri can humor::-' 12 Horse's gait 4j Giant l.in(j of Eashan 46 Rear of a vessel EnKlbh (ab.) 47 Snare 35 Royal Navy 4fJ Incase (ab.) 4D Exchang 36 lied Cross premium fab.) sn Oceans 37 Hough lava .12 Unit of work 24 South Dakota 38 Retinue 56 Average (ab.) 13 Genus of tru 4 Hodgepodge olives S Requires (ab.) 14 New Guinea 6 More , 27 .Satiates port- sotrowful 2!) Transporta- 15 Symbol for 7 Morindin dye tion charge nickel 8 Kndure .11 Encountered IB Music note 9 Permit 33 Taxi 17 Perished 10 English queen 34 Early iij near 1 1 iJisencitmbers 20 Mimic 19 Rugged 22 Most unusual mountain 25 Legal point crest 26 Low haunts 21 Half-em 28 Dispatch 23 Conclude 2D Symbol for iron 30 Part of "be" 32 Road (ab.) 33 Provide with food 36 Rat-catching dog 39 Tip 40Hawksbill turtle 41 Air corps (ab.) 43 Exist 44 Like 45 Harem rooms 47 Three ways (comb, form) 49 Emissaries 51 Revoke 53 Golf device 54 Any 55 Narrow inlet 57 Age 58 Pint (ab.) 59 He the -lw;o:o.L- u.. ... O vejisl P?iKfitF?tt, Ui-M raised ioiu'D i ly ).:'. ic!A'M i::De din I Cji V'&fA I z 7 S" I- o 1-1 I l0 in E rci" r it 35" IT" :-.-hz TITSSr s lis mi Sii ,. J 34 1 38. 5 -7745 V(. j" h" , , , x -fij-'- s4 Belgian Regent If I IS -4 " S00 tons of supplies from Eng land to allied units In France, ferried more than 16,000 soldiers to the battle area and up to August 19 had evacuated more than 66,000 wounded. HOLD EVERYTHING! fj,l''. 'JAR3 1 i);',V4 : ; 928 iw pi .11 iriics.'.ij' t u ,'tc li fT o "It's not so bad after you get used to it!" The Gyrosyn compass flight instrument, a directional gyro synchronized with the earth' magnetic field, provides dead beat indication and accurate magnetic headings without north' erly turning error or resetting. Approximately 225.000 trucks have been released for civilian use since March, 1942. Can You Eat without Worry? If food you arc fond of eecmi to cauie acid indigestion and upset stomach. get quiet, nappy mie: oy tacmg delicious tailing Stuart Tablet. They contain ingredients often used by doctori to relieve syrup. . lomn a gaasmcss ana aaa tnai gestion. You u l eel better and Bleep better. fo mums no boltlc easy to take. Get jicnuine reliable, time tested Stuart Tablets at .your druERist today. Only 254. 60, or $1.20 under maker's posi tive; mnrcy-bact suarantee. 5 i i Prince Charles, above, brother of Leopold, rung 01 me Belgians, has been installed, by vote of the Belgian Parliament, as re gent of his. country to serve in the absence of his brother. King Leopold is now a prisoner of the Germans. Since D-day, aircraft of the combined air transport opera tions have flown more than 15,- , iff i ASP1HIN tablet doesn't upset stomach TJr7"HEN you need quick relief from " paio.do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, this new medical dis covery, SUPERIN, is "just what the doctor ordered" for you. Suporin Is aspirin plus contains the ante pure, safe aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordinary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of relieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, sad-does not irritate or upset stomach ever after repeated doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it ont hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike See how quickly it ' relieves pain how !SS,,UF fine you feel after tak- ( Owwtndbf ing. At your druggist's, 15 and 39. First step in tbe Yanks' job of redecorating Brest after seizing the French port, is to remove tills swastika banner from for mer German officers' club. and Her Buddici By Martin MfS J Hfc torJOfi iOSY tfVi "TOO m uuks v tmi i.wi- nm rwi 1 " By V. T. Hamlin Oop ; 1 i ,.., a0 mwNEiyfoTcMOw V you've yAP! Xfaib enou&h.' WEN KITTEN.' WHAT$ )&Nfl AJkS IEotThERE I I ANIYTHIMf; BOSS. ) VOJ SOOM' V0ULP YOJSAV IF I TOLD OB7 TO BE ( HS ASSASSINS.' ALIVE YOU'LL HELP ME uiNRO i a I1HAT K'.EM ARM6P MURDEREP V" 7J TC Tkn6w A FEW MORE lrrrrl lffft nr., v.i. 'is-, nv? . i I i.v ' . i.j L . .. jimM i i m . i- i,r gMiffr, 1 M ' " - O'phan Annie By Harold Gray T "4-M.. PHOOABW TMK PRINCIPAL, 4U6S, PEULS HE JVIUST .ftTTl'o -rLiir riin K...-iiMrr: B SPONSOREb BY MRS. 0. BLEOTING-HftKiT! , ji X -r- . iff i l(C Trt it f 'VB PLM UP TO MEB- 1 ? 'VWM?A7J$ i'' sti t WOhfT TAKE IT OUT UN HiNiNic-- IP SHE CRN HUl-U Hem OWN FINE I I WHIN I Bl to tst rum- L i 1 IT ' I I SHE DOES SEEM Vl.'SI 12 to re r verv "- ;J1 klire VMIWRCTCD..- P 5KI IB ' i A" 8)1 b I Warrior Weeps ,i,t" A4r a - t V,. 3 IKEA Tclenholol Even strong men cry. This tired, nxhmistcd Leatherneck finds release from battle tension In tears after he and other Marines finally cleared Japs from Hill 200. near r eieuu land airdrome. Burr-O-N Closed Watch Herald and News for Opening Date iiiiiiilir.i"ii. Saturday Nlte 515 Klamath . AIR CONDITIONED Music by Pappy Gordon's Oregon Hill Billies Sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wart Ad No. 245-W 3 col. x 100 lines Wet End Papert Sept. 1944 BRONSON WEST, Advertising MMi NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE This Old Treatment Often Brings Happr Relief Many sufferers relieve nnmrlni baekaen nulekW, once they discovw that the retleauie The kidnevs nre Nuture't chief way ef ttk Ing the fixceea acids and waste outol tnablood, .Tr-.vhplnrnoit!eoDlonaBaabollt3plnttady. When dieordor of kidney funotfon perrntts iiolaonouii matter to remain In your blood, jft may cause nftgaing baekaehe, rheumatia turns, log pntni, low of pep and energy, gat ling up ninhte, swelling, pufflness under the eyes, headaches and dullness, frequent ot scanty passim. with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. , Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Downs Tills, wed successfully by millions for oyer 40 j-enrs. They aive happy relief and will help tns IS mil of kldnoy tubes flush out poisonous watts from your blood. Oct Doan s I ills. Great Northern dining car stewards, chefs and waiters know that train travel is setting records. They are providing nearly 4,500 meals daily for patrons of the Empire Builder and other trains 0:1 the railway. That's many, many times a peacetime day's meal service; but, we're doing it with the same number of dining cars we operated before the war, 1 -1.1. nnrinnMt nidn. ana wiui icwu cAiicm-nvtu ..w.. Our chefs still manage to produce traditional specialities. One of them is chicken pie, prime favorite of GIs and civilian travelers. The war has changed neither the quality of Great Northern chicken pie, nor the dependability of the railway's service. IT T TtriY'P Hull. Ascnt Great Northern Station, Phono 4101 Klamath Falls, Oregon ; 5djWl PORTLAND . TACQMA . SEATTLE 'SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO j TlOE . Mali 1 ii t: f m V I; v.i. S :. i, i ft ; v. Wt v 1I.1 f 1 ma fit If I. ito fit ill in :i4 (I- 'ill ,!Si f i J. m ii .a HI;